1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <auto-generated />
3 //
4 // This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
5 // Version 4.0.2
6 //
7 // Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
8 // the SWIG interface file instead.
9 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 namespace libsbml {
13  using System;
14  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
16 /**
17  * @sbmlpackage{core}
18  *
19 @htmlinclude pkg-marker-core.html Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of a
20  * mathematical expression.
21  *
22  * @htmlinclude not-sbml-warning.html
23  *
24  * Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) are a simple kind of data structure used in
25  * libSBML for storing mathematical expressions.  The ASTNode is the
26  * cornerstone of libSBML's AST representation.  An AST 'node' represents the
27  * most basic, indivisible part of a mathematical formula and come in many
28  * types.  For instance, there are node types to represent numbers (with
29  * subtypes to distinguish integer, real, and rational numbers), names
30  * (e.g., constants or variables), simple mathematical operators, logical
31  * or relational operators and functions. LibSBML ASTs provide a canonical,
32  * in-memory representation for all mathematical formulas regardless of
33  * their original format (which might be MathML or might be text strings).
34  *
35  *
36  *
37  * An AST @em node in libSBML is a recursive tree structure; each node has a
38  * type, a pointer to a value, and a list of children nodes.  Each ASTNode
39  * node may have none, one, two, or more children depending on its type.
40  * There are node types to represent numbers (with subtypes to distinguish
41  * integer, real, and rational numbers), names (e.g., constants or
42  * variables), simple mathematical operators, logical or relational operators
43  * and functions.  The following diagram illustrates an example of how the
44  * mathematical expression <code>'1 + 2'</code> is represented as an AST with
45  * one @em plus node having two @em integer children nodes for the numbers
46  * <code>1</code> and <code>2</code>.  The figure also shows the
47  * corresponding MathML representation:
48  *
49  * @htmlinclude astnode-illustration.html
50  *
51  * The following are other noteworthy points about the AST representation
52  * in libSBML:
54  * @li A numerical value represented in MathML as a real number with an
55  * exponent is preserved as such in the AST node representation, even if the
56  * number could be stored in a @c double data type.  This is done so that
57  * when an SBML model is read in and then written out again, the amount of
58  * change introduced by libSBML to the SBML during the round-trip activity is
59  * minimized.
60  *
61  * @li Rational numbers are represented in an AST node using separate
62  * numerator and denominator values.  These can be retrieved using the
63  * methods ASTNode::getNumerator() and ASTNode::getDenominator().
64  *
65  * @li The children of an ASTNode are other ASTNode objects.  The list of
66  * children is empty for nodes that are leaf elements, such as numbers.
67  * For nodes that are actually roots of expression subtrees, the list of
68  * children points to the parsed objects that make up the rest of the
69  * expression.
70  *
71  * For many applications, the details of ASTs are irrelevant because libSBML
72  * provides text-string based translation functions such as
73  * @sbmlfunction{formulaToL3String, ASTNode} and
74  * @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}.  If you find the complexity
75  * of using the AST representation of expressions too high for your purposes,
76  * perhaps the string-based functions will be more suitable.
77  *
78  *
79  *
80  * @if clike <h3><a class='anchor' name='ASTNodeType_t'>
81  * ASTNodeType_t</a></h3> @else <h3><a class='anchor'
82  * name='ASTNodeType_t'>The set of possible %ASTNode types</a></h3> @endif
83  *
84  *
85  *
86  * Every ASTNode has an associated type code to indicate whether, for
87  * example, it holds a number or stands for an arithmetic operator.
88  * @if clike The type is recorded as a value drawn from the enumeration
89  * #ASTNodeType_t.@endif
90  * @if java The type is recorded as a value drawn from a
91  * set of static integer constants defined in the class @link
92  * libsbml.libsbml@endlink. Their names begin with the characters @c AST_.@endif
93  * @if python The type is recorded as a value drawn from a
94  * set of static integer constants defined in the class @link
95  * libsbml@endlink. Their names begin with the characters @c AST_.@endif
96  * @if csharp The type is recorded as a value drawn from a
97  * set of static integer constants defined in the class @link
98  * libsbml@endlink. Their names begin with the characters @c AST_.@endif
99  * The list of possible types is quite long, because it covers all the
100  * mathematical functions that are permitted in SBML. The values are shown
101  * in the following table:
102  *
103  * @htmlinclude astnode-types.html
104  *
105  * The types have the following meanings:
106  *
107  * @li If the node is basic mathematical operator (e.g., @c '+'), then the
108  * node's type will be @link libsbml#AST_PLUS AST_PLUS@endlink,
109  * @link libsbml#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS@endlink,
110  * @link libsbml#AST_TIMES AST_TIMES@endlink,
111  * @link libsbml#AST_DIVIDE AST_DIVIDE@endlink, or
112  * @link libsbml#AST_POWER AST_POWER@endlink, as appropriate.
113  *
114  * @li If the node is a predefined function or operator from %SBML
115  * Level&nbsp;1 (in the string-based formula syntax used in Level&nbsp;1) or
116  * %SBML Level&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3 (in the subset of MathML used in SBML
117  * Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3), then the node's type
118  * will be either <code style='margin-right: 0'>AST_FUNCTION_</code><span
119  * class='placeholder-nospace'>X</span>, <code style='margin-right: 0'>AST_LOGICAL_</code><span
120  * class='placeholder-nospace'>X</span>, or <code style='margin-right: 0'>AST_RELATIONAL_</code><span
121  * class='placeholder-nospace'>X</span>, as appropriate.  (Examples:
122  * @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_LOG AST_FUNCTION_LOG@endlink,
123  * @link libsbml#AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ@endlink.)
124  *
125  * @li If the node refers to a user-defined function, the node's type will
126  * be @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION AST_FUNCTION@endlink (because it holds the
127  * name of the function).
128  *
129  * @li If the node is a lambda expression, its type will be
130  * @link libsbml#AST_LAMBDA AST_LAMBDA@endlink.
131  *
132  * @li If the node is a predefined constant (@c 'ExponentialE', @c 'Pi',
133  * @c 'True' or @c 'False'), then the node's type will be
134  * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_E AST_CONSTANT_E@endlink,
135  * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_PI AST_CONSTANT_PI@endlink,
136  * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_TRUE AST_CONSTANT_TRUE@endlink, or
137  * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_FALSE AST_CONSTANT_FALSE@endlink.
138  *
139  * @li (Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3 only) If the node is the special MathML
140  * csymbol @c time, the value of the node will be
141  * @link libsbml#AST_NAME_TIME AST_NAME_TIME@endlink.  (Note, however, that the
142  * MathML csymbol @c delay is translated into a node of type
143  * @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_DELAY AST_FUNCTION_DELAY@endlink.  The difference is due to
144  * the fact that @c time is a single variable, whereas @c delay is actually a
145  * function taking arguments.)
146  *
147  * @li (Level&nbsp;3 only) If the node is the special MathML csymbol
148  * @c avogadro, the value of the node will be
149  * @link libsbml#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO@endlink.
150  *
151  * @li (Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2+ only) If the node is the special MathML
152  * csymbol @c rateOf, the value of the node will be
153  * @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF@endlink.
154  *
155  * @li (Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2+ only) If the node is a MathML
156  * operator that originates in a package, it is included in the
157  * ASTNodeType_t list, but may not be legally used in an SBML document
158  * that does not include that package.  This includes the node types from
160  * etc.), and elements from MathML that were not included in core.
161  *
162  * @li If the node contains a numerical value, its type will be
163  * @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink,
164  * @link libsbml#AST_REAL AST_REAL@endlink,
165  * @link libsbml#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E@endlink, or
166  * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink, as appropriate.
167  *
168  *
169  *
170  * <h3><a class='anchor' name='math-convert'>Converting between ASTs and text strings</a></h3>
171  *
172  * The text-string form of mathematical formulas produced by
173  * @sbmlfunction{formulaToString,ASTNode_t} and @sbmlfunction{formulaToL3String,ASTNode_t},
174  * and read by @sbmlfunction{parseFormula,String} and @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula,String}
175  * are in a simple C-inspired infix notation.  A
176  * formula in this text-string form can be handed to a program that
177  * understands SBML mathematical expressions, or used as part
178  * of a translation system.  The libSBML distribution comes with an example
179  * program in the @c 'examples' subdirectory called @c translateMath that
180  * implements an interactive command-line demonstration of translating
181  * infix formulas into MathML and vice-versa.
182  *
183  * The formula strings may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and
184  * white space characters.  The allowable white space characters are tab
185  * and space.  The following are illustrative examples of formulas
186  * expressed in the syntax:
187  *
188  * @verbatim
189 0.10 * k4^2
190 @endverbatim
191  * @verbatim
192 (vm * s1)/(km + s1)
193 @endverbatim
194  *
195  * The following table shows the precedence rules in this syntax.  In the
196  * Class column, @em operand implies the construct is an operand, @em
197  * prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, @em
198  * unary implies there is one argument, and @em binary implies there are
199  * two arguments.  The values in the Precedence column show how the order
200  * of different types of operation are determined.  For example, the
201  * expression <em>a * b + c</em> is evaluated as <em>(a * b) + c</em>
202  * because the <code>*</code> operator has higher precedence.  The
203  * Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations
204  * is determined; for example, <em>a - b + c</em> is evaluated as <em>(a -
205  * b) + c</em> because the <code>+</code> and <code>-</code> operators are
206  * left-associative.  The precedence and associativity rules are taken from
207  * the C programming language, except for the symbol <code>^</code>, which
208  * is used in C for a different purpose.  (Exponentiation can be invoked
209  * using either <code>^</code> or the function @c power.)
