1# This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its
2# license.  Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
3# as part of this package.
4"""Tests for GenomeDiagram general functionality."""
7import os
8import unittest
9import math
12# Do we have ReportLab?  Raise error if not present.
13from Bio import MissingPythonDependencyError
16    from reportlab.lib import colors
17    from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
18    from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
19    from reportlab.lib.units import cm
20except ImportError:
21    raise MissingPythonDependencyError(
22        "Install reportlab if you want to use Bio.Graphics."
23    ) from None
26    # The preferred PIL import has changed over time...
27    try:
28        from PIL import Image
29    except ImportError:
30        import Image
31    from reportlab.graphics import renderPM
32except ImportError:
33    # This is an optional part of ReportLab, so may not be installed.
34    # We'll raise a missing dependency error if rendering to a
35    # bitmap format is attempted.
36    renderPM = None
38from Bio import SeqIO
39from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
41from Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram import FeatureSet, GraphSet, Track, Diagram
42from Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram import CrossLink
43from Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Graph import GraphData
44from Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Colors import ColorTranslator
46from reportlab import rl_config
48rl_config.invariant = True
51def fill_and_border(base_color, alpha=0.5):
52    """Return fill and border colors given a base color."""
53    try:
54        c = base_color.clone()
55        c.alpha = alpha
56        return c, base_color
57    except AttributeError:
58        # Old ReportLab, no transparency and/or no clone
59        return base_color, base_color
63# Utility functions for graph plotting, originally in GenomeDiagram.Utilities #
64# See Bug 2705 for discussion on where to put these functions in Biopython... #
68def apply_to_window(sequence, window_size, function, step=None):
69    """Apply function to windows of the given sequence.
71    Returns a list of (position, value) tuples for fragments of the passed
72    sequence of length window_size (stepped by step), calculated by the passed
73    function.  Returned positions are the midpoint of each window.
75    - sequence - Bio.Seq.Seq object.
76    - window_size - an integer describing the length of sequence to consider.
77    - step - an integer describing the step to take between windows
78      (default = window_size//2).
79    - function - Method or function that accepts a Bio.Seq.Seq object
80      as its sole argument and returns a single value.
81    """
82    seqlen = len(sequence)  # Total length of sequence to be used
83    if step is None:  # No step specified, so use half window-width or 1 if larger
84        step = max(window_size // 2, 1)
85    else:  # Use specified step, or 1 if greater
86        step = max(step, 1)
88    results = []  # Holds (position, value) results
90    # Perform the passed function on as many windows as possible, short of
91    # overrunning the sequence
92    pos = 0
93    while pos < seqlen - window_size + 1:
94        # Obtain sequence fragment
95        start, middle, end = pos, (pos + window_size + pos) // 2, pos + window_size
96        fragment = sequence[start:end]
97        # Apply function to the sequence fragment
98        value = function(fragment)
99        results.append((middle, value))  # Add results to list
100        # Advance to next fragment
101        pos += step
103    # Use the last available window on the sequence, even if it means
104    # re-covering old ground
105    if pos != seqlen - window_size:
106        # Obtain sequence fragment
107        pos = seqlen - window_size
108        start, middle, end = pos, (pos + window_size + pos) // 2, pos + window_size
109        fragment = sequence[start:end]
110        # Apply function to sequence fragment
111        value = function(fragment)
112        results.append((middle, value))  # Add results to list
114    return results  # Return the list of (position, value) results
117def calc_gc_content(sequence):
118    """Return the % G+C content in a passed sequence.
120    Arguments:
121        - sequence  - a Bio.Seq.Seq object.
123    calc_gc_content(sequence)
125    """
126    d = {}
127    for nt in ["A", "T", "G", "C"]:
128        d[nt] = sequence.count(nt) + sequence.count(nt.lower())
129    gc = d.get("G", 0) + d.get("C", 0)
131    if gc == 0:
132        return 0
133    # print(gc*100.0/(d['A'] +d['T'] + gc))
134    return gc * 1.0 / (d["A"] + d["T"] + gc)
137def calc_at_content(sequence):
138    """Return the % A+T content in a passed sequence.
140    Arguments:
141        - sequence  - a Bio.Seq.Seq object.
143    calc_at_content(sequence)
145    """
146    d = {}
147    for nt in ["A", "T", "G", "C"]:
148        d[nt] = sequence.count(nt) + sequence.count(nt.lower())
149    at = d.get("A", 0) + d.get("T", 0)
151    if at == 0:
152        return 0
153    return at * 1.0 / (d["G"] + d["G"] + at)
156def calc_gc_skew(sequence):
157    """Return the (G-C)/(G+C) GC skew in a passed sequence.
159    Arguments:
160        - sequence   - a Bio.Seq.Seq object.
162    calc_gc_skew(sequence)
164    """
165    g = sequence.count("G") + sequence.count("g")
166    c = sequence.count("C") + sequence.count("c")
167    if g + c == 0:
168        return 0.0  # TODO - return NaN or None here?
169    else:
170        return (g - c) / float(g + c)
173def calc_at_skew(sequence):
174    """Return the (A-T)/(A+T) AT skew in a passed sequence.
176    Arguments:
177        - sequence   - a Bio.Seq.Seq object.
