1LANGUAGE LANG_HEBREW, SUBLANG_DEFAULT 2 3101 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 4STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 5CAPTION "כללי חיוג" 6FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 7BEGIN 8 ICON 201, 2000, 7, 7, 21, 20 9 LTEXT "The list below displays the locations you have specified. Select the location from which you are dialing.", -1, 35, 7, 210, 16 10 LTEXT "&Locations:", -1, 7, 35, 210, 8 11 CONTROL "", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000011D, 7, 46, 238, 105, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 12 PUSHBUTTON "&New...", 1030, 87, 155, 50, 14 13 PUSHBUTTON "&Edit...", 1031, 141, 155, 50, 14 14 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete", 1032, 195, 155, 50, 14 15 LTEXT "Phone number will be dialed as:", 1052, 7, 181, 100, 8 16 LTEXT "", 1053, 14, 195, 224, 16 17END 18 19102 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 255 20STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 21CAPTION "כללי" 22FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 23BEGIN 24 ICON 202, 2000, 7, 7, 20, 20 25 LTEXT "Location &name:", -1, 35, 11, 56, 8, SS_CENTERIMAGE 26 EDITTEXT 1038, 96, 8, 149, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 27 LTEXT "Specify the location from which you will be dialing.", 2001, 7, 33, 238, 8 28 LTEXT "Country/®ion:", -1, 7, 49, 161, 8 29 COMBOBOX 1006, 7, 60, 175, 200, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL 30 LTEXT "Area &code:", -1, 190, 49, 48, 8 31 EDITTEXT 1034, 190, 60, 48, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 32 GROUPBOX "Dialing rules", 2002, 7, 80, 238, 92 33 LTEXT "When dialing from this location, use the following rules:", 2003, 14, 92, 224, 8 34 LTEXT "To access an outside line for &local calls, dial:", -1, 14, 106, 170, 8 35 EDITTEXT 1010, 190, 104, 48, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 36 LTEXT "To access an outside line for long-&distance calls, dial:", -1, 14, 122, 170, 8 37 EDITTEXT 1011, 190, 120, 48, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 38 LTEXT "Use this carri&er code to make long-distance calls:", -1, 14, 138, 170, 8 39 EDITTEXT 1059, 190, 136, 48, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 40 LTEXT "Use this carrier code to make &international calls:", -1, 14, 154, 170, 8 41 EDITTEXT 1060, 190, 152, 48, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 42 AUTOCHECKBOX "To disable call &waiting, dial:", 1035, 14, 177, 170, 10 43 COMBOBOX 1013, 190, 176, 48, 73, CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL 44 LTEXT "Dial using:", -1, 14, 195, 40, 8 45 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Tone", 1036, 58, 194, 50, 10, NOT WS_TABSTOP 46 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Pulse", 1037, 112, 194, 50, 10, NOT WS_TABSTOP 47 LTEXT "Phone number will be dialed as:", 1052, 7, 219, 100, 8 48 LTEXT "", 1053, 14, 232, 224, 16 49END 50 51103 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 52STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 53CAPTION "Area Code Rules" 54FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 55BEGIN 56 LTEXT "An area code rule determines how phone numbers are dialed from your current area code to other area codes and within your area code.", 2000, 7, 7, 238, 16 57 LTEXT "Area &code rules:", -1, 7, 31, 238, 8 58 CONTROL "", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000801D, 7, 42, 238, 99, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 59 PUSHBUTTON "&New...", 1030, 87, 147, 50, 14 60 PUSHBUTTON "&Edit...", 1031, 141, 147, 50, 14 61 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete", 1032, 195, 147, 50, 14 62 GROUPBOX "Description", 2006, 7, 166, 238, 45 63 LTEXT "", 1039, 14, 180, 224, 24 64END 65 66104 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 67STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 68CAPTION "כרטיס חיוג" 69FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 