4 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <ViennaRNA/datastructures/basic.h>
8 /**
9  *
10  *  @file heat_capacity.h
11  *  @ingroup  thermodynamics
12  *
13  *  @brief Compute heat capacity for an RNA
14  *
15  *  This file includes the interface to all functions related to predicting the heat capacity for an RNA.
16  */
19 /**
20  *  @addtogroup  thermodynamics
21  *  @{
22  */
25 /**
26  *  @brief  The callback for heat capacity predictions
27  *
28  *  @callback
29  *  @parblock
30  *  This function will be called for each evaluated temperature in the heat capacity prediction.
31  *  @endparblock
32  *  @see vrna_heat_capacity_cb()
33  *
34  *  @param temp           The current temperature this results corresponds to in &deg;C
35  *  @param heat_capacity  The heat capacity in Kcal/(Mol * K)
36  *  @param data           Some arbitrary data pointer passed through by the function executing the callback
37  */
38 typedef void (vrna_heat_capacity_callback)(float  temp,
39                                            float  heat_capacity,
40                                            void   *data);
43 /**
44  *  @brief  A single result from heat capacity computations
45  *
46  *  This is a convenience typedef for #vrna_heat_capacity_s, i.e. results as obtained from vrna_heat_capacity()
47  */
48 typedef struct vrna_heat_capacity_s vrna_heat_capacity_t;
51 /**
52  *  @brief  A single result from heat capacity computations
53  *
54  *  @see vrna_heat_capacity()
55  */
56 struct vrna_heat_capacity_s {
57   float temperature;    /**< @brief   The temperature in &deg;C */
58   float heat_capacity;  /**< @brief   The specific heat at this temperature in Kcal/(Mol * K) */
59 };
62 /**
63  *  @name Basic heat capacity function interface
64  *  @{
65  */
67 /**
68  *  @brief  Compute the specific heat for an RNA
69  *
70  *  This function computes an RNAs specific heat in a given temperature range
71  *  from the partition function by numeric differentiation. The result is returned
72  *  as a list of pairs of temperature in &deg;C and specific heat in Kcal/(Mol*K).
73  *
74  *  Users can specify the temperature range for the computation from @p T_min to
75  *  @p T_max, as well as the increment step size @p T_increment. The latter also determines
76  *  how many times the partition function is computed. Finally, the parameter @p mpoints
77  *  determines how smooth the curve should be. The algorithm itself fits a parabola
78  *  to @f$ 2 \cdot mpoints + 1 @f$ data points to calculate 2nd derivatives. Increasing this
79  *  parameter produces a smoother curve.
80  *
81  *  @see  vrna_heat_capacity_cb(), vrna_heat_capacity_t, vrna_heat_capacity_s
82  *
83  *  @param  fc            The #vrna_fold_compound_t with the RNA sequence to analyze
84  *  @param  T_min         Lowest temperature in &deg;C
85  *  @param  T_max         Highest temperature in &deg;C
86  *  @param  T_increment   Stepsize for temperature incrementation in &deg;C (a reasonable choice might be 1&deg;C)
87  *  @param  mpoints       The number of interpolation points to calculate 2nd derivative (a reasonable choice might be 2, min: 1, max: 100)
88  *  @return               A list of pairs of temperatures and corresponding heat capacity or @em NULL upon any failure.
89  *                        The last entry of the list is indicated by a @b temperature field set to a value smaller than @p T_min
90  */
91 vrna_heat_capacity_t *
92 vrna_heat_capacity(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc,
93                    float                T_min,
94                    float                T_max,
95                    float                T_increment,
96                    unsigned int         mpoints);
99 /**
100  *  @brief  Compute the specific heat for an RNA  (callback variant)
101  *
102  *  Similar to vrna_heat_capacity(), this function computes an RNAs specific heat in
103  *  a given temperature range from the partition function by numeric differentiation.
