1 ///
2 module std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.affix_allocator;
4 /**
6 Allocator that adds some extra data before (of type $(D Prefix)) and/or after
7 (of type $(D Suffix)) any allocation made with its parent allocator. This is
8 useful for uses where additional allocation-related information is needed, such
9 as mutexes, reference counts, or walls for debugging memory corruption errors.
11 If $(D Prefix) is not $(D void), $(D Allocator) must guarantee an alignment at
12 least as large as $(D Prefix.alignof).
14 Suffixes are slower to get at because of alignment rounding, so prefixes should
15 be preferred. However, small prefixes blunt the alignment so if a large
16 alignment with a small affix is needed, suffixes should be chosen.
18 The following methods are defined if $(D Allocator) defines them, and forward to it: $(D deallocateAll), $(D empty), $(D owns).
19  */
20 struct AffixAllocator(Allocator, Prefix, Suffix = void)
21 {
22     import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
23     import std.conv : emplace;
24     import std.experimental.allocator : IAllocator, theAllocator;
25     import std.experimental.allocator.common : stateSize, forwardToMember,
26         roundUpToMultipleOf, alignedAt, alignDownTo, roundUpToMultipleOf,
27         hasStaticallyKnownAlignment;
28     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
29     import std.traits : hasMember;
30     import std.typecons : Ternary;
32     static if (hasStaticallyKnownAlignment!Allocator)
33     {
34         static assert(
35                 !stateSize!Prefix || Allocator.alignment >= Prefix.alignof,
36                 "AffixAllocator does not work with allocators offering a smaller"
37                 ~ " alignment than the prefix alignment.");
38     }
39     static assert(alignment % Suffix.alignof == 0,
40         "This restriction could be relaxed in the future.");
42     /**
43     If $(D Prefix) is $(D void), the alignment is that of the parent. Otherwise, the alignment is the same as the $(D Prefix)'s alignment.
44     */
45     static if (hasStaticallyKnownAlignment!Allocator)
46     {
47         enum uint alignment = isPowerOf2(stateSize!Prefix)
48             ? min(stateSize!Prefix, Allocator.alignment)
49             : (stateSize!Prefix ? Prefix.alignof : Allocator.alignment);
50     }
51     else static if (is(Prefix == void))
52     {
53         enum uint alignment = platformAlignment;
54     }
55     else
56     {
57         enum uint alignment = Prefix.alignof;
58     }
60     /**
61     If the parent allocator $(D Allocator) is stateful, an instance of it is
62     stored as a member. Otherwise, $(D AffixAllocator) uses
63     `Allocator.instance`. In either case, the name $(D _parent) is uniformly
64     used for accessing the parent allocator.
65     */
66     static if (stateSize!Allocator)
67     {
68         Allocator _parent;
69         static if (is(Allocator == IAllocator))
70         {
parentAffixAllocator71             Allocator parent()
72             {
73                 if (_parent is null) _parent = theAllocator;
74                 assert(alignment <= _parent.alignment);
75                 return _parent;
76             }
77         }
78         else
79         {
80             alias parent = _parent;
81         }
82     }
83     else
84     {
85         alias parent = Allocator.instance;
86     }
ImplAffixAllocator88     private template Impl()
89     {
91         size_t goodAllocSize(size_t s)
92         {
93             import std.experimental.allocator.common : goodAllocSize;
94             auto a = actualAllocationSize(s);
95             return roundUpToMultipleOf(parent.goodAllocSize(a)
96                     - stateSize!Prefix - stateSize!Suffix,
97                 this.alignment);
98         }
100         private size_t actualAllocationSize(size_t s) const
101         {
102             assert(s > 0);
103             static if (!stateSize!Suffix)
104             {
105                 return s + stateSize!Prefix;
106             }
107             else
108             {
109                 return
110                     roundUpToMultipleOf(s + stateSize!Prefix, Suffix.alignof)
111                     + stateSize!Suffix;
112             }
113         }
115         private void[] actualAllocation(void[] b) const
116         {
117             assert(b !is null);
118             return (b.ptr - stateSize!Prefix)
119                 [0 .. actualAllocationSize(b.length)];
120         }
122         void[] allocate(size_t bytes)
123         {
124             if (!bytes) return null;
125             auto result = parent.allocate(actualAllocationSize(bytes));
