1 /*
2  *  tMatrix.h
3  *  Avida
4  *
5  *  Called "tMatrix.hh" prior to 12/7/05.
6  *  Copyright 1999-2011 Michigan State University. All rights reserved.
7  *  Copyright 1993-2003 California Institute of Technology.
8  *
9  *
10  *  This file is part of Avida.
11  *
12  *  Avida is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  Avida is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Avida.
19  *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  */
23 #ifndef tMatrix_h
24 #define tMatrix_h
26 /*
27    Matrix Templates
29    Constructor:
30      tMatrix( int rows, int cols )
31      tMatrix( const tMatrix & rhs )
33    Interface:
34      tMatrix & operator= ( const tMatrix & rhs )
36      unsigned int GetNumRows () const
37      unsigned int GetNumCols () const
38        returns the size of the array
40      const T& ElementAt ( const int row, col ) const
41            T& ElementAt ( const int row, col )
42      const T& operator() ( const int row, col ) const
43            T& operator() ( const int row, col )
44        return the element at position in the matrix
46      const tArray<T>& operator[] ( const int row ) const
47            tArray<T>& operator[] ( const int row )
48        return the array at the row in the matrix.
51 */
53 #include "tArray.h"
55 #include <cassert>
57 /**
58  * This class provides a matrix template.
59  **/
61 template <class T> class tMatrix {
62 protected:
63   // Internal Variables
64   tArray<T> * data;  // Data Elements
65   int num_rows;
66 public:
GetNumRows()67   int GetNumRows() const { return num_rows; }
GetNumCols()68   int GetNumCols() const { return data[0].GetSize(); }
ResizeClear(const int _rows,const int _cols)70   void ResizeClear(const int _rows, const int _cols){
71     if (_rows != GetNumRows()) {
72       num_rows = _rows;
73       assert(_rows > 0); // Invalid size specified for matrix resize
74       if( data != NULL )  delete [] data;  // remove old data if exists
75       data = new tArray<T>[_rows];  // Allocate block for data
76       assert(data != NULL); // Memory Allocation Error: Out of Memory?
77     }
78     for (int i = 0; i < GetNumRows(); i++) data[i].ResizeClear(_cols);
79   }
Resize(int _rows,int _cols)81   void Resize(int _rows, int _cols) {
82     // Rows and cols must be > 0
83     assert(_rows > 0 && _cols > 0); // Invalid size specified for matrix resize
85     if( data != NULL )  {
86       tArray<T> * new_data = new tArray<T>[_rows];
87       for (int i = 0; i < GetNumRows() && i < _rows; i++) {
88 	new_data[i] = data[i];
89       }
90       delete [] data;  // remove old data if exists
91       data = new_data;
92     } else {
93       data = new tArray<T>[_rows];  // Allocate block for data
94     }
95     assert(data != NULL); // Memory Allocation Error: Out of Memory?
96     num_rows = _rows;
98     for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) data[i].Resize(_cols);
99   }
ElementAt(int _row,int _col)101   T & ElementAt(int _row, int _col) { return data[_row][_col]; }
ElementAt(int _row,int _col)102   const T & ElementAt(int _row, int _col) const { return data[_row][_col]; }
operator()104         T & operator()(int _r, int _c)       { return ElementAt(_r, _c); }
operator()105   const T & operator()(int _r, int _c) const { return ElementAt(_r, _c); }
107         tArray<T> & operator[](int row)       { return data[row]; }
108   const tArray<T> & operator[](int row) const { return data[row]; }
SetAll(const T & value)110   void SetAll(const T & value) {
111     for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
112       data[i].SetAll(value);
113     }
114   }
117 public:
118   // Default Constructor
tMatrix()119   explicit tMatrix() : data(NULL), num_rows(0) { ResizeClear(1,1); }
121   // Constructor
tMatrix(const int _rows,const int _cols)122   explicit tMatrix(const int _rows, const int _cols) :
123     data(NULL), num_rows(0) {
124       ResizeClear(_rows, _cols);
125   }
127   // Assingment Operator
128   tMatrix& operator= (const tMatrix<T>& rhs) {
129     if( GetNumRows() != rhs.GetNumRows() || GetNumCols() != rhs.GetNumCols()) {
130       ResizeClear(rhs.GetNumRows(), rhs.GetNumCols());
131     }
132     for (int row = 0; row < GetNumRows(); row++) {
133       for (int col = 0; col < GetNumCols(); col++) {
134         data[row][col] = rhs.data[row][col];
135       }
136     }
137     return *this;
138   }
tMatrix(const tMatrix & rhs)140   tMatrix(const tMatrix& rhs) : data(NULL), num_rows(0) { this->operator=(rhs); }
142   // Destructor
~tMatrix()143   virtual ~tMatrix() { if (data != NULL) delete [] data; }
144 };
146 #endif