2	Inherits: ^Tank
3	Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor
4	Valued:
5		Cost: 800
6	Tooltip:
7		Name: Amphibious APC
8	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
9		AddToArmyValue: true
10	Buildable:
11		Queue: Vehicle
12		BuildPaletteOrder: 80
13		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, gapile, ~techlevel.medium
14		Description: Armored infantry transport.\nCan move on water.\n  Unarmed
15	Mobile:
16		TurnSpeed: 5
17		Speed: 113
18		PauseOnCondition: empdisable || loading || being-captured || carried
19		Locomotor: amphibious
20	Health:
21		HP: 20000
22	Armor:
23		Type: Heavy
24	RevealsShroud:
25		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
26		Range: 5c0
27		MaxHeightDelta: 3
28	Cargo:
29		Types: Infantry
30		MaxWeight: 5
31		PipCount: 5
32		UnloadVoice: Unload
33		LoadingCondition: loading
34		EjectOnDeath: true
35	GrantConditionOnTerrain:
36		Condition: inwater
37		TerrainTypes: Water
38	WithVoxelBody:
39		RequiresCondition: !inwater
40	WithVoxelBody@water:
41		Sequence: water
42		RequiresCondition: inwater
43	LeavesTrails:
44		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel && inwater
45		Image: wake
46		Palette: effect
47		TerrainTypes: Water
48		StationaryInterval: 18
49		MovingInterval: 6
52	Inherits: ^Vehicle
53	Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor
54	Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience
55	Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetAllAssaultMove
56	Valued:
57		Cost: 900
58	Tooltip:
59		Name: Hover MLRS
60	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
61		AddToArmyValue: true
62	Buildable:
63		Queue: Vehicle
64		BuildPaletteOrder: 80
65		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, garadr, ~techlevel.high
66		Description: Hovering vehicle armed with\nlong range missiles.\n  Strong vs Vehicles, Aircraft\n  Weak vs Infantry
67	Mobile:
68		Speed: 99
69		Locomotor: hover
70	Selectable:
71		Bounds: 40,24,0,-10
72	Health:
73		HP: 23000
74	Armor:
75		Type: Wood
76	RevealsShroud:
77		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
78		Range: 7c0
79		MaxHeightDelta: 3
80	Armament:
81		Weapon: HoverMissile
82		LocalOffset: 0,242,543, 0,-242,543
83	Turreted:
84		TurnSpeed: 7
85		Offset: -128,0,85
86	AttackTurreted:
87		Voice: Attack
88		PauseOnCondition: empdisable
89	WithVoxelTurret:
90	Hovers:
91		RequiresCondition: !empdisable
92		BobDistance: -64
93		InitialHeight: 384
94	Carryable:
95		CarriedCondition: carried
96	LeavesTrails:
97		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel && !carried
98		Image: wake
99		Palette: effect
100		TerrainTypes: Water
101		TrailWhileStationary: True
102		StationaryInterval: 18
103		MovingInterval: 6
104	-DamagedByTerrain@VEINS:
105	-LeavesTrails@VEINS:
108	Inherits: ^Vehicle
109	Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience
110	Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove
111	Valued:
112		Cost: 500
113	Tooltip:
114		Name: Wolverine
115	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
116		AddToArmyValue: true
117	Buildable:
118		Queue: Vehicle
119		BuildPaletteOrder: 20
120		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, ~techlevel.low
121		Description: Anti-personnel walker.\n  Strong vs Infantry, Light armor\n  Weak vs Vehicles, Aircraft
122	Mobile:
123		TurnSpeed: 5
124		Speed: 99
125	Health:
126		HP: 17500
127	Armor:
128		Type: Light
129	RevealsShroud:
130		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
131		Range: 6c0
132		MaxHeightDelta: 3
133	AttackFrontal:
134		Voice: Attack
135		PauseOnCondition: empdisable
136	Armament:
137		Weapon: AssaultCannon
138	Voiced:
139		VoiceSet: Mech
140	QuantizeFacingsFromSequence:
141		Sequence: stand
142	WithFacingSpriteBody:
