1 /*
2     This file is part of darktable,
3     Copyright (C) 2021 darktable developers.
5     darktable is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     darktable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16     along with darktable.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
18 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
19 #include "config.h"
20 #endif
22 #include "bauhaus/bauhaus.h"
23 #include "develop/imageop.h"
24 #include "develop/imageop_gui.h"
25 #include "gui/color_picker_proxy.h"
26 #include "gui/gtk.h"
27 #include "iop/iop_api.h"
28 #include "common/gaussian.h"
29 #include "common/fast_guided_filter.h"
31 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
32 #include <stdlib.h>
34 DT_MODULE_INTROSPECTION(1, dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t)
36 /**
37  * Description of the approach
38  *
39  ** The problem
40  * chromatic aberration appear when:
41  * (1) channels are misaligned
42  * (2) or if some channel is more blurry than another.
43  *
44  * example case (1):
45  *           _________
46  * _________|               first channel
47  *             _______
48  * ___________|             second channel
49  *          ^^ chromatic aberration
50  *
51  * other example case (1):
52  *           _________
53  * _________|               first channel
54  * ___________
55  *            |_______      second channel
56  *          ^^ chromatic aberration
57  *
58  * example case (2):
59  *           _________
60  *          |               first channel
61  * _________|
62  *            ________
63  *           /              second channel
64  *          /
65  * ________/
66  *         ^^^ chromatic aberration
67  *
68  * note that case (1) can already be partially corrected using the lens
69  * correction module.
70  *
71  ** Requirements for the solution
72  * - handle both cases
73  * - preserve borders as much as possible
74  * - be fast to compute
75  *
76  ** The solution
77  * The main idea is to represent 2 channels as a function of the third one.
78  *
79  * a very simple function is: guided = a * guide
80  * where a = blur(guided) / blur(guide)
81  * But this function is too simple to cope with borders.
82  *
83  * We stick with the idea of having guided channel as a factor of
84  * the guide channel, but instead of having a locally constant factor
85  * a, we use a factor that depends on the value of the guide pixel:
86  * guided = a(guide) * guide
87  *
88  * Our function a(guide) is pretty simple, it is a weighted average
89  * between 2 values (one high and one low), where the weights are
90  * dependent on the guide pixel value.
91  *
92  * Now, how do we determine these high and low value.
93  *
94  * We compute 2 manifolds.
95  * manifolds are partial local averages:
96  * some pixels are not used in the averages.
97  *
98  * for the lower manifold, we average only pixels whose guide value are below
99  * a local average of the guide.
100  * for the higher manifold, we average only pixels whose guide value are above
101  * a local average of the guide.
102  *
103  * for example here:
104  *           _________
105  * _ _ _ _ _| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ average
106  * _________|
107  *
108  * ^^^^^^^^^ pixels below average (will be used to compute lower manifold)
109  *
110  *           ^^^^^^^^^ pixels above average (will be used to compute higher manifold)
111  *
112  * As we want to write the guided channel as a ratio of the guide channel,
113  * we compute the manifolds on:
114  * - the guide channel
115  * - log difference between guide and guided
116  *
117  * using the log difference gives much better result than using directly the
118  * guided channel in the manifolds computation and computing the ratio after
119  * that, because averaging in linear makes lower manifolds harder to estimate
120  * accurately.
121  * Note that the repartition of pixels into higher and lower manifold
122  * computation is done by taking into account ONLY the guide channel.
123  *
124  * Once we have our 2 manifolds, with an average log difference for each of them
125  * (i.e. an average ratio), we can do a weighted mean to get the result.
126  * We weight more one ratio or the other depending to how close the guide pixel
127  * is from one manifold or another.
