1 #include "Variant.h"
2 #include "convert.h"
3 #include "join.h"
4 #include "split.h"
5 #include "Fasta.h"
6 #include <set>
7 #include <vector>
8 #include <getopt.h>
9 #include <cmath>
11 using namespace std;
12 using namespace vcflib;
15 // Attempts to left-realign all the indels represented by the alignment cigar.
16 //
17 // This is done by shifting all indels as far left as they can go without
18 // mismatch, then merging neighboring indels of the same class.  leftAlign
19 // updates the alignment cigar with changes, and returns true if realignment
20 // changed the alignment cigar.
21 //
22 // To left-align, we move multi-base indels left by their own length as long as
23 // the preceding bases match the inserted or deleted sequence.  After this
24 // step, we handle multi-base homopolymer indels by shifting them one base to
25 // the left until they mismatch the reference.
26 //
27 // To merge neighboring indels, we iterate through the set of left-stabilized
28 // indels.  For each indel we add a new cigar element to the new cigar.  If a
29 // deletion follows a deletion, or an insertion occurs at the same place as
30 // another insertion, we merge the events by extending the previous cigar
31 // element.
32 //
33 // In practice, we must call this function until the alignment is stabilized.
35 #define VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG(msg) \
36     if (false) { cerr << msg; }
38 class VCFIndelAllele {
39     friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const VCFIndelAllele&);
40     friend bool operator==(const VCFIndelAllele&, const VCFIndelAllele&);
41     friend bool operator!=(const VCFIndelAllele&, const VCFIndelAllele&);
42     friend bool operator<(const VCFIndelAllele&, const VCFIndelAllele&);
43 public:
44     bool insertion;
45     int length;
46     int position;
47     int readPosition;
48     string sequence;
50     bool homopolymer(void);
VCFIndelAllele(bool i,int l,int p,int rp,string s)52     VCFIndelAllele(bool i, int l, int p, int rp, string s)
53         : insertion(i), length(l), position(p), readPosition(rp), sequence(s)
54         { }
55 };
57 bool FBhomopolymer(string sequence);
58 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const VCFIndelAllele& indel);
59 bool operator==(const VCFIndelAllele& a, const VCFIndelAllele& b);
60 bool operator!=(const VCFIndelAllele& a, const VCFIndelAllele& b);
61 bool operator<(const VCFIndelAllele& a, const VCFIndelAllele& b);
homopolymer(void)63 bool VCFIndelAllele::homopolymer(void) {
64     string::iterator s = sequence.begin();
65     char c = *s++;
66     while (s != sequence.end()) {
67         if (c != *s++) return false;
68     }
69     return true;
70 }
FBhomopolymer(string sequence)72 bool FBhomopolymer(string sequence) {
73     string::iterator s = sequence.begin();
74     char c = *s++;
75     while (s != sequence.end()) {
76         if (c != *s++) return false;
77     }
78     return true;
79 }
operator <<(ostream & out,const VCFIndelAllele & indel)81 ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const VCFIndelAllele& indel) {
82     string t = indel.insertion ? "i" : "d";
83     out << t <<  ":" << indel.position << ":" << indel.readPosition << ":" << indel.sequence;
84     return out;
85 }
operator ==(const VCFIndelAllele & a,const VCFIndelAllele & b)87 bool operator==(const VCFIndelAllele& a, const VCFIndelAllele& b) {
88     return (a.insertion == b.insertion
89             && a.length == b.length
90             && a.position == b.position
91             && a.sequence == b.sequence);
92 }
operator !=(const VCFIndelAllele & a,const VCFIndelAllele & b)94 bool operator!=(const VCFIndelAllele& a, const VCFIndelAllele& b) {
95     return !(a==b);
96 }
operator <(const VCFIndelAllele & a,const VCFIndelAllele & b)98 bool operator<(const VCFIndelAllele& a, const VCFIndelAllele& b) {
99     ostringstream as, bs;
100     as << a;
101     bs << b;
102     return as.str() < bs.str();
103 }
106 class AltAlignment {
107 public:
108     unsigned int pos;
109     string seq;
110     vector<pair<int, string> > cigar;
AltAlignment(unsigned int & p,string & s,string & c)111     AltAlignment(unsigned int& p,
112                  string& s,
113                  string& c) {
114         pos = p;
115         seq = s;
116         cigar = splitCigar(c);
117     }
118 };
entropy(const string & st)120 double entropy(const string& st) {
121     vector<char> stvec(st.begin(), st.end());
122     set<char> alphabet(stvec.begin(), stvec.end());
123     vector<double> freqs;
124     for (set<char>::iterator c = alphabet.begin(); c != alphabet.end(); ++c) {
125         int ctr = 0;
126         for (vector<char>::iterator s = stvec.begin(); s != stvec.end(); ++s) {
