1 /**
2  *  Copyright Notice:
3  *  Copyright 2021-2022 DMTF. All rights reserved.
4  *  License: BSD 3-Clause License. For full text see link: https://github.com/DMTF/libspdm/blob/main/LICENSE.md
5  **/
10 #include "library/spdm_common_lib.h"
12 /**
14  * to initialize the connection with SPDM responder.
15  *
16  * Before this function, the requester configuration data can be set via libspdm_set_data.
17  * After this function, the negotiated configuration data can be got via libspdm_get_data.
18  *
19  * @param  spdm_context      A pointer to the SPDM context.
20  * @param  get_version_only  If the requester sends GET_VERSION only or not.
21  *
22  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The connection is initialized successfully.
23  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
24  **/
25 libspdm_return_t libspdm_init_connection(void *spdm_context, bool get_version_only);
28 /**
29  * This function sends GET_DIGEST to get all digest of the certificate chains from device.
30  *
31  * TotalDigestSize = sizeof(digest) * count in slot_mask
32  *
33  * @param  spdm_context         A pointer to the SPDM context.
34  * @param  session_id           Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
35  *                              If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
36  *                              If session_id is not NULL, it is a secured message.
37  * @param  slot_mask            Bitmask of the slots that contain certificates.
38  * @param  total_digest_buffer  A pointer to a destination buffer to store the digests.
39  *
41  *         GET_DIGESTS was sent and DIGESTS was received.
43  *         Cannot send GET_DIGESTS due to Requester's state.
45  *         Cannot send GET_DIGESTS because the Requester's and/or Responder's CERT_CAP = 0.
47  *         The size of the DIGESTS response is invalid.
49  *         The DIGESTS response contains one or more invalid fields.
51  *         The Responder returned an unexpected error.
53  *         The Responder continually returned Busy error messages.
55  *         The Responder returned a RequestResynch error message.
57  *         The buffer used to store transcripts is exhausted.
58  **/
59 libspdm_return_t libspdm_get_digest(void *spdm_context, const uint32_t *session_id,
60                                     uint8_t *slot_mask, void *total_digest_buffer);
62 /**
63  * This function sends GET_CERTIFICATE to get certificate chain in one slot from device.
64  *
65  * This function verify the integrity of the certificate chain.
66  * root_hash -> Root certificate -> Intermediate certificate -> Leaf certificate.
67  *
68  * If the peer root certificate hash is deployed,
69  * this function also verifies the digest with the root hash in the certificate chain.
70  *
71  * @param  spdm_context     A pointer to the SPDM context.
72  * @param  session_id       Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
73  *                          If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
74  * @param  slot_id          The number of slot for the certificate chain.
75  * @param  cert_chain_size  On input, indicate the size in bytes of the destination buffer to store the digest buffer.
76  *                          On output, indicate the size in bytes of the certificate chain.
77  * @param  cert_chain       A pointer to a destination buffer to store the certificate chain.
78  *
80  *         GET_CERTIFICATE was sent and CERTIFICATE was received.
82  *         Cannot send GET_CERTIFICATE due to Requester's state.
84  *         Cannot send GET_CERTIFICATE because the Requester's and/or Responder's CERT_CAP = 0.
86  *         The size of the CERTIFICATE response is invalid.
88  *         The CERTIFICATE response contains one or more invalid fields.
90  *         The Responder returned an unexpected error.
92  *         The Responder continually returned Busy error messages.
94  *         The Responder returned a RequestResynch error message.
96  *         The buffer used to store transcripts is exhausted.
98  *         Verification of the certificate chain failed.
100  *         The certificate is unable to be parsed or contains invalid field values.
102  *         A generic cryptography error occurred.
103  **/
104 libspdm_return_t libspdm_get_certificate(void *spdm_context,
105                                          const uint32_t *session_id,
106                                          uint8_t slot_id,
107                                          size_t *cert_chain_size,
108                                          void *cert_chain);
110 /**
111  * This function sends GET_CERTIFICATE to get certificate chain in one slot from device.
112  *
113  * This function verify the integrity of the certificate chain.
114  * root_hash -> Root certificate -> Intermediate certificate -> Leaf certificate.
115  *
116  * If the peer root certificate hash is deployed,
117  * this function also verifies the digest with the root hash in the certificate chain.
