4 /* $Id: njn_localmaxstatutil.hpp 183505 2010-02-18 16:10:58Z boratyng $
5 * ===========================================================================
6 *
7 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
8 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
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29 /*****************************************************************************
31 File name: njn_localmaxstatutil.hpp
33 Author: John Spouge
35 Contents: Random walk parameters
37 ******************************************************************************/
39 #include <corelib/ncbistl.hpp>
40 #include <corelib/ncbitype.h>
41 #include <corelib/ncbi_limits.h>
43 #include "njn_matrix.hpp"
47 BEGIN_SCOPE(blast)
50 BEGIN_SCOPE(LocalMaxStatUtil)
53         const double REL_TOL = 1.0e-6;
55         void flatten ( // allocates memory for linear probabilities and scores
56         size_t dimension_, // dimension of equilProb_
57         const Int4 *const *scoreMatrix_, // packed scoring matrix [0...dimension_)[0...dimension_)
58         const double *const *prob_, // prob_ [0...dimension_)[0...dimension_) : distribution of scores sum to 1.0
59         size_t *dim_, // dimension of p_
60         Int4 **score_, // score [0...dim_) in increasing order
61         double **p_, // linear p_ [0...dim_) : distribution of scores
62         size_t dimension2_ = 0); // dimension2 of equilProb_ : defaults to dimension_
63         // asserts (sum (p_) == 1.0);
65         double lambda (
66         size_t dimMatrix_, // dimension of equilProb_
67         const Int4 *const *scoreMatrix_, // packed scoring matrix [0...dimension_)[0...dimension_)
68         const double *q_); // q_ [0...dimension_) : distribution of independent letters
70         double mu (
71         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
72         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
73         const double *prob_); // probability of corresponding value
75         double lambda (
76         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
77         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
78         const double *prob_); // probability of corresponding value
79         // assumes logarithmic regime
81         double muAssoc (
82         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
83         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
84         const double *prob_, // corresponding probabilities
85         double lambda_ = 0.0); // lambda
87         double muPowerAssoc (
88         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
89         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
90         const double *prob_, // corresponding probabilities
91         double lambda_ = 0.0, // lambda
92         Int4 power_ = 1); // power
94         double thetaMin ( // minimizing value for r(theta)
95         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
96         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
97         const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
98         double lambda_ = 0.0); // lambda
99         // assumes logarithmic regime
101         double rMin ( // minimum value of r(theta)
102         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
103         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
104         const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
105         double lambda_ = 0.0, // lambda
106         double thetaMin_ = 0.0); // argument of rate
107         // assumes logarithmic regime
109         double r ( // r(theta)
110         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
111         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
112         const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
113         double theta_); // argument of rate
114         // assumes logarithmic regime
116         Int4 delta ( // theta [minus delta] for ungapped sequence comparison
117         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
118         const Int4 *score_); // scores
120         double thetaMinusDelta ( // theta [minus delta] for ungapped sequence comparison
121         double lambda_, // lambda, the exponential rate for the local maximum
122         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
123         const Int4 *score_); // scores
125         void descendingLadderEpoch (
126         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
127         const Int4 *score_, // values
128         const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
129         double *eSumAlpha_ = 0, // expectation (sum [alpha])
130         double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ = 0, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha])]
131         bool isStrict_ = false, // ? is this a strict descending ladder epoch
132         double lambda0_ = 0.0, // lambda for flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
133         double mu0_ = 0.0, // mean of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
134         double muAssoc0_ = 0.0, // mean of associated flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
135         double thetaMin0_ = 0.0, // thetaMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
136         double rMin0_ = 0.0, // rMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
137         double time_ = 0.0, // get time for the dynamic programming computation
138         bool *terminated_ = 0); // ? Was the dynamic programming computation terminated prematurely ?
140         void descendingLadderEpochRepeat (
141         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
142         const Int4 *score_, // values
143         const double *prob_, // probability of corresponding value
144         double *eSumAlpha_ = 0, // expectation (sum [alpha])
145         double *eOneMinusExpSumAlpha_ = 0, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha])]
146         bool isStrict_ = false, // ? is this a strict descending ladder epoch
147         double lambda_ = 0.0, // lambda for repeats : default is lambda0_ below
148         size_t endW_ = 0, // maximum w plus 1
149         double *pAlphaW_ = 0, // probability {alpha = w} : pAlphaW_ [0, wEnd)
150         double *eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ = 0, // expectation [1.0 - exp (sum [alpha]); alpha = w] : eOneMinusExpSumAlphaW_ [0, wEnd)
151         double lambda0_ = 0.0, // lambda for flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
152         double mu0_ = 0.0, // mean of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
153         double muAssoc0_ = 0.0, // mean of associated flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
154         double thetaMin0_ = 0.0, // thetaMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
155         double rMin0_ = 0.0, // rMin of flattened distribution (avoid recomputation)
156         double time_ = 0.0, // get time for the dynamic programming computation
157         bool *terminated_ = 0); // ? Was the dynamic programming computation terminated prematurely ?
158         // assumes logarithmic regime
160         bool isProbDist (
161         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values) of scores & probabilities (which are paired)
162         const double *prob_); // corresponding probabilities
164         bool isScoreIncreasing (
165         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
166         const Int4 *score_); // scores in increasing order
168         bool isLogarithmic (
169         size_t dimension_, // #(distinct values)
170         const Int4 *score_, // scores in increasing order
171         const double *prob_); // probability of corresponding value
173 END_SCOPE(LocalMaxStatUtil)
174 END_SCOPE(Njn)
176 END_SCOPE(blast)