127             if (*s == *c) {
128                 ++ctr;
129             }
130         }
131         freqs.push_back((double)ctr / (double)stvec.size());
132     }
133     double ent = 0;
134     double ln2 = log(2);
135     for (vector<double>::iterator f = freqs.begin(); f != freqs.end(); ++f) {
136         ent += *f * log(*f)/ln2;
137     }
138     ent = -ent;
139     return ent;
140 }
getAlignment(Variant & var,FastaReference & reference,string & ref,vector<AltAlignment> & alignments,int window)142 void getAlignment(Variant& var, FastaReference& reference, string& ref, vector<AltAlignment>& alignments, int window) {
144     // default alignment params
145     float matchScore = 10.0f;
146     float mismatchScore = -9.0f;
147     float gapOpenPenalty = 25.0f;
148     float gapExtendPenalty = 3.33f;
150     // establish reference sequence
151     string pad = string(window/2, 'Z');
152     string leftFlank = reference.getSubSequence(var.sequenceName, var.zeroBasedPosition() - window/2, window/2);
153     string rightFlank = reference.getSubSequence(var.sequenceName, var.zeroBasedPosition() + var.ref.size(), window/2);
154     ref = pad + leftFlank + var.ref + rightFlank + pad;
156     // and iterate through the alternates, generating alignments
157     for (vector<string>::iterator a = var.alt.begin(); a != var.alt.end(); ++a) {
158         string alt = pad + leftFlank + *a + rightFlank + pad;
159         CSmithWatermanGotoh sw(matchScore, mismatchScore, gapOpenPenalty, gapExtendPenalty);
160         unsigned int referencePos;
161         string cigar;
162         sw.Align(referencePos, cigar, ref, alt);
163         alignments.push_back(AltAlignment(referencePos, alt, cigar));
164     }
165 }
168 bool stablyLeftAlign(string& alternateSequence, string referenceSequence, int maxiterations = 50, bool debug = false);
169 int countMismatches(string& alternateSequence, string referenceSequence);
leftAlign(string & alternateSequence,Cigar & cigar,string & referenceSequence,bool debug=false)171 bool leftAlign(string& alternateSequence, Cigar& cigar, string& referenceSequence, bool debug = false) {
173     int arsOffset = 0; // pointer to insertion point in aligned reference sequence
174     string alignedReferenceSequence = referenceSequence;
175     int aabOffset = 0;
176     string alignmentAlignedBases = alternateSequence;
178     // store information about the indels
179     vector<VCFIndelAllele> indels;
181     int rp = 0;  // read position, 0-based relative to read
182     int sp = 0;  // sequence position
184     string softBegin;
185     string softEnd;
187     stringstream cigar_before, cigar_after;
188     for (vector<pair<int, string> >::const_iterator c = cigar.begin();
189         c != cigar.end(); ++c) {
190         unsigned int l = c->first;
191         char t = c->second.at(0);
193         cigar_before << l << t;
194         if (t == 'M') { // match or mismatch
195             sp += l;
196             rp += l;
197         } else if (t == 'D') { // deletion
198             indels.push_back(VCFIndelAllele(false, l, sp, rp, referenceSequence.substr(sp, l)));
199             alignmentAlignedBases.insert(rp + aabOffset, string(l, '-'));
200             aabOffset += l;
201             sp += l;  // update reference sequence position
202         } else if (t == 'I') { // insertion
203             indels.push_back(VCFIndelAllele(true, l, sp, rp, alternateSequence.substr(rp, l)));
204             alignedReferenceSequence.insert(sp + softBegin.size() + arsOffset, string(l, '-'));
205             arsOffset += l;
206             rp += l;
207         } else if (t == 'S') { // soft clip, clipped sequence present in the read not matching the reference
208             // remove these bases from the refseq and read seq, but don't modify the alignment sequence
209             if (rp == 0) {
210                 alignedReferenceSequence = string(l, '*') + alignedReferenceSequence;
211                 softBegin = alignmentAlignedBases.substr(0, l);
212             } else {
213                 alignedReferenceSequence = alignedReferenceSequence + string(l, '*');
214                 softEnd = alignmentAlignedBases.substr(alignmentAlignedBases.size() - l, l);
215             }
216             rp += l;
217         } else if (t == 'H') { // hard clip on the read, clipped sequence is not present in the read
218         } else if (t == 'N') { // skipped region in the reference not present in read, aka splice
219             sp += l;
220         }
221     }
224     int alignedLength = sp;
226     VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG("| " << cigar_before.str() << endl
227        << "| " << alignedReferenceSequence << endl
228        << "| " << alignmentAlignedBases << endl);
