1 //===- SampleProf.h - Sampling profiling format support ---------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file contains common definitions used in the reading and writing of
10 // sample profile data.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
21 #include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
22 #include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
24 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
25 #include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <cstdint>
29 #include <list>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <set>
32 #include <sstream>
33 #include <string>
34 #include <system_error>
35 #include <unordered_map>
36 #include <utility>
38 namespace llvm {
40 class DILocation;
41 class raw_ostream;
43 const std::error_category &sampleprof_category();
45 enum class sampleprof_error {
46   success = 0,
47   bad_magic,
48   unsupported_version,
49   too_large,
50   truncated,
51   malformed,
52   unrecognized_format,
53   unsupported_writing_format,
54   truncated_name_table,
55   not_implemented,
56   counter_overflow,
57   ostream_seek_unsupported,
58   uncompress_failed,
59   zlib_unavailable,
60   hash_mismatch
61 };
63 inline std::error_code make_error_code(sampleprof_error E) {
64   return std::error_code(static_cast<int>(E), sampleprof_category());
65 }
67 inline sampleprof_error MergeResult(sampleprof_error &Accumulator,
68                                     sampleprof_error Result) {
69   // Prefer first error encountered as later errors may be secondary effects of
70   // the initial problem.
71   if (Accumulator == sampleprof_error::success &&
72       Result != sampleprof_error::success)
73     Accumulator = Result;
74   return Accumulator;
75 }
77 } // end namespace llvm
79 namespace std {
81 template <>
82 struct is_error_code_enum<llvm::sampleprof_error> : std::true_type {};
84 } // end namespace std
86 namespace llvm {
87 namespace sampleprof {
89 enum SampleProfileFormat {
90   SPF_None = 0,
91   SPF_Text = 0x1,
92   SPF_Compact_Binary = 0x2,
93   SPF_GCC = 0x3,
94   SPF_Ext_Binary = 0x4,
95   SPF_Binary = 0xff
96 };
98 static inline uint64_t SPMagic(SampleProfileFormat Format = SPF_Binary) {
99   return uint64_t('S') << (64 - 8) | uint64_t('P') << (64 - 16) |
100          uint64_t('R') << (64 - 24) | uint64_t('O') << (64 - 32) |
101          uint64_t('F') << (64 - 40) | uint64_t('4') << (64 - 48) |
102          uint64_t('2') << (64 - 56) | uint64_t(Format);
103 }
105 /// Get the proper representation of a string according to whether the
106 /// current Format uses MD5 to represent the string.
107 static inline StringRef getRepInFormat(StringRef Name, bool UseMD5,
108                                        std::string &GUIDBuf) {
109   if (Name.empty() || !UseMD5)
110     return Name;
111   GUIDBuf = std::to_string(Function::getGUID(Name));
112   return GUIDBuf;
113 }
115 static inline uint64_t SPVersion() { return 103; }
117 // Section Type used by SampleProfileExtBinaryBaseReader and
118 // SampleProfileExtBinaryBaseWriter. Never change the existing
119 // value of enum. Only append new ones.
120 enum SecType {
121   SecInValid = 0,
122   SecProfSummary = 1,
123   SecNameTable = 2,
124   SecProfileSymbolList = 3,
125   SecFuncOffsetTable = 4,
126   SecFuncMetadata = 5,
127   SecCSNameTable = 6,
128   // marker for the first type of profile.
129   SecFuncProfileFirst = 32,
130   SecLBRProfile = SecFuncProfileFirst
131 };
133 static inline std::string getSecName(SecType Type) {
134   switch ((int)Type) { // Avoid -Wcovered-switch-default
135   case SecInValid:
136     return "InvalidSection";
137   case SecProfSummary:
138     return "ProfileSummarySection";
139   case SecNameTable:
140     return "NameTableSection";
141   case SecProfileSymbolList:
142     return "ProfileSymbolListSection";
143   case SecFuncOffsetTable:
144     return "FuncOffsetTableSection";
145   case SecFuncMetadata:
146     return "FunctionMetadata";
147   case SecCSNameTable:
148     return "CSNameTableSection";
149   case SecLBRProfile:
150     return "LBRProfileSection";
151   default:
152     return "UnknownSection";
153   }
154 }
156 // Entry type of section header table used by SampleProfileExtBinaryBaseReader
157 // and SampleProfileExtBinaryBaseWriter.
158 struct SecHdrTableEntry {
159   SecType Type;
160   uint64_t Flags;
161   uint64_t Offset;
162   uint64_t Size;
163   // The index indicating the location of the current entry in
164   // SectionHdrLayout table.
165   uint32_t LayoutIndex;
166 };
168 // Flags common for all sections are defined here. In SecHdrTableEntry::Flags,
169 // common flags will be saved in the lower 32bits and section specific flags
170 // will be saved in the higher 32 bits.
171 enum class SecCommonFlags : uint32_t {
172   SecFlagInValid = 0,
173   SecFlagCompress = (1 << 0),
174   // Indicate the section contains only profile without context.
175   SecFlagFlat = (1 << 1)
176 };
178 // Section specific flags are defined here.
179 // !!!Note: Everytime a new enum class is created here, please add
180 // a new check in verifySecFlag.
181 enum class SecNameTableFlags : uint32_t {
182   SecFlagInValid = 0,
183   SecFlagMD5Name = (1 << 0),
184   // Store MD5 in fixed length instead of ULEB128 so NameTable can be
185   // accessed like an array.
186   SecFlagFixedLengthMD5 = (1 << 1),
187   // Profile contains ".__uniq." suffix name. Compiler shouldn't strip
188   // the suffix when doing profile matching when seeing the flag.
189   SecFlagUniqSuffix = (1 << 2)
190 };
191 enum class SecProfSummaryFlags : uint32_t {
192   SecFlagInValid = 0,
193   /// SecFlagPartial means the profile is for common/shared code.
194   /// The common profile is usually merged from profiles collected
195   /// from running other targets.
196   SecFlagPartial = (1 << 0),
197   /// SecFlagContext means this is context-sensitive flat profile for
198   /// CSSPGO
199   SecFlagFullContext = (1 << 1),
200   /// SecFlagFSDiscriminator means this profile uses flow-sensitive
201   /// discriminators.
202   SecFlagFSDiscriminator = (1 << 2),
203   /// SecFlagIsPreInlined means this profile contains ShouldBeInlined
204   /// contexts thus this is CS preinliner computed.
