1 /* Statistical routines for exponential distributions.
2  *
3  * Contents:
4  *   1. Routines for evaluating densities and distributions
5  *   2. Generic API routines: for general interface w/ histogram module
6  *   3. Routines for dumping plots for files
7  *   4. Routines for sampling
8  *   5. Maximum likelihood fitting
9  *   6. Stats driver
10  *   7. Unit tests
11  *   8. Test driver
12  *   9. Example
13  *
14  * xref STL9/138
15  *
16  * To do:
17  *    - Fit*() functions should return eslEINVAL on n=0, eslENORESULT
18  *      on failure due to small n. Compare esl_gumbel. xref J12/93.
19  *      SRE, Wed Nov 27 11:03:07 2013
20  */
21 #include "esl_config.h"
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <math.h>
26 #include "easel.h"
27 #include "esl_histogram.h"
28 #include "esl_random.h"
29 #include "esl_stats.h"
31 #include "esl_exponential.h"
34 /****************************************************************************
35  * 1. Routines for evaluating densities and distributions
36  ****************************************************************************/
37 /* lambda > 0
38  * mu <= x < infinity
39  *
40  * watch out:
41  *   - any lambda > 0 is valid... including infinity. Fitting code
42  *     may try to test such lambdas, and it must get back valid numbers,
43  *     never an NaN, or it will fail. IEEE754 allows us
44  *     to calculate log(inf) = inf, exp(-inf) = 0, and exp(inf) = inf.
45  *     But inf-inf = NaN, so Don't Do That.
46  */
48 /* Function:  esl_exp_pdf()
49  *
50  * Purpose:   Calculates the probability density function for the
51  *            exponential, $P(X=x)$, given value <x>, offset <mu>,
52  *            and decay parameter <lambda>.
53  */
54 double
esl_exp_pdf(double x,double mu,double lambda)55 esl_exp_pdf(double x, double mu, double lambda)
56 {
57   if (x < mu) return 0.;
58   return (lambda * exp(-lambda*(x-mu)));
59 }
61 /* Function:  esl_exp_logpdf()
62  *
63  * Purpose:   Calculates the log probability density function for the
64  *            exponential, $P(X=x)$, given value <x>, offset <mu>,
65  *            and decay parameter <lambda>.
66  */
67 double
esl_exp_logpdf(double x,double mu,double lambda)68 esl_exp_logpdf(double x, double mu, double lambda)
69 {
70   if (x < mu) return -eslINFINITY;
72   if (lambda == eslINFINITY)
73     {	/* limit as lambda->inf: avoid inf-inf! */
74       if (x == mu) return  eslINFINITY;
75       else         return -eslINFINITY;
76     }
77   return (log(lambda) - lambda*(x-mu));
78 }
80 /* Function:  esl_exp_cdf()
81  *
82  * Purpose:   Calculates the cumulative distribution function for the
83  *            exponential, $P(X \leq x)$, given value <x>, offset <mu>,
84  *            and decay parameter <lambda>.
85  */
86 double
esl_exp_cdf(double x,double mu,double lambda)87 esl_exp_cdf(double x, double mu, double lambda)
88 {
89   double y = lambda*(x-mu);	/* y>=0 because lambda>0 and x>=mu */
91   if (x < mu) return 0.;
93   /* 1-e^-y ~ y for small |y| */
94   if (y < eslSMALLX1) return y;
95   else                return 1 - exp(-y);
96 }
98 /* Function:  esl_exp_logcdf()
99  *
100  * Purpose:   Calculates the log of the cumulative distribution function
101  *            for the exponential, $log P(X \leq x)$, given value <x>,
102  *            offset <mu>, and decay parameter <lambda>.
103  */
104 double
esl_exp_logcdf(double x,double mu,double lambda)105 esl_exp_logcdf(double x, double mu, double lambda)
106 {
107   double y  = lambda * (x-mu);
108   double ey = exp(-y);
110   if (x < mu) return -eslINFINITY;
112   /* When y is small, 1-e^-y = y, so answer is log(y);
113    * when y is large, exp(-y) is small, log(1-exp(-y)) = -exp(-y).
