1 /**
2  * @ingroup   lib_io68
3  * @file      io68/paulaemul.h
4  * @brief     Paula emulator header.
5  * @author    Benjamin Gerard
6  * @date      1998/07/18
7  */
9 /* Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Benjamin Gerard */
11 #ifndef IO68_PAULAEMUL_H
12 #define IO68_PAULAEMUL_H
14 #include "io68_api.h"
16 #include "emu68/struct68.h"
18 /**
19  *  @defgroup  lib_io68_aga  Amiga Paula emulator.
20  *  @ingroup   lib_io68
21  *  @brief     Paula emulator (Amiga soundchip).
22  *
23  *  @todo Write something about paula and about this emulator right here !
24  *
25  *
26  *  @par About Amiga hardware registers
27  *
28  *  Amiga hardware registers could have a different address for read
29  *  and write access. It is the case for DMA control register
30  *  (DMACON).
31  *
32  *  Registers could be (B)yte or (W)ord wide.
33  *
34  *
35  *  @par SET/CLR bit
36  *
37  *  Some hardware registers work with a SET/CLR bit. When writing
38  *  these registers the value is not copied as is. The operation
39  *  depends on the value of S the most signifiant bit (#15).
40  *
41  * - If S is 1 set-bit have to be set (bitwise OR).
42  * - If S is 0 set-bit have to be clear (bitwise NAND).
43  *
44  *
45  *  @par Register map
46  *
47  *  @code
48  *  // NAME SZ  ADDR
49  *
50  *  VHPOSR  (B) DFF006 [xxxxxxxx] Vertical/Horizontal electron bean position.
51  *
52  *  INTREQR (W) DFF01E [-x---DCBA--------] Interrupt request read.
53  *  INTREQW (W) DFF09C [-x---DCBA--------] Interrupt request write.
54  *
55  *  INTENAR (W) DFF01C [-M---DCBA--------] Interrupt enable read (M=Master).
56  *  INTENAW (W) DFF09A [SM---DCBA--------] Interrupt enable write (M=Master).
57  *
58  *  DMACONW (W) DFF096 [S00000E00000DBCA] DMA control register write (E=Enable).
59  *  DMACONR (W) DFF002 [000000E00000DBCA] DMA control register read (E=Enable).
60  *
61  *  VOICEA      DFF0A0
62  *  VOICEB      DFF0B0
63  *  VOICEC      DFF0C0
64  *  VOICED      DFF0D0
65  *
66  *  VOICEX
67  *  +0 (L) START  [00000000 00000xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx0] start address (even).
68  *  +4 (W) LENGTH [xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx] Length in word (0=010000).
69  *  +6 (W) PERIOD [0000xxxx xxxxxxxx] Period (in paula cycle).
70  *  +8 (W) VOLUME [0xxxxxxx] Volume [0-64] (presume value > 64 => 64).
71  *  @endcode
72  *
73  *
74  *  @{
75  */
77 /**
78  * Amiga hardware regiosters.
79  */
80 enum amiga_regs_e {
82   /** Amiga Vertical/Horizontal electron bean position */
83   PAULA_VHPOSR    = 0x06,
85   /**
86    * @name Amiga interrupt registers.
87    *
88    * All hardware registers involved with interruption handling use the
89    * same bit organisation :
90    *  - bit 7   Audio channel A
91    *  - bit 8   Audio channel B
92    *  - bit 9   Audio channel C
93    *  - bit 10  Audio channel D
94    *  - bit 14  Master interrupt
95    * @{
96    */
97   PAULA_INTREQR   = 0x1E,       /**< Interruption request read      */
98   PAULA_INTREQRH  = 0x1E,       /**< Interruption request read MSB  */
99   PAULA_INTREQRL  = 0x1F,       /**< Interruption request read LSB  */
101   PAULA_INTREQ    = 0x9C,       /**< Interruption request write     */
102   PAULA_INTREQH   = 0x9C,       /**< Interruption request write MSB */
103   PAULA_INTREQL   = 0x9D,       /**< Interruption request write LSB */
105   PAULA_INTENAR   = 0x1C,       /**< Interruption enable read       */
106   PAULA_INTENARH  = 0x1C,       /**< Interruption enable read MSB   */
107   PAULA_INTENARL  = 0x1D,       /**< Interruption enable read LSB   */
109   PAULA_INTENA    = 0x9A,       /**< Interruption enable write      */
110   PAULA_INTENAH   = 0x9A,       /**< Interruption enable write MSB  */
111   PAULA_INTENAL   = 0x9B,       /**< Interruption enable write LSB  */
112   /**
113    * @}
114    */
116   /**
117    * @name Amiga DMA registers.
