1 /*===========================================================================
2 *
3 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
4 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
5 *
6 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
7 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
8 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
9 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
10 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
11 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
12 *
13 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
14 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
15 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
16 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
17 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
18 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
19 *  purpose.
20 *
21 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
22 *
23 * ===========================================================================
24 *
25 */
27 #include "cmdline_cmn.h"
29 #include <kapp/args.h>
31 #include <vdb/report.h> /* ReportResetTable */
33 #include <klib/rc.h>
34 #include <klib/log.h>
35 #include <klib/out.h>
37 #include <sra/srapath.h>
39 #include <vfs/manager.h>
40 #include <vfs/path.h>
41 #include <vfs/path-priv.h>
43 #include <stdlib.h>
44 #include <stdio.h>
45 #include <string.h>
46 #include <ctype.h>
48 #include <os-native.h>
49 #include <sysalloc.h>
51 const char * ref_usage[] = { "Filter by position on genome.",
52                              "Name can either be file specific name",
53                              "(ex: \"chr1\" or \"1\").",
54                              "\"from\" and \"to\" are 1-based coordinates",
55                              NULL };
57 const char * outf_usage[] = { "Output will be written to this file",
58                               "instead of std-out", NULL };
60 const char * table_usage[] = { "Which alignment table(s) to use (p|s|e):",
61                                "p - primary, s - secondary, e - evidence-interval",
62                                "(default = p)", NULL };
64 const char * gzip_usage[] = { "Compress output using gzip", NULL };
66 const char * bzip_usage[] = { "Compress output using bzip2", NULL };
68 const char * inf_usage[] = { "File with all input-parameters / options", NULL };
70 const char * schema_usage[] = { "optional schema-file to be used", NULL };
72 const char * no_mt_usage[] = { "disable multithreading", NULL };
74 const char * timing_usage[] = { "write timing log-file", NULL };
76 #define OPTION_OUTF    "outfile"
77 #define ALIAS_OUTF     "o"
79 #define OPTION_TABLE   "table"
80 #define ALIAS_TABLE    "t"
82 #define OPTION_GZIP    "gzip"
83 #define ALIAS_GZIP     NULL
85 #define OPTION_BZIP    "bzip2"
86 #define ALIAS_BZIP     NULL
88 #define OPTION_INF    "infile"
89 #define ALIAS_INF     "f"
91 #define OPTION_SCHEMA "schema"
92 #define ALIAS_SCHEMA  "S"
94 #define OPTION_NO_MT  "disable-multithreading"
95 #define OPTION_TIMING "timing"
97 OptDef CommonOptions[] =
98 {
99     /*name,           alias,         hfkt, usage-help,    maxcount, needs value, required */
100     { OPTION_REF,     ALIAS_REF,     NULL, ref_usage,     0,        true,        false },
101     { OPTION_OUTF,    ALIAS_OUTF,    NULL, outf_usage,    1,        true,        false },
102     { OPTION_TABLE,   ALIAS_TABLE,   NULL, table_usage,   1,        true,        false },
103     { OPTION_GZIP,    ALIAS_GZIP,    NULL, gzip_usage,    1,        false,       false },
104     { OPTION_BZIP,    ALIAS_BZIP,    NULL, bzip_usage,    1,        false,       false },
105     { OPTION_INF,     ALIAS_INF,     NULL, inf_usage,     0,        true,        false },
106     { OPTION_SCHEMA,  ALIAS_SCHEMA,  NULL, schema_usage,  1,        true,        false },
107     { OPTION_NO_MT,   NULL,          NULL, no_mt_usage,   1,        false,       false },
108     { OPTION_TIMING,  NULL,          NULL, timing_usage,  1,        true,        false }
109 };
112 /* =========================================================================================== */
