1 /*  $Id: osg_connection.cpp 629837 2021-04-22 12:47:49Z ivanov $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
4  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  *  purpose.
21  *
22  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Authors: Eugene Vasilchenko
27  *
28  * File Description: base class for processors which may generate os_gateway
29  *                   fetches
30  *
31  */
33 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
35 #include "osg_connection.hpp"
37 #include <corelib/ncbithr.hpp>
38 #include <connect/ncbi_conn_stream.hpp>
39 #include <objects/id2/ID2_Request.hpp>
40 #include <objects/id2/ID2_Param.hpp>
41 #include <objects/id2/ID2_Params.hpp>
42 #include <objects/id2/ID2_Request_Packet.hpp>
43 #include <objects/id2/ID2_Reply.hpp>
44 #include <objects/id2/ID2_Reply_Data.hpp>
45 #include <serial/serial.hpp>
46 #include <serial/iterator.hpp>
47 #include <cmath>
48 #include <corelib/ncbi_system.hpp>
49 #include <corelib/impl/ncbi_dbsvcmapper.hpp>
50 #include "osg_processor_base.hpp"
51 #include "osg_mapper.hpp"
59 // Configuration parameters' names
60 static const char kConfigSection[] = "OSG_PROCESSOR";
61 static const char kParamServiceName[] = "service";
62 static const char kParamMaxConnectionCount[] = "maxconn";
63 static const char kParamDebugLevel[] = "debug";
64 static const char kParamExpirationTimeout[] = "expiration_timeout";
65 static const char kParamReadTimeout[] = "read_timeout";
66 static const char kParamCDDRetryTimeout[] = "cdd_retry_timeout";
67 static const char kParamRetryCount[] = "retry_count";
68 static const char kParamPreferredServer[] = "preferred_server";
69 static const char kParamPreference[] = "preference";
70 static const char kParamEnabledCDD[] = "enabled_cdd";
71 static const char kParamEnabledSNP[] = "enabled_snp";
72 static const char kParamEnabledWGS[] = "enabled_wgs";
74 // Default configuration parameters' values
75 static const char kDefaultServiceName[] = "ID2_SNP2";
76 static const int kMinMaxConnectionCount = 1;
77 static const int kDefaultMaxConnectionCount = 64;
78 static const EDebugLevel kDefaultDebugLevel = eDebug_error;
79 static const double kMinExpirationTimeout = 1;
80 static const double kDefaultExpirationTimeout = 60;
81 static const double kMinReadTimeout = .1;
82 static const double kDefaultReadTimeout = 30;
83 static const double kMinCDDRetryTimeout = .1;
84 static const double kDefaultCDDRetryTimeout = 0.9;
85 static const int kMinRetryCount = 1;
86 static const int kDefaultRetryCount = 3;
87 static const char kDefaultPreferredServer[] = "localhost";
88 static const int kDefaultPreference = 90;
89 static const int kDefaultEnabledCDD = false;
90 static const int kDefaultEnabledSNP = true;
91 static const int kDefaultEnabledWGS = true;
93 static const int kNonResolutionTimeout = 5;
COSGConnection(size_t connection_id)96 COSGConnection::COSGConnection(size_t connection_id)
97     : m_ConnectionID(connection_id),
98       m_RequestCount(0),
99       m_InitRequestWasSent(false),
100       m_Timestamp(CStopWatch::eStart)
101 {
102 }
COSGConnection(size_t connection_id,unique_ptr<CConn_IOStream> && stream)105 COSGConnection::COSGConnection(size_t connection_id,
106                                unique_ptr<CConn_IOStream>&& stream)
107     : m_ConnectionID(connection_id),
108       m_Stream(move(stream)),
109       m_RequestCount(0),
110       m_InitRequestWasSent(false),
111       m_Timestamp(CStopWatch::eStart)
112 {
113 }
~COSGConnection()116 COSGConnection::~COSGConnection()
117 {
118     if ( m_RemoveFrom ) {
119         m_RemoveFrom->RemoveConnection(*this);
120     }
121     _ASSERT(!m_RemoveFrom);
122 }
UpdateTimestamp()125 double COSGConnection::UpdateTimestamp()
126 {
127     return m_Timestamp.Restart();
128 }
AcceptFeedback(int feedback)131 void COSGConnection::AcceptFeedback(int feedback)
132 {
133     if ( feedback != 0 && m_RemoveFrom && m_ServerInfo ) {
134         m_RemoveFrom->m_Mapper->AcceptFeedback(m_ServiceName,
135                                                m_ServerInfo->GetHost(), m_ServerInfo->GetPort(),
136                                                (feedback < 0?
