1 /*
2  * RecordOutputMgr.cpp
3  *
4  *  Created on: May 28, 2013
5  *      Author: nek3d
6  */
8 #include "RecordOutputMgr.h"
9 #include "ContextBase.h"
10 #include "ContextIntersect.h"
11 #include "ContextClosest.h"
12 #include "ContextGroupBy.h"
13 #include "BlockMgr.h"
14 #include "Bed3Interval.h"
15 #include "Bed4Interval.h"
16 #include "BedGraphInterval.h"
17 #include "Bed5Interval.h"
18 #include "Bed6Interval.h"
19 #include "BedPlusInterval.h"
20 #include "Bed12Interval.h"
21 #include "BamRecord.h"
22 #include "VcfRecord.h"
23 #include "GffRecord.h"
24 #include "NoPosPlusRecord.h"
28 #include <cstdio>
RecordOutputMgr()31 RecordOutputMgr::RecordOutputMgr()
32 : _context(NULL),
33   _printable(true),
34   _bamWriter(NULL),
35   _currBamBlockList(NULL),
36   _bamBlockMgr(NULL)
37 {
38 	_bamBlockMgr = new BlockMgr();
39 }
~RecordOutputMgr()41 RecordOutputMgr::~RecordOutputMgr()
42 {
43 	// In the rare case when a file had a header but was otherwise empty,
44 	// we'll need to make a last check to see if the header still needs to be printed.
45 	checkForHeader();
47 	if (_outBuf.size() > 0) {
48 		flush();
49 	}
50 	if (_bamWriter != NULL) {
51 		_bamWriter->Close();
52 		delete _bamWriter;
53 		_bamWriter = NULL;
54 	}
55 	delete _bamBlockMgr;
56 	_bamBlockMgr = NULL;
58 }
init(ContextBase * context)60 void RecordOutputMgr::init(ContextBase *context) {
61 	_context = context;
62 	if (_context->getOutputFileType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_FILE_TYPE) {
63 		//set-up BAM writer.
64 		_bamWriter = new BamTools::BamWriter();
65 		_bamWriter->SetCompressionMode(_context->getUncompressedBam() ?  BamTools::BamWriter::Uncompressed : BamTools::BamWriter::Compressed);
67 		int bamFileIdx = _context->getBamHeaderAndRefIdx();
69 		if(!_context->isCram())
70 			_bamWriter->Open("stdout", _context->getFile(bamFileIdx)->getHeader().c_str(), _context->getFile(bamFileIdx)->getBamReferences());
71 		else
72 			_bamWriter->Open("stdout", _context->getFile(bamFileIdx)->getHeader().c_str(),
73 					                   _context->getFile(bamFileIdx)->getBamReferences(),
74 									   _context->getFile(bamFileIdx)->getCramRefs());
75 	} else {
76 		//for everything but BAM, we'll copy output to an output buffer before printing.
77 		_outBuf.reserve(MAX_OUTBUF_SIZE);
78 	}
79 	if (_context->getProgram() == ContextBase::INTERSECT) {
80 		if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getAnyHit() ||
81 			(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getNoHit() ||
82 			(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteCount() ||
83 			(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteCountsPerDatabase()) {
84 			_printable = false;
85 		}
86 	}
87 }
printKeyAndTerminate(RecordKeyVector & keyList)89 bool RecordOutputMgr::printKeyAndTerminate(RecordKeyVector &keyList) {
90 	if (_context->getProgram() == ContextBase::MERGE) {
91 		//when printing merged records, we want to force the printing into
92 		//bed3 format, which is surprisingly difficult to do. Had to use the following:
93 		const Bed3Interval *bed3 = static_cast<const Bed3Interval *>(keyList.getKey());
94 		bed3->Bed3Interval::print(_outBuf);
95 		return false;
96 	}
97 	printBamType bamCode = printBamRecord(keyList);
98 	if (bamCode == BAM_AS_BAM) {
99 		return true;
100 	} else if (bamCode == NOT_BAM) {
101 		keyList.getKey()->print(_outBuf);
102 		return false;
103 	}
104 	//otherwise, it was BAM_AS_BED, and the key was printed.
