1 /**
2  * @file    Parameter.h
3  * @brief   Definitions of Parameter and ListOfParameters.
4  * @author  Ben Bornstein
5  *
6  * <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  * This file is part of libSBML.  Please visit http://sbml.org for more
8  * information about SBML, and the latest version of libSBML.
9  *
10  * Copyright (C) 2020 jointly by the following organizations:
11  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
12  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
13  *     3. University College London, London, UK
14  *
15  * Copyright (C) 2019 jointly by the following organizations:
16  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
17  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
18  *
19  * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 jointly by the following organizations:
20  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
21  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
22  *     3. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
23  *
24  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 jointly by the following organizations:
25  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
26  *     2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
27  *
28  * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by the California Institute of Technology,
29  *     Pasadena, CA, USA
30  *
31  * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 jointly by the following organizations:
32  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
33  *     2. Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
34  *
35  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
36  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
37  * the Free Software Foundation.  A copy of the license agreement is provided
38  * in the file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution and
39  * also available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
40  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
41  *
42  * @class Parameter.
43  * @sbmlbrief{core} An SBML parameter: a named symbol with a value.
44  *
45  * A Parameter is used in SBML to define a symbol associated with a value;
46  * this symbol can then be used in mathematical formulas in a model.  By
47  * default, parameters have constant value for the duration of a
48  * simulation, and for this reason are called @em parameters instead of @em
49  * variables in SBML, although it is crucial to understand that <em>SBML
50  * parameters represent both concepts</em>.  Whether a given SBML
51  * parameter is intended to be constant or variable is indicated by the
52  * value of its "constant" attribute.
53  *
54  * SBML's Parameter has a required attribute, "id", that gives the
55  * parameter a unique identifier by which other parts of an SBML model
56  * definition can refer to it.  A parameter can also have an optional
57  * "name" attribute of type @c string.  Identifiers and names must be used
58  * according to the guidelines described in the SBML specifications.
59  *
60  * The optional attribute "value" determines the value (of type @c double)
61  * assigned to the parameter.  A missing value for "value" implies that
62  * the value either is unknown, or to be obtained from an external source,
63  * or determined by an initial assignment.  The unit of measurement
64  * associated with the value of the parameter can be specified using the
65  * optional attribute "units".  Here we only mention briefly some notable
66  * points about the possible unit choices, but readers are urged to consult
67  * the SBML specification documents for more information:
68  * <ul>
69  *
70  * <li> In SBML Level&nbsp;3, there are no constraints on the units that
71  * can be assigned to parameters in a model; there are also no units to
72  * inherit from the enclosing Model object (unlike the case for, e.g.,
73  * Species and Compartment).
74  *
75  * <li> In SBML Level&nbsp;2, the value assigned to the parameter's "units"
76  * attribute must be chosen from one of the following possibilities: one of
77  * the base unit identifiers defined in SBML; one of the built-in unit
78  * identifiers @c "substance", @c "time", @c "volume", @c "area" or
79  * @c "length"; or the identifier of a new unit defined in the list of unit
80  * definitions in the enclosing Model structure.  There are no constraints
81  * on the units that can be chosen from these sets.  There are no default
82  * units for parameters.
83  * </ul>
84  *
85  * The Parameter structure has another boolean attribute named "constant"
86  * that is used to indicate whether the parameter's value can vary during a
87  * simulation.  (In SBML Level&nbsp;3, the attribute is mandatory and must
88  * be given a value; in SBML Levels below Level&nbsp;3, the attribute is
89  * optional.)  A value of @c true indicates the parameter's value cannot be
90  * changed by any construct except InitialAssignment.  Conversely, if the
91  * value of "constant" is @c false, other constructs in SBML, such as rules
92  * and events, can change the value of the parameter.
93  *
94  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 uses a separate object class, LocalParameter, for
95  * parameters that are local to a Reaction's KineticLaw.  In Levels prior
96  * to SBML Level&nbsp;3, the Parameter class is used both for definitions
97  * of global parameters, as well as reaction-local parameters stored in a
98  * list within KineticLaw objects.  Parameter objects that are local to a
99  * reaction (that is, those defined within the KineticLaw structure of a
100  * Reaction) cannot be changed by rules and therefore are <em>implicitly
101  * always constant</em>; consequently, in SBML Level&nbsp;2, parameter
102  * definitions within Reaction structures should @em not have their
103  * "constant" attribute set to @c false.
104  *
105  * What if a global parameter has its "constant" attribute set to @c false,
106  * but the model does not contain any rules, events or other constructs
107  * that ever change its value over time?  Although the model may be
108  * suspect, this situation is not strictly an error.  A value of @c false
109  * for "constant" only indicates that a parameter @em can change value, not
110  * that it @em must.
111  *
112  * As with all other major SBML components, Parameter is derived from
113  * SBase, and the methods defined on SBase are available on Parameter.
114  *
115  * @note The use of the term @em parameter in SBML sometimes leads to
116  * confusion among readers who have a particular notion of what something
117  * called "parameter" should be.  It has been the source of heated debate,
118  * but despite this, no one has yet found an adequate replacement term that
119  * does not have different connotations to different people and hence leads
120  * to confusion among @em some subset of users.  Perhaps it would have been
121  * better to have two constructs, one called @em constants and the other
122  * called @em variables.  The current approach in SBML is simply more
123  * parsimonious, using a single Parameter construct with the boolean flag
124  * "constant" indicating which flavor it is.  In any case, readers are
125  * implored to look past their particular definition of a @em parameter and
126  * simply view SBML's Parameter as a single mechanism for defining both
127  * constants and (additional) variables in a model.  (We write @em
128  * additional because the species in a model are usually considered to be
129  * the central variables.)  After all, software tools are not required to
130  * expose to users the actual names of particular SBML constructs, and
131  * thus tools can present to their users whatever terms their designers
132  * feel best matches their target audience.
133  *
134  * In SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2, many restrictions were lifted
135  * requiring only Boolean values in Boolean contexts, and numeric
136  * values in numeric contexts.  This means that a Parameter may now
137  * be used as a Boolean, despite canonically having a numeric value.
138  * To be consistent, one should always assign it a value of @c true
139  * or @c false, and use it in Boolean contexts exclusively.  It would
140  * be appropriate to give it an SBO value of 602 ('Logical parameter')
141  * if one chooses to do this.