137                                                 COSGServiceMapper::eNegativeFeedback:
138                                                 COSGServiceMapper::ePositiveFeedback));
139     }
140 }
143 template<class Type>
144 struct SConditionalASNLogger
145 {
SConditionalASNLoggerSConditionalASNLogger146     SConditionalASNLogger(const Type& obj, bool condition)
147         : m_Object(obj), m_Condition(condition)
148         {
149         }
151     const Type& m_Object;
152     bool m_Condition;
153 };
154 template<class Type>
operator <<(CNcbiOstream & out,const SConditionalASNLogger<Type> & logger)155 CNcbiOstream& operator<<(CNcbiOstream& out, const SConditionalASNLogger<Type>& logger)
156 {
157     if ( logger.m_Condition ) {
158         out << MSerial_AsnText << logger.m_Object;
159     }
160     else {
161         out << Type::GetTypeInfo()->GetName();
162     }
163     return out;
164 }
165 template<class Type>
LogASNIf(const Type & obj,bool condition)166 SConditionalASNLogger<Type> LogASNIf(const Type& obj, bool condition)
167 {
168     return SConditionalASNLogger<Type>(obj, condition);
169 }
172 const bool kSimulateFailures = false;
173 const int kNoFailureCount = 8;
174 const int kFailureRate = 8;
175 static DECLARE_TLS_VAR(int, s_NoFailureCount);
s_SimulateFailure(const char * where)177 static void s_SimulateFailure(const char* where)
178 {
179     if ( !kSimulateFailures ) {
180         return;
181     }
182     if ( s_NoFailureCount > 0 ) {
183         --s_NoFailureCount;
184     }
185     else if ( random() % kFailureRate == 0 ) {
186         s_NoFailureCount = kNoFailureCount;
187         string msg = string("simulated OSG ")+where+" failure";
188         if ( random() % 2 ) {
189             throw runtime_error(msg);
190         }
191         else {
192             NCBI_THROW(CIOException, eWrite, msg);
193         }
194     }
195 }
SendRequestPacket(const CID2_Request_Packet & packet)198 void COSGConnection::SendRequestPacket(const CID2_Request_Packet& packet)
199 {
200     _ASSERT(m_RemoveFrom);
201     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_exchange ) {
202         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<GetConnectionID()<<"): "
203                  "Sending "<<LogASNIf(packet, GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_asn));
204     }
205     _ASSERT(!packet.Get().empty());
206     _ASSERT(packet.Get().front()->GetSerial_number()+int(packet.Get().size()) == GetNextRequestSerialNumber());
207     _ASSERT(packet.Get().back()->GetSerial_number()+1 == GetNextRequestSerialNumber());
208     s_SimulateFailure("send");
209     _ASSERT(m_InitRequestWasSent || packet.Get().front()->GetRequest().IsInit());
210     *m_Stream << MSerial_AsnBinary << packet;
211     if ( packet.Get().front()->GetRequest().IsInit() ) {
212         m_InitRequestWasSent = true;
213     }
214     _ASSERT(m_InitRequestWasSent);
215 }
ReceiveReply()218 CRef<CID2_Reply> COSGConnection::ReceiveReply()
219 {
220     s_SimulateFailure("read");
221     CRef<CID2_Reply> reply(new CID2_Reply());
222     *m_Stream >> MSerial_AsnBinary >> *reply;
223     _ASSERT(m_RemoveFrom);
224     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_exchange ) {
225         if ( GetDebugLevel() == eDebug_asn ) {
226             CTypeIterator<CID2_Reply_Data> iter = Begin(*reply);
227             if ( iter && iter->IsSetData() ) {
228                 CID2_Reply_Data::TData save;
229                 save.swap(iter->SetData());
230                 size_t size = 0, count = 0;
231                 ITERATE ( CID2_Reply_Data::TData, i, save ) {
232                     ++count;
233                     size_t chunk = (*i)->size();
234                     size += chunk;
235                 }
236                 LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<GetConnectionID()<<"): "
237                          "Received "<<MSerial_AsnText<<*reply<<
238                          "Data: " << size << " bytes in "<<count<<" chunks");
239                 save.swap(iter->SetData());
240             }
241             else {
242                 LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<GetConnectionID()<<"): "
243                          "Received "<<MSerial_AsnText<<*reply);
244             }
245         }
246         else {
247             LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<GetConnectionID()<<"): "
248                      "Received "<<LogASNIf(*reply, GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_raw));
249         }
250     }
251     return reply;
252 }