205   SecFlagIsPreInlined = (1 << 4),
206 };
208 enum class SecFuncMetadataFlags : uint32_t {
209   SecFlagInvalid = 0,
210   SecFlagIsProbeBased = (1 << 0),
211   SecFlagHasAttribute = (1 << 1),
212 };
214 enum class SecFuncOffsetFlags : uint32_t {
215   SecFlagInvalid = 0,
216   // Store function offsets in an order of contexts. The order ensures that
217   // callee contexts of a given context laid out next to it.
218   SecFlagOrdered = (1 << 0),
219 };
221 // Verify section specific flag is used for the correct section.
222 template <class SecFlagType>
223 static inline void verifySecFlag(SecType Type, SecFlagType Flag) {
224   // No verification is needed for common flags.
225   if (std::is_same<SecCommonFlags, SecFlagType>())
226     return;
228   // Verification starts here for section specific flag.
229   bool IsFlagLegal = false;
230   switch (Type) {
231   case SecNameTable:
232     IsFlagLegal = std::is_same<SecNameTableFlags, SecFlagType>();
233     break;
234   case SecProfSummary:
235     IsFlagLegal = std::is_same<SecProfSummaryFlags, SecFlagType>();
236     break;
237   case SecFuncMetadata:
238     IsFlagLegal = std::is_same<SecFuncMetadataFlags, SecFlagType>();
239     break;
240   default:
241   case SecFuncOffsetTable:
242     IsFlagLegal = std::is_same<SecFuncOffsetFlags, SecFlagType>();
243     break;
244   }
245   if (!IsFlagLegal)
246     llvm_unreachable("Misuse of a flag in an incompatible section");
247 }
249 template <class SecFlagType>
250 static inline void addSecFlag(SecHdrTableEntry &Entry, SecFlagType Flag) {
251   verifySecFlag(Entry.Type, Flag);
252   auto FVal = static_cast<uint64_t>(Flag);
253   bool IsCommon = std::is_same<SecCommonFlags, SecFlagType>();
254   Entry.Flags |= IsCommon ? FVal : (FVal << 32);
255 }
257 template <class SecFlagType>
258 static inline void removeSecFlag(SecHdrTableEntry &Entry, SecFlagType Flag) {
259   verifySecFlag(Entry.Type, Flag);
260   auto FVal = static_cast<uint64_t>(Flag);
261   bool IsCommon = std::is_same<SecCommonFlags, SecFlagType>();
262   Entry.Flags &= ~(IsCommon ? FVal : (FVal << 32));
263 }
265 template <class SecFlagType>
266 static inline bool hasSecFlag(const SecHdrTableEntry &Entry, SecFlagType Flag) {
267   verifySecFlag(Entry.Type, Flag);
268   auto FVal = static_cast<uint64_t>(Flag);
269   bool IsCommon = std::is_same<SecCommonFlags, SecFlagType>();
270   return Entry.Flags & (IsCommon ? FVal : (FVal << 32));
271 }
273 /// Represents the relative location of an instruction.
274 ///
275 /// Instruction locations are specified by the line offset from the
276 /// beginning of the function (marked by the line where the function
277 /// header is) and the discriminator value within that line.
278 ///
279 /// The discriminator value is useful to distinguish instructions
280 /// that are on the same line but belong to different basic blocks
281 /// (e.g., the two post-increment instructions in "if (p) x++; else y++;").
282 struct LineLocation {
283   LineLocation(uint32_t L, uint32_t D) : LineOffset(L), Discriminator(D) {}
285   void print(raw_ostream &OS) const;
286   void dump() const;
288   bool operator<(const LineLocation &O) const {
289     return LineOffset < O.LineOffset ||
290            (LineOffset == O.LineOffset && Discriminator < O.Discriminator);
291   }
293   bool operator==(const LineLocation &O) const {
294     return LineOffset == O.LineOffset && Discriminator == O.Discriminator;
295   }
297   bool operator!=(const LineLocation &O) const {
298     return LineOffset != O.LineOffset || Discriminator != O.Discriminator;
299   }
301   uint32_t LineOffset;
302   uint32_t Discriminator;
303 };
305 raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const LineLocation &Loc);
307 /// Representation of a single sample record.
308 ///
309 /// A sample record is represented by a positive integer value, which
310 /// indicates how frequently was the associated line location executed.
311 ///
312 /// Additionally, if the associated location contains a function call,
313 /// the record will hold a list of all the possible called targets. For
314 /// direct calls, this will be the exact function being invoked. For
315 /// indirect calls (function pointers, virtual table dispatch), this
316 /// will be a list of one or more functions.
317 class SampleRecord {
318 public:
319   using CallTarget = std::pair<StringRef, uint64_t>;
320   struct CallTargetComparator {
321     bool operator()(const CallTarget &LHS, const CallTarget &RHS) const {
322       if (LHS.second != RHS.second)
323         return LHS.second > RHS.second;
325       return LHS.first < RHS.first;
326     }
327   };
329   using SortedCallTargetSet = std::set<CallTarget, CallTargetComparator>;
330   using CallTargetMap = StringMap<uint64_t>;
331   SampleRecord() = default;
333   /// Increment the number of samples for this record by \p S.
334   /// Optionally scale sample count \p S by \p Weight.
335   ///
336   /// Sample counts accumulate using saturating arithmetic, to avoid wrapping
337   /// around unsigned integers.
338   sampleprof_error addSamples(uint64_t S, uint64_t Weight = 1) {
339     bool Overflowed;
340     NumSamples = SaturatingMultiplyAdd(S, Weight, NumSamples, &Overflowed);
341     return Overflowed ? sampleprof_error::counter_overflow
342                       : sampleprof_error::success;
343   }
345   /// Decrease the number of samples for this record by \p S. Return the amout
346   /// of samples actually decreased.
347   uint64_t removeSamples(uint64_t S) {
348     if (S > NumSamples)
349       S = NumSamples;
350     NumSamples -= S;
351     return S;
352   }
354   /// Add called function \p F with samples \p S.
355   /// Optionally scale sample count \p S by \p Weight.
356   ///
357   /// Sample counts accumulate using saturating arithmetic, to avoid wrapping
358   /// around unsigned integers.
359   sampleprof_error addCalledTarget(StringRef F, uint64_t S,
360                                    uint64_t Weight = 1) {
361     uint64_t &TargetSamples = CallTargets[F];
362     bool Overflowed;
363     TargetSamples =
364         SaturatingMultiplyAdd(S, Weight, TargetSamples, &Overflowed);
365     return Overflowed ? sampleprof_error::counter_overflow
366                       : sampleprof_error::success;
367   }
369   /// Remove called function from the call target map. Return the target sample
370   /// count of the called function.
