4 /*  $Id: neticache_client.hpp 617099 2020-09-25 17:09:07Z sadyrovr $
5  * ===========================================================================
6  *
7  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
8  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
9  *
10  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
11  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
12  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
13  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
14  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
15  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
16  *
17  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
18  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
19  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
20  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
21  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
22  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
23  *  purpose.
24  *
25  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
26  *
27  * ===========================================================================
28  *
29  * Authors:  Anatoliy Kuznetsov, Dmitry Kazimirov
30  *
31  * File Description:
32  *   Network client for ICache (NetCache).
33  *
34  */
36 /// @file neticache_client.hpp
37 /// NetCache ICache client specs.
38 ///
40 #include "netcache_api.hpp"
41 #include "netcache_search.hpp"
43 #include <list>
45 #include <connect/ncbi_core_cxx.hpp>
47 #include <util/resource_pool.hpp>
48 #include <util/cache/icache.hpp>
50 #include <corelib/request_control.hpp>
51 #include <corelib/plugin_manager_store.hpp>
52 #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
53 #include <corelib/ncbimtx.hpp>
59 /** @addtogroup NetCacheClient
60  *
61  * @{
62  */
64 struct SNetICacheClientImpl;
66 /// Client to NetCache server (implements ICache interface)
67 ///
68 /// @note This implementation is thread safe and synchronized
69 ///
70 class NCBI_NET_CACHE_EXPORT CNetICacheClient : public ICache
71 {
72     NCBI_NET_COMPONENT_IMPL(NetICacheClient);
74     /// Defines how this object must be initialized.
75     enum EAppRegistry {
76         eAppRegistry
77     };
79     /// Create an instance of CNetICacheClient and initialize
80     /// it with parameters read from the application registry.
81     /// @param use_app_reg
82     ///   Selects this constructor.
83     ///   The parameter is not used otherwise.
84     /// @param conf_section
85     ///   Name of the registry section to look for the configuration
86     ///   parameters in.  If an empty string is passed, the default
87     ///   section name "netcache" is used.
88     explicit CNetICacheClient(EAppRegistry use_app_reg,
89         const string& conf_section = kEmptyStr);
91     // Construct an instance using connection parameters
92     // specified in the configuration file.
93     CNetICacheClient(CConfig* config = NULL,
94                      const string& driver_name = kEmptyStr);
96     CNetICacheClient(const IRegistry& reg,
97                      const string& conf_section = kEmptyStr);
99     CNetICacheClient(const string& host,
100                      unsigned short port,
101                      const string& cache_name,
102                      const string& client_name);
104     CNetICacheClient(const string& service_name,
105                      const string& cache_name,
106                      const string& client_name);
108     /// Send session registration command
109     void RegisterSession(unsigned pid);
110     /// Send session unregistration command
111     void UnRegisterSession(unsigned pid);
113     // ICache interface implementation
115     virtual TFlags GetFlags();
116     virtual void SetFlags(TFlags flags);
117     virtual void SetTimeStampPolicy(TTimeStampFlags policy,
118                                     unsigned int    timeout,
119                                     unsigned int    max_timeout = 0);
120     virtual TTimeStampFlags GetTimeStampPolicy() const;
121     virtual int GetTimeout() const;
122     virtual bool IsOpen() const;
123     virtual void SetVersionRetention(EKeepVersions policy);
124     virtual EKeepVersions GetVersionRetention() const;
125     virtual void Store(const string&  key,
126                        int            version,
127                        const string&  subkey,
128                        const void*    data,
129                        size_t         size,
130                        unsigned int   time_to_live = 0,
131                        const string&  owner = kEmptyStr);
133     virtual size_t GetSize(const string&  key,
134                            int            version,
135                            const string&  subkey);
137     /// Returns the size of the BLOB identified by the "key", "version", and
138     /// "subkey" parameters.
139     ///
140     /// @note
141     ///    This updates the blob's expiration time.
142     size_t GetBlobSize(const string& key, int version, const string& subkey,
143             const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
145     virtual void GetBlobOwner(const string&  key,
146                               int            version,
147                               const string&  subkey,
148                               string*        owner);
150     typedef grid::netcache::search::CBlobInfo CBlobInfo;
151     typedef grid::netcache::search::CExpression CExpression;
152     typedef grid::netcache::search::CFields CFields;
154     /// Returns information for all blobs matching provided search expression.
155     /// @see NetCacheSearch for complete list of classes and operators.
156     ///
157     /// @param expression
158     ///    Search expression,
159     ///    e.g. 'created < hours(1) && size >= 1024'
160     /// @param fields
161     ///    Additional output fields requested in blob info,
162     ///    e.g. 'expires | version_expires'
163     /// @return
164     ///    Blob info consisting of key, subkey, fields from provided search
165     ///    expression and output fields for all blobs matched the expression
166     ///
167     vector<CBlobInfo> Search(CExpression expression, CFields fields = CFields());
169     /// @warning
170     ///    This method DOES NOT follow ICache::Read() interface
171     ///    on returning values/throwing exceptions.
172     ///
173     /// @return
174     ///    FALSE if BLOB has not been fully read
175     ///
176     /// @throw
177     ///    If any error occurs (e.g. BLOB doesn't exist or expired).
178     virtual bool Read(const string& key,
179                       int           version,
180                       const string& subkey,
181                       void*         buf,
182                       size_t        buf_size);
184     bool ReadPart(const string& key,
185         int version,
186         const string& subkey,
187         size_t offset,
188         size_t part_size,
189         void* buf,
190         size_t buf_size);
192     /// Read a lengthy blob via the IReader interface. The Read() method
193     /// of the returned implementation is not blocking. The caller
194     /// must provide a reading completion loop for the Read() call.