126             if (result is null) return null;
127             static if (stateSize!Prefix)
128             {
129                 assert(result.ptr.alignedAt(Prefix.alignof));
130                 emplace!Prefix(cast(Prefix*) result.ptr);
131             }
132             static if (stateSize!Suffix)
133             {
134                 auto suffixP = result.ptr + result.length - Suffix.sizeof;
135                 assert(suffixP.alignedAt(Suffix.alignof));
136                 emplace!Suffix(cast(Suffix*)(suffixP));
137             }
138             return result[stateSize!Prefix .. stateSize!Prefix + bytes];
139         }
141         static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "allocateAll"))
142         void[] allocateAll()
143         {
144             auto result = parent.allocateAll();
145             if (result is null) return null;
146             if (result.length < actualAllocationSize(1))
147             {
148                 deallocate(result);
149                 return null;
150             }
151             static if (stateSize!Prefix)
152             {
153                 assert(result.length > stateSize!Prefix);
154                 emplace!Prefix(cast(Prefix*) result.ptr);
155                 result = result[stateSize!Prefix .. $];
156             }
157             static if (stateSize!Suffix)
158             {
159                 assert(result.length > stateSize!Suffix);
160                 // Ehm, find a properly aligned place for the suffix
161                 auto p = (result.ptr + result.length - stateSize!Suffix)
162                     .alignDownTo(Suffix.alignof);
163                 assert(p > result.ptr);
164                 emplace!Suffix(cast(Suffix*) p);
165                 result = result[0 .. p - result.ptr];
166             }
167             return result;
168         }
170         static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "owns"))
171         Ternary owns(void[] b)
172         {
173             if (b is null) return Ternary.no;
174             return parent.owns(actualAllocation(b));
175         }
177         static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "resolveInternalPointer"))
178         Ternary resolveInternalPointer(const void* p, ref void[] result)
179         {
180             void[] p1;
181             Ternary r = parent.resolveInternalPointer(p, p1);
182             if (r != Ternary.yes || p1 is null)
183                 return r;
184             p1 = p1[stateSize!Prefix .. $];
185             auto p2 = (p1.ptr + p1.length - stateSize!Suffix)
186                       .alignDownTo(Suffix.alignof);
187             result = p1[0 .. p2 - p1.ptr];
188             return Ternary.yes;
189         }
191         static if (!stateSize!Suffix && hasMember!(Allocator, "expand"))
192         bool expand(ref void[] b, size_t delta)
193         {
194             if (!b.ptr) return delta == 0;
195             auto t = actualAllocation(b);
196             const result = parent.expand(t, delta);
197             if (!result) return false;
198             b = b.ptr[0 .. b.length + delta];
199             return true;
200         }
202         static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "reallocate"))
203         bool reallocate(ref void[] b, size_t s)
204         {
205             if (b is null)
206             {
207                 b = allocate(s);
208                 return b.length == s;
209             }
210             auto t = actualAllocation(b);
211             const result = parent.reallocate(t, actualAllocationSize(s));
212             if (!result) return false; // no harm done
213             b = t.ptr[stateSize!Prefix .. stateSize!Prefix + s];
214             return true;
215         }
217         static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "deallocate"))
218         bool deallocate(void[] b)
219         {
220             if (!b.ptr) return true;
221             return parent.deallocate(actualAllocation(b));
222         }
224         /* The following methods are defined if $(D ParentAllocator) defines
225         them, and forward to it: $(D deallocateAll), $(D empty).*/
226         mixin(forwardToMember("parent",
227             "deallocateAll", "empty"));
229         // Computes suffix type given buffer type
230         private template Payload2Affix(Payload, Affix)
231         {
232             static if (is(Payload[] : void[]))
233                 alias Payload2Affix = Affix;
234             else static if (is(Payload[] : shared(void)[]))
235                 alias Payload2Affix = shared Affix;
236             else static if (is(Payload[] : immutable(void)[]))
237                 alias Payload2Affix = shared Affix;
