1 /*
2  * @file    TestAssignmentRule.java
3  * @brief   AssignmentRule unit tests
4  *
5  * @author  Akiya Jouraku (Java conversion)
6  * @author  Ben Bornstein
7  *
8  * ====== WARNING ===== WARNING ===== WARNING ===== WARNING ===== WARNING ======
9  *
11  *
12  * This file was generated automatically by converting the file located at
13  * src/sbml/test/TestAssignmentRule.c
14  * using the conversion program dev/utilities/translateTests/translateTests.pl.
15  * Any changes made here will be lost the next time the file is regenerated.
16  *
17  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18  * This file is part of libSBML.  Please visit http://sbml.org for more
19  * information about SBML, and the latest version of libSBML.
20  *
21  * Copyright (C) 2020 jointly by the following organizations:
22  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
23  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
24  *     3. University College London, London, UK
25  *
26  * Copyright 2005-2010 California Institute of Technology.
27  * Copyright 2002-2005 California Institute of Technology and
28  *                     Japan Science and Technology Corporation.
29  *
30  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
31  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
32  * the Free Software Foundation.  A copy of the license agreement is provided
33  * in the file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution
34  * and also available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
35  * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36  */
38 package org.sbml.libsbml.test.sbml;
40 import org.sbml.libsbml.*;
42 import java.io.File;
43 import java.lang.AssertionError;
45 public class TestAssignmentRule {
assertTrue(boolean condition)47   static void assertTrue(boolean condition) throws AssertionError
48   {
49     if (condition == true)
50     {
51       return;
52     }
53     throw new AssertionError();
54   }
assertEquals(Object a, Object b)56   static void assertEquals(Object a, Object b) throws AssertionError
57   {
58     if ( (a == null) && (b == null) )
59     {
60       return;
61     }
62     else if ( (a == null) || (b == null) )
63     {
64       throw new AssertionError();
65     }
66     else if (a.equals(b))
67     {
68       return;
69     }
71     throw new AssertionError();
72   }
assertNotEquals(Object a, Object b)74   static void assertNotEquals(Object a, Object b) throws AssertionError
75   {
76     if ( (a == null) && (b == null) )
77     {
78       throw new AssertionError();
79     }
80     else if ( (a == null) || (b == null) )
81     {
82       return;
83     }
84     else if (a.equals(b))
85     {
86       throw new AssertionError();
87     }
88   }
assertEquals(boolean a, boolean b)90   static void assertEquals(boolean a, boolean b) throws AssertionError
91   {
92     if ( a == b )
93     {
94       return;
95     }
96     throw new AssertionError();
97   }
assertNotEquals(boolean a, boolean b)99   static void assertNotEquals(boolean a, boolean b) throws AssertionError
100   {
101     if ( a != b )
102     {
103       return;
104     }
105     throw new AssertionError();
106   }
assertEquals(int a, int b)108   static void assertEquals(int a, int b) throws AssertionError
109   {
110     if ( a == b )
111     {
112       return;
113     }
114     throw new AssertionError();
115   }
assertNotEquals(int a, int b)117   static void assertNotEquals(int a, int b) throws AssertionError
118   {
119     if ( a != b )
120     {
121       return;
122     }
123     throw new AssertionError();
124   }
125   private Rule AR;
setUp()127   protected void setUp() throws Exception
128   {
129     AR = new  AssignmentRule(2,4);
130     if (AR == null);
131     {
132     }
133   }
tearDown()135   protected void tearDown() throws Exception
136   {
137     AR = null;
138   }
test_AssignmentRule_L2_create()140   public void test_AssignmentRule_L2_create()
141   {
142     assertTrue( AR.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE );
143     assertTrue( AR.getMetaId().equals("") == true );
144     assertTrue( AR.getNotes() == null );
145     assertTrue( AR.getAnnotation() == null );
146     assertTrue( AR.getFormula().equals("") == true );
147     assertTrue( AR.getMath() == null );
148     assertTrue( AR.getVariable().equals("") == true );
149     assertTrue( AR.getType() == libsbml.RULE_TYPE_SCALAR );
150   }
test_AssignmentRule_createWithFormula()152   public void test_AssignmentRule_createWithFormula()
153   {
154     ASTNode math;
155     String formula;
156     Rule ar = new  AssignmentRule(2,4);
157     ar.setVariable( "s");