114    */
115   if      (y == 0)           return -eslINFINITY; /* don't allow NaN */
116   else if (y  < eslSMALLX1)  return log(y);
117   else if (ey < eslSMALLX1)  return -ey;
118   else                       return log(1-ey);
119 }
121 /* Function:  esl_exp_surv()
122  *
123  * Purpose:   Calculates the survivor function, $P(X>x)$ (that is, 1-CDF,
124  *            the right tail probability mass) for an exponential distribution,
125  *            given value <x>, offset <mu>, and decay parameter <lambda>.
126  */
127 double
esl_exp_surv(double x,double mu,double lambda)128 esl_exp_surv(double x, double mu, double lambda)
129 {
130   if (x < mu) return 1.0;
131   return exp(-lambda * (x-mu));
132 }
134 /* Function:  esl_exp_logsurv()
135  *
136  * Purpose:   Calculates the log survivor function, $\log P(X>x)$ (that is,
137  *            log(1-CDF), the log of the right tail probability mass) for an
138  *            exponential distribution, given value <x>, offset <mu>, and
139  *            decay parameter <lambda>.
140  */
141 double
esl_exp_logsurv(double x,double mu,double lambda)142 esl_exp_logsurv(double x, double mu, double lambda)
143 {
144   if (x < mu) return 0.0;
145   return -lambda * (x-mu);
146 }
149 /* Function:  esl_exp_invcdf()
150  *
151  * Purpose:   Calculates the inverse of the CDF; given a <cdf> value
152  *            $0 <= p < 1$, returns the value $x$ at which the CDF
153  *            has that value.
154  */
155 double
esl_exp_invcdf(double p,double mu,double lambda)156 esl_exp_invcdf(double p, double mu, double lambda)
157 {
158   return mu - 1/lambda * log(1. - p);
159 }
163 /* Function:  esl_exp_invsurv()
164  *
165  * Purpose:   Calculates the inverse of the survivor function, the score
166  *            at which the right tail's mass is $0 <= p < 1$, for an
167  *            exponential function with parameters <mu> and <lambda>.
168  */
169 double
esl_exp_invsurv(double p,double mu,double lambda)170 esl_exp_invsurv(double p, double mu, double lambda)
171 {
173   return mu - 1./lambda * log(p);
174 }
175 /*------------------ end of densities and distributions --------------------*/
178 /*------------------ end of densities and distributions --------------------*/
183 /*****************************************************************
184  * 2. Generic API routines: for general interface w/ histogram module
185  *****************************************************************/
187 /* Function:  esl_exp_generic_pdf()
188  *
189  * Purpose:   Generic-API version of PDF.
190  */
191 double
esl_exp_generic_pdf(double x,void * params)192 esl_exp_generic_pdf(double x, void *params)
193 {
194   double *p = (double *) params;
195   return esl_exp_pdf(x, p[0], p[1]);
196 }
198 /* Function:  esl_exp_generic_cdf()
199  *
200  * Purpose:   Generic-API version of CDF.
201  */
202 double
esl_exp_generic_cdf(double x,void * params)203 esl_exp_generic_cdf(double x, void *params)
204 {
205   double *p = (double *) params;
206   return esl_exp_cdf(x, p[0], p[1]);
207 }
209 /* Function:  esl_exp_generic_surv()
210  *
211  * Purpose:   Generic-API version of survival function.
212  */
213 double
esl_exp_generic_surv(double x,void * params)214 esl_exp_generic_surv(double x, void *params)
215 {
216   double *p = (double *) params;
217   return esl_exp_surv(x, p[0], p[1]);
218 }
220 /* Function:  esl_exp_generic_invcdf()
221  *
222  * Purpose:   Generic-API version of inverse CDF.
223  */
224 double
esl_exp_generic_invcdf(double p,void * params)225 esl_exp_generic_invcdf(double p, void *params)
226 {
227   double *v = (double *) params;
228   return esl_exp_invcdf(p, v[0], v[1]);
229 }
230 /*------------------------- end of generic API --------------------------*/
234 /****************************************************************************
235  * 3. Routines for dumping plots for files
236  ****************************************************************************/
238 /* Function:  esl_exp_Plot()
239  *
240  * Purpose:   Plot some exponential function <func> (for instance,
241  *            <esl_exp_pdf()>) for parameters <mu> and <lambda>, for
242  *            a range of values x from <xmin> to <xmax> in steps of <xstep>;
243  *            output to an open stream <fp> in xmgrace XY input format.