371   uint64_t removeCalledTarget(StringRef F) {
372     uint64_t Count = 0;
373     auto I = CallTargets.find(F);
374     if (I != CallTargets.end()) {
375       Count = I->second;
376       CallTargets.erase(I);
377     }
378     return Count;
379   }
381   /// Return true if this sample record contains function calls.
382   bool hasCalls() const { return !CallTargets.empty(); }
384   uint64_t getSamples() const { return NumSamples; }
385   const CallTargetMap &getCallTargets() const { return CallTargets; }
386   const SortedCallTargetSet getSortedCallTargets() const {
387     return SortCallTargets(CallTargets);
388   }
390   uint64_t getCallTargetSum() const {
391     uint64_t Sum = 0;
392     for (const auto &I : CallTargets)
393       Sum += I.second;
394     return Sum;
395   }
397   /// Sort call targets in descending order of call frequency.
398   static const SortedCallTargetSet SortCallTargets(const CallTargetMap &Targets) {
399     SortedCallTargetSet SortedTargets;
400     for (const auto &I : Targets) {
401       SortedTargets.emplace(I.first(), I.second);
402     }
403     return SortedTargets;
404   }
406   /// Prorate call targets by a distribution factor.
407   static const CallTargetMap adjustCallTargets(const CallTargetMap &Targets,
408                                                float DistributionFactor) {
409     CallTargetMap AdjustedTargets;
410     for (const auto &I : Targets) {
411       AdjustedTargets[I.first()] = I.second * DistributionFactor;
412     }
413     return AdjustedTargets;
414   }
416   /// Merge the samples in \p Other into this record.
417   /// Optionally scale sample counts by \p Weight.
418   sampleprof_error merge(const SampleRecord &Other, uint64_t Weight = 1);
419   void print(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Indent) const;
420   void dump() const;
422 private:
423   uint64_t NumSamples = 0;
424   CallTargetMap CallTargets;
425 };
427 raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const SampleRecord &Sample);
429 // State of context associated with FunctionSamples
430 enum ContextStateMask {
431   UnknownContext = 0x0,   // Profile without context
432   RawContext = 0x1,       // Full context profile from input profile
433   SyntheticContext = 0x2, // Synthetic context created for context promotion
434   InlinedContext = 0x4,   // Profile for context that is inlined into caller
435   MergedContext = 0x8     // Profile for context merged into base profile
436 };
438 // Attribute of context associated with FunctionSamples
439 enum ContextAttributeMask {
440   ContextNone = 0x0,
441   ContextWasInlined = 0x1,      // Leaf of context was inlined in previous build
442   ContextShouldBeInlined = 0x2, // Leaf of context should be inlined
443   ContextDuplicatedIntoBase =
444       0x4, // Leaf of context is duplicated into the base profile
445 };
447 // Represents a context frame with function name and line location
448 struct SampleContextFrame {
449   StringRef FuncName;
450   LineLocation Location;
452   SampleContextFrame() : Location(0, 0) {}
454   SampleContextFrame(StringRef FuncName, LineLocation Location)
455       : FuncName(FuncName), Location(Location) {}
457   bool operator==(const SampleContextFrame &That) const {
458     return Location == That.Location && FuncName == That.FuncName;
459   }
461   bool operator!=(const SampleContextFrame &That) const {
462     return !(*this == That);
463   }
465   std::string toString(bool OutputLineLocation) const {
466     std::ostringstream OContextStr;
467     OContextStr << FuncName.str();
468     if (OutputLineLocation) {
469       OContextStr << ":" << Location.LineOffset;
470       if (Location.Discriminator)
471         OContextStr << "." << Location.Discriminator;
472     }
473     return OContextStr.str();
474   }
475 };
477 static inline hash_code hash_value(const SampleContextFrame &arg) {
478   return hash_combine(arg.FuncName, arg.Location.LineOffset,
479                       arg.Location.Discriminator);
480 }
482 using SampleContextFrameVector = SmallVector<SampleContextFrame, 1>;
483 using SampleContextFrames = ArrayRef<SampleContextFrame>;
485 struct SampleContextFrameHash {
486   uint64_t operator()(const SampleContextFrameVector &S) const {
487     return hash_combine_range(S.begin(), S.end());
488   }
489 };
491 // Sample context for FunctionSamples. It consists of the calling context,
492 // the function name and context state. Internally sample context is represented
493 // using ArrayRef, which is also the input for constructing a `SampleContext`.
494 // It can accept and represent both full context string as well as context-less
495 // function name.
496 // For a CS profile, a full context vector can look like:
497 //    `main:3 _Z5funcAi:1 _Z8funcLeafi`
498 // For a base CS profile without calling context, the context vector should only
499 // contain the leaf frame name.
500 // For a non-CS profile, the context vector should be empty.
501 class SampleContext {
502 public:
503   SampleContext() : State(UnknownContext), Attributes(ContextNone) {}
505   SampleContext(StringRef Name)
506       : Name(Name), State(UnknownContext), Attributes(ContextNone) {}
508   SampleContext(SampleContextFrames Context,
509                 ContextStateMask CState = RawContext)
510       : Attributes(ContextNone) {
511     assert(!Context.empty() && "Context is empty");
512     setContext(Context, CState);
513   }
515   // Give a context string, decode and populate internal states like
516   // Function name, Calling context and context state. Example of input
517   // `ContextStr`: `[main:3 @ _Z5funcAi:1 @ _Z8funcLeafi]`
518   SampleContext(StringRef ContextStr,
519                 std::list<SampleContextFrameVector> &CSNameTable,
520                 ContextStateMask CState = RawContext)
521       : Attributes(ContextNone) {
522     assert(!ContextStr.empty());
523     // Note that `[]` wrapped input indicates a full context string, otherwise
524     // it's treated as context-less function name only.
525     bool HasContext = ContextStr.startswith("[");
526     if (!HasContext) {
527       State = UnknownContext;
528       Name = ContextStr;
529     } else {
530       CSNameTable.emplace_back();
531       SampleContextFrameVector &Context = CSNameTable.back();
532       createCtxVectorFromStr(ContextStr, Context);
533       setContext(Context, CState);
534     }
535   }
537   /// Create a context vector from a given context string and save it in
538   /// `Context`.