70BEGIN 71 LTEXT "Select the calling card you will use, or click New to add a different card.", 2000, 7, 7, 238, 8 72 LTEXT "Card &Types:", -1, 7, 23, 238, 8 73 CONTROL "", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000400D, 7, 34, 238, 63, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 74 PUSHBUTTON "&New...", 1030, 87, 103, 50, 14 75 PUSHBUTTON "&Edit...", 1031, 141, 103, 50, 14 76 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete", 1032, 195, 103, 50, 14 77 LTEXT "A&ccount number:", -1, 7, 127, 91, 8 78 EDITTEXT 1018, 102, 125, 143, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 79 LTEXT "&Personal ID Number (PIN):", -1, 7, 145, 91, 8 80 EDITTEXT 1019, 102, 143, 143, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 81 GROUPBOX "Access phone numbers for", 2001, 7, 158, 238, 53 82 LTEXT "Long distance calls:", -1, 14, 172, 84, 8 83 LTEXT "", 1042, 102, 172, 136, 8 84 LTEXT "International calls:", -1, 14, 184, 84, 8 85 LTEXT "", 1043, 102, 184, 136, 8 86 LTEXT "Local calls:", -1, 14, 196, 84, 8 87 LTEXT "", 1051, 102, 196, 136, 8 88END 89 90105 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 91STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 92CAPTION "כללי" 93FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 94BEGIN 95 ICON 203, 2000, 7, 7, 20, 20 96 LTEXT "&Calling card name:", -1, 35, 12, 64, 8, SS_CENTERIMAGE 97 EDITTEXT 1047, 105, 9, 140, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 98 LTEXT "Account &number:", -1, 7, 35, 238, 8 99 EDITTEXT 1018, 7, 46, 116, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 100 LTEXT "&Personal Identification Number (PIN):", -1, 7, 68, 238, 8 101 EDITTEXT 1019, 7, 80, 116, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 102 LTEXT "This calling card will be used when:", 1056, 14, 117, 224, 8 103 GROUPBOX "Calling card details", 2001, 7, 105, 238, 66 104 LTEXT "", 1000, 22, 131, 216, 8 105 LTEXT "", 1001, 22, 143, 216, 8 106 LTEXT "", 1002, 22, 155, 216, 8 107END 108 109106 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 110STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 111CAPTION "Long Distance" 112FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 113BEGIN 114 LTEXT "Access number for &long distance calls:", -1, 7, 7, 238, 8 115 EDITTEXT 1044, 7, 18, 140, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 116 LTEXT "Use the buttons below to enter the dialing steps for making long-distance calls. Enter these steps in the exact order as they appear on your calling card.", 2000, 7, 40, 238, 24 117 LTEXT "Calling ca&rd dialing steps:", -1, 7, 72, 80, 8 118 CONTROL "List1", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000400D, 7, 83, 184, 74, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 119 PUSHBUTTON "Move &Up", 1022, 195, 83, 50, 14 120 PUSHBUTTON "&Move Down", 1023, 195, 101, 50, 14 121 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete", 1024, 195, 119, 50, 14 122 PUSHBUTTON "Access &Number", 1025, 7, 161, 90, 14 123 PUSHBUTTON "A&ccount Number", 1018, 101, 161, 90, 14 124 PUSHBUTTON "&PIN", 1019, 7, 179, 90, 14 125 PUSHBUTTON "D&estination Number...", 1020, 101, 179, 90, 14 126 PUSHBUTTON "&Wait for Prompt...", 1017, 7, 197, 90, 14 127 PUSHBUTTON "&Specify Digits...", 1021, 101, 197, 90, 14 128END 129 130107 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 131STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 132CAPTION "בינלאומי" 133FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 134BEGIN 135 LTEXT "Access number for &international calls:", -1, 7, 7, 238, 8 136 EDITTEXT 1045, 7, 18, 140, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 137 LTEXT "Use the buttons below to enter the dialing steps for making international calls. Enter these steps in the exact order as they appear on your calling card.", 2000, 7, 40, 244, 24 138 LTEXT "Calling ca&rd dialing steps:", -1, 7, 72, 80, 8 139 CONTROL "List1", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000400D, 7, 83, 184, 74, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 140 PUSHBUTTON "Move &Up", 1022, 195, 83, 50, 14 141 PUSHBUTTON "&Move Down", 1023, 195, 101, 50, 14 142 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete", 1024, 195, 119, 50, 14 143 PUSHBUTTON "Access &Number", 1025, 7, 161, 90, 14 144 PUSHBUTTON "A&ccount Number", 1018, 101, 161, 90, 14 145 PUSHBUTTON "&PIN", 1019, 7, 179, 90, 14 146 PUSHBUTTON "D&estination Number...", 1020, 101, 179, 90, 14 147 PUSHBUTTON "&Wait for Prompt...", 1017, 7, 197, 90, 14 148 PUSHBUTTON "&Specify Digits...", 1021, 101, 197, 90, 14 149END 150 151108 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 152STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 153CAPTION "שיחוג מקומיות" 154FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 155BEGIN 156 LTEXT "Access number for &local calls:", -1, 7, 7, 238, 8 157 EDITTEXT 1008, 7, 18, 140, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 158 LTEXT "Use the buttons below to enter the dialing steps for making local calls. Enter these steps in the exact order as they appear on your calling card. To make local calls without using your calling card, leave this section blank.", 2000, 7, 40, 238, 24 159 LTEXT "Calling ca&rd dialing steps:", -1, 7, 72, 238, 8 160 CONTROL "List1", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000400D, 7, 83, 184, 74, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 161 PUSHBUTTON "Move &Up", 1022, 195, 83, 50, 14 162 PUSHBUTTON "&Move Down", 1023, 195, 101, 50, 14 163 PUSHBUTTON "&Delete", 1024, 195, 119, 50, 14 164 PUSHBUTTON "Access &Number", 1025, 7, 161, 90, 14 165 PUSHBUTTON "A&ccount Number", 1018, 101, 161, 90, 14 166 PUSHBUTTON "&PIN", 1019, 7, 179, 90, 14 167 PUSHBUTTON "D&estination Number...", 1020, 101, 179, 90, 14 168 PUSHBUTTON "&Wait for Prompt...", 1017, 7, 197, 90, 14 169 PUSHBUTTON "&Specify Digits...", 1021, 101, 197, 90, 14 170END 171 172109 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 257 173STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 174EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP 175CAPTION "New Area Code Rule" 176FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 177BEGIN 178 LTEXT "This area code rule will only apply to calls made to the area code and prefix combination you specify below.", 2000, 7, 6, 238, 16 179 LTEXT "Area code you are calling:", -1, 7, 31, 110, 8 180 LTEXT "A&rea code:", -1, 7, 47, 36, 8 181 EDITTEXT 1034, 46, 44, 50, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 182 LTEXT "Specify the prefixes to be used for this area code rule.", -1, 14, 78, 224, 8 183 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Include all the prefixes within this area code", 1014, 14, 90, 224, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP 184 AUTORADIOBUTTON "Include &only the prefixes in the list below:", 1015, 14, 104, 224, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP 185 LTEXT "&Prefixes to include:", 1057, 26, 117, 119, 8 186 CONTROL "List1", 1033, "SysListView32", WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | 0x0000411D, 25, 128, 66, 32, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE 187 PUSHBUTTON "&Add...", 1005, 95, 128, 50, 14 188 PUSHBUTTON "D&elete", 1024, 95, 146, 50, 14 189 LTEXT "When dialing phone numbers that contain the prefixes above:", -1, 14, 184, 224, 8 190 AUTOCHECKBOX "&Dial:", 1012, 14, 198, 30, 12 191 EDITTEXT 1007, 46, 196, 42, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 192 AUTOCHECKBOX "Include the area &code", 1029, 14, 214, 85, 12 193 DEFPUSHBUTTON "אישור", 1, 141, 236, 50, 14 194 PUSHBUTTON "ביטול", 2, 195, 236, 50, 14 195 RTEXT "Area code", 2001, 133, 31, 51, 8 196 LTEXT "קידומת", 2002, 200, 31, 45, 8 197 CONTROL "", 2003, "STATIC", SS_BLACKFRAME | SS_SUNKEN, 180, 41, 1, 6 198 CONTROL "", 2004, "STATIC", SS_BLACKFRAME | SS_SUNKEN, 203, 41, 1, 6 199 RTEXT "X - X X X - X X X - X X X X", 2005, 133, 48, 112, 8 200 GROUPBOX "קידומות", -1, 7, 64, 238, 102 201 GROUPBOX "כללים", -1, 7, 170, 238, 60 202END 203 204110 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 227, 82 205STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 206EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP 207FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 208BEGIN 209 LTEXT "", 1003, 7, 7, 213, 8 210 LTEXT "", 1039, 7, 23, 213, 8 211 EDITTEXT 1031, 7, 34, 213, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 212 DEFPUSHBUTTON "אישור", 1, 116, 62, 50, 14 213 PUSHBUTTON "ביטול", 2, 170, 62, 50, 14 214END 215 216111 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 124 217STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 218EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP 219CAPTION "Wait for" 220FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 221BEGIN 222 LTEXT "Select the type of prompt to wait for before continuing with the dialing sequence.", 2000, 7, 7, 238, 16 223 AUTORADIOBUTTON "Wait for a &dial tone", 1009, 7, 31, 238, 10, WS_GROUP 224 AUTORADIOBUTTON "Wait for a &voice message to complete", 1016, 7, 47, 238, 10, NOT WS_TABSTOP 225 AUTORADIOBUTTON "Wait for a specific length of &time:", 1048, 7, 63, 238, 10, NOT WS_TABSTOP 226 EDITTEXT 1050, 18, 77, 36, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_GROUP 227 CONTROL "Spin1", 1049, "msctls_updown32", 0x00000036, 42, 78, 11, 14 228 LTEXT "שניות", -1, 58, 79, 187, 8 229 DEFPUSHBUTTON "אישור", 1, 141, 103, 50, 14 230 PUSHBUTTON "ביטול", 2, 195, 103, 50, 14 231END 232 233112 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 111 234STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 235EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP 236CAPTION "Destination number" 237FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 238BEGIN 239 LTEXT "This step will place the destination number that you will be dialing into the calling card sequence. When dialing the destination number, which parts of the number do you want to dial?", 2000, 7, 7, 238, 24 240 AUTOCHECKBOX "Dial the &country/region code", 1027, 7, 39, 238, 10 241 AUTOCHECKBOX "Dial the &area code", 1034, 7, 55, 238, 10 242 AUTOCHECKBOX "Dial the &number", 1008, 7, 71, 238, 10, WS_DISABLED 243 DEFPUSHBUTTON "אישור", 1, 141, 92, 50, 14 244 PUSHBUTTON "ביטול", 2, 195, 92, 50, 14 245END 246 247113 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 252, 218 248STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 249CAPTION "מתקדם" 250FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 251BEGIN 252 ICON 201, 2000, 7, 7, 20, 20 253 LTEXT "The following telephony providers are installed on this computer:", -1, 40, 7, 205, 16 254 LTEXT "&Providers:", -1, 7, 35, 238, 8 255 LISTBOX 1033, 7, 46, 238, 147, LBS_STANDARD | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | WS_TABSTOP 256 PUSHBUTTON "A&dd...", 1005, 87, 197, 50, 14 257 PUSHBUTTON "&Remove", 1024, 141, 197, 50, 14 258 PUSHBUTTON "&Configure...", 1031, 195, 197, 50, 14 259END 260 261114 DIALOGEX 20, 15, 252, 135 262STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 263CAPTION "הוסף ספק" 264FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 265BEGIN 266 LTEXT "Select the provider you wish to install from the list below, and click Add.", 2000, 7, 7, 241, 16 267 LTEXT "&Telephony providers:", -1, 7, 31, 144, 10 268 LISTBOX 1055, 7, 42, 238, 74, LBS_STANDARD | WS_TABSTOP 269 PUSHBUTTON "&Add", 1005, 141, 114, 50, 14 270 DEFPUSHBUTTON "Cancel", 2, 195, 114, 50, 14 271END 272 273115 DIALOGEX 10, 10, 303, 228 274STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 275EXSTYLE WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP 276CAPTION "Location Information" 277FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 278BEGIN 279 CONTROL 302, 302, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP, 10, 10, 88, 155 280 LTEXT "Before you