244  *
245  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
246  *
247  * Throws:    <eslEWRITE> on any system write error, such as a filled disk.
248  */
249 int
esl_exp_Plot(FILE * fp,double mu,double lambda,double (* func)(double x,double mu,double lambda),double xmin,double xmax,double xstep)250 esl_exp_Plot(FILE *fp, double mu, double lambda,
251 	     double (*func)(double x, double mu, double lambda),
252 	     double xmin, double xmax, double xstep)
253 {
254   double x;
255   for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += xstep)
256     if (fprintf(fp, "%f\t%g\n", x, (*func)(x, mu, lambda)) < 0) ESL_EXCEPTION_SYS(eslEWRITE, "exponential plot write failed");
257   if (fprintf(fp, "&\n") < 0) ESL_EXCEPTION_SYS(eslEWRITE, "exponential plot write failed");
258   return eslOK;
259 }
260 /*-------------------- end plot dumping routines ---------------------------*/
264 /****************************************************************************
265  * 4. Routines for sampling
266  ****************************************************************************/
268 /* Function:  esl_exp_Sample()
269  *
270  * Purpose:   Sample an exponential random variate
271  *            by the transformation method, given offset <mu>
272  *            and decay parameter <lambda>.
273  */
274 double
esl_exp_Sample(ESL_RANDOMNESS * r,double mu,double lambda)275 esl_exp_Sample(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, double mu, double lambda)
276 {
277   double p, x;
278   p = esl_rnd_UniformPositive(r);
280   x = mu - 1./lambda * log(p);	// really log(1-p), but if p uniform on 0..1
281 				// then so is 1-p.
282   return x;
283 }
284 /*--------------------------- end sampling ---------------------------------*/
289 /****************************************************************************
290  * 5. Maximum likelihood fitting
291  ****************************************************************************/
293 /* Function:  esl_exp_FitComplete()
294  *
295  * Purpose:   Given an array of <n> samples <x[0]..x[n-1]>, fit
296  *            them to an exponential distribution.
297  *            Return maximum likelihood parameters <ret_mu> and <ret_lambda>.
298  *
299  * Args:      x          - complete exponentially-distributed data [0..n-1]
300  *            n          - number of samples in <x>  (n>0)
301  *            ret_mu     - lower bound of the distribution (all x_i >= mu)
302  *            ret_lambda - RETURN: maximum likelihood estimate of lambda
303  *
304  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
305  *
306  * Throws:    <eslEINVAL> if n=0 (no data).
307  *
308  * Xref:      STL9/138.
309  */
310 int
esl_exp_FitComplete(double * x,int n,double * ret_mu,double * ret_lambda)311 esl_exp_FitComplete(double *x, int n, double *ret_mu, double *ret_lambda)
312 {
313   double mu, mean;
314   int    i;
315   int    status;
317   if (!n) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "empty data vector provided for exponential fit");
319   /* ML mu is the lowest score. mu=x is ok in the exponential. */
320   mu = x[0];
321   for (i = 1; i < n; i++) if (x[i] < mu) mu = x[i];
323   mean = 0.;
324   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mean += x[i] - mu;
325   mean /= (double) n;
327   *ret_mu     = mu;
328   *ret_lambda = 1./mean;	/* ML estimate trivial & analytic */
329   return eslOK;
331  ERROR:
332   *ret_mu     = 0.0;
333   *ret_lambda = 0.0;
334   return status;
335 }
337 /* Function:  esl_exp_FitCompleteScale()
338  *
339  * Purpose:   Given an array of <n> samples <x[0]..x[n-1]>, fit
340  *            them to an exponential distribution of known location
341  *            parameter <mu>. Return maximum likelihood scale
342  *            parameter <ret_lambda>.
343  *
344  *            All $x_i \geq \mu$.
345  *
346  * Args:      x          - complete exponentially-distributed data [0..n-1]
347  *            n          - number of samples in <x>
348  *            mu         - lower bound of the distribution (all x_i >= mu)
349  *            ret_lambda - RETURN: maximum likelihood estimate of lambda
350  *
351  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
352  *
353  * Xref:      J1/49.