142  *
143  * @see ListOfParameters
144  *
145  *
146  * <!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
147  * @class ListOfParameters
148  * @sbmlbrief{core} A list of Parameter objects.
149  *
150  * @copydetails doc_what_is_listof
151  */
153 /**
154  * <!-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Start of common documentation strings ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
155  * The following text is used as common documentation blocks copied multiple
156  * times elsewhere in this file.  The use of @class is a hack needed because
157  * Doxygen's @copydetails command has limited functionality.  Symbols
158  * beginning with "doc_" are marked as ignored in our Doxygen configuration.
159  * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  -->
160  *
161  * @class doc_note_parameter_about_constant
162  *
163  * @note Readers who view the documentation for LocalParameter may be
164  * confused about the presence of this method.  LibSBML derives
165  * LocalParameter from Parameter; however, this does not precisely match
166  * the object hierarchy defined by SBML Level&nbsp;3, where
167  * LocalParameter is derived directly from SBase and not Parameter.  We
168  * believe this arrangement makes it easier for libSBML users to program
169  * applications that work with both SBML Level&nbsp;2 and SBML
170  * Level&nbsp;3, but programmers should also keep in mind this difference
171  * exists.  A side-effect of libSBML's scheme is that certain methods on
172  * LocalParameter that are inherited from Parameter do not actually have
173  * relevance to LocalParameter objects.  An example of this is the
174  * methods pertaining to Parameter's attribute "constant" (i.e.,
175  * isSetConstant(), setConstant(), and getConstant()).
176  *
177  */
179 #ifndef Parameter_h
180 #define Parameter_h
183 #include <sbml/common/extern.h>
184 #include <sbml/common/sbmlfwd.h>
186 #include <sbml/SBase.h>
187 #include <sbml/ListOf.h>
190 #ifdef __cplusplus
193 #include <string>
197 class SBMLVisitor;
198 class UnitFormulaFormatter;
201 class LIBSBML_EXTERN Parameter : public SBase
202 {
203 public:
205   /**
206    * Creates a new Parameter using the given SBML @p level and @p version
207    * values.
208    *
209    * @param level an unsigned int, the SBML Level to assign to this Parameter.
210    *
211    * @param version an unsigned int, the SBML Version to assign to this
212    * Parameter.
213    *
214    * @copydetails doc_throw_exception_lv
215    *
216    * @copydetails doc_note_setting_lv
217    */
218   Parameter (unsigned int level, unsigned int version);
221   /**
222    * Creates a new Parameter using the given SBMLNamespaces object
223    * @p sbmlns.
224    *
225    * @copydetails doc_what_are_sbmlnamespaces
226    *
227    * It is worth emphasizing that although this constructor does not take
228    * an identifier argument, in SBML Level&nbsp;2 and beyond, the "id"
229    * (identifier) attribute of a Parameter is required to have a value.
230    * Thus, callers are cautioned to assign a value after calling this
231    * constructor if no identifier is provided as an argument.  Setting the
232    * identifier can be accomplished using the method
233    * @if java setId(String id)@else setId()@endif.
234    *
235    * @param sbmlns an SBMLNamespaces object.
236    *
237    * @copydetails doc_throw_exception_namespace
238    *
239    * @copydetails doc_note_setting_lv
240    */
241   Parameter (SBMLNamespaces* sbmlns);
244   /**
245    * Destroys this Parameter.
246    */
247   virtual ~Parameter ();
250   /**
251    * Copy constructor; creates a copy of a Parameter.
252    *
253    * @param orig the Parameter instance to copy.
254      */
255   Parameter(const Parameter& orig);
258   /**
259    * Assignment operator for Parameter.
260    *
261    * @param rhs the object whose values are used as the basis of the
262    * assignment.
263    */
264   Parameter& operator=(const Parameter& rhs);
267   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
268   /**
269    * Accepts the given SBMLVisitor for this instance of Parameter.
270    *
271    * @param v the SBMLVisitor instance to be used.
272    *
273    * @return the result of calling <code>v.visit()</code>, indicating
274    * whether the Visitor would like to visit the next Parameter object in
275    * the list of parameters within which @em the present object is
276    * embedded.
277    */
278   virtual bool accept (SBMLVisitor& v) const;
279   /** @endcond */
282   /**
283    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this Parameter object.
284    *
285    * @return the (deep) copy of this Parameter object.
286    */
287   virtual Parameter* clone () const;
290   /**
291    * Initializes the fields of this Parameter object to "typical" defaults
292    * values.
293    *
294    * The SBML Parameter component has slightly different aspects and
295    * default attribute values in different SBML Levels and Versions.  Many
296    * SBML object classes defined by libSBML have an initDefaults() method
297    * to set the values to certain common defaults, based mostly on what
298    * they are in SBML Level&nbsp;2.  In the case of Parameter, this method
299    * only sets the value of the "constant" attribute to @c true.
300    *
301    * @see getConstant()
302    * @see isSetConstant()
303    * @see setConstant(@if java boolean@endif)
304    */
305   void initDefaults ();
308   /**
309    * Returns the value of the "id" attribute of this Parameter.
310    *
311    * @note Because of the inconsistent behavior of this function with
312    * respect to assignments and rules, it is now recommended to
313    * use the getIdAttribute() function instead.
314    *
315    * @copydetails doc_id_attribute
316    *
317    * @return the id of this Parameter.
318    *
319    * @see getIdAttribute()
320    * @see setIdAttribute(const std::string& sid)
321    * @see isSetIdAttribute()
322    * @see unsetIdAttribute()
323    */
324   virtual const std::string& getId () const;
327   /**
328    * Returns the value of the "name" attribute of this Parameter object.
329    *
330    * @copydetails doc_get_name
331    */
332   virtual const std::string& getName () const;
335   /**
336    * Returns the numerical value of this Parameter.
337    *
338    * @return the value of the "value" attribute of this Parameter, as a
339    * number of type @c double.
340    *
341    * @note <b>It is crucial</b> that callers not blindly call
342    * Parameter::getValue() without first using Parameter::isSetValue() to
343    * determine whether a value has ever been set.  Otherwise, the value
344    * return by Parameter::getValue() may not actually represent a value
345    * assigned to the parameter.  The reason is simply that the data type
346    * @c double in a program always has @em some value.  A separate test is
347    * needed to determine whether the value is a true model value, or
348    * uninitialized data in a computer's memory location.
349    *
350    * @see isSetValue()
351    * @see setValue(double value)
352    * @see getUnits()
353    */
354   double getValue () const;
357   /**
358    * Returns the units defined for this Parameter.