238             else static if (is(Payload[] : const(shared(void))[]))
239                 alias Payload2Affix = shared Affix;
240             else static if (is(Payload[] : const(void)[]))
241                 alias Payload2Affix = const Affix;
242             else
243                 static assert(0, "Internal error for type " ~ Payload.stringof);
244         }
246         // Extra functions
247         static if (stateSize!Prefix)
248         {
249             static auto ref prefix(T)(T[] b)
250             {
251                 assert(b.ptr && b.ptr.alignedAt(Prefix.alignof));
252                 return (cast(Payload2Affix!(T, Prefix)*) b.ptr)[-1];
253             }
254         }
255         static if (stateSize!Suffix)
256             auto ref suffix(T)(T[] b)
257             {
258                 assert(b.ptr);
259                 auto p = b.ptr - stateSize!Prefix
260                     + actualAllocationSize(b.length);
261                 assert(p && p.alignedAt(Suffix.alignof));
262                 return (cast(Payload2Affix!(T, Suffix)*) p)[-1];
263             }
264     }
versionAffixAllocator266     version (StdDdoc)
267     {
268         /**
269         Standard allocator methods. Each is defined if and only if the parent
270         allocator defines the homonym method (except for $(D goodAllocSize),
271         which may use the global default). Also, the methods will be $(D
272         shared) if the parent allocator defines them as such.
273         */
274         size_t goodAllocSize(size_t);
275         /// Ditto
276         void[] allocate(size_t);
277         /// Ditto
278         Ternary owns(void[]);
279         /// Ditto
280         bool expand(ref void[] b, size_t delta);
281         /// Ditto
282         bool reallocate(ref void[] b, size_t s);
283         /// Ditto
284         bool deallocate(void[] b);
285         /// Ditto
286         bool deallocateAll();
287         /// Ditto
288         Ternary empty();
290         /**
291         The `instance` singleton is defined if and only if the parent allocator
292         has no state and defines its own `it` object.
293         */
294         static AffixAllocator instance;
296         /**
297         Affix access functions offering references to the affixes of a
298         block `b` previously allocated with this allocator. `b` may not be null.
299         They are defined if and only if the corresponding affix is not `void`.
301         The qualifiers of the affix are not always the same as the qualifiers
302         of the argument. This is because the affixes are not part of the data
303         itself, but instead are just $(I associated) with the data and known
304         to the allocator. The table below documents the type of `preffix(b)` and
305         `affix(b)` depending on the type of `b`.
307         $(BOOKTABLE Result of `prefix`/`suffix` depending on argument (`U` is
308         any unqualified type, `Affix` is `Prefix` or `Suffix`),
309             $(TR $(TH Argument$(NBSP)Type) $(TH Return) $(TH Comments))
311             $(TR $(TD `shared(U)[]`) $(TD `ref shared Affix`)
312             $(TD Data is shared across threads and the affix follows suit.))
314             $(TR $(TD `immutable(U)[]`) $(TD `ref shared Affix`)
315             $(TD Although the data is immutable, the allocator "knows" the
316             underlying memory is mutable, so `immutable` is elided for the affix
317             which is independent from the data itself. However, the result is
318             `shared` because `immutable` is implicitly shareable so multiple
319             threads may access and manipulate the affix for the same data.))
321             $(TR $(TD `const(shared(U))[]`) $(TD `ref shared Affix`)
322             $(TD The data is always shareable across threads. Even if the data
323             is `const`, the affix is modifiable by the same reasoning as for
324             `immutable`.))
326             $(TR $(TD `const(U)[]`) $(TD `ref const Affix`)
327             $(TD The input may have originated from `U[]` or `immutable(U)[]`,
328             so it may be actually shared or not. Returning an unqualified affix
329             may result in race conditions, whereas returning a `shared` affix
330             may result in inadvertent sharing of mutable thread-local data
331             across multiple threads. So the returned type is conservatively
332             `ref const`.))
334             $(TR $(TD `U[]`) $(TD `ref Affix`)
335             $(TD Unqualified data has unqualified affixes.))
336         )
338         Precondition: `b !is null` and `b` must have been allocated with
339         this allocator.