118  *
119  * @param  spdm_context       A pointer to the SPDM context.
120  * @param  session_id         Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
121  *                            If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
122  * @param  slot_id            The number of slot for the certificate chain.
123  * @param  cert_chain_size    On input, indicate the size in bytes of the destination buffer to store the digest buffer.
124  *                            On output, indicate the size in bytes of the certificate chain.
125  * @param  cert_chain         A pointer to a destination buffer to store the certificate chain.
126  * @param  trust_anchor       A buffer to hold the trust_anchor which is used to validate the peer certificate, if not NULL.
127  * @param  trust_anchor_size  A buffer to hold the trust_anchor_size, if not NULL.
128  *
129  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The certificate chain is got successfully.
130  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
131  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
132  **/
133 libspdm_return_t libspdm_get_certificate_ex(void *spdm_context,
134                                             const uint32_t *session_id,
135                                             uint8_t slot_id,
136                                             size_t *cert_chain_size,
137                                             void *cert_chain,
138                                             const void **trust_anchor,
139                                             size_t *trust_anchor_size);
142 /**
143  * This function sends CHALLENGE to authenticate the device based upon the key in one slot.
144  *
145  * This function verifies the signature in the challenge auth.
146  *
147  * If basic mutual authentication is requested from the responder,
148  * this function also perform the basic mutual authentication.
149  *
150  * @param  spdm_context           A pointer to the SPDM context.
151  * @param  reserved               Reserved for session_id and is ignored.
152  * @param  slot_id                The number of slot for the challenge.
153  * @param  measurement_hash_type  The type of the measurement hash.
154  * @param  measurement_hash       A pointer to a destination buffer to store the measurement hash.
155  * @param  slot_mask              A pointer to a destination to store the slot mask.
156  *
157  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The challenge auth is got successfully.
158  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
159  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
160  **/
161 libspdm_return_t libspdm_challenge(void *spdm_context, void *reserved,
162                                    uint8_t slot_id,
163                                    uint8_t measurement_hash_type,
164                                    void *measurement_hash,
165                                    uint8_t *slot_mask);
167 /**
168  * This function sends CHALLENGE to authenticate the device based upon the key in one slot.
169  *
170  * This function verifies the signature in the challenge auth.
171  *
172  * If basic mutual authentication is requested from the responder,
173  * this function also performs the basic mutual authentication.
174  *
175  * @param  spdm_context           A pointer to the SPDM context.
176  * @param  reserved               Reserved for session_id and is ignored.
177  * @param  slot_id                The number of slot for the challenge.
178  * @param  measurement_hash_type  The type of the measurement hash.
179  * @param  measurement_hash       A pointer to a destination buffer to store the measurement hash.
180  * @param  slot_mask              A pointer to a destination to store the slot mask.
181  * @param  requester_nonce_in     A buffer to hold the requester nonce (32 bytes) as input, if not NULL.
182  * @param  requester_nonce        A buffer to hold the requester nonce (32 bytes), if not NULL.
183  * @param  responder_nonce        A buffer to hold the responder nonce (32 bytes), if not NULL.
184  * @param  opaque_data            A buffer to hold the responder opaque data, if not NULL.
185  * @param  opaque_data_size       On input, the size of the opaque data buffer.
186  *                                Responder opaque data should be less than 1024 bytes.
187  *                                On output, the size of the opaque data.
188  **/
189 libspdm_return_t libspdm_challenge_ex(void *spdm_context, void *reserved,
190                                       uint8_t slot_id,
191                                       uint8_t measurement_hash_type,
192                                       void *measurement_hash,
193                                       uint8_t *slot_mask,
194                                       const void *requester_nonce_in,
195                                       void *requester_nonce,
196                                       void *responder_nonce,
197                                       void *opaque_data,
198                                       size_t *opaque_data_size);
200 /**
201  * This function sends GET_MEASUREMENT
202  * to get measurement from the device.
203  *
204  * If the signature is requested, this function verifies the signature of the measurement.
205  *
206  * @param  spdm_context               A pointer to the SPDM context.
207  * @param  session_id                 Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
208  *                                    If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
209  *                                    If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
210  * @param  request_attribute          The request attribute of the request message.
211  * @param  measurement_operation      The measurement operation of the request message.
212  * @param  slot_id                    The number of slot for the certificate chain.