539   static void createCtxVectorFromStr(StringRef ContextStr,
540                                      SampleContextFrameVector &Context) {
541     // Remove encapsulating '[' and ']' if any
542     ContextStr = ContextStr.substr(1, ContextStr.size() - 2);
543     StringRef ContextRemain = ContextStr;
544     StringRef ChildContext;
545     StringRef CalleeName;
546     while (!ContextRemain.empty()) {
547       auto ContextSplit = ContextRemain.split(" @ ");
548       ChildContext = ContextSplit.first;
549       ContextRemain = ContextSplit.second;
550       LineLocation CallSiteLoc(0, 0);
551       decodeContextString(ChildContext, CalleeName, CallSiteLoc);
552       Context.emplace_back(CalleeName, CallSiteLoc);
553     }
554   }
556   // Decode context string for a frame to get function name and location.
557   // `ContextStr` is in the form of `FuncName:StartLine.Discriminator`.
558   static void decodeContextString(StringRef ContextStr, StringRef &FName,
559                                   LineLocation &LineLoc) {
560     // Get function name
561     auto EntrySplit = ContextStr.split(':');
562     FName = EntrySplit.first;
564     LineLoc = {0, 0};
565     if (!EntrySplit.second.empty()) {
566       // Get line offset, use signed int for getAsInteger so string will
567       // be parsed as signed.
568       int LineOffset = 0;
569       auto LocSplit = EntrySplit.second.split('.');
570       LocSplit.first.getAsInteger(10, LineOffset);
571       LineLoc.LineOffset = LineOffset;
573       // Get discriminator
574       if (!LocSplit.second.empty())
575         LocSplit.second.getAsInteger(10, LineLoc.Discriminator);
576     }
577   }
579   operator SampleContextFrames() const { return FullContext; }
580   bool hasAttribute(ContextAttributeMask A) { return Attributes & (uint32_t)A; }
581   void setAttribute(ContextAttributeMask A) { Attributes |= (uint32_t)A; }
582   uint32_t getAllAttributes() { return Attributes; }
583   void setAllAttributes(uint32_t A) { Attributes = A; }
584   bool hasState(ContextStateMask S) { return State & (uint32_t)S; }
585   void setState(ContextStateMask S) { State |= (uint32_t)S; }
586   void clearState(ContextStateMask S) { State &= (uint32_t)~S; }
587   bool hasContext() const { return State != UnknownContext; }
588   bool isBaseContext() const { return FullContext.size() == 1; }
589   StringRef getName() const { return Name; }
590   SampleContextFrames getContextFrames() const { return FullContext; }
592   static std::string getContextString(SampleContextFrames Context,
593                                       bool IncludeLeafLineLocation = false) {
594     std::ostringstream OContextStr;
595     for (uint32_t I = 0; I < Context.size(); I++) {
596       if (OContextStr.str().size()) {
597         OContextStr << " @ ";
598       }
599       OContextStr << Context[I].toString(I != Context.size() - 1 ||
600                                          IncludeLeafLineLocation);
601     }
602     return OContextStr.str();
603   }
605   std::string toString() const {
606     if (!hasContext())
607       return Name.str();
608     return getContextString(FullContext, false);
609   }
611   uint64_t getHashCode() const {
612     return hasContext() ? hash_value(getContextFrames())
613                         : hash_value(getName());
614   }
616   /// Set the name of the function and clear the current context.
617   void setName(StringRef FunctionName) {
618     Name = FunctionName;
619     FullContext = SampleContextFrames();
620     State = UnknownContext;
621   }
623   void setContext(SampleContextFrames Context,
624                   ContextStateMask CState = RawContext) {
625     assert(CState != UnknownContext);
626     FullContext = Context;
627     Name = Context.back().FuncName;
628     State = CState;
629   }
631   bool operator==(const SampleContext &That) const {
632     return State == That.State && Name == That.Name &&
633            FullContext == That.FullContext;
634   }
636   bool operator!=(const SampleContext &That) const { return !(*this == That); }
638   bool operator<(const SampleContext &That) const {
639     if (State != That.State)
640       return State < That.State;
642     if (!hasContext()) {
643       return (Name.compare(That.Name)) == -1;
644     }
646     uint64_t I = 0;
647     while (I < std::min(FullContext.size(), That.FullContext.size())) {
648       auto &Context1 = FullContext[I];
649       auto &Context2 = That.FullContext[I];
650       auto V = Context1.FuncName.compare(Context2.FuncName);
651       if (V)
652         return V == -1;
653       if (Context1.Location != Context2.Location)
654         return Context1.Location < Context2.Location;
655       I++;
656     }
658     return FullContext.size() < That.FullContext.size();
659   }
661   struct Hash {
662     uint64_t operator()(const SampleContext &Context) const {
663       return Context.getHashCode();
664     }
665   };
667   bool IsPrefixOf(const SampleContext &That) const {
668     auto ThisContext = FullContext;
669     auto ThatContext = That.FullContext;
670     if (ThatContext.size() < ThisContext.size())
671       return false;
672     ThatContext = ThatContext.take_front(ThisContext.size());
673     // Compare Leaf frame first
674     if (ThisContext.back().FuncName != ThatContext.back().FuncName)
675       return false;
676     // Compare leading context
677     return ThisContext.drop_back() == ThatContext.drop_back();
678   }
680 private:
681   /// Mangled name of the function.
682   StringRef Name;
683   // Full context including calling context and leaf function name
684   SampleContextFrames FullContext;
685   // State of the associated sample profile
686   uint32_t State;
687   // Attribute of the associated sample profile
688   uint32_t Attributes;
689 };
691 static inline hash_code hash_value(const SampleContext &arg) {
692   return arg.hasContext() ? hash_value(arg.getContextFrames())
693                           : hash_value(arg.getName());
694 }
696 class FunctionSamples;
697 class SampleProfileReaderItaniumRemapper;
699 using BodySampleMap = std::map<LineLocation, SampleRecord>;
700 // NOTE: Using a StringMap here makes parsed profiles consume around 17% more
701 // memory, which is *very* significant for large profiles.
702 using FunctionSamplesMap = std::map<std::string, FunctionSamples, std::less<>>;
703 using CallsiteSampleMap = std::map<LineLocation, FunctionSamplesMap>;
705 /// Representation of the samples collected for a function.
706 ///
707 /// This data structure contains all the collected samples for the body
708 /// of a function. Each sample corresponds to a LineLocation instance
709 /// within the body of the function.