230     // if no indels, return the alignment
231     if (indels.empty()) { return false; }
233     // for each indel, from left to right
234     //     while the indel sequence repeated to the left and we're not matched up with the left-previous indel
235     //         move the indel left
237     vector<VCFIndelAllele>::iterator previous = indels.begin();
238     for (vector<VCFIndelAllele>::iterator id = indels.begin(); id != indels.end(); ++id) {
240         // left shift by repeats
241         //
242         // from 1 base to the length of the indel, attempt to shift left
243         // if the move would cause no change in alignment optimality (no
244         // introduction of mismatches, and by definition no change in gap
245         // length), move to the new position.
246         // in practice this moves the indel left when we reach the size of
247         // the repeat unit.
248         //
249         int steppos, readsteppos;
250         VCFIndelAllele& indel = *id;
251         int i = 1;
252         while (i <= indel.length) {
254             int steppos = indel.position - i;
255             int readsteppos = indel.readPosition - i;
257 #ifdef VERBOSE_DEBUG
258             if (debug) {
259                 if (steppos >= 0 && readsteppos >= 0) {
260                     cerr << referenceSequence.substr(steppos, indel.length) << endl;
261                     cerr << alternateSequence.substr(readsteppos, indel.length) << endl;
262                     cerr << indel.sequence << endl;
263                 }
264             }
265 #endif
266             while (steppos >= 0 && readsteppos >= 0
267                    && indel.sequence == referenceSequence.substr(steppos, indel.length)
268                    && indel.sequence == alternateSequence.substr(readsteppos, indel.length)
269                    && (id == indels.begin()
270                        || (previous->insertion && steppos >= previous->position)
271                        || (!previous->insertion && steppos >= previous->position + previous->length))) {
272                 VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG((indel.insertion ? "insertion " : "deletion ") << indel << " shifting " << i << "bp left" << endl);
273                 indel.position -= i;
274                 indel.readPosition -= i;
275                 steppos = indel.position - i;
276                 readsteppos = indel.readPosition - i;
277             }
278             do {
279                 ++i;
280             } while (i <= indel.length && indel.length % i != 0);
281         }
283         // left shift indels with exchangeable flanking sequence
284         //
285         // for example:
286         //
287         //    GTTACGTT           GTTACGTT
288         //    GT-----T   ---->   G-----TT
289         //
290         // GTGTGACGTGT           GTGTGACGTGT
291         // GTGTG-----T   ---->   GTG-----TGT
292         //
293         // GTGTG-----T           GTG-----TGT
294         // GTGTGACGTGT   ---->   GTGTGACGTGT
295         //
296         //
297         steppos = indel.position - 1;
298         readsteppos = indel.readPosition - 1;
299         while (steppos >= 0 && readsteppos >= 0
300                && alternateSequence.at(readsteppos) == referenceSequence.at(steppos)
301                && alternateSequence.at(readsteppos) == indel.sequence.at(indel.sequence.size() - 1)
302                && (id == indels.begin()
303                    || (previous->insertion && indel.position - 1 >= previous->position)
304                    || (!previous->insertion && indel.position - 1 >= previous->position + previous->length))) {
305             VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG((indel.insertion ? "insertion " : "deletion ") << indel << " exchanging bases " << 1 << "bp left" << endl);
306             indel.sequence = indel.sequence.at(indel.sequence.size() - 1) + indel.sequence.substr(0, indel.sequence.size() - 1);
307             indel.position -= 1;
308             indel.readPosition -= 1;
309             steppos = indel.position - 1;
310             readsteppos = indel.readPosition - 1;
311         }
312         // tracks previous indel, so we don't run into it with the next shift
313         previous = id;
314     }
316     // bring together floating indels
317     // from left to right
318     // check if we could merge with the next indel
319     // if so, adjust so that we will merge in the next step
320     if (indels.size() > 1) {
321         previous = indels.begin();
322         for (vector<VCFIndelAllele>::iterator id = (indels.begin() + 1); id != indels.end(); ++id) {
323             VCFIndelAllele& indel = *id;
324             // parsimony: could we shift right and merge with the previous indel?