340         */
341         static ref auto prefix(T)(T[] b);
342         /// Ditto
343         ref auto suffix(T)(T[] b);
344     }
345     else static if (is(typeof(Allocator.instance) == shared))
346     {
347         static shared AffixAllocator instance;
348         shared { mixin Impl!(); }
349     }
350     else
351     {
352         mixin Impl!();
353         static if (stateSize!Allocator == 0)
354             static __gshared AffixAllocator instance;
355     }
356 }
358 ///
359 @system unittest
360 {
361     import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator;
362     // One word before and after each allocation.
363     alias A = AffixAllocator!(Mallocator, size_t, size_t);
364     auto b = A.instance.allocate(11);
365     A.instance.prefix(b) = 0xCAFE_BABE;
366     A.instance.suffix(b) = 0xDEAD_BEEF;
367     assert(A.instance.prefix(b) == 0xCAFE_BABE
368         && A.instance.suffix(b) == 0xDEAD_BEEF);
369 }
371 @system unittest
372 {
373     import std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator : GCAllocator;
374     import std.experimental.allocator : theAllocator, IAllocator;
376     // One word before and after each allocation.
377     auto A = AffixAllocator!(IAllocator, size_t, size_t)(theAllocator);
378     auto a = A.allocate(11);
379     A.prefix(a) = 0xCAFE_BABE;
380     A.suffix(a) = 0xDEAD_BEEF;
381     assert(A.prefix(a) == 0xCAFE_BABE
382         && A.suffix(a) == 0xDEAD_BEEF);
384     // One word before and after each allocation.
385     auto B = AffixAllocator!(IAllocator, size_t, size_t)();
386     auto b = B.allocate(11);
387     B.prefix(b) = 0xCAFE_BABE;
388     B.suffix(b) = 0xDEAD_BEEF;
389     assert(B.prefix(b) == 0xCAFE_BABE
390         && B.suffix(b) == 0xDEAD_BEEF);
391 }
393 @system unittest
394 {
395     import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.bitmapped_block
396         : BitmappedBlock;
397     import std.experimental.allocator.common : testAllocator;
398     testAllocator!({
399         auto a = AffixAllocator!(BitmappedBlock!128, ulong, ulong)
400             (BitmappedBlock!128(new ubyte[128 * 4096]));
401         return a;
402     });
403 }
405 @system unittest
406 {
407     import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator;
408     alias A = AffixAllocator!(Mallocator, size_t);
409     auto b = A.instance.allocate(10);
410     A.instance.prefix(b) = 10;
411     assert(A.instance.prefix(b) == 10);
413     import std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.null_allocator
414         : NullAllocator;
415     alias B = AffixAllocator!(NullAllocator, size_t);
416     b = B.instance.allocate(100);
417     assert(b is null);
418 }
420 @system unittest
421 {
422     import std.experimental.allocator;
423     import std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator;
424     import std.typecons : Ternary;
425     alias MyAllocator = AffixAllocator!(GCAllocator, uint);
426     auto a = MyAllocator.instance.makeArray!(shared int)(100);
427     static assert(is(typeof(&MyAllocator.instance.prefix(a)) == shared(uint)*));
428     auto b = MyAllocator.instance.makeArray!(shared const int)(100);
429     static assert(is(typeof(&MyAllocator.instance.prefix(b)) == shared(uint)*));
430     auto c = MyAllocator.instance.makeArray!(immutable int)(100);
431     static assert(is(typeof(&MyAllocator.instance.prefix(c)) == shared(uint)*));
432     auto d = MyAllocator.instance.makeArray!(int)(100);
433     static assert(is(typeof(&MyAllocator.instance.prefix(d)) == uint*));
434     auto e = MyAllocator.instance.makeArray!(const int)(100);
435     static assert(is(typeof(&MyAllocator.instance.prefix(e)) == const(uint)*));
437     void[] p;
438     assert(MyAllocator.instance.resolveInternalPointer(null, p) == Ternary.no);
439     Ternary r = MyAllocator.instance.resolveInternalPointer(d.ptr, p);
440     assert(p.ptr is d.ptr && p.length >= d.length);
441 }