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Name Date Size #Lines LOC











ABOUT-NLSH A D19-Jun-201693.1 KiB1,3281,280

AUTHORSH A D19-Jun-2016123 43

COPYINGH A D19-Jun-20165 KiB12482

COPYING.GPLv2H A D19-Jun-201617.6 KiB341281

COPYING.LGPLv2.1H A D19-Jun-201625.8 KiB505418

ChangeLogH A D19-Jun-201641.3 KiB797766

INSTALLH A D19-Jun-201615.4 KiB371288

Makefile.amH A D19-Jun-20161.6 KiB7257

Makefile.inH A D19-Jun-201642.8 KiB1,2301,117

READMEH A D19-Jun-20163.3 KiB6042

acinclude.m4H A D19-Jun-20163.2 KiB7673

aclocal.m4H A D19-Jun-201646 KiB1,3201,188

common.hH A D19-Jun-20161.7 KiB4917

compileH A D19-Jun-20166.7 KiB311226

conf.cH A D19-Jun-20168.5 KiB379321

conf.hH A D19-Jun-20162 KiB9444

config.guessH A D19-Jun-201643.8 KiB1,5311,321

config.h.inH A D19-Jun-201614.6 KiB488355

config.rpathH A D19-Jun-201618 KiB673569

config.subH A D19-Jun-201634.6 KiB1,7741,631

configureH A D03-May-2022893.1 KiB30,60525,781

configure.acH A D19-Jun-201641.6 KiB1,000893

deadbeef.desktopH A D19-Jun-20161.7 KiB7865

deadbeef.desktop.inH A D19-Jun-20161.7 KiB7865

deadbeef.hH A D19-Jun-201660.5 KiB1,640852

depcompH A D19-Jun-201619.9 KiB689448

dsppreset.cH A D19-Jun-20163.9 KiB149109

dsppreset.hH A D19-Jun-20161.3 KiB409

escape.cH A D19-Jun-20164.7 KiB173113

escape.hH A D19-Jun-20161.1 KiB305

fastftoi.hH A D19-Jun-20165.3 KiB16066

fft.cH A D03-May-20223.1 KiB12173

fft.hH A D19-Jun-2016845 264

gettext.hH A D19-Jun-2016144 169

handler.cH A D19-Jun-20163.5 KiB149111

handler.hH A D19-Jun-20161.5 KiB5418

install-shH A D19-Jun-201613.7 KiB528351

junklib.cH A D03-May-2022144.9 KiB4,7394,092

junklib.hH A D19-Jun-20163.5 KiB13473

ltmain.shH A D19-Jun-2016277 KiB9,6627,310

main.cH A D19-Jun-201634.9 KiB1,134961

messagepump.cH A D19-Jun-20165 KiB212169

messagepump.hH A D19-Jun-20161.6 KiB4413

metacache.cH A D19-Jun-20163.6 KiB13795

metacache.hH A D19-Jun-20161.3 KiB4311

missingH A D19-Jun-201610.1 KiB332243

moduleconf.hH A D19-Jun-2016112 98

playlist.cH A D19-Jun-2016112.1 KiB3,9653,523

playlist.hH A D19-Jun-201611.6 KiB523322

playqueue.cH A D19-Jun-20164.7 KiB185143

playqueue.hH A D19-Jun-20161.5 KiB6424

plmeta.cH A D19-Jun-20168 KiB346285

pltmeta.cH A D19-Jun-20166.2 KiB267215

pltmeta.hH A D19-Jun-20161.9 KiB6727

plugins.cH A D19-Jun-201652.6 KiB1,4981,289

plugins.hH A D19-Jun-20163 KiB16192

premix.cH A D19-Jun-201620.3 KiB513442

premix.hH A D19-Jun-20161.3 KiB365

replaygain.cH A D19-Jun-20167.5 KiB262223

replaygain.hH A D19-Jun-20161.7 KiB5720

ringbuf.cH A D19-Jun-20162.5 KiB9460

ringbuf.hH A D19-Jun-20161.4 KiB4916

sj_to_unicode.hH A D19-Jun-2016134.4 KiB6,8826,880

sort.cH A D19-Jun-20168.2 KiB286225

sort.hH A D19-Jun-20161.2 KiB325

strdupa.hH A D19-Jun-20161.3 KiB4013

streamer.cH A D19-Jun-201695.4 KiB3,0922,660

streamer.hH A D19-Jun-20164.2 KiB17995

tf.cH A D19-Jun-201667.2 KiB2,3491,968

tf.hH A D19-Jun-20161.8 KiB5011

threading.hH A D19-Jun-20161.7 KiB7934

threading_pthread.cH A D03-May-20226.4 KiB243198

u8_lc_map.hH A D19-Jun-201671 KiB2,7102,694

u8_uc_map.hH A D19-Jun-201672.4 KiB2,7062,690

utf8.cH A D19-Jun-201623.7 KiB872715

utf8.hH A D19-Jun-20164.5 KiB14342

vfs.cH A D19-Jun-20162.8 KiB10970

vfs.hH A D19-Jun-20161.6 KiB4514

vfs_stdio.cH A D19-Jun-20167 KiB268219

volume.cH A D19-Jun-20162.3 KiB10363

volume.hH A D19-Jun-20161.4 KiB5821

yasmwrapper.shH A D03-May-2022221 118


