1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     This is the
4     ██╗     ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗████████╗███████╗
5     ██║     ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
6     ██║     ██║██║  ███╗██║  ███╗██║  ███╗███████║   ██║   ███████╗
7     ██║     ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ╚════██║
8     ███████╗██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ███████║
9     ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝®
11     DEM simulation engine, released by
12     DCS Computing Gmbh, Linz, Austria
13     http://www.dcs-computing.com, office@dcs-computing.com
15     LIGGGHTS® is part of CFDEM®project:
16     http://www.liggghts.com | http://www.cfdem.com
18     Core developer and main author:
19     Christoph Kloss, christoph.kloss@dcs-computing.com
21     LIGGGHTS® is open-source, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
22     License, version 2 or later. It is distributed in the hope that it will
23     be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
25     received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®.
26     If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README
27     and LICENSE files.
29     LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH,
30     the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software
31     See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details.
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34     Contributing author and copyright for this file:
35     This file is from LAMMPS
36     LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
37     http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
38     Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
40     Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
41     DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
42     certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
43     the GNU General Public License.
44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
46 // C or Fortran style library interface to LAMMPS
47 // customize by adding new LAMMPS-specific functions
49 #include "lmptype.h"
50 #include <mpi.h>
51 #include <string.h>
52 #include <stdlib.h>
53 #include "library.h"
54 #include "lammps.h"
55 #include "input.h"
56 #include "atom.h"
57 #include "domain.h"
58 #include "update.h"
59 #include "group.h"
60 #include "input.h"
61 #include "variable.h"
62 #include "modify.h"
63 #include "compute.h"
64 #include "fix.h"
65 #include "comm.h"
66 #include "memory.h"
67 #include "error.h"
69 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
71 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
72    create an instance of LAMMPS and return pointer to it
73    pass in command-line args and MPI communicator to run on
74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_open(int argc,char ** argv,MPI_Comm communicator,void ** ptr)76 void lammps_open(int argc, char **argv, MPI_Comm communicator, void **ptr)
77 {
78   LAMMPS *lmp = new LAMMPS(argc,argv,communicator);
79   *ptr = (void *) lmp;
80 }
82 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
83    create an instance of LAMMPS and return pointer to it
84    caller doesn't know MPI communicator, so use MPI_COMM_WORLD
85    intialize MPI if needed
86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_open_no_mpi(int argc,char ** argv,void ** ptr)88 void lammps_open_no_mpi(int argc, char **argv, void **ptr)
89 {
90   int flag;
91   MPI_Initialized(&flag);
93   if (!flag) {
94     int argc = 0;
95     char **argv = NULL;
96     MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
97   }
99   MPI_Comm communicator = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
101   LAMMPS *lmp = new LAMMPS(argc,argv,communicator);
102   *ptr = (void *) lmp;
103 }
105 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
106    destruct an instance of LAMMPS
107 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_close(void * ptr)109 void lammps_close(void *ptr)
110 {
111   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
112   delete lmp;
113 }
115 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
116    process an input script in filename str
117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_file(void * ptr,const char * str)119 void lammps_file(void *ptr, const char *str)
120 {
121   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
122   lmp->input->file(str);
123 }
125 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
126    process a single input command in str
127 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_command(void * ptr,const char * str)129 char *lammps_command(void *ptr, const char *str)
130 {
131   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
132   return lmp->input->one(str);
133 }
135 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
136    clean-up function to free memory allocated by lib and returned to caller