MakeInitRequest()255 CRef<CID2_Request> COSGConnection::MakeInitRequest()
256 {
257     CRef<CID2_Request> req(new CID2_Request());
258     req->SetRequest().SetInit();
259     if ( 1 ) {
260         // set client name
261         CRef<CID2_Param> param(new CID2_Param);
262         param->SetName("log:client_name");
263         param->SetValue().push_back("pubseq_gateway");
264         req->SetParams().Set().push_back(param);
265     }
266     if ( 1 ) {
267         CRef<CID2_Param> param(new CID2_Param);
268         param->SetName("id2:allow");
270         // allow new blob-state field in several ID2 replies
271         param->SetValue().push_back("*.blob-state");
272         // enable VDB-based WGS sequences
273         param->SetValue().push_back("vdb-wgs");
274         // enable VDB-based SNP sequences
275         param->SetValue().push_back("vdb-snp");
276         // enable VDB-based CDD sequences
277         param->SetValue().push_back("vdb-cdd");
278         req->SetParams().Set().push_back(param);
279     }
280     return req;
281 }
MakeInitRequestPacket()284 CRef<CID2_Request_Packet> COSGConnection::MakeInitRequestPacket()
285 {
286     CRef<CID2_Request_Packet> packet(new CID2_Request_Packet);
287     packet->Set().push_back(MakeInitRequest());
288     packet->Set().back()->SetSerial_number(AllocateRequestSerialNumber());
289     return packet;
290 }
COSGConnectionPool()293 COSGConnectionPool::COSGConnectionPool()
294     : m_ServiceName(kDefaultServiceName),
295       m_MaxConnectionCount(kDefaultMaxConnectionCount),
296       m_ExpirationTimeout(kDefaultExpirationTimeout),
297       m_ReadTimeout(kDefaultReadTimeout),
298       m_CDDRetryTimeout(kDefaultCDDRetryTimeout),
299       m_RetryCount(kDefaultRetryCount),
300       m_EnabledCDD(kDefaultEnabledCDD),
301       m_EnabledSNP(kDefaultEnabledSNP),
302       m_EnabledWGS(kDefaultEnabledWGS),
303       m_WaitConnectionSlot(0, kMax_Int),
304       m_NextConnectionID(1),
305       m_ConnectionCount(0),
306       m_ConnectFailureCount(0)
307 {
308 }
~COSGConnectionPool()311 COSGConnectionPool::~COSGConnectionPool()
312 {
313 }
AppParseArgs(const CArgs &)316 void COSGConnectionPool::AppParseArgs(const CArgs& /*args*/)
317 {
318     // TODO
319 }
g_OSG_GetPreferredAddress(const string & name)322 static Uint4 g_OSG_GetPreferredAddress(const string& name)
323 {
324     if (name.empty()) {
325         return 0;
326     } else if (NStr::EqualNocase(name, "localhost")) {
327         return CSocketAPI::GetLocalHostAddress();
328     } else {
329         return CSocketAPI::gethostbyname(name);
330     }
331 }
LoadConfig(const CNcbiRegistry & registry,string section)334 void COSGConnectionPool::LoadConfig(const CNcbiRegistry& registry, string section)
335 {
336     if ( section.empty() ) {
337         section = kConfigSection;
338     }
340 #define CHECK_PARAM_MIN(value, name, min_value)                         \
341     do {                                                                \
342         if ( value < min_value ) {                                      \
343             NCBI_THROW_FMT(CPubseqGatewayException, eConfigurationError, \
344                            name<<"(="<<value<<") < "<<min_value);       \
345         }                                                               \
346     } while (0)
348     m_ServiceName =
349         registry.GetString(section,
350                            kParamServiceName,
351                            kDefaultServiceName);
352     m_MaxConnectionCount =
353         registry.GetInt(section,
354                         kParamMaxConnectionCount,
355                         kDefaultMaxConnectionCount);
356     CHECK_PARAM_MIN(m_MaxConnectionCount, kParamMaxConnectionCount, kMinMaxConnectionCount);
358     m_ExpirationTimeout =
359         registry.GetDouble(section,
360                            kParamExpirationTimeout,
361                            kDefaultExpirationTimeout);
362     CHECK_PARAM_MIN(m_ExpirationTimeout, kParamExpirationTimeout, kMinExpirationTimeout);
364     m_ReadTimeout =
365         registry.GetDouble(section,
366                            kParamReadTimeout,
367                            kDefaultReadTimeout);
368     CHECK_PARAM_MIN(m_ReadTimeout, kParamReadTimeout, kMinReadTimeout);
370     m_CDDRetryTimeout =
371         registry.GetDouble(section,
372                            kParamCDDRetryTimeout,
373                            kDefaultCDDRetryTimeout);
374     CHECK_PARAM_MIN(m_CDDRetryTimeout, kParamCDDRetryTimeout, kMinCDDRetryTimeout);
376     m_RetryCount =