179    calc_at_skew(sequence)
181    """
182    a = sequence.count("A") + sequence.count("a")
183    t = sequence.count("T") + sequence.count("t")
184    if a + t == 0:
185        return 0.0  # TODO - return NaN or None here?
186    else:
187        return (a - t) / float(a + t)
190def calc_dinucleotide_counts(sequence):
191    """Return the total count of di-nucleotides repeats (e.g. "AA", "CC").
193    This is purely for the sake of generating some non-random sequence
194    based score for plotting, with no expected biological meaning.
196    NOTE - Only considers same case pairs.
197    NOTE - "AA" scores 1, "AAA" scores 2, "AAAA" scores 3 etc.
198    """
199    total = 0
200    for letter in "ACTGUactgu":
201        total += sequence.count(letter + letter)
202    return total
206# End of utility functions for graph plotting                                 #
210# Tests
211# class TrackTest(unittest.TestCase):
212#    # TODO Bring code from Track.py, unsure about what test does
213#    pass
216class ColorsTest(unittest.TestCase):
217    """Color tests."""
219    def test_color_conversions(self):
220        """Test color translations."""
221        translator = ColorTranslator()
223        # Does the translate method correctly convert the passed argument?
224        self.assertEqual(
225            translator.float1_color((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
226            translator.translate((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
227            "Did not correctly translate colour from floating point RGB tuple",
228        )
229        self.assertEqual(
230            translator.int255_color((1, 75, 240)),
231            translator.translate((1, 75, 240)),
232            "Did not correctly translate colour from integer RGB tuple",
233        )
234        self.assertEqual(
235            translator.artemis_color(7),
236            translator.translate(7),
237            "Did not correctly translate colour from Artemis colour scheme",
238        )
239        self.assertEqual(
240            translator.scheme_color(2),
241            translator.translate(2),
242            "Did not correctly translate colour from user-defined colour scheme",
243        )
246class GraphTest(unittest.TestCase):
247    """Graph tests."""
249    def test_limits(self):
250        """Check line graphs."""
251        # TODO - Fix GD so that the same min/max is used for all three lines?
252        points = 1000
253        scale = math.pi * 2.0 / points
254        data1 = [math.sin(x * scale) for x in range(points)]
255        data2 = [math.cos(x * scale) for x in range(points)]
256        data3 = [2 * math.sin(2 * x * scale) for x in range(points)]
258        gdd = Diagram(
259            "Test Diagram",
260            circular=False,
261            y=0.01,
262            yt=0.01,
263            yb=0.01,
264            x=0.01,
265            xl=0.01,
266            xr=0.01,
267        )
268        gdt_data = gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=False)
269        gds_data = gdt_data.new_set("graph")
270        for data_values, _name, color in zip(
271            [data1, data2, data3], ["sin", "cos", "2sin2"], ["red", "green", "blue"]
272        ):
273            data = list(zip(range(points), data_values))
274            gds_data.new_graph(
275                data, "", style="line", color=color, altcolor=color, center=0
276            )
278        gdd.draw(
279            format="linear",
280            tracklines=False,
281            pagesize=(15 * cm, 15 * cm),
282            fragments=1,
283            start=0,
284            end=points,
285        )
286        gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", "line_graph.pdf"), "pdf")
287        # Circular diagram
288        gdd.draw(
289            tracklines=False,
290            pagesize=(15 * cm, 15 * cm),
291            circular=True,  # Data designed to be periodic
292            start=0,
293            end=points,
294            circle_core=0.5,
295        )
296        gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", "line_graph_c.pdf"), "pdf")
298    def test_slicing(self):
299        """Check GraphData slicing."""
300        gd = GraphData()
301        gd.set_data([(1, 10), (5, 15), (20, 40)])
302        gd.add_point((10, 20))
304        self.assertEqual(
305            gd[4:16],
306            [(5, 15), (10, 20),],  # noqa 231
307            "Unable to insert and retrieve points correctly",
308        )
311class LabelTest(unittest.TestCase):
312    """Check label positioning."""
314    def setUp(self):
315        """Start a diagram."""
316        self.gdd = Diagram(
317            "Test Diagram",
318            circular=False,
319            y=0.01,
320            yt=0.01,
321            yb=0.01,
322            x=0.01,
323            xl=0.01,
324            xr=0.01,
325        )
327    def finish(self, name, circular=True):
328        """Draw it..."""
329        tracks = len(self.gdd.tracks)
330        # Work around the page orientation code being too clever
331        # and flipping the h & w round:
332        if tracks <= 3:
333            orient = "landscape"
334        else:
335            orient = "portrait"
336        self.gdd.draw(
337            format="linear",
338            orientation=orient,
339            tracklines=False,
340            pagesize=(15 * cm, 5 * cm * tracks),
341            fragments=1,
342            start=0,
343            end=400,
344        )
345        self.gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", name + ".pdf"), "pdf")
346        global renderPM
347        if renderPM:
348            try:
349                # For the tutorial this is useful:
350                self.gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", name + ".png"), "png")
351            except renderPM.RenderPMError:
352                # Probably a font problem, e.g.
353                # RenderPMError: Can't setFont(Times-Roman) missing the T1 files?
