2 /*
3 * server.c Set up and handle communications with a server process.
4 *
5 * Server Handling copyright 1992-1999, 2001 The Free Software Foundation
6 *
7 * Server Handling is free software.
8 * You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
9 * GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
10 * Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
11 *
12 * Server Handling is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with Server Handling. See the file "COPYING". If not,
19 * write to: The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
20 * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
21 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
22 *
23 * As a special exception, The Free Software Foundation gives
24 * permission for additional uses of the text contained in his release
25 * of ServerHandler.
26 *
27 * The exception is that, if you link the ServerHandler library with other
28 * files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
29 * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
30 * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
31 * linking the ServerHandler library code into it.
32 *
33 * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
34 * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
35 *
36 * This exception applies only to the code released by The Free
37 * Software Foundation under the name ServerHandler. If you copy code
38 * from other sources under the General Public License into a copy of
39 * ServerHandler, as the General Public License permits, the exception
40 * does not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid
41 * misleading anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must
42 * delete this exception notice from them.
43 *
44 * If you write modifications of your own for ServerHandler, it is your
45 * choice whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
46 * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
47 */
48 #include "auto-host.h"
50 #include "ansidecl.h"
51 #include "system.h"
52 #include <signal.h>
54 #include "server.h"
56 #if !defined(volatile) && !defined(HAVE_VOLATILE)
57 # define volatile
58 #endif
60 STATIC volatile enum t_bool read_pipe_timeout;
61 STATIC pid_t server_master_pid = NOPROCESS;
63 tSCC* def_args[] =
64 { (char *) NULL, (char *) NULL };
65 STATIC t_pf_pair server_pair =
66 { (FILE *) NULL, (FILE *) NULL };
67 STATIC pid_t server_id = NULLPROCESS;
68 /*
69 * Arbitrary text that should not be found in the shell output.
70 * It must be a single line and appear verbatim at the start of
71 * the terminating output line.
72 */
73 tSCC z_done[] = "ShElL-OuTpUt-HaS-bEeN-cOmPlEtEd";
74 tSCC* p_cur_dir = (char *) NULL;
76 /*
77 * load_data
78 *
79 * Read data from a file pointer (a pipe to a process in this context)
80 * until we either get EOF or we get a marker line back.
81 * The read data are stored in a malloc-ed string that is truncated
82 * to size at the end. Input is assumed to be an ASCII string.
83 */
84 static char *load_data PARAMS ((FILE *));
85 static char *
load_data(fp)86 load_data (fp)
87 FILE *fp;
88 {
89 char *pz_text;
90 size_t text_size;
91 char *pz_scan;
92 char z_line[1024];
93 t_bool got_done = BOOL_FALSE;
95 text_size = sizeof (z_line) * 2;
96 pz_scan = pz_text = xmalloc (text_size);
98 for (;;)
99 {
100 size_t used_ct;
102 alarm (10);
103 read_pipe_timeout = BOOL_FALSE;
104 if (fgets (z_line, sizeof (z_line), fp) == (char *) NULL)
105 break;
107 if (strncmp (z_line, z_done, sizeof (z_done) - 1) == 0)
108 {
109 got_done = BOOL_TRUE;
110 break;
111 }
113 strcpy (pz_scan, z_line);
114 pz_scan += strlen (z_line);
115 used_ct = (size_t) (pz_scan - pz_text);
117 if (text_size - used_ct < sizeof (z_line))
118 {
119 size_t off = (size_t) (pz_scan - pz_text);
121 text_size += 4096;
122 pz_text = xrealloc ((void *) pz_text, text_size);
123 pz_scan = pz_text + off;
124 }
125 }
127 alarm (0);
128 if (read_pipe_timeout || ! got_done)
129 {
130 free ((void *) pz_text);
131 return (char *) NULL;
132 }
134 while ((pz_scan > pz_text) && ISSPACE (pz_scan[-1]))
135 pz_scan--;
136 *pz_scan = NUL;
137 return xrealloc ((void *) pz_text, strlen (pz_text) + 1);
138 }
141 /*
142 * close_server
143 *
144 * Make certain the server process is dead, close the
145 * pipes to it and from it, finally NULL out the file pointers
146 */
147 void
close_server()148 close_server ()
149 {
150 if ( (server_id != NULLPROCESS)
151 && (server_master_pid == getpid ()))
152 {
153 kill ((pid_t) server_id, SIGKILL);
154 server_id = NULLPROCESS;
155 server_master_pid = NOPROCESS;
156 fclose (server_pair.pf_read);
157 fclose (server_pair.pf_write);
158 server_pair.pf_read = server_pair.pf_write = (FILE *) NULL;
159 }
160 }
162 /*
163 * sig_handler really only handles the timeout and pipe signals.