325             // if so, do it
326             int prev_end_ref = previous->insertion ? previous->position : previous->position + previous->length;
327             int prev_end_read = !previous->insertion ? previous->readPosition : previous->readPosition + previous->length;
328             if (previous->insertion == indel.insertion
329                     && ((previous->insertion
330                         && (previous->position < indel.position
331                         && previous->readPosition + previous->readPosition < indel.readPosition))
332                         ||
333                         (!previous->insertion
334                         && (previous->position + previous->length < indel.position)
335                         && (previous->readPosition < indel.readPosition)
336                         ))) {
337                 if (previous->homopolymer()) {
338                     string seq = referenceSequence.substr(prev_end_ref, indel.position - prev_end_ref);
339                     string readseq = alternateSequence.substr(prev_end_read, indel.position - prev_end_ref);
340                     VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG("seq: " << seq << endl << "readseq: " << readseq << endl);
341                     if (previous->sequence.at(0) == seq.at(0)
342                             && FBhomopolymer(seq)
343                             && FBhomopolymer(readseq)) {
344                         VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG("moving " << *previous << " right to "
345                                 << (indel.insertion ? indel.position : indel.position - previous->length) << endl);
346                         previous->position = indel.insertion ? indel.position : indel.position - previous->length;
347                     }
348                 }
349                 else {
350                     int pos = previous->position;
351                     while (pos < (int) referenceSequence.length() &&
352                             ((previous->insertion && pos + previous->length <= indel.position)
353                             ||
354                             (!previous->insertion && pos + previous->length < indel.position))
355                             && previous->sequence
356                                 == referenceSequence.substr(pos + previous->length, previous->length)) {
357                         pos += previous->length;
358                     }
359                     if (pos < previous->position &&
360                         ((previous->insertion && pos + previous->length == indel.position)
361                         ||
362                         (!previous->insertion && pos == indel.position - previous->length))
363                        ) {
364                         VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG("right-merging tandem repeat: moving " << *previous << " right to " << pos << endl);
365                         previous->position = pos;
366                     }
367                 }
368             }
369             previous = id;
370         }
371     }
373     // for each indel
374     //     if ( we're matched up to the previous insertion (or deletion)
375     //          and it's also an insertion or deletion )
376     //         merge the indels
377     //
378     // and simultaneously reconstruct the cigar
380     Cigar newCigar;
382     if (!softBegin.empty()) {
383         newCigar.push_back(make_pair(softBegin.size(), "S"));
384     }
386     vector<VCFIndelAllele>::iterator id = indels.begin();
387     VCFIndelAllele last = *id++;
388     if (last.position > 0) {
389         newCigar.push_back(make_pair(last.position, "M"));
390         newCigar.push_back(make_pair(last.length, (last.insertion ? "I" : "D")));
391     } else {
392         newCigar.push_back(make_pair(last.length, (last.insertion ? "I" : "D")));
393     }
394     int lastend = last.insertion ? last.position : (last.position + last.length);
395     VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG(last << ",");
397     for (; id != indels.end(); ++id) {
398         VCFIndelAllele& indel = *id;
399         VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG(indel << ",");
400         if (indel.position < lastend) {
401             cerr << "impossibility?: indel realigned left of another indel" << endl
402                  << referenceSequence << endl << alternateSequence << endl;
403             exit(1);
404         } else if (indel.position == lastend && indel.insertion == last.insertion) {
405             pair<int, string>& op = newCigar.back();
406             op.first += indel.length;
407         } else if (indel.position >= lastend) {  // also catches differential indels, but with the same position
408             newCigar.push_back(make_pair(indel.position - lastend, "M"));
409             newCigar.push_back(make_pair(indel.length, (indel.insertion ? "I" : "D")));
410         }
411         last = *id;
412         lastend = last.insertion ? last.position : (last.position + last.length);
413     }
415     if (lastend < alignedLength) {
416         newCigar.push_back(make_pair(alignedLength - lastend, "M"));
417     }
419     if (!softEnd.empty()) {
420         newCigar.push_back(make_pair(softEnd.size(), "S"));
421     }
425     cigar = newCigar;
427     for (vector<pair<int, string> >::const_iterator c = cigar.begin();
428         c != cigar.end(); ++c) {
429         unsigned int l = c->first;
430         char t = c->second.at(0);
431         cigar_after << l << t;
432     }
434     //cerr << cigar_before.str() << " changes to " << cigar_after.str() << endl;
435     VCFLEFTALIGN_DEBUG(cigar_after.str() << endl);
437     // check if we're realigned
438     if (cigar_after.str() == cigar_before.str()) {
439         return false;
440     } else {
441         return true;
442     }
444 }
446 // Iteratively left-aligns the indels in the alignment until we have a stable
447 // realignment.  Returns true on realignment success or non-realignment.
