1 /* extractiong lh5 module
2    (c) Haruhiko Okumura
3    (m) Roman Scherbakov
4 */
5 #include <stdlib.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <string.h>   /* memmove */
8 #include <limits.h>
10 static unsigned short bitbuf;
12 #define BITBUFSIZ (CHAR_BIT * sizeof bitbuf)
14 #define DICBIT    13    /* 12(-lh4-) or 13(-lh5-) */
15 #define DICSIZ   (1L << DICBIT)
16 #define MATCHBIT   8    /* bits for MAXMATCH - THRESHOLD */
17 #define MAXMATCH 256    /* formerly F (not more than unsigned char_MAX + 1) */
18 #define THRESHOLD  3    /* choose optimal value */
20 #define CBIT 9          /* $\lfloor \log_2 NC \rfloor + 1$ */
21 #define CODE_BIT  16    /* codeword length */
22 #define NP (DICBIT + 1)
23 #define NT (CODE_BIT + 3)
24 #define PBIT 4          /* smallest integer such that (1U << PBIT) > NP */
25 #define TBIT 5          /* smallest integer such that (1U << TBIT) > NT */
26 #if NT > NP
27 #define NPT NT
28 #else
29 #define NPT NP
30 #endif
32 static unsigned long origsize, compsize;
33 static const unsigned char *in_buf;
34 static unsigned char *out_buf;
36 static unsigned short  subbitbuf;
37 static int   bitcount;
39 static unsigned short left[2 * NC - 1], right[2 * NC - 1];
40 static unsigned char  c_len[NC], pt_len[NPT];
41 static unsigned short   blocksize;
43 static unsigned short c_table[4096], pt_table[256];
45 static int j;  /* remaining bytes to copy */
error(char * msg)48 static void error(char *msg)
49 {
50   fprintf(stderr, "libayemu: lh5dec.c: %s\n", msg);
51   exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
52 }
fillbuf(int n)54 static void fillbuf(int n)  /* Shift bitbuf n bits left, read n bits */
55 {
56   bitbuf <<= n;
57   while (n > bitcount) {
58     bitbuf |= subbitbuf << (n -= bitcount);
59     if (compsize != 0) {
60       compsize--;  subbitbuf = *in_buf++;
61     } else subbitbuf = 0;
62     bitcount = CHAR_BIT;
63   }
64   bitbuf |= subbitbuf >> (bitcount -= n);
65 }
getbits(int n)67 static unsigned short getbits(int n)
68 {
69   unsigned short x;
71   x = bitbuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - n);  fillbuf(n);
72   return x;
73 }
75 // make table for decoding
make_table(int nchar,unsigned char bitlen[],int tablebits,unsigned short table[])77 static void make_table(int nchar, unsigned char bitlen[], int tablebits, unsigned short table[])
78 {
79   unsigned short count[17], weight[17], start[18], *p;
80   unsigned short i, k, len, ch, jutbits, avail, nextcode, mask;
82   for (i = 1; i <= 16; i++) count[i] = 0;
83   for (i = 0; i < nchar; i++) count[bitlen[i]]++;
85   start[1] = 0;
86   for (i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
87     start[i + 1] = start[i] + (count[i] << (16 - i));
88   if (start[17] != (unsigned short)(1U << 16)) error("Bad table");
90   jutbits = 16 - tablebits;
91   for (i = 1; i <= tablebits; i++) {
92     start[i] >>= jutbits;
93     weight[i] = 1U << (tablebits - i);
94   }
95   while (i <= 16) weight[i++] = 1U << (16 - i);
97   i = start[tablebits + 1] >> jutbits;
98   if (i != (unsigned short)(1U << 16)) {
99     k = 1U << tablebits;
100     while (i != k) table[i++] = 0;
101   }
103   avail = nchar;
104   mask = 1U << (15 - tablebits);
105   for (ch = 0; ch < nchar; ch++) {
106     if ((len = bitlen[ch]) == 0) continue;
107     nextcode = start[len] + weight[len];
108     if (len <= tablebits) {
109       for (i = start[len]; i < nextcode; i++) table[i] = ch;
110     } else {
111       k = start[len];
112       p = &table[k >> jutbits];
113       i = len - tablebits;
114       while (i != 0) {
115 	if (*p == 0) {
116 	  right[avail] = left[avail] = 0;
117 	  *p = avail++;
118 	}
119 	if (k & mask) p = &right[*p];
120 	else          p = &left[*p];
121 	k <<= 1;  i--;
122       }
123       *p = ch;
124     }
125     start[len] = nextcode;
126   }
127 }
129 // static Huffman
read_pt_len(int nn,int nbit,int i_special)131 static void read_pt_len(int nn, int nbit, int i_special)
132 {
133   int i, c, n;
134   unsigned short mask;
136   n = getbits(nbit);
137   if (n == 0) {
138     c = getbits(nbit);
139     for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) pt_len[i] = 0;
140     for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) pt_table[i] = c;
141   } else {
142     i = 0;
143     while (i < n) {
144       c = bitbuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 3);
145       if (c == 7) {
146 	mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 3);