359    *
360    * The value of an SBML parameter's "units" attribute establishes the
361    * unit of measurement associated with the parameter's value.
362    *
363    * @return the value of the "units" attribute of this Parameter, as a
364    * string.  An empty string indicates that no units have been assigned.
365    *
366    * @copydetails doc_note_unassigned_unit_are_not_a_default
367    *
368    * @see isSetUnits()
369    * @see setUnits(@if java String@endif)
370    * @see getValue()
371    */
372   const std::string& getUnits () const;
375   /**
376    * Returns the value of the "constant" attribute of this Parameter instance.
377    *
378    * @return @c true if this Parameter is declared as being constant,
379    * @c false otherwise.
380    *
381    * @copydetails doc_note_parameter_about_constant
382    *
383    * @see isSetConstant()
384    * @see setConstant(@if java boolean@endif)
385    */
386   virtual bool getConstant () const;
389   /**
390    * Predicate returning @c true if this
391    * Parameter's "id" attribute is set.
392    *
393    * @copydetails doc_isset_id
394    */
395   virtual bool isSetId () const;
398   /**
399    * Predicate returning @c true if this
400    * Parameter's "name" attribute is set.
401    *
402    * @copydetails doc_isset_name
403    */
404   virtual bool isSetName () const;
407   /**
408    * Predicate returning @c true if the
409    * "value" attribute of this Parameter is set.
410    *
411    * In SBML definitions after SBML Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;1,
412    * parameter values are optional and have no defaults.  If a model read
413    * from a file does not contain a setting for the "value" attribute of a
414    * parameter, its value is considered unset; it does not default to any
415    * particular value.  Similarly, when a Parameter object is created in
416    * libSBML, it has no value until given a value.  The
417    * Parameter::isSetValue() method allows calling applications to
418    * determine whether a given parameter's value has ever been set.
419    *
420    * In SBML Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;1, parameters are required to have
421    * values and therefore, the value of a Parameter <b>should always be
422    * set</b>.  In Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;2 and beyond, the value is
423    * optional and as such, the "value" attribute may or may not be set.
424    *
425    * @return @c true if the value of this Parameter is set,
426    * @c false otherwise.
427    *
428    * @see getValue()
429    * @see setValue(double value)
430    */
431   bool isSetValue () const;
434   /**
435    * Predicate returning @c true if the
436    * "units" attribute of this Parameter is set.
437    *
438    * @return @c true if the "units" attribute of this Parameter is
439    * set, @c false otherwise.
440    *
441    * @copydetails doc_note_unassigned_unit_are_not_a_default
442    */
443   bool isSetUnits () const;
446   /**
447    * Predicate returning @c true if the
448    * "constant" attribute of this Parameter is set.
449    *
450    * @return @c true if the "constant" attribute of this Parameter is
451    * set, @c false otherwise.
452    *
453    * @copydetails doc_note_parameter_about_constant
454    *
455    * @see getConstant()
456    * @see setConstant(@if java boolean@endif)
457    */
458   virtual bool isSetConstant () const;
461   /**
462    * Sets the value of the "id" attribute of this Parameter.
463    *
464    * @copydetails doc_set_id
465    */
466   virtual int setId(const std::string& sid);
469   /**
470    * Sets the value of the "name" attribute of this Parameter.
471    *
472    * The string in @p name is copied.
473    *
474    * @param name the new name for the Parameter.
475    *
476    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
477    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
478    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OperationReturnValues_t}
479    */
480   int setName (const std::string& name);
483   /**
484    * Sets the "value" attribute of this Parameter to the given @c double
485    * value and marks the attribute as set.
486    *
487    * @param value a @c double, the value to assign.
488    *
489    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
490    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
491    */
492   int setValue (double value);
495   /**
496    * Sets the "units" attribute of this Parameter to a copy of the given
497    * units identifier @p units.
498    *
499    * @param units a string, the identifier of the units to assign to this
500    * Parameter instance.
501    *
502    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
503    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
504    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OperationReturnValues_t}
505    */
506   int setUnits (const std::string& units);
509   /**
510    * Sets the "constant" attribute of this Parameter to the given boolean
511    * @p flag.
512    *
513    * @param flag a boolean, the value for the "constant" attribute of this
514    * Parameter instance.
515    *
516    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
517    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
518    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE, OperationReturnValues_t}
519    *
520    * @copydetails doc_note_parameter_about_constant
521    *
522    * @see getConstant()
523    * @see isSetConstant()
524    */
525   virtual int setConstant (bool flag);
528   /**
529    * Unsets the value of the "name" attribute of this Parameter.
530    *
531    * @copydetails doc_unset_name
532    */
533   virtual int unsetName ();
536   /**
537    * Unsets the value of the "constant" attribute of this Parameter object.
538    *
539    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
540    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
541    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
542    *
543    * @see isSetConstant()
544    * @see setConstant(@if java boolean@endif)
545    * @see getConstant()
546    */
547   int unsetConstant ();
550   /**
551    * Unsets the "value" attribute of this Parameter instance.
552    *
553    * @copydetails doc_returns_one_success_code
554    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
555    *
556    * In SBML Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;1, parameters are required to have
557    * values and therefore, the value of a Parameter <b>should always be
558    * set</b>.  In SBML Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;2 and beyond, the value
559    * is optional and as such, the "value" attribute may or may not be set.
560    */
561   int unsetValue ();
564   /**
565    * Unsets the "units" attribute of this Parameter instance.
566    *
567    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
568    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
569    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
570    */
571   int unsetUnits ();
574   /**
575    * Constructs and returns a UnitDefinition that corresponds to the units
576    * of this Parameter's value.
577    *
578    * Parameters in SBML have an attribute ("units") for declaring the units
579    * of measurement intended for the parameter's value.  <b>No defaults are
580    * defined</b> by SBML in the absence of a definition for "units".  This
581    * method returns a UnitDefinition object based on the units declared for
582    * this Parameter using its "units" attribute, or it returns @c NULL if
583    * no units have been declared.
584    *
585    * Note that unit declarations for Parameter objects are specified in
586    * terms of the @em identifier of a unit (e.g., using setUnits()), but
587    * @em this method returns a UnitDefinition object, not a unit
588    * identifier.  It does this by constructing an appropriate
589    * UnitDefinition.For SBML Level&nbsp;2 models, it will do this even when
590    * the value of the "units" attribute is one of the special SBML
591    * Level&nbsp;2 unit identifiers @c "substance", @c "volume", @c "area",
592    * @c "length" or @c "time".  Callers may find this useful in conjunction
593    * with the helper methods provided by the UnitDefinition class for
594    * comparing different UnitDefinition objects.