get_str_option(const Args * args,const char * name,const char ** res)114 static rc_t get_str_option( const Args *args, const char *name, const char ** res )
115 {
116     uint32_t count;
117     rc_t rc = ArgsOptionCount( args, name, &count );
118     *res = NULL;
119     if ( rc != 0 )
120     {
121         LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsOptionCount() failed" );
122     }
123     else
124     {
125         if ( count > 0 )
126         {
127             rc = ArgsOptionValue( args, name, 0, (const void **)res );
128             if ( rc != 0 )
129             {
130                 LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsOptionValue() failed" );
131             }
132         }
133     }
134     return rc;
135 }
get_bool_option(const Args * args,const char * name,bool * res,const bool def)138 static rc_t get_bool_option( const Args *args, const char *name, bool *res, const bool def )
139 {
140     uint32_t count;
141     rc_t rc = ArgsOptionCount( args, name, &count );
142     if ( rc == 0 && count > 0 )
143     {
144         *res = true;
145     }
146     else
147     {
148         *res = def;
149     }
150     return rc;
151 }
153 /* =========================================================================================== */
get_common_options(Args * args,common_options * opts)155 rc_t get_common_options( Args * args, common_options *opts )
156 {
157     rc_t rc = get_str_option( args, OPTION_OUTF, &opts->output_file );
159     if ( rc == 0 )
160         rc = get_str_option( args, OPTION_INF, &opts->input_file );
162     if ( rc == 0 )
163         rc = get_bool_option( args, OPTION_GZIP, &opts->gzip_output, false );
165     if ( rc == 0 )
166         rc = get_bool_option( args, OPTION_BZIP, &opts->bzip_output, false );
168     if ( rc == 0 )
169         rc = get_bool_option( args, OPTION_NO_MT, &opts->no_mt, false );
171     if ( rc == 0 )
172         rc = get_str_option( args, OPTION_SCHEMA, &opts->schema_file );
174     if ( rc == 0 )
175         rc = get_str_option( args, OPTION_TIMING, &opts->timing_file );
177     if ( rc == 0 )
178     {
179         const char * table2use = NULL;
180         rc = get_str_option( args, OPTION_TABLE, &table2use );
181         opts->tab_select = primary_ats;
182         if ( rc == 0 && table2use != NULL )
183         {
184             size_t l = string_size ( table2use );
185             opts->tab_select = 0;
186             if ( ( string_chr ( table2use, l, 'p' ) != NULL )||
187                  ( string_chr ( table2use, l, 'P' ) != NULL ) )
188             { opts->tab_select |= primary_ats; };
190             if ( ( string_chr ( table2use, l, 's' ) != NULL )||
191                  ( string_chr ( table2use, l, 'S' ) != NULL ) )
192             { opts->tab_select |= secondary_ats; };
194             if ( ( string_chr ( table2use, l, 'e' ) != NULL )||
195                  ( string_chr ( table2use, l, 'E' ) != NULL ) )
196             { opts->tab_select |= evidence_ats; };
197         }
198     }
200     return rc;
201 }
print_common_helplines(void)203 void print_common_helplines( void )
204 {
205     HelpOptionLine ( ALIAS_REF, OPTION_REF, "name[:from-to]", ref_usage );
206     HelpOptionLine ( ALIAS_OUTF, OPTION_OUTF, "output-file", outf_usage );
207     HelpOptionLine ( ALIAS_TABLE, OPTION_TABLE, "shortcut", table_usage );
208     HelpOptionLine ( ALIAS_BZIP, OPTION_BZIP, NULL, bzip_usage );
209     HelpOptionLine ( ALIAS_GZIP, OPTION_GZIP, NULL, gzip_usage );
210     HelpOptionLine ( NULL, OPTION_NO_MT, NULL, no_mt_usage );
211     HelpOptionLine ( NULL, OPTION_TIMING, NULL, timing_usage );
212 }
CommonOptions_ptr(void)215 OptDef * CommonOptions_ptr( void )
216 {
217     return &CommonOptions[ 0 ];
218 }
CommonOptions_count(void)220 size_t CommonOptions_count( void )
221 {
222     return ( sizeof CommonOptions / sizeof CommonOptions [ 0 ] );
223 }
226 /* =========================================================================================== */
228 #if 0
229 static int cmp_pchar( const char * a, const char * b )
230 {
231     int res = 0;
232     if ( ( a != NULL )&&( b != NULL ) )
233     {