710 class FunctionSamples {
711 public:
712   FunctionSamples() = default;
714   void print(raw_ostream &OS = dbgs(), unsigned Indent = 0) const;
715   void dump() const;
717   sampleprof_error addTotalSamples(uint64_t Num, uint64_t Weight = 1) {
718     bool Overflowed;
719     TotalSamples =
720         SaturatingMultiplyAdd(Num, Weight, TotalSamples, &Overflowed);
721     return Overflowed ? sampleprof_error::counter_overflow
722                       : sampleprof_error::success;
723   }
725   void removeTotalSamples(uint64_t Num) {
726     if (TotalSamples < Num)
727       TotalSamples = 0;
728     else
729       TotalSamples -= Num;
730   }
732   void setTotalSamples(uint64_t Num) { TotalSamples = Num; }
734   sampleprof_error addHeadSamples(uint64_t Num, uint64_t Weight = 1) {
735     bool Overflowed;
736     TotalHeadSamples =
737         SaturatingMultiplyAdd(Num, Weight, TotalHeadSamples, &Overflowed);
738     return Overflowed ? sampleprof_error::counter_overflow
739                       : sampleprof_error::success;
740   }
742   sampleprof_error addBodySamples(uint32_t LineOffset, uint32_t Discriminator,
743                                   uint64_t Num, uint64_t Weight = 1) {
744     return BodySamples[LineLocation(LineOffset, Discriminator)].addSamples(
745         Num, Weight);
746   }
748   sampleprof_error addCalledTargetSamples(uint32_t LineOffset,
749                                           uint32_t Discriminator,
750                                           StringRef FName, uint64_t Num,
751                                           uint64_t Weight = 1) {
752     return BodySamples[LineLocation(LineOffset, Discriminator)].addCalledTarget(
753         FName, Num, Weight);
754   }
756   // Remove a call target and decrease the body sample correspondingly. Return
757   // the number of body samples actually decreased.
758   uint64_t removeCalledTargetAndBodySample(uint32_t LineOffset,
759                                            uint32_t Discriminator,
760                                            StringRef FName) {
761     uint64_t Count = 0;
762     auto I = BodySamples.find(LineLocation(LineOffset, Discriminator));
763     if (I != BodySamples.end()) {
764       Count = I->second.removeCalledTarget(FName);
765       Count = I->second.removeSamples(Count);
766       if (!I->second.getSamples())
767         BodySamples.erase(I);
768     }
769     return Count;
770   }
772   sampleprof_error addBodySamplesForProbe(uint32_t Index, uint64_t Num,
773                                           uint64_t Weight = 1) {
774     SampleRecord S;
775     S.addSamples(Num, Weight);
776     return BodySamples[LineLocation(Index, 0)].merge(S, Weight);
777   }
779   // Accumulate all call target samples to update the body samples.
780   void updateCallsiteSamples() {
781     for (auto &I : BodySamples) {
782       uint64_t TargetSamples = I.second.getCallTargetSum();
783       // It's possible that the body sample count can be greater than the call
784       // target sum. E.g, if some call targets are external targets, they won't
785       // be considered valid call targets, but the body sample count which is
786       // from lbr ranges can actually include them.
787       if (TargetSamples > I.second.getSamples())
788         I.second.addSamples(TargetSamples - I.second.getSamples());
789     }
790   }
792   // Accumulate all body samples to set total samples.
793   void updateTotalSamples() {
794     setTotalSamples(0);
795     for (const auto &I : BodySamples)
796       addTotalSamples(I.second.getSamples());
798     for (auto &I : CallsiteSamples) {
799       for (auto &CS : I.second) {
800         CS.second.updateTotalSamples();
801         addTotalSamples(CS.second.getTotalSamples());
802       }
803     }
804   }
806   // Set current context and all callee contexts to be synthetic.
807   void SetContextSynthetic() {
808     Context.setState(SyntheticContext);
809     for (auto &I : CallsiteSamples) {
810       for (auto &CS : I.second) {
811         CS.second.SetContextSynthetic();
812       }
813     }
814   }
816   /// Return the number of samples collected at the given location.
817   /// Each location is specified by \p LineOffset and \p Discriminator.
818   /// If the location is not found in profile, return error.
819   ErrorOr<uint64_t> findSamplesAt(uint32_t LineOffset,
820                                   uint32_t Discriminator) const {
821     const auto &ret = BodySamples.find(LineLocation(LineOffset, Discriminator));
822     if (ret == BodySamples.end())
823       return std::error_code();
824     return ret->second.getSamples();
825   }
827   /// Returns the call target map collected at a given location.
828   /// Each location is specified by \p LineOffset and \p Discriminator.
829   /// If the location is not found in profile, return error.
830   ErrorOr<SampleRecord::CallTargetMap>
831   findCallTargetMapAt(uint32_t LineOffset, uint32_t Discriminator) const {
832     const auto &ret = BodySamples.find(LineLocation(LineOffset, Discriminator));
833     if (ret == BodySamples.end())
834       return std::error_code();
835     return ret->second.getCallTargets();
836   }
838   /// Returns the call target map collected at a given location specified by \p
839   /// CallSite. If the location is not found in profile, return error.
840   ErrorOr<SampleRecord::CallTargetMap>
841   findCallTargetMapAt(const LineLocation &CallSite) const {
842     const auto &Ret = BodySamples.find(CallSite);
843     if (Ret == BodySamples.end())
844       return std::error_code();
845     return Ret->second.getCallTargets();
846   }
848   /// Return the function samples at the given callsite location.
849   FunctionSamplesMap &functionSamplesAt(const LineLocation &Loc) {
850     return CallsiteSamples[Loc];
851   }
853   /// Returns the FunctionSamplesMap at the given \p Loc.
854   const FunctionSamplesMap *
855   findFunctionSamplesMapAt(const LineLocation &Loc) const {
856     auto iter = CallsiteSamples.find(Loc);
857     if (iter == CallsiteSamples.end())
858       return nullptr;
859     return &iter->second;
860   }
862   /// Returns a pointer to FunctionSamples at the given callsite location
863   /// \p Loc with callee \p CalleeName. If no callsite can be found, relax
864   /// the restriction to return the FunctionSamples at callsite location
865   /// \p Loc with the maximum total sample count. If \p Remapper is not
866   /// nullptr, use \p Remapper to find FunctionSamples with equivalent name
867   /// as \p CalleeName.