118    *
119    *  Amiga DMA control register bits :
120    *  - bit 0  Audio DMA channel A
121    *  - bit 1  Audio DMA channel B
122    *  - bit 2  Audio DMA channel C
123    *  - bit 3  Audio DMA channel D
124    *  - bit 9  General DMA
125    *
126    * @{
127    */
128   PAULA_DMACONR   = 0x02,               /**< DMA control read      */
129   PAULA_DMACONRH  = 0x02,               /**< DMA control read MSB  */
130   PAULA_DMACONRL  = 0x03,               /**< DMA control read LSB  */
131   PAULA_DMACON    = 0x96,               /**< DMA control write     */
132   PAULA_DMACONH   = 0x96,               /**< DMA control write MSB */
133   PAULA_DMACONL   = 0x97,               /**< DMA control write LSB */
134   /**
135    * @}
136    */
138   /**
139    * @name The Audio & Disk Control Registers.
140    *
141    * Bits:
142    * - 07   USE3PN    Use audio channel 3 to modulate nothing.
143    * - 06   USE2P3    Use audio channel 2 to modulate period of channel 3.
144    * - 05   USE1P2    Use audio channel 1 to modulate period of channel 2.
145    * - 04   USE0P1    Use audio channel 0 to modulate period of channel 1.
146    * - 03   USE3VN    Use audio channel 3 to modulate nothing.
147    * - 02   USE2V3    Use audio channel 2 to modulate volume of channel 3.
148    * - 01   USE1V2    Use audio channel 1 to modulate volume of channel 2.
149    * - 00   USE0V1    Use audio channel 0 to modulate volume of channel 1.
150    *
151    * @note If both period/volume are modulated on the same channel, the
152    * period and volume will be alternated. First word xxxxxxxx V6-V0,
153    * Second word P15-P0 (etc).
154    *
155    * @{
156    */
157   PAULA_ADKCON    = 0x9E,          /**< Audio, disk, control write. */
158   PAULA_ADKCONR   = 0x10,          /**< Audio, disk, control read.  */
161   /**
162    * @}
163    */
165   /**
166    * @name Amiga Paula registers.
167    * @{
168    */
169   PAULA_VOICEA   = 0xA0,        /**< Paula channel A register base. */
170   PAULA_VOICEB   = 0xB0,        /**< Paula channel B register base. */
171   PAULA_VOICEC   = 0xC0,        /**< Paula channel C register base. */
172   PAULA_VOICED   = 0xD0,        /**< Paula channel D register base. */
173   /**
174    * @}
175    */
176 };
178 #define PAULA_VOICE(I) ((0xA+(I))<<4) /**< Paula channel I register base. */
180 /**
181  * Amiga Paula Clock frequencies.
182  */
183 enum {
184   PAULA_PAL_FRQ     = 3546897u, /**< Paula PAL clock frequency.     */
185   PAULA_NTSC_FRQ    = 3579545u, /**< Paula NTSC clock frequency.    */
186 };
188 /**
189  * Type used by internal counters.
190  *
191  *   This type must be an unsigned of at least 32-bit. Values are
192  *   always fixed point. The amount of shifting is calculated so that
193  *   the most useful bit is the most signifiant bit. Therefore these
194  *   counters have a automatic natural modulo.
195  */
196 typedef uint68_t plct_t;
198 /** Must be same size than plct_t but signed. */
199 typedef int68_t signed_plct_t;
201 /** Paula voice data structure. */
202 typedef struct {
203   plct_t adr;   /**< current sample counter (<<paula_t::ct_fix). */
204   plct_t start; /**< loop address.                               */
205   plct_t end;   /**< end address (<<paula_t::ct_fix).            */
206 } paulav_t;
208 /** Paula emulator data structure. */
209 typedef struct {
210   u8       map[256];   /**< Paula regiters mapping.              */
211   paulav_t voice[4];   /**< Paula voices (4 channels).           */
212   int      engine;     /**< @ref paula_engine_e "Engine id".     */
213   int      ct_fix;     /**< Fixed precision used by counters in
214                           order to have a natural memory access
215                           modulo.                                */
216   int      clock;      /**< Clock type. @see paula_clock_e.      */
217   plct_t   clkperspl;  /**< (clock<<paula_t::ct_fix)/hz.         */
218   uint_t   hz;         /**< Sampling rate in hz,                 */
219   int    * chansptr;   /**< Pointer to enabled channels mask.    */
221   const u8 * mem;      /**< 68K memory buffer.                   */
222   int        log2mem;  /**< 68K memory buffer size (2^log2mem).  */
224   int      dmacon;     /**< Shadow DMACON. */
225   int      intena;     /**< Shadow INTENA. */
226   int      intreq;     /**< Shadow INTREQ. */
227   int      adkcon;     /**< Shadow ADKCON. */
228   int      vhpos;      /**< Shadow VHPOSR. */
229 } paula_t;
231 /**
232  * @name  Initialization functions.