210  *
211  * @htmlinclude math-precedence-table.html
212  *
213  * A program parsing a formula in an SBML model should assume that names
214  * appearing in the formula are the identifiers of Species, Parameter,
215  * Compartment, FunctionDefinition, Reaction (in SBML Levels&nbsp;2
216  * and&nbsp;3), or SpeciesReference (in SBML Level&nbsp;3 only) objects
217  * defined in a model.  When a function call is involved, the syntax
218  * consists of a function identifier, followed by optional white space,
219  * followed by an opening parenthesis, followed by a sequence of zero or
220  * more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded
221  * and/or followed by zero or more white space characters), followed by a
222  * closing parenthesis.  There is an almost one-to-one mapping between the
223  * list of predefined functions available, and those defined in MathML.
224  * All of the MathML functions are recognized; this set is larger than the
225  * functions defined in SBML Level&nbsp;1.  In the subset of functions that
226  * overlap between MathML and SBML Level&nbsp;1, there exist a few
227  * differences.  The following table summarizes the differences between the
228  * predefined functions in SBML Level&nbsp;1 and the MathML equivalents in
229  * SBML Levels&nbsp;2 and &nbsp;3:
230  *
231  * @htmlinclude math-functions.html
232  *
233  *
234  * @note
235  * Callers using SBML Level&nbsp;3 are encouraged to use the facilities
236  * provided by libSBML's newer and more powerful Level&nbsp;3-oriented
237  * formula parser and formatter.  The entry points to this second system are
238  * @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String} and
239  * @sbmlfunction{formulaToL3String, ASTNode}.  The Level&nbsp;1-oriented
240  * system (i.e., what is provided by @sbmlfunction{formulaToString, String}
241  * and @sbmlfunction{parseFormula, ASTNode}) is provided
242  * untouched for backwards compatibility.
243  *
244  *
245  *
246  * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}
247  * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3FormulaWithSettings, String\, L3ParserSettings}
248  * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3FormulaWithModel, String\, Model}
249  * @see @sbmlfunction{parseFormula, String}
250  * @see @sbmlfunction{formulaToL3StringWithSettings, ASTNode\, L3ParserSettings}
251  * @see @sbmlfunction{formulaToL3String, ASTNode}
252  * @see @sbmlfunction{formulaToString, ASTNode}
253  * @see @sbmlfunction{getDefaultL3ParserSettings,}
254  */
256 public class ASTNode : global::System.IDisposable {
257 	private HandleRef swigCPtr;
258 	protected bool swigCMemOwn;
ASTNode(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn)260 	internal ASTNode(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn)
261 	{
262 		swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
263 		swigCPtr    = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
264 	}
getCPtr(ASTNode obj)266 	internal static HandleRef getCPtr(ASTNode obj)
267 	{
268 		return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
269 	}
getCPtrAndDisown(ASTNode obj)271 	internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown (ASTNode obj)
272 	{
273 		HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
275 		if (obj != null)
276 		{
277 			ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
278 			obj.swigCMemOwn = false;
279 		}
281 		return ptr;
282 	}
~ASTNode()284   ~ASTNode() {
285     Dispose(false);
286   }
Dispose()288   public void Dispose() {
289     Dispose(true);
290     global::System.GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
291   }
Dispose(bool disposing)293   protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {
294     lock(this) {
295       if (swigCPtr.Handle != global::System.IntPtr.Zero) {
296         if (swigCMemOwn) {
297           swigCMemOwn = false;
298           libsbmlPINVOKE.delete_ASTNode(swigCPtr);
299         }
300         swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero);
301       }
302     }
303   }
operator ==(ASTNode lhs, ASTNode rhs)305   public static bool operator==(ASTNode lhs, ASTNode rhs)
306   {
307     if((Object)lhs == (Object)rhs)
308     {
309       return true;
310     }
312     if( ((Object)lhs == null) || ((Object)rhs == null) )
313     {
314       return false;
315     }
317     return (getCPtr(lhs).Handle.ToString() == getCPtr(rhs).Handle.ToString());
318   }
operator !=(ASTNode lhs, ASTNode rhs)320   public static bool operator!=(ASTNode lhs, ASTNode rhs)
321   {
322     return !(lhs == rhs);
323   }
Equals(Object sb)325   public override bool Equals(Object sb)
326   {
327     if ( ! (sb is ASTNode) )
328     {
329       return false;
330     }
332     return this == (ASTNode)sb;
333   }
GetHashCode()335   public override int GetHashCode()
336   {
337     return swigCPtr.Handle.ToInt32();
338   }
341 /**
342    * Creates and returns a new ASTNode.
343    *
344    * Unless the argument @p type is given, the returned node will by default
345    * have a type of @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink.  If the type
346    * isn't supplied when caling this constructor, the caller should set the
347    * node type to something else as soon as possible using @if clike
348    * setType()@else ASTNode::setType(int)@endif.
349    *
350    * @param type an optional @if clike #ASTNodeType_t@else type@endif
351    * code indicating the type of node to create.
352    *
353    * @ifnot hasDefaultArgs @htmlinclude warn-default-args-in-docs.html @endif
354    */ public
ASTNode(int type)355  ASTNode(int type) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_ASTNode__SWIG_0(type), true) {
356   }
359 /**
360    * Creates and returns a new ASTNode.
361    *
362    * Unless the argument @p type is given, the returned node will by default
363    * have a type of @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink.  If the type
364    * isn't supplied when caling this constructor, the caller should set the
365    * node type to something else as soon as possible using @if clike
366    * setType()@else ASTNode::setType(int)@endif.
367    *
368    * @param type an optional @if clike #ASTNodeType_t@else type@endif
369    * code indicating the type of node to create.
370    *
371    * @ifnot hasDefaultArgs @htmlinclude warn-default-args-in-docs.html @endif
372    */ public
ASTNode()373  ASTNode() : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_ASTNode__SWIG_1(), true) {
374   }
377 /**
378    * Copy constructor; creates a deep copy of the given ASTNode.
379    *
380    * @param orig the ASTNode to be copied.
381    */ public
ASTNode(ASTNode orig)382  ASTNode(ASTNode orig) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_ASTNode__SWIG_2(ASTNode.getCPtr(orig)), true) {
383     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
384   }
387 /**
388    * Frees the name of this ASTNode and sets it to @c null.
389    *
390    * This operation is only applicable to ASTNode objects corresponding to
391    * operators, numbers, or @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink.  This
392    * method has no effect on other types of nodes.
393    *
394    *
395  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
396  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
397  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
398  * returned by this function are:
401    */ public
freeName()402  int freeName() {
403     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_freeName(swigCPtr);
404     return ret;
405   }
408 /**
409    * Converts this ASTNode to a canonical form and returns @c true if
410    * successful, @c false otherwise.
411    *
412    * The rules determining the canonical form conversion are as follows:
413    *
414    * @li If the node type is @link libsbml#AST_NAME AST_NAME@endlink
415    * and the node name matches @c 'ExponentialE', @c 'Pi', @c 'True' or @c
416    * 'False' the node type is converted to the corresponding
417    * <code>AST_CONSTANT_</code><em><span class='placeholder'>X</span></em> type.
418    *
419    * @li If the node type is an @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION AST_FUNCTION@endlink
420    * and the node name matches an SBML (MathML) function name, logical operator name,
421    * or relational operator name, the node is converted to the corresponding
422    * <code>AST_FUNCTION_</code><em><span class='placeholder'>X</span></em> or
423    * <code>AST_LOGICAL_</code><em><span class='placeholder'>X</span></em> type.
424    *
425    * SBML Level&nbsp;1 function names are searched first; thus, for
426    * example, canonicalizing @c log will result in a node type of @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_LN AST_FUNCTION_LN@endlink.  (See the SBML
427    * Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;2 Specification, Appendix C.)
428    *
429    * Sometimes, canonicalization of a node results in a structural
430    * conversion of the node as a result of adding a child.  For example, a
431    * node with the SBML Level&nbsp;1 function name @c sqr and a single
432    * child node (the argument) will be transformed to a node of type
433    * @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_POWER AST_FUNCTION_POWER@endlink with
434    * two children.  The first child will remain unchanged, but the second
435    * child will be an ASTNode of type @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink and a value of 2.  The function names that result
436    * in structural changes are: @c log10, @c sqr, and @c sqrt.
437    */ public
canonicalize()438  bool canonicalize() {
439     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_canonicalize(swigCPtr);
440     return ret;
441   }
444 /**
445    * Adds the given node as a child of this ASTNode.
446    *
447    * Child nodes are added in-order, from left to right.
448    *
449    * @param disownedChild the ASTNode instance to add.
450    * @param inRead @c false by default; may be set to @c true when
451    * reading XML where there may be a lambda function with no
452    * bvar arguments.
453    *
454    *
455  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
456  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
457  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
458  * returned by this function are:
461    *
462    *
463  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
464  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
465  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
466  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
467  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
468  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
469  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
470  * results of node modifications.
471  *
472    *
473    * @see prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
474    * @see replaceChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced)
475    * @see insertChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild)
476    * @see removeChild(unsigned int n)
477    * @see isWellFormedASTNode()
478    */ public
addChild(ASTNode disownedChild, bool inRead)479  int addChild(ASTNode disownedChild, bool inRead) {
480     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_addChild__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), inRead);
481     return ret;
482   }
485 /**
486    * Adds the given node as a child of this ASTNode.
487    *
488    * Child nodes are added in-order, from left to right.
489    *
490    * @param disownedChild the ASTNode instance to add.
491    * @param inRead @c false by default; may be set to @c true when
492    * reading XML where there may be a lambda function with no
493    * bvar arguments.
494    *
495    *
496  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
497  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
498  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
499  * returned by this function are:
502    *
503    *
504  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
505  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
506  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
507  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
508  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
509  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
510  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
511  * results of node modifications.
512  *
513    *
514    * @see prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
515    * @see replaceChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced)
516    * @see insertChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild)
517    * @see removeChild(unsigned int n)
518    * @see isWellFormedASTNode()
519    */ public
addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)520  int addChild(ASTNode disownedChild) {
521     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_addChild__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild));
522     return ret;
523   }
526 /**
527    * Adds the given node as a child of this ASTNode.  This method adds
528    * child nodes from right to left.