354                # Originally <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: makeT1Font() argument 2
355                # must be string, not None
356                renderPM = None
357            except OSError:
358                # Probably a library problem, e.g.
359                # OSError: encoder zip not available
360                renderPM = None
361        if circular:
362            # Circular diagram
363            self.gdd.draw(
364                tracklines=False,
365                pagesize=(15 * cm, 15 * cm),
366                fragments=1,
367                circle_core=0.5,
368                start=0,
369                end=400,
370            )
371            self.gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", name + "_c.pdf"), "pdf")
373    def add_track_with_sigils(self, **kwargs):
374        """Add track with sigils."""
375        self.gdt_features = self.gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=False)
376        self.gds_features = self.gdt_features.new_set()
377        for i in range(18):
378            start = int((400 * i) / 18.0)
379            end = start + 17
380            if i % 3 == 0:
381                strand = None
382                name = "Strandless"
383                color = colors.orange
384            elif i % 3 == 1:
385                strand = +1
386                name = "Forward"
387                color = colors.red
388            else:
389                strand = -1
390                name = "Reverse"
391                color = colors.blue
392            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(start, end), strand=strand)
393            self.gds_features.add_feature(
394                feature, name=name, color=color, label=True, **kwargs
395            )
397    def test_label_default(self):
398        """Feature labels - default."""
399        self.add_track_with_sigils()
400        self.finish("labels_default")
403class SigilsTest(unittest.TestCase):
404    """Check the different feature sigils.
406    These figures are intended to be used in the Tutorial...
407    """
409    def setUp(self):
410        """Initialise diagram."""
411        self.gdd = Diagram(
412            "Test Diagram",
413            circular=False,
414            y=0.01,
415            yt=0.01,
416            yb=0.01,
417            x=0.01,
418            xl=0.01,
419            xr=0.01,
420        )
422    def add_track_with_sigils(self, track_caption="", **kwargs):
423        """Add a track of features."""
424        self.gdt_features = self.gdd.new_track(
425            1, greytrack=(track_caption != ""), name=track_caption, greytrack_labels=1
426        )
427        # We'll just use one feature set for these features,
428        self.gds_features = self.gdt_features.new_set()
429        # Add three features to show the strand options,
430        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 125), strand=+1)
431        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, name="Forward", **kwargs)
432        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(150, 250), strand=None)
433        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, name="Strandless", **kwargs)
434        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(275, 375), strand=-1)
435        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, name="Reverse", **kwargs)
437    def finish(self, name, circular=True):
438        """Draw it..."""
439        tracks = len(self.gdd.tracks)
440        # Work around the page orientation code being too clever
441        # and flipping the h & w round:
442        if tracks <= 3:
443            orient = "landscape"
444        else:
445            orient = "portrait"
446        self.gdd.draw(
447            format="linear",
448            orientation=orient,
449            tracklines=False,
450            pagesize=(15 * cm, 5 * cm * tracks),
451            fragments=1,
452            start=0,
453            end=400,
454        )
455        self.gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", name + ".pdf"), "pdf")
456        global renderPM
457        if renderPM:
458            # For the tutorial this might be useful:
459            try:
460                self.gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", name + ".png"), "png")
461            except renderPM.RenderPMError:
462                # Probably a font problem
463                renderPM = None
464        if circular:
465            # Circular diagram
466            self.gdd.draw(
467                tracklines=False,
468                pagesize=(15 * cm, 15 * cm),
469                fragments=1,
470                circle_core=0.5,
471                start=0,
472                end=400,
473            )
474            self.gdd.write(os.path.join("Graphics", name + "_c.pdf"), "pdf")
476    def test_all_sigils(self):
477        """All sigils."""
478        for glyph in ["BOX", "OCTO", "JAGGY", "ARROW", "BIGARROW"]:
479            self.add_track_with_sigils(
480                track_caption='  sigil="%s"' % glyph, sigil=glyph
481            )
482        self.finish("GD_sigils")
484    def test_labels(self):
485        """Feature labels."""
486        self.add_track_with_sigils(label=True)
487        self.add_track_with_sigils(
488            label=True,
489            color="green",
490            # label_position left as default!
491            label_size=25,
492            label_angle=0,
493        )
494        self.add_track_with_sigils(
495            label=True,
496            color="purple",
497            label_position="end",
498            label_size=4,
499            label_angle=90,
500        )
501        self.add_track_with_sigils(
502            label=True,
503            color="blue",
504            label_position="middle",
505            label_size=6,
506            label_angle=-90,
507        )
508        self.add_track_with_sigils(
509            label=True,
510            color="cyan",
511            label_position="start",
512            label_size=6,
513            label_angle=-90,
514        )
515        self.assertEqual(len(self.gdd.tracks), 5)
516        self.finish("GD_sigil_labels", circular=True)
518    def test_arrow_shafts(self):
519        """Feature arrow sigils, varying shafts."""
520        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="ARROW")
521        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="ARROW", color="brown", arrowshaft_height=1.0)
522        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="ARROW", color="teal", arrowshaft_height=0.2)
523        self.add_track_with_sigils(
524            sigil="ARROW", color="darkgreen", arrowshaft_height=0.1
525        )
526        self.assertEqual(len(self.gdd.tracks), 4)
527        self.finish("GD_sigil_arrow_shafts")
529    def test_big_arrow_shafts(self):
530        """Feature big-arrow sigils, varying shafts."""