448 // Returns false if we exceed the maximum number of realignment iterations.
449 //
stablyLeftAlign(string & alternateSequence,string referenceSequence,Cigar & cigar,int maxiterations,bool debug)450 bool stablyLeftAlign(string& alternateSequence, string referenceSequence, Cigar& cigar, int maxiterations, bool debug) {
452     if (!leftAlign(alternateSequence, cigar, referenceSequence, debug)) {
454         return true;
456     } else {
458         bool result = true;
459         while ((result = leftAlign(alternateSequence, cigar, referenceSequence, debug)) && --maxiterations > 0) {
460         }
462         if (maxiterations <= 0) {
463             return false;
464         } else {
465             return true;
466         }
468     }
470 }
printSummary(char ** argv)473 void printSummary(char** argv) {
474     cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] [file]" << endl
475          << endl
476          << "options:" << endl
477          << "    -r, --reference FILE  Use this reference as a basis for realignment." << endl
478          << "    -w, --window N        Use a window of this many bp when left aligning (150)." << endl
479          << endl
480          << "Left-aligns variants in the specified input file or stdin.  Window size is determined" << endl
481          << "dynamically according to the entropy of the regions flanking the indel.  These must have" << endl
482          << "entropy > 1 bit/bp, or be shorter than ~5kb." << endl;
483     exit(0);
484 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)486 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
488     int window = 150;
489     VariantCallFile variantFile;
490     string fastaFileName;
492     int c;
493     while (true) {
494         static struct option long_options[] =
495             {
496                 /* These options set a flag. */
497                 //{"verbose", no_argument,       &verbose_flag, 1},
498                 {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
499                 {"reference", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
500                 {"window", required_argument, 0, 'w'},
501                 {0, 0, 0, 0}
502             };
503         /* getopt_long stores the option index here. */
504         int option_index = 0;
506         c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hw:r:",
507                          long_options, &option_index);
509         if (c == -1)
510             break;
512         switch (c) {
514 	    case 'r':
515             fastaFileName = optarg;
516             break;
518 	    case 'w':
519             window = atoi(optarg);
520             break;
522         case '?':
523             printSummary(argv);
524             exit(1);
525             break;
527         case 'h':
528             printSummary(argv);
529             break;
531         default:
532             abort ();
533         }
534     }
536     if (optind < argc) {
537         string filename = argv[optind];
538         variantFile.open(filename);
539     } else {
540         variantFile.open(std::cin);
541     }
543     if (!variantFile.is_open()) {
544         cerr << "could not open VCF file" << endl;
545         exit(1);
546     }
548     FastaReference fastaReference;
549     if (fastaFileName.empty()) {
550         cerr << "a reference is required" << endl;
551         exit(1);
552     } else {
553         fastaReference.open(fastaFileName);
554     }
556     /*
557     variantFile.addHeaderLine("##INFO=<ID=TYPE,Number=A,Type=String,Description=\"The type of allele, either snp, mnp, ins, del, or complex.\">");
558     variantFile.addHeaderLine("##INFO=<ID=LEN,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description=\"allele length\">");
559     if (!parseFlag.empty()) {
560         variantFile.addHeaderLine("##INFO=<ID="+parseFlag+",Number=0,Type=Flag,Description=\"The allele was parsed using vcfallelicprimitives.\">");
561     }
562     */
563     cout << variantFile.header << endl;
565     Variant var(variantFile);
566     while (variantFile.getNextVariant(var)) {
568         // if there is no indel, there is nothing to realign
569         bool hasIndel = false;
570         for (vector<string>::iterator a = var.alt.begin(); a != var.alt.end(); ++a) {
571             if (a->size() != var.ref.size()) {
572                 hasIndel = true;
573                 break;
574             }
575         }
576         if (!hasIndel) {
577             cout << var << endl;
578             continue;
579         }
581         vector<AltAlignment> alignments;
582         string ref;
584         // determine window size to prevent mismapping with SW algorithm
585         int currentWindow = window;
586         int scale = 2;