529    *
530    * @param disownedChild the ASTNode instance to add.
531    * Will become a child of the parent node.
532    *
533    *
534  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
535  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
536  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
537  * returned by this function are:
540    *
541    *
542  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
543  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
544  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
545  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
546  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
547  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
548  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
549  * results of node modifications.
550  *
551    *
552    * @see addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
553    * @see replaceChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced)
554    * @see insertChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild)
555    * @see removeChild(unsigned int n)
556    */ public
prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)557  int prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild) {
558     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_prependChild(swigCPtr, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild));
559     return ret;
560   }
563 /**
564    * Removes the nth child of this ASTNode object.
565    *
566    * @param n unsigned int the index of the child to remove.
567    *
568    *
569  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
570  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
571  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
572  * returned by this function are:
575    *
576    *
577  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
578  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
579  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
580  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
581  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
582  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
583  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
584  * results of node modifications.
585  *
586    *
587    * @see addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
588    * @see prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
589    * @see replaceChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced)
590    * @see insertChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild)
591    */ public
removeChild(long n)592  int removeChild(long n) {
593     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_removeChild(swigCPtr, n);
594     return ret;
595   }
598 /**
599    * Replaces and optionally deletes the nth child of this ASTNode with the given ASTNode.
600    *
601    * @param n unsigned int the index of the child to replace.
602    * @param disownedChild ASTNode to replace the nth child.
603    * Will become a child of the parent node.
604    * @param delreplaced Boolean indicating whether to delete the replaced child.
605    *
606    *
607  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
608  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
609  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
610  * returned by this function are:
613    * @li @link libsbml#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT@endlink
614    *
615    *
616  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
617  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
618  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
619  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
620  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
621  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
622  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
623  * results of node modifications.
624  *
625    *
626    * @see addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
627    * @see prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
628    * @see insertChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild)
629    * @see removeChild(unsigned int n)
630    */ public
replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced)631  int replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced) {
632     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_replaceChild__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, n, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), delreplaced);
633     return ret;
634   }
637 /**
638    * Replaces and optionally deletes the nth child of this ASTNode with the given ASTNode.
639    *
640    * @param n unsigned int the index of the child to replace.
641    * @param disownedChild ASTNode to replace the nth child.
642    * Will become a child of the parent node.
643    * @param delreplaced Boolean indicating whether to delete the replaced child.
644    *
645    *
646  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
647  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
648  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
649  * returned by this function are:
652    * @li @link libsbml#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT@endlink
653    *
654    *
655  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
656  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
657  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
658  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
659  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
660  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
661  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
662  * results of node modifications.
663  *
664    *
665    * @see addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
666    * @see prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
667    * @see insertChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild)
668    * @see removeChild(unsigned int n)
669    */ public
replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)670  int replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild) {
671     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_replaceChild__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, n, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild));
672     return ret;
673   }
676 /**
677    * Inserts the given ASTNode at point n in the list of children
678    * of this ASTNode.
679    *
680    * @param n unsigned int the index of the ASTNode being added.
681    * @param disownedChild ASTNode to insert as the nth child.
682    *
683    *
684  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
685  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
686  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
687  * returned by this function are:
690    * @li @link libsbml#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT@endlink
691    *
692    *
693  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
694  * @if conly ASTNode_t structure@else ASTNode object@endif may change the
695  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
696  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
697  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
698  * formulas.  The method @if conly ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode()@else
699  * ASTNode::isWellFormedASTNode()@endif may also be useful for checking the
700  * results of node modifications.
701  *
702    *
703    * @see addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
704    * @see prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
705    * @see replaceChild(unsigned int n, ASTNode disownedChild, bool delreplaced)
706    * @see removeChild(unsigned int n)
707    */ public
insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)708  int insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild) {
709     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_insertChild(swigCPtr, n, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild));
710     return ret;
711   }
714 /**
715    * Creates a recursive copy of this node and all its children.
716    *
717    * @return a copy of this ASTNode and all its children.  The caller owns
718    * the returned ASTNode and is responsible for deleting it.
719    */ public
deepCopy()720  ASTNode deepCopy() {
721     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_deepCopy(swigCPtr);
722     ASTNode ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, true);
723     return ret;
724   }
727 /**
728    * Returns the child at index n of this node.
729    *
730    * @param n the index of the child to get.
731    *
732    * @return the nth child of this ASTNode or @c null if this node has no nth
733    * child (<code>n &gt; </code>
734    * @if clike getNumChildren()@else ASTNode::getNumChildren()@endif
735    * <code>- 1</code>).
736    *
737    * @see getNumChildren()
738    * @see getLeftChild()
739    * @see getRightChild()
740    */ public
getChild(long n)741  ASTNode getChild(long n) {
742     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getChild(swigCPtr, n);
743     ASTNode ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
744     return ret;
745   }
748 /**
749    * Returns the left child of this node.
750    *
751    * @return the left child of this ASTNode.  This is equivalent to calling
752    * @if clike getChild()@else ASTNode::getChild(unsigned int)@endif
753    * with an argument of @c 0.
754    *
755    * @see getNumChildren()
756    * @see getChild(@if java unsigned int@endif)
757    * @see getRightChild()
758    */ public
getLeftChild()759  ASTNode getLeftChild() {
760     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getLeftChild(swigCPtr);
761     ASTNode ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
762     return ret;
763   }
766 /**
767    * Returns the right child of this node.
768    *
769    * @return the right child of this ASTNode, or @c null if this node has no
770    * right child.  If
771    * @if clike getNumChildren()@else ASTNode::getNumChildren()@endif
772    * <code>&gt; 1</code>, then this is equivalent to:
773    * @verbatim
774 getChild( getNumChildren() - 1 );
775 @endverbatim
776    *
777    * @see getNumChildren()
778    * @see getLeftChild()
779    * @see getChild(@if java unsigned int@endif)
780    */ public
getRightChild()781  ASTNode getRightChild() {
782     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getRightChild(swigCPtr);
783     ASTNode ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
784     return ret;
785   }
788 /**
789    * Returns the number of children of this node.
790    *
791    * @return the number of children of this ASTNode, or 0 is this node has
792    * no children.
793    */ public
getNumChildren()794  long getNumChildren() { return (long)libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getNumChildren(swigCPtr); }
797 /**
798    * Adds the given XMLNode as a MathML <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code>
799    * element to this ASTNode.
800    *
801    * @htmlinclude about-semantic-annotations.html
802    *
803    * @param disownedAnnotation the annotation to add.
804    * Will become a child of the parent node.
805    *
806    *
807  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
808  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
809  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
810  * returned by this function are:
813    *
814    *
815  * @note Although SBML permits the use of the MathML
816  * <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> annotation construct, the truth is that
817  * this construct has so far (at this time of this writing, which is early
818  * 2014) seen very little use in SBML software.  The full implications of
819  * using these annotations are still poorly understood.  If you wish to
820  * use this construct, we urge you to discuss possible uses and applications
821  * on the SBML discussion lists, particularly <a target='_blank'
822  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-discuss</a> and/or <a target='_blank'
823  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-interoperability</a>.
824    *
825    * @see getNumSemanticsAnnotations()
826    * @see getSemanticsAnnotation(@if java unsigned int@endif)
827    */ public
addSemanticsAnnotation(XMLNode disownedAnnotation)828  int addSemanticsAnnotation(XMLNode disownedAnnotation) {
829     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_addSemanticsAnnotation(swigCPtr, XMLNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedAnnotation));
830     return ret;
831   }
834 /**
835    * Returns the number of MathML <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element
836    * elements on this node.
837    *
838    * @htmlinclude about-semantic-annotations.html
839    *
840    * @return the number of annotations of this ASTNode.
841    *
842    *
843  * @note Although SBML permits the use of the MathML
844  * <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> annotation construct, the truth is that
845  * this construct has so far (at this time of this writing, which is early
846  * 2014) seen very little use in SBML software.  The full implications of
847  * using these annotations are still poorly understood.  If you wish to
848  * use this construct, we urge you to discuss possible uses and applications
849  * on the SBML discussion lists, particularly <a target='_blank'
850  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-discuss</a> and/or <a target='_blank'
851  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-interoperability</a>.
852    *
853    * @see addSemanticsAnnotation(@if java XMLNode@endif)
854    * @see getSemanticsAnnotation(@if java unsigned int@endif)
855    */ public
getNumSemanticsAnnotations()856  long getNumSemanticsAnnotations() { return (long)libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getNumSemanticsAnnotations(swigCPtr); }
859 /**
860    * Returns the nth MathML <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element on this
861    * ASTNode.
862    *
863    * @htmlinclude about-semantic-annotations.html
864    *
865    * @param n the index of the annotation to return.  Callers should
866    * use ASTNode::getNumSemanticsAnnotations() to first find out how
867    * many annotations there are.
868    *
869    * @return the nth annotation inside this ASTNode, or @c null if this node has
870    * no nth annotation (<code>n &gt;</code>
871    * @if clike getNumSemanticsAnnotations()@else ASTNode::getNumSemanticsAnnotations()@endif
872    * <code>- 1</code>).
873    *
874    *
875  * @note Although SBML permits the use of the MathML
876  * <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> annotation construct, the truth is that
877  * this construct has so far (at this time of this writing, which is early
878  * 2014) seen very little use in SBML software.  The full implications of
879  * using these annotations are still poorly understood.  If you wish to
880  * use this construct, we urge you to discuss possible uses and applications
881  * on the SBML discussion lists, particularly <a target='_blank'
882  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-discuss</a> and/or <a target='_blank'
883  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-interoperability</a>.