31. compiling, dependencies, etc
42. licensing
81. compiling, dependencies, etc
10* first you need to install dependencies. full list is provided at the end of this section for your convenience
12* you will need intltool to be installed. if you don't need translations -- run ./configure --disable-nls (in this case you won't need to install intltool, as long as the configure script is already generated)
14* if you want to build from git - install autoconf, automake, libtool, intltool, autopoint, then run ./autogen.sh to bootstrap
16* run "./configure --help", and read it.
18* now you're ready to configure the build process -- run "./configure --prefix=/usr", and wait until it finishes. you may want to change prefix to another value. consult INSTALL file for more info.
20* make sure all plugins which you want have "Yes" status in the list that's printed by configure. if not -- install missing dependencies, and rerun configure. that is especially important for GTKUI, and ALSA or OSS plugins. make sure you have both. otherwise you won't get GUI and/or sound output.
22* after satisfying all dependencies, run "make -j5" (change -j number to suit your number of CPUs/cores, e.g. 5 is quite good for single CPU dual-core machines). it is a good idea to do it as normal user (this step doesn't require root privileges).
24* after build finishes, run "make install" as root
26full list of dependencies is below.
27most of them are optional, which means deadbeef will build and run without them, but to make it useful - you'd probably need at least GTK UI plugin and some audio codecs built.
29    libsamplerate: for dsp_libsrc plugin (resampler)
30    gtk+-2.0 >= 2.12 (+ gthread, + glib): GTK+ 2.0 user interface
31    gtk+-3.0 >= 3.00 (+ gthread, + glib): GTK+ 3.0 user interface
32    jansson: mandatory for both gtk2 and gtk3 UIs, used for column configuration loading
33    alsa-lib: ALSA support
34    libvorbis and libogg: for ogg vorbis plugin, and for ogg container metadata in other formats, such as OggFlac
35    libcurl >= 7.10: for last.fm, vfs_curl (shoutcast/icecast), artwork plugins
36    imlib2: for artwork plugin; see libjpeg and libpng below
37    libjpeg and libpng: for artwork plugin (when imlib2 is not installed, or --disable-artwork-imlib2 is used)
38    libmad (optional): for mp3 plugin
39    libmpg123 (optional): for mp3 plugin
40        NOTE: the mp3 plugin has multiple backends since deadbeef 0.7, both libmad and libmpg123 are supported at the same time, and can be selected by the user from plugin configuration dialog. At least one of them is required to satify mp3 plugin dependencies. But having both is preferred.
41    libFLAC: for flac plugin
42    wavpack: for wavpack plugin
43    libsndfile: for sndfile plugin
44    libcdio + libcddb: for cd audio plugin
45    ffmpeg: for ffmpeg plugin
46    xlib: for global hotkeys and gtkui
47    dbus: for notification daemon support (OSD current song notifications)
48    pulseaudio: for PulseAudio output plugin
49    faad2: for AAC plugin
50    zlib: for Audio Overload plugin (psf, psf2, etc), GME (for vgz)
51    libzip: for vfs_zip plugin
52    yasm: required to build assembly portions of ffap plugin on supported platforms (x86, x86_64)
54actual package names for your Linux distribution may vary.
572. licensing
59DeaDBeeF core uses ZLIB license. See COPYING in each subdirectory for details.