1 /* $Id: smith_waterman.h,v 1.2 2005/12/19 15:38:01 gertz Exp $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
4  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  *  purpose.
21  *
22  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================*/
25 /**
26  * @file smith_waterman.h
27  * Definitions for computing Smith-Waterman alignments
28  *
29  * @author Alejandro Schaffer, E. Michael Gertz
30  */
31 #ifndef __SMITH_WATERMAN__
32 #define __SMITH_WATERMAN__
34 #include <algo/blast/core/blast_export.h>
35 #include <algo/blast/core/ncbi_std.h>
37 #ifdef __cplusplus
38 extern "C" {
39 #endif
41 /**
42  * An instance of Blast_ForbiddenRanges is used by the Smith-Waterman
43  * algorithm to represent ranges in the database that are not to be
44  * aligned.
45  */
46 typedef struct Blast_ForbiddenRanges {
47     int   isEmpty;             /**< True if there are no forbidden ranges */
48     int  *numForbidden;        /**< how many forbidden ranges at each
49                                     database position */
50     int **ranges;              /**< forbidden ranges for each database
51                                    position */
52     int   capacity;         /**< length of the query sequence */
53 } Blast_ForbiddenRanges;
56 /**
57  * Initialize a new, empty Blast_ForbiddenRanges
58  *
59  * @param self              object to be initialized
60  * @param capacity          the number of ranges that may be stored
61  *                          (must be at least as long as the length
62  *                           of the query)
63  */
65 int Blast_ForbiddenRangesInitialize(Blast_ForbiddenRanges * self,
66                                     int capacity);
69 /** Reset self to be empty */
71 void Blast_ForbiddenRangesClear(Blast_ForbiddenRanges * self);
74 /** Add some ranges to self
75  * @param self          an instance of Blast_ForbiddenRanges [in][out]
76  * @param queryStart    start of the alignment in the query sequence
77  * @param queryEnd      the end of the alignment in the query sequence
78  * @param matchStart    start of the alignment in the subject sequence
79  * @param matchEnd      the end of the alignment in the subject sequence
80  */
82 int Blast_ForbiddenRangesPush(Blast_ForbiddenRanges * self,
83                               int queryStart, int queryEnd,
84                               int matchStart, int matchEnd);
87 /**
88  * Release the storage associated with the fields of self, but do not
89  * delete self
90  *
91  * @param self          an instance of Blast_ForbiddenRanges [in][out]
92  */
94 void Blast_ForbiddenRangesRelease(Blast_ForbiddenRanges * self);
97 /**
98  * Find the left-hand endpoints of the locally optimal Smith-Waterman
99  * alignment given the score and right-hand endpoints computed by
100  * Blast_SmithWatermanScoreOnly.
101  *
102  * @param *score_out        the score of the optimal alignment -- should
103  *                          equal score_in.
104  * @param *matchSeqStart    the left-hand endpoint of the alignment in
105  *                          the database sequence
106  * @param *queryStart       the right-hand endpoint of the alignment
107  *                          in the query sequence
108  * @param subject_data      the database sequence data
109  * @param subject_length    length of matchSeq
110  * @param query_data        the query sequence data
111  * @param matrix            amino-acid scoring matrix
112  * @param gapOpen           penalty for opening a gap
113  * @param gapExtend         penalty for extending a gap by one amino acid
114  * @param matchSeqEnd       right-hand endpoint of the alignment in
115  *                          the database sequence
116  * @param queryEnd          right-hand endpoint of the alignment in
117  *                          the query
118  * @param score_in          the score of the alignment
119  * @param positionSpecific  determines whether matrix is position
120  *                          specific or not
121  * @param forbiddenRanges   ranges that must not be included in the alignment
122  *
123  * @return 0 on success, -1 on out-of-memory
124  */
126 int Blast_SmithWatermanFindStart(int * score_out,
127                                  int *matchSeqStart,
128                                  int *queryStart,
129                                  const Uint1 * subject_data,
130                                  int subject_length,
131                                  const Uint1 * query_data,
132                                  int **matrix,
133                                  int gapOpen,
134                                  int gapExtend,
135                                  int matchSeqEnd,
136                                  int queryEnd,
137                                  int score_in,
138                                  int positionSpecific,
139                                  const Blast_ForbiddenRanges *
140                                  forbiddenRanges);
142 /**
143  * Compute the score and right-hand endpoints of the locally optimal
144  * Smith-Waterman alignment, possibly subject to the restriction that some
145  * ranges are forbidden.
146  *
147  * @param *score            the computed score
148  * @param *matchSeqEnd      the right-hand end of the alignment in the
149  *                          database sequence
150  * @param *queryEnd         the right-hand end of the alignment in the
151  *                          query sequence
152  * @param subject_data      the database sequence data
153  * @param subject_length    length of matchSeq
154  * @param query_data        the query sequence data
155  * @param query_length      length of query
156  * @param matrix            amino-acid scoring matrix
157  * @param gapOpen           penalty for opening a gap
158  * @param gapExtend         penalty for extending a gap by one amino acid
159  * @param forbiddenRanges   lists areas that should not be aligned [in]
160  * @param positionSpecific  determines whether matrix is position
161  *                          specific or not
162  * @return 0 on success; -1 on out-of-memory
163  */
165 int Blast_SmithWatermanScoreOnly(int *score,
166                                  int *matchSeqEnd, int *queryEnd,
167                                  const Uint1 * subject_data,
168                                  int subject_length,
169                                  const Uint1 * query_data,
170                                  int query_length, int **matrix,
171                                  int gapOpen, int gapExtend,
172                                  int positionSpecific,
173                                  const Blast_ForbiddenRanges *
174                                  forbiddenRanges);
176 #ifdef __cplusplus
177 }
178 #endif
180 #endif