105 	return false;
107 }
printBamRecord(RecordKeyVector & keyList,bool bamOutputOnly)109 RecordOutputMgr::printBamType RecordOutputMgr::printBamRecord(RecordKeyVector &keyList, bool bamOutputOnly)
110 {
111 	const Record *record = keyList.getKey();
112 	if (record->getType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE) {
113 		if (_context->getOutputFileType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_FILE_TYPE) {
114 			_bamWriter->SaveAlignment(static_cast<const BamRecord *>(record)->getAlignment());
115 			return BAM_AS_BAM;
116 		} else {
117 			if (!bamOutputOnly) {
118 				if (record->isUnmapped()) {
119 					record->printUnmapped(_outBuf);
120 				} else {
121 					static_cast<const BamRecord *>(record)->print(_outBuf, _currBamBlockList);
122 				}
123 			}
124 			return BAM_AS_BED;
125 		}
126 	}
127 	return NOT_BAM;
128 }
printRecord(Record * record)130 void RecordOutputMgr::printRecord(Record *record)
131 {
132 	RecordKeyVector keyList(record);
133 	printRecord(keyList);
134 }
printRecord(Record * record,const string & value)136 void RecordOutputMgr::printRecord(Record *record, const string & value)
137 {
138 	checkForHeader();
140 	_afterVal = value;
141 	bool recordPrinted = false;
142 	if (record != NULL) {
143 		printRecord(record);
144 		recordPrinted = true;
145 	}
146 	if (!value.empty()) {
147 		if (recordPrinted) tab();
148 		_outBuf.append(value);
149 	}
150 	newline();
152 	if (needsFlush()) flush();
153 }
printClosest(RecordKeyVector & keyList,const vector<CHRPOS> * dists)155 void RecordOutputMgr::printClosest(RecordKeyVector &keyList, const vector<CHRPOS> *dists) {
157 	//The first time we print a record is when we print any header, because the header
158 	//hasn't been read from the query file until after the first record has also been read.
159 	checkForHeader();
161 	const ContextClosest *context = static_cast<const ContextClosest *>(_context);
162 	bool deleteBlocks = false;
163 	Record *keyRec = keyList.getKey();
164 	RecordKeyVector blockList(keyRec);
165 	if (keyRec->getType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE) {
166 		_bamBlockMgr->getBlocks(blockList, deleteBlocks);
167 		_currBamBlockList = &blockList;
168 	}
169 	if (!keyList.empty()) {
170 		if (context->getNumClosestHitsWanted() > keyList.size())
171 		{
172 			cerr << "Warning: Fewer hits ("
173 			     << keyList.size()
174 			     << ") found on "
175 			     << keyRec->getChrName()
176 			     << " than requested ("
177 			     << context->getNumClosestHitsWanted()
178 			     << "). It is likely that there are fewer total records"
179 			     << " on that chromosome than requested."
180 			     << endl;
181 		}
182 		int distCount = 0;
183 		for (RecordKeyVector::iterator_type iter = keyList.begin(); iter != keyList.end(); iter = keyList.next())
184 		{
185 			const Record *hitRec = *iter;
186 			printKey(keyRec, keyRec->getStartPosStr(), keyRec->getEndPosStr());
187 			tab();
188 			addDbFileId(hitRec->getFileIdx());
189 			printKey(hitRec, hitRec->getStartPosStr(), hitRec->getEndPosStr());
190 			if (dists != NULL) {
191 				tab();
192 				CHRPOS dist = (*dists)[distCount];
193 				//if not using sign distance, use absolute value instead.