213  * @param  content_changed            The measurement content changed output param.
214  * @param  number_of_blocks           The number of blocks of the measurement record.
215  * @param  measurement_record_length  On input, indicate the size in bytes of the destination buffer to store the measurement record.
216  *                                    On output, indicate the size in bytes of the measurement record.
217  * @param  measurement_record         A pointer to a destination buffer to store the measurement record.
218  *
219  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The measurement is got successfully.
220  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
221  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
222  **/
223 libspdm_return_t libspdm_get_measurement(void *spdm_context, const uint32_t *session_id,
224                                          uint8_t request_attribute,
225                                          uint8_t measurement_operation,
226                                          uint8_t slot_id,
227                                          uint8_t *content_changed,
228                                          uint8_t *number_of_blocks,
229                                          uint32_t *measurement_record_length,
230                                          void *measurement_record);
232 /**
233  * This function sends GET_MEASUREMENT to get measurement from the device.
234  *
235  * If the signature is requested, this function verifies the signature of the measurement.
236  *
237  * @param  spdm_context               A pointer to the SPDM context.
238  * @param  session_id                 Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
239  *                                    If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
240  *                                    If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
241  * @param  request_attribute          The request attribute of the request message.
242  * @param  measurement_operation      The measurement operation of the request message.
243  * @param  slot_id                    The number of slot for the certificate chain.
244  * @param  content_changed            The measurement content changed output param.
245  * @param  number_of_blocks           The number of blocks of the measurement record.
246  * @param  measurement_record_length  On input, indicate the size in bytes of the destination buffer to store the measurement record.
247  *                                    On output, indicate the size in bytes of the measurement record.
248  * @param  measurement_record         A pointer to a destination buffer to store the measurement record.
249  * @param  requester_nonce_in         A buffer to hold the requester nonce (32 bytes) as input, if not NULL.
250  * @param  requester_nonce            A buffer to hold the requester nonce (32 bytes), if not NULL.
251  * @param  responder_nonce            A buffer to hold the responder nonce (32 bytes), if not NULL.
252  * @param  opaque_data                A buffer to hold the responder opaque data, if not NULL.
253  * @param  opaque_data_size           On input, the size of the opaque data buffer.
254  *                                    Responder opaque data should be less than 1024 bytes.
255  *                                    On output, the size of the opaque data.
256  **/
257 libspdm_return_t libspdm_get_measurement_ex(void *spdm_context, const uint32_t *session_id,
258                                             uint8_t request_attribute,
259                                             uint8_t measurement_operation,
260                                             uint8_t slot_id,
261                                             uint8_t *content_changed,
262                                             uint8_t *number_of_blocks,
263                                             uint32_t *measurement_record_length,
264                                             void *measurement_record,
265                                             const void *requester_nonce_in,
266                                             void *requester_nonce,
267                                             void *responder_nonce,
268                                             void *opaque_data,
269                                             size_t *opaque_data_size);
272 /**
274  * to start an SPDM Session.
275  *
276  * If encapsulated mutual authentication is requested from the responder,
277  * this function also perform the encapsulated mutual authentication.
278  *
279  * @param  spdm_context           A pointer to the SPDM context.
280  * @param  use_psk                False means to use KEY_EXCHANGE/FINISH to start a session.
281  *                                True means to use PSK_EXCHANGE/PSK_FINISH to start a session.
282  * @param  psk_hint               The psk_hint in PSK_EXCHANGE. It is ignored if use_psk is false.
283  * @param  psk_hint_size          The size in bytes of psk_hint. It is ignored if use_psk is false.
284  * @param  measurement_hash_type  The type of the measurement hash.
285  * @param  slot_id                The number of slot for the certificate chain.
286  * @param  session_policy         The policy for the session.
287  * @param  session_id             The session ID of the session.
288  * @param  heartbeat_period       The heartbeat period for the session.
289  * @param  measurement_hash       A pointer to a destination buffer to store the measurement hash.
290  *
291  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The SPDM session is started.
292  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
293  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
294  **/
295 libspdm_return_t libspdm_start_session(void *spdm_context, bool use_psk,
296                                        const void *psk_hint,
297                                        uint16_t psk_hint_size,
298                                        uint8_t measurement_hash_type,
299                                        uint8_t slot_id,
300                                        uint8_t session_policy,
301                                        uint32_t *session_id,
302                                        uint8_t *heartbeat_period,
303                                        void *measurement_hash);
305 /**
306  * This function sends KEY_EXCHANGE/FINISH or PSK_EXCHANGE/PSK_FINISH to start an SPDM Session.