377         registry.GetInt(section,
378                            kParamRetryCount,
379                            kDefaultRetryCount);
380     CHECK_PARAM_MIN(m_RetryCount, kParamRetryCount, kMinRetryCount);
382 #undef CHECK_PARAM_MIN
384     SetDebugLevel(registry.GetInt(section,
385                                   kParamDebugLevel,
386                                   eDebugLevel_default));
387     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
388         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity()<<"OSG: pool of "<<m_MaxConnectionCount<<
389                  " connections to "<<m_ServiceName);
390     }
392     COSGServiceMapper::InitDefaults(const_cast<CNcbiRegistry&>(registry));
393     CRef<COSGServiceMapper> service_mapper(new COSGServiceMapper(&registry));
394     string preferred_server = registry.GetString(section,
395                                                  kParamPreferredServer,
396                                                  kDefaultPreferredServer);
397     int preference = registry.GetInt(section,
398                                      kParamPreference,
399                                      kDefaultPreference);
400     auto psg_ip = g_OSG_GetPreferredAddress(preferred_server);
401     TSvrRef pref_info(new CDBServer(m_ServiceName, psg_ip));
402     service_mapper->SetPreference(m_ServiceName, pref_info, preference);
403     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
404         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity()<<"OSG: prefer "<<preferred_server<<
405                  " ["<<CSocketAPI::ntoa(psg_ip)<<"] by "<<preference);
406     }
407     m_Mapper = service_mapper;
409     m_EnabledCDD = registry.GetBool(section,
410                                     kParamEnabledCDD,
411                                     kDefaultEnabledCDD);
412     m_EnabledSNP = registry.GetBool(section,
413                                     kParamEnabledSNP,
414                                     kDefaultEnabledSNP);
415     m_EnabledWGS = registry.GetBool(section,
416                                     kParamEnabledWGS,
417                                     kDefaultEnabledWGS);
418 }
SetLogging(EDiagSev severity)421 void COSGConnectionPool::SetLogging(EDiagSev severity)
422 {
423     SetDiagSeverity(severity);
424 }
AllocateConnection()427 CRef<COSGConnection> COSGConnectionPool::AllocateConnection()
428 {
429     CRef<COSGConnection> conn;
430     while ( !conn ) {
431         {{
432             CMutexGuard guard(m_Mutex);
433             while ( !conn && !m_FreeConnections.empty() ) {
434                 conn = move(m_FreeConnections.front());
435                 m_FreeConnections.pop_front();
436                 _ASSERT(!conn->m_RemoveFrom);
437                 if ( conn->UpdateTimestamp() > m_ExpirationTimeout ) {
438                     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
439                         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity()<<"OSG("<<conn->GetConnectionID()<<"): "
440                                  "Closing expired connection");
441                     }
442                     --m_ConnectionCount;
443                     conn = nullptr;
444                 }
445             }
446             if ( !conn && m_ConnectionCount < m_MaxConnectionCount ) {
447                 conn = new COSGConnection(m_NextConnectionID++);
448                 ++m_ConnectionCount;
449             }
450         }}
451         if ( !conn ) {
452             m_WaitConnectionSlot.Wait();
453         }
454     }
455     _ASSERT(m_ConnectionCount > 0);
456     _ASSERT(!conn->m_RemoveFrom);
457     conn->m_RemoveFrom = this;
458     if ( !conn->m_Stream ) {
459         try {
460             x_OpenConnection(*conn);
461             m_ConnectFailureCount = 0;
462         }
463         catch ( ... ) {
464             ++m_ConnectFailureCount;
465             throw;
466         }
467     }
468     return conn;
469 }
x_OpenConnection(COSGConnection & conn)472 void COSGConnectionPool::x_OpenConnection(COSGConnection& conn)
473 {
474     _ASSERT(conn.m_RemoveFrom == this);
475     size_t connection_id = conn.GetConnectionID();
476     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
477         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<connection_id<<"): "
478                  "Connecting to "<<m_ServiceName);
479     }
480     int wait_count = m_ConnectFailureCount;
481     if ( wait_count > 0 ) {
482         // delay before opening new connection to a failing server
