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Name Date Size #Lines LOC







InvertedSlider.hH A D08-Dec-20131.1 KiB3920

InvertedSlider.mH A D31-Dec-20154.9 KiB152127

LaunchScreen.storyboardH A D22-Sep-20193.1 KiB4139

MakefileH A D21-Mar-202019.5 KiB537448

PrefsReader.hH A D04-Dec-20131.9 KiB5728

PrefsReader.mH A D03-Jun-201918.2 KiB610518

READMEH A D28-Apr-20192.1 KiB4438

SaverListController.hH A D14-Mar-20201.2 KiB4221

SaverListController.mH A D14-Mar-202011.6 KiB419343

SaverRunner.hH A D09-Nov-20192.4 KiB10171

SaverRunner.mH A D09-Nov-201948.8 KiB1,6581,340

SaverRunner.plistH A D20-Mar-20201.1 KiB3938

Updater.hH A D28-Dec-20181.6 KiB4326

Updater.mH A D28-Dec-20185.2 KiB178149

Updater.plistH A D20-Mar-20201.5 KiB5150

Updater.xibH A D07-Dec-201322.2 KiB344344

XScreenSaver.plistH A D20-Mar-2020938 3130

XScreenSaverConfigSheet.hH A D03-Jun-20192.6 KiB8248

XScreenSaverConfigSheet.mH A D22-Sep-2019111.7 KiB3,8343,200

XScreenSaverGLView.hH A D21-Jun-20171.2 KiB4019

XScreenSaverGLView.mH A D16-Jun-201911.3 KiB434348

XScreenSaverSubclass.mH A D08-Dec-20131 KiB3428

XScreenSaverView.hH A D08-Jun-20194.8 KiB184126

XScreenSaverView.mH A D14-Mar-202093.5 KiB3,1912,615

apple2-app.xmlH A D28-Nov-20191.2 KiB3629

bindist.rtfH A D20-Mar-20202.2 KiB7964

bindist.weblocH A D12-Apr-2018285 98

bindist2.weblocH A D27-Dec-2018306 98

build-fntable.plH A D14-Mar-20205 KiB188134

enable_gc.cH A D14-Mar-201511.6 KiB369234

fuzztest.shH A D03-Sep-20181.5 KiB5731

gallant19.bdfH A D17-Feb-201890.9 KiB

grabclient-ios.mH A D28-Nov-20193.4 KiB9683

grabclient-osx.mH A D04-May-201813.6 KiB465378

iSaverRunner.plistH A D20-Mar-20202.2 KiB7473

iSaverRunner.xibH A D16-May-20172.1 KiB3736

icmp-warning.plH A D09-Nov-20191.8 KiB6942

installer.rtfH A D08-Apr-20161 KiB2825

installer.shH A D17-Nov-20195.4 KiB17893

installer.xmlH A D02-Sep-2013926 3022

ios-function-table.mH A D14-Mar-202027.4 KiB489482

main.mH A D08-Dec-2013902 3027

phosphor-app.xmlH A D28-Oct-20131.1 KiB3828

seticon.plH A D24-Dec-20183 KiB11666

sign_update.rbH A D26-Nov-2013220 75

sparkle_dsa_pub.pemH A D24-Nov-20131.2 KiB2120

textclient-ios.mH A D22-Aug-20194.7 KiB157136

update-info-plist.plH A D17-Apr-201715.1 KiB509366

updates.plH A D16-Jul-20197.9 KiB264202

updates.xmlH A D01-Jul-20196 KiB8483

xscreensaver.xcconfigH A D09-Dec-2015467 1211

xscreensaver_Prefix.pchH A D04-Jun-2012591 3427


2This directory contains the MacOS-specific code for building a Cocoa
3version of xscreensaver without using X11.
5To build it, just type "make", or use the included XCode project.  The
6executables will show up in the "build/Release/" and/or "build/Debug/"
9If you build using anything later than Xcode 5.0.2, the resultant savers
10will require MacOS 10.7 or later.  To support 10.4 through 10.6, you must
11use Xcode 5.0.2 or earlier.
13This is how you add a new screen saver to the Xcode project. It's a
14ridiculously long list of steps!
16  1: Duplicate a target (Dangerball for GL, or Attraction for X11).
17  2: Rename it, and drag it to the right spot in the list.
18  3: Delete the dangerball.c and dangerball.xml files from Build Phases.
19  4: Delete the "DangerBall copy-Info.plist" file that got created.
20  5: Delete the "DangerBall copy-Info.plist" from the Build Settings too.
21  6: Manage Schemes, rename "DangerBall Copy".
22  7: Move to the right place in the list.
23  8. Scheme / Profile / Info: Executable: SaverTester.app.
24     Scheme / Run / Info: Executable: SaverTester.app.
25  9: Scheme / Run / Arguments: set SELECTED_SAVER environment variable.
26 10: File / Add Files / the new .c and .xml.
27 11: Re-order them in the file list. This will bring up an Options dialog.
28     Add To Targets: the new target, and "XScreenSaver-iOS".
29 12: The files might not have moved. This means Xcode is gonna crash soon.
30     It will repair itself after.
31 13: In target "All Savers (OpenGL)" add the new target as Build Phases /
32     Target Dependency.
33 14: In target "XScreenSaver-iOS", reorder new files in Build Phases /
34     "Copy" and "Compile", since they showed up in a random place.
35 15: In target "XScreenSaver-iOS", add "-DUSE_GL" to the new file's options.
36 16: Put a 200x150 screen shot in ~/www/xscreensaver/screenshots/
37 17: ln -s ../../src/xscreensaver/OSX/build/Debug/NEW.saver \
38           ~/Library/Screen\ Savers/
39 18: git add xscreensaver.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/*.xcscheme
40 19: Don't forget to create a man page from the XML with xml2man.pl,
41     and update Makefile.in.
42 20: Make a video: -record-animation 3600 -geom 1920x1080+128+64
43     ./upload-video.pl NAME