307  *
308  * If encapsulated mutual authentication is requested from the responder,
309  * this function also perform the encapsulated mutual authentication.
310  *
311  * @param  spdm_context               A pointer to the SPDM context.
312  * @param  use_psk                    False means to use KEY_EXCHANGE/FINISH to start a session.
313  *                                    True means to use PSK_EXCHANGE/PSK_FINISH to start a session.
314  * @param  psk_hint                   The psk_hint in PSK_EXCHANGE. It is ignored if use_psk is false.
315  * @param  psk_hint_size              The size in bytes of psk_hint. It is ignored if use_psk is false.
316  * @param  measurement_hash_type      The type of the measurement hash.
317  * @param  slot_id                    The number of slot for the certificate chain.
318  * @param  session_policy             The policy for the session.
319  * @param  session_id                 The session ID of the session.
320  * @param  heartbeat_period           The heartbeat period for the session.
321  * @param  measurement_hash           A pointer to a destination buffer to store the measurement hash.
322  * @param  requester_random_in        A buffer to hold the requester random as input, if not NULL.
323  * @param  requester_random_in_size   The size of requester_random_in.
324  *                                    If use_psk is false, it must be 32 bytes.
325  *                                    If use_psk is true, it means the PSK context and must be 32 bytes at least,
326  *                                    but not exceed LIBSPDM_PSK_CONTEXT_LENGTH.
327  * @param  requester_random           A buffer to hold the requester random, if not NULL.
328  * @param  requester_random_size      On input, the size of requester_random buffer.
329  *                                    On output, the size of data returned in requester_random buffer.
330  *                                    If use_psk is false, it must be 32 bytes.
331  *                                    If use_psk is true, it means the PSK context and must be 32 bytes at least.
332  * @param  responder_random           A buffer to hold the responder random, if not NULL.
333  * @param  responder_random_size      On input, the size of requester_random buffer.
334  *                                    On output, the size of data returned in requester_random buffer.
335  *                                    If use_psk is false, it must be 32 bytes.
336  *                                    If use_psk is true, it means the PSK context. It could be 0 if device does not support context.
337  * @param  requester_opaque_data      A buffer to hold the requester opaque data, if not NULL.
338  *                                    If not NULL, this function will not generate any opaque data,
339  *                                    including secured message versions.
340  * @param  requester_opaque_data_size The size of the opaque data, if requester_opaque_data is not NULL.
341  * @param  responder_opaque_data      A buffer to hold the responder opaque data, if not NULL.
342  * @param  responder_opaque_data_size On input, the size of the opaque data buffer.
343  *                                    Opaque data should be less than 1024 bytes.
344  *                                    On output, the size of the opaque data.
345  **/
346 libspdm_return_t libspdm_start_session_ex(void *spdm_context, bool use_psk,
347                                           const void *psk_hint,
348                                           uint16_t psk_hint_size,
349                                           uint8_t measurement_hash_type,
350                                           uint8_t slot_id,
351                                           uint8_t session_policy,
352                                           uint32_t *session_id,
353                                           uint8_t *heartbeat_period,
354                                           void *measurement_hash,
355                                           const void *requester_random_in,
356                                           size_t requester_random_in_size,
357                                           void *requester_random,
358                                           size_t *requester_random_size,
359                                           void *responder_random,
360                                           size_t *responder_random_size,
361                                           const void *requester_opaque_data,
362                                           size_t requester_opaque_data_size,
363                                           void *responder_opaque_data,
364                                           size_t *responder_opaque_data_size);
366 /**
367  * This function sends END_SESSION to stop an SPDM Session.
368  *
369  * @param  spdm_context            A pointer to the SPDM context.
370  * @param  session_id              The session ID of the session.
371  * @param  end_session_attributes  The end session attribute for the session.
372  *
373  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The SPDM session is stopped.
374  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
375  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
376  **/
377 libspdm_return_t libspdm_stop_session(void *spdm_context, uint32_t session_id,
378                                       uint8_t end_session_attributes);
381 /**
382  * Send an SPDM or APP message.
