1PROJECT(SHELL) 2 3spec2def(rshell.dll rshell.spec ADD_IMPORTLIB) 4 5list(APPEND SOURCE 6 CQuickLaunchBand.cpp 7 misc.cpp 8 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/rshell.def) 9 10add_library(rshell MODULE ${SOURCE}) 11 12set_module_type(rshell win32dll UNICODE) 13 14target_link_libraries(rshell 15 shellbars 16 shellmenu 17 shelldesktop 18 uuid 19 wine 20 cpprt 21 atl_classes) 22 23add_importlibs(rshell 24 browseui 25 uxtheme 26 shlwapi 27 advapi32 28 shell32 29 comctl32 30 gdi32 31 ole32 32 user32 33 msvcrt 34 kernel32 35 ntdll) 36 37add_custom_command(TARGET rshell POST_BUILD 38 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy 39 "$<TARGET_FILE:rshell>" 40 "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:explorer>/$<TARGET_FILE_NAME:rshell>" 41 COMMENT "Copying to output directory") 42 43add_custom_command(TARGET rshell POST_BUILD 44 COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy 45 "$<TARGET_FILE:rshell>" 46 "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:filebrowser>/$<TARGET_FILE_NAME:rshell>" 47 COMMENT "Copying to output directory") 48