868   const FunctionSamples *
869   findFunctionSamplesAt(const LineLocation &Loc, StringRef CalleeName,
870                         SampleProfileReaderItaniumRemapper *Remapper) const;
872   bool empty() const { return TotalSamples == 0; }
874   /// Return the total number of samples collected inside the function.
875   uint64_t getTotalSamples() const { return TotalSamples; }
877   /// Return the total number of branch samples that have the function as the
878   /// branch target. This should be equivalent to the sample of the first
879   /// instruction of the symbol. But as we directly get this info for raw
880   /// profile without referring to potentially inaccurate debug info, this
881   /// gives more accurate profile data and is preferred for standalone symbols.
882   uint64_t getHeadSamples() const { return TotalHeadSamples; }
884   /// Return the sample count of the first instruction of the function.
885   /// The function can be either a standalone symbol or an inlined function.
886   uint64_t getEntrySamples() const {
887     if (FunctionSamples::ProfileIsCS && getHeadSamples()) {
888       // For CS profile, if we already have more accurate head samples
889       // counted by branch sample from caller, use them as entry samples.
890       return getHeadSamples();
891     }
892     uint64_t Count = 0;
893     // Use either BodySamples or CallsiteSamples which ever has the smaller
894     // lineno.
895     if (!BodySamples.empty() &&
896         (CallsiteSamples.empty() ||
897          BodySamples.begin()->first < CallsiteSamples.begin()->first))
898       Count = BodySamples.begin()->second.getSamples();
899     else if (!CallsiteSamples.empty()) {
900       // An indirect callsite may be promoted to several inlined direct calls.
901       // We need to get the sum of them.
902       for (const auto &N_FS : CallsiteSamples.begin()->second)
903         Count += N_FS.second.getEntrySamples();
904     }
905     // Return at least 1 if total sample is not 0.
906     return Count ? Count : TotalSamples > 0;
907   }
909   /// Return all the samples collected in the body of the function.
910   const BodySampleMap &getBodySamples() const { return BodySamples; }
912   /// Return all the callsite samples collected in the body of the function.
913   const CallsiteSampleMap &getCallsiteSamples() const {
914     return CallsiteSamples;
915   }
917   /// Return the maximum of sample counts in a function body including functions
918   /// inlined in it.
919   uint64_t getMaxCountInside() const {
920     uint64_t MaxCount = 0;
921     for (const auto &L : getBodySamples())
922       MaxCount = std::max(MaxCount, L.second.getSamples());
923     for (const auto &C : getCallsiteSamples())
924       for (const FunctionSamplesMap::value_type &F : C.second)
925         MaxCount = std::max(MaxCount, F.second.getMaxCountInside());
926     return MaxCount;
927   }
929   /// Merge the samples in \p Other into this one.
930   /// Optionally scale samples by \p Weight.
931   sampleprof_error merge(const FunctionSamples &Other, uint64_t Weight = 1) {
932     sampleprof_error Result = sampleprof_error::success;
933     if (!GUIDToFuncNameMap)
934       GUIDToFuncNameMap = Other.GUIDToFuncNameMap;
935     if (Context.getName().empty())
936       Context = Other.getContext();
937     if (FunctionHash == 0) {
938       // Set the function hash code for the target profile.
939       FunctionHash = Other.getFunctionHash();
940     } else if (FunctionHash != Other.getFunctionHash()) {
941       // The two profiles coming with different valid hash codes indicates
942       // either:
943       // 1. They are same-named static functions from different compilation
944       // units (without using -unique-internal-linkage-names), or
945       // 2. They are really the same function but from different compilations.
946       // Let's bail out in either case for now, which means one profile is
947       // dropped.
948       return sampleprof_error::hash_mismatch;
949     }
951     MergeResult(Result, addTotalSamples(Other.getTotalSamples(), Weight));
952     MergeResult(Result, addHeadSamples(Other.getHeadSamples(), Weight));
953     for (const auto &I : Other.getBodySamples()) {
954       const LineLocation &Loc = I.first;
955       const SampleRecord &Rec = I.second;
956       MergeResult(Result, BodySamples[Loc].merge(Rec, Weight));
957     }
958     for (const auto &I : Other.getCallsiteSamples()) {
959       const LineLocation &Loc = I.first;
960       FunctionSamplesMap &FSMap = functionSamplesAt(Loc);
961       for (const auto &Rec : I.second)
962         MergeResult(Result, FSMap[Rec.first].merge(Rec.second, Weight));
963     }
964     return Result;
965   }
967   /// Recursively traverses all children, if the total sample count of the
968   /// corresponding function is no less than \p Threshold, add its corresponding
969   /// GUID to \p S. Also traverse the BodySamples to add hot CallTarget's GUID
970   /// to \p S.
971   void findInlinedFunctions(DenseSet<GlobalValue::GUID> &S,
972                             const StringMap<Function *> &SymbolMap,
973                             uint64_t Threshold) const {
974     if (TotalSamples <= Threshold)
975       return;
976     auto isDeclaration = [](const Function *F) {
977       return !F || F->isDeclaration();
978     };
979     if (isDeclaration(SymbolMap.lookup(getFuncName()))) {
980       // Add to the import list only when it's defined out of module.
981       S.insert(getGUID(getName()));
982     }
983     // Import hot CallTargets, which may not be available in IR because full
984     // profile annotation cannot be done until backend compilation in ThinLTO.
985     for (const auto &BS : BodySamples)
986       for (const auto &TS : BS.second.getCallTargets())
987         if (TS.getValue() > Threshold) {
988           const Function *Callee = SymbolMap.lookup(getFuncName(TS.getKey()));
989           if (isDeclaration(Callee))
990             S.insert(getGUID(TS.getKey()));
991         }
992     for (const auto &CS : CallsiteSamples)
993       for (const auto &NameFS : CS.second)
994         NameFS.second.findInlinedFunctions(S, SymbolMap, Threshold);
995   }
997   /// Set the name of the function.
998   void setName(StringRef FunctionName) { Context.setName(FunctionName); }
1000   /// Return the function name.
1001   StringRef getName() const { return Context.getName(); }
1003   /// Return the original function name.
1004   StringRef getFuncName() const { return getFuncName(getName()); }
1006   void setFunctionHash(uint64_t Hash) { FunctionHash = Hash; }
1008   uint64_t getFunctionHash() const { return FunctionHash; }
1010   /// Return the canonical name for a function, taking into account
1011   /// suffix elision policy attributes.