595    *
596    * @return a UnitDefinition that expresses the units of this
597    * Parameter, or @c NULL if one cannot be constructed.
598    *
599    * @note The libSBML system for unit analysis depends on the model as a
600    * whole.  In cases where the Parameter object has not yet been added to
601    * a model, or the model itself is incomplete, unit analysis is not
602    * possible, and consequently this method will return @c NULL.
603    *
604    * @see isSetUnits()
605    */
606   UnitDefinition * getDerivedUnitDefinition();
609   /**
610    * Constructs and returns a UnitDefinition that corresponds to the units
611    * of this Parameter's value.
612    *
613    * Parameters in SBML have an attribute ("units") for declaring the units
614    * of measurement intended for the parameter's value.  <b>No defaults are
615    * defined</b> by SBML in the absence of a definition for "units".  This
616    * method returns a UnitDefinition object based on the units declared for
617    * this Parameter using its "units" attribute, or it returns @c NULL if
618    * no units have been declared.
619    *
620    * Note that unit declarations for Parameter objects are specified in
621    * terms of the @em identifier of a unit (e.g., using setUnits()), but
622    * @em this method returns a UnitDefinition object, not a unit
623    * identifier.  It does this by constructing an appropriate
624    * UnitDefinition.  For SBML Level&nbsp;2 models, it will do this even
625    * when the value of the "units" attribute is one of the predefined SBML
626    * units @c "substance", @c "volume", @c "area", @c "length" or
627    * @c "time".  Callers may find this useful in conjunction with the helper
628    * methods provided by the UnitDefinition class for comparing different
629    * UnitDefinition objects.
630    *
631    * @return a UnitDefinition that expresses the units of this
632    * Parameter, or @c NULL if one cannot be constructed.
633    *
634    * @note The libSBML system for unit analysis depends on the model as a
635    * whole.  In cases where the Parameter object has not yet been added to
636    * a model, or the model itself is incomplete, unit analysis is not
637    * possible, and consequently this method will return @c NULL.
638    *
639    * @see isSetUnits()
640    */
641   const UnitDefinition * getDerivedUnitDefinition() const;
644   /**
645    * Returns the libSBML type code for this SBML object.
646    *
647    * @copydetails doc_what_are_typecodes
648    *
649    * @return the SBML type code for this object:
650    * @sbmlconstant{SBML_PARAMETER, SBMLTypeCode_t} (default).
651    *
652    * @copydetails doc_warning_typecodes_not_unique
653    *
654    * @see getElementName()
655    * @see getPackageName()
656    */
657   virtual int getTypeCode () const;
660   /**
661    * Returns the XML element name of this object, which for Parameter, is
662    * always @c "parameter".
663    *
664    * @return the name of this element, i.e., @c "parameter".
665    */
666   virtual const std::string& getElementName () const;
669   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
670   /**
671    * Subclasses should override this method to write out their contained
672    * SBML objects as XML elements.  Be sure to call your parent's
673    * implementation of this method as well.
674    */
675   virtual void writeElements (XMLOutputStream& stream) const;
676   /** @endcond */
679   /**
680    * Predicate returning @c true if
681    * all the required attributes for this Parameter object
682    * have been set.
683    *
684    * The required attributes for a Parameter object are:
685    * @li "id" (or "name" in SBML Level&nbsp;1)
686    * @li "value" (required in Level&nbsp;1, optional otherwise)
687    *
688    * @return @c true if the required attributes have been set, @c false
689    * otherwise.
690    */
691   virtual bool hasRequiredAttributes() const ;
694   /**
695    * Renames all the @c UnitSIdRef attributes on this element.
696    *
697    * @copydetails doc_what_is_unitsidref
698    *
699    * This method works by looking at all unit identifier attribute values
700    * (including, if appropriate, inside mathematical formulas), comparing the
701    * unit identifiers to the value of @p oldid.  If any matches are found,
702    * the matching identifiers are replaced with @p newid.  The method does
703    * @em not descend into child elements.
704    *
705    * @param oldid the old identifier.
706    * @param newid the new identifier.
707    */
708   virtual void renameUnitSIdRefs(const std::string& oldid, const std::string& newid);
711   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
712   /* set a flag to indicate that a parameter should
713    * calculate its units from math */
714   virtual void setCalculatingUnits(bool calculatingUnits);
716   /** @endcond */
723   #ifndef SWIG
727   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
729   /**
730    * Returns the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
731    *
732    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to retrieve.
733    *
734    * @param value, the address of the value to record.
735    *
736    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
737    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
738    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
739    */
740   virtual int getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName, bool& value)
741     const;
743   /** @endcond */
747   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
749   /**
750    * Returns the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
751    *
752    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to retrieve.
753    *
754    * @param value, the address of the value to record.
755    *
756    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
757    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
758    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
759    */
760   virtual int getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName, int& value) const;
762   /** @endcond */
766   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
768   /**
769    * Returns the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
770    *
771    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to retrieve.
772    *
773    * @param value, the address of the value to record.
774    *
775    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
776    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
777    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
778    */
779   virtual int getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName,
780                            double& value) const;
782   /** @endcond */
786   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
788   /**
789    * Returns the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
790    *
791    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to retrieve.
792    *
793    * @param value, the address of the value to record.
794    *
795    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
796    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
797    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
798    */
799   virtual int getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName,
800                            unsigned int& value) const;
802   /** @endcond */
806   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
808   /**
809    * Returns the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
810    *
811    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to retrieve.
812    *
813    * @param value, the address of the value to record.
814    *
815    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
816    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
817    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
818    */
819   virtual int getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName,
820                            std::string& value) const;
822   /** @endcond */
826   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
828   /**
829    * Returns the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
830    *
831    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to retrieve.
832    *
833    * @param value, the address of the value to record.
834    *
835    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
836    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
837    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
838    */
839   //virtual int getAttribute(const std::string& attributeName,
840   //                         const char* value) const;
842   /** @endcond */
846   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
848   /**
849    * Predicate returning @c true if this Parameter's attribute "attributeName"
850    * is set.
851    *
852    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to query.
853    *
854    * @return @c true if this Parameter's attribute "attributeName" has been
855    * set, otherwise @c false is returned.