354  */
355 int
esl_exp_FitCompleteScale(double * x,int n,double mu,double * ret_lambda)356 esl_exp_FitCompleteScale(double *x, int n, double mu, double *ret_lambda)
357 {
358   double mean;
359   int    i;
361   mean = 0.;
362   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mean += x[i] - mu;
363   mean /= (double) n;
365   *ret_lambda = 1./mean;	/* ML estimate trivial & analytic */
366   return eslOK;
367 }
370 /* Function:  esl_exp_FitCompleteBinned()
371  *
372  * Purpose:   Fit a complete exponential distribution to the observed
373  *            binned data in a histogram <g>, where each
374  *            bin i holds some number of observed samples x with values from
375  *            lower bound l to upper bound u (that is, $l < x \leq u$);
376  *            find maximum likelihood parameters $\mu,\lambda$ and
377  *            return them in <*ret_mu>, <*ret_lambda>.
378  *
379  *            If the binned data in <g> were set to focus on
380  *            a tail by virtual censoring, the "complete" exponential is
381  *            fitted to this tail. The caller then also needs to
382  *            remember what fraction of the probability mass was in this
383  *            tail.
384  *
385  *            The ML estimate for $mu$ is the smallest observed
386  *            sample.  For complete data, <ret_mu> is generally set to
387  *            the smallest observed sample value, except in the
388  *            special case of a "rounded" complete dataset, where
389  *            <ret_mu> is set to the lower bound of the smallest
390  *            occupied bin. For tails, <ret_mu> is set to the cutoff
391  *            threshold <phi>, where we are guaranteed that <phi> is
392  *            at the lower bound of a bin (by how the histogram
393  *            object sets tails).
394  *
395  *            The ML estimate for <ret_lambda> has an analytical
396  *            solution, so this routine is fast.
397  *
398  *            If all the data are in one bin, the ML estimate of
399  *            $\lambda$ will be $\infty$. This is mathematically correct,
400  *            but is probably a situation the caller wants to avoid, perhaps
401  *            by choosing smaller bins.
402  *
403  *            This function currently cannot fit an exponential tail
404  *            to truly censored, binned data, because it assumes that
405  *            all bins have equal width, but in true censored data, the
406  *            lower cutoff <phi> may fall anywhere in the first bin.
407  *
408  * Returns:   <eslOK> on success.
409  *
410  * Throws:    <eslEINVAL> if dataset is true-censored.
411  */
412 int
esl_exp_FitCompleteBinned(ESL_HISTOGRAM * g,double * ret_mu,double * ret_lambda)413 esl_exp_FitCompleteBinned(ESL_HISTOGRAM *g, double *ret_mu, double *ret_lambda)
414 {
415   int    i;
416   double ai, bi, delta;
417   double sa, sb;
418   double mu = 0.;
420   if (g->dataset_is == COMPLETE)
421     {
422       if   (g->is_rounded) mu = esl_histogram_Bin2LBound(g, g->imin);
423       else                 mu = g->xmin;
424     }
425   else if (g->dataset_is == VIRTUAL_CENSORED) /* i.e., we'll fit to tail */
426     mu = g->phi;
427   else if (g->dataset_is == TRUE_CENSORED)
428     ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "can't fit true censored dataset");
430   delta = g->w;
431   sa = sb = 0.;
432   for (i = g->cmin; i <= g->imax; i++) /* for each occupied bin */
433     {
434       if (g->obs[i] == 0) continue;
435       ai = esl_histogram_Bin2LBound(g,i);
436       bi = esl_histogram_Bin2UBound(g,i);
437       sa += g->obs[i] * (ai-mu);
438       sb += g->obs[i] * (bi-mu);
439     }
440   *ret_mu     = mu;
441   *ret_lambda = 1/delta * (log(sb) - log(sa));
442   return eslOK;
443 }
446 /****************************************************************************
447  * 6. Stats driver
448  ****************************************************************************/
450 /* Compiles statistics on the accuracy of ML estimation of an exponential tail.