can make any phone or modem connections, ReactOS needs the following information about your current location.", 2000, 107, 15, 188, 25 281 LTEXT "&What country/region are you in now?", -1, 107, 43, 189, 10 282 COMBOBOX 1006, 107, 55, 180, 200, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL 283 LTEXT "What area &code (or city code) are you in now?", -1, 107, 74, 189, 10 284 EDITTEXT 1034, 107, 87, 45, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 285 LTEXT "If you need to specify a ca&rrier code, what is it?", -1, 107, 105, 189, 10 286 EDITTEXT 1058, 106, 118, 45, 12, ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL 287 LTEXT "If you dial a number to access an &outside line, what is it?", -1, 107, 137, 189, 10 288 EDITTEXT 1010, 107, 149, 45, 12, ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL 289 LTEXT "The phone system at this location uses:", -1, 107, 168, 189, 10 290 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Tone dialing", 1036, 107, 178, 57, 14, WS_GROUP | NOT WS_TABSTOP 291 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Pulse dialing", 1037, 175, 178, 57, 14, NOT WS_TABSTOP 292 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", 1, 192, 204, 50, 14 293 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", 2, 246, 204, 50, 14 294END 295 296400 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 290, 151 297STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION 298FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 299BEGIN 300 CONTROL 302, 302, "STATIC", SS_BITMAP, 0, 0, 88, 155 301 LTEXT "Before you can make any phone or modem connections, ReactOS needs the following information about your current location.", 2000, 95, 2, 188, 25 302 LTEXT "&What country/region are you in now?", -1, 95, 30, 188, 10 303 COMBOBOX 1006, 95, 41, 177, 68, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | CBS_SORT | WS_VSCROLL 304 LTEXT "What area &code (or city code) are you in now?", -1, 95, 61, 188, 10 305 EDITTEXT 1034, 95, 73, 40, 14, ES_AUTOHSCROLL 306 LTEXT "If you dial a number to access an &outside line, what is it?", -1, 95, 96, 188, 10 307 EDITTEXT 1010, 95, 107, 40, 14, ES_UPPERCASE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL 308 LTEXT "The phone system at this location uses:", -1, 95, 129, 159, 10 309 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Tone dialing", 1036, 95, 139, 55, 12, WS_GROUP | NOT WS_TABSTOP 310 AUTORADIOBUTTON "&Pulse dialing", 1037, 155, 139, 55, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP 311END 312 313500 DIALOGEX 0, 0, 235, 88 314STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_SETFOREGROUND | DS_CENTER | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_CAPTION 315CAPTION "ReactOS סייר" 316FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" 317BEGIN 318 ICON 504, 501, 13, 14, 21, 20 319 LTEXT "", 502, 47, 15, 180, 32 320 AUTOCHECKBOX "&In the future, always trust this page", 503, 50, 47, 147, 12 321 DEFPUSHBUTTON "אישור", 505, 110, 65, 50, 14 322 PUSHBUTTON "ביטול", 506, 164, 65, 50, 14 323END 324 325STRINGTABLE 326BEGIN 327 1 "אפשרויות טלפון ומודם" 328 2 "Configure dialing rules and properties for using your modem." 329 3 "מיקום" 330 4 "To create a new location, click New." 331 5 "מיקום חדש" 332 6 "עריכת מיקום" 333 7 "New Calling Card" 334 8 "Edit Calling Card" 335 9 "Area Code" 336 10 "קידומות" 337 11 "כלל" 338 12 "The character you entered is invalid.\n\nValid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, and comma." 339 13 "The character you entered is invalid.\n\nValid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, space, and comma." 340 14 "The character you entered is invalid.\n\nValid characters are 0 through 9." 341 15 "The character you entered is invalid." 