587         if (var.ref.size()*scale > currentWindow) currentWindow = var.ref.size()*scale;
588         for (vector<string>::iterator a = var.alleles.begin(); a != var.alleles.end(); ++a) {
589             if (a->size()*scale > currentWindow) {
590                 currentWindow = a->size()*scale;
591             }
592         }
594         // while the entropy of either flank is < some target entropy (~1 is fine), increase the flank sizes
595         while (currentWindow < 2000) { // limit to one step > than this
596             string refTarget = fastaReference.getSubSequence(var.sequenceName, var.position - 1 - currentWindow/2, currentWindow);
597             if (entropy(refTarget.substr(0, refTarget.size()/2)) < 1 ||
598                 entropy(refTarget.substr(refTarget.size()/2)) < 1) {
599                 currentWindow *= scale;
600             } else {
601                 break;
602             }
603         }
605         // do the alignments
606         getAlignment(var, fastaReference, ref, alignments, currentWindow);
608         // stably left align the alignments
609         for (vector<AltAlignment>::iterator a = alignments.begin(); a != alignments.end(); ++a) {
610             Cigar cigarBefore = a->cigar;
611             //cerr << a->seq << endl;
612             //cerr << "before : " << a->pos << " " << joinCigar(a->cigar) << endl;
613             long int prev = a->pos;
614             stablyLeftAlign(a->seq, ref, a->cigar, 20, false);
615             //cerr << "after  : " << a->pos << " " << joinCigar(a->cigar) << endl;
616             if (a->pos != prev) cerr << "modified alignment @ " << var << endl;
617         }
618         //cout << var << endl;
620         // transform the mappings
621         // chop off leading matching bases
622         // find the range of bp in the alleles
623         // make the new ref allele
624         // make the new alt alleles
625         // emit the var
627         long int newPosition = var.position+currentWindow/2;
628         long int newEndPosition = var.position-currentWindow/2;
629         // check for no-indel case
630         int newLength = var.ref.size();
631         bool giveUp = false;
632         for (vector<AltAlignment>::iterator a = alignments.begin(); a != alignments.end() && !giveUp; ++a) {
633             // get the first mismatching position
634             Cigar::iterator c = a->cigar.begin();
636             int rp = 0;
637             int sp = 0;
638             bool hitMismatch = false;
640             int matchingBpAtStart = 0;
641             int matchingBpAtEnd = 0;
642             // will be set to true if the first reference position match is broken by a SNP, not an indel
643             bool leadingSNP = false;
645             while (c != a->cigar.end()) {
646                 char op = c->second[0];
647                 if (c == a->cigar.begin()) {
648                     if (op != 'M') {
649                         cerr << "alignment does not start on matched sequence" << endl;
650                         cerr << var << endl;
651                         exit(1);
652                     }
653                     int i = 0;
654                     for ( ; i < c->first; ++i) {
655                         if (ref[i] != a->seq[i]) {
656                             leadingSNP = true;
657                             break;
658                         }
659                     }
660                     matchingBpAtStart = i;
661                 }
662                 if (!leadingSNP && c == (a->cigar.begin()+1)) {
663                     // if the first thing we run into is an indel, step back, per VCF spec
664                     if (op == 'D' || op == 'I') {
665                         --matchingBpAtStart;
666                     }
667                 }
668                 if (c == (a->cigar.end()-1)) {
669                     if (op != 'M') {
670                         // soft clip at end
671                         // it'll be hard to interpret this
672                         // the alignments sometimes generate this
673                         // best thing to do is to move on
674                         //cerr << "alignment does not end on matched sequence" << endl;
675                         //cout << var << endl;
676                         //exit(1);
677                         giveUp = true;
678                         break;
679                     }
680                     int i = 0;
681                     for ( ; i < c->first; ++i) {
682                         if (ref[ref.size()-1-i] != a->seq[a->seq.size()-1-i]) {
683                             break;
684                         }
685                     }
686                     matchingBpAtEnd = i;
687                 }
688                 ++c;
689             }