856    */
857   virtual bool isSetAttribute(const std::string& attributeName) const;
859   /** @endcond */
863   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
865   /**
866    * Sets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
867    *
868    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to set.
869    *
870    * @param value, the value of the attribute to set.
871    *
872    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
873    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
874    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
875    */
876   virtual int setAttribute(const std::string& attributeName, bool value);
878   /** @endcond */
882   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
884   /**
885    * Sets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
886    *
887    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to set.
888    *
889    * @param value, the value of the attribute to set.
890    *
891    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
892    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
893    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
894    */
895   virtual int setAttribute(const std::string& attributeName, int value);
897   /** @endcond */
901   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
903   /**
904    * Sets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
905    *
906    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to set.
907    *
908    * @param value, the value of the attribute to set.
909    *
910    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
911    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
912    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
913    */
914   virtual int setAttribute(const std::string& attributeName, double value);
916   /** @endcond */
920   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
922   /**
923    * Sets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
924    *
925    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to set.
926    *
927    * @param value, the value of the attribute to set.
928    *
929    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
930    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
931    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
932    */
933   virtual int setAttribute(const std::string& attributeName,
934                            unsigned int value);
936   /** @endcond */
940   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
942   /**
943    * Sets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
944    *
945    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to set.
946    *
947    * @param value, the value of the attribute to set.
948    *
949    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
950    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
951    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
952    */
953   virtual int setAttribute(const std::string& attributeName,
954                            const std::string& value);
956   /** @endcond */
960   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
962   /**
963    * Sets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
964    *
965    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to set.
966    *
967    * @param value, the value of the attribute to set.
968    *
969    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
970    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
971    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
972    */
973   //virtual int setAttribute(const std::string& attributeName, const char*
974   //  value);
976   /** @endcond */
980   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
982   /**
983    * Unsets the value of the "attributeName" attribute of this Parameter.
984    *
985    * @param attributeName, the name of the attribute to query.
986    *
987    * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
988    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
989    * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
990    */
991   virtual int unsetAttribute(const std::string& attributeName);
993   /** @endcond */
996   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
997   bool isExplicitlySetConstant() const;
998   /** @endcond */
1002   #endif /* !SWIG */
1005 protected:
1006   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
1007   Parameter (SBMLNamespaces* sbmlns, bool isLocal);
1009   /**
1010    * Subclasses should override this method to get the list of
1011    * expected attributes.
1012    * This function is invoked from corresponding readAttributes()
1013    * function.
1014    */
1015   virtual void addExpectedAttributes(ExpectedAttributes& attributes);
1017   /**
1018    * Subclasses should override this method to read values from the given
1019    * XMLAttributes set into their specific fields.  Be sure to call your
1020    * parent's implementation of this method as well.
1021    */
1022   virtual void readAttributes (const XMLAttributes& attributes,
1023                                const ExpectedAttributes& expectedAttributes);
1025   void readL1Attributes (const XMLAttributes& attributes);
1027   void readL2Attributes (const XMLAttributes& attributes);
1029   void readL3Attributes (const XMLAttributes& attributes);
1032   /**
1033    * Subclasses should override this method to write their XML attributes
1034    * to the XMLOutputStream.  Be sure to call your parent's implementation
1035    * of this method as well.
1036    */
1037   virtual void writeAttributes (XMLOutputStream& stream) const;
1039   //std::string  mId;
1040   //std::string  mName;
1041   double       mValue;
1042   std::string  mUnits;
1043   bool         mConstant;
1045   bool mIsSetValue;
1046   bool mIsSetConstant;
1048   bool  mExplicitlySetConstant;
1050   /* the validator classes need to be friends to access the
1051    * protected constructor that takes no arguments
1052    */
1053   friend class Validator;
1054   friend class ConsistencyValidator;
1055   friend class IdentifierConsistencyValidator;
1056   friend class InternalConsistencyValidator;
1057   friend class L1CompatibilityValidator;
1058   friend class L2v1CompatibilityValidator;
1059   friend class L2v2CompatibilityValidator;
1060   friend class L2v3CompatibilityValidator;
1061   friend class L2v4CompatibilityValidator;
1062   friend class MathMLConsistencyValidator;
1063   friend class ModelingPracticeValidator;
1064   friend class OverdeterminedValidator;
1065   friend class SBOConsistencyValidator;
1066   friend class UnitConsistencyValidator;
1068   /** @endcond */
1071 private:
1073   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
1075   UnitDefinition * inferUnits(Model* m, bool globalParameter);
1077   UnitDefinition * inferUnitsFromAssignments(UnitFormulaFormatter *uff,
1078                                              Model *m);
1080   UnitDefinition * inferUnitsFromRules(UnitFormulaFormatter *uff,
1081                                              Model *m);
1083   UnitDefinition * inferUnitsFromReactions(UnitFormulaFormatter *uff,
1084                                              Model *m);
1086   UnitDefinition * inferUnitsFromEvents(UnitFormulaFormatter *uff,
1087                                              Model *m);
1089   UnitDefinition * inferUnitsFromEvent(Event * e, UnitFormulaFormatter *uff,
1090                                              Model *m);
1092   UnitDefinition * inferUnitsFromKineticLaw(KineticLaw* kl,
1093                   UnitFormulaFormatter *uff, Model *m);
1095   /** @endcond */
1097   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
1098   /* flag to indicate that a parameter should calculate its units from math */
1099   bool getCalculatingUnits() const;
1101   bool mCalculatingUnits;
1103   /** @endcond */
1105 };
1108 class LIBSBML_EXTERN ListOfParameters : public ListOf
1109 {
1110 public:
1112   /**
1113    * Creates a new ListOfParameters object.
1114    *
1115    * The object is constructed such that it is valid for the given SBML
1116    * Level and Version combination.
1117    *
1118    * @param level the SBML Level.
1119    *
1120    * @param version the Version within the SBML Level.
1121    *
1122    * @copydetails doc_throw_exception_lv
1123    *
1124    * @copydetails doc_note_setting_lv
1125    */
1126   ListOfParameters (unsigned int level, unsigned int version);
1129   /**
1130    * Creates a new ListOfParameters object.
1131    *
1132    * The object is constructed such that it is valid for the SBML Level and
1133    * Version combination determined by the SBMLNamespaces object in @p
1134    * sbmlns.
