1SHIFT_BASIC(1) General Commands Manual SHIFT_BASIC(1) 2 3NNAAMMEE 4 sshhiifftt--bbaassiicc - the shift request 5 6DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN 7 original arguments: oonnee_t_w_otthhrreeee_f_o_u_rffiivvee 8 9 after shift 2: tthhrreeee_f_o_u_rffiivvee 10 11 after shift without argument: ffoouurr_f_i_v_e 12 13 after shift 0: ffoouurr_f_i_v_e 14 15 expand to less than three bytes: <1> 16 17 expand to exactly three bytes: <x y> 18 19 expand to more than three bytes: <a longer argument... and another> 20 21OpenBSD August 23, 2018 SHIFT_BASIC(1) 22