137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_free(void * ptr)139 void lammps_free(void *ptr)
140 {
141   free(ptr);
142 }
144 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
145    add LAMMPS-specific library functions
146    all must receive LAMMPS pointer as argument
147    customize by adding a function here and in library.h header file
148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
150 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
151    extract a pointer to an internal LAMMPS global entity
152    name = desired quantity, e.g. dt or boxyhi or natoms
153    returns a void pointer to the entity
154      which the caller can cast to the proper data type
155    returns a NULL if name not listed below
156    customize by adding names
157 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_extract_global(void * ptr,const char * name)159 void *lammps_extract_global(void *ptr, const char *name)
160 {
161   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
163   if (strcmp(name,"dt") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->update->dt;
164   if (strcmp(name,"atime") == 0) return (void *)&lmp->update->atime;
165   if (strcmp(name,"boxxlo") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->boxlo[0];
166   if (strcmp(name,"boxxhi") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->boxhi[0];
167   if (strcmp(name,"boxylo") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->boxlo[1];
168   if (strcmp(name,"boxyhi") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->boxhi[1];
169   if (strcmp(name,"boxzlo") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->boxlo[2];
170   if (strcmp(name,"boxzhi") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->boxhi[2];
171   if (strcmp(name,"subxlo") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->sublo[0];
172   if (strcmp(name,"subxhi") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->subhi[0];
173   if (strcmp(name,"subylo") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->sublo[1];
174   if (strcmp(name,"subyhi") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->subhi[1];
175   if (strcmp(name,"subzlo") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->sublo[2];
176   if (strcmp(name,"subzhi") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->domain->subhi[2];
177   if (strcmp(name,"procx") == 0)  return (void *) &lmp->comm->procgrid[0];
178   if (strcmp(name,"procy") == 0)  return (void *) &lmp->comm->procgrid[1];
179   if (strcmp(name,"procz") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procgrid[2];
180   if (strcmp(name,"procneighxleft") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procneigh[0][0];
181   if (strcmp(name,"procneighxright") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procneigh[0][1];
182   if (strcmp(name,"procneighyleft") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procneigh[1][0];
183   if (strcmp(name,"procneighyright") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procneigh[1][1];
184   if (strcmp(name,"procneighzleft") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procneigh[2][0];
185   if (strcmp(name,"procneighzright") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->procneigh[2][1];
186   if (strcmp(name,"mylocx") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->myloc[0];
187   if (strcmp(name,"mylocy") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->myloc[1];
188   if (strcmp(name,"mylocz") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->comm->myloc[2];
189   if (strcmp(name,"natoms") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->atom->natoms;
190   if (strcmp(name,"nlocal") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->atom->nlocal;
191   if (strcmp(name,"nghost") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->atom->nghost;
192   if (strcmp(name,"ago") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->neighbor->ago; //INT,  time steps since last neighbor->decide,
193   if (strcmp(name,"ntimestep") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->update->ntimestep;
194   if (strcmp(name,"firststep") == 0) return (void *) &lmp->update->firststep;
195   return NULL;
196 }
198 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
199    extract a pointer to an internal LAMMPS atom-based entity
200    name = desired quantity, e.g. x or mass
201    returns a void pointer to the entity
202      which the caller can cast to the proper data type
203    returns a NULL if Atom::extract() does not recognize the name
204    customize by adding names to Atom::extract()
205 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_extract_atom(void * ptr,const char * name)207 void *lammps_extract_atom(void *ptr, const char *name)
208 {
209   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
210   return lmp->atom->extract(name);
211 }
213 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