1012   static StringRef getCanonicalFnName(const Function &F) {
1013     auto AttrName = "sample-profile-suffix-elision-policy";
1014     auto Attr = F.getFnAttribute(AttrName).getValueAsString();
1015     return getCanonicalFnName(F.getName(), Attr);
1016   }
1018   /// Name suffixes which canonicalization should handle to avoid
1019   /// profile mismatch.
1020   static constexpr const char *LLVMSuffix = ".llvm.";
1021   static constexpr const char *PartSuffix = ".part.";
1022   static constexpr const char *UniqSuffix = ".__uniq.";
1024   static StringRef getCanonicalFnName(StringRef FnName,
1025                                       StringRef Attr = "selected") {
1026     // Note the sequence of the suffixes in the knownSuffixes array matters.
1027     // If suffix "A" is appended after the suffix "B", "A" should be in front
1028     // of "B" in knownSuffixes.
1029     const char *knownSuffixes[] = {LLVMSuffix, PartSuffix, UniqSuffix};
1030     if (Attr == "" || Attr == "all") {
1031       return FnName.split('.').first;
1032     } else if (Attr == "selected") {
1033       StringRef Cand(FnName);
1034       for (const auto &Suf : knownSuffixes) {
1035         StringRef Suffix(Suf);
1036         // If the profile contains ".__uniq." suffix, don't strip the
1037         // suffix for names in the IR.
1038         if (Suffix == UniqSuffix && FunctionSamples::HasUniqSuffix)
1039           continue;
1040         auto It = Cand.rfind(Suffix);
1041         if (It == StringRef::npos)
1042           continue;
1043         auto Dit = Cand.rfind('.');
1044         if (Dit == It + Suffix.size() - 1)
1045           Cand = Cand.substr(0, It);
1046       }
1047       return Cand;
1048     } else if (Attr == "none") {
1049       return FnName;
1050     } else {
1051       assert(false && "internal error: unknown suffix elision policy");
1052     }
1053     return FnName;
1054   }
1056   /// Translate \p Name into its original name.
1057   /// When profile doesn't use MD5, \p Name needs no translation.
1058   /// When profile uses MD5, \p Name in current FunctionSamples
1059   /// is actually GUID of the original function name. getFuncName will
1060   /// translate \p Name in current FunctionSamples into its original name
1061   /// by looking up in the function map GUIDToFuncNameMap.
1062   /// If the original name doesn't exist in the map, return empty StringRef.
1063   StringRef getFuncName(StringRef Name) const {
1064     if (!UseMD5)
1065       return Name;
1067     assert(GUIDToFuncNameMap && "GUIDToFuncNameMap needs to be populated first");
1068     return GUIDToFuncNameMap->lookup(std::stoull(Name.data()));
1069   }
1071   /// Returns the line offset to the start line of the subprogram.
1072   /// We assume that a single function will not exceed 65535 LOC.
1073   static unsigned getOffset(const DILocation *DIL);
1075   /// Returns a unique call site identifier for a given debug location of a call
1076   /// instruction. This is wrapper of two scenarios, the probe-based profile and
1077   /// regular profile, to hide implementation details from the sample loader and
1078   /// the context tracker.
1079   static LineLocation getCallSiteIdentifier(const DILocation *DIL,
1080                                             bool ProfileIsFS = false);
1082   /// Returns a unique hash code for a combination of a callsite location and
1083   /// the callee function name.
1084   static uint64_t getCallSiteHash(StringRef CalleeName,
1085                                   const LineLocation &Callsite);
1087   /// Get the FunctionSamples of the inline instance where DIL originates
1088   /// from.
1089   ///
1090   /// The FunctionSamples of the instruction (Machine or IR) associated to
1091   /// \p DIL is the inlined instance in which that instruction is coming from.
1092   /// We traverse the inline stack of that instruction, and match it with the
1093   /// tree nodes in the profile.
1094   ///
1095   /// \returns the FunctionSamples pointer to the inlined instance.
1096   /// If \p Remapper is not nullptr, it will be used to find matching
1097   /// FunctionSamples with not exactly the same but equivalent name.
1098   const FunctionSamples *findFunctionSamples(
1099       const DILocation *DIL,
1100       SampleProfileReaderItaniumRemapper *Remapper = nullptr) const;
1102   static bool ProfileIsProbeBased;
1104   static bool ProfileIsCS;
1106   static bool ProfileIsPreInlined;
1108   SampleContext &getContext() const { return Context; }
1110   void setContext(const SampleContext &FContext) { Context = FContext; }
1112   /// Whether the profile uses MD5 to represent string.
1113   static bool UseMD5;
1115   /// Whether the profile contains any ".__uniq." suffix in a name.
1116   static bool HasUniqSuffix;
1118   /// If this profile uses flow sensitive discriminators.
1119   static bool ProfileIsFS;
1121   /// GUIDToFuncNameMap saves the mapping from GUID to the symbol name, for
1122   /// all the function symbols defined or declared in current module.
1123   DenseMap<uint64_t, StringRef> *GUIDToFuncNameMap = nullptr;
1125   // Assume the input \p Name is a name coming from FunctionSamples itself.
1126   // If UseMD5 is true, the name is already a GUID and we
1127   // don't want to return the GUID of GUID.
1128   static uint64_t getGUID(StringRef Name) {
1129     return UseMD5 ? std::stoull(Name.data()) : Function::getGUID(Name);
1130   }
1132   // Find all the names in the current FunctionSamples including names in
1133   // all the inline instances and names of call targets.
1134   void findAllNames(DenseSet<StringRef> &NameSet) const;
1136 private:
1137   /// CFG hash value for the function.
1138   uint64_t FunctionHash = 0;
1140   /// Calling context for function profile
1141   mutable SampleContext Context;
1143   /// Total number of samples collected inside this function.
1144   ///
1145   /// Samples are cumulative, they include all the samples collected
1146   /// inside this function and all its inlined callees.
1147   uint64_t TotalSamples = 0;
1149   /// Total number of samples collected at the head of the function.
1150   /// This is an approximation of the number of calls made to this function
1151   /// at runtime.
1152   uint64_t TotalHeadSamples = 0;
1154   /// Map instruction locations to collected samples.
1155   ///
1156   /// Each entry in this map contains the number of samples
1157   /// collected at the corresponding line offset. All line locations
1158   /// are an offset from the start of the function.
1159   BodySampleMap BodySamples;
1161   /// Map call sites to collected samples for the called function.
1162   ///
1163   /// Each entry in this map corresponds to all the samples
1164   /// collected for the inlined function call at the given
1165   /// location. For example, given:
1166   ///
1167   ///     void foo() {
1168   ///  1    bar();
1169   ///  ...