128  *
129  **/
131 typedef enum dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t
132 {
133   DT_CACORRECT_RGB_R = 0,    // $DESCRIPTION: "red"
134   DT_CACORRECT_RGB_G = 1,    // $DESCRIPTION: "green"
135   DT_CACORRECT_RGB_B = 2     // $DESCRIPTION: "blue"
136 } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t;
138 typedef enum dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t
139 {
141   DT_CACORRECT_MODE_DARKEN = 1,    // $DESCRIPTION: "darken only"
142   DT_CACORRECT_MODE_BRIGHTEN = 2   // $DESCRIPTION: "brighten only"
143 } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t;
145 typedef struct dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t
146 {
147   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide_channel; // $DEFAULT: DT_CACORRECT_RGB_G $DESCRIPTION: "guide"
148   float radius; // $MIN: 1 $MAX: 500 $DEFAULT: 5 $DESCRIPTION: "radius"
149   float strength; // $MIN: 0 $MAX: 4 $DEFAULT: 0.5 $DESCRIPTION: "strength"
150   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode; // $DEFAULT: DT_CACORRECT_MODE_STANDARD $DESCRIPTION: "correction mode"
151   gboolean refine_manifolds; // $MIN: FALSE $MAX: TRUE $DEFAULT: FALSE $DESCRIPTION: "very large chromatic aberration"
152 } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t;
154 typedef struct dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t
155 {
156   GtkWidget *guide_channel, *radius, *strength, *mode, *refine_manifolds;
157 } dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t;
name()159 const char *name()
160 {
161   return _("chromatic aberrations");
162 }
description(struct dt_iop_module_t * self)164 const char *description(struct dt_iop_module_t *self)
165 {
166   return dt_iop_set_description(self, _("correct chromatic aberrations"),
167                                       _("corrective"),
168                                       _("linear, raw, scene-referred"),
169                                       _("linear, raw"),
170                                       _("linear, raw, scene-referred"));
171 }
flags()173 int flags()
174 {
176 }
default_group()178 int default_group()
179 {
181 }
default_colorspace(dt_iop_module_t * self,dt_dev_pixelpipe_t * pipe,dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t * piece)183 int default_colorspace(dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_t *pipe, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece)
184 {
185   return iop_cs_rgb;
186 }
commit_params(dt_iop_module_t * self,dt_iop_params_t * p1,dt_dev_pixelpipe_t * pipe,dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t * piece)188 void commit_params(dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_iop_params_t *p1, dt_dev_pixelpipe_t *pipe, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece)
189 {
190   memcpy(piece->data, p1, self->params_size);
191 }
normalize_manifolds(const float * const restrict blurred_in,float * const restrict blurred_manifold_lower,float * const restrict blurred_manifold_higher,const size_t width,const size_t height,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide)193 static void normalize_manifolds(const float *const restrict blurred_in, float *const restrict blurred_manifold_lower, float *const restrict blurred_manifold_higher, const size_t width, const size_t height, const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide)
194 {
195 #ifdef _OPENMP
196 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
197 dt_omp_firstprivate(blurred_in, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \
198   schedule(simd:static)
199 #endif
200   for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
201   {
202     const float weighth = fmaxf(blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + 3], 1E-2f);
203     const float weightl = fmaxf(blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + 3], 1E-2f);
205     // normalize guide
206     const float highg = blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] / weighth;
207     const float lowg = blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] / weightl;
209     blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] = highg;
210     blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] = lowg;
212     // normalize and unlog other channels
213     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
214     {
215       const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3;
216       const float highc = blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] / weighth;
217       const float lowc = blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] / weightl;
218       blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = exp2f(highc) * highg;
219       blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = exp2f(lowc) * lowg;
220     }
222     // replace by average if weight is too small
223     if(weighth < 0.05f)
224     {
225       // we make a smooth transition between full manifold at
226       // weighth = 0.05f to full average at weighth = 0.01f
227       const float w = (weighth - 0.01f) / (0.05f - 0.01f);
228       for_each_channel(c,aligned(blurred_manifold_higher,blurred_in))
229       {
230         blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = w * blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c]
231                                            + (1.0f - w) * blurred_in[k * 4 + c];
232       }
233     }
234     if(weightl < 0.05f)
235     {
236       // we make a smooth transition between full manifold at
237       // weightl = 0.05f to full average at weightl = 0.01f
238       const float w = (weightl - 0.01f) / (0.05f - 0.01f);
239       for_each_channel(c,aligned(blurred_manifold_lower,blurred_in))
240       {
241         blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = w * blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c]
242                                           + (1.0f - w) * blurred_in[k * 4 + c];
243       }
244     }
245   }
246 }
get_manifolds(const float * const restrict in,const size_t width,const size_t height,const float sigma,const float sigma2,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,float * const restrict manifolds,gboolean refine_manifolds)249 static void get_manifolds(const float* const restrict in, const size_t width, const size_t height,
250                           const float sigma, const float sigma2,
251                           const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,
252                           float* const restrict manifolds, gboolean refine_manifolds)
253 {
254   float *const restrict blurred_in = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
255   float *const restrict manifold_higher = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