531        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="BIGARROW")
532        self.add_track_with_sigils(
533            sigil="BIGARROW", color="orange", arrowshaft_height=1.0
534        )
535        self.add_track_with_sigils(
536            sigil="BIGARROW", color="teal", arrowshaft_height=0.2
537        )
538        self.add_track_with_sigils(
539            sigil="BIGARROW", color="green", arrowshaft_height=0.1
540        )
541        self.assertEqual(len(self.gdd.tracks), 4)
542        self.finish("GD_sigil_bigarrow_shafts")
544    def test_arrow_heads(self):
545        """Feature arrow sigils, varying heads."""
546        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="ARROW")
547        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="ARROW", color="blue", arrowhead_length=0.25)
548        self.add_track_with_sigils(sigil="ARROW", color="orange", arrowhead_length=1)
549        self.add_track_with_sigils(
550            sigil="ARROW", color="red", arrowhead_length=10000
551        )  # Triangles
552        self.assertEqual(len(self.gdd.tracks), 4)
553        self.finish("GD_sigil_arrows")
555    def short_sigils(self, glyph):
556        """Draw sigils on top of grey box backgrounds."""
557        # The blue boxes are only relevant for the BIGARROW
558        # Add a track of features, bigger height to emphasise any sigil errors
559        self.gdt_features = self.gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=True, height=3)
560        # We'll just use one feature set for these features,
561        self.gds_features = self.gdt_features.new_set()
562        # For the ARROW and BIGARROW sigils:
563        # - Green arrows just have small heads (meaning if there is a mitre
564        #   it will escape the bounding box).
565        # - Red arrows should be small triangles (so short no shaft shown)
567        # Forward strand:
568        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(15, 30), strand=-1)
569        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="blue")
570        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(15, 30), strand=+1)
571        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
572        self.gds_features.add_feature(
573            feature, name="Forward", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=0.05
574        )
576        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(55, 60), strand=-1)
577        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="blue")
578        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(55, 60), strand=+1)
579        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
580        self.gds_features.add_feature(
581            feature, name="Forward", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=1000, color="red"
582        )
584        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(75, 125), strand=-1)
585        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="blue")
586        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(75, 125), strand=+1)
587        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
588        self.gds_features.add_feature(
589            feature, name="Forward", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=0.05
590        )
592        # Strandless:
593        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(140, 155), strand=None)
594        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
595        self.gds_features.add_feature(
596            feature, name="Strandless", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=0.05
597        )
599        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(180, 185), strand=None)
600        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
601        self.gds_features.add_feature(
602            feature, name="Strandless", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=1000, color="red"
603        )
605        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(200, 250), strand=None)
606        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
607        self.gds_features.add_feature(
608            feature, name="Strandless", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=0.05
609        )
611        # Reverse strand:
612        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(265, 280), strand=+1)
613        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="blue")
614        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(265, 280), strand=-1)
615        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
616        self.gds_features.add_feature(
617            feature, name="Reverse", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=0.05
618        )
620        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(305, 310), strand=+1)
621        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="blue")
622        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(305, 310), strand=-1)
623        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
624        self.gds_features.add_feature(
625            feature, name="Reverse", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=1000, color="red"
626        )
628        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(325, 375), strand=+1)
629        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="blue")
630        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(325, 375), strand=-1)
631        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="grey")
632        self.gds_features.add_feature(
633            feature, name="Reverse", sigil=glyph, arrowhead_length=0.05
634        )
636        self.finish("GD_sigil_short_%s" % glyph)
638    def test_short_arrow(self):
639        """Feature arrow sigil heads within bounding box."""
640        self.short_sigils("ARROW")
642    def test_short_bigarrow(self):
643        """Feature big-arrow sigil heads within bounding box."""
644        self.short_sigils("BIGARROW")
646    def test_short_jaggy(self):
647        """Feature arrow sigil heads within bounding box."""
648        self.short_sigils("JAGGY")
650    def test_short_octo(self):
651        """Feature big-arrow sigil heads within bounding box."""
652        self.short_sigils("OCTO")
654    def long_sigils(self, glyph):
655        """Check feature sigils within bounding box."""