234         size_t len_a = string_size( a );
235         size_t len_b = string_size( b );
236         res = string_cmp ( a, len_a, b, len_b, ( len_a < len_b ) ? len_b : len_a );
237     }
238     return res;
239 }
240 #endif
242 /* =========================================================================================== */
init_ref_regions(BSTree * tree,Args * args)245 rc_t init_ref_regions( BSTree * tree, Args * args )
246 {
247     uint32_t count;
248     rc_t rc;
250     BSTreeInit( tree );
251     rc = ArgsOptionCount( args, OPTION_REF, &count );
252     if ( rc != 0 )
253     {
254         LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsOptionCount() failed" );
255     }
256     else
257     {
258         uint32_t i;
259         for ( i = 0; i < count && rc == 0; ++i )
260         {
261             const char * s;
262             rc = ArgsOptionValue( args, OPTION_REF, i, (const void **)&s );
263             if ( rc != 0 )
264                 LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsOptionValue() failed" );
265             else
266                 rc = parse_and_add_region( tree, s );
267         }
268     }
269     return rc;
270 }
273 /* =========================================================================================== */
275 #if TOOLS_USE_SRAPATH != 0
is_this_a_filesystem_path(const char * path)276 static bool is_this_a_filesystem_path( const char * path )
277 {
278     bool res = false;
279     size_t i, n = string_size ( path );
280     for ( i = 0; i < n && !res; ++i )
281     {
282         char c = path[ i ];
283         res = ( c == '.' || c == '/' || c == '\\' );
284     }
285     return res;
286 }
287 #endif
289 #if TOOLS_USE_SRAPATH != 0
translate_accession(SRAPath * my_sra_path,const char * accession,const size_t bufsize)290 static char *translate_accession( SRAPath *my_sra_path,
291                            const char *accession,
292                            const size_t bufsize )
293 {
294     rc_t rc;
295     char * res = calloc( 1, bufsize );
296     if ( res == NULL ) return NULL;
298     rc = SRAPathFind( my_sra_path, accession, res, bufsize );
299     if ( GetRCState( rc ) == rcNotFound )
300     {
301         free( res );
302         return NULL;
303     }
304     else if ( GetRCState( rc ) == rcInsufficient )
305     {
306         free( res );
307         return translate_accession( my_sra_path, accession, bufsize * 2 );
308     }
309     else if ( rc != 0 )
310     {
311         free( res );
312         return NULL;
313     }
314     return res;
315 }
316 #endif
318 #if TOOLS_USE_SRAPATH != 0
resolve_accession(const KDirectory * my_dir,char ** path)319 static rc_t resolve_accession( const KDirectory *my_dir, char ** path )
320 {
321     SRAPath *my_sra_path;
322     rc_t rc = 0;
324     if ( strchr ( *path, '/' ) != NULL )
325         return 0;
327     rc = SRAPathMake( &my_sra_path, my_dir );
328     if ( rc != 0 )
329     {
330         if ( GetRCState ( rc ) != rcNotFound || GetRCTarget ( rc ) != rcDylib )
331         {
332             if ( rc != 0 )
333             {
334                 LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "SRAPathMake() failed" );
335             }
336         }
337         else
338             rc = 0;
339     }
340     else
341     {
342         if ( !SRAPathTest( my_sra_path, *path ) )
343         {
344             char *buf = translate_accession( my_sra_path, *path, 64 );
345             if ( buf != NULL )
346             {
347                 free( (char*)(*path) );
348                 *path = buf;
349             }
350         }
351         SRAPathRelease( my_sra_path );
352     }
353     return rc;
354 }
355 #endif
358 /* =========================================================================================== */
361 /****************************************************************************************
362     splits an argument
364     example: "/path/file=grp1" into path = "/path/file" and attribute = "grp1"
365     or
366     example: "/path/file" into path = "/path/file" and attribute = NULL
368 ****************************************************************************************/
