1-- C apps --
4-- Properties
7property pUsingCPlusPlus : false
8property pProjectFileExtension : ".mcp"
10-- Whether to recreate existing project files.
11property pAlwaysCreateProjects : false
12-- Which targets to build.
13-- All of the targets are populated all the time. These affect what is compiled & built.
14property pCreateCarbonTargets : true
15property pCreateMachOTargets : true
16property pCreateWinTargets : true
18property pCreateDebugTargets : true
19property pCreateOptimizedTargets : true
21property pCreateProfiledTargets : false
23property pCreateBlastTargets : false
25-- Whether to compile anything.
26property pShouldBuild : true
28property pMakeStationeryScript : "makeStat.met"
29property pStationeryName : "ApplicationStationery"
31property pDirsToCreate : {�
32	{relPath:"", name:"build"}, �
33	{relPath:"build", name:pStationeryName}}
36global gProjectData
38on SimpleProjectData(projName, features)
40	if (count characters of projName) > 18 then
41		set projName to characters 1 through 18 of projName as string
42	end if
44	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
46		if features does not contain "C" and features does not contain "C++" then
47			--error "Project " & projName & "'s default language (a feature) must be C or C++."
48			copy "C" to end of features
49		end if
50		set myFeatures to features
51		return {name:projName, features:myFeatures, rsrcs:{"ncbilogo.r", "Info.plc"}, settings:�
52			{Prefix File:"", ppcProject:{}}, projLibs:�
53			{"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "vibrant", "ncbimmdb", "ncbitool"}, fileData:�
54			{{projPath:"demo:", fileList:{projName}}}}
56	end tell
57end SimpleProjectData
59on AddSimpleProject(projName, features)
61	AddProject(SimpleProjectData(projName, features))
63end AddSimpleProject
65on AddProject(projData)
67	copy projData to end of gProjectData
69end AddProject
71on SetProjectData()
72	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
74		-- Sequin
75		set myName to "Sequin"
76		set myFeatures to {"sockets"}
77		set mySettings to �
78			{Prefix File:"", creator:"SEQN", ppcProject:{Preferred Heap Size:32000, Min Heap Size:6000}} �
80		set myRsrcs to {"sequin.r", "InfoSequin.plc"}
81		set myLibs to {"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "ncbicdr", "vibrant", "ncbidesk", �
82			"ncbimmdb", "ncbitool", "netcli", "netentr", "ncbibls3", "ncbimla", �
83			"ncbitxc2", "ncbiid1", "vibnet"}
84		set myFiles to �
85			{{projPath:"cdromlib:", fileList:{"accentr", "accutils"}}, �
86				{projPath:"sequin:", fileList:{"sequin1", "sequin2", "sequin3", "sequin4", "sequin5", �
87					"sequin6", "sequin7", "sequin8", "sequin9", "sequin10", "sequinx"}}}
88		set sequinData to �
89			{name:myName, features:myFeatures, settings:mySettings, rsrcs:myRsrcs, projLibs:�
90				myLibs, fileData:myFiles}
92		-- Entrez
93		set myName to "Entrez"
94		set myFeatures to {"sockets"}
95		set mySettings to {Prefix File:"", creator:"ENTZ", ppcProject:{}}
96		set myRsrcs to {"entrez.r", "Info.plc"}
97		set myLibs to {"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "ncbicdr", "vibrant", "ncbidesk", "ncbimmdb", �
98			"ncbitool", "netcli", "netentr", "ncbibls3", "ncbiid1", "vibnet"}
99		set myFiles to �
100			{{projPath:"cdromlib:", fileList:{"accentr", "accutils"}}, �
101				{projPath:"demo:", fileList:{"entrez"}}}
102		set entrezData to �
103			{name:myName, features:myFeatures, settings:mySettings, rsrcs:myRsrcs, projLibs:�
104				myLibs, fileData:myFiles}
106		-- Entrez2
107		set myName to "Entrez2"
108		set myFeatures to {"sockets"}
109		set mySettings to {Prefix File:"", creator:"ENTZ", ppcProject:{}}
110		set myRsrcs to {"entrez.r", "Info.plc"}
111		set myLibs to {"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "ncbimmdb", "ncbitool", "vibrant", "ncbidesk"}