194 				dist = context->signDistance() ? dist : abs(dist);
195 				ostringstream s;
196 				s << dist;
197 				_outBuf.append(s.str());
198 				distCount++;
199 			}
200 			newline();
201 			if (needsFlush()) flush();
202 		}
203 	} else {
204 		printKey(keyRec, keyRec->getStartPosStr(), keyRec->getEndPosStr());
205 		tab();
206 		// need to add a dummy file id if multiple DB files are used
207 		if (_context->getNumInputFiles() > 2) {
208 			_outBuf.append(".");
209 			tab();
210 		}
211 		null(false, true);
212 		if (context->reportDistance()) {
213 			tab();
214 			_outBuf.append("-1");
215 		}
216 		newline();
217 	}
218 	if (deleteBlocks) {
219 		_bamBlockMgr->deleteBlocks(blockList);
220 		_currBamBlockList = NULL;
221 	}
222 	return;
223 }
printRecord(RecordKeyVector & keyList)226 void RecordOutputMgr::printRecord(RecordKeyVector &keyList) {
227 	if (keyList.getKey()->getType() == FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE) {
228 		RecordKeyVector blockList(keyList.getKey());
229 		bool deleteBlocks = false;
230 		_bamBlockMgr->getBlocks(blockList, deleteBlocks);
231 		printRecord(keyList, &blockList);
232 		if (deleteBlocks) {
233 			_bamBlockMgr->deleteBlocks(blockList);
234 		}
235 		return;
236 	}
237     printRecord(keyList, NULL);
239 }
printRecord(RecordKeyVector & keyList,RecordKeyVector * blockList)241 void RecordOutputMgr::printRecord(RecordKeyVector &keyList, RecordKeyVector *blockList)
242 {
243 	if (needsFlush()) {
244 		flush();
245 	}
247 	//The first time we print a record is when we print any header, because the header
248 	//hasn't been read from the query file until after the first record has also been read.
249 	checkForHeader();
251 	const_cast<Record *>(keyList.getKey())->undoZeroLength();
252 	_currBamBlockList = blockList;
254 	if (_context->getProgram() == ContextBase::INTERSECT || _context->getProgram() == ContextBase::SUBTRACT) {
255 		if (_printable) {
256 			if (keyList.empty()) {
257 				if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteAllOverlap())
258 				{
259 					// -wao the user wants to force the reporting of 0 overlap
260 					if (printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
261 						_currBamBlockList = NULL;
262 						const_cast<Record *>(keyList.getKey())->adjustZeroLength();
264 						return;
265 					}
266 					tab();
267 					// need to add a dummy file id if multiple DB files are used
268 					if (_context->getNumInputFiles() > 2) {
269 						_outBuf.append(".");
270 						tab();
271 					}
272 					null(false, true);
273 					tab();
274 					_outBuf.append("0");
275 					newline();
276 					if (needsFlush()) flush();
277 				}
278 				else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getLeftJoin())
279 				{
280 					if (printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
281 						_currBamBlockList = NULL;
283 						const_cast<Record *>(keyList.getKey())->adjustZeroLength();
284 						return;
285 					}
286 					tab();
287 					// need to add a dummy file id if multiple DB files are used
288 					if (_context->getNumInputFiles() > 2) {
289 						_outBuf.append(".");
290 						tab();
291 					}
292 					null(false, true);
293 					newline();
294 					if (needsFlush()) flush();
295 					_currBamBlockList = NULL;
297 					return;
298 				}
299 			}
300 			else
301 			{
302 				if (printBamRecord(keyList, true) == BAM_AS_BAM) {
303 					_currBamBlockList = NULL;
305 					const_cast<Record *>(keyList.getKey())->adjustZeroLength();
306 					return;
307 				}
308 				int hitIdx = 0;
309 				for (RecordKeyVector::iterator_type iter = keyList.begin(); iter != keyList.end(); iter = keyList.next())
310 				{
311 					// a hit can be invalid if there was no enough overlap, etc.
