/dports/www/trac-devel/Trac-1.5.3/contrib/ |
H A D | wiki2rst.py | 17 import re 39 text = re.sub('\r?\n', '\n', wiki.text) 40 text = re.sub(r'\[\[TracGuideToc\]\]\r?\n?', '', text) 41 text = re.sub(r'\[\[PageOutline\([^\)]*\)\]\]\r?\n?', '', text) 54 rst = re.sub(r'^(\.\. code::) wiki$', r'\1', rst, flags=re.M) 55 rst = lower_reference_names(rst) 56 rst = lower_intradocument_links(rst) 57 rst = re.sub(r'\n{4,}', '\n\n\n', rst) 73 rst = re.sub(r'^\.\. _[^:]+:$', lambda m: m.group(0).lower(), 74 rst, flags=re.M) [all …]
/dports/audio/beets/beets-1.4.9/extra/ |
H A D | release.py | 8 import re 176 return re.sub(r'^- ', '- ', md, flags=re.M) 182 rst = get_latest_changelog() 185 rst = re.sub(r':doc:`/plugins/(\w+)`', r'``\1``', rst) 188 rst = re.sub(r':ref:`([^<]+)(<[^>]+>)`', r'\1', rst) 191 rst = re.sub(r'(\s)`([^`]+)`([^_])', r'\1``\2``\3', rst) 194 rst = re.sub(r':ref:`(\w+)-cmd`', r'``\1``', rst) 197 rst = re.sub(r':bug:`(\d+)`', r'#\1', rst) 200 rst = re.sub(r':user:`(\w+)`', r'@\1', rst) 203 md = rst2md(rst) [all …]
/dports/www/trac-devel/Trac-1.5.3/doc/utils/ |
H A D | checkapidoc.py | 27 import re 41 api_files = rst_files = [rst for rst in os.listdir('doc/api') 59 given_files += [rst for rst in api_files 65 for rst in api_files: 66 basename = rst.replace('.rst', '') 111 sphinx_doc_re = re.compile(r''' 114 ''', re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE) 116 def get_sphinx_documented_symbols(rst): argument 150 import_from_re = re.compile(r''' 156 ''' % ((r'(?:\w+|\w+\s+as\s+\w+)',) * 4), re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE) [all …]
/dports/cad/verilator/verilator-4.216/test_regress/t/t_sv_cpu_code/ |
H A D | ac_dig.sv | 31 input logic rst port 44 logic [1:0] re; register 80 …dbus.sConnect( .id(ID), .rst(rst), .sdata(sdata), .ws(ws), .mdata(mdata), .adr(adr ), .we(we),… 82 …dbus.sConnect( .id(ID), .rst(rst), .sdata(sdata), .ws(ws), .mdata(mdata), .adr(adr[1:0]), .we(we),… 96 if ( rst ) 129 if ( rst )
H A D | genbus_if.sv | 31 input logic rst, // Device Reset. port 151 input logic [SMSB:0] re ); port 156 m_re [id] = re; 184 input logic rst, port 190 output logic [SMSB:0] re ); port 197 mdata = s_mdata[id] & {16{~rst}}; 199 we = (s_we [id] & {SSIZE{s_sel[id]}}) | {SSIZE{rst}}; 200 re = s_re [id] & {SSIZE{s_sel[id]}};
/dports/deskutils/calibre/calibre-src-5.34.0/translations/manual/fr/ |
H A D | regexp_quick_reference.po | 161 msgstr "Tout caractère non numérique (identique à [^0-9])" 181 msgstr "Tout caractère « non-word »" 197 msgstr "Tout caractère « non-whitespace »" 318 "Le caractère ``|`` dans une expression régulière est un ``OR`` logique. Cela" 427 "assertions arrière positive de longueur variable." 532 msgstr "Assertion arrière positive (à placer avant la sélection)" 549 "Les assertions avant et arrière ne consomment pas de caractère, elles sont " 594 " un groupe capturant de l’assertion arrière positive." 680 msgstr "**Caractère**" 728 " et redevenir un simple caractère::" [all …]
H A D | xpath.po | 24 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:4 28 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:6 39 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:16 43 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:19 47 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:21 123 "built-in function :term:`re:test()`::" 130 msgstr "Ici l'opérateur ``.`` réfère au contenu de la balise, tout comme l'opérateur ``@`` réfère à… 157 msgid "re:test()" 158 msgstr "re:test()" 162 "``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches " [all …]
/dports/deskutils/calibre/calibre-src-5.34.0/translations/manual/tr/ |
H A D | xpath.po | 21 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:4 42 msgstr "Etiket ismine göre seçim" 97 msgstr "Özniteliğe göre seçmek" 103 msgstr "Etiketleri özniteliklerine göre seçmek için bu ifadelerin kullanılması gereklidir::" 114 msgstr "Etiket içeriğine göre seçmek" 120 "built-in function :term:`re:test()`::" 121 …th kullanarak etiketleri içerdikleri metinlere göre seçebilirsiniz. Bunu yapmanın en iyi yolu :ter… 154 msgid "re:test()" 155 msgstr "re:test()" 159 "``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches " [all …]