656        # Add a track of features, bigger height to emphasise any sigil errors
657        self.gdt_features = self.gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=True, height=3)
658        # We'll just use one feature set for these features if strand specific
659        self.gds_features = self.gdt_features.new_set()
660        if glyph in ["BIGARROW"]:
661            # These straddle the axis, so don't want to draw them on top of each other
662            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=None)
663            self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="lightblue")
664            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=+1)
665        else:
666            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=+1)
667            self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="lightblue")
668        self.gds_features.add_feature(
669            feature, name="Forward", sigil=glyph, color="blue", arrowhead_length=2.0
670        )
672        if glyph in ["BIGARROW"]:
673            # These straddle the axis, so don't want to draw them on top of each other
674            self.gdt_features = self.gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=True, height=3)
675            self.gds_features = self.gdt_features.new_set()
676            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=None)
677            self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="pink")
678            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=-1)
679        else:
680            feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=-1)
681            self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="pink")
682        self.gds_features.add_feature(
683            feature, name="Reverse", sigil=glyph, color="red", arrowhead_length=2.0
684        )
685        # Add another track of features, bigger height to emphasise any sigil errors
686        self.gdt_features = self.gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=True, height=3)
687        # We'll just use one feature set for these features,
688        self.gds_features = self.gdt_features.new_set()
689        feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(25, 375), strand=None)
690        self.gds_features.add_feature(feature, color="lightgreen")
691        self.gds_features.add_feature(
692            feature, name="Standless", sigil=glyph, color="green", arrowhead_length=2.0
693        )
694        self.finish("GD_sigil_long_%s" % glyph)
696    def test_long_arrow_heads(self):
697        """Feature ARROW sigil heads within bounding box."""
698        self.long_sigils("ARROW")
700    def test_long_bigarrow_heads(self):
701        """Feature BIGARROW sigil heads within bounding box."""
702        self.long_sigils("BIGARROW")
704    def test_long_octo_heads(self):
705        """Feature OCTO sigil heads within bounding box."""
706        self.long_sigils("OCTO")
708    def test_long_jaggy(self):
709        """Feature JAGGY sigil heads within bounding box."""
710        self.long_sigils("JAGGY")
713class DiagramTest(unittest.TestCase):
714    """Creating feature sets, graph sets, tracks etc individually for the diagram."""
716    def setUp(self):
717        """Test setup, just loads a GenBank file as a SeqRecord."""
718        with open(os.path.join("GenBank", "NC_005816.gb")) as handle:
719            self.record = SeqIO.read(handle, "genbank")
721        self.gdd = Diagram("Test Diagram")
722        # Add a track of features,
723        self.gdd.new_track(
724            1, greytrack=True, name="CDS Features", greytrack_labels=0, height=0.5
725        )
727    def tearDown(self):
728        """Release the drawing objects."""
729        del self.gdd
731    def test_str(self):
732        """Test diagram's info as string."""
733        expected = (
734            "\n<<class 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Diagram.Diagram'>: Test Diagram>"
735            "\n1 tracks"
736            "\nTrack 1: "
737            "\n<<class 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Track.Track'>: CDS Features>"
738            "\n0 sets"
739            "\n"
740        )
741        self.assertEqual(expected, str(self.gdd))
743    def test_add_track(self):
744        """Add track."""
745        track = Track(name="Annotated Features")
746        self.gdd.add_track(track, 2)
747        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.gdd.get_tracks()))
749    def test_add_track_to_occupied_level(self):
750        """Add track to occupied level."""
751        new_track = self.gdd.get_tracks()[0]
752        self.gdd.add_track(new_track, 1)
753        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.gdd.get_tracks()))
755    def test_add_track_error(self):
756        """Test adding unspecified track."""
757        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.gdd.add_track, None, 1)
759    def test_del_tracks(self):
760        """Delete track."""
761        self.gdd.del_track(1)
762        self.assertEqual(0, len(self.gdd.get_tracks()))
764    def test_get_tracks(self):
765        """Get track."""
766        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.gdd.get_tracks()))
768    def test_move_track(self):
769        """Move a track."""
770        self.gdd.move_track(1, 2)
771        expected = (
772            "\n<<class 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Diagram.Diagram'>: Test Diagram>"
773            "\n1 tracks"
774            "\nTrack 2: "
775            "\n<<class 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Track.Track'>: CDS Features>"
776            "\n0 sets"
777            "\n"
778        )
779        self.assertEqual(expected, str(self.gdd))
781    def test_renumber(self):
782        """Test renumbering tracks."""
783        self.gdd.renumber_tracks(0)
784        expected = (
785            "\n<<class 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Diagram.Diagram'>: Test Diagram>"
786            "\n1 tracks"
787            "\nTrack 0: "
788            "\n<<class 'Bio.Graphics.GenomeDiagram._Track.Track'>: CDS Features>"
789            "\n0 sets"
790            "\n"
791        )
792        self.assertEqual(expected, str(self.gdd))
794    def test_write_arguments(self):
795        """Check how the write methods respond to output format arguments."""
796        gdd = Diagram("Test Diagram")
797        gdd.drawing = None  # Hack - need the ReportLab drawing object to be created.
798        filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "error.txt")
799        # We (now) allow valid formats in any case.
800        for output in ["XXX", "xxx", None, 123, 5.9]:
801            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
802                gdd.write(filename, output)
803            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
804                gdd.write_to_string(output)
806    def test_partial_diagram(self):
807        """Construct and draw SVG and PDF for just part of a SeqRecord."""
808        genbank_entry = self.record
809        start = 6500
810        end = 8750
812        gdd = Diagram(
813            "Test Diagram",
814            # For the circular diagram we don't want a closed cirle:
815            circular=False,
816        )
817        # Add a track of features,
818        gdt_features = gdd.new_track(
819            1,
820            greytrack=True,
821            name="CDS Features",
822            scale_largetick_interval=1000,
823            scale_smalltick_interval=100,
824            scale_format="SInt",
825            greytrack_labels=False,
826            height=0.5,
827        )
828        # We'll just use one feature set for these features,
829        gds_features = gdt_features.new_set()
830        for feature in genbank_entry.features:
831            if feature.type != "CDS":
832                # We're going to ignore these.