1135    *
1136    * @param sbmlns an SBMLNamespaces object that is used to determine the
1137    * characteristics of the ListOfParameters object to be created.
1138    *
1139    * @copydetails doc_throw_exception_namespace
1140    *
1141    * @copydetails doc_note_setting_lv
1142    */
1143   ListOfParameters (SBMLNamespaces* sbmlns);
1146   /**
1147    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this ListOfParameters object.
1148    *
1149    * @return the (deep) copy of this ListOfParameters object.
1150    */
1151   virtual ListOfParameters* clone () const;
1154   /**
1155    * Returns the libSBML type code for the objects contained in this ListOf
1156    * (i.e., Parameter objects, if the list is non-empty).
1157    *
1158    * @copydetails doc_what_are_typecodes
1159    *
1160    * @return the SBML type code for this objects contained in this list:
1161    * @sbmlconstant{SBML_PARAMETER, SBMLTypeCode_t} (default).
1162    *
1163    * @see getElementName()
1164    * @see getPackageName()
1165    */
1166   virtual int getItemTypeCode () const;
1169   /**
1170    * Returns the XML element name of this object.
1171    *
1172    * For ListOfParameters, the XML element name is @c "listOfParameters".
1173    *
1174    * @return the name of this element, i.e., @c "listOfParameters".
1175    */
1176   virtual const std::string& getElementName () const;
1179   /**
1180    * Returns the Parameter object located at position @p n within this
1181    * ListOfParameters instance.
1182    *
1183    * @param n the index number of the Parameter to get.
1184    *
1185    * @return the nth Parameter in this ListOfParameters.  If the index @p n
1186    * is out of bounds for the length of the list, then @c NULL is returned.
1187    *
1188    * @see size()
1189    * @see get(const std::string& sid)
1190    */
1191   virtual Parameter * get(unsigned int n);
1194   /**
1195    * Returns the Parameter object located at position @p n within this
1196    * ListOfParameters instance.
1197    *
1198    * @param n the index number of the Parameter to get.
1199    *
1200    * @return the nth Parameter in this ListOfParameters.  If the index @p n
1201    * is out of bounds for the length of the list, then @c NULL is returned.
1202    *
1203    * @see size()
1204    * @see get(const std::string& sid)
1205    */
1206   virtual const Parameter * get(unsigned int n) const;
1209   /**
1210    * Returns the first Parameter object matching the given identifier.
1211    *
1212    * @param sid a string, the identifier of the Parameter to get.
1213    *
1214    * @return the Parameter object found.  The caller owns the returned
1215    * object and is responsible for deleting it.  If none of the items have
1216    * an identifier matching @p sid, then @c NULL is returned.
1217    *
1218    * @see get(unsigned int n)
1219    * @see size()
1220    */
1221   virtual Parameter* get (const std::string& sid);
1224   /**
1225    * Returns the first Parameter object matching the given identifier.
1226    *
1227    * @param sid a string representing the identifier of the Parameter to
1228    * get.
1229    *
1230    * @return the Parameter object found.  The caller owns the returned
1231    * object and is responsible for deleting it.  If none of the items have
1232    * an identifier matching @p sid, then @c NULL is returned.
1233    *
1234    * @see get(unsigned int n)
1235    * @see size()
1236    */
1237   virtual const Parameter* get (const std::string& sid) const;
1240   /**
1241    * Removes the nth item from this ListOfParameters, and returns a pointer
1242    * to it.
1243    *
1244    * @param n the index of the item to remove.
1245    *
1246    * @return the item removed.  The caller owns the returned object and is
1247    * responsible for deleting it.  If the index number @p n is out of
1248    * bounds for the length of the list, then @c NULL is returned.
1249    *
1250    * @see size()
1251    */
1252   virtual Parameter* remove (unsigned int n);
1255   /**
1256    * Removes the first Parameter object in this ListOfParameters
1257    * matching the given identifier, and returns a pointer to it.
1258    *
1259    * @param sid the identifier of the item to remove.
1260    *
1261    * @return the item removed.  The caller owns the returned object and is
1262    * responsible for deleting it.  If none of the items have an identifier
1263    * matching @p sid, then @c NULL is returned.
1264    */
1265   virtual Parameter* remove (const std::string& sid);
1268   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
1269   /**
1270    * Returns the ordinal position of this element in the containing object
1271    * (which in this case is the Model object).
1272    *
1273    * The ordering of elements in the XML form of SBML is generally fixed
1274    * for most components in SBML.  So, for example, the ListOfParameters
1275    * in a model is (in SBML Level&nbsp;2 Version&nbsp;4) the seventh
1276    * ListOf___.  (However, it differs for different Levels and Versions of
1277    * SBML.)
1278    *
1279    * @return the ordinal position of the element with respect to its
1280    * siblings, or @c -1 (default) to indicate the position is not significant.
1281    */
1282   virtual int getElementPosition () const;
1284   /** @endcond */
1287 protected:
1288   /** @cond doxygenLibsbmlInternal */
1289   /**
1290    * Create a ListOfParameters object corresponding to the next token in
1291    * the XML input stream.
1292    *
1293    * @return the SBML object corresponding to next XMLToken in the
1294    * XMLInputStream, or @c NULL if the token was not recognized.
1295    */
1296   virtual SBase* createObject (XMLInputStream& stream);
1298   /** @endcond */
1300 };
1304 #endif  /* __cplusplus */
1307 #ifndef SWIG
1312 /**
1313  * Creates a new Parameter_t structure using the given SBML @p level
1314  * and @p version values.
1315  *
1316  * @param level an unsigned int, the SBML Level to assign to this
1317  * Parameter_t.
1318  *
1319  * @param version an unsigned int, the SBML Version to assign to this
1320  * Parameter_t.
1321  *
1322  * @return a pointer to the newly created Parameter_t structure.
1323  *
1324  * @copydetails doc_note_setting_lv
1325  *
1326  * @memberof Parameter_t
1327  */
1329 Parameter_t *
1330 Parameter_create (unsigned int level, unsigned int version);
1333 /**
1334  * Creates a new Parameter_t structure using the given
1335  * SBMLNamespaces_t structure.
1336  *
1337  * @param sbmlns SBMLNamespaces_t, a pointer to an SBMLNamespaces_t structure
1338  * to assign to this Parameter_t.
1339  *
1340  * @return a pointer to the newly created Parameter_t structure.