112		set myFiles to �
113			{{projPath:"demo:", fileList:{"entrez2"}}}
114		set entrez2Data to �
115			{name:myName, features:myFeatures, settings:mySettings, rsrcs:myRsrcs, projLibs:�
116				myLibs, fileData:myFiles}
118		-- BlastCL3
119		set myName to "blastcl3"
120		set myFeatures to {"sockets"}
121		set mySettings to {Prefix File:"blastcl3.pfx", ppcProject:{}}
122		set myRsrcs to {"ncbilogo.r", "Info.plc"}
123		set myLibs to {"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "vibrant", "ncbitool", "netcli", "ncbibls3"}
124		set myFiles to �
125			{{projPath:"demo:", fileList:{"blastall"}}}
126		set blastcl3Data to �
127			{name:myName, features:myFeatures, settings:mySettings, rsrcs:myRsrcs, projLibs:�
128				myLibs, fileData:myFiles}
130		-- Bl2seq
131		set myName to "bl2seq"
132		set myFeatures to {"sockets"}
133		set mySettings to {Prefix File:"", ppcProject:{}}
134		set myRsrcs to {"ncbilogo.r", "Info.plc"}
135		set myLibs to {"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "vibrant", "ncbitool", "netcli", "ncbibls3", "ncbiid1"}
136		set myFiles to �
137			{{projPath:"demo:", fileList:{"bl2seq"}}}
138		set bl2seqData to �
139			{name:myName, features:myFeatures, settings:mySettings, rsrcs:myRsrcs, projLibs:�
140				myLibs, fileData:myFiles}
142		-- Impala
143		set impalaData to my SimpleProjectData("impala", {})
144		set item 1 of fileList of item 1 of fileData of impalaData to "profiles"
146		-- Spidey
147		set myName to "spidey"
148		set myFeatures to {"sockets"}
149		set mySettings to {Prefix File:"", ppcProject:{}}
150		set myRsrcs to {"ncbilogo.r", "Info.plc"}
151		set myLibs to {"ncbi", "ncbiconn", "ncbiobj", "vibrant", "ncbitool", "netcli", "ncbiid1"}
152		set myFiles to �
153			{{projPath:"demo:", fileList:{"spideymain"}}}
154		set spideyData to �
155			{name:myName, features:myFeatures, settings:mySettings, rsrcs:myRsrcs, projLibs:�
156				myLibs, fileData:myFiles}
158	end tell
161	AddProject(sequinData)
162	AddProject(entrez2Data)
163	AddSimpleProject("tbl2asn", {})
164	AddSimpleProject("asn2gb", {"sockets"})
165	AddProject(spideyData)
167	-- AddProject(entrezData)
169	if pCreateBlastTargets then
170		AddSimpleProject("formatdb", {})
171		AddSimpleProject("fastacmd", {})
173		AddProject(bl2seqData)
175		AddSimpleProject("blastall", {})
176		AddSimpleProject("blastpgp", {})
178		AddProject(blastcl3Data)
179		AddSimpleProject("megablast", {})
180		AddSimpleProject("blastclust", {})
181		AddSimpleProject("rpsblast", {})
182		AddSimpleProject("seedtop", {})
183		AddSimpleProject("copymat", {})
184		AddSimpleProject("makemat", {})
186		AddProject(impalaData)
187	end if
189end SetProjectData
192-- Global variables
195global gStartupDisk
196global gHomeDir
197global gMWroot
198global gMWCWfolder
200global gDistribRoot
201global gAccessRoot
203global gProjectsDir
204global gSourceDir
205global gIncludeDir
206global gLibsDir
207global gRsrcsDir
208global gMakeDir
209global gStationeryDir
211on GetFileNames(relPath)
212	set theFiles to list folder (gSourceDir & relPath) without invisibles
213	set theFiles to EndsWith(theFiles, ".c") -- Assume C projects not C++
215	return theFiles
216end GetFileNames
218on EndsWith(aList, suffix)
219	set newList to {}
220	repeat with f in aList
221		if (f ends with suffix) then
222			set newList to newList & (f as string)
223		end if
224	end repeat
226	return newList
227end EndsWith
230on ResolveAlias(pathname)
231	tell application "Finder"
232		--if the last character of pathname is ":" then error "Don't use a trailing colon with ResolveAlias."
233		if exists folder pathname then return pathname & ":"
234		if exists alias file pathname then return the original item of alias file pathname as string
235		error "The folder (or alias) '" & pathname & "' doesn't exist."