833                continue
834            if feature.location.end.position < start:
835                # Out of frame (too far left)
836                continue
837            if feature.location.start.position > end:
838                # Out of frame (too far right)
839                continue
841            # This URL should work in SVG output from recent versions
842            # of ReportLab.  You need ReportLab 2.4 or later
843            try:
844                url = (
845                    "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi"
846                    + "?db=protein&id=%s" % feature.qualifiers["protein_id"][0]
847                )
848            except KeyError:
849                url = None
851            # Note that I am using strings for color names, instead
852            # of passing in color objects.  This should also work!
853            if len(gds_features) % 2 == 0:
854                color = "white"  # for testing the automatic black border!
855            else:
856                color = "red"
857            # Checking it can cope with the old UK spelling colour.
858            # Also show the labels perpendicular to the track.
859            gds_features.add_feature(
860                feature,
861                colour=color,
862                url=url,
863                sigil="ARROW",
864                label_position=None,
865                label_size=8,
866                label_angle=90,
867                label=True,
868            )
870        # And draw it...
871        gdd.draw(
872            format="linear",
873            orientation="landscape",
874            tracklines=False,
875            pagesize=(10 * cm, 6 * cm),
876            fragments=1,
877            start=start,
878            end=end,
879        )
880        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_region_linear.pdf")
881        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
883        # Also check the write_to_string (bytes string) method matches,
884        with open(output_filename, "rb") as handle:
885            self.assertEqual(handle.read(), gdd.write_to_string("PDF"))
887        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_region_linear.svg")
888        gdd.write(output_filename, "SVG")
890        # Circular with a particular start/end is a bit odd, but by setting
891        # circular=False (above) a sweep of 90% is used (a wedge is left out)
892        gdd.draw(
893            format="circular",
894            tracklines=False,
895            pagesize=(10 * cm, 10 * cm),
896            start=start,
897            end=end,
898        )
899        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_region_circular.pdf")
900        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
901        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_region_circular.svg")
902        gdd.write(output_filename, "SVG")
904    def test_diagram_via_methods_pdf(self):
905        """Construct and draw PDF using method approach."""
906        genbank_entry = self.record
907        gdd = Diagram("Test Diagram")
909        # Add a track of features,
910        gdt_features = gdd.new_track(
911            1, greytrack=True, name="CDS Features", greytrack_labels=0, height=0.5
912        )
913        # We'll just use one feature set for the genes and misc_features,
914        gds_features = gdt_features.new_set()
915        for feature in genbank_entry.features:
916            if feature.type == "gene":
917                if len(gds_features) % 2 == 0:
918                    color = "blue"
919                else:
920                    color = "lightblue"
921                gds_features.add_feature(
922                    feature,
923                    color=color,
924                    # label_position="middle",
925                    # label_position="end",
926                    label_position="start",
927                    label_size=11,
928                    # label_angle=90,
929                    sigil="ARROW",
930                    label=True,
931                )
933        # I want to include some strandless features, so for an example
934        # will use EcoRI recognition sites etc.
935        for site, name, color in [
936            ("GAATTC", "EcoRI", "green"),
937            ("CCCGGG", "SmaI", "orange"),
938            ("AAGCTT", "HindIII", "red"),
939            ("GGATCC", "BamHI", "purple"),
940        ]:
941            index = 0
942            while True:
943                index = genbank_entry.seq.find(site, start=index)
944                if index == -1:
945                    break
946                feature = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(index, index + 6), strand=None)
948                # This URL should work in SVG output from recent versions
949                # of ReportLab.  You need ReportLab 2.4 or later
950                try:
951                    url = (
952                        "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi"
953                        + "?db=protein&id=%s" % feature.qualifiers["protein_id"][0]
954                    )
955                except KeyError:
956                    url = None
958                gds_features.add_feature(
959                    feature,
960                    color=color,
961                    url=url,
962                    # label_position="middle",
963                    label_size=10,
964                    label_color=color,
965                    # label_angle=90,
966                    name=name,
967                    label=True,
968                )
969                index += len(site)
970            del index
972        # Now add a graph track...
973        gdt_at_gc = gdd.new_track(
974            2, greytrack=True, name="AT and GC content", greytrack_labels=True
975        )
976        gds_at_gc = gdt_at_gc.new_set(type="graph")
978        step = len(genbank_entry) // 200
979        gds_at_gc.new_graph(
980            apply_to_window(genbank_entry.seq, step, calc_gc_content, step),
981            "GC content",
982            style="line",
983            color=colors.lightgreen,
984            altcolor=colors.darkseagreen,
985        )
986        gds_at_gc.new_graph(
987            apply_to_window(genbank_entry.seq, step, calc_at_content, step),
988            "AT content",
989            style="line",
990            color=colors.orange,
991            altcolor=colors.red,
992        )
994        # Finally draw it in both formats,
995        gdd.draw(
996            format="linear",
997            orientation="landscape",
998            tracklines=0,
999            pagesize="A4",
1000            fragments=3,
1001        )
1002        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_by_meth_linear.pdf")
1003        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
1005        gdd.draw(
1006            format="circular",
1007            tracklines=False,
1008            circle_core=0.8,
1009            pagesize=(20 * cm, 20 * cm),
1010            circular=True,
1011        )
1012        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_by_meth_circular.pdf")
1013        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
1015    def test_diagram_via_object_pdf(self):
1016        """Construct and draw PDF using object approach."""