342 16 "חייג %1" 343 17 "Dial %1 plus area code" 344 18 "Dial area code" 345 19 "Dial number only" 346 20 "הכל" 347 21 "נבחר" 348 22 "Edit Area Code Rule" 349 23 "Select a rule in the list above to view its description, or click New to add a rule." 350 24 "Dial '%2' plus the area code before the number for all calls within the %1 area code." 351 25 "Dial '%2' before the number for all calls within the %1 area code." 352 26 "Dial the area code before the number for all calls within the %1 area code." 353 27 "Dial only the number for all calls within the %1 area code." 354 28 "Dial '%2' plus the area code before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified." 355 29 "Dial '%2' before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified." 356 30 "Dial the area code before the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified." 357 31 "Dial only the number for calls within the %1 area code, containing the prefixes you specified." 358 32 "Dial a '1' before calls within all other area codes, and include the area code for all prefixes." 359 33 "הוספת קידומת" 360 34 "Enter one or more prefixes separated by spaces or commas." 361 35 "Specify Digits" 362 36 "Enter one or more digits (including * and #) to be dialed." 363 37 "You tried to enter an invalid character.\n\nValid characters are 0 thru 9 and space." 364 38 "Wait for %1!d! seconds." 365 39 "Dial the access number." 366 40 "Dial the account number." 367 41 "Dial the PIN number." 368 42 "Wait for a dial tone." 369 43 "Wait for a voice message to end." 370 44 "Dial the country/region code, area code, and number." 371 45 "Dial the country/region code and number." 372 46 "Dial the area code and number." 373 47 "Dial the country/region code." 374 48 "Dial the area code." 375 49 "Dial the number." 376 50 "dialing long distance calls." 377 51 "dialing international calls." 378 52 "dialing local calls." 379 53 "There are no rules defined for how this calling card should be used." 380 54 "You must enter the long distance carrier code for this location." 381 55 "You must enter a name for this location." 382 56 "You must enter the area code for this location." 383 57 "You must select the number to dial to disable call waiting." 384 58 "You must select the country or region that you are calling from." 385 59 "Missing Information" 386 60 "The location name you have entered is already in use. Please enter a unique name." 387 61 "This calling card is missing some required information. To use this card, click Edit to provide more information, or select a different card." 388 62 "You must select a default calling card. Select a card from the list, or click New to create a new card." 389 63 "You must enter the calling card name." 390 64 "You must enter the account number." 391 65 "You must enter the PIN number." 392 66 "There are no rules defined for this calling card. To create a rule, select the Long Distance, International, or Local Calls tab." 393 67 "Your long distance rule requires your calling card's long distance access number." 394 68 "Your international rule requires your calling card's international access number." 395 69 "Your local rule requires your calling card's local access number." 396 70 "None" 397 71 "Are you sure you want to remove the selected Telephony Service Provider?" 398 72 "<no service provider is installed>" 399 73 "You must enter the prefixes for which this rule applies." 400 74 "&Digits:" 401 75 "&Prefixes:" 402 76 "You tried to enter an invalid character.\n\nValid characters are 0 thru 9, space, and comma." 403 77 "Confirm Delete" 404 78 "Are you sure you want to delete this location?" 405 79 "Are you sure you want to delete this calling card?" 406 80 "Are you sure you want to delete this area code rule?" 407 81 "You must enter the digits to dial." 408 82 "The calling card name you have entered is already in use. Please enter a unique name." 409 83 "ReactOS needs telephone information about the location from which you will be dialing. If you cancel without providing this information, this program may not function correctly when dialing. In addition, some applications respond to your canceling this dialog box by immediately re-posting it.