256   float *const restrict manifold_lower = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
257   float *const restrict blurred_manifold_higher = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
258   float *const restrict blurred_manifold_lower = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
260   dt_aligned_pixel_t max = {INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY};
261   dt_aligned_pixel_t min = {-INFINITY, -INFINITY, -INFINITY, 0.0f};
262   // start with a larger blur to estimate the manifolds if we refine them
263   // later on
264   const float blur_size = refine_manifolds ? sigma2 : sigma;
265   dt_gaussian_t *g = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 4, max, min, blur_size, 0);
266   if(!g) return;
267   dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, in, blurred_in);
269   // construct the manifolds
270   // higher manifold is the blur of all pixels that are above average,
271   // lower manifold is the blur of all pixels that are below average
272   // we use the guide channel to categorize the pixels as above or below average
273 #ifdef _OPENMP
274 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
275 dt_omp_firstprivate(in, blurred_in, manifold_lower, manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \
276   schedule(simd:static)
277 #endif
278   for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
279   {
280     const float pixelg = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f);
281     const float avg = blurred_in[k * 4 + guide];
282     float weighth = (pixelg >= avg);
283     float weightl = (pixelg <= avg);
284     float logdiffs[2];
285     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
286     {
287       const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3;
288       const float pixel = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f);
289       const float log_diff = log2f(pixel / pixelg);
290       logdiffs[kc] = log_diff;
291     }
292     // regularization of logdiff to avoid too many problems with noise:
293     // we lower the weights of pixels with too high logdiff
294     const float maxlogdiff = fmaxf(fabsf(logdiffs[0]), fabsf(logdiffs[1]));
295     if(maxlogdiff > DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF)
296     {
297       const float correction_weight = DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF / maxlogdiff;
298       weightl *= correction_weight;
299       weighth *= correction_weight;
300     }
301     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
302     {
303       const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3;
304       manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * weighth;
305       manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * weightl;
306     }
307     manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] = pixelg * weighth;
308     manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] = pixelg * weightl;
309     manifold_higher[k * 4 + 3] = weighth;
310     manifold_lower[k * 4 + 3] = weightl;
311   }
313   dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_higher, blurred_manifold_higher);
314   dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_lower);
315   dt_gaussian_free(g);
317   normalize_manifolds(blurred_in, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide);
319   // note that manifolds were constructed based on the value and average
320   // of the guide channel ONLY.
321   // this implies that the "higher" manifold in the channel c may be
322   // actually lower than the "lower" manifold of that channel.
323   // This happens in the following example:
324   // guide:  1_____
325   //               |_____0
326   // guided:        _____1
327   //         0_____|
328   // here the higher manifold of guide is equal to 1, its lower manifold is
329   // equal to 0. The higher manifold of the guided channel is equal to 0
330   // as it is the average of the values where the guide is higher than its
331   // average, and the lower manifold of the guided channel is equal to 1.
333   if(refine_manifolds)
334   {
335     g = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 4, max, min, sigma, 0);
336     if(!g) return;
337     dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, in, blurred_in);
339     // refine the manifolds
340     // improve result especially on very degraded images
341     // we use a blur of normal size for this step
342   #ifdef _OPENMP
343   #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
344   dt_omp_firstprivate(in, blurred_in, manifold_lower, manifold_higher, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \
345     schedule(simd:static)
346   #endif
347     for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
348     {
349       // in order to refine the manifolds, we will compute weights
350       // for which all channels will have a contribution.
351       // this will allow to avoid taking too much into account pixels
352       // that have wrong values due to the chromatic aberration
353       //
354       // for example, here:
355       // guide:  1_____
356       //               |_____0
357       // guided: 1______
358       //                |____0
359       //               ^ this pixel makes the estimated lower manifold erroneous
360       // here, the higher and lower manifolds values computed are:
361       // _______|_higher_|________lower_________|
362       // guide  |    1   |   0                  |
363       // guided |    1   |(1 + 4 * 0) / 5 = 0.2 |
364       //
365       // the lower manifold of the guided is 0.2 if we consider only the guide
366       //
367       // at this step of the algorithm, we know estimates of manifolds
368       //
369       // we can refine the manifolds by computing weights that reduce the influence
370       // of pixels that are probably suffering from chromatic aberrations
371       const float pixelg = log2f(fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f));
372       const float highg = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f));
373       const float lowg = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f));
374       const float avgg = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_in[k * 4 + guide], 1E-6f));
376       float w = 1.0f;
377       for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
378       {
379         const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3;
380         // weight by considering how close pixel is for a manifold,
381         // and how close the log difference between the channels is
382         // close to the wrong log difference between the channels.