312 					//if ((*iter)->isValid())
313 					//{
314 						reportOverlapDetail(keyList.getKey(), *iter, hitIdx);
315 						hitIdx++;
316 					//}
317 				}
318 			}
319 		} else { // not printable
320 			reportOverlapSummary(keyList);
321 		}
322 		_currBamBlockList = NULL;
323 	} else if (_context->getProgram() == ContextBase::SAMPLE) {
324 		if (!printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
325 			newline();
326 		}
327 	} else { // if (_context->getProgram() == ContextBase::MAP || _context->getProgram() == ContextBase::MERGE) {
328 		printKeyAndTerminate(keyList);
329 	}
330 	_currBamBlockList = NULL;
331 	const_cast<Record *>(keyList.getKey())->adjustZeroLength();
333 }
checkForHeader()335 void RecordOutputMgr::checkForHeader() {
336 	// Do we need to print a header?
337 	if (!_context->getPrintHeader()) return;
339 	//If the tool is groupBy, and outheader was set,  but the header is empty, we need to print groupBy's
340 	//default header
341 	if (_context->getProgram() == ContextBase::GROUP_BY) {
342 		const string &header = _context->getFile(0)->getHeader();
343 		if (header.empty()) {
344 			const string &defaultHeader = (static_cast<ContextGroupBy *>(_context))->getDefaultHeader();
345 			_outBuf.append(defaultHeader);
346 		} else {
347 			_outBuf.append(header);
348 		}
349 	} else if (_context->hasIntersectMethods()) {
350 		//if the tool is based on intersection, we want the header from the query file.
352 		int queryIdx = (static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getQueryFileIdx();
353 		const string &header  = _context->getFile(queryIdx)->getHeader();
354 		_outBuf.append(header);
355 	} else {
356 		_outBuf.append(_context->getFile(0)->getHeader());
357 	}
359 	_context->setPrintHeader(false);
360 	flush();
361 }
reportOverlapDetail(const Record * keyRecord,const Record * hitRecord,int hitIdx)363 void RecordOutputMgr::reportOverlapDetail(const Record *keyRecord, const Record *hitRecord, int hitIdx)
364 {
366 	// overlap interval is defined by min(e1,e2) - max(s1,s2)
367 	CHRPOS maxStart = max(keyRecord->getStartPos(), hitRecord->getStartPos());
368 	//cout << keyRecord->getStartPos() << "," << hitRecord->getStartPos();
369 	CHRPOS minEnd = min(keyRecord->getEndPos(), hitRecord->getEndPos());
371 	// need to undo our conversion of 1-based start coordinates to 0-based
372 	if (!keyRecord->isZeroBased())
373 		maxStart++;
375 	// all of the different printing scenarios based upon the options used.
376 	if (!(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteA() && !(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteB()
377 			&& !(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteOverlap() && !(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getLeftJoin()) {
378 		const_cast<Record *>(keyRecord)->undoZeroLength();
379 		printKey(keyRecord, maxStart, minEnd);
380 	}
381 	else if (((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteA() &&
382 			(static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteB()) || (static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getLeftJoin()) {
383 		const_cast<Record *>(keyRecord)->undoZeroLength();
384 		printKey(keyRecord);
385 		tab();
386 		const_cast<Record *>(hitRecord)->undoZeroLength();
387 		addDbFileId(hitRecord->getFileIdx());
388 		hitRecord->print(_outBuf);
389 	}
390 	else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteA()) {
391 		const_cast<Record *>(keyRecord)->undoZeroLength();
392 		printKey(keyRecord);
393 	}
394 	else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteB()) {
395 		printKey(keyRecord, maxStart, minEnd);
396 		tab();
397 		addDbFileId(hitRecord->getFileIdx());
398 		const_cast<Record *>(hitRecord)->undoZeroLength();
399 		hitRecord->print(_outBuf);
400 	}
401 	else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteOverlap()) {
402 		int overlapBases = 0;
403 		if (_context->getObeySplits()) {
404 			overlapBases = _context->getSplitBlockInfo()->getOverlapBases(hitIdx);
405 		} else {
406 			// if one of the records was zerolength, the number of
407 			// overlapping bases needs to be corrected
408 			if (keyRecord->isZeroLength() || hitRecord->isZeroLength())
409 			{
410 				maxStart++;
411 				minEnd--;
412 			}
413 			overlapBases = minEnd - maxStart;
414 			// add one to overlapBases since we decremented minStart
415 			// for 1-based records.