236	end tell
237end ResolveAlias
239on IsOSX()
240	tell application "Finder"
242		set vers to the version as text
244		if second character of vers is equal to "." then
245			set vers to "0" & vers
246		end if
248		return vers > 10 or vers = 10
250	end tell
251end IsOSX
253on stripVolName(macPath)
254	set saveTID to get text item delimiters of AppleScript
255	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ":"
256	set strippedPath to (rest of text items of macPath) as string
257	set text item delimiters of AppleScript to saveTID
258	return strippedPath
259end stripVolName
261on HomeDir()
262	tell application "Finder"
264		if my IsOSX() then
265			return the home as string
266			-- return my stripVolName(home as string)
267		else
268			return gStartupDisk
269		end if
271	end tell
272end HomeDir
274on ModuleRoot()
276	if pUsingCPlusPlus then
277		set subFolder to "cxx"
278	else
279		set subFolder to "ncbi"
280	end if
282	set modRoot to ""
283	try
284		set modRoot to ResolveAlias(gMWroot & subFolder)
285	on error
286		try
287			set modRoot to ResolveAlias(gHomeDir & subFolder)
288		end try
289	end try
291	return modRoot
292end ModuleRoot
294on AccessRoot()
295	if my IsOSX() then
296		-- strip off the volume name at the front.
297		return my stripVolName(gDistribRoot)
298	else
299		return gDistribRoot
300	end if
301end AccessRoot
303on MWRootDir()
305	set mwRoot to ""
306	set mwLocations to {gStartupDisk, gStartupDisk & "Applications:", gStartupDisk & "Applications (Mac OS 9):", �
307		gStartupDisk & "AppsLocal:", gHomeDir, gHomeDir & "Applications:", gHomeDir & "Applications (Mac OS 9):", �
308		gHomeDir & "AppsLocal:"}
309	repeat with mwVersion from 8 to 9
310		set dirName to "Metrowerks CodeWarrior " & mwVersion & ".0"
311		repeat with mwLoc in mwLocations
312			try
313				set mwRoot to ResolveAlias(mwLoc & dirName)
314				return mwRoot
315			end try
316		end repeat
317	end repeat
319	error "Can't find the Metrowerks CodeWarrior folder."
321end MWRootDir
323on GetMyPath()
324	set myPath to path to me as string
325	if myPath contains "Script Editor" then
326		-- Oops! running under script editor. 'me' is Script Editor not this script.
327		-- use the location this script is supposed to be in.
328		if pUsingCPlusPlus then
329			return gDistribRoot & "compilers:mac_prj"
330		else
331			return gDistribRoot & "make:"
332		end if
333	else
334		tell application "Finder"
335			return container of myPath
336		end tell
337	end if
338end GetMyPath
340on SetGlobals()
341	tell application "Finder"
343		set gProjectData to {}
345		set gStartupDisk to startup disk as string
346		set gHomeDir to my HomeDir()
347		set gMWroot to my MWRootDir()
348		set gMWCWfolder to gMWroot & "Metrowerks CodeWarrior:"
350		set gDistribRoot to my ModuleRoot()
351		set gAccessRoot to my AccessRoot()
353		set gIncludeDir to gDistribRoot & "include:"
354		if pUsingCPlusPlus then
355			set gSourceDir to gDistribRoot & "src:"
356			set gLibsDir to gDistribRoot & "compilers:mac_prj:lib:"
357			set gProjectsDir to gDistribRoot & "compilers:mac_prj:bin:"
358			set gRsrcsDir to gDistribRoot & "compilers:mac_prj:"
359		else
360			set gSourceDir to gDistribRoot
361			set gLibsDir to gDistribRoot & "lib:"
362			set gProjectsDir to gDistribRoot & "build:"
363			set gRsrcsDir to gDistribRoot & "link:macmet:"
364		end if
365		set gStationeryDir to gProjectsDir & pStationeryName & ":"
366		set gMakeDir to my GetMyPath()
368	end tell
369end SetGlobals
372on SetUserPaths()
373	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
375		set pathsToAdd to {}
376		-- Put the ncbi root, recursively at the end of the user paths.
377		-- we did not do this in makeStationery because we did not want to drag over there the mess
378		-- of the distinction between file paths names (which include volume name)
379		-- and access paths (which do not).