214    extract a pointer to an internal LAMMPS compute-based entity
215    id = compute ID
216    style = 0 for global data, 1 for per-atom data, 2 for local data
217    type = 0 for scalar, 1 for vector, 2 for array
218    for global data, returns a pointer to the
219      compute's internal data structure for the entity
220      caller should cast it to (double *) for a scalar or vector
221      caller should cast it to (double **) for an array
222    for per-atom or local data, returns a pointer to the
223      compute's internal data structure for the entity
224      caller should cast it to (double *) for a vector
225      caller should cast it to (double **) for an array
226    returns a void pointer to the compute's internal data structure
227      for the entity which the caller can cast to the proper data type
228    returns a NULL if id is not recognized or style/type not supported
229    IMPORTANT: if the compute is not current it will be invoked
230      LAMMPS cannot easily check here if it is valid to invoke the compute,
231      so caller must insure that it is OK
232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_extract_compute(void * ptr,const char * id,int style,int type)234 void *lammps_extract_compute(void *ptr, const char *id, int style, int type)
235 {
236   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
238   int icompute = lmp->modify->find_compute(id);
239   if (icompute < 0) return NULL;
240   Compute *compute = lmp->modify->compute[icompute];
242   if (style == 0) {
243     if (type == 0) {
244       if (!compute->scalar_flag) return NULL;
245       if (compute->invoked_scalar != lmp->update->ntimestep)
246         compute->compute_scalar();
247       return (void *) &compute->scalar;
248     }
249     if (type == 1) {
250       if (!compute->vector_flag) return NULL;
251       if (compute->invoked_vector != lmp->update->ntimestep)
252         compute->compute_vector();
253       return (void *) compute->vector;
254     }
255     if (type == 2) {
256       if (!compute->array_flag) return NULL;
257       if (compute->invoked_array != lmp->update->ntimestep)
258         compute->compute_array();
259       return (void *) compute->array;
260     }
261   }
263   if (style == 1) {
264     if (!compute->peratom_flag) return NULL;
265     if (type == 1) {
266       if (compute->invoked_peratom != lmp->update->ntimestep)
267         compute->compute_peratom();
268       return (void *) compute->vector_atom;
269     }
270     if (type == 2) {
271       if (compute->invoked_peratom != lmp->update->ntimestep)
272         compute->compute_peratom();
273       return (void *) compute->array_atom;
274     }
275   }
277   if (style == 2) {
278     if (!compute->local_flag) return NULL;
279     if (type == 1) {
280       if (compute->invoked_local != lmp->update->ntimestep)
281         compute->compute_local();
282       return (void *) compute->vector_local;
283     }
284     if (type == 2) {
285       if (compute->invoked_local != lmp->update->ntimestep)
286         compute->compute_local();
287       return (void *) compute->array_local;
288     }
289   }
291   return NULL;
292 }
294 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
295    extract a pointer to an internal LAMMPS fix-based entity
296    id = fix ID
297    style = 0 for global data, 1 for per-atom data, 2 for local data
298    type = 0 for scalar, 1 for vector, 2 for array
299    i,j = indices needed only to specify which global vector or array value
300    for global data, returns a pointer to a memory location
301      which is allocated by this function
302      which the caller can cast to a (double *) which points to the value
303    for per-atom or local data, returns a pointer to the
304      fix's internal data structure for the entity
305      caller should cast it to (double *) for a vector
306      caller should cast it to (double **) for an array
307    returns a NULL if id is not recognized or style/type not supported
308    IMPORTANT: for global data,
309      this function allocates a double to store the value in,
310      so the caller must free this memory to avoid a leak, e.g.
311        double *dptr = (double *) lammps_extract_fix();
312        double value = *dptr;
313        free(dptr);
314    IMPORTANT: LAMMPS cannot easily check here when info extracted from
315      the fix is valid, so caller must insure that it is OK
316 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_extract_fix(void * ptr,const char * id,int style,int type,int i,int j)318 void *lammps_extract_fix(void *ptr, const char *id, int style, int type,
319                          int i, int j)
320 {
321   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
323   int ifix = lmp->modify->find_fix(id);
324   if (ifix < 0) return NULL;
325   Fix *fix = lmp->modify->fix[ifix];
327   if (style == 0) {
328     double *dptr = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double));