884    *
885    * @see getNumSemanticsAnnotations()
886    * @see addSemanticsAnnotation(@if java XMLNode@endif)
887    */ public
getSemanticsAnnotation(long n)888  XMLNode getSemanticsAnnotation(long n) {
889     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getSemanticsAnnotation(swigCPtr, n);
890     XMLNode ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XMLNode(cPtr, false);
891     return ret;
892   }
895 /**
896    * Returns the value of this node as a single character.
897    *
898    * This function should be called only when
899    * @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif returns
900    * @link libsbml#AST_PLUS AST_PLUS@endlink,
901    * @link libsbml#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS@endlink,
902    * @link libsbml#AST_TIMES AST_TIMES@endlink,
903    * @link libsbml#AST_DIVIDE AST_DIVIDE@endlink or
904    * @link libsbml#AST_POWER AST_POWER@endlink.
905    *
906    * @return the value of this ASTNode as a single character
907    */ public
getCharacter()908  char getCharacter() {
909     char ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getCharacter(swigCPtr);
910     return ret;
911   }
914 /**
915    * Returns the MathML @c id attribute value of this ASTNode.
916    *
917    * @return the MathML id of this ASTNode.
918    *
919    * @see isSetId()
920    * @see setId(string id)
921    * @see unsetId()
922    */ public
getId()923  string getId() {
924     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getId(swigCPtr);
925     return ret;
926   }
929 /**
930    * Returns the MathML @c class attribute value of this ASTNode.
931    *
932    * @return the MathML class of this ASTNode, or an empty string if it does not exist.
933    *
934    * @see isSetClass()
935    * @see @if java setClassName(string id)@else setClass()@endif
936    * @see unsetClass()
937    */ public
getClass()938  string getClass() {
939     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getClass(swigCPtr);
940     return ret;
941   }
944 /**
945    * Returns the MathML @c style attribute value of this ASTNode.
946    *
947    * @return the MathML style of this ASTNode, or an empty string if it does not exist.
948    *
949    * @see isSetStyle()
950    * @see setStyle(string id)
951    * @see unsetStyle()
952    */ public
getStyle()953  string getStyle() {
954     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getStyle(swigCPtr);
955     return ret;
956   }
959 /**
960    * Returns the value of this node as an integer.
961    *
962    * If this node type is @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink, this
963    * method returns the value of the numerator.
964    *
965    * @return the value of this ASTNode as a (<code>long</code>) integer if type @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink; the numerator if type @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink, and @c 0 otherwise.
966    *
967    * @note This function should be called only when
968    * @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif returns
969    * @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink or
970    * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink.
971    * It will return @c 0 if the node type is @em not one of these, but since
972    * @c 0 may be a valid value for integer, it is important to be sure that
973    * the node type is one of the expected types in order to understand if
974    * @c 0 is the actual value.
975    *
976    * @see getNumerator()
977    * @see getDenominator()
978    */ public
getInteger()979  int getInteger() {
980     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getInteger(swigCPtr);
981     return ret;
982   }
985 /**
986    * Returns the value of this node as a string.
987    *
988    * This function may be called on nodes that (1) are not operators, i.e.,
989    * nodes for which @if clike isOperator()@else
990    * ASTNode::isOperator()@endif returns @c false, and (2) are not numbers,
991    * i.e., @if clike isNumber()@else ASTNode::isNumber()@endif returns
992    * @c null.
993    *
994    * @return the value of this ASTNode as a string, or @c null if it is
995    * a node that does not have a name equivalent (e.g., if it is a number).
996    */ public
getName()997  string getName() {
998     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getName(swigCPtr);
999     return ret;
1000   }
1003 /**
1004    * Returns the value of this operator node as a string.
1005    *
1006    * This function may be called on nodes that are operators, i.e., nodes for
1007    * which @if clike isOperator()@else ASTNode::isOperator()@endif returns
1008    * @c true.
1009    *
1010    * @return the name of this operator ASTNode as a string (or @c null if not
1011    * an operator).
1012    */ public
getOperatorName()1013  string getOperatorName() {
1014     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getOperatorName(swigCPtr);
1015     return ret;
1016   }
1019 /**
1020    * Returns the value of the numerator of this node if of
1021    * type @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink, or the
1022    * numerical value of the node if of type
1023    * @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink; @c 0 otherwise.
1024    *
1025    * This function should be called only when
1026    * @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif returns
1027    * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink or
1028    * @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink.
1029    * It will return @c 0 if the node type is another type, but since @c 0 may
1030    * be a valid value for the denominator of a rational number or of an integer, it is
1031    * important to be sure that the node type is the correct type in order to
1032    * correctly interpret the returned value.
1033    *
1034    * @return the value of the numerator of this ASTNode if
1035    * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink, the value if
1036    * @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink, or @c 0 otherwise.
1037    *
1038    * @see getDenominator()
1039    * @see getInteger()
1040    */ public
getNumerator()1041  int getNumerator() {
1042     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getNumerator(swigCPtr);
1043     return ret;
1044   }
1047 /**
1048    * Returns the value of the denominator of this node.
1049    *
1050    * @return the value of the denominator of this ASTNode, or @c 1 (true) if
1051    * this node is not of type @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink.
1052    *
1053    * @note This function should be called only when
1054    * @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif returns
1055    * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink.
1056    * It will return @c 1 if the node type is another type, but since @c 1 may
1057    * be a valid value for the denominator of a rational number, it is
1058    * important to be sure that the node type is the correct type in order to
1059    * correctly interpret the returned value.
1060    *
1061    * @see getNumerator()
1062    */ public
getDenominator()1063  int getDenominator() {
1064     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getDenominator(swigCPtr);
1065     return ret;
1066   }
1069 /**
1070    * Returns the real-numbered value of this node.
1071    *
1072    * This function performs the necessary arithmetic if the node type is
1073    * @link libsbml#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E@endlink (<em>mantissa *
1074    * 10<sup>exponent</sup></em>) or
1075    * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink
1076    * (<em>numerator / denominator</em>).
1077    *
1078    * @return the value of this ASTNode as a real (double), or @c 0
1079    * if this is not a node that holds a number.
1080    *
1081    * @note This function should be called only when this ASTNode has a
1082    * numerical value type.  It will return @c 0 if the node type is another
1083    * type, but since @c 0 may be a valid value, it is important to be sure
1084    * that the node type is the correct type in order to correctly interpret
1085    * the returned value.
1086    */ public
getReal()1087  double getReal() {
1088     double ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getReal(swigCPtr);
1089     return ret;
1090   }
1093 /**
1094    * Returns the mantissa value of this node.
1095    *
1096    * If @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif returns
1097    * @link libsbml#AST_REAL AST_REAL@endlink, this method is
1098    * identical to ASTNode::getReal().
1099    *
1100    * @return the value of the mantissa of this ASTNode, or @c 0 if this
1101    * node is not a type that has a real-numbered value.
1102    *
1103    * @note This function should be called only when
1104    * @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif returns
1105    * @link libsbml#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E@endlink,
1106    * @link libsbml#AST_REAL AST_REAL@endlink or
1107    * @link libsbml#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO@endlink.  It
1108    * will return @c 0 if the node type is another type, but since @c 0 may be
1109    * a valid value, it is important to be sure that the node type is the
1110    * correct type in order to correctly interpret the returned value.
1111    *
1112    * @see getExponent()
1113    */ public
getMantissa()1114  double getMantissa() {
1115     double ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getMantissa(swigCPtr);
1116     return ret;
1117   }
1120 /**
1121    * Returns the exponent value of this ASTNode.
1122    *
1123    * @return the value of the exponent of this ASTNode, or @c 0 if this
1124    * is not a type of node that has an exponent.
1125    *
1126    * @note This function should be called only when
1127    * @if clike getType()@else ASTNode::getType()@endif
1128    * returns @link libsbml#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E@endlink.
1129    * It will return @c 0 if the node type is another type, but since @c 0 may
1130    * be a valid value, it is important to be sure that the node type is the
1131    * correct type in order to correctly interpret the returned value.
1132    *
1133    * @see getMantissa()
1134    */ public
getExponent()1135  int getExponent() {
1136     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getExponent(swigCPtr);
1137     return ret;
1138   }
1141 /**
1142    * Returns the numerical value of this ASTNode.
1143    *
1144    * @return the numerical value of this ASTNode, or @c NaN if this
1145    * is not a type of node that has a numerical value.
1146    *
1147    * @note This function will return a numerical value (as a double) for
1148    * any ASTNode_t that represents a number, a constant such as
1149    * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_PI AST_CONSTANT_PI@endlink,
1150    * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_E AST_CONSTANT_E@endlink, or
1151    * @link libsbml#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO@endlink, or
1152    * @c 1 for nodes of type
1153    * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_TRUE AST_CONSTANT_TRUE@endlink and @c 0 for nodes of type
1154    * @link libsbml#AST_CONSTANT_FALSE AST_CONSTANT_FALSE@endlink. It does not evaluate
1155    * the node in any way so, for example, it will not return the value of
1156    * a named ASTNode_t or attempt to evaluate a function.
1157    * This includes a node representing @c time i.e. nodes
1158    * of type @link libsbml#AST_NAME_TIME AST_NAME_TIME@endlink.
1159    */ public
getValue()1160  double getValue() {
1161     double ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getValue(swigCPtr);
1162     return ret;
1163   }
1166 /**
1167    * Returns the precedence of this node in the infix math syntax of SBML
1168    * Level&nbsp;1.  For more information about the infix syntax, see the
1169    * discussion about <a href='#math-convert'>text string formulas</a> at
1170    * the top of the documentation for ASTNode.
1171    *
1172    * @return an integer indicating the precedence of this ASTNode
1173    */ public
getPrecedence()1174  int getPrecedence() {
1175     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getPrecedence(swigCPtr);
1176     return ret;
1177   }
1180 /**
1181    * Returns the type of this ASTNode.
1182    *
1183    * The value returned is one of the Core AST type codes such as
1184    * @link libsbml#AST_LAMBDA AST_LAMBDA@endlink,
1185    * @link libsbml#AST_PLUS AST_PLUS@endlink, etc.