383  *
384  * The SPDM message can be a normal message or a secured message in SPDM session.
385  *
386  * The APP message is encoded to a secured message directly in SPDM session.
387  * The APP message format is defined by the transport layer.
388  * Take MCTP as example: APP message == MCTP header (MCTP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SPDM) + SPDM message
389  *
390  * @param  spdm_context    A pointer to the SPDM context.
391  * @param  session_id      Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
392  *                         If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
393  *                         If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
394  * @param  is_app_message  Indicates if it is an APP message or SPDM message.
395  * @param  request         A pointer to the request data.
396  * @param  request_size    Size in bytes of the request data.
397  **/
398 libspdm_return_t libspdm_send_data(void *spdm_context, const uint32_t *session_id,
399                                    bool is_app_message,
400                                    const void *request, size_t request_size);
402 /**
403  * Receive an SPDM or APP message.
404  *
405  * The SPDM message can be a normal message or a secured message in SPDM session.
406  *
407  * The APP message is encoded to a secured message directly in SPDM session.
408  * The APP message format is defined by the transport layer.
409  * Take MCTP as example: APP message == MCTP header (MCTP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SPDM) + SPDM message
410  *
411  * @param  spdm_context    A pointer to the SPDM context.
412  * @param  session_id      Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
413  *                         If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
414  *                         If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
415  * @param  is_app_message  Indicates if it is an APP message or SPDM message.
416  * @param  response        A pointer to the response data.
417  * @param  response_size   Size in bytes of the response data.
418  *                         On input, it means the size in bytes of response data buffer.
419  *                         On output, it means the size in bytes of copied response data buffer if
420  *                         LIBSPDM_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned, and means the size in bytes of
421  *                         desired response data buffer if LIBSPDM_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is
422  *                         returned.
423  **/
424 libspdm_return_t libspdm_receive_data(void *spdm_context, const uint32_t *session_id,
425                                       bool is_app_message,
426                                       void *response, size_t *response_size);
428 /**
429  * Send and receive an SPDM or APP message.
430  *
431  * The SPDM message can be a normal message or a secured message in SPDM session.
432  *
433  * The APP message is encoded to a secured message directly in SPDM session.
434  * The APP message format is defined by the transport layer.
435  * Take MCTP as example: APP message == MCTP header (MCTP_MESSAGE_TYPE_SPDM) + SPDM message
436  *
437  * @param  spdm_context    A pointer to the SPDM context.
438  * @param  session_id      Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
439  *                         If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
440  *                         If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
441  * @param  is_app_message  Indicates if it is an APP message or SPDM message.
442  * @param  request         A pointer to the request data.
443  * @param  request_size    Size in bytes of the request data.
444  * @param  response        A pointer to the response data.
445  * @param  response_size   Size in bytes of the response data.
446  *                         On input, it means the size in bytes of response data buffer.
447  *                         On output, it means the size in bytes of copied response data buffer if
448  *                         LIBSPDM_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned, and means the size in bytes of
449  *                         desired response data buffer if LIBSPDM_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is
450  *                         returned.
451  **/
452 libspdm_return_t libspdm_send_receive_data(void *spdm_context,
453                                            const uint32_t *session_id,
454                                            bool is_app_message,
455                                            const void *request, size_t request_size,
456                                            void *response, size_t *response_size);
458 /**
459  * This function sends HEARTBEAT
460  * to an SPDM Session.
461  *
462  * @param  spdm_context  A pointer to the SPDM context.
463  * @param  session_id    The session ID of the session.
464  *
465  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The heartbeat is sent and received.
466  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
467  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
468  **/
469 libspdm_return_t libspdm_heartbeat(void *spdm_context, uint32_t session_id);
471 /**
472  * This function sends KEY_UPDATE
473  * to update keys for an SPDM Session.
474  *
475  * After keys are updated, this function also uses VERIFY_NEW_KEY to verify the key.
476  *
477  * @param  spdm_context      A pointer to the SPDM context.
478  * @param  session_id        The session ID of the session.
479  * @param  single_direction  true means the operation is UPDATE_KEY.
480  *                           false means the operation is UPDATE_ALL_KEYS.
481  *
482  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The keys of the session are updated.