329     if (type == 0) {
330       if (!fix->scalar_flag) return NULL;
331       *dptr = fix->compute_scalar();
332       return (void *) dptr;
333     }
334     if (type == 1) {
335       if (!fix->vector_flag) return NULL;
336       *dptr = fix->compute_vector(i);
337       return (void *) dptr;
338     }
339     if (type == 2) {
340       if (!fix->array_flag) return NULL;
341       *dptr = fix->compute_array(i,j);
342       return (void *) dptr;
343     }
344   }
346   if (style == 1) {
347     if (!fix->peratom_flag) return NULL;
348     if (type == 1) return (void *) fix->vector_atom;
349     if (type == 2) return (void *) fix->array_atom;
350   }
352   if (style == 2) {
353     if (!fix->local_flag) return NULL;
354     if (type == 1) return (void *) fix->vector_local;
355     if (type == 2) return (void *) fix->array_local;
356   }
358   return NULL;
359 }
361 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
362    extract a pointer to an internal LAMMPS evaluated variable
363    name = variable name, must be equal-style or atom-style variable
364    group = group ID for evaluating an atom-style variable, else NULL
365    for equal-style variable, returns a pointer to a memory location
366      which is allocated by this function
367      which the caller can cast to a (double *) which points to the value
368    for atom-style variable, returns a pointer to the
369      vector of per-atom values on each processor,
370      which the caller can cast to a (double *) which points to the values
371    returns a NULL if name is not recognized or not equal-style or atom-style
372    IMPORTANT: for both equal-style and atom-style variables,
373      this function allocates memory to store the variable data in
374      so the caller must free this memory to avoid a leak
375      e.g. for equal-style variables
376        double *dptr = (double *) lammps_extract_variable();
377        double value = *dptr;
378        free(dptr);
379      e.g. for atom-style variables
380        double *vector = (double *) lammps_extract_variable();
381        use the vector values
382        free(vector);
383    IMPORTANT: LAMMPS cannot easily check here when it is valid to evaluate
384      the variable or any fixes or computes or thermodynamic info it references,
385      so caller must insure that it is OK
386 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_extract_variable(void * ptr,char * name,char * group)388 void *lammps_extract_variable(void *ptr, char *name, char *group)
389 {
390   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
392   int ivar = lmp->input->variable->find(name);
393   if (ivar < 0) return NULL;
395   if (lmp->input->variable->equalstyle(ivar)) {
396     double *dptr = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double));
397     *dptr = lmp->input->variable->compute_equal(ivar);
398     return (void *) dptr;
399   }
401   if (lmp->input->variable->atomstyle(ivar)) {
402     int igroup = lmp->group->find(group);
403     if (igroup < 0) return NULL;
404     int nlocal = lmp->atom->nlocal;
405     double *vector = (double *) malloc(nlocal*sizeof(double));
406     lmp->input->variable->compute_atom(ivar,igroup,vector,1,0);
407     return (void *) vector;
408   }
410   return NULL;
411 }
413 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
414    return the total number of atoms in the system
415    useful before call to lammps_get_atoms() so can pre-allocate vector
416 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_get_natoms(void * ptr)418 int lammps_get_natoms(void *ptr)
419 {
420   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
421   if (lmp->atom->natoms > MAXSMALLINT) return 0;
422   int natoms = static_cast<int> (lmp->atom->natoms);
423   return natoms;
424 }
426 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
427    gather the named atom-based entity across all processors
428    name = desired quantity, e.g. x or charge
429    type = 0 for integer values, 1 for double values
430    count = # of per-atom values, e.g. 1 for type or charge, 3 for x or f
431    return atom-based values in data, ordered by count, then by atom ID
432      e.g. x[0][0],x[0][1],x[0][2],x[1][0],x[1][1],x[1][2],x[2][0],...
433    data must be pre-allocated by caller to correct length
434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_gather_atoms(void * ptr,const char * name,int type,int count,void * data)436 void lammps_gather_atoms(void *ptr, const char *name,
437                          int type, int count, void *data)
438 {
439   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
441   // error if tags are not defined or not consecutive
443   int flag = 0;
444   if (lmp->atom->tag_enable == 0 || lmp->atom->tag_consecutive() == 0) flag = 1;
445   if (lmp->atom->natoms > MAXSMALLINT) flag = 1;
446   if (flag && lmp->comm->me == 0) {
447     lmp->error->warning(FLERR,"Library error in lammps_gather_atoms");
448     return;