1186    *
1187    * @return the type of this ASTNode.
1188    */ public
getType()1189  int getType() {
1190     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getType(swigCPtr);
1191     return ret;
1192   }
1195 /**
1196    * Returns the units of this ASTNode.
1197    *
1198    * @htmlinclude about-sbml-units-attrib.html
1199    *
1200    * @return the units of this ASTNode.
1201    *
1202    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
1203    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
1204    *
1205    * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}
1206    */ public
getUnits()1207  string getUnits() {
1208     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getUnits(swigCPtr);
1209     return ret;
1210   }
1213 /**
1214    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node is the special
1215    * symbol @c avogadro.  The predicate returns @c false (zero) otherwise.
1216    *
1217    * SBML Level&nbsp;3 introduced a predefined MathML <code>&lt;csymbol&gt;</code>
1218    * for the value of Avogadro's constant.  LibSBML stores this internally as
1219    * a node of type @link libsbml#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO@endlink.
1220    * This method returns @c true if this node has that type.
1221    *
1222    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is the special symbol avogadro,
1223    * @c false otherwise.
1224    *
1225    * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}
1226    */ public
isAvogadro()1227  bool isAvogadro() {
1228     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isAvogadro(swigCPtr);
1229     return ret;
1230   }
1233 /**
1234    * Returns @c true if this node has a Boolean type.
1235    *
1236    * The ASTNode objects that have Boolean types are the logical operators,
1237    * relational operators, and the constants @c true or @c false.
1238    *
1239    * @return @c true if this ASTNode has a Boolean type, @c false otherwise.
1240    */ public
isBoolean()1241  bool isBoolean() {
1242     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isBoolean(swigCPtr);
1243     return ret;
1244   }
1247 /**
1248    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node returns a Boolean type
1249    * or @c false (zero) otherwise.
1250    *
1251    * This function looks at the whole ASTNode rather than just the top
1252    * level of the ASTNode. Thus it will consider return values from
1253    * piecewise statements.  In addition, if this ASTNode uses a function
1254    * call, the return value of the functionDefinition will be determined.
1255    * Note that this is only possible where the ASTNode can trace its parent
1256    * Model, that is, the ASTNode must represent the <code>&lt;math&gt;</code> element of some
1257    * SBML object that has already been added to an instance of an SBMLDocument.
1258    * If this is not the case, this function will return @c false unless
1259    * isBoolean() returns @c true.
1260    *
1261    * @see isBoolean()
1262    *
1263    * @return @c true if this ASTNode returns a Boolean, @c false otherwise.
1264    */ public
returnsBoolean(Model model)1265  bool returnsBoolean(Model model) {
1266     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_returnsBoolean__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, Model.getCPtr(model));
1267     return ret;
1268   }
1271 /**
1272    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node returns a Boolean type
1273    * or @c false (zero) otherwise.
1274    *
1275    * This function looks at the whole ASTNode rather than just the top
1276    * level of the ASTNode. Thus it will consider return values from
1277    * piecewise statements.  In addition, if this ASTNode uses a function
1278    * call, the return value of the functionDefinition will be determined.
1279    * Note that this is only possible where the ASTNode can trace its parent
1280    * Model, that is, the ASTNode must represent the <code>&lt;math&gt;</code> element of some
1281    * SBML object that has already been added to an instance of an SBMLDocument.
1282    * If this is not the case, this function will return @c false unless
1283    * isBoolean() returns @c true.
1284    *
1285    * @see isBoolean()
1286    *
1287    * @return @c true if this ASTNode returns a Boolean, @c false otherwise.
1288    */ public
returnsBoolean()1289  bool returnsBoolean() {
1290     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_returnsBoolean__SWIG_1(swigCPtr);
1291     return ret;
1292   }
1295 /**
1296    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1297    * constant (e.g., @c true, @c Pi).
1298    *
1299    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML constant, @c false otherwise.
1300    *
1301    * @note this function will also return @c true for nodes of type
1302    * @link libsbml#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO@endlink in SBML Level&nbsp;3.
1303    */ public
isConstant()1304  bool isConstant() {
1305     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isConstant(swigCPtr);
1306     return ret;
1307   }
1310 /**
1311   * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1312   * ci element representing a value not a function (e.g., @c true, @c Pi).
1313   *
1314   * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML ci element, @c false otherwise.
1315   */ public
isCiNumber()1316  bool isCiNumber() {
1317     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isCiNumber(swigCPtr);
1318     return ret;
1319   }
1322 /**
1323   * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1324   * constant with numeric value (e.g., @c Pi).
1325   *
1326   * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML constant, @c false otherwise.
1327   *
1328   * @note this function will also return @c true for
1329   * @link libsbml#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO@endlink in SBML Level&nbsp;3.
1330   */ public
isConstantNumber()1331  bool isConstantNumber() {
1332     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isConstantNumber(swigCPtr);
1333     return ret;
1334   }
1337 /**
1338    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1339    * csymbol representing a function.
1340    *
1341    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML csymbol function, @c false otherwise.
1342    */ public
isCSymbolFunction()1343  bool isCSymbolFunction() {
1344     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isCSymbolFunction(swigCPtr);
1345     return ret;
1346   }
1349 /**
1350    * Returns @c true if this node represents a function.
1351    *
1352    * The three types of functions in SBML are MathML functions (e.g.,
1353    * <code>abs()</code>), SBML Level&nbsp;1 functions (in the SBML
1354    * Level&nbsp;1 math syntax), and user-defined functions (using
1355    * FunctionDefinition in SBML Level&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3).
1356    *
1357    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a function, @c false otherwise.
1358    */ public
isFunction()1359  bool isFunction() {
1360     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isFunction(swigCPtr);
1361     return ret;
1362   }
1365 /**
1366    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents
1367    * the special IEEE 754 value infinity, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1368    *
1369    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is the special IEEE 754 value infinity,
1370    * @c false otherwise.
1371    */ public
isInfinity()1372  bool isInfinity() {
1373     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isInfinity(swigCPtr);
1374     return ret;
1375   }
1378 /**
1379    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node contains an
1380    * integer value, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1381    *
1382    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is of type @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink, @c false otherwise.
1383    */ public
isInteger()1384  bool isInteger() {
1385     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isInteger(swigCPtr);
1386     return ret;
1387   }
1390 /**
1391    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node is a MathML
1392    * <code>&lt;lambda&gt;</code>, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1393    *
1394    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is of type @link libsbml#AST_LAMBDA AST_LAMBDA@endlink, @c false otherwise.
1395    */ public
isLambda()1396  bool isLambda() {
1397     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isLambda(swigCPtr);
1398     return ret;
1399   }
1402 /**
1403    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a
1404    * @c log10 function, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1405    *
1406    * More precisely, this predicate returns @c true if the node type is
1407    * @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_LOG AST_FUNCTION_LOG@endlink with two
1408    * children, the first of which is an @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink equal to 10.
1409    *
1410    * @return @c true if the given ASTNode represents a log10() function,
1411    * @c false otherwise.
1412    *
1413    * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}
1414    */ public
isLog10()1415  bool isLog10() {
1416     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isLog10(swigCPtr);
1417     return ret;
1418   }
1421 /**
1422    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node is a MathML
1423    * logical operator.
1424    *
1425    * The possible MathML logical operators in SBML core are @c and, @c or, @c not,
1426    * @c xor, and (as of SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2) @c implies.  If
1427    * the node represents a logical operator defined in a Level&nbsp;3 package,
1428    * it will also return @c true.
1429    *
1430    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML logical operator, @c false
1431    * otherwise.
1432    */ public
isLogical()1433  bool isLogical() {
1434     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isLogical(swigCPtr);
1435     return ret;
1436   }
1439 /**
1440    * Returns @c true if this node is a user-defined variable name
1441    * or the symbols for time or Avogadro's constant.
1442    *
1443    * SBML Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3 provides <code>&lt;csymbol&gt;</code>
1444    * definitions for 'time' and 'avogadro', which can be used to represent
1445    * simulation time and Avogadro's constant in MathML.  Note that this
1446    * method does @em not return @c true for the other <code>csymbol</code>
1447    * values defined by SBML, 'delay', because the 'delay' is a function
1448    * and not a constant or variable.  Similarly, this function returns
1449    * @c false for the csymbol functions added by the 'Distributions' package.
1450    *
1451    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a user-defined variable name in SBML
1452    * or the special symbols for time or Avogadro's constant. It returns
1453    * @c false otherwise.
1454    */ public
isName()1455  bool isName() {
1456     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isName(swigCPtr);
1457     return ret;
1458   }
1461 /**
1462    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents the
1463    * special IEEE 754 value 'not a number' (NaN), @c false (zero)
1464    * otherwise.
1465    *
1466    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is the special IEEE 754 NaN, @c false
1467    * otherwise.
1468    */ public
isNaN()1469  bool isNaN() {
1470     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isNaN(swigCPtr);
1471     return ret;
1472   }
1475 /**
1476    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents the
1477    * special IEEE 754 value 'negative infinity', @c false (zero) otherwise.
1478    *
1479    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is the special IEEE 754 value negative
1480    * infinity, @c false otherwise.
1481    */ public
isNegInfinity()1482  bool isNegInfinity() {
1483     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isNegInfinity(swigCPtr);
1484     return ret;
1485   }
1488 /**
1489    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node contains a number,
1490    * @c false (zero) otherwise.  This is functionally equivalent to the
1491    * following code:
1492    * @verbatim
1493  isInteger() || isReal()
1494  @endverbatim
1495    *
1496    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a number, @c false otherwise.
1497    */ public
isNumber()1498  bool isNumber() {
1499     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isNumber(swigCPtr);
1500     return ret;
1501   }
1504 /**
1505    * Returns @c true if this node is a mathematical
1506    * operator.