/dports/lang/python-legacy/Python-2.7.18/Doc/library/ |
H A D | strings.rst | 16 :mod:`re` module for string functions based on regular expressions. 21 string.rst 22 re.rst 23 struct.rst 24 difflib.rst 25 stringio.rst 26 textwrap.rst 27 codecs.rst 28 unicodedata.rst 29 stringprep.rst [all …]
/dports/lang/python27/Python-2.7.18/Doc/library/ |
H A D | strings.rst | 16 :mod:`re` module for string functions based on regular expressions. 21 string.rst 22 re.rst 23 struct.rst 24 difflib.rst 25 stringio.rst 26 textwrap.rst 27 codecs.rst 28 unicodedata.rst 29 stringprep.rst [all …]
/dports/deskutils/calibre/calibre-src-5.34.0/translations/manual/zh_CN/ |
H A D | xpath.po | 22 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:4 26 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:6 37 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:16 41 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:19 121 "built-in function :term:`re:test()`::" 122 msgstr "使用XPath,您甚至可以根据标签中包含的文本选择标签。 最好的方法是通过内置函数:术语:`re:测试()`使用*正则表达式*的功能::" 155 msgid "re:test()" 156 msgstr "re:test()" 160 "``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches " 164 "<https://docs.python.org/library/re.html>`_" [all …]
/dports/net/kea/kea-2.0.1/doc/sphinx/ |
H A D | mes2doc.py | 23 import re 61 m = re.search('^%\s?([A-Z0-9_]+)\s+(.*)', line); 72 rst = '''.. _kea-messages: 103 rst += section + '\n' 106 rst += '**' + msg_id + '**\n\n' 108 rst += msg_text + '\n\n' 111 rst += '\n' 114 return rst 119 rst = generate_rst(messages) 123 f.write(rst) [all …]
/dports/deskutils/calibre/calibre-src-5.34.0/translations/manual/ru/ |
H A D | xpath.po | 27 #: ../../home/runner/work/calibre/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:4 31 #: ../../home/runner/work/calibre/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:6 42 #: ../../home/runner/work/calibre/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:16 46 #: ../../home/runner/work/calibre/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:19 50 #: ../../home/runner/work/calibre/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:21 126 "built-in function :term:`re:test()`::" 160 msgid "re:test()" 161 msgstr "re:test()" 165 "``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches " 169 "<https://docs.python.org/library/re.html>`_" [all …]
/dports/deskutils/calibre/calibre-src-5.34.0/translations/manual/uk/ |
H A D | xpath.po | 23 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:4 27 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:6 38 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:16 42 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:19 46 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:21 53 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:27 122 "built-in function :term:`re:test()`::" 156 msgid "re:test()" 157 msgstr "re:test()" 161 "``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches " [all …]
/dports/devel/kf5-extra-cmake-modules/extra-cmake-modules-5.89.0/docs/sphinx/ext/ |
H A D | ecm.py | 10 import re 65 self.re_start = re.compile(r'^#\[(?P<eq>=*)\[\.rst:$') 92 rst = None 95 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 103 rst = None 111 rst = '#' 113 elif rst == '#': 119 elif rst is None: 122 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 228 _re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)(\s*)(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) [all …]
/dports/devel/cmake-gui/cmake-3.22.1/Utilities/Sphinx/ |
H A D | cmake.py | 5 import re 142 rst = None 145 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 153 rst = None 161 rst = '#' 163 elif rst == '#': 172 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 314 _re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)(\s*)(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) 315 _re_sub = re.compile(r'^([^()\s]+)\s*\(([^()]*)\)$', re.DOTALL) 316 _re_genex = re.compile(r'^\$<([^<>:]+)(:[^<>]+)?>$', re.DOTALL) [all …]