143		Sequence: stand
144	WithAttackAnimation:
145		Sequence: shoot
146	WithMoveAnimation:
147		MoveSequence: walk
148		ValidMovementTypes: Horizontal, Turn
149	Selectable:
150		Bounds: 20, 32, 0, -8
151	-DamagedByTerrain@VEINS:
152	-LeavesTrails@VEINS:
155	Inherits: ^Tank
156	Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience
157	Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove
158	Valued:
159		Cost: 800
160	Tooltip:
161		Name: Titan
162	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
163		AddToArmyValue: true
164	Buildable:
165		Queue: Vehicle
166		BuildPaletteOrder: 50
167		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, ~techlevel.medium
168		Description: General purpose mechanized walker.\n  Strong vs Vehicles\n  Weak vs Infantry, Aircraft
169	Mobile:
170		TurnSpeed: 5
171		Speed: 56
172	Health:
173		HP: 40000
174	Armor:
175		Type: Heavy
176	RevealsShroud:
177		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
178		Range: 8c0
179		MaxHeightDelta: 3
180	BodyOrientation:
181		QuantizedFacings: 32
182		UseClassicPerspectiveFudge: False
183	WithFacingSpriteBody:
184		Sequence: stand
185	WithMoveAnimation:
186		MoveSequence: walk
187		ValidMovementTypes: Horizontal, Turn
188	Turreted:
189		TurnSpeed: 5
190	AttackTurreted:
191		Voice: Attack
192		PauseOnCondition: empdisable
193	WithSpriteTurret:
194		Recoils: false
195	Armament:
196		Weapon: 120mm
197		MuzzleSequence: muzzle
198		MuzzlePalette: effect-ignore-lighting
199		Recoil: 128
200		RecoilRecovery: 32
201		LocalOffset: 1024,272,1216
202	DetectCloaked:
203		Range: 1c768
204		RequiresCondition: rank-elite
205	RenderDetectionCircle:
206	WithMuzzleOverlay:
207	RenderVoxels:
208	WithVoxelBarrel:
209		LocalOffset: 0,51,256
210	Selectable:
211		Bounds: 30, 42, 0, -8
212	Carryable:
213		LocalOffset: 0,0,577
216	Inherits: ^Tank
217	Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor
218	Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience
219	Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetAllAssaultMove
220	Valued:
221		Cost: 3000
222	Tooltip:
223		Name: Mammoth Mk. II
224	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
225		AddToArmyValue: true
226	Buildable:
227		Queue: Vehicle
228		BuildPaletteOrder: 140
229		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, gatech, ~techlevel.high
230		BuildLimit: 1
231		Description: Slow heavy walker.\nArmed with dual railguns and rocket launchers.\n  Strong vs Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft and Buildings\n  Weak vs Nothing\nMaximum 1 can be built.
232	Mobile:
233		TurnSpeed: 3
234		Speed: 42
235	Health:
236		HP: 80000
237	SelfHealing:
238		Step: 500
239	Armor:
240		Type: Heavy
241	RevealsShroud:
242		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
243		Range: 8c0
244		MaxHeightDelta: 3
245	AttackFrontal:
246		Voice: Attack
247		PauseOnCondition: empdisable
248	Armament@MISSILES:
249		Weapon: MammothTusk
250		LocalOffset: -243,-368,1208, -243,368,1208
251	Armament@RAILGUN:
252		Weapon: MechRailgun
253		LocalOffset: 368,-311,1030, 368,311,1030
254	-WithVoxelBody:
255	WithVoxelWalkerBody:
256		TickRate: 1
257	Selectable:
258		Bounds: 40, 40, 0, -8
259	Carryable:
260		LocalOffset: 0,0,509
263	Inherits: ^Tank
264	Inherits@VOXELS: ^VoxelActor
265	Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience
266	Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove
267	Valued:
268		Cost: 1300
269	Tooltip:
270		Name: Disruptor
271	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
272		AddToArmyValue: true
273	Buildable:
274		Queue: Vehicle
275		BuildPaletteOrder: 120
276		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, gatech, ~techlevel.high