451  * compile: gcc -g -O2 -Wall -I. -L. -o stats -DeslEXPONENTIAL_STATS esl_exponential.c -leasel -lm
452  * run:     ./stats > stats.out
453  *
454  * Output is, for each trial:
455  *     <trial #>   <fitted mu>  <fitted lambda>
456  *
457  * To get mean, stddev of lambda estimates:
458  *    % ./stats | avg -f2
459  */
460 #include <stdio.h>
462 #include "easel.h"
463 #include "esl_getopts.h"
464 #include "esl_random.h"
465 #include "esl_exponential.h"
467 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)468 main(int argc, char **argv)
469 {
470   ESL_RANDOMNESS *r = esl_randomness_Create(0);
471   int    ntrials;		/* number of estimates to gather */
472   int    N;			/* number of samples collected to make each estimate */
473   double mu, lambda;		/* parametric location, scale */
474   double est_mu, est_lambda;	/* estimated location, scale */
475   int    trial;
476   int    i;
477   double *x;
479   /* Configuration: (change & recompile as needed)
480    */
481   ntrials = 1000;
482   mu      = 0.;
483   lambda  = 0.693;
484   N       = 95;
486   x = malloc(sizeof(double) *N);
487   for (trial = 0; trial < ntrials; trial++)
488     {
489       for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
490 	x[i] = esl_exp_Sample(r, mu, lambda);
491       esl_exp_FitComplete(x, N, &est_mu, &est_lambda);
493       /*
494       est_mu = mu;
495       esl_exp_FitCompleteScale(x, N, est_mu, &est_lambda);
496       */
497       printf("%4d  %8.4f  %8.4f\n", i, est_mu, est_lambda);
498     }
499   free(x);
500   return 0;
501 }
502 #endif /*eslEXPONENTIAL_STATS*/
508 /****************************************************************************
509  * 7. Unit tests
510  ****************************************************************************/
512 /****************************************************************************
513  * 8. Test driver
514  ****************************************************************************/
516 /* Compile:
517    gcc -g -Wall -I. -L. -o test -DeslEXPONENTIAL_TESTDRIVE esl_exponential.c -leasel -lm
518 */
519 #include <stdio.h>
520 #include <stdlib.h>
521 #include <string.h>
523 #include "easel.h"
524 #include "esl_random.h"
525 #include "esl_histogram.h"
526 #include "esl_exponential.h"
528 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)529 main(int argc, char **argv)
530 {
531   ESL_HISTOGRAM  *h;
533   double  mu        = 10.0;
534   double  lambda    =  1.0;
535   int     n         = 10000;
536   double  binwidth  = 0.1;
537   double  emu, elambda;
538   int     i;
539   double  x;
540   double *data;
541   int     ndata;
543   int     opti;
544   int     be_verbose   = FALSE;
545   char   *plotfile     = NULL;
546   FILE   *pfp          = stdout;
547   int     plot_pdf     = FALSE;
548   int     plot_logpdf  = FALSE;
549   int     plot_cdf     = FALSE;
550   int     plot_logcdf  = FALSE;
551   int     plot_surv    = FALSE;
552   int     plot_logsurv = FALSE;
553   int     xmin_set     = FALSE;
554   double  xmin;
555   int     xmax_set     = FALSE;
556   double  xmax;
557   int     xstep_set    = FALSE;
558   double  xstep;
560   for (opti = 1; opti < argc && *(argv[opti]) == '-'; opti++)
561     {
562       if      (strcmp(argv[opti], "-m")  == 0) mu           = atof(argv[++opti]);
563       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-l")  == 0) lambda       = atof(argv[++opti]);
564       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-n")  == 0) n            = atoi(argv[++opti]);
565       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-o")  == 0) plotfile     = argv[++opti];
566       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-v")  == 0) be_verbose   = TRUE;
567       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-w")  == 0) binwidth     = atof(argv[++opti]);
568       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-C")  == 0) plot_cdf     = TRUE;
569       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-LC") == 0) plot_logcdf  = TRUE;
570       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-P")  == 0) plot_pdf     = TRUE;
571       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-LP") == 0) plot_logpdf  = TRUE;
572       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-S")  == 0) plot_surv    = TRUE;
573       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-LS") == 0) plot_logsurv = TRUE;