/dports/devel/cmake-doc/cmake-3.22.1/Utilities/Sphinx/ |
H A D | cmake.py | 5 import re 142 rst = None 145 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 153 rst = None 161 rst = '#' 163 elif rst == '#': 172 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 314 _re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)(\s*)(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) 315 _re_sub = re.compile(r'^([^()\s]+)\s*\(([^()]*)\)$', re.DOTALL) 316 _re_genex = re.compile(r'^\$<([^<>:]+)(:[^<>]+)?>$', re.DOTALL) [all …]
/dports/devel/cmake/cmake-3.22.1/Utilities/Sphinx/ |
H A D | cmake.py | 5 import re 142 rst = None 145 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 153 rst = None 161 rst = '#' 163 elif rst == '#': 172 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 314 _re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)(\s*)(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) 315 _re_sub = re.compile(r'^([^()\s]+)\s*\(([^()]*)\)$', re.DOTALL) 316 _re_genex = re.compile(r'^\$<([^<>:]+)(:[^<>]+)?>$', re.DOTALL) [all …]
/dports/databases/twemproxy/twemproxy-0.5.0/scripts/ |
H A D | benchmark-mget.py | 8 import re 21 match = re.search(regex, text, re.DOTALL) 34 rst = system(cmd) 38 rtime = extra('100.00% <= (\d+) milliseconds', rst) 39 qps = extra('([\.\d]+) requests per second', rst)
/dports/textproc/py-sphinx/Sphinx-3.5.2/tests/ |
H A D | test_markup.py | 11 import re 65 def parse_(rst): argument 68 parser.parse(rst, document) 96 def verify(rst, html_expected): argument 97 document = parse(rst) 102 assert re.match(html_expected, html_translated), 'from ' + rst 108 def verify(rst, latex_expected): argument 109 document = parse(rst) 118 assert re.match(latex_expected, latex_translated), 'from ' + repr(rst) 136 verify_re_html(rst, re.escape(html_expected) + '$') [all …]
/dports/devel/ros-catkin/catkin-0.8.9/doc/ |
H A D | generate_cmake_rst.py | 40 import re 82 declaration = re.match(r'[a-zA-Z]+ *\([a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+\)', line) 120 rst.append('') 123 rst.append('') 124 rst.append('') 127 rst.append('') 131 rst.append('') 133 rst.append('') 138 rst.append('') 144 rst.append('') [all …]
/dports/www/middleman/middleman/src/ |
H A D | regexp.c | 29 regex_t *re; in reg_compile() local 36 xfree(re); in reg_compile() 37 re = NULL; in reg_compile() 40 return re; in reg_compile() 48 ASSERT(re != NULL); in reg_free() 50 regfree(re); in reg_free() 51 xfree(re); in reg_free() 96 xfree(re); in reg_sub_free() 134 char *reg_sub_parse(regmatch_sub_t * rst, char *string) in reg_sub_parse() argument 150 if (x >= 0 && x < rst->subcount) in reg_sub_parse() [all …]
/dports/math/cgal/CGAL-5.3/cmake/modules/Help/ |
H A D | cmake.py | 13 import re 66 self.re_start = re.compile(r'^#\[(?P<eq>=*)\[\.rst:$') 93 rst = None 96 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 104 rst = None 112 rst = '#' 114 elif rst == '#': 120 elif rst is None: 123 if rst is not None and rst != '#': 248 _re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)(\s*)(?<!\x00)<(.*?)>$', re.DOTALL) [all …]
/dports/devel/py-proxmoxer/proxmoxer-1.2.0/ |
H A D | setup.py | 3 import re 12 rst = f.read() variable 14 rst = re.sub(code_block, '::', rst) variable 16 f.write(rst)
/dports/deskutils/calibre/calibre-src-5.34.0/translations/manual/hu/ |
H A D | xpath.po | 21 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:4 25 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:6 36 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:16 40 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:19 44 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:21 51 #: ../../home/kovid/work/calibre/manual/xpath.rst:27 120 "built-in function :term:`re:test()`::" 154 msgid "re:test()" 155 msgstr "re:test()" 159 "``re:test(src, pattern, flags)`` returns `true` if the string `src` matches " [all …]