1      subroutine getmul
2      implicit double precision (a-h,o-z), integer ( i-n)
3      common /rdwr/ iun1,iun2,iun3,iun4,iun5
4      character*137 line
5c     Dirk Huckriede got Bug out 25 Nov 93
7      call search(line,'distributed multipole analysis module',
8     &            istat)
9      do i=1,13
10         call nxtlin(line,jstat)
11         if (jstat.eq.1.or.jstat.eq.2) goto 100
13      end do
143        call nxtlin(line,jstat)
15         if (jstat.eq.1.or.jstat.eq.2) goto 100
17         if (index(line,'site').ne.0) call site(line)
18         if (index(line,'total multipoles referred to origin').ne.0)
19     &   goto 2
20         goto 3
212     continue
22      return
23100   call inferr('DMA: Premature End Of File !',1)
24      end