380		copy {name:gAccessRoot, recursive:true, origin:absolute} to end of pathsToAdd
381		Set Preferences of panel "Access Paths" to {User Paths:pathsToAdd}
383	end tell
384end SetUserPaths
386on SetSysPaths()
387	-- This was all done in the Stationery project.
388end SetSysPaths
391on SetupTarget(proj, targetIndex)
392	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
394		set targetName to name of target targetIndex of project document 1
395		if targetName contains "Carbon" then
396			set targetAPI to "Carbon"
397		else if targetName contains "Mach-O" then
398			if not my IsOSX() then return -- do not try to populate Mach-O targets on pre-OS X systems.
399			set targetAPI to "Mach-O"
400		else if targetName contains "Win32" then
401			set targetAPI to "Win32"
402		end if
404		if targetName contains "Debug" then
405			set targetDebug to true
406			if pCreateProfiledTargets then
407				set targetProfile to true
408			else
409				set targetProfile to false
410			end if
411		else -- if targeName contains "Final" then
412			set targetDebug to false
413			set targetProfile to false
414		end if
416		-- NOTE: no Profile targets. if pCreateProfiledTargets, we make the debug targets also profile-able.
418		set the current target of project document 1 to target targetIndex of project document 1
420		-- initialize variables
421		set projRsrcs to {}
422		set projFeatures to {}
423		set sysPaths to {}
425		-- Grab the fields of our project record and store them in local variables.
426		set projName to proj's name
427		set projSettings to proj's settings
428		try
429			set projFeatures to proj's features
430		end try
431		try
432			set sysPaths to proj's sysPaths
433		end try
434		try
435			set projRsrcs to proj's rsrcs
436		end try
437		set projLibs to proj's projLibs
438		set projFileData to proj's fileData
440		-- Figure out what our output file and input libraries will be named.
441		set fileNameSuffix to ""
443		if targetAPI is "Carbon" then
444			set fileNameSuffix to "_C"
445		else if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then
446			set fileNameSuffix to "_M"
447		else if targetAPI is "Win32" then
448			set fileNameSuffix to "_W"
449		end if
451		-- Debug or not.
452		if not targetDebug then
453			set fileNameSuffix to fileNameSuffix & "_O" -- for Optimized.
454		else
455			set fileNameSuffix to fileNameSuffix & "_D"
456		end if
458		-- non debug targets get different output names.
459		if not targetDebug then
460			if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then
461				set targetFilename to projName & "OSX" -- Mach adds OSX on the end.
462			else
463				set targetFilename to projName -- Carbon & Windows have same name as project.
464			end if
465		else
466			set targetFilename to projName & fileNameSuffix
467		end if
469		-- make sure Mach bundles have .app on the end.
470		if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then
471			set targetFilename to targetFilename & ".app"
472		else if targetAPI is "Win32" then
473			-- and Windows executables have .exe
474			set targetFilename to targetFilename & ".exe"
475		end if
477		-- Get Preference Panel names.
478		if targetAPI is "Mach-O" then
479			set targetPanelName to "PPC Mac OS X Project"
480			set codeGenPanelName to "PPC CodeGen Mach-O"
481		else if targetAPI is "Win32" then
482			set targetPanelName to "x86 Project"
483			set codeGenPanelName to "x86 CodeGen"
484		else
485			set targetPanelName to "PPC Project"
486			set codeGenPanelName to "PPC CodeGen"
487		end if
489		-- Set the name of the output file (the application)
490		Set Preferences of panel targetPanelName to {File Name:targetFilename}
492		-- If specified, set the File Creator.
493		try
494			set creatorName to creator of projSettings
495			Set Preferences of panel targetPanelName to {File Creator:creatorName}
496		end try
498		-- If we have any per-project override settings, set them.
499		-- ignore errors since ppcProject might not be appropriate for all targets.
500		try
501			if (count ppcProject of projSettings) > 0 then
502				Set Preferences of panel targetPanelName to ppcProject of projSettings
503			end if
504		end try
506		my SetUserPaths()
507		-- my SetSysPaths() -- done in the stationery project.
509		-- Add per-project system paths.
510		set pathsToAdd to {}
511		repeat with i in sysPaths
512			copy {name:i, recursive:false, origin:absolute} to end of pathsToAdd
513		end repeat
514		if (count pathsToAdd) > 0 then �
515			Set Preferences of panel "Access Paths" to {System Paths:pathsToAdd}
517		-- Set the appropriate prefix file.