1341  *
1342  * @copydetails doc_note_setting_lv
1343  *
1344  * @memberof Parameter_t
1345  */
1347 Parameter_t *
1348 Parameter_createWithNS (SBMLNamespaces_t *sbmlns);
1351 /**
1352  * Frees the given Parameter_t structure.
1353  *
1354  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to be freed.
1355  *
1356  * @memberof Parameter_t
1357  */
1359 void
1360 Parameter_free (Parameter_t *p);
1363 /**
1364  * Creates a deep copy of the given Parameter_t structure
1365  *
1366  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to be copied.
1367  *
1368  * @return a (deep) copy of the given Parameter_t structure.
1369  *
1370  * @memberof Parameter_t
1371  */
1373 Parameter_t *
1374 Parameter_clone (const Parameter_t *p);
1377 /**
1378  * Initializes the attributes of this Parameter_t structure to their defaults.
1379  *
1380  * The exact results depends on the %SBML Level and Version in use.  The
1381  * cases are currently the following:
1382  *
1383  * @li (%SBML Level 2 only) constant = @c true
1384  *
1385  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to initialize.
1386  *
1387  * @memberof Parameter_t
1388  */
1390 void
1391 Parameter_initDefaults (Parameter_t *p);
1394 /**
1395  * Returns a list of XMLNamespaces_t associated with this Parameter_t
1396  * structure.
1397  *
1398  * @param p the Parameter_t structure.
1399  *
1400  * @return pointer to the XMLNamespaces_t structure associated with
1401  * this structure
1402  *
1403  * @memberof Parameter_t
1404  */
1406 const XMLNamespaces_t *
1407 Parameter_getNamespaces(Parameter_t *p);
1410 /**
1411  * Takes a Parameter_t structure and returns its identifier.
1412  *
1413  * @param p the Parameter_t structure whose identifier is sought.
1414  *
1415  * @return the identifier of this Parameter_t, as a pointer to a string.
1416  *
1417  * @memberof Parameter_t
1418  */
1420 const char *
1421 Parameter_getId (const Parameter_t *p);
1424 /**
1425  * Takes a Parameter_t structure and returns its name.
1426  *
1427  * @param p the Parameter_t whose name is sought.
1428  *
1429  * @return the name of this Parameter_t, as a pointer to a string.
1430  *
1431  * @memberof Parameter_t
1432  */
1434 const char *
1435 Parameter_getName (const Parameter_t *p);
1438 /**
1439  * Takes a Parameter_t structure and returns its value.
1440  *
1441  * @param p the Parameter_t whose value is sought.
1442  *
1443  * @return the value assigned to this Parameter_t structure, as a @c double.
1444  *
1445  * @memberof Parameter_t
1446  */
1448 double
1449 Parameter_getValue (const Parameter_t *p);
1452 /**
1453  * Takes a Parameter_t structure and returns its units.
1454  *
1455  * @param p the Parameter_t whose units are sought.
1456  *
1457  * @return the units assigned to this Parameter_t structure, as a pointer
1458  * to a string.
1459  *
1460  * @memberof Parameter_t
1461  */
1463 const char *
1464 Parameter_getUnits (const Parameter_t *p);
1467 /**
1468  * Takes a Parameter_t structure and returns @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false), depending
1469  * on the value of the parameter's "constant" attribute.
1470  *
1471  * @param p the Parameter_t whose constant value is sought.
1472  *
1473  * @return the value of the "constant" attribute, with @c nonzero meaning
1474  * true and @c zero meaning false.
1475  *
1476  * @memberof Parameter_t
1477  */
1479 int
1480 Parameter_getConstant (const Parameter_t *p);
1483 /**
1484  * Predicate returning @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false) depending on whether the given
1485  * Parameter_t structure's identifier is set.
1486  *
1487  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to query.
1488  *
1489  * @return @c 1 (true) if the "id" attribute of the given
1490  * Parameter_t structure is set, @c 0 (false) otherwise.
1491  *
1492  * @memberof Parameter_t
1493  */
1495 int
1496 Parameter_isSetId (const Parameter_t *p);
1499 /**
1500  * Predicate returning @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false) depending on whether the given
1501  * Parameter_t structure's name is set.
1502  *
1503  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to query.
1504  *
1505  * @return @c 1 (true) if the "name" attribute of the given
1506  * Parameter_t structure is set, @c 0 (false) otherwise.
1507  *
1508  * @memberof Parameter_t
1509  */
1511 int
1512 Parameter_isSetName (const Parameter_t *p);
1515 /**
1516  * Predicate returning @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false) depending on whether the given
1517  * Parameter_t structure's value is set.
1518  *
1519  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to query.
1520  *
1521  * @return @c 1 (true) if the "value" attribute of the given
1522  * Parameter_t structure is set, @c 0 (false) otherwise.
1523  *
1524  * @note In SBML Level 1 Version 1, a Parameter_t value is required and
1525  * therefore <em>should always be set</em>.  In Level 1 Version 2 and
1526  * later, the value is optional, and as such, may or may not be set.
1527  *
1528  * @memberof Parameter_t
1529  */
1531 int
1532 Parameter_isSetValue (const Parameter_t *p);
1535 /**
1536  * Predicate returning @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false) depending on whether the given
1537  * Parameter_t structure's units have been set.
1538  *
1539  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to query.
1540  *
1541  * @return @c 1 (true) if the "units" attribute of the given
1542  * Parameter_t structure is set, @c 0 (false) otherwise.
1543  *
1544  * @memberof Parameter_t
1545  */
1547 int
1548 Parameter_isSetUnits (const Parameter_t *p);
1551 /**
1552  * Predicate returning @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false) depending on whether the given
1553  * Parameter_t structure's constant attribute have been set.
1554  *
1555  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to query.
1556  *
1557  * @return @c 1 (true) if the "constant" attribute of the given
1558  * Parameter_t structure is set, @c 0 (false) otherwise.
1559  *
1560  * @memberof Parameter_t
1561  */
1563 int
1564 Parameter_isSetConstant (const Parameter_t *p);
1567 /**
1568  * Assigns the identifier of a Parameter_t structure.
1569  *
1570  * This makes a copy of the string passed in the parameter @p sid.
1571  *
1572  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to set.
1573  * @param sid the string to use as the identifier.
1574  *
1575  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1576  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1577  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OperationReturnValues_t}
1578  *
1579  * @note Using this function with an @p sid of NULL is equivalent to
1580  * unsetting the "id" attribute.