483  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
484  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
485  **/
486 libspdm_return_t libspdm_key_update(void *spdm_context, uint32_t session_id, bool single_direction);
488 /**
489  * This function executes a series of SPDM encapsulated requests and receives SPDM encapsulated responses.
490  *
491  * This function starts with the first encapsulated request (such as GET_ENCAPSULATED_REQUEST)
492  * and ends with last encapsulated response (such as RESPONSE_PAYLOAD_TYPE_ABSENT or RESPONSE_PAYLOAD_TYPE_SLOT_NUMBER).
493  *
494  * @param  spdm_context  A pointer to the SPDM context.
495  * @param  session_id    Indicate if the encapsulated request is a secured message.
496  *                       If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
497  *                       If session_id is not NULL, it is a secured message.
498  *
499  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The SPDM Encapsulated requests are sent and the responses are received.
500  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
501  **/
502 libspdm_return_t libspdm_send_receive_encap_request(void *spdm_context, const uint32_t *session_id);
504 /**
505  * Process the encapsulated request and return the encapsulated response.
506  *
507  * @param  spdm_context        A pointer to the SPDM context.
508  * @param  spdm_request_size   Size in bytes of the request data.
509  * @param  spdm_request        A pointer to the request data.
510  * @param  spdm_response_size  Size in bytes of the response data.
511  *                             On input, it means the size in bytes of response data buffer.
512  *                             On output, it means the size in bytes of copied response data buffer if RETURN_SUCCESS is returned,
513  *                             and means the size in bytes of desired response data buffer if RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.
514  * @param  spdm_response       A pointer to the response data.
515  *
516  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The request is processed and the response is returned.
517  * @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL      The buffer is too small to hold the data.
518  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
519  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
520  **/
521 typedef libspdm_return_t (*libspdm_get_encap_response_func)(
522     void *spdm_context, size_t spdm_request_size,
523     void *spdm_request, size_t *spdm_response_size,
524     void *spdm_response);
526 /**
527  * Register an SPDM encapsulated message process function.
528  *
529  * If the default encapsulated message process function cannot handle the encapsulated message,
530  * this function will be invoked.
531  *
532  * @param  spdm_context             A pointer to the SPDM context.
533  * @param  get_encap_response_func  The function to process the encapsuled message.
534  **/
535 void libspdm_register_get_encap_response_func(void *spdm_context,
536                                               const libspdm_get_encap_response_func
537                                               get_encap_response_func);
539 /**
540  * Generate encapsulated ERROR message.
541  *
542  * This function can be called in libspdm_get_encap_response_func.
543  *
544  * @param  spdm_context        A pointer to the SPDM context.
545  * @param  error_code          The error code of the message.
546  * @param  error_data          The error data of the message.
547  * @param  spdm_response_size  Size in bytes of the response data.
548  *                             On input, it means the size in bytes of data buffer.
549  *                             On output, it means the size in bytes of copied data buffer if RETURN_SUCCESS is returned,
550  *                             and means the size in bytes of desired data buffer if RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.
551  * @param  spdm_response       A pointer to the response data.
552  *
553  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The error message is generated.
554  * @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL      The buffer is too small to hold the data.
555  **/
556 libspdm_return_t libspdm_generate_encap_error_response(
557     const void *spdm_context, uint8_t error_code, uint8_t error_data,
558     size_t *spdm_response_size, void *spdm_response);
560 /**
561  * Generate encapsulated ERROR message with extended error data.
562  *
563  * This function can be called in libspdm_get_encap_response_func.
564  *
565  * @param  spdm_context              A pointer to the SPDM context.
566  * @param  error_code                The error code of the message.
567  * @param  error_data                The error data of the message.
568  * @param  extended_error_data_size  The size in bytes of the extended error data.
569  * @param  extended_error_data       A pointer to the extended error data.
570  * @param  spdm_response_size        Size in bytes of the response data.
571  *                                   On input, it means the size in bytes of response data buffer.
572  *                                   On output, it means the size in bytes of copied response data buffer if RETURN_SUCCESS is returned,
573  *                                   and means the size in bytes of desired response data buffer if RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned.
574  * @param  spdm_response             A pointer to the response data.
575  *
576  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The error message is generated.
577  * @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL      The buffer is too small to hold the data.