1017        genbank_entry = self.record
1018        gdd = Diagram("Test Diagram")
1020        gdt1 = Track(
1021            "CDS features",
1022            greytrack=True,
1023            scale_largetick_interval=1e4,
1024            scale_smalltick_interval=1e3,
1025            greytrack_labels=10,
1026            greytrack_font_color="red",
1027            scale_format="SInt",
1028        )
1029        gdt2 = Track("gene features", greytrack=1, scale_largetick_interval=1e4)
1031        # First add some feature sets:
1032        gdfsA = FeatureSet(name="CDS backgrounds")
1033        gdfsB = FeatureSet(name="gene background")
1035        gdfs1 = FeatureSet(name="CDS features")
1036        gdfs2 = FeatureSet(name="gene features")
1037        gdfs3 = FeatureSet(name="misc_features")
1038        gdfs4 = FeatureSet(name="repeat regions")
1040        prev_gene = None
1041        cds_count = 0
1042        for feature in genbank_entry.features:
1043            if feature.type == "CDS":
1044                cds_count += 1
1045                if prev_gene:
1046                    # Assuming it goes with this CDS!
1047                    if cds_count % 2 == 0:
1048                        dark, light = colors.peru, colors.tan
1049                    else:
1050                        dark, light = colors.burlywood, colors.bisque
1051                    # Background for CDS,
1052                    a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1053                        SeqFeature(
1054                            FeatureLocation(
1055                                feature.location.start, feature.location.end, strand=0
1056                            )
1057                        ),
1058                        color=dark,
1059                    )
1060                    # Background for gene,
1061                    b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1062                        SeqFeature(
1063                            FeatureLocation(
1064                                prev_gene.location.start,
1065                                prev_gene.location.end,
1066                                strand=0,
1067                            )
1068                        ),
1069                        color=dark,
1070                    )
1071                    # Cross link,
1072                    gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, light, dark))
1073                    prev_gene = None
1074            if feature.type == "gene":
1075                prev_gene = feature
1077        # Some cross links on the same linear diagram fragment,
1078        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.red)
1079        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1080            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(2220, 2230)), color=f, border=c
1081        )
1082        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1083            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(2200, 2210)), color=f, border=c
1084        )
1085        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, f, c))
1087        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.blue)
1088        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1089            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(2150, 2200)), color=f, border=c
1090        )
1091        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1092            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(2220, 2290)), color=f, border=c
1093        )
1094        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, f, c, flip=True))
1096        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.green)
1097        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1098            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(2250, 2560)), color=f, border=c
1099        )
1100        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1101            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(2300, 2860)), color=f, border=c
1102        )
1103        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, f, c))
1105        # Some cross links where both parts are saddling the linear diagram fragment boundary,
1106        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.red)
1107        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1108            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(3155, 3250)), color=f, border=c
1109        )
1110        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1111            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(3130, 3300)), color=f, border=c
1112        )
1113        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, f, c))
1114        # Nestled within that (drawn on top),
1115        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.blue)
1116        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1117            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(3160, 3275)), color=f, border=c
1118        )
1119        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1120            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(3180, 3225)), color=f, border=c
1121        )
1122        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, f, c, flip=True))
1124        # Some cross links where two features are on either side of the linear diagram fragment boundary,
1125        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.green)
1126        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1127            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6450, 6550)), color=f, border=c
1128        )
1129        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1130            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6265, 6365)), color=f, border=c
1131        )
1132        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, color=f, border=c))
1133        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.gold)
1134        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1135            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6265, 6365)), color=f, border=c
1136        )
1137        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1138            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6450, 6550)), color=f, border=c
1139        )
1140        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, color=f, border=c))
1141        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.red)
1142        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1143            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6275, 6375)), color=f, border=c
1144        )
1145        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1146            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6430, 6530)), color=f, border=c
1147        )
1148        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, color=f, border=c, flip=True))
1149        f, c = fill_and_border(colors.blue)
1150        a = gdfsA.add_feature(
1151            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6430, 6530)), color=f, border=c
1152        )
1153        b = gdfsB.add_feature(
1154            SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(6275, 6375)), color=f, border=c
1155        )
1156        gdd.cross_track_links.append(CrossLink(a, b, color=f, border=c, flip=True))
1158        cds_count = 0
1159        for feature in genbank_entry.features:
1160            if feature.type == "CDS":
1161                cds_count += 1
1162                if cds_count % 2 == 0:
1163                    gdfs1.add_feature(feature, color=colors.pink, sigil="ARROW")
1164                else:
1165                    gdfs1.add_feature(feature, color=colors.red, sigil="ARROW")
1167            if feature.type == "gene":
1168                # Note we set the colour of ALL the genes later on as a test,
1169                gdfs2.add_feature(feature, sigil="ARROW")
1171            if feature.type == "misc_feature":
1172                gdfs3.add_feature(feature, color=colors.orange)
1174            if feature.type == "repeat_region":
1175                gdfs4.add_feature(feature, color=colors.purple)
1177        # gdd.cross_track_links = gdd.cross_track_links[:1]
1179        gdfs1.set_all_features("label", 1)
1180        gdfs2.set_all_features("label", 1)
1181        gdfs3.set_all_features("label", 1)
1182        gdfs4.set_all_features("label", 1)
1184        gdfs3.set_all_features("hide", 0)
1185        gdfs4.set_all_features("hide", 0)
1187        # gdfs1.set_all_features('color', colors.red)
1188        gdfs2.set_all_features("color", colors.blue)
1190        gdt1.add_set(gdfsA)  # Before CDS so under them!