277		Description: Armored high-tech vehicle with\nlong range and sonic armament.\n  Strong vs Infantry, Vehicles, Buildings\n  Weak vs Aircraft
278	Targetable:
279		TargetTypes: Ground, Vehicle, Disruptor
280	Mobile:
281		TurnSpeed: 4
282		Speed: 56
283	Health:
284		HP: 50000
285	Armor:
286		Type: Heavy
287	RevealsShroud:
288		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
289		Range: 7c0
290		MaxHeightDelta: 3
291	Armament:
292		Weapon: SonicZap
293		LocalOffset: -71,0,580
294	AttackTurreted:
295		Voice: Attack
296		PauseOnCondition: empdisable
297		OpportunityFire: False
298	Turreted:
299		TurnSpeed: 5
300		Offset: -170,0,0
301	WithVoxelTurret:
302	Explodes:
303		RequiresCondition: !rank-elite
304	Explodes@ELITE:
305		RequiresCondition: rank-elite
306		Weapon: UnitExplode
309	Inherits: ^Tank
310	Inherits@SPRITES: ^SpriteActor
311	Inherits@EXPERIENCE: ^GainsExperience
312	Inherits@AUTOTARGET: ^AutoTargetGroundAssaultMove
313	Valued:
314		Cost: 950
315	Tooltip:
316		Name: Juggernaut
317		RequiresCondition: !deployed
318	Tooltip@DEPLOYED:
319		Name: Juggernaut (deployed)
320		RequiresCondition: deployed
321	UpdatesPlayerStatistics:
322		AddToArmyValue: true
323	Buildable:
324		Queue: Vehicle
325		BuildPaletteOrder: 100
326		Prerequisites: ~gaweap, garadr, ~techlevel.high
327		Description: Mobile Artillery Mech.\nNeeds to deploy in order to shoot.\n  Strong vs Ground units\n  Weak vs Aircraft
328	Health:
329		HP: 35000
330	Armor:
331		Type: Light
332	Mobile:
333		Speed: 71
334		TurnSpeed: 5
335		ImmovableCondition: !undeployed
336		RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed
337	RevealsShroud:
338		RequiresCondition: !inside-tunnel
339		Range: 9c0
340		MaxHeightDelta: 3
341	RenderVoxels:
342		LightAmbientColor: 0.4, 0.4, 0.4
343	RenderSprites:
344		Image: jugg
345	WithMakeAnimation:
346		BodyNames: body, deployedbody
347	WithFacingSpriteBody:
348		Sequence: stand
349		RequiresCondition: undeployed
350	WithMoveAnimation:
351		MoveSequence: walk
352		ValidMovementTypes: Horizontal, Turn
353	GrantConditionOnDeploy:
354		PauseOnCondition: empdisable || being-captured
355		DeployedCondition: deployed
356		UndeployedCondition: undeployed
357		UndeployOnMove: true
358		UndeployOnPickup: true
359		Facing: 96
360		AllowedTerrainTypes: Clear, Road, DirtRoad, Rough
361		DeploySounds: place2.aud
362		UndeploySounds: clicky1.aud
363		Voice: Move
364	EntersTunnels:
365		RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed
366	Repairable:
367		RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed
368	Passenger:
369		RequireForceMoveCondition: !undeployed
371		Condition: real-actor
372	QuantizeFacingsFromSequence:
373		Sequence: turret
374	WithSpriteBody@deployed:
375		RequiresCondition: !undeployed && real-actor
376		Name: deployedbody
377	Turreted:
378		Turret: deployed
379		TurnSpeed: 5
380		InitialFacing: 96
381		Offset: -153,-17,633
382		RealignDelay: -1
383	WithVoxelBarrel:
384		Armament: deployed
385		LocalOffset: 512,0,362
386		LocalOrientation: 0, 128, 0
387		RequiresCondition: deployed
388	WithSpriteTurret@deployed:
389		Turret: deployed
390		RequiresCondition: deployed
391		Recoils: false
392	AttackTurreted@deployed:
393		Voice: Attack
394		Armaments: deployed
395		Turrets: deployed
396		RequiresCondition: deployed
397		PauseOnCondition: empdisable
398		TargetFrozenActors: True
399		ForceFireIgnoresActors: True
400		OutsideRangeRequiresForceFire: True
401	Armament@deployed:
402		Name: deployed
403		Turret: deployed
404		Weapon: Jugg90mm
405		LocalOffset: 820,203,1386, 820,0,1386, 820,-203,1386
406		RequiresCondition: deployed
407		MuzzleSequence: muzzle
408		MuzzlePalette: effect-ignore-lighting
409	WithMuzzleOverlay:
410	RevealOnFire:
411		ArmamentNames: deployed
412	SelectionDecorations:
413	Selectable:
414		DecorationBounds: 48,40,0,-8