518		set prefixFile to Prefix File of projSettings
519		if targetAPI is "Win32" and projFeatures contains "winprefix" then
520			set prefixFile to "Win32Headers.pch"
521		else
522			if prefixFile is "" then
523				set prefixFile to "CarbonPrefix.h"
524			else
525				set prefixFile to "Carbon-" & prefixFile
526			end if
527		end if
528		if prefixFile is not "" then
529			Set Preferences of panel "C/C++ Compiler" to {Prefix File:prefixFile}
530		end if
533		-- Are we assuming a .c or a .cpp extension?
534		if projFeatures contains "C++" then
535			set fileExtension to pCPlusPlusExtension
536		else
537			set fileExtension to ".c"
538		end if
540	end tell
542	-- Add source files.
543	repeat with group in projFileData
544		set projPath to projPath of group
545		set fileList to group's fileList
547		set filesToAdd to {}
548		repeat with i in fileList
549			if i does not contain "." then set i to i & fileExtension
550			try -- ignore it if the file doesn't exist.
552				-- NOTE: if the following line is within a tell "Codewarrior" block then
553				--  the following Add Files command will fail.
554				copy alias (gSourceDir & projPath & i) to end of filesToAdd
555			end try
556		end repeat
558		tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
559			Add Files filesToAdd
561			-- Take out source files that do not belong.
562			--set fileNotList to group's fileNotList
563			--Remove Files fileNotList
564		end tell
565	end repeat
567	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
569		-- take care of debugging and profiling settings
570		if targetDebug then
571			set the debug of every target file of target targetIndex �
572				of project document 1 to true
573		end if
576		if targetAPI is "Carbon" then
577			if targetProfile then
578				(* ===== Panel PPC Processor ===== *)
579				Set Preferences of panel codeGenPanelName to �
580					{Use Profiler:true}
581			else
582				(* ===== Panel PPC Processor ===== *)
583				Set Preferences of panel codeGenPanelName to �
584					{Use Profiler:false}
585			end if
586			(*
587		else if targetAPI is "Mach-O"
588			In the following lines we should see Mach-O Profiling instead of �property B617�
589			But a hyphen is illegal in a name in Applescript (MW's fault). When compiling, the
590			property B617 will get replaced with Mach-O Profiling, which is okay.
591			But if the script gets changed and recompiled this will give an error.
592			So ... replace 'Mach-O Profiling' below with '�property B617�' (minus the quotes).
593			You can copy and paste from this comment.
594			Or comment all of this out and forget Mach-O profiling till MW fixes this.
595		-- *)
596			if targetProfile then
597				(* ===== Panel PPC Processor ===== *)
598				Set Preferences of panel codeGenPanelName to �
599					{�property B617�:metrowerks}
600			else
601				(* ===== Panel PPC Processor ===== *)
602				Set Preferences of panel codeGenPanelName to �
603					{�property B617�:off}
604			end if
605		*)
606		end if
608		-- Add user libraries.
609		set filesToAdd to {}
610		if projFeatures contains "sockets" and targetAPI is "Carbon" then
611			if projLibs does not contain "mitsock" then
612				copy "mitsock" to beginning of projLibs
613			end if
614		end if
615		repeat with i in projLibs
616			copy gLibsDir & i & fileNameSuffix & ".lib" to end of filesToAdd
617		end repeat
619		-- No profiling library for MW on Mach-O yet.
620		if targetProfile and targetAPI is "Carbon" then
621			copy gMWCWfolder & "MacOS Support:Profiler:Profiler PPC:Profiler Carbon.Lib" to end of filesToAdd
622		end if
624		try
625			Add Files filesToAdd
626		end try
628		-- Add resources.
629		set filesToAdd to {}
630		if targetAPI is not "Win32" then
631			repeat with i in projRsrcs
632				if targetAPI is "Carbon" then
633					if i ends with ".plc" then
634						copy gRsrcsDir & "Carbon-" & i to end of filesToAdd
635					else
636						copy gRsrcsDir & i to end of filesToAdd
637					end if
638				else
639					-- Mach-O does not need the .r files, only the .plc files.