104  *  Instead of returning a list of temperature/specific heat pairs, however, this
105  *  function returns the individual results through a callback mechanism. The provided
106  *  function will be called for each result and passed the corresponding temperature
107  *  and specific heat values along with the arbitrary data as provided through the
108  *  @p data pointer argument.
109  *
110  *  Users can specify the temperature range for the computation from @p T_min to
111  *  @p T_max, as well as the increment step size @p T_increment. The latter also determines
112  *  how many times the partition function is computed. Finally, the parameter @p mpoints
113  *  determines how smooth the curve should be. The algorithm itself fits a parabola
114  *  to @f$ 2 \cdot mpoints + 1 @f$ data points to calculate 2nd derivatives. Increasing this
115  *  parameter produces a smoother curve.
116  *
117  *  @see  vrna_heat_capacity(), vrna_heat_capacity_callback
118  *
119  *  @param  fc            The #vrna_fold_compound_t with the RNA sequence to analyze
120  *  @param  T_min         Lowest temperature in &deg;C
121  *  @param  T_max         Highest temperature in &deg;C
122  *  @param  T_increment   Stepsize for temperature incrementation in &deg;C (a reasonable choice might be 1&deg;C)
123  *  @param  mpoints       The number of interpolation points to calculate 2nd derivative (a reasonable choice might be 2, min: 1, max: 100)
124  *  @param  cb            The user-defined callback function that receives the individual results
125  *  @param  data          An arbitrary data structure that will be passed to the callback in conjunction with the results
126  *  @return               Returns 0 upon failure, and non-zero otherwise
127  */
128 int
129 vrna_heat_capacity_cb(vrna_fold_compound_t        *fc,
130                       float                       T_min,
131                       float                       T_max,
132                       float                       T_increment,
133                       unsigned int                mpoints,
134                       vrna_heat_capacity_callback *cb,
135                       void                        *data);
138 /* End basic interface */
139 /**@}*/
141 /**
142  *  @name Simplified heat capacity computation
143  *  @{
144  */
146 /**
147  *  @brief  Compute the specific heat for an RNA (simplified variant)
148  *
149  *  Similar to vrna_heat_capacity(), this function computes an RNAs specific heat
150  *  in a given temperature range from the partition function by numeric differentiation.
151  *  This simplified version, however, only requires the RNA sequence as input instead of
152  *  a vrna_fold_compound_t data structure. The result is returned as a list of pairs of
153  *  temperature in &deg;C and specific heat in Kcal/(Mol*K).
154  *
155  *  Users can specify the temperature range for the computation from @p T_min to
156  *  @p T_max, as well as the increment step size @p T_increment. The latter also determines
157  *  how many times the partition function is computed. Finally, the parameter @p mpoints
158  *  determines how smooth the curve should be. The algorithm itself fits a parabola
159  *  to @f$ 2 \cdot mpoints + 1 @f$ data points to calculate 2nd derivatives. Increasing this
160  *  parameter produces a smoother curve.
161  *
162  *  @see  vrna_heat_capacity(), vrna_heat_capacity_cb(), vrna_heat_capacity_t, vrna_heat_capacity_s
163  *
164  *  @param  sequence      The RNA sequence input (must be uppercase)
165  *  @param  T_min         Lowest temperature in &deg;C
166  *  @param  T_max         Highest temperature in &deg;C
167  *  @param  T_increment   Stepsize for temperature incrementation in &deg;C (a reasonable choice might be 1&deg;C)
168  *  @param  mpoints       The number of interpolation points to calculate 2nd derivative (a reasonable choice might be 2, min: 1, max: 100)
169  *  @return               A list of pairs of temperatures and corresponding heat capacity or @em NULL upon any failure.
170  *                        The last entry of the list is indicated by a @b temperature field set to a value smaller than @p T_min
171  */
172 vrna_heat_capacity_t *
173 vrna_heat_capacity_simple(const char    *sequence,
174                           float         T_min,
175                           float         T_max,
176                           float         T_increment,
177                           unsigned int  mpoints);
179 /* End basic interface */
180 /**@}*/
182 /* End thermodynamics */
183 /**@}*/
185 #endif