416 			if (!keyRecord->isZeroBased())
417 				overlapBases++;
418 		}
419 		const_cast<Record *>(keyRecord)->undoZeroLength();
420 		printKey(keyRecord);
421 		tab();
422 		addDbFileId(hitRecord->getFileIdx());
423 		const_cast<Record *>(hitRecord)->undoZeroLength();
424 		hitRecord->print(_outBuf);
425 		tab();
426 		int2str(overlapBases, _outBuf, true);
427 	}
428 	newline();
429     if (needsFlush()) flush();
430 	const_cast<Record *>(hitRecord)->adjustZeroLength();
431 }
reportOverlapSummary(RecordKeyVector & keyList)433 void RecordOutputMgr::reportOverlapSummary(RecordKeyVector &keyList)
434 {
435 	int numOverlapsFound = (int)keyList.size();
436 	if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getAnyHit() && numOverlapsFound > 0) {
437 		if (printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
438 			return;
439 		}
440 		newline();
441 		if (needsFlush()) flush();
442 	} else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteCount()) {
443 		if (printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
444 			return;
445 		}
446 		tab();
447 		int2str(numOverlapsFound, _outBuf, true);
448 		newline();
449 		if (needsFlush()) flush();
450 	}
451 	else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getWriteCountsPerDatabase()) {
452 		// build a map of the hit counts per database
453 		map<int, int> db_counts;
454 		// initialize to 0 for all files (-A is file 0)
455 		for (size_t i = 1; i < _context->getNumInputFiles(); i++)
456 		{
457 			db_counts[i] = 0;
458 		}
459 		// tally hits per database
460 		for (auto & hit : keyList) {
461 			db_counts[hit->getFileIdx()]+=1;
462 		}
464 		// report A with a separate line for each db and its hit count
465 		for (auto it=db_counts.begin(); it!=db_counts.end(); ++it)
466 		{
467 			if (printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
468 				return;
469 			}
470 			tab();
471 			addDbFileId(it->first);
472 			int2str(it->second, _outBuf, true);
473 			newline();
474 		}
475 		if (needsFlush()) flush();
476 	}
477 	else if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getNoHit() && numOverlapsFound == 0) {
478 		if (printKeyAndTerminate(keyList)) {
479 			return;
480 		}
481 		newline();
482 		if (needsFlush()) flush();
483 	}
484 }
addDbFileId(int fileId)486 void RecordOutputMgr::addDbFileId(int fileId) {
487 	ostringstream s;
488 	if ((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getNumDatabaseFiles()  == 1) return;
489 	if (!_context->getUseDBnameTags() && (!_context->getUseDBfileNames())) {
490 		s << fileId;
491 	} else if (_context->getUseDBnameTags()){
492 		s << (static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getDatabaseNameTag((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getDbIdx(fileId));
493 	} else {
494 		s << _context->getInputFileName(fileId);
495 	}
496 	_outBuf.append(s.str());
497 	tab();
498 }
null(bool queryType,bool dbType)500 void RecordOutputMgr::null(bool queryType, bool dbType)
501 {
502 	FileRecordTypeChecker::RECORD_TYPE recordType = FileRecordTypeChecker::UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE;
503 	if (_context->hasIntersectMethods()) {
504 		if (queryType) {
505 			recordType = (static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getQueryRecordType();
506 		} else if (dbType) {
507 			recordType = (static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getDatabaseRecordType(0);
508 		}
509 	} else  {
510 		recordType = _context->getFile(0)->getRecordType();
511 	}
512 	//This is kind of a hack. Need an instance of the correct class of record in order to call it's printNull method.