640					if i does not end with ".r" then
641						copy gRsrcsDir & i to end of filesToAdd
642					end if
643				end if
644			end repeat
646			Add Files filesToAdd
647		end if
649		Reset File Paths
651	end tell
652end SetupTarget
654on CreateFolders()
655	tell application "Finder"
657		repeat with i in pDirsToCreate
658			set pth to relPath of i
659			if pth is not "" then set pth to pth & ":"
661			-- display dialog "Folder? " & (gDistribRoot & pth & i's name) buttons {"OK"} default button 1
663			if not (exists folder (gDistribRoot & pth & i's name)) then
664				-- display dialog "make Folder: " & i's name & " at: " & (gDistribRoot & pth) buttons {"OK"} default button 1
666				make new folder at folder (gDistribRoot & pth) with properties {name:i's name}
667			end if
668		end repeat
670	end tell
671end CreateFolders
673on CreateProject(proj)
674	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
676		-- This statement doesn't work, because AppleScript is broken.
677		if proj is {} then return
679		try
680			get proj's name
681		on error
682			return
683		end try
685		set projFilename to proj's name & pProjectFileExtension
686		set projPathname to gProjectsDir & projFilename
687		if pAlwaysCreateProjects or not (exists file projPathname of application "Finder") then
689			try
690				close (the first project document whose name is projFilename)
691			end try
693			set stationeryName to (gStationeryDir & pStationeryName & pProjectFileExtension)
694			(*	display dialog "creating project: " & projPathname & return & "from: " & stationeryName �
695				buttons {"OK"} default button 1
696		*)
697			Create Project {projPathname} from stationery alias stationeryName
698			if the name of window 1 is "Project Messages" then
699				close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event)
700			end if
702			-- display dialog "created project: " & projPathname buttons {"OK"} default button 1
704			repeat with i from 1 to (count targets of project document 1)
705				my SetupTarget(proj, i)
706			end repeat
708			set the current target of project document 1 to target 1 of project document 1
710			Close Project
712		end if
714	end tell
715end CreateProject
717on CreateAllProjects()
719	repeat with proj in gProjectData
720		CreateProject(proj)
721	end repeat
723end CreateAllProjects
725global gTargets2Build
727-- get names of files in thePath that start with "Build"
728on GetMakeFileNames(thePath)
729	set theFiles to list folder (thePath) without invisibles
730	set newList to {}
731	repeat with f in theFiles
732		if (f begins with "Build") then
733			set newList to newList & (f as string)
734		end if
735	end repeat
737	return newList
738end GetMakeFileNames
740on AddtoList(aList, anItem)
741	if (aList does not contain anItem) then
742		copy anItem to end of aList
743	end if
744end AddtoList
746on FindTargets2Build()
747	set gTargets to {}
748	if pCreateCarbonTargets then
749		set gTargets to gTargets & "Carbon"
750	end if
751	if pCreateMachOTargets then
752		set gTargets to gTargets & "Mach-O"
753	end if
754	if pCreateWinTargets then
755		set gTargets to gTargets & "Win32"
756	end if
758	set gBuildTypes to {}
759	if pCreateDebugTargets or pCreateProfileTargets then
760		set gBuildTypes to gBuildTypes & "Debug"
761	end if
762	if pCreateOptimizedTargets then
763		set gBuildTypes to gBuildTypes & "Final"
764	end if
766	-- set gTargets to {"Carbon", "Mach-O"}
767	-- set gBuildTypes to {"Final", "Debug", "Profile"}
769	set makeFiles to my GetMakeFileNames(gMakeDir)
770	if (count items of makeFiles) is 0 then
771		set makeFiles to gTargets -- if nothing, make everything.
772	end if
774	set gTargets2Build to {}
776	repeat with f in makeFiles
777		set thisTarget to ""
778		set targetSet to false
779		repeat with t in gTargets
780			if f contains t then
781				set thisTarget to contents of t
782				set targetSet to true
783				exit repeat
784			end if
785		end repeat
787		set typeSet to false
788		repeat with t in gBuildTypes
789			if f contains t then
790				set thisTarget to thisTarget & " " & t
791				set typeSet to true
792				exit repeat
793			end if
794		end repeat
796		if targetSet and typeSet then
797			my AddtoList(gTargets2Build, thisTarget)
798		else if (targetSet or typeSet) then
799			if not typeSet then
800				repeat with t in {"Final", "Debug"}
801					AddtoList(gTargets2Build, (thisTarget & " " & t))
802				end repeat
803			end if
804			if not targetSet then
805				repeat with t in gTargets
806					AddtoList(gTargets2Build, (t & thisTarget))
807				end repeat
808			end if
809		end if
810	end repeat
811end FindTargets2Build
813on OkaytoBuild(targetName)
814	repeat with t in gTargets2Build
815		if (targetName contains t) then
816			return true
817		end if
818	end repeat
819	return false
820end OkaytoBuild
822on BuildProject(projName)
823	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE"
824		open (gProjectsDir & projName & pProjectFileExtension)
825		if the name of window 1 is "Project Messages" then
826			close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event)
827		end if
829		repeat with i from 1 to (count targets of project document 1)
830			-- do we want to build this target?