483         double wait_seconds = .5*pow(2., wait_count-1)+.5*wait_count;
484         wait_seconds = min(wait_seconds, 10.);
485         if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
486             LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<connection_id<<"): waiting "<<
487                      wait_seconds<<"s before new connection");
488         }
489         SleepMicroSec((unsigned long)(wait_seconds*1e6));
490     }
491     unique_ptr<CConn_IOStream> stream;
492     conn.m_ServiceName = m_ServiceName;
493     conn.m_ServerInfo = move(x_GetServer());
494     if ( conn.m_ServerInfo ) {
495         string host = CSocketAPI::ntoa(conn.m_ServerInfo->GetHost());
496         if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
497             LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<connection_id<<"): "
498                      "Connecting to "<<host<<":"<<conn.m_ServerInfo->GetPort());
499         }
500         stream = make_unique<CConn_SocketStream>(host, conn.m_ServerInfo->GetPort());
501     }
502     else {
503         stream = make_unique<CConn_ServiceStream>(m_ServiceName);
504     }
505     if ( !stream || !*stream ) {
506         NCBI_THROW(CIOException, eWrite, "failed to open connection");
507     }
508     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
509         string descr = m_ServiceName;
510         if ( CONN conn = stream->GetCONN() ) {
511             AutoPtr<char, CDeleter<char> > conn_descr(CONN_Description(conn));
512             if ( conn_descr ) {
513                 descr += " -> ";
514                 descr += conn_descr.get();
515             }
516         }
517         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity() << "OSG("<<connection_id<<"): "
518                  "Connected to "<<descr);
519     }
520     conn.m_Stream = move(stream);
521     if ( 1 ) {
522         auto req_packet = conn.MakeInitRequestPacket();
523         conn.SendRequestPacket(*req_packet);
524         _ASSERT(conn.InitRequestWasSent());
525         auto reply = conn.ReceiveReply();
526         if ( !reply->GetReply().IsInit() || !reply->IsSetEnd_of_reply() ) {
527             NCBI_THROW(CIOException, eRead, "bad init reply");
528         }
529         conn.AcceptFeedback(+1);
530     }
531 }
x_GetServer()534 TSvrRef COSGConnectionPool::x_GetServer()
535 {
536     if ( !m_Mapper ) {
537         return null;
538     }
539     CMutexGuard guard(m_Mutex);
540     if ( m_NonresolutionRetryDeadline && !m_NonresolutionRetryDeadline->IsExpired() ) {
541         return null;
542     }
543     TSvrRef server;
544     do {
545         if ( !m_Balancer ) {
546             IDBServiceMapper::TOptions options;
547             m_Mapper->GetServerOptions(m_ServiceName, &options);
548             m_Balancer.Reset(new CPoolBalancer(m_ServiceName, options, true));
549         }
550         server = m_Balancer->GetServer();
551         if ( !server ) {
552             ERR_POST(Warning <<
553                      "Unable to resolve OSG service name "
554                      << m_ServiceName
555                      << " via supplied mapper; passing it as is.");
556             m_NonresolutionRetryDeadline.reset(new CDeadline(kNonResolutionTimeout));
557         }
558         else if ( server->GetExpireTime() < CCurrentTime().GetTimeT() ) {
559             m_Balancer.Reset();
560         }
561     } while ( !m_Balancer );
562     if ( !server || server->GetHost() == 0 || server->GetPort() == 0 ) {
563         return null;
564     }
565     else {
566         return server;
567     }
568 }
ReleaseConnection(CRef<COSGConnection> & conn)571 void COSGConnectionPool::ReleaseConnection(CRef<COSGConnection>& conn)
572 {
573     CMutexGuard guard(m_Mutex);
574     _ASSERT(conn);
575     _ASSERT(m_ConnectionCount > 0);
576     _ASSERT(conn->m_RemoveFrom == this);
577     conn->AcceptFeedback(+1);
578     conn->m_RemoveFrom = nullptr;
579     m_FreeConnections.push_back(move(conn));
580     _ASSERT(!conn);
581     m_WaitConnectionSlot.Post();
582 }
RemoveConnection(COSGConnection & conn)585 void COSGConnectionPool::RemoveConnection(COSGConnection& conn)
586 {
587     if ( GetDebugLevel() >= eDebug_open ) {
588         LOG_POST(GetDiagSeverity()<<"OSG("<<conn.GetConnectionID()<<"): "
589                  "Closing failed connection");
590     }
591     CMutexGuard guard(m_Mutex);
592     _ASSERT(m_ConnectionCount > 0);
593     _ASSERT(conn.m_RemoveFrom == this);
594     conn.AcceptFeedback(-1);
595     conn.m_RemoveFrom = nullptr;
596     --m_ConnectionCount;
597     m_WaitConnectionSlot.Post();
598 }