147 	while (mask & bitbuf) {  mask >>= 1;  c++;  }
148       }
149       fillbuf((c < 7) ? 3 : c - 3);
150       pt_len[i++] = c;
151       if (i == i_special) {
152 	c = getbits(2);
153 	while (--c >= 0) pt_len[i++] = 0;
154       }
155     }
156     while (i < nn) pt_len[i++] = 0;
157     make_table(nn, pt_len, 8, pt_table);
158   }
159 }
read_c_len(void)161 static void read_c_len(void)
162 {
163   int i, c, n;
164   unsigned short mask;
166   n = getbits(CBIT);
167   if (n == 0) {
168     c = getbits(CBIT);
169     for (i = 0; i < NC; i++) c_len[i] = 0;
170     for (i = 0; i < 4096; i++) c_table[i] = c;
171   } else {
172     i = 0;
173     while (i < n) {
174       c = pt_table[bitbuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 8)];
175       if (c >= NT) {
176 	mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 8);
177 	do {
178 	  if (bitbuf & mask) c = right[c];
179 	  else               c = left [c];
180 	  mask >>= 1;
181 	} while (c >= NT);
182       }
183       fillbuf(pt_len[c]);
184       if (c <= 2) {
185 	if      (c == 0) c = 1;
186 	else if (c == 1) c = getbits(4) + 3;
187 	else             c = getbits(CBIT) + 20;
188 	while (--c >= 0) c_len[i++] = 0;
189       } else c_len[i++] = c - 2;
190     }
191     while (i < NC) c_len[i++] = 0;
192     make_table(NC, c_len, 12, c_table);
193   }
194 }
decode_c(void)197 static unsigned short decode_c(void)
198 {
199   unsigned short j, mask;
201   if (blocksize == 0) {
202     blocksize = getbits(16);
203     read_pt_len(NT, TBIT, 3);
204     read_c_len();
205     read_pt_len(NP, PBIT, -1);
206   }
207   blocksize--;
208   j = c_table[bitbuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 12)];
209   if (j >= NC) {
210     mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 12);
211     do {
212       if (bitbuf & mask) j = right[j];
213       else               j = left [j];
214       mask >>= 1;
215     } while (j >= NC);
216   }
217   fillbuf(c_len[j]);
218   return j;
219 }
decode_p(void)222 static unsigned short decode_p(void)
223 {
224   unsigned short j, mask;
226   j = pt_table[bitbuf >> (BITBUFSIZ - 8)];
227   if (j >= NP) {
228     mask = 1U << (BITBUFSIZ - 1 - 8);
229     do {
230       if (bitbuf & mask) j = right[j];
231       else               j = left [j];
232       mask >>= 1;
233     } while (j >= NP);
234   }
235   fillbuf(pt_len[j]);
236   if (j != 0) j = (1U << (j - 1)) + getbits(j - 1);
237   return j;
238 }
decode(unsigned short count,unsigned char buffer[])241 static void decode(unsigned short count, unsigned char buffer[])
242 {
243   static unsigned short i;
244   unsigned short r, c;
246   r = 0;
247   while (--j >= 0) {
248     buffer[r] = buffer[i];
249     i = (i + 1) & (DICSIZ - 1);
250     if (++r == count) return;
251   }
252   for ( ; ; ) {
253     c = decode_c();
254     if (c <= UCHAR_MAX) {
255       buffer[r] = c & UCHAR_MAX;
256       if (++r == count) return;
257     } else {
258       j = c - (UCHAR_MAX + 1 - THRESHOLD);
259       i = (r - decode_p() - 1) & (DICSIZ - 1);
260       while (--j >= 0) {
261 	buffer[r] = buffer[i];
262 	i = (i + 1) & (DICSIZ - 1);
263 	if (++r == count) return;
264       }
265     }
266   }
267 }
lh5_decode(const unsigned char * inp,unsigned char * outp,unsigned long original_size,unsigned long packed_size)269 void lh5_decode(const unsigned char *inp, unsigned char *outp, unsigned long original_size, unsigned long packed_size)
270 {
271   unsigned short n;
272   unsigned char *buffer;
274   compsize = packed_size;
275   origsize = original_size;
276   in_buf = inp;
277   out_buf = outp;
279 #if 0
280   fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: compsize = %ld, origsize = %ld, first 8 bytes of packed data:\n", packed_size, original_size);
281   fprintf(stderr, "  %02x %02x %02x %02x  %02x %02x %02x %02x \n",
282 	  *(inp), *(inp+1),*(inp+2),*(inp+3),
283 	  *(inp+4),*(inp+5),*(inp+6),*(inp+7));
284 #endif
286   buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(DICSIZ);
287   if (!buffer) error ("Out of memory");
289   bitbuf = 0;  subbitbuf = 0;  bitcount = 0;
290   fillbuf(BITBUFSIZ);
291   blocksize = 0;
292   j = 0;
294   while (origsize != 0) {
295     n = (origsize > DICSIZ) ? DICSIZ : (unsigned short)origsize;
296     decode(n, buffer);
297     memmove(out_buf, buffer, n);
298     out_buf += n;
299     origsize -= n;
300   }
302   if (buffer) free (buffer);
303   buffer = NULL;
304 }