split_argument(const char * argument,char ** path,char ** attribute,char delim)369 static rc_t split_argument( const char *argument, char ** path, char ** attribute, char delim )
370 {
371     if ( argument == NULL || path == NULL || attribute == NULL )
372         return RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcNull );
373     else
374     {
375         char * delim_ptr = string_chr ( argument, string_size ( argument ), delim );
376         if ( delim_ptr == NULL )
377         {
378             *path = string_dup_measure( argument, NULL );
379             *attribute = NULL;
380         }
381         else
382         {
383             size_t len = string_size( argument );
384             size_t len1 = ( delim_ptr - argument );
385             *path = string_dup ( argument, len1 );
386             if ( delim_ptr < argument + len - 1 )
387                 *attribute = string_dup ( delim_ptr + 1, len - ( len1 + 1 ) );
388             else
389                 *attribute = NULL;
390         }
391     }
392     return 0;
393 }
split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup(VPath * vpath,const char * argument,char ** path,char ** attribute)396 static rc_t split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup( VPath *vpath, const char *argument, char ** path, char ** attribute )
397 {
398     size_t zz;
399     char readgroup_buffer[ 256 ];
400     rc_t rc1 = VPathOption( vpath, vpopt_readgroup, readgroup_buffer, sizeof readgroup_buffer - 1, &zz );
401     if ( rc1 == 0 )
402         *attribute = string_dup( readgroup_buffer, zz );
403     *path = string_dup( argument, string_size( argument ) );
404     return 0;
405 }
test_split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup(VPath * vpath,const char * argument,char ** path,char ** attribute)408 static rc_t test_split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup( VPath *vpath, const char *argument, char ** path, char ** attribute )
409 {
410     rc_t rc = 0;
411 #if 1
412     if ( VPathFromUri ( vpath ) )
413         rc = split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup ( vpath, argument, path, attribute );
414     else
415         rc = split_argument ( argument, path, attribute, '=' );
416 #else
417     VPUri_t uri_type = VPathGetUri_t( vpath );
418     switch ( uri_type )
419     {
420         default:
421         case vpuri_invalid:
422             rc = RC( rcExe, rcParam, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcInvalid );
423             break;
425         case vpuri_not_supported:
426             rc = RC( rcExe, rcParam, rcAccessing, rcPath, rcUnsupported );
427             break;
429         case vpuri_none:
430             rc = split_argument( argument, path, attribute, '=' );
431             break;
433         case vpuri_ncbi_vfs:
434         case vpuri_file:
435         case vpuri_ncbi_acc:
436         case vpuri_http:
437             rc = split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup( vpath, argument, path, attribute );
438             break;
439     }
440 #endif
441     return rc;
442 }
split_argument_into_path_and_readgroup(const char * argument,char ** path,char ** attribute)445 static rc_t split_argument_into_path_and_readgroup( const char *argument, char ** path, char ** attribute )
446 {
447     rc_t rc;
448     char * colon_ptr = string_chr ( argument, string_size ( argument ), ':' );
449     if ( colon_ptr == NULL )
450     {
451         /* we do not have a colon in the argument, that means: there is no uri-syntax involved
452            ---> we can split the "old fashioned way" at the equal-sign */
453         rc = split_argument( argument, path, attribute, '=' );
454     }
455     else
456     {
457         VFSManager * mgr;
458         rc_t rc = VFSManagerMake ( & mgr );
460         *path = NULL;
461         *attribute = NULL;
463         if ( rc == 0 )
464         {
465             VPath * vpath;
466             rc = VFSManagerMakePath ( mgr, &vpath, "%s", argument );
467             if ( rc == 0 )
468             {
469                 rc = test_split_vpath_into_path_and_readgroup( vpath, argument, path, attribute );