233  * @{
234  */
236 /** available emulation modes. */
237 enum paula_engine_e {
238   PAULA_ENGINE_QUERY   = -1, /**< Query current or default paula engine. */
239   PAULA_ENGINE_DEFAULT = 0,  /**< Default engine.                        */
240   PAULA_ENGINE_SIMPLE,       /**< Without interpolation.                 */
241   PAULA_ENGINE_LINEAR        /**< With linear interpolation.             */
242 };
244 /** clock type. */
245 enum paula_clock_e {
246   PAULA_CLOCK_QUERY   = -1, /**< Query current or default clock */
250 };
252 /** sampling rate value in hertz. */
253 enum paula_hz_e {
254   PAULA_HZ_QUERY   = -1, /**< Query current or default sampling rate */
255   PAULA_HZ_DEFAULT = 0   /**< Default sampling rate                  */
256 };
258 /** Paula instance creaation parameters. */
259 typedef struct {
260   int engine; /**< Default @ref paula_engine_e "emulation mode".  */
261   int clock;  /**< Default @ref paula_clock_e "clock type".       */
262   int hz;     /**< Default @ref paula_hz_e "sampling rate" in Hz. */
263 } paula_parms_t;
265 /** setup data. */
266 typedef struct {
267   paula_parms_t parms;     /**< Paula params.                       */
268   const u8 *    mem;       /**< 68K memory buffer.                  */
269   int           log2mem;   /**< 68K memory buffer size (2^log2mem). */
270 } paula_setup_t;
273 /**
274  * Init paula library.
275  *
276  *   The paula_init() must be call prior to all other paula functions.
277  *
278  * @return  error-code (always success)
279  * @return  0  Success
280  * @return  -1 Failure
281  *
282  * @see paula_shutdown()
283  */
284 int paula_init(int * argc, char ** argv);
287 /**
288  * Shutdown paula library.
289  *
290  * @see paula_init()
291  */
292 void paula_shutdown(void);
295 /**
296  * Paula hardware reset.
297  *
298  *   The paula_reset() reset function perform a Paula reset.
299  *   It performs following operations :
300  *   - all registers zeroed
301  *   - all internal voices set to dummy 2 samples len address.
302  *   - general DMA enabled
303  *   - all audio DMA disabled
304  *   - interrupt master enabled
305  *   - all audio interrupt disbled
306  *
307  * @return error-code (always success)
308  * @return  0  Success
309  */
310 int paula_reset(paula_t * const paula);
313 /**
314  * Paula emulator instance setup.
315  *
316  * @return error-code (always success)
317  * @return  0  Success
318  *
319  * @see paula_reset()
320  */
321 int paula_setup(paula_t * const paula, paula_setup_t * const setup);
324 /**
325  * Paula emulator instance cleanup.
326  */
327 void paula_cleanup(paula_t * const paula);
330 /**
331  * Set/Get paula emulator type.
332  *
333  *   The paula_emulation() function set and get the paula emulator
334  *   type.
335  *
336  *   If engine is paula_engine_e::PAULA_ENGINE_QUERY the function
337  *   returns the current value without modifying anything. Else the
338  *   function set the current paula engine according to the value of
339  *   engine. If paula parameter is NULL pointer the function works
340  *   with the default parameters rather than a actual paula instance
341  *   meaning it will read or write the default setting (addressed by
342  *   paula_engine_e::PAULA_ENGINE_DEFAULT).
343  *
344  * @param   paula   Paula emulator instance.
345  * @param   engine  @ref paula_engine_e "emulator type".
346  * @return  an @ref paula_engine_e "emulator type".
347  */
348 int paula_engine(paula_t * const paula, int engine);
351 /**
352  * Set/Get paula clock type.
353  *
354  *   The paula_clock() function is similar to the paula_engine()
355  *   function except it concerns clock rate.
356  *
357  * @param   paula  Paula emulator instance.
358  * @param   clock  @ref paula_clock_e "clock type".
359  * @return  a @ref paula_clock_e "clock type".
360  */
361 int paula_clock(paula_t * const paula, int clock);
364 /**
365  * Set/Get paula emulator sampling rate.
366  *
367  *   The paula_sampling_rate() function is similar to the
368  *   paula_engine() function except it concerns sampling rate.
369  *
370  * @param   paula  Paula emulator instance.
371  * @param   hz     @ref paula_hz_e "sampling rate" in Hz.
372  * @return  actual @ref paula_hz_e "sampling rate" in Hz.
373  */
374 int paula_sampling_rate(paula_t * const paula, int hz);
376 /**
377  * @}
378  */
381 /**
382  * @name  Emulation functions
383  * @{
384  */
387 /**
388  * Execute Paula emulation.
389  *
390  *   The paula_mix() function processes sample mixing with current
391  *   internal parameters for n samples. Mixed samples are stored in a
392  *   large enough (at least n) 32 bit pcm buffer pointed by b. mem68
393  *   is a pointer to the 68K memory buffer. The Paula emulator assume
394  *   that this buffer is at least the size of the Amiga "chip"
395  *   RAM. This implies at leat 512Kb and PCM data must be in the first
396  *   512Kb.
397  *
398  * @param  paula   Paula emulator instance
399  * @param  splbuf  Destination 32-bit sample buffer
400  * @param  n       Number of sample to mix in splbuf buffer
401  *
402  */
403 void paula_mix(paula_t * const paula, s32 * splbuf, int n);
405 /**
406  * @}
407  */
409 /**
410  * @}
411  */
413 #endif