1191        gdt1.add_set(gdfs1)
1193        gdt2.add_set(gdfsB)  # Before genes so under them!
1194        gdt2.add_set(gdfs2)
1196        gdt3 = Track(
1197            "misc features and repeats", greytrack=1, scale_largetick_interval=1e4
1198        )
1199        gdt3.add_set(gdfs3)
1200        gdt3.add_set(gdfs4)
1202        # Now add some graph sets:
1204        # Use a fairly large step so we can easily tell the difference
1205        # between the bar and line graphs.
1206        step = len(genbank_entry) // 200
1207        gdgs1 = GraphSet("GC skew")
1209        graphdata1 = apply_to_window(genbank_entry.seq, step, calc_gc_skew, step)
1210        gdgs1.new_graph(
1211            graphdata1,
1212            "GC Skew",
1213            style="bar",
1214            color=colors.violet,
1215            altcolor=colors.purple,
1216        )
1218        gdt4 = Track(
1219            "GC Skew (bar)", height=1.94, greytrack=1, scale_largetick_interval=1e4
1220        )
1221        gdt4.add_set(gdgs1)
1223        gdgs2 = GraphSet("GC and AT Content")
1224        gdgs2.new_graph(
1225            apply_to_window(genbank_entry.seq, step, calc_gc_content, step),
1226            "GC content",
1227            style="line",
1228            color=colors.lightgreen,
1229            altcolor=colors.darkseagreen,
1230        )
1232        gdgs2.new_graph(
1233            apply_to_window(genbank_entry.seq, step, calc_at_content, step),
1234            "AT content",
1235            style="line",
1236            color=colors.orange,
1237            altcolor=colors.red,
1238        )
1240        gdt5 = Track(
1241            "GC Content(green line), AT Content(red line)",
1242            height=1.94,
1243            greytrack=1,
1244            scale_largetick_interval=1e4,
1245        )
1246        gdt5.add_set(gdgs2)
1248        gdgs3 = GraphSet("Di-nucleotide count")
1249        step = len(genbank_entry) // 400  # smaller step
1250        gdgs3.new_graph(
1251            apply_to_window(genbank_entry.seq, step, calc_dinucleotide_counts, step),
1252            "Di-nucleotide count",
1253            style="heat",
1254            color=colors.red,
1255            altcolor=colors.orange,
1256        )
1257        gdt6 = Track("Di-nucleotide count", height=0.5, greytrack=False, scale=False)
1258        gdt6.add_set(gdgs3)
1260        # Add the tracks (from both features and graphs)
1261        # Leave some white space in the middle/bottom
1262        gdd.add_track(gdt4, 3)  # GC skew
1263        gdd.add_track(gdt5, 4)  # GC and AT content
1264        gdd.add_track(gdt1, 5)  # CDS features
1265        gdd.add_track(gdt2, 6)  # Gene features
1266        gdd.add_track(gdt3, 7)  # Misc features and repeat feature
1267        gdd.add_track(gdt6, 8)  # Feature depth
1269        # Finally draw it in both formats, and full view and partial
1270        gdd.draw(
1271            format="circular", orientation="landscape", tracklines=0, pagesize="A0"
1272        )
1273        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_by_obj_circular.pdf")
1274        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
1276        gdd.circular = False
1277        gdd.draw(
1278            format="circular",
1279            orientation="landscape",
1280            tracklines=0,
1281            pagesize="A0",
1282            start=3000,
1283            end=6300,
1284        )
1285        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_by_obj_frag_circular.pdf")
1286        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
1288        gdd.draw(
1289            format="linear",
1290            orientation="landscape",
1291            tracklines=0,
1292            pagesize="A0",
1293            fragments=3,
1294        )
1295        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_by_obj_linear.pdf")
1296        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
1298        gdd.set_all_tracks("greytrack_labels", 2)
1299        gdd.draw(
1300            format="linear",
1301            orientation="landscape",
1302            tracklines=0,
1303            pagesize=(30 * cm, 10 * cm),
1304            fragments=1,
1305            start=3000,
1306            end=6300,
1307        )
1308        output_filename = os.path.join("Graphics", "GD_by_obj_frag_linear.pdf")
1309        gdd.write(output_filename, "PDF")
1312if __name__ == "__main__":
1313    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
1314    unittest.main(testRunner=runner)