1507    *
1508    * The possible mathematical operators in the MathML syntax supported by
1509    * SBML are <code>+</code>, <code>-</code>, <code>*</code>, <code>/</code>
1510    * and <code>^</code> (power).
1511    *
1512    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is an operator, @c false otherwise.
1513    */ public
isOperator()1514  bool isOperator() {
1515     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isOperator(swigCPtr);
1516     return ret;
1517   }
1520 /**
1521    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node is the MathML
1522    * <code>&lt;piecewise&gt;</code> construct.
1523    *
1524    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML @c piecewise function,
1525    * @c false (zero) otherwise.
1526    */ public
isPiecewise()1527  bool isPiecewise() {
1528     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isPiecewise(swigCPtr);
1529     return ret;
1530   }
1533 /**
1534    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a rational
1535    * number.
1536    *
1537    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is of type
1538    * @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1539    */ public
isRational()1540  bool isRational() {
1541     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isRational(swigCPtr);
1542     return ret;
1543   }
1546 /**
1547    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node can represent a
1548    * real number, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1549    *
1550    * More precisely, this node must be of one of the following types: @link libsbml#AST_REAL AST_REAL@endlink, @link libsbml#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E@endlink or @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink.
1551    *
1552    * @return @c true if the value of this ASTNode can represented as a real
1553    * number, @c false otherwise.
1554    */ public
isReal()1555  bool isReal() {
1556     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isReal(swigCPtr);
1557     return ret;
1558   }
1561 /**
1562    * Returns @c true if this node is a MathML
1563    * relational operator.
1564    *
1565    * The MathML relational operators are <code>==</code>, <code>&gt;=</code>,
1566    * <code>&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;</code>, and <code>!=</code>.
1567    *
1568    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a MathML relational operator, @c
1569    * false otherwise
1570    */ public
isRelational()1571  bool isRelational() {
1572     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isRelational(swigCPtr);
1573     return ret;
1574   }
1577 /**
1578    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a
1579    * square root function, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1580    *
1581    * More precisely, the node type must be @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_ROOT AST_FUNCTION_ROOT@endlink with two
1582    * children, the first of which is an @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink node having value equal to 2.
1583    *
1584    * @return @c true if the given ASTNode represents a sqrt() function,
1585    * @c false otherwise.
1586    */ public
isSqrt()1587  bool isSqrt() {
1588     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSqrt(swigCPtr);
1589     return ret;
1590   }
1593 /**
1594    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node is a unary minus
1595    * operator, @c false (zero) otherwise.
1596    *
1597    * A node is defined as a unary minus node if it is of type @link libsbml#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS@endlink and has exactly one child.
1598    *
1599    * For numbers, unary minus nodes can be 'collapsed' by negating the
1600    * number.  In fact, @sbmlfunction{parseFormula, String}
1601    * does this during its parsing process, and @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}
1602    * has a configuration option that allows this behavior to be turned
1603    * on or off.  However, unary minus nodes for symbols
1604    * (@link libsbml#AST_NAME AST_NAME@endlink) cannot
1605    * be 'collapsed', so this predicate function is necessary.
1606    *
1607    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a unary minus, @c false otherwise.
1608    *
1609    * @see @sbmlfunction{parseL3Formula, String}
1610    */ public
isUMinus()1611  bool isUMinus() {
1612     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isUMinus(swigCPtr);
1613     return ret;
1614   }
1617 /**
1618    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node is a unary plus
1619    * operator, @c false (zero) otherwise.  A node is defined as a unary
1620    * minus node if it is of type @link libsbml#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS@endlink and has exactly one child.
1621    *
1622    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a unary plus, @c false otherwise.
1623    */ public
isUPlus()1624  bool isUPlus() {
1625     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isUPlus(swigCPtr);
1626     return ret;
1627   }
1630 /**
1631   * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node represents a
1632   * MathML user-defined function.
1633   *
1634   * @return @c true if this ASTNode is a user-defined function, @c false otherwise.
1635   */ public
isUserFunction()1636  bool isUserFunction() {
1637     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isUserFunction(swigCPtr);
1638     return ret;
1639   }
1642 /**
1643   * Returns @c true if this node is of type @p type
1644   * and has @p numchildren number of children.  Designed
1645   * for use in cases where it is useful to discover if the node is
1646   * a unary not or unary minus, or a times node with no children, etc.
1647   *
1648   * @return @c true if this ASTNode is has the specified type and number
1649   *         of children, @c false otherwise.
1650   */ public
hasTypeAndNumChildren(int type, long numchildren)1651  int hasTypeAndNumChildren(int type, long numchildren) {
1652     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_hasTypeAndNumChildren(swigCPtr, type, numchildren);
1653     return ret;
1654   }
1657 /**
1658    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node has an unknown type.
1659    *
1660    * 'Unknown' nodes have the type @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink.
1661    * Nodes with unknown types will not appear in an
1662    * ASTNode tree returned by libSBML based upon valid SBML input; the only
1663    * situation in which a node with type @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink
1664    * may appear is immediately after having create a
1665    * new, untyped node using the ASTNode constructor.  Callers creating
1666    * nodes should endeavor to set the type to a valid node type as soon as
1667    * possible after creating new nodes.
1668    *
1669    * @return @c true if this ASTNode is of type @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink, @c false otherwise.
1670    */ public
isUnknown()1671  bool isUnknown() {
1672     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isUnknown(swigCPtr);
1673     return ret;
1674   }
1677 /**
1678    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node has a value for the MathML
1679    * attribute 'id'.
1680    *
1681    * @return @c true if this ASTNode has an attribute id, @c false otherwise.
1682    *
1683    * @see isSetClass()
1684    * @see isSetStyle()
1685    * @see setId(string id)
1686    * @see unsetId()
1687    */ public
isSetId()1688  bool isSetId() {
1689     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSetId(swigCPtr);
1690     return ret;
1691   }
1694 /**
1695    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node has a value for the MathML
1696    * attribute 'class'.
1697    *
1698    * @return @c true if this ASTNode has an attribute class, @c false otherwise.
1699    *
1700    * @see isSetId()
1701    * @see isSetStyle()
1702    * @see @if java setClassName(string id)@else setClass()@endif
1703    * @see unsetClass()
1704    */ public
isSetClass()1705  bool isSetClass() {
1706     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSetClass(swigCPtr);
1707     return ret;
1708   }
1711 /**
1712    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node has a value for the MathML
1713    * attribute 'style'.
1714    *
1715    * @return @c true if this ASTNode has an attribute style, @c false otherwise.
1716    *
1717    * @see isSetClass()
1718    * @see isSetId()
1719    * @see setStyle(string id)
1720    * @see unsetStyle()
1721    */ public
isSetStyle()1722  bool isSetStyle() {
1723     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSetStyle(swigCPtr);
1724     return ret;
1725   }
1728 /**
1729    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node has the attribute
1730    * <code>sbml:units</code>.
1731    *
1732    * @htmlinclude about-sbml-units-attrib.html
1733    *
1734    * @return @c true if this ASTNode has units associated with it, @c false otherwise.
1735    *
1736    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
1737    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
1738    *
1739    * @see hasUnits()
1740    * @see setUnits(string units)
1741    */ public
isSetUnits()1742  bool isSetUnits() {
1743     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSetUnits(swigCPtr);
1744     return ret;
1745   }
1748 /**
1749    * Returns @c true (nonzero) if this node or any of its
1750    * children nodes have the attribute <code>sbml:units</code>.
1751    *
1752    * @htmlinclude about-sbml-units-attrib.html
1753    *
1754    * @return @c true if this ASTNode or its children has units associated
1755    * with it, @c false otherwise.
1756    *
1757    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
1758    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
1759    *
1760    * @see isSetUnits()
1761    * @see setUnits(string units)
1762    */ public
hasUnits()1763  bool hasUnits() {
1764     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_hasUnits(swigCPtr);
1765     return ret;
1766   }
1769 /**
1770    * Sets the value of this ASTNode to the given character.  If character
1771    * is one of @c +, @c -, <code>*</code>, <code>/</code> or @c ^, the node
1772    * type will be set accordingly.  For all other characters, the node type
1773    * will be set to @link libsbml#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN@endlink.
1774    *
1775    * @param value the character value to which the node's value should be
1776    * set.
1777    *
1778    *
1779  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1780  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1781  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1782  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1783  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1785    */ public
setCharacter(char value)1786  int setCharacter(char value) {
1787     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setCharacter(swigCPtr, value);
1788     return ret;
1789   }
1792 /**
1793    * Sets the MathML attribute @c id of this ASTNode.
1794    *
1795    * @param id @c string representing the identifier.
1796    *
1797    *
1798  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1799  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1800  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1801  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1802  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1804    *
1805    * @see isSetId()
1806    * @see getId()
1807    * @see unsetId()
1808    */ public
setId(string id)1809  int setId(string id) {
1810     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setId(swigCPtr, id);
1811     return ret;
1812   }
1815 /**
1816    * Sets the MathML attribute @c class of this ASTNode to @p className.
1817    *
1818    * @param className @c string representing the MathML class for this node.
1819    *
1820    *
1821  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1822  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1823  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1824  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1825  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1827    *
1828    * @if java
1829    * @note In the API interfaces for languages other than Java, this method
1830    * is named <code>setClass()</code>, but in Java it is renamed
1831    * <code>setClassName()</code> to avoid a name collision with Java's
1832    * standard object method of the same name.
1833    * @endif
1834    *
1835    * @see isSetClass()
1836    * @see getClass()
1837    * @see unsetClass()
1838    */ public
setClass(string className)1839  int setClass(string className) {
1840     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setClass(swigCPtr, className);
1841     return ret;
1842   }
1845 /**
1846    * Sets the MathML attribute @c style of this ASTNode to style.
1847    *
1848    * @param style @c string representing the identifier.