574       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-XL") == 0) { xmin_set  = TRUE; xmin  = atof(argv[++opti]); }
575       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-XH") == 0) { xmax_set  = TRUE; xmax  = atof(argv[++opti]); }
576       else if (strcmp(argv[opti], "-XS") == 0) { xstep_set = TRUE; xstep = atof(argv[++opti]); }
577       else esl_fatal("bad option");
578     }
580   if (be_verbose)
581     printf("Parametric:  mu = %f   lambda = %f\n", mu, lambda);
583   r = esl_randomness_Create(0);
584   h = esl_histogram_CreateFull(mu, 100., binwidth);
585   if (plotfile != NULL) {
586     if ((pfp = fopen(plotfile, "w")) == NULL) esl_fatal("Failed to open plotfile");
587   }
588   if (! xmin_set)  xmin  = mu;
589   if (! xmax_set)  xmax  = mu+20* (1./lambda);
590   if (! xstep_set) xstep = 0.1;
592   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
593     {
594       x = esl_exp_Sample(r, mu, lambda);
595       esl_histogram_Add(h, x);
596     }
597   esl_histogram_GetData(h, &data, &ndata);
599   esl_exp_FitComplete(data, ndata, &emu, &elambda);
600   if (be_verbose) printf("Complete data fit:  mu = %f   lambda = %f\n", emu, elambda);
601   if (fabs( (emu-mu)/mu )             > 0.01) esl_fatal("Error in (complete) fitted mu > 1%\n");
602   if (fabs( (elambda-lambda)/lambda ) > 0.10) esl_fatal("Error in (complete) fitted lambda > 10%\n");
604   esl_exp_FitCompleteBinned(h, &emu, &elambda);
605   if (be_verbose) printf("Binned data fit:  mu = %f   lambda = %f\n", emu, elambda);
606   if (fabs( (emu-mu)/mu )             > 0.01) esl_fatal("Error in (binned) fitted mu > 1%\n");
607   if (fabs( (elambda-lambda)/lambda ) > 0.10) esl_fatal("Error in (binned) fitted lambda > 10%\n");
609   if (plot_pdf)     esl_exp_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, &esl_exp_pdf,     xmin, xmax, xstep);
610   if (plot_logpdf)  esl_exp_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, &esl_exp_logpdf,  xmin, xmax, xstep);
611   if (plot_cdf)     esl_exp_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, &esl_exp_cdf,     xmin, xmax, xstep);
612   if (plot_logcdf)  esl_exp_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, &esl_exp_logcdf,  xmin, xmax, xstep);
613   if (plot_surv)    esl_exp_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, &esl_exp_surv,    xmin, xmax, xstep);
614   if (plot_logsurv) esl_exp_Plot(pfp, mu, lambda, &esl_exp_logsurv, xmin, xmax, xstep);
616   if (plotfile != NULL) fclose(pfp);
618   esl_randomness_Destroy(r);
619   esl_histogram_Destroy(h);
620   return 0;
621 }
625 /****************************************************************************
626  * 9. Example
627  ****************************************************************************/
629 /*::cexcerpt::exp_example::begin::*/
630 #include <stdio.h>
631 #include "easel.h"
632 #include "esl_random.h"
633 #include "esl_histogram.h"
634 #include "esl_exponential.h"
636 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)637 main(int argc, char **argv)
638 {
639   double mu         = -50.0;
640   double lambda     = 0.5;
641   ESL_RANDOMNESS *r = esl_randomness_Create(0);
642   ESL_HISTOGRAM  *h = esl_histogram_CreateFull(mu, 100., 0.1);
643   int    n          = 10000;
644   double emu, elambda;
645   int    i;
646   double x;
647   double *data;
648   int     ndata;
650   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
651     {
652       x = esl_exp_Sample(r, mu, lambda);
653       esl_histogram_Add(h, x);
654     }
655   esl_histogram_GetData(h, &data, &ndata);
657   /* Plot the empirical (sampled) and expected survivals */
658   esl_histogram_PlotSurvival(stdout, h);
659   esl_exp_Plot(stdout, mu, lambda,
660 	       &esl_exp_surv, h->xmin, h->xmax, 0.1);
662   /* ML fit to complete data, and plot fitted survival curve */
663   esl_exp_FitComplete(data, ndata, &emu, &elambda);
664   esl_exp_Plot(stdout, emu, elambda,
665 	       &esl_exp_surv,  h->xmin, h->xmax, 0.1);
667   /* ML fit to binned data, plot fitted survival curve  */
668   esl_exp_FitCompleteBinned(h, &emu, &elambda);
669   esl_exp_Plot(stdout, emu, elambda,
670 	       &esl_exp_surv,  h->xmin, h->xmax, 0.1);
672   esl_randomness_Destroy(r);
673   esl_histogram_Destroy(h);
674   return 0;
675 }
676 /*::cexcerpt::exp_example::end::*/
677 #endif /*eslEXPONENTIAL_EXAMPLE*/