578  **/
579 libspdm_return_t libspdm_generate_encap_extended_error_response(
580     const void *spdm_context, uint8_t error_code, uint8_t error_data,
581     size_t extended_error_data_size, const uint8_t *extended_error_data,
582     size_t *spdm_response_size, void *spdm_response);
585 /**
586  * This function sends GET_CSR
587  * to get csr from the device.
588  *
589  * @param[in]  context                A pointer to the SPDM context.
590  * @param[in]  session_id             Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
591  *                                    If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
592  *                                    If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
593  * @param[in]  requester_info         Requester info to gen CSR
594  * @param[in]  requester_info_length  The length of requester info
595  * @param[in]  opaque_data            Opaque data from requester.
596  * @param[in]  opaque_data_length     The length of opaque_data.
597  * @param[out] csr                    Address to store CSR.
598  * @param[out] csr_len                On input, *csr_len indicates the max csr buffer size.
599  *                                    On output, *csr_len indicates the actual csr buffer size.
600  **/
601 libspdm_return_t libspdm_get_csr(void *spdm_context,
602                                  const uint32_t *session_id,
603                                  void *requester_info, uint16_t requester_info_length,
604                                  void *opaque_data, uint16_t opaque_data_length,
605                                  void *csr, size_t *csr_len);
609 /**
610  * This function try to send SET_CERTIFICATE
611  * to set certificate from the device.
612  *
613  * @param  context          A pointer to the SPDM context.
614  * @param  session_id       Indicates if it is a secured message protected via SPDM session.
615  *                          If session_id is NULL, it is a normal message.
616  *                          If session_id is NOT NULL, it is a secured message.
617  * @param  slot_id          The number of slot for the certificate chain.
618  * @param  cert_chain       The pointer for the certificate chain to set.
619  *                          The cert chain is a full SPDM certificate chain, including Length and Root Cert Hash.
620  * @param  cert_chain_size  The size of the certificate chain to set.
621  *
622  * @retval RETURN_SUCCESS               The measurement is got successfully.
623  * @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR          A device error occurs when communicates with the device.
624  * @retval RETURN_SECURITY_VIOLATION    Any verification fails.
625  **/
626 libspdm_return_t libspdm_set_certificate(void *spdm_context,
627                                          const uint32_t *session_id, uint8_t slot_id,
628                                          void *cert_chain, size_t cert_chain_size);
633 /* For now these functions are only available to the Requester. They may become available to the
634  * Responder at a later time.
635  */
637 /**
638  * This function initializes message logging. The caller must provide a buffer and the buffer's
639  * size.
640  *
641  * @param  context          A pointer to the SPDM context.
642  * @param  msg_buffer       A pointer to a caller-provided buffer.
643  * @param  msg_buffer_size  The size of the buffer in bytes. It must be greater than zero.
644  **/
645 void libspdm_init_msg_log (void *spdm_context, void *msg_buffer, size_t msg_buffer_size);
647 /**
648  * This function sets the mode in which the message logger operates.
649  *
650  * @param  context A pointer to the SPDM context.
651  * @param  mode    A bitmask specifying the mode in which the message logger operates.
652  *                 LIBSPDM_MSG_LOG_MODE_ENABLE - when set the message logger is active.
653  */
654 void libspdm_set_msg_log_mode (void *spdm_context, uint32_t mode);
656 /**
657  * This function returns the status of the message logger.
658  *
659  * @param  context  A pointer to the SPDM context.
660  *
661  * @retval uint32_t A bitmask giving the status of the message logger.
662  *                  LIBSPDM_MSG_LOG_STATUS_BUFFER_FULL - if set the message logging buffer has
663  *                                                       reached capacity.
664  */
665 uint32_t libspdm_get_msg_log_status (void *spdm_context);
667 /**
668  * This function returns the size of the message log.
669  *
670  * @param  context  A pointer to the SPDM context.
671  * @retval size_t   The size of the message log in bytes.
672  */
673 size_t libspdm_get_msg_log_size (void *spdm_context);
675 /**
676  * This function resets the message log while retaining the message buffer and maximum size given in
677  * libspdm_init_msg_log.
678  *
679  * @param context  A pointer to the SPDM context.
680  */
681 void libspdm_reset_msg_log (void *spdm_context);
682 #endif /* LIBSPDM_ENABLE_MSG_LOG */
684 #endif /* SPDM_REQUESTER_LIB_H */