513 	Record *dummyRecord = NULL;
514 	switch (recordType) {
515 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED3_RECORD_TYPE:
516 		dummyRecord = new Bed3Interval();
517 		break;
518 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED4_RECORD_TYPE:
519 		dummyRecord = new Bed4Interval();
520 		break;
521 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BEDGRAPH_RECORD_TYPE:
522 		dummyRecord = new BedGraphInterval();
523 		break;
524 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED5_RECORD_TYPE:
525 		dummyRecord = new Bed5Interval();
526 		break;
527 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED6_RECORD_TYPE:
528 		dummyRecord = new Bed6Interval();
529 		break;
530 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED12_RECORD_TYPE:
531 		dummyRecord = new Bed12Interval();
532 		break;
533 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE:
534 		dummyRecord = new BedPlusInterval();
535 		(static_cast<BedPlusInterval *>(dummyRecord))->setNumPrintFields((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getMaxNumDatabaseFields());
536 		break;
537 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BED6_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE:
538 		dummyRecord = new BedPlusInterval();
539 		(static_cast<BedPlusInterval *>(dummyRecord))->setNumPrintFields((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getMaxNumDatabaseFields());
540 		break;
541 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::VCF_RECORD_TYPE:
542 		dummyRecord = new VcfRecord();
543 		(static_cast<VcfRecord *>(dummyRecord))->setNumPrintFields((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getMaxNumDatabaseFields());
544 		break;
545 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE:
546 		dummyRecord = new BamRecord();
547 		break;
548 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::GFF_RECORD_TYPE:
549 		dummyRecord = new GffRecord();
550 		(static_cast<GffRecord *>(dummyRecord))->setNumFields((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getMaxNumDatabaseFields());
551 		break;
552 	case FileRecordTypeChecker::GFF_PLUS_RECORD_TYPE:
553 		dummyRecord = new GffPlusRecord();
554 		(static_cast<GffRecord *>(dummyRecord))->setNumFields((static_cast<ContextIntersect *>(_context))->getMaxNumDatabaseFields());
555 		break;
556 	default:
557 		dummyRecord = new Bed3Interval();
558 		break;
559 	}
560 	if (dummyRecord) {
561 		dummyRecord->printNull(_outBuf);
562 		delete dummyRecord;
563 	}
564 }
printKey(const Record * key,const string & start,const string & end)566 void RecordOutputMgr::printKey(const Record *key, const string & start, const string & end)
567 {
568 	if (key->getType() != FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE) {
569 		key->print(_outBuf, start, end);
570 	} else {
571 		static_cast<const BamRecord *>(key)->print(_outBuf, start, end, _currBamBlockList);
572 	}
573 }
printKey(const Record * key,CHRPOS start,CHRPOS end)575 void RecordOutputMgr::printKey(const Record *key, CHRPOS start, CHRPOS end)
576 {
577 	if (key->getType() != FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE) {
578 		key->print(_outBuf, start, end);
579 	} else {
580 		static_cast<const BamRecord *>(key)->print(_outBuf, start, end, _currBamBlockList);
581 	}
582 }
printKey(const Record * key)584 void RecordOutputMgr::printKey(const Record *key)
585 {
586 	if (key->getType() != FileRecordTypeChecker::BAM_RECORD_TYPE) {
587 		key->print(_outBuf);
588 	} else {
589 		static_cast<const BamRecord *>(key)->print(_outBuf, _currBamBlockList);
590 	}
591 }
flush()593 void RecordOutputMgr::flush() {
594 	fwrite(_outBuf.c_str(), 1, _outBuf.size(), stdout);
595 	_outBuf.clear();
596 }