164 * This ensures that we do not wait forever on a request
165 * to our server, and also that if the server dies, we do not
166 * die from a sigpipe problem.
167 */
168 static void sig_handler PARAMS ((int));
169 static void
sig_handler(signo)170 sig_handler (signo)
171 int signo ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED;
172 {
173 #ifdef DEBUG
174 /* FIXME: this is illegal to do in a signal handler. */
175 fprintf (stderr,
176 "fixincl ERROR: sig_handler: killed pid %ld due to %s\n",
177 (long) server_id, signo == SIGPIPE ? "SIGPIPE" : "SIGALRM");
178 #endif
179 close_server ();
180 read_pipe_timeout = BOOL_TRUE;
181 }
184 /*
185 * server_setup Establish the signal handler for PIPE and ALARM.
186 * Also establishes the current directory to give to the
187 * server process at the start of every server command.
188 */
189 static void server_setup PARAMS ((void));
190 static void
server_setup()191 server_setup ()
192 {
193 static int atexit_done = 0;
195 if (atexit_done++ == 0)
196 atexit (close_server);
197 else
198 fputs ("NOTE: server restarted\n", stderr);
200 server_master_pid = getpid ();
202 signal (SIGPIPE, sig_handler);
203 signal (SIGALRM, sig_handler);
205 fputs ("trap : 1\n", server_pair.pf_write);
206 fflush (server_pair.pf_write);
207 p_cur_dir = getcwd ((char *) NULL, MAXPATHLEN + 1);
208 }
210 /*
211 * find_shell
212 *
213 * Locate a shell suitable for use. For various reasons
214 * (like the use of "trap" in server_setup(), it must be a
215 * Bourne-like shell.
216 *
217 * Most of the time, /bin/sh is preferred, but sometimes
218 * it's quite broken (like on Ultrix). autoconf lets you
219 * override with $CONFIG_SHELL, so we do the same.
220 */
222 static const char *find_shell PARAMS ((void));
223 static const char *
find_shell()224 find_shell ()
225 {
226 char * shell = getenv ("CONFIG_SHELL");
227 if (shell)
228 return shell;
230 return "/bin/sh";
231 }
234 /*
235 * run_shell
236 *
237 * Run a shell command on the server. The command string
238 * passed in is wrapped inside the sequence:
239 *
240 * cd <original directory>
241 * <command string>
242 * echo
243 * echo <end-of-command-marker>
244 *
245 * This ensures that all commands start at a known place in
246 * the directory structure, that any incomplete output lines
247 * are completed and that our special marker sequence appears on
248 * a line by itself. We have chosen a marker that is
249 * excessively unlikely to be reproduced in normal output:
250 *
251 * "ShElL-OuTpUt-HaS-bEeN-cOmPlEtEd"
252 */
253 char *
run_shell(pz_cmd)254 run_shell (pz_cmd)
255 const char *pz_cmd;
256 {
257 tSCC zNoServer[] = "Server not running, cannot run:\n%s\n\n";
258 t_bool retry = BOOL_TRUE;
260 do_retry:
261 /* IF the shell server process is not running yet,
262 THEN try to start it. */
263 if (server_id == NULLPROCESS)
264 {
265 def_args[0] = find_shell ();
267 server_id = proc2_fopen (&server_pair, def_args);
268 if (server_id > 0)
269 server_setup ();
270 }
272 /* IF it is still not running, THEN return the nil string. */
273 if (server_id <= 0)
274 {
275 fprintf (stderr, zNoServer, pz_cmd);
276 return xcalloc (1, 1);
277 }
279 /* Make sure the process will pay attention to us, send the
280 supplied command, and then have it output a special marker that
281 we can find. */
282 fprintf (server_pair.pf_write, "cd %s\n%s\n\necho\necho %s\n",
283 p_cur_dir, pz_cmd, z_done);
284 fflush (server_pair.pf_write);
286 /* IF the server died and we received a SIGPIPE,
287 THEN return an empty string. */
288 if (server_id == NULLPROCESS)
289 {
290 fprintf (stderr, zNoServer, pz_cmd);
291 return xcalloc (1, 1);
292 }
294 /* Now try to read back all the data. If we fail due to either a
295 sigpipe or sigalrm (timeout), we will return the nil string. */
296 {
297 char *pz = load_data (server_pair.pf_read);
299 if (pz == (char *) NULL)
300 {
301 close_server ();
303 if (retry)
304 {
305 retry = BOOL_FALSE;
306 goto do_retry;
307 }
309 fprintf (stderr, "CLOSING SHELL SERVER - command failure:\n\t%s\n",
310 pz_cmd);
311 pz = xcalloc (1, 1);
312 }
313 #ifdef DEBUG
314 fprintf( stderr, "run_shell command success: %s\n", pz );
315 #endif
316 return pz;
317 }
318 }