384         const float pixel = log2f(fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f));
385         const float highc = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f));
386         const float lowc = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f));
388         // find how likely the pixel is part of a chromatic aberration
389         // (lowc, lowg) and (highc, highg) are valid points
390         // (lowc, highg) and (highc, lowg) are chromatic aberrations
391         const float dist_to_ll = fabsf(pixelg - lowg - pixel + lowc);
392         const float dist_to_hh = fabsf(pixelg - highg - pixel + highc);
393         const float dist_to_lh = fabsf((pixelg - pixel) - (highg - lowc));
394         const float dist_to_hl = fabsf((pixelg - pixel) - (lowg - highc));
396         float dist_to_good = 1.0f;
397         if(fabsf(pixelg - lowg) < fabsf(pixelg - highg))
398           dist_to_good = dist_to_ll;
399         else
400           dist_to_good = dist_to_hh;
402         float dist_to_bad = 1.0f;
403         if(fabsf(pixelg - lowg) < fabsf(pixelg - highg))
404           dist_to_bad = dist_to_hl;
405         else
406           dist_to_bad = dist_to_lh;
408         // make w higher if close to good, and smaller if close to bad.
409         w *= 1.0f * (0.2f + 1.0f / fmaxf(dist_to_good, 0.1f)) / (0.2f + 1.0f / fmaxf(dist_to_bad, 0.1f));
410       }
412       if(pixelg > avgg)
413       {
414         float logdiffs[2];
415         for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
416         {
417           const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3;
418           const float pixel = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f);
419           const float log_diff = log2f(pixel) - pixelg;
420           logdiffs[kc] = log_diff;
421         }
422         // regularization of logdiff to avoid too many problems with noise:
423         // we lower the weights of pixels with too high logdiff
424         const float maxlogdiff = fmaxf(fabsf(logdiffs[0]), fabsf(logdiffs[1]));
425         if(maxlogdiff > DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF)
426         {
427           const float correction_weight = DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF / maxlogdiff;
428           w *= correction_weight;
429         }
430         for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
431         {
432           const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3;
433           manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * w;
434         }
435         manifold_higher[k * 4 + guide] = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 0.0f) * w;
436         manifold_higher[k * 4 + 3] = w;
437         // manifold_lower still contains the values from first iteration
438         // -> reset it.
439         for_four_channels(c)
440         {
441           manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = 0.0f;
442         }
443       }
444       else
445       {
446         float logdiffs[2];
447         for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
448         {
449           const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3;
450           const float pixel = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 1E-6f);
451           const float log_diff = log2f(pixel) - pixelg;
452           logdiffs[kc] = log_diff;
453         }
454         // regularization of logdiff to avoid too many problems with noise:
455         // we lower the weights of pixels with too high logdiff
456         const float maxlogdiff = fmaxf(fabsf(logdiffs[0]), fabsf(logdiffs[1]));
457         if(maxlogdiff > DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF)
458         {
459           const float correction_weight = DT_CACORRECTRGB_MAX_EV_DIFF / maxlogdiff;
460           w *= correction_weight;
461         }
462         for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
463         {
464           const size_t c = (kc + guide + 1) % 3;
465           manifold_lower[k * 4 + c] = logdiffs[kc] * w;
466         }
467         manifold_lower[k * 4 + guide] = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 0.0f) * w;
468         manifold_lower[k * 4 + 3] = w;
469         // manifold_higher still contains the values from first iteration
470         // -> reset it.