691             int altMismatchLength = a->seq.size() - matchingBpAtEnd - matchingBpAtStart;
692             int refMismatchLength = (var.ref.size() + currentWindow) - matchingBpAtEnd - matchingBpAtStart;
693             //cerr << "alt mismatch length " << altMismatchLength << endl
694             //     << "ref mismatch length " << refMismatchLength << endl;
695             long int newStart = var.position - currentWindow/2 + matchingBpAtStart;
696             long int newEnd = newStart + refMismatchLength;
697             //cerr << "ref should run from " << newStart << " to " << newStart + refMismatchLength << endl;
698             newPosition = min(newStart, newPosition);
699             newEndPosition = max(newEnd, newEndPosition);
700             //cerr << newPosition << " " << newEndPosition << endl;
701             //if (newRefSize < refMismatchLength) newRefSize = refMismatchLength;
702         }
704         // the alignment failed for some reason, continue
705         if (giveUp) {
706             cout << var << endl;
707             continue;
708         }
710         //cerr << "new ref start " << newPosition << " and end " << newEndPosition << " was " << var.position << "," << var.position + var.ref.size() << endl;
711         int newRefSize = newEndPosition - newPosition;
712         string newRef = fastaReference.getSubSequence(var.sequenceName, newPosition-1, newRefSize);
713         // get the number of bp to strip from the alts
714         int stripFromStart = currentWindow/2 - (var.position - newPosition);
715         int stripFromEnd = (currentWindow + newRefSize) - (stripFromStart + newRefSize) + (var.ref.size() - newRefSize);
717         //cerr << "strip from start " << stripFromStart << endl;
718         //cerr << "strip from end " << stripFromEnd << endl;
720         vector<string> newAlt;
721         vector<string>::iterator l = var.alt.begin();
722         bool failedAlt = false;
723         for (vector<AltAlignment>::iterator a = alignments.begin(); a != alignments.end();
724              ++a, ++l) {
725             int diff = newRef.size() - l->size();
726             string alt = a->seq.substr(stripFromStart, a->seq.size() - (stripFromEnd + stripFromStart));
727             newAlt.push_back(alt);
728             if (alt.empty()) failedAlt = true;
729         }
731         // check the before/after haplotypes
732         bool brokenRealignment = false;
733         if (!newRef.empty() && !failedAlt) {
734             int slop = 50; // 50 extra bp!
735             int haplotypeStart = min(var.position, newPosition) - slop;
736             int haplotypeEnd = max(var.position + var.ref.size(), newPosition + newRef.size()) + slop;
737             string referenceHaplotype = fastaReference.getSubSequence(var.sequenceName, haplotypeStart - 1,
738                                                                       haplotypeEnd - haplotypeStart);
739             vector<string>::iterator o = var.alt.begin();
740             vector<string>::iterator n = newAlt.begin();
741             for ( ; o != var.alt.end() ; ++o, ++n) {
742                 // map the haplotypes
743                 string oldHaplotype = referenceHaplotype;
744                 string newHaplotype = referenceHaplotype;
745                 oldHaplotype.replace(var.position - haplotypeStart, var.ref.size(), *o);
746                 newHaplotype.replace(newPosition - haplotypeStart, newRef.size(), *n);
747                 if (oldHaplotype != newHaplotype) {
748                     cerr << "broken left alignment!" << endl
749                          << "old " << oldHaplotype << endl
750                          << "new " << newHaplotype << endl;
751                     cerr << "was: " << var << endl;
752                     brokenRealignment = true;
753                 }
754             }
755         }
757         // *if* everything is OK, update the variant
758         if (!brokenRealignment && !newRef.empty() && !failedAlt) {
759             var.ref = newRef;
760             var.alt = newAlt;
761             var.position = newPosition;
762         }
764         cout << var << endl;
766         // for each parsedalternate, get the position
767         // build a new vcf record for that position
768         // unless we are already at the position !
769         // take everything which is unique to that allele (records) and append it to the new record
770         // then handle genotypes; determine the mapping between alleleic primitives and convert to phased haplotypes
771         // this means taking all the parsedAlternates and, for each one, generating a pattern of allele indecies corresponding to it
775         //for (vector<Variant>::iterator v = variants.begin(); v != variants.end(); ++v) {
776     }
778     return 0;
780 }