1 #ifndef lint
2 static char *sccsid ="inter.c	(CWI)	1.1	85/03/01";
3 #endif
4 #include "ideal.h"
5 #include "y.tab.h"
llinter(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,w1,z2,w2,alpha,beta,collinear)7 boolean llinter (x1,y1, x2,y2, z1,w1, z2,w2, alpha, beta, collinear)
8 	/* if this function returns TRUE,
9 	/* then alpha[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] = beta[(z1,w1),(z2,w2)] */
10 float x1,y1, x2,y2, z1,w1, z2,w2;
11 float *alpha;
12 float *beta;
13 boolean *collinear;
14 {
15 	float A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, D, x, y;
16 	dprintf "(%f,%f) -- (%f,%f)\n", x1,y1, x2,y2);
17 	dprintf "(%f,%f) -- (%f,%f)\n", z1,w1, z2,w2);
18 	A1 = y1 - y2;
19 	B1 = x2 - x1;
20 	C1 = -B1*y1 - A1*x1;
21 	A2 = w1 - w2;
22 	B2 = z2 - z1;
23 	C2 = -B2*w1 - A2*z1;
24 	D = A1*B2 - A2*B1;
25 	if (fabs(D) < EPSILON) {
26 		*collinear = arecollinear(x1,y1,x2,y2,z1,w1);
27 		dprintf "%s\n", (*collinear)?"coincident":"disjoint");
28 		return (FALSE);
29 	}
30 	*collinear = FALSE;
31 	x = (B1*C2 - B2*C1)/D;
32 	y = (A2*C1 - A1*C2)/D;
33 	if (fabs(x2 - x1) > EPSILON) {
34 		*alpha = (x - x1)/(x2 - x1);
35 	} else if (fabs(y2 - y1) > EPSILON) {
36 		*alpha = (y - y1)/(y2 - y1);
37 	} else fprintf (stderr, "ideal: llinter: can't happen\n");
38 	if (fabs(z2 - z1) > EPSILON) {
39 		*beta = (x - z1)/(z2 - z1);
40 	} else if (fabs(w2 - w1) > EPSILON) {
41 		*beta = (y - w1)/(w2 - w1);
42 	} else fprintf (stderr, "ideal: llinter: can't happen\n");
43 	dprintf "intersection alpha = %f; beta = %f\n", *alpha, *beta);
44 	return (TRUE);
45 } /* llinter */
lcinter(x1,y1,x2,y2,x0,y0,r,alpha1,theta1,alpha2,theta2)47 boolean lcinter (x1,y1, x2,y2, x0,y0, r, alpha1,theta1, alpha2,theta2)
48 	/* if this function returns TRUE,
49 	/* then alpha1[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] = (x0,y0) + r*cis(theta1)
50 	/* and alpha2[(x1,y1),(x2,y2)] = (x0,y0) + r*cis(theta2) */
51 float x1,y1, x2,y2, x0,y0, r;
52 float *alpha1;
53 float *theta1;
54 float *alpha2;
55 float *theta2;
56 {
57 	float dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2;
58 	float A, B, C, D;
60 	dprintf "intersection parameters:\n");
61 	dprintf "%f, %f -- %f, %f\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
62 	dprintf "%f, %f (%f)\n", x0, y0, r);
63 	r = fabs(r);
64 	dx1 = x1 - x0;
65 	dx2 = x2 - x1;
66 	dy1 = y1 - y0;
67 	dy2 = y2 - y1;
68 	A = dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2;
69 	dprintf "A=%f\n", A);
70 	if (A < EPSILON) {
71 		if (fabs (hypot (dx1, dy1) - r) < EPSILON) {
72 			*alpha1 = *alpha2 = 0.0;
73 			*theta1 = atan2 (dy1, dx1);
74 			*theta2 = *theta1 = rprin (*theta1);
75 			dprintf "alpha1 = alpha2 = %f theta1 = theta2 = %f\n",
