Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Client.pmH A D08-May-202210 KiB389332

Default.pmH A D08-May-20221.8 KiB7148

LICENSEH A D08-May-2022836 1514

MakefileH A D08-May-20222.6 KiB10159

Ospfd.pmH A D08-May-20222.5 KiB8055

Packet.pmH A D08-May-20228.2 KiB286221

PassFd.pmH A D08-May-2022987 288

PassFd.xsH A D08-May-20222.5 KiB9971

Proc.pmH A D08-May-20224.6 KiB192150

READMEH A D08-May-2022620 1210

Tap.pmH A D08-May-20222.5 KiB9461

args-ddstate.plH A D08-May-2022879 4542

args-ifstate-ism2.plH A D08-May-20221.1 KiB6358

args-ifstate-pri-ism-ospfd.plH A D08-May-20221.3 KiB6659

args-ifstate-pri-ism.plH A D08-May-20221.3 KiB6658

args-ifstate-pri-ospfd-ism.plH A D08-May-20221.2 KiB6659

args-ifstate-pri-ospfd.plH A D08-May-20221.2 KiB6659

args-ifstate.plH A D08-May-2022916 4845

args-none.plH A D08-May-2022629 3630

opentap.cH A D08-May-20222.2 KiB8252

ospfd.plH A D08-May-20221.5 KiB5430

tapdump.plH A D08-May-20221.1 KiB3413

testfd.plH A D08-May-20221.9 KiB6135


1This is a test framework for the ospfd routing daemon.  For each
2test one fresh daemon is started with an individual config.  It is
3talking OSPF via a tap interface.  At the process side of the tap
4device a client is running.  This test programm is parsing the OSPF
5packets and generates new ones.  It simulates other OSPF daemons.
7For now only hello packets are tested.  Each test has a task list
8which drives the ospfd through its interface state machine.  The
9plan is to extend the framework for the other OSPF packet types and
10state machines.  Eventualy the generated kernel routing messages
11could also be checked.