1581  *
1582  * @memberof Parameter_t
1583  */
1585 int
1586 Parameter_setId (Parameter_t *p, const char *sid);
1589 /**
1590  * Assign the name of a Parameter_t structure.
1591  *
1592  * This makes a copy of the string passed in as the argument @p name.
1593  *
1594  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to set.
1595  * @param name the string to use as the name.
1596  *
1597  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1598  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1599  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OperationReturnValues_t}
1600  *
1601  * @note Using this function with the name set to NULL is equivalent to
1602  * unsetting the "name" attribute.
1603  *
1604  * @memberof Parameter_t
1605  */
1607 int
1608 Parameter_setName (Parameter_t *p, const char *name);
1611 /**
1612  * Assign the value of a Parameter_t structure.
1613  *
1614  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to set.
1615  * @param value the @c double value to use.
1616  *
1617  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1618  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1619  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT, OperationReturnValues_t}
1620  *
1621  * @memberof Parameter_t
1622  */
1624 int
1625 Parameter_setValue (Parameter_t *p, double value);
1628 /**
1629  * Assign the units of a Parameter_t structure.
1630  *
1631  * This makes a copy of the string passed in as the argument @p units.
1632  *
1633  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to set.
1634  * @param units the string to use as the identifier of the units to assign.
1635  *
1636  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1637  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1638  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, OperationReturnValues_t}
1639  *
1640  * @note Using this function with units set to NULL is equivalent to
1641  * unsetting the "units" attribute.
1642  *
1643  * @memberof Parameter_t
1644  */
1646 int
1647 Parameter_setUnits (Parameter_t *p, const char *units);
1650 /**
1651  * Assign the "constant" attribute of a Parameter_t structure.
1652  *
1653  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to set.
1654  * @param value the value to assign as the "constant" attribute
1655  * of the parameter, either @c zero for false or @c nonzero for true.
1656  *
1657  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1658  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1659  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE, OperationReturnValues_t}
1660  *
1661  * @memberof Parameter_t
1662  */
1664 int
1665 Parameter_setConstant (Parameter_t *p, int value);
1668 /**
1669  * Unsets the name of this Parameter_t structure.
1670  *
1671  * @param p the Parameter_t structure whose name is to be unset.
1672  *
1673  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1674  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1675  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
1676  *
1677  * @memberof Parameter_t
1678  */
1680 int
1681 Parameter_unsetName (Parameter_t *p);
1684 /**
1685  * Unsets the value of the "constant" attribute of the given Parameter_t
1686  * structure.
1687  *
1688  * @param c the Parameter_t structure.
1689  *
1690  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1691  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1692  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
1693  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT, OperationReturnValues_t}
1694  *
1695  * @memberof Parameter_t
1696  */
1698 int
1699 Parameter_unsetConstant (Parameter_t *c);
1702 /**
1703  * Unsets the value of this Parameter_t structure.
1704  *
1705  * In SBML Level 1 Version 1, a parameter is required to have a value and
1706  * therefore this attribute <em>should always be set</em>.  In Level 1
1707  * Version 2 and beyond, a value is optional, and as such, may or may not be
1708  * set.
1709  *
1710  * @param p the Parameter_t structure whose value is to be unset.
1711  *
1712  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1713  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1714  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT, OperationReturnValues_t}
1715  *
1716  * @memberof Parameter_t
1717  */
1719 int
1720 Parameter_unsetValue (Parameter_t *p);
1723 /**
1724  * Unsets the units of this Parameter_t structure.
1725  *
1726  * @param p the Parameter_t structure whose units are to be unset.
1727  *
1728  * @copydetails doc_returns_success_code
1729  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, OperationReturnValues_t}
1730  * @li @sbmlconstant{LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED, OperationReturnValues_t}
1731  *
1732  * @memberof Parameter_t
1733  */
1735 int
1736 Parameter_unsetUnits (Parameter_t *p);
1739 /**
1740  * Constructs and returns a UnitDefinition_t structure that expresses
1741  * the units of this Parameter_t structure.
1742  *
1743  * @param p the Parameter_t structure whose units are to be returned.
1744  *
1745  * @return a UnitDefinition_t structure that expresses the units
1746  * of this Parameter_t strucuture.
1747  *
1748  * @note This function returns the units of the Parameter_t expressed
1749  * as a UnitDefinition_t. The units may be those explicitly declared.
1750  * In the case where no units have been declared, @c NULL is returned.
1751  *
1752  * @memberof Parameter_t
1753  */
1755 UnitDefinition_t *
1756 Parameter_getDerivedUnitDefinition(Parameter_t *p);
1759 /**
1760  * Predicate returning @c 1 (true) or @c 0 (false) depending on whether
1761  * all the required attributes for this Parameter_t structure
1762  * have been set.
1763  *
1764  * The required attributes for a Parameter_t structure are:
1765  * @li id (name in L1)
1766  * @li constant (in L3 only)
1767  *
1768  * @param p the Parameter_t structure to check.
1769  *
1770  * @return @c 1 (true) if all the required
1771  * attributes for this structure have been defined, @c 0 (false) otherwise.
1772  *
1773  * @memberof Parameter_t
1774  */
1776 int
1777 Parameter_hasRequiredAttributes (Parameter_t *p);
1780 /**
1781  * Returns the Parameter_t structure having a given identifier.
1782  *
1783  * @param lo the ListOfParameters_t structure to search.
1784  * @param sid the "id" attribute value being sought.
1785  *
1786  * @return item in the @p lo ListOfParameters with the given @p sid or a
1787  * null pointer if no such item exists.
1788  *
1789  * @see ListOf_t
1790  *
1791  * @memberof ListOfParameters_t
1792  */
1794 Parameter_t *
1795 ListOfParameters_getById (ListOf_t *lo, const char *sid);
1798 /**
1799  * Removes a Parameter_t structure based on its identifier.
1800  *
1801  * The caller owns the returned item and is responsible for deleting it.
1802  *
1803  * @param lo the list of Parameter_t structures to search.
1804  * @param sid the "id" attribute value of the structure to remove.
1805  *
1806  * @return The Parameter_t structure removed, or a null pointer if no such
1807  * item exists in @p lo.
1808  *
1809  * @see ListOf_t
1810  *
1811  * @memberof ListOfParameters_t
1812  */
1814 Parameter_t *
1815 ListOfParameters_removeById (ListOf_t *lo, const char *sid);
1821 #endif  /* !SWIG */
1822 #endif  /* Parameter_h */