76 				*alpha1, *theta1);
77 			return (TRUE);
78 		}
79 		else
80 			return (FALSE);
81 	}
82 	B = 2*(dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2);
83 	C = dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1 - r*r;
84 	D = B*B - 4*A*C;
85 	dprintf "B=%f C=%f D=%f\n", B, C, D);
86 	if (D < -EPSILON)
87 		return (FALSE);
88 	if (fabs(D) < EPSILON)
89 		D = 0.0;
90 	D = sqrt(D);
91 	*alpha1 = (-B + D)/(2.0*A);
92 	*theta1 = rprin (atan2 (dy1 + *alpha1*dy2, dx1 + *alpha1*dx2));
93 	*alpha2 = (-B - D)/(2.0*A);
94 	*theta2 = rprin (atan2 (dy1 + *alpha2*dy2, dx1 + *alpha2*dx2));
95 	dprintf "intersection alpha1 = %f, theta1 = %f\n", *alpha1, *theta1);
96 	dprintf "intersection alpha2 = %f, theta2 = %f\n", *alpha2, *theta2);
97 	return (TRUE);
98 }
ccinter(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1,theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2)100 boolean ccinter (x0,y0,r0, x1,y1,r1, theta1,phi1, theta2,phi2)
101 	/* if this function returns TRUE,
102 	/* then (x0,y0) + r0*cis(theta1) = (x1,y1) + r1*cis(phi1)
103 	/* and (x0,y0) + r0*cis(theta2) = (x1,y1) + r1*cis(phi2) */
104 float x0,y0,r0;
105 float x1,y1,r1;
106 float *theta1;
107 float *phi1;
108 float *theta2;
109 float *phi2;
110 {
111 	float xcoeff, ycoeff, const;
112 	float u1, v1, u2, v2;
113 	boolean lncrc;
115 	dprintf "intersection parameters\n");
116 	dprintf "%f %f (%f)\n", x0, y0, r0);
117 	dprintf "%f %f (%f)\n", x1, y1, r1);
119 	r0 = fabs(r0);
120 	r1 = fabs(r1);
121 	xcoeff = 2*(x1 - x0);
122 	ycoeff = 2*(y1 - y0);
123 	const = r0*r0 - x0*x0 - y0*y0 - r1*r1 + x1*x1 + y1*y1;
124 	if (fabs(xcoeff) < EPSILON && fabs(ycoeff) < EPSILON)
125 		return (FALSE);
126 	if (fabs(xcoeff) < EPSILON) {
127 		u1 = 0.0;
128 		u2 = 1.0;
129 		v1 = v2 = const/ycoeff;
130 	} else if (fabs(ycoeff) < EPSILON) {
131 		v1 = 0.0;
132 		v2 = 1.0;
133 		u1 = u2 = const/xcoeff;
134 	} else if (fabs(const) < EPSILON) {
135 		u1 = 0.0;
136 		v1 = 0.0;
137 		u2 = 1.0;
138 		v2 = (const - 1.0/xcoeff)/ycoeff;
139 	} else {
140 		u1 = 0.0;
141 		v1 = const/ycoeff;
142 		u2 = const/xcoeff;
143 		v2 = 0.0;
144 	}
145 	lncrc = lcinter (u1,v1, u2,v2, x1,y1,r1, theta1,phi1, theta2,phi2);
146 	if (lncrc) {
147 		*phi1 = rprin (*phi1);
148 		*phi2 = rprin (*phi2);
149 		*theta1 = atan2 (y1 + r1*sin(*phi1) - y0, x1 + r1*cos(*phi1) - x0);
150 		*theta2 = atan2 (y1 + r1*sin(*phi2) - y0, x1 + r1*cos(*phi2) - x0);
151 		*theta1 = rprin (*theta1);
152 		*theta2 = rprin (*theta2);
153 		dprintf "intersection theta1 = %f phi1 = %f\n", *theta1, *phi1);
154 		dprintf "intersection theta2 = %f phi2 = %f\n", *theta2, *phi2);
155 		return (TRUE);
156 	} else
157 		return (FALSE);
158 }