470                 VPathRelease( vpath );
471             }
473             VFSManagerRelease ( mgr );
474         }
475     }
476     return rc;
477 }
480 /* =========================================================================================== */
foreach_argument(Args * args,KDirectory * dir,bool div_by_spotgrp,bool * empty,rc_t (CC * on_argument)(const char * path,const char * spot_group,void * data),void * data)483 rc_t foreach_argument( Args * args, KDirectory *dir, bool div_by_spotgrp, bool * empty,
484     rc_t ( CC * on_argument ) ( const char * path, const char * spot_group, void * data ), void * data )
485 {
486     uint32_t count;
487     rc_t rc = ArgsParamCount( args, &count );
488     if ( rc != 0 )
489     {
490         LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamCount() failed" );
491     }
492     else
493     {
494         uint32_t idx;
495         if ( empty != NULL )
496         {
497             *empty = ( count == 0 );
498         }
499         for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0; ++idx )
500         {
501             const char *param = NULL;
502             rc = ArgsParamValue( args, idx, (const void **)&param );
503             if ( rc != 0 )
504             {
505                 LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ArgsParamvalue() failed" );
506             }
507             else
508             {
510                 char * path = NULL;
511                 char * spot_group = NULL;
513                 rc = split_argument_into_path_and_readgroup( param, &path, &spot_group );
514                 if ( rc == 0 && path != NULL )
515                 {
516                     /* in case there is no spotgroup-override from the commandline AND
517                        the option to divide by spot-group is set, let spot_group point
518                        to an empty string ---> divide by original spot-group! */
519                     if ( spot_group == NULL && div_by_spotgrp )
520                     {
521                         spot_group = calloc( 1, 1 );
522                     }
524 #if TOOLS_USE_SRAPATH != 0
525                     if ( !is_this_a_filesystem_path( path ) )
526                     {
527                         rc = resolve_accession( dir, &path );
528                     }
529 #endif
531                     if ( rc == 0 )
532                     {
533                         rc = on_argument( path, spot_group, data );
534                     }
536                     free( path );
537                     if ( spot_group != NULL )
538                         free( spot_group );
539                 }
540             }
541         }
542     }
543     return rc;
544 }
547 /* =========================================================================================== */
prepare_whole_file(prepare_ctx * ctx)550 static rc_t prepare_whole_file( prepare_ctx * ctx )
551 {
552     rc_t rc = 0;
553     if ( ctx->reflist != NULL )
554     {
555         uint32_t count;
556         rc = ReferenceList_Count( ctx->reflist, &count );
557         if ( rc != 0 )
558         {
559             LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ReferenceList_Count() failed" );
560         }
561         else
562         {
563             uint32_t idx;
564             for ( idx = 0; idx < count && rc == 0; ++idx )
565             {
566                 rc = ReferenceList_Get( ctx->reflist, &ctx->refobj, idx );
567                 if ( rc != 0 )
568                 {
569                     LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ReferenceList_Get() failed" );
570                 }
571                 else
572                 {
573                     rc = ctx->on_section( ctx, NULL );
574                     if ( rc == 0 )
575                         ReferenceObj_Release( ctx->refobj );
576                 }
577             }
578         }
579     }
580     else
581     {
582         ctx->refobj = NULL;
583         rc = ctx->on_section( ctx, NULL );
584     }
585     return rc;
586 }