471         for(size_t c = 0; c < 4; c++)
472         {
473           manifold_higher[k * 4 + c] = 0.0f;
474         }
475       }
476     }
478     dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_higher, blurred_manifold_higher);
479     dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_lower);
480     normalize_manifolds(blurred_in, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide);
481     dt_gaussian_free(g);
482   }
484   dt_free_align(manifold_lower);
485   dt_free_align(manifold_higher);
487   // store all manifolds in the same structure to make upscaling faster
488 #ifdef _OPENMP
489 #pragma omp parallel for simd default(none) \
490 dt_omp_firstprivate(manifolds, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher, width, height, guide) \
491   schedule(simd:static) aligned(manifolds, blurred_manifold_lower, blurred_manifold_higher:64)
492 #endif
493   for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
494   {
495     for(size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++)
496     {
497       manifolds[k * 6 + c] = blurred_manifold_higher[k * 4 + c];
498       manifolds[k * 6 + 3 + c] = blurred_manifold_lower[k * 4 + c];
499     }
500   }
501   dt_free_align(blurred_in);
502   dt_free_align(blurred_manifold_lower);
503   dt_free_align(blurred_manifold_higher);
504 }
apply_correction(const float * const restrict in,const float * const restrict manifolds,const size_t width,const size_t height,const float sigma,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode,float * const restrict out)507 static void apply_correction(const float* const restrict in,
508                           const float* const restrict manifolds,
509                           const size_t width, const size_t height, const float sigma,
510                           const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,
511                           const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode,
512                           float* const restrict out)
514 {
515 #ifdef _OPENMP
516 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
517 dt_omp_firstprivate(in, width, height, guide, manifolds, out, sigma, mode) \
518   schedule(simd:static)
519 #endif
520   for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
521   {
522     const float high_guide = fmaxf(manifolds[k * 6 + guide], 1E-6f);
523     const float low_guide = fmaxf(manifolds[k * 6 + 3 + guide], 1E-6f);
524     const float log_high = log2f(high_guide);
525     const float log_low = log2f(low_guide);
526     const float dist_low_high = log_high - log_low;
527     const float pixelg = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + guide], 0.0f);
528     const float log_pixg = log2f(fminf(fmaxf(pixelg, low_guide), high_guide));
530     // determine how close our pixel is from the low manifold compared to the
531     // high manifold.
532     // if pixel value is lower or equal to the low manifold, weight_low = 1.0f
533     // if pixel value is higher or equal to the high manifold, weight_low = 0.0f
534     float weight_low = fabsf(log_high - log_pixg) / fmaxf(dist_low_high, 1E-6f);
535     // if the manifolds are very close, we are likely to introduce discontinuities
536     // and to have a meaningless "weight_low".
537     // thus in these cases make dist closer to 0.5.
538     // we set a threshold of 0.25f EV min.
539     const float threshold_dist_low_high = 0.25f;
540     if(dist_low_high < threshold_dist_low_high)
541     {
542       const float weight = dist_low_high / threshold_dist_low_high;
543       // dist_low_high = threshold_dist_low_high => dist
544       // dist_low_high = 0.0 => 0.5f
545       weight_low = weight_low * weight + 0.5f * (1.0f - weight);
546     }
547     const float weight_high = fmaxf(1.0f - weight_low, 0.0f);
549     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
550     {
551       const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3;
552       const float pixelc = fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 0.0f);
554       const float ratio_high_manifolds = manifolds[k * 6 + c] / high_guide;
555       const float ratio_low_manifolds = manifolds[k * 6 + 3 + c] / low_guide;
556       // weighted geometric mean between the ratios.
557       const float ratio = powf(ratio_low_manifolds, weight_low) * powf(ratio_high_manifolds, weight_high);
559       const float outp = pixelg * ratio;
561       switch(mode)
562       {
564           out[k * 4 + c] = outp;
565           break;
566         case DT_CACORRECT_MODE_DARKEN:
567           out[k * 4 + c] = fminf(outp, pixelc);
568           break;
570           out[k * 4 + c] = fmaxf(outp, pixelc);
571           break;
572       }
573     }
575     out[k * 4 + guide] = pixelg;
576     out[k * 4 + 3] = in[k * 4 + 3];
577   }
578 }
reduce_artifacts(const float * const restrict in,const size_t width,const size_t height,const float sigma,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,const float safety,float * const restrict out)580 static void reduce_artifacts(const float* const restrict in,
581                           const size_t width, const size_t height, const float sigma,
582                           const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,
583                           const float safety,
584                           float* const restrict out)
586 {
587   // in_out contains the 2 guided channels of in, and the 2 guided channels of out
588   // it allows to blur all channels in one 4-channel gaussian blur instead of 2
589   float *const restrict DT_ALIGNED_PIXEL in_out = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
590 #ifdef _OPENMP
591 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
592   dt_omp_firstprivate(in, out, in_out, width, height, guide)        \
593   schedule(simd:static)
594 #endif
595   for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
596   {
597     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
598     {
599       const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3;
600       in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 0] = in[k * 4 + c];
601       in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 1] = out[k * 4 + c];
602     }
603   }
605   float *const restrict blurred_in_out = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 4);
606   dt_aligned_pixel_t max = {INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY, INFINITY};
607   dt_aligned_pixel_t min = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
608   dt_gaussian_t *g = dt_gaussian_init(width, height, 4, max, min, sigma, 0);
609   if(!g) return;
610   dt_gaussian_blur_4c(g, in_out, blurred_in_out);
611   dt_gaussian_free(g);
612   dt_free_align(in_out);
614   // we consider that even with chromatic aberration, local average should
615   // be close to be accurate.
