1 /* objn32.h - structure values for n32 */
3 {	"n32", "n32",		/* long and short names */
4 	"NONE",			/* long name of dual */
5 	 25, 50, 27,		/* number of vertices, edges, and faces */
6 	{			/* vertices (x,y,z) */
7 				/* all points must be within radius 1 of the origin */
8 		{-0.30240276, -0.93070001, -0.20579132},
9 		{-0.79170071, -0.57520424, -0.20579132},
10 		{-0.97859590, -0.00000000, -0.20579132},
11 		{-0.79170071,  0.57520424, -0.20579132},
12 		{-0.30240276,  0.93070001, -0.20579132},
13 		{ 0.30240276,  0.93070001, -0.20579132},
14 		{ 0.79170071,  0.57520424, -0.20579132},
15 		{ 0.97859590, -0.00000000, -0.20579132},
16 		{ 0.79170071, -0.57520424, -0.20579132},
17 		{ 0.30240276, -0.93070001, -0.20579132},
18 		{-0.30240276, -0.41622170, -0.52375640},
19 		{-0.48929795,  0.15898254, -0.52375641},
20 		{ 0.00000000,  0.51447831, -0.52375641},
21 		{ 0.48929795,  0.15898254, -0.52375641},
22 		{ 0.30240276, -0.41622170, -0.52375640},
23 		{-0.48929795, -0.67346085,  0.30868699},
24 		{ 0.48929795, -0.67346085,  0.30868699},
25 		{ 0.79170071,  0.25723915,  0.30868699},
26 		{-0.00000000,  0.83244339,  0.30868699},
27 		{-0.79170071,  0.25723915,  0.30868699},
28 		{ 0.00000000, -0.51447831,  0.62665207},
29 		{ 0.48929795, -0.15898254,  0.62665207},
30 		{ 0.30240276,  0.41622170,  0.62665207},
31 		{-0.30240276,  0.41622170,  0.62665207},
32 		{-0.48929795, -0.15898254,  0.62665207}
33 	},
34 	{	/* faces (numfaces + indexes into vertices) */
35 		/*  faces must be specified clockwise from the outside */
36 		 3,     0,  1, 10,
37 		 4,     0, 10, 14,  9,
38 		 5,     0,  9, 16, 20, 15,
39 		 3,     0, 15,  1,
40 		 4,     1,  2, 11, 10,
41 		 5,     1, 15, 24, 19,  2,
42 		 3,     2,  3, 11,
43 		 3,     2, 19,  3,
44 		 4,     3,  4, 12, 11,
45 		 5,     3, 19, 23, 18,  4,
46 		 3,     4,  5, 12,
47 		 3,     4, 18,  5,
48 		 4,     5,  6, 13, 12,
49 		 5,     5, 18, 22, 17,  6,
50 		 3,     6,  7, 13,
51 		 3,     6, 17,  7,
52 		 4,     7,  8, 14, 13,
53 		 5,     7, 17, 21, 16,  8,
54 		 3,     8,  9, 14,
55 		 3,     8, 16,  9,
56 		 5,    10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
57 		 3,    15, 20, 24,
58 		 3,    16, 21, 20,
59 		 3,    17, 22, 21,
60 		 3,    18, 23, 22,
61 		 3,    19, 24, 23,
62 		 5,    20, 21, 22, 23, 24
63 	}
64 },		/* leave a comma to separate from the next include file */
65 /* end */