prepare_region_cb(const char * name,const struct reference_range * range,void * data)589 static rc_t CC prepare_region_cb( const char * name, const struct reference_range * range, void * data )
590 {
591     prepare_ctx * ctx = ( prepare_ctx * )data;
592     rc_t rc = ReferenceList_Find( ctx->reflist, &ctx->refobj, name, string_size( name ) );
593     if ( rc != 0 )
594     {
595         rc = 0;
596     }
597     else
598     {
599         rc = ctx->on_section( ctx, range );
600         if ( rc == 0 )
601             ReferenceObj_Release( ctx->refobj );
602     }
603     return rc;
604 }
prepare_db_table(prepare_ctx * ctx,const VDBManager * vdb_mgr,VSchema * vdb_schema,const char * path)607 static rc_t prepare_db_table( prepare_ctx *ctx,
608                               const VDBManager *vdb_mgr,
609                               VSchema *vdb_schema,
610                               const char * path )
611 {
612     rc_t rc;
613     ctx->db = NULL;
614     ctx->seq_tab = NULL;
616     rc = VDBManagerOpenDBRead ( vdb_mgr, &ctx->db, vdb_schema, "%s", path );
617     if ( rc != 0 )
618     {
619         rc = VDBManagerOpenTableRead ( vdb_mgr, &ctx->seq_tab, NULL, "%s", path );
620         if ( rc != 0 )
621         {
622             PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "failed to open '$(path)'", "path=%s", path ) );
623         }
624         else {
625             ReportResetTable(path, ctx->seq_tab);
626         }
627     }
628     else
629     {
630         rc = VDatabaseOpenTableRead( ctx->db, &ctx->seq_tab, "SEQUENCE" );
631         if ( rc != 0 )
632         {
633             LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "VDatabaseOpenTableRead( SEQUENCE ) failed" );
634         }
635         else
636         {
637             ReportResetDatabase( path, ctx->db );
638         }
639     }
640     return rc;
641 }
prepare_reflist(prepare_ctx * ctx)644 static rc_t prepare_reflist( prepare_ctx *ctx )
645 {
646     rc_t rc = 0;
647     ctx->reflist = NULL;
648     if ( ctx->db != NULL )
649     {
650         uint32_t reflist_options = ereferencelist_4na;
652         if ( ctx->use_primary_alignments )
653             reflist_options |= ereferencelist_usePrimaryIds;
655         if ( ctx->use_secondary_alignments )
656             reflist_options |= ereferencelist_useSecondaryIds;
658         if ( ctx->use_evidence_alignments )
659             reflist_options |= ereferencelist_useEvidenceIds;
661         rc = ReferenceList_MakeDatabase( &ctx->reflist, ctx->db, reflist_options, 0, NULL, 0 );
662         if ( rc != 0 )
663         {
664             LOGERR( klogInt, rc, "ReferenceList_MakeDatabase() failed" );
665         }
666     }
667     return rc;
668 }
prepare_ref_iter(prepare_ctx * ctx,const VDBManager * vdb_mgr,VSchema * vdb_schema,const char * path,BSTree * regions)671 rc_t prepare_ref_iter( prepare_ctx *ctx,
672                        const VDBManager *vdb_mgr,
673                        VSchema *vdb_schema,
674                        const char * path,
675                        BSTree * regions )
676 {
677     rc_t rc = prepare_db_table( ctx, vdb_mgr, vdb_schema, path );
678     if ( rc == 0 )
679     {
680         rc = prepare_reflist( ctx );
681         if( rc == 0 )
682         {
683             if ( ctx->reflist == NULL || count_ref_regions( regions ) == 0 )
684             {
685                 /* the user has not specified a reference-range : use the whole file... */
686                 rc = prepare_whole_file( ctx );
687             }
688             else
689             {
690                 /* pick only the requested ranges... */
691                 rc = foreach_ref_region( regions, prepare_region_cb, ctx ); /* ref_regions.c */
692             }
693         }
694         if ( ctx->reflist != NULL )
695         {
696             ReferenceList_Release( ctx->reflist );
697         }
698     }
699     VTableRelease ( ctx->seq_tab );
700     VDatabaseRelease ( ctx->db );
701     return rc;
702 }
705 /* =========================================================================================== */
parse_inf_file(Args * args)708 rc_t parse_inf_file( Args * args )
709 {
710     return Args_parse_inf_file( args, OPTION_INF );
711 }