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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


COPYINGH A D15-Feb-200017.6 KiB341281

CREDITSH A D20-Feb-2004675 2415

MakefileH A D03-May-20222.4 KiB8128

NEWSH A D20-Feb-20041 KiB3723

READMEH A D19-Dec-20011.5 KiB3525

TODOH A D01-Jul-2002517 128

main.cH A D20-Feb-200418.2 KiB574403

testH A D20-Feb-2004654 121

util.cH A D20-Feb-20042.2 KiB6922

util.hH A D10-Oct-20001.6 KiB516

xrootconsole.1H A D01-Jul-20022.4 KiB7271


3Copyright 1998,1999,2000 by several people; see the CREDITS file for details.
4Distributed under the GNU GPL version >= 2; see the COPYING file for details.
6Usage: xrootconsole [options] [console]
7Scroll the console to a transparent window placed on the X root window.
9  -geometry GEO    the geometry of the window (default 80x10+0+0)
10  -fn FONT         the font to use (default fixed)
11  -fg COLOR        foreground color of the text (default white)
12  -bg COLOR        background AND-mask for shaded transparency (default clear)
13  -bd COLOR        border color (default white)
14  -bw WIDTH        border width (default 0)
15  -c COLUMNS       split window into number of text columns (default 1)
16  --solid          make background a solid color, not shaded-transparent
17  --topdown        insert lines at the top and scroll the rest down
18  --wrap           wrap long lines, instead of cutting them off
19  -h or --help     a familiar-looking help screen
20  -v or --version  displays version number
21  [console]        filename to read (defaults to standard input)
23Report bugs to <bob@de-fac.to>.
26To install:
27    If you're on Debian (GNU/)Linux, type "make" and then "make install".  If
28you're on some other UNIX, give it a try, and tweak the Makefile if and when
29you get errors.  If you're really ticked off because there's no configure
30script, read the TODO file, and help out -- I'm going to delve into the
31byzantine mysteries of autoconf/automake, but only in my spare time.