1170   ///  8    baz();
1171   ///     }
1172   ///
1173   /// If the bar() and baz() calls were inlined inside foo(), this
1174   /// map will contain two entries.  One for all the samples collected
1175   /// in the call to bar() at line offset 1, the other for all the samples
1176   /// collected in the call to baz() at line offset 8.
1177   CallsiteSampleMap CallsiteSamples;
1178 };
1180 raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const FunctionSamples &FS);
1182 using SampleProfileMap =
1183     std::unordered_map<SampleContext, FunctionSamples, SampleContext::Hash>;
1185 using NameFunctionSamples = std::pair<SampleContext, const FunctionSamples *>;
1187 void sortFuncProfiles(const SampleProfileMap &ProfileMap,
1188                       std::vector<NameFunctionSamples> &SortedProfiles);
1190 /// Sort a LocationT->SampleT map by LocationT.
1191 ///
1192 /// It produces a sorted list of <LocationT, SampleT> records by ascending
1193 /// order of LocationT.
1194 template <class LocationT, class SampleT> class SampleSorter {
1195 public:
1196   using SamplesWithLoc = std::pair<const LocationT, SampleT>;
1197   using SamplesWithLocList = SmallVector<const SamplesWithLoc *, 20>;
1199   SampleSorter(const std::map<LocationT, SampleT> &Samples) {
1200     for (const auto &I : Samples)
1201       V.push_back(&I);
1202     llvm::stable_sort(V, [](const SamplesWithLoc *A, const SamplesWithLoc *B) {
1203       return A->first < B->first;
1204     });
1205   }
1207   const SamplesWithLocList &get() const { return V; }
1209 private:
1210   SamplesWithLocList V;
1211 };
1213 /// SampleContextTrimmer impelements helper functions to trim, merge cold
1214 /// context profiles. It also supports context profile canonicalization to make
1215 /// sure ProfileMap's key is consistent with FunctionSample's name/context.
1216 class SampleContextTrimmer {
1217 public:
1218   SampleContextTrimmer(SampleProfileMap &Profiles) : ProfileMap(Profiles){};
1219   // Trim and merge cold context profile when requested. TrimBaseProfileOnly
1220   // should only be effective when TrimColdContext is true. On top of
1221   // TrimColdContext, TrimBaseProfileOnly can be used to specify to trim all
1222   // cold profiles or only cold base profiles. Trimming base profiles only is
1223   // mainly to honor the preinliner decsion. Note that when MergeColdContext is
1224   // true, preinliner decsion is not honored anyway so TrimBaseProfileOnly will
1225   // be ignored.
1226   void trimAndMergeColdContextProfiles(uint64_t ColdCountThreshold,
1227                                        bool TrimColdContext,
1228                                        bool MergeColdContext,
1229                                        uint32_t ColdContextFrameLength,
1230                                        bool TrimBaseProfileOnly);
1231   // Canonicalize context profile name and attributes.
1232   void canonicalizeContextProfiles();
1234 private:
1235   SampleProfileMap &ProfileMap;
1236 };
1238 // CSProfileConverter converts a full context-sensitive flat sample profile into
1239 // a nested context-sensitive sample profile.
1240 class CSProfileConverter {
1241 public:
1242   CSProfileConverter(SampleProfileMap &Profiles);
1243   void convertProfiles();
1244   struct FrameNode {
1245     FrameNode(StringRef FName = StringRef(),
1246               FunctionSamples *FSamples = nullptr,
1247               LineLocation CallLoc = {0, 0})
1248         : FuncName(FName), FuncSamples(FSamples), CallSiteLoc(CallLoc){};
1250     // Map line+discriminator location to child frame
1251     std::map<uint64_t, FrameNode> AllChildFrames;
1252     // Function name for current frame
1253     StringRef FuncName;
1254     // Function Samples for current frame
1255     FunctionSamples *FuncSamples;
1256     // Callsite location in parent context
1257     LineLocation CallSiteLoc;
1259     FrameNode *getOrCreateChildFrame(const LineLocation &CallSite,
1260                                      StringRef CalleeName);
1261   };
1263 private:
1264   // Nest all children profiles into the profile of Node.
1265   void convertProfiles(FrameNode &Node);
1266   FrameNode *getOrCreateContextPath(const SampleContext &Context);
1268   SampleProfileMap &ProfileMap;
1269   FrameNode RootFrame;
1270 };
1272 /// ProfileSymbolList records the list of function symbols shown up
1273 /// in the binary used to generate the profile. It is useful to
1274 /// to discriminate a function being so cold as not to shown up
1275 /// in the profile and a function newly added.
1276 class ProfileSymbolList {
1277 public:
1278   /// copy indicates whether we need to copy the underlying memory
1279   /// for the input Name.
1280   void add(StringRef Name, bool copy = false) {
1281     if (!copy) {
1282       Syms.insert(Name);
1283       return;
1284     }
1285     Syms.insert(Name.copy(Allocator));
1286   }
1288   bool contains(StringRef Name) { return Syms.count(Name); }
1290   void merge(const ProfileSymbolList &List) {
1291     for (auto Sym : List.Syms)
1292       add(Sym, true);
1293   }
1295   unsigned size() { return Syms.size(); }
1297   void setToCompress(bool TC) { ToCompress = TC; }
1298   bool toCompress() { return ToCompress; }
1300   std::error_code read(const uint8_t *Data, uint64_t ListSize);
1301   std::error_code write(raw_ostream &OS);
1302   void dump(raw_ostream &OS = dbgs()) const;
1304 private:
1305   // Determine whether or not to compress the symbol list when
1306   // writing it into profile. The variable is unused when the symbol
1307   // list is read from an existing profile.
1308   bool ToCompress = false;
1309   DenseSet<StringRef> Syms;
1310   BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
1311 };
1313 } // end namespace sampleprof
1315 using namespace sampleprof;
1316 // Provide DenseMapInfo for SampleContext.
1317 template <> struct DenseMapInfo<SampleContext> {
1318   static inline SampleContext getEmptyKey() { return SampleContext(); }
1320   static inline SampleContext getTombstoneKey() { return SampleContext("@"); }
1322   static unsigned getHashValue(const SampleContext &Val) {
1323     return Val.getHashCode();
1324   }
1326   static bool isEqual(const SampleContext &LHS, const SampleContext &RHS) {
1327     return LHS == RHS;
1328   }
1329 };
1330 } // end namespace llvm