158     ar.setFormula( "1 + 1");
159     assertTrue( ar.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE );
160     assertTrue( ar.getMetaId().equals("") == true );
161     assertTrue(ar.getVariable().equals( "s"));
162     math = ar.getMath();
163     assertTrue( math != null );
164     formula = libsbml.formulaToString(math);
165     assertTrue( formula != null );
166     assertTrue(formula.equals( "1 + 1"));
167     assertTrue(ar.getFormula().equals(formula));
168     ar = null;
169   }
test_AssignmentRule_createWithMath()171   public void test_AssignmentRule_createWithMath()
172   {
173     ASTNode math = libsbml.parseFormula("1 + 1");
174     Rule ar = new  AssignmentRule(2,4);
175     ar.setVariable( "s");
176     ar.setMath(math);
177     assertTrue( ar.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE );
178     assertTrue( ar.getMetaId().equals("") == true );
179     assertTrue(ar.getVariable().equals( "s"));
180     assertTrue(ar.getFormula().equals( "1 + 1"));
181     assertTrue( !ar.getMath().equals(math) );
182     ar = null;
183   }
test_AssignmentRule_createWithNS()185   public void test_AssignmentRule_createWithNS()
186   {
187     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
188     xmlns.add( "http://www.sbml.org", "testsbml");
189     SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
190     sbmlns.addNamespaces(xmlns);
191     Rule object = new  AssignmentRule(sbmlns);
192     assertTrue( object.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE );
193     assertTrue( object.getMetaId().equals("") == true );
194     assertTrue( object.getNotes() == null );
195     assertTrue( object.getAnnotation() == null );
196     assertTrue( object.getLevel() == 2 );
197     assertTrue( object.getVersion() == 1 );
198     assertTrue( object.getNamespaces() != null );
199     assertTrue( object.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
200     object = null;
201   }
test_AssignmentRule_free_NULL()203   public void test_AssignmentRule_free_NULL()
204   {
205   }
test_AssignmentRule_setVariable()207   public void test_AssignmentRule_setVariable()
208   {
209     String variable =  "x";
210     AR.setVariable(variable);
211     assertTrue(AR.getVariable().equals(variable));
212     assertEquals( true, AR.isSetVariable() );
213     if (AR.getVariable() == variable);
214     {
215     }
216     AR.setVariable(AR.getVariable());
217     assertTrue(AR.getVariable().equals(variable));
218     AR.setVariable("");
219     assertEquals( false, AR.isSetVariable() );
220     if (AR.getVariable() != null);
221     {
222     }
223   }
225   /**
226    * Loads the SWIG-generated libSBML Java module when this class is
227    * loaded, or reports a sensible diagnostic message about why it failed.
228    */
229   static
230   {
231     String varname;
232     String shlibname;
234     if (System.getProperty("mrj.version") != null)
235     {
236       varname = "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH";    // We're on a Mac.
237       shlibname = "libsbmlj.jnilib and/or libsbml.dylib";
238     }
239     else
240     {
241       varname = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH";      // We're not on a Mac.
242       shlibname = "libsbmlj.so and/or libsbml.so";
243     }
245     try
246     {
247       System.loadLibrary("sbmlj");
248       // For extra safety, check that the jar file is in the classpath.
249       Class.forName("org.sbml.libsbml.libsbml");
250     }
251     catch (SecurityException e)
252     {
253       e.printStackTrace();
254       System.err.println("Could not load the libSBML library files due to a"+
255                          " security exception.\n");
256       System.exit(1);
257     }
258     catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e)
259     {
260       e.printStackTrace();
261       System.err.println("Error: could not link with the libSBML library files."+
262                          " It is likely\nyour " + varname +
263                          " environment variable does not include the directories\n"+
264                          "containing the " + shlibname + " library files.\n");
265       System.exit(1);
266     }
267     catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
268     {
269       e.printStackTrace();
270       System.err.println("Error: unable to load the file libsbmlj.jar."+
271                          " It is likely\nyour -classpath option and CLASSPATH" +
272                          " environment variable\n"+
273                          "do not include the path to libsbmlj.jar.\n");
274       System.exit(1);
275     }
276   }
277 }