616   // thus, the local average of output should be similar to the one of the input
617   // if they are not, the algorithm probably washed out colors too much or
618   // may have produced artifacts.
619   // we do a weighted average between input and output, keeping more input if
620   // the local averages are very different.
621   // we use the same weight for all channels, as using different weights
622   // introduces artifacts in practice.
623 #ifdef _OPENMP
624 #pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
625 dt_omp_firstprivate(in, out, blurred_in_out, width, height, guide, safety) \
626   schedule(simd:static)
627 #endif
628   for(size_t k = 0; k < width * height; k++)
629   {
630     float w = 1.0f;
631     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
632     {
633       const float avg_in = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 0], 1E-6f));
634       const float avg_out = log2f(fmaxf(blurred_in_out[k * 4 + kc * 2 + 1], 1E-6f));
635       w *= expf(-fmaxf(fabsf(avg_out - avg_in), 0.01f) * safety);
636     }
637     for(size_t kc = 0; kc <= 1; kc++)
638     {
639       const size_t c = (guide + kc + 1) % 3;
640       out[k * 4 + c] = fmaxf(1.0f - w, 0.0f) * fmaxf(in[k * 4 + c], 0.0f) + w * fmaxf(out[k * 4 + c], 0.0f);
641     }
642   }
643   dt_free_align(blurred_in_out);
644 }
reduce_chromatic_aberrations(const float * const restrict in,const size_t width,const size_t height,const size_t ch,const float sigma,const float sigma2,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode,const gboolean refine_manifolds,const float safety,float * const restrict out)646 static void reduce_chromatic_aberrations(const float* const restrict in,
647                           const size_t width, const size_t height,
648                           const size_t ch, const float sigma, const float sigma2,
649                           const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_guide_channel_t guide,
650                           const dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_mode_t mode,
651                           const gboolean refine_manifolds,
652                           const float safety,
653                           float* const restrict out)
655 {
656   const float downsize = fminf(3.0f, sigma);
657   const size_t ds_width = width / downsize;
658   const size_t ds_height = height / downsize;
659   float *const restrict ds_in = dt_alloc_align_float(ds_width * ds_height * 4);
660   // we use only one variable for both higher and lower manifolds in order
661   // to save time by doing only one bilinear interpolation instead of 2.
662   float *const restrict ds_manifolds = dt_alloc_align_float(ds_width * ds_height * 6);
663   // Downsample the image for speed-up
664   interpolate_bilinear(in, width, height, ds_in, ds_width, ds_height, 4);
666   // Compute manifolds
667   get_manifolds(ds_in, ds_width, ds_height, sigma / downsize, sigma2 / downsize, guide, ds_manifolds, refine_manifolds);
668   dt_free_align(ds_in);
670   // upscale manifolds
671   float *const restrict manifolds = dt_alloc_align_float(width * height * 6);
672   interpolate_bilinear(ds_manifolds, ds_width, ds_height, manifolds, width, height, 6);
673   dt_free_align(ds_manifolds);
675   apply_correction(in, manifolds, width, height, sigma, guide, mode, out);
676   dt_free_align(manifolds);
678   reduce_artifacts(in, width, height, sigma, guide, safety, out);
679 }
process(struct dt_iop_module_t * self,dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t * piece,const void * const ivoid,void * const ovoid,const dt_iop_roi_t * const roi_in,const dt_iop_roi_t * const roi_out)681 void process(struct dt_iop_module_t *self, dt_dev_pixelpipe_iop_t *piece, const void *const ivoid, void *const ovoid,
682              const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_in, const dt_iop_roi_t *const roi_out)
683 {
684   if (!dt_iop_have_required_input_format(4 /*we need full-color pixels*/, self, piece->colors,
685                                          ivoid, ovoid, roi_in, roi_out))
686     return; // ivoid has been copied to ovoid and the module's trouble flag has been set
688   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *d = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *)piece->data;
689   // used to adjuste blur level depending on size. Don't amplify noise if magnified > 100%
690   const float scale = fmaxf(piece->iscale / roi_in->scale, 1.f);
691   const int ch = piece->colors;
692   const size_t width = roi_out->width;
693   const size_t height = roi_out->height;
694   const float* in = (float*)ivoid;
695   float* out = (float*)ovoid;
696   const float sigma = fmaxf(d->radius / scale, 1.0f);
697   const float sigma2 = fmaxf(d->radius * d->radius / scale, 1.0f);
699   // whether to be very conservative in preserving the original image, or to