449   }
451   int natoms = static_cast<int> (lmp->atom->natoms);
453   int i,j,offset;
454   void *vptr = lmp->atom->extract(name);
456   // copy = Natom length vector of per-atom values
457   // use atom ID to insert each atom's values into copy
458   // MPI_Allreduce with MPI_SUM to merge into data, ordered by atom ID
460   if (type == 0) {
461     int *vector = NULL;
462     int **array = NULL;
463     if (count == 1) vector = (int *) vptr;
464     else array = (int **) vptr;
466     int *copy;
467     lmp->memory->create(copy,count*natoms,"lib/gather:copy");
468     for (i = 0; i < count*natoms; i++) copy[i] = 0;
470     int *tag = lmp->atom->tag;
471     int nlocal = lmp->atom->nlocal;
473     if (count == 1)
474       for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
475         copy[tag[i]-1] = vector[i];
476     else
477       for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
478         offset = count*(tag[i]-1);
479         for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
480           copy[offset++] = array[i][0];
481       }
483     MPI_Allreduce(copy,data,count*natoms,MPI_INT,MPI_SUM,lmp->world);
484     lmp->memory->destroy(copy);
486   } else {
487     double *vector = NULL;
488     double **array = NULL;
489     if (count == 1) vector = (double *) vptr;
490     else array = (double **) vptr;
492     double *copy;
493     lmp->memory->create(copy,count*natoms,"lib/gather:copy");
494     for (i = 0; i < count*natoms; i++) copy[i] = 0.0;
496     int *tag = lmp->atom->tag;
497     int nlocal = lmp->atom->nlocal;
499     if (count == 1) {
500       for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
501         copy[tag[i]-1] = vector[i];
502     } else {
503       for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
504         offset = count*(tag[i]-1);
505         for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
506           copy[offset++] = array[i][j];
507       }
508     }
510     MPI_Allreduce(copy,data,count*natoms,MPI_DOUBLE,MPI_SUM,lmp->world);
511     lmp->memory->destroy(copy);
512   }
513 }
515 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
516    scatter the named atom-based entity across all processors
517    name = desired quantity, e.g. x or charge
518    type = 0 for integer values, 1 for double values
519    count = # of per-atom values, e.g. 1 for type or charge, 3 for x or f
520    data = atom-based values in data, ordered by count, then by atom ID
521      e.g. x[0][0],x[0][1],x[0][2],x[1][0],x[1][1],x[1][2],x[2][0],...
522 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
lammps_scatter_atoms(void * ptr,const char * name,int type,int count,void * data)524 void lammps_scatter_atoms(void *ptr, const char *name,
525                           int type, int count, void *data)
526 {
527   LAMMPS *lmp = (LAMMPS *) ptr;
529   // error if tags are not defined or not consecutive or no atom map
531   int flag = 0;
532   if (lmp->atom->tag_enable == 0 || lmp->atom->tag_consecutive() == 0) flag = 1;
533   if (lmp->atom->natoms > MAXSMALLINT) flag = 1;
534   if (lmp->atom->map_style == 0) flag = 1;
535   if (flag && lmp->comm->me == 0) {
536     lmp->error->warning(FLERR,"Library error in lammps_scatter_atoms");
537     return;
538   }
540   int natoms = static_cast<int> (lmp->atom->natoms);
542   int i,j,m,offset;
543   void *vptr = lmp->atom->extract(name);
545   // copy = Natom length vector of per-atom values
546   // use atom ID to insert each atom's values into copy
547   // MPI_Allreduce with MPI_SUM to merge into data, ordered by atom ID
549   if (type == 0) {
550     int *vector = NULL;
551     int **array = NULL;
552     if (count == 1) vector = (int *) vptr;
553     else array = (int **) vptr;
554     int *dptr = (int *) data;
556     if (count == 1) {
557       for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
558         if ((m = lmp->atom->map(i+1)) >= 0)
559           vector[m] = dptr[i];
560     } else {
561       for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
562         if ((m = lmp->atom->map(i+1)) >= 0) {
563           offset = count*i;
564           for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
565             array[m][j] = dptr[offset++];
566         }
567     }
568   } else {
569     double *vector = NULL;
570     double **array = NULL;
571     if (count == 1) vector = (double *) vptr;
572     else array = (double **) vptr;
573     double *dptr = (double *) data;
575     if (count == 1) {
576       for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++)
577         if ((m = lmp->atom->map(i+1)) >= 0)
578           vector[m] = dptr[i];
579     } else {
580       for (i = 0; i < natoms; i++) {
581         if ((m = lmp->atom->map(i+1)) >= 0) {
582           offset = count*i;
583           for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
584             array[m][j] = dptr[offset++];
585         }
586       }
587     }
588   }
589 }