1849    *
1850    *
1851  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1852  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1853  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1854  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1855  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1857    *
1858    * @see isSetStyle()
1859    * @see getStyle()
1860    * @see unsetStyle()
1861    */ public
setStyle(string style)1862  int setStyle(string style) {
1863     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setStyle(swigCPtr, style);
1864     return ret;
1865   }
1868 /**
1869    * Sets the value of this ASTNode to the given name.
1870    *
1871    * As a side effect, this ASTNode object's type will be reset to
1872    * @link libsbml#AST_NAME AST_NAME@endlink if (and <em>only
1873    * if</em>) the ASTNode was previously an operator (
1874    * @if clike isOperator()@else ASTNode::isOperator()@endif
1875    * <code>== true</code>), number (
1876    * @if clike isNumber()@else ASTNode::isNumber()@endif
1877    * <code>== true</code>), or unknown.
1878    * This allows names to be set for @link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION AST_FUNCTION@endlink nodes and the like.
1879    *
1880    * @param name the string containing the name to which this node's value
1881    * should be set.
1882    *
1883    *
1884  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1885  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1886  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1887  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1888  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1890    */ public
setName(string name)1891  int setName(string name) {
1892     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setName(swigCPtr, name);
1893     return ret;
1894   }
1897 /**
1898    * Sets the value of this ASTNode to the given (@c long) integer and sets
1899    * the node type to @link libsbml#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER@endlink.
1900    *
1901    * @param value the integer to which this node's value should be set.
1902    *
1903    *
1904  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1905  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1906  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1907  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1908  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1910    */ public
setValue(int value)1911  int setValue(int value) {
1912     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, value);
1913     return ret;
1914   }
1917 /**
1918    * Sets the value of this ASTNode to the given rational in two parts: the
1919    * numerator and denominator.  The node type is set to @link libsbml#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL@endlink.
1920    *
1921    * @param numerator the numerator value of the rational.
1922    * @param denominator the denominator value of the rational.
1923    *
1924    *
1925  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1926  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1927  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1928  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1929  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1931    */ public
setValue(int numerator, int denominator)1932  int setValue(int numerator, int denominator) {
1933     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, numerator, denominator);
1934     return ret;
1935   }
1938 /**
1939    * Sets the value of this ASTNode to the given real (@c double) and sets
1940    * the node type to @link libsbml#AST_REAL AST_REAL@endlink.
1941    *
1942    * This is functionally equivalent to:
1943    * @verbatim
1944 setValue(value, 0);
1945 @endverbatim
1946    *
1947    * @param value the @c double format number to which this node's value
1948    * should be set.
1949    *
1950    *
1951  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1952  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1953  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1954  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1955  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1957    */ public
setValue(double value)1958  int setValue(double value) {
1959     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, value);
1960     return ret;
1961   }
1964 /**
1965    * Sets the value of this ASTNode to the given real (@c double) in two
1966    * parts: the mantissa and the exponent.  The node type is set to
1967    * @link libsbml#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E@endlink.
1968    *
1969    * @param mantissa the mantissa of this node's real-numbered value.
1970    * @param exponent the exponent of this node's real-numbered value.
1971    *
1972    *
1973  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1974  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1975  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif This particular
1976  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1977  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1979    */ public
setValue(double mantissa, int exponent)1980  int setValue(double mantissa, int exponent) {
1981     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, mantissa, exponent);
1982     return ret;
1983   }
1986 /**
1987    * Sets the type of this ASTNode to the given type code.
1988    *
1989    * @param type the type to which this node should be set.
1990    *
1991    *
1992  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1993  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
1994  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
1995  * returned by this function are:
1998    *
1999    * @note A side-effect of doing this is that any numerical values previously
2000    * stored in this node are reset to zero.
2001    */ public
setType(int type)2002  int setType(int type) {
2003     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setType(swigCPtr, type);
2004     return ret;
2005   }
2008 /**
2009    * Sets the units of this ASTNode to units.
2010    *
2011    * The units will be set @em only if this ASTNode object represents a
2012    * MathML <code>&lt;cn&gt;</code> element, i.e., represents a number.
2013    * Callers may use
2014    * @if clike isNumber()@else ASTNode::isNumber()@endif
2015    * to inquire whether the node is of that type.
2016    *
2017    * @htmlinclude about-sbml-units-attrib.html
2018    *
2019    * @param units @c string representing the unit identifier.
2020    *
2021    *
2022  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2023  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2024  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2025  * returned by this function are:
2029    *
2030    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
2031    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
2032    *
2033    * @see isSetUnits()
2034    * @see hasUnits()
2035    */ public
setUnits(string units)2036  int setUnits(string units) {
2037     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setUnits(swigCPtr, units);
2038     return ret;
2039   }
2042 /**
2043    * Swaps the children of this ASTNode object with the children of the
2044    * given ASTNode object.
2045    *
2046    * @param that the other node whose children should be used to replace
2047    * <em>this</em> node's children.
2048    *
2049    *
2050  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2051  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2052  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2053  * returned by this function are:
2056    */ public
swapChildren(ASTNode that)2057  int swapChildren(ASTNode that) {
2058     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_swapChildren(swigCPtr, ASTNode.getCPtr(that));
2059     return ret;
2060   }
2063 /**
2064    * Renames all the SIdRef attributes on this node and any child node
2065    */ public new
renameSIdRefs(string oldid, string newid)2066  void renameSIdRefs(string oldid, string newid) {
2067     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_renameSIdRefs(swigCPtr, oldid, newid);
2068   }
2071 /**
2072    * Renames all the UnitSIdRef attributes on this node and any child node.
2073    *
2074    * The only place UnitSIDRefs appear is in MathML <code>&lt;cn&gt;</code>
2075    * elements, so the effects of this method are limited to that.
2076    *
2077    * @param oldid the old identifier.
2078    * @param newid the new identifier.
2079    */ public new
renameUnitSIdRefs(string oldid, string newid)2080  void renameUnitSIdRefs(string oldid, string newid) {
2081     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_renameUnitSIdRefs(swigCPtr, oldid, newid);
2082   }
2085 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public new
replaceIDWithFunction(string id, ASTNode function)2086  void replaceIDWithFunction(string id, ASTNode function) {
2087     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_replaceIDWithFunction(swigCPtr, id, ASTNode.getCPtr(function));
2088   }
2091 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public new
multiplyTimeBy(ASTNode function)2092  void multiplyTimeBy(ASTNode function) {
2093     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_multiplyTimeBy(swigCPtr, ASTNode.getCPtr(function));
2094   }
2097 /**
2098    * Unsets the units of this ASTNode.
2099    *
2100    *
2101  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2102  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2103  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2104  * returned by this function are:
2108    */ public
unsetUnits()2109  int unsetUnits() {
2110     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_unsetUnits(swigCPtr);
2111     return ret;
2112   }
2115 /**
2116    * Unsets the MathML @c id attribute of this ASTNode.
2117    *
2118    *
2119  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2120  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2121  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2122  * returned by this function are:
2125    */ public
unsetId()2126  int unsetId() {
2127     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_unsetId(swigCPtr);
2128     return ret;
2129   }
2132 /**
2133    * Unsets the MathML @c class attribute of this ASTNode.
2134    *
2135    *
2136  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2137  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2138  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2139  * returned by this function are:
2142    */ public
unsetClass()2143  int unsetClass() {
2144     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_unsetClass(swigCPtr);
2145     return ret;
2146   }
2149 /**
2150    * Unsets the MathML @c style attribute of this ASTNode.
2151    *
2152    *
2153  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2154  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2155  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2156  * returned by this function are:
2159    */ public
unsetStyle()2160  int unsetStyle() {
2161     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_unsetStyle(swigCPtr);
2162     return ret;
2163   }
2166 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url)2167  int setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url) {
2168     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setDefinitionURL__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, XMLAttributes.getCPtr(url));
2169     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
2170     return ret;
2171   }
2174 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
setDefinitionURL(string url)2175  int setDefinitionURL(string url) {
2176     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setDefinitionURL__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, url);
2177     return ret;
2178   }
2181 /**
2182    * Returns the MathML @c definitionURL attribute value.
2183    *
2184    * @return the value of the @c definitionURL attribute, in the form of
2185    * a libSBML XMLAttributes object.
2186    *
2187    * @see setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url)
2188    * @see setDefinitionURL(string url)
2189    * @see getDefinitionURLString()
2190    */ public
getDefinitionURL()2191  XMLAttributes getDefinitionURL() {
2192     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getDefinitionURL(swigCPtr);
2193     XMLAttributes ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new XMLAttributes(cPtr, false);
2194     return ret;
2195   }
2198 /**
2199    * Replaces occurrences of a given name with a given ASTNode.
2200    *
2201    * For example, if the formula in this ASTNode is <code>x + y</code>,
2202    * and the function is called with @c bvar = @c 'x' and @c arg = an ASTNode
2203    * representing the real value @c 3.  This method would substitute @c 3 for
2204    * @c x within this ASTNode object, resulting in the forula <code>3 + y</code>.
2205    *
2206    * @param bvar a string representing the variable name to be substituted.
2207    * @param arg an ASTNode representing the name/value/formula to use as
2208    * a replacement.
2209    */ public
replaceArgument(string bvar, ASTNode arg)2210  void replaceArgument(string bvar, ASTNode arg) {
2211     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_replaceArgument(swigCPtr, bvar, ASTNode.getCPtr(arg));
2212   }
2215 /**
2216    * Returns the parent SBML object.
2217    *
2218    * @return the parent SBML object of this ASTNode.
2219    *
2220    * @see isSetParentSBMLObject()
2221    * @if clike @see setParentSBMLObject()@endif
2222    * @see unsetParentSBMLObject()
2223    */ public
getParentSBMLObject()2224  SBase getParentSBMLObject() {
2225 	SBase ret = (SBase) libsbml.DowncastSBase(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getParentSBMLObject(swigCPtr), false);
2226 	return ret;
2227 }
2230 /**
2231    * Unsets the parent SBML object.