195     /// @see CNetCacheAPI::GetReader() for an example.
196     IReader* GetReadStream(
197         const string& key,
198         int version,
199         const string& subkey,
200         size_t* blob_size_ptr,
201         const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
203     /// Read a lengthy blob via the IReader interface. The Read() method
204     /// of the returned implementation is not blocking. The caller
205     /// must provide a reading completion loop for the Read() call.
206     /// @see CNetCacheAPI::GetReader() for an example.
207     virtual IReader* GetReadStream(
208         const string& key,
209         const string& subkey,
210         int* version,
211         EBlobVersionValidity* validity);
213     virtual void SetBlobVersionAsCurrent(
214         const string& key,
215         const string& subkey,
216         int version);
218     /// Read data from the specified blob. The IReader implementation
219     /// returned is NOT blocking: its Read() method may return a partial
220     /// result before the requested amount of data is retrieved.
221     /// The Read() call must be placed within a loop that completes
222     /// data retrieval.
223     /// @see CNetCacheAPI::GetReader() for an example.
224     ///
225     /// @param key
226     ///    ICache key
227     /// @param version
228     ///    ICache key version
229     /// @param subkey
230     ///    ICache subkey
231     /// @param offset
232     ///    Offset in the blob at which to start reading it.
233     /// @param part_size
234     ///    Maximum number of bytes to read with this call.
235     /// @param blob_size_ptr
236     ///    If not NULL, this parameter must point to a variable
237     ///    that will receive the total blob size in bytes.
238     /// @param caching_mode
239     ///    Defines whether to enable file caching.
240     /// @param server_to_use
241     ///    Explicitly define the server to use for reading.
242     /// @return
243     ///    IReader* (to be deleted by the caller).
244     IReader* GetReadStreamPart(
245         const string& key,
246         int version,
247         const string& subkey,
248         size_t offset,
249         size_t part_size,
250         size_t* blob_size_ptr,
251         const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
253     /// Read a lengthy blob via the IReader interface. The Read() method
254     /// of the returned implementation is not blocking. The caller
255     /// must provide a reading completion loop for the Read() call.
256     /// @see CNetCacheAPI::GetReader() for an example.
257     virtual IReader* GetReadStream(const string&  key,
258                                    int            version,
259                                    const string&  subkey);
261     virtual void GetBlobAccess(const string&     key,
262                                int               version,
263                                const string&     subkey,
264                                SBlobAccessDescr*  blob_descr);
266     /// Create or update the specified blob. This method is blocking --
267     /// it waits for a confirmation from NetCache after all
268     /// data is transferred. Since blob EOF marker is sent in the
269     /// destructor, the blob will not be created until the stream
270     /// is deleted.
271     ///
272     /// @param key
273     ///    ICache key
274     /// @param version
275     ///    ICache key version
276     /// @param subkey
277     ///    ICache subkey
278     /// @param time_to_live
279     ///    BLOB time to live value in seconds.
280     ///    0 - server side default is assumed.
281     /// @param caching_mode
282     ///    Defines whether to enable file caching.
283     /// @return
284     ///    IEmbeddedStreamWriter* (caller must delete it).
285     IEmbeddedStreamWriter* GetNetCacheWriter(
286         const string& key,
287         int version,
288         const string& subkey,
289         const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
291     virtual IWriter* GetWriteStream(
292         const string& key,
293         int version,
294         const string& subkey,
295         unsigned int time_to_live = 0,
296         const string& owner = kEmptyStr);
298     virtual void Remove(const string&    key,
299                         int              version,
300                         const string&    subkey);
301     void RemoveBlob(const string& key, int version, const string& subkey,
302             const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
304     virtual time_t GetAccessTime(const string&  key,
305                                  int            version,
306                                  const string&  subkey);
308     virtual bool HasBlobs(const string&  key,
309                           const string&  subkey);
310     bool HasBlob(const string& key, const string& subkey,
311             const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
313     virtual void Purge(time_t           access_timeout);
315     virtual void Purge(const string&    key,
316                        const string&    subkey,
317                        time_t           access_timeout);
319     virtual bool SameCacheParams(const TCacheParams* params) const;
320     virtual string GetCacheName(void) const;
322     /// Set communication timeout
323     void SetCommunicationTimeout(const STimeout& to);
324     STimeout  GetCommunicationTimeout() const;
326     /// Return a CNetServerMultilineCmdOutput object for reading
327     /// meta information about the specified blob.
328     ///
329     /// @note
330     ///    This does not update the blob's expiration time.
331     CNetServerMultilineCmdOutput GetBlobInfo(const string& key,
332             int version, const string& subkey,
333             const CNamedParameterList* optional = NULL);
335     /// Print meta information about the specified blob.
336     void PrintBlobInfo(const string& key, int version, const string& subkey);
338     CNetService GetService();
340     /// @deprecated Use Search() instead
GetSubkeyList(const string & key)341     NCBI_DEPRECATED list<string> GetSubkeyList(const string& key)
342     {
343         using namespace ncbi::grid::netcache::search;
344         list<string> r;
345         for (auto& i : Search(fields::key == key)) r.push_back(i[fields::subkey]);
346         return r;
347     }
348 };
350 extern NCBI_NET_CACHE_EXPORT const char* const kNetICacheDriverName;
352 extern "C"
353 {
356 void NCBI_EntryPoint_xcache_netcache(
357      CPluginManager<ICache>::TDriverInfoList&   info_list,
358      CPluginManager<ICache>::EEntryPointRequest method);
361 void Cache_RegisterDriver_NetCache(void);
363 } // extern C
365 /* @} */
370 #include "impl/neticache_client_int.hpp"