831			if my OkaytoBuild(name of target i of project document 1) then
833				set the current target of project document 1 to target i of project document 1
834				Make Project
835				-- If there were compiler warnings, then a compiler window will be in front.
836				-- For whatever reason, this causes the next "set the current target..." to fail.
837				-- So check for the window and close it.
838				if the name of window 1 is "Errors & Warnings" then
839					close first window -- "close window 1" becomes "Close Window 1" (different event)
840				end if
841			end if
842		end repeat
843		set the current target of project document 1 to target 1 of project document 1
844		Close Project
845	end tell
846end BuildProject
848on BuildAllProjects()
849	FindTargets2Build()
850	repeat with proj in gProjectData
851		try
852			set projName to proj's name
853		on error
854			set projName to ""
855		end try
856		-- This statement doesn't work, because AppleScript is broken.
857		if proj is not {} then
858			if projName is not "" then
859				BuildProject(projName)
860			end if
861		end if
862	end repeat
864end BuildAllProjects
866on GuaranteeStationery()
867	tell application "Finder"
868		-- get rid of any old copy.
869		try
870			delete file (gStationeryDir & pStationeryName & pProjectFileExtension)
871		end try
872		-- copy it.
873		my DuplicateFile(file (gRsrcsDir & pStationeryName & pProjectFileExtension), folder gStationeryDir)
874		-- make sure there is nothing else in the folder.
875		my CleanupFolder(gStationeryDir, pStationeryName & pProjectFileExtension)
876	end tell
877end GuaranteeStationery
879on DuplicateFile(fileToCopy, destFolder)
880	tell application "Finder"
881		try
882			duplicate fileToCopy to destFolder
883		on error msg number errnum
884			if errnum is -43 then
885				(* if the file was just newly created (e.g. a clean install or cvs update)
886				the finder gets this error trying to copy a file from it.
887				Opening its folder with the finder fixes this.
888				We do this in a try block so we aren't always flashing the window open
889				for this somewhat rare occurrence.
890				*)
891				open (container of fileToCopy)
892				close first Finder window
893				duplicate fileToCopy to destFolder
894			else
895				error msg number errnum
896			end if
897		end try
898	end tell
899end DuplicateFile
901-- Delete everything in the folder 'thePath' except the saveFile.
902on CleanupFolder(thePath, saveFile)
903	repeat with f in list folder (thePath) with invisibles
904		if (f as string is not saveFile) then
905			try
906				tell application "Finder" to delete folder (thePath & f)
907			end try
908			try
909				tell application "Finder" to delete file (thePath & f)
910			end try
911		end if
912	end repeat
913end CleanupFolder
915on CleanupFiles(thePath)
916	-- get rid of all the files and folders starting with xxxx in thePath
917	repeat with f in list folder (thePath) without invisibles
918		if ((f as string) begins with "xxxx") then
919			try
920				tell application "Finder" to delete folder (thePath & f)
921			end try
922			try
923				tell application "Finder" to delete file (thePath & f)
924			end try
925		end if
926	end repeat
927	-- delete the stationery folder.
928	try
929		tell application "Finder" to delete folder gStationeryDir
930	end try
931end CleanupFiles
933on SignalCompletion()
935	beep
937end SignalCompletion
939with timeout of 60000 seconds
941	SetGlobals()
942	SetProjectData()
944	CreateFolders()
946	tell application "CodeWarrior IDE" to activate
948	GuaranteeStationery()
949	CreateAllProjects()
951	if pShouldBuild then
952		BuildAllProjects()
953	end if
955	CleanupFiles(gProjectsDir)
957	SignalCompletion()
959end timeout