\nAre you sure you want to cancel?" 410 84 "Confirm Cancel" 411 85 "My Location" 412 86 "<no service providers are available for installation>" 413 87 "The character you entered is invalid.\n\nValid characters are 0 through 9, A through D, *, #, +, !, space, and comma." 414 88 "You must enter the international carrier code for this location." 415 89 "You must enter the carrier code for this location." 416 90 "This page is attempting to make or monitor telephone calls or other multimedia connections on your computer.\nDo you want allow it to continue?" 417 91 "This page is attempting to access directory information on your network.\nDo you want to allow it to continue?" 418 92 "This page is attempting to access or change network conferencing information.\nDo you want to allow it to continue?" 419 93 "This page is attempting to access or change registry information.\nDo you want to allow it to continue?" 420 1064 "Phone And Modem control panel can not be opened. You may have a problem starting telephony service." 421 1065 "Remove Provider" 422 15800 "23" 423 15801 "0,""None (Direct Dial)"","""","""","""","""","""","""","""","""",1" 424 15802 "1,""AT&T Direct Dial via 1010ATT1"","""",""G"",""J1FG"",""J011EFG"","""","""",""1010288"",""1010288"",1" 425 15803 "2,""AT&T via 1010ATT0"","""",""G"",""J0FG$TH"",""J01EFG$TH"","""","""",""1010288"",""1010288"",1" 426 15804 "3,""AT&T via 1-800-321-0288"","""",""G"",""J$TFG$TH"",""J$T01EFG$TH"","""","""",""18003210288"",""18003210288"",1" 427 15805 "4,""MCI Direct Dial via 10102221"","""",""G"",""J1FG"",""J011EFG"","""","""",""1010222"",""1010222"",1" 428 15806 "5,""MCI via 10102220"","""",""G"",""J0FG$TH"",""J01EFG$TH"","""","""",""1010222"",""1010222"",1" 429 15807 "6,""MCI via 1-800-888-8000"","""",""G"",""J,,,,,,TH,,FG"",""J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG"","""","""",""18008888000"",""18008888000"",1" 430 15808 "7,""MCI via 1-800-674-0700"","""",""G"",""J,,,,,,TH,,FG"",""J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG"","""","""",""18006740700"",""18006740700"",1" 431 15809 "8,""MCI via 1-800-674-7000"","""",""G"",""J,,,,,,TH,,FG"",""J,,,,,,TH,,011EFG"","""","""",""18006747000"",""18006747000"",1" 432 15810 "9,""US Sprint Direct Dial via 10103331"","""",""G"",""J1FG"",""J011EFG"","""","""",""1010333"",""1010333"",1" 433 15811 "10,""US Sprint via 10103330"","""",""G"",""J0FG$TH"",""J01EFG$TH"","""","""",""1010333"",""1010333"",1" 434 15812 "11,""US Sprint via 1-800-877-8000"","""",""G"",""J,,,T0FG,,H"",""J,,,T01EFG#,H"","""","""",""18008778000"",""18008778000"",1" 435 15813 "12,""Calling Card via 0"","""",""G"",""0FG$TH"",""01EFG$TH"","""","""","""","""",1" 436 15814 "13,""Carte France Telecom"","""",""T3010,H,0FG#"",""T3010,H,0FG#"",""T3010,H,00EFG#"","""","""","""","""",1" 437 15815 "14,""Mercury (UK)"","""",""J$TH,0FG"",""J$TH,0FG"",""J$TH,0FG"","""",""0500800800"",""0500800800"",""0500800800"",1" 438 15816 "15,""British Telecom (UK)"","""",""J$H,0FG"",""J$H,0FG"",""J$H,00EFG"","""",""144"",""144"".""144"",1" 439 15817 "16,""CLEAR Communications (New Zealand)"","""",""J$TH,0FG"",""J$TH,0FG"",""J$TH,00EFG"","""",""0502333"",""0502333"",""0502333"",1" 440 15818 "17,""Telecom New Zealand"","""",""J,0FG?H"",""J,0FG?H"",""J,00EFG?H"","""",""012"",""012"",""012"",1" 441 15819 "18,""Global Card (Taiwan to USA)"","""",""G"",""0FG"",""J,102880$TFG$H"","""","""","""",""0080"",1" 442 15820 "19,""Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (voice)"","""",""J$TH,FG#"",""J$TH,FG#"",""J$TH,0011EFG#"","""",""1818"",""1818"",""1818"",1" 443 15821 "20,""Telstra (Australia) via 1818 (fax)"","""",""J$TH,FG#"",""J$TH,FG#"",""J$TH,0015EFG#"","""",""1818"",""1818"",""1818"",1" 444 15822 "21,""Optus (Australia) via 1812"","""",""FG"",""FG"",""J@TH,0011EFG"","""","""","""",""1812"",1" 445 15823 "22,""Optus (Australia) via 008551812"","""",""FG"",""FG"",""J@TH,0011EFG"","""","""","""",""008551812"",1" 446END 447