2232    *
2233    *
2234  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2235  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2236  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2237  * returned by this function are:
2240    *
2241    * @see isSetParentSBMLObject()
2242    * @see getParentSBMLObject()
2243    * @if clike @see setParentSBMLObject()@endif
2244    */ public
unsetParentSBMLObject()2245  int unsetParentSBMLObject() {
2246     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_unsetParentSBMLObject(swigCPtr);
2247     return ret;
2248   }
2251 /**
2252    * Returns @c true if this node has a value for the parent SBML
2253    * object.
2254    *
2255    * @return @c true if this ASTNode has an parent SBML object set, @c false otherwise.
2256    *
2257    * @see getParentSBMLObject()
2258    * @if clike @see setParentSBMLObject()@endif
2259    * @see unsetParentSBMLObject()
2260    */ public
isSetParentSBMLObject()2261  bool isSetParentSBMLObject() {
2262     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSetParentSBMLObject(swigCPtr);
2263     return ret;
2264   }
2267 /**
2268    * Reduces this ASTNode to a binary tree.
2269    *
2270    * Example: if this ASTNode is <code>and(x, y, z)</code>, then the
2271    * formula of the reduced node is <code>and(and(x, y), z)</code>.  The
2272    * operation replaces the formula stored in the current ASTNode object.
2273    */ public
reduceToBinary()2274  void reduceToBinary() {
2275     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_reduceToBinary(swigCPtr);
2276   }
2279 /**
2280   * Unsets the user data of this node.
2281   *
2282   * The user data can be used by the application developer to attach custom
2283   * information to the node.  In case of a deep copy, this attribute will
2284   * passed as it is. The attribute will be never interpreted by this class.
2285   *
2286   *
2287  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2288  * function.  @if clike The value is drawn from the
2289  * enumeration #OperationReturnValues_t. @endif The possible values
2290  * returned by this function are:
2293   *
2294   * @if clike
2295   * @see setUserData()
2296   * @see getUserData()
2297   * @see isSetUserData()
2298   * @endif
2299   */ public
unsetUserData()2300  int unsetUserData() {
2301     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_unsetUserData(swigCPtr);
2302     return ret;
2303   }
2306 /**
2307   * Returns @c true if this node has a user data object.
2308   *
2309   * @return @c true if this ASTNode has a user data object set, @c false
2310   * otherwise.
2311   *
2312   * @if clike
2313   * @see setUserData()
2314   * @see getUserData()
2315   * @see unsetUserData()
2316   * @endif
2317   */ public
isSetUserData()2318  bool isSetUserData() {
2319     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSetUserData(swigCPtr);
2320     return ret;
2321   }
2324 /**
2325   * Returns @c true or @c false depending on whether this
2326   * ASTNode is well-formed.
2327   *
2328   * @note An ASTNode may be well-formed, with each node and its children
2329   * having the appropriate number of children for the given type, but may
2330   * still be invalid in the context of its use within an SBML model.
2331   *
2332   * @return @c true if this ASTNode is well-formed, @c false otherwise.
2333   *
2334   * @see hasCorrectNumberArguments()
2335   */ public
isWellFormedASTNode()2336  bool isWellFormedASTNode() {
2337     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode(swigCPtr);
2338     return ret;
2339   }
2342 /**
2343   * Returns @c true if this ASTNode has the correct number of children for
2344   * its type.
2345   *
2346   * For example, an ASTNode with type @link libsbml#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS@endlink
2347   * expects 1 or 2 child nodes.
2348   *
2349   * @return @c true if this ASTNode has the appropriate number of children
2350   * for its type, @c false otherwise.
2351   *
2352   * @note This function performs a check on the top-level node only.  Child
2353   * nodes are not checked.
2354   *
2355   * @see isWellFormedASTNode()
2356   */ public
hasCorrectNumberArguments()2357  bool hasCorrectNumberArguments() {
2358     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_hasCorrectNumberArguments(swigCPtr);
2359     return ret;
2360   }
2363 /**
2364    * Returns the MathML @c definitionURL attribute value as a string.
2365    *
2366    * @return the value of the @c definitionURL attribute, as a string.
2367    *
2368    * @see getDefinitionURL()
2369    * @see setDefinitionURL(string url)
2370    * @see setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url)
2371    */ public
getDefinitionURLString()2372  string getDefinitionURLString() {
2373     string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getDefinitionURLString(swigCPtr);
2374     return ret;
2375   }
2378 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
representsBvar()2379  bool representsBvar() {
2380     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_representsBvar(swigCPtr);
2381     return ret;
2382   }
2385 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
isBvar()2386  bool isBvar() {
2387     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isBvar(swigCPtr);
2388     return ret;
2389   }
2392 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
setBvar()2393  void setBvar() {
2394     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_setBvar(swigCPtr);
2395   }
2398 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
usesL3V2MathConstructs()2399  bool usesL3V2MathConstructs() {
2400     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_usesL3V2MathConstructs(swigCPtr);
2401     return ret;
2402   }
2405 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
usesRateOf()2406  bool usesRateOf() {
2407     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_usesRateOf(swigCPtr);
2408     return ret;
2409   }
2412 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public new
isQualifier()2413  bool isQualifier() {
2414     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isQualifier(swigCPtr);
2415     return ret;
2416   }
2419 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public new
isSemantics()2420  bool isSemantics() {
2421     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_isSemantics(swigCPtr);
2422     return ret;
2423   }
2426 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
getNumBvars()2427  long getNumBvars() { return (long)libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getNumBvars(swigCPtr); }
2430 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
addPlugin(ASTBasePlugin plugin)2431  void addPlugin(ASTBasePlugin plugin) {
2432     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_addPlugin(swigCPtr, ASTBasePlugin.getCPtr(plugin));
2433   }
2436 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
loadASTPlugins(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)2437  void loadASTPlugins(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) {
2438     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_loadASTPlugins(swigCPtr, SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns));
2439   }
2442 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
loadASTPlugin(string pkgName)2443  void loadASTPlugin(string pkgName) {
2444     libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_loadASTPlugin(swigCPtr, pkgName);
2445   }
2448 /**
2449    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2450    * package extension with the given @p sbmlns.
2451    *
2452    * @param sbmlns the namespace of the plugin to return.
2453    *
2454    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2455    * a package extension with the given package name or URI, or @c null
2456    * if none exist.
2457    */ public
getASTPlugin(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)2458  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) {
2459         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns)), false);
2460         return ret;
2461 }
2464 /**
2465    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2466    * package extension for the package that defines the given @p type.
2467    *
2468    * @param type the @if clike #ASTNodeType_t@else type@endif that is defined by the given plugin.
2469    *
2470    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2471    * a package extension that defines the given @p type, or @c null
2472    * if none exist.
2473    */ public
getASTPlugin(int type)2474  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(int type) {
2475         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, type), false);
2476         return ret;
2477 }
2480 /**
2481    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2482    * package extension for the package with the given constraints.
2483    *
2484    * @param name the type or csymbol defined by the returned plugin.
2485    * @param isCsymbol Boolean indicator of whether the @p name is a csymbol
2486    * (if @c true) or type (if @c false).
2487    * @param strCmpIsCaseSensitive whether to search for the matching type
2488    * or csymbol in case-sensitve manner (if @c true) or case-insensitive
2489    * manner (if @c false).
2490    *
2491    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2492    * a package extension that defines the given @p name, or @c null
2493    * if none exist.
2494    */ public
getASTPlugin(string name, bool isCsymbol, bool strCmpIsCaseSensitive)2495  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(string name, bool isCsymbol, bool strCmpIsCaseSensitive) {
2496         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, name, isCsymbol, strCmpIsCaseSensitive), false);
2497         return ret;
2498 }
2501 /**
2502    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2503    * package extension for the package with the given constraints.
2504    *
2505    * @param name the type or csymbol defined by the returned plugin.
2506    * @param isCsymbol Boolean indicator of whether the @p name is a csymbol
2507    * (if @c true) or type (if @c false).
2508    * @param strCmpIsCaseSensitive whether to search for the matching type
2509    * or csymbol in case-sensitve manner (if @c true) or case-insensitive
2510    * manner (if @c false).
2511    *
2512    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2513    * a package extension that defines the given @p name, or @c null
2514    * if none exist.
2515    */ public
getASTPlugin(string name, bool isCsymbol)2516  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(string name, bool isCsymbol) {
2517         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, name, isCsymbol), false);
2518         return ret;
2519 }
2522 /**
2523    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2524    * package extension for the package with the given constraints.
2525    *
2526    * @param name the type or csymbol defined by the returned plugin.
2527    * @param isCsymbol Boolean indicator of whether the @p name is a csymbol
2528    * (if @c true) or type (if @c false).
2529    * @param strCmpIsCaseSensitive whether to search for the matching type
2530    * or csymbol in case-sensitve manner (if @c true) or case-insensitive
2531    * manner (if @c false).
2532    *
2533    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2534    * a package extension that defines the given @p name, or @c null
2535    * if none exist.
2536    */ public
getASTPlugin(string name)2537  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(string name) {
2538         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_4(swigCPtr, name), false);
2539         return ret;
2540 }
2543 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
getPlugin(string package)2544  ASTBasePlugin getPlugin(string package) {
2545         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getPlugin__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, package), false);
2546         return ret;
2547 }
2550 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
getPlugin(long n)2551  ASTBasePlugin getPlugin(long n) {
2552         ASTBasePlugin ret = (ASTBasePlugin) libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getPlugin__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, n), false);
2553         return ret;
2554 }
2557 /** */ /* libsbml-internal */ public
getNumPlugins()2558  long getNumPlugins() { return (long)libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getNumPlugins(swigCPtr); }
getListOfNodes()2560   public ASTNodeList getListOfNodes() {
2561     ASTNodeList ret = new ASTNodeList(libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_getListOfNodes(swigCPtr), true);
2562     return ret;
2563   }
2565 }
2567 }