700   // keep algorithm result even if it overshoots
701   const float safety = powf(20.0f, 1.0f - d->strength);
702   reduce_chromatic_aberrations(in, width, height, ch, sigma, sigma2, d->guide_channel, d->mode, d->refine_manifolds, safety, out);
703 }
gui_update(dt_iop_module_t * self)705 void gui_update(dt_iop_module_t *self)
706 {
707   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *)self->gui_data;
708   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *p = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *)self->params;
710   dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_from_value(g->guide_channel, p->guide_channel);
711   dt_bauhaus_slider_set_soft(g->radius, p->radius);
712   dt_bauhaus_slider_set_soft(g->strength, p->strength);
713   dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_from_value(g->mode, p->mode);
714   gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(g->refine_manifolds), p->refine_manifolds);
715 }
reload_defaults(dt_iop_module_t * module)717 void reload_defaults(dt_iop_module_t *module)
718 {
719   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *d = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_params_t *)module->default_params;
721   d->guide_channel = DT_CACORRECT_RGB_G;
722   d->radius = 5.0f;
723   d->strength = 0.5f;
725   d->refine_manifolds = FALSE;
727   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *g = (dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *)module->gui_data;
728   if(g)
729   {
730     dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_default(g->guide_channel, d->guide_channel);
731     dt_bauhaus_slider_set_default(g->radius, d->radius);
732     dt_bauhaus_slider_set_soft_range(g->radius, 1.0, 20.0);
733     dt_bauhaus_slider_set_default(g->strength, d->strength);
734     dt_bauhaus_combobox_set_default(g->mode, d->mode);
735     gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(g->refine_manifolds), d->refine_manifolds);
736   }
737 }
gui_init(dt_iop_module_t * self)739 void gui_init(dt_iop_module_t *self)
740 {
741   dt_iop_cacorrectrgb_gui_data_t *g = IOP_GUI_ALLOC(cacorrectrgb);
742   self->widget = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, DT_BAUHAUS_SPACE);
743   g->guide_channel = dt_bauhaus_combobox_from_params(self, "guide_channel");
744   gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->guide_channel, _("channel used as a reference to\n"
745                                            "correct the other channels.\n"
746                                            "use sharpest channel if some\n"
747                                            "channels are blurry.\n"
748                                            "try changing guide channel if you\n"
749                                            "have artifacts."));
750   g->radius = dt_bauhaus_slider_from_params(self, "radius");
751   gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->radius, _("increase for stronger correction"));
752   g->strength = dt_bauhaus_slider_from_params(self, "strength");
753   gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->strength, _("balance between smoothing colors\n"
754                                              "and preserving them.\n"
755                                              "high values can lead to overshooting\n"
756                                              "and edge bleeding."));
758   gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(self->widget), dt_ui_section_label_new(_("advanced parameters")), TRUE, TRUE, 0);
759   g->mode = dt_bauhaus_combobox_from_params(self, "mode");
760   gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->mode, _("correction mode to use.\n"
761                                          "can help with multiple\n"
762                                          "instances for very damaged\n"
763                                          "images.\n"
764                                          "darken only is particularly\n"
765                                          "efficient to correct blue\n"
766                                          "chromatic aberration."));
767   g->refine_manifolds = dt_bauhaus_toggle_from_params(self, "refine_manifolds");
768   gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(g->refine_manifolds, _("runs an iterative approach\n"
769                                                     "with several radii.\n"
770                                                     "improves result on images\n"
771                                                     "with very large chromatic\n"
772                                                     "aberrations, but can smooth\n"
773                                                     "colors too much on other\n"
774                                                     "images."));
775 }