1 #include "Transcriptome.h"
2 #include "ReadAlign.h"
3 #include "Transcript.h"
4 #include "serviceFuns.cpp"
5 #include <random>
quantTranscriptome(Transcriptome * Tr,uint nAlignG,Transcript ** alignG,Transcript * alignT)7 uint ReadAlign::quantTranscriptome (Transcriptome *Tr, uint nAlignG, Transcript **alignG, Transcript *alignT) {
8     uint nAlignT=0;
9     for (uint iag=0; iag<nAlignG; iag++) {//transform all alignments
11         Transcript *align1=alignG[iag];
13         if (!P.quant.trSAM.indel && (align1->nDel>0 || align1->nIns>0) ) {
14             //prevent indels if requested
15             continue;
16         };
17         if (!P.quant.trSAM.singleEnd && (P.readNmates==2 && align1->exons[0][EX_iFrag]==align1->exons[align1->nExons-1][EX_iFrag]) ) {//not readNends: this is alignment
18         //prevent single end alignments
19             continue;
20         };
22         if (!P.quant.trSAM.softClip) {
23             //soft clipping not allowed, extend them if possible
24             uint nMM1=0;
25             char* R=Read1[align1->roStr==0 ? 0:2];
26             Transcript align2=*align1; //copy this transcript to avoid changing the original one
28             for (uint32 iab=0; iab<align2.nExons; iab++) {
29                 uint left1=0,right1=0;//how many bases to move left or right
30                 if (iab==0) {
31                     left1=align2.exons[iab][EX_R];
32                 } else if (align2.canonSJ[iab-1]==-3) {
33                     left1=align2.exons[iab][EX_R]-readLength[align2.exons[iab-1][EX_iFrag]]-1;
34                 };
35                 if (iab==align2.nExons-1) {//last block of left mates
36                     right1=Lread-align2.exons[iab][EX_R]-align2.exons[iab][EX_L];
38                 } else if (align2.canonSJ[iab]==-3) {//last block of the right mate (i.e. whole read)
39                     right1=readLength[align2.exons[iab][EX_iFrag]]-align2.exons[iab][EX_R]-align2.exons[iab][EX_L];
40                 };
42                 for (uint b=1; b<=left1 ; b++) {//extend to the left
43                     char r1=R[align2.exons[iab][EX_R]-b];
44                     char g1=mapGen.G[align2.exons[iab][EX_G]-b];
45                     if ( r1!=g1 && r1<4 && g1<4) ++nMM1;
46                 };
47                 for (uint b=0; b<right1 ; b++) {//extend to the left
48                     char r1=R[align2.exons[iab][EX_R]+align2.exons[iab][EX_L]+b];
49                     char g1=mapGen.G[align2.exons[iab][EX_G]+align2.exons[iab][EX_L]+b];
50                     if ( r1!=g1 && r1<4 && g1<4) ++nMM1;
51                 };
52                 align2.exons[iab][EX_R] -= left1;
53                 align2.exons[iab][EX_G] -= left1;
54                 align2.exons[iab][EX_L] += left1+right1;
55             };
57             if ( (align2.nMM + nMM1) > min(outFilterMismatchNmaxTotal, (uint) (P.outFilterMismatchNoverLmax*(Lread-1)) ) ) {
58                 //extension of soft clips yielded too many mismatches, no output
59                 continue;
60             };
62             align1 = &align2;
63         };
65         nAlignT += Tr->quantAlign(*align1,alignT+nAlignT);
66     };
68     if (P.quant.trSAM.bamYes) {//output Aligned.toTranscriptome.bam
69         alignT[int(rngUniformReal0to1(rngMultOrder)*nAlignT)].primaryFlag=true;
71         for (uint iatr=0;iatr<nAlignT;iatr++) {//write all transcripts
72             alignBAM(alignT[iatr], nAlignT, iatr, 0, (uint) -1, (uint) -1, 0, -1, NULL, P.outSAMattrOrderQuant, outBAMoneAlign, outBAMoneAlignNbytes);
73             for (uint imate=0; imate<P.readNmates; imate++) {//output each mate //not readNends: this is alignment
74                 outBAMquant->unsortedOneAlign(outBAMoneAlign[imate], outBAMoneAlignNbytes[imate], (imate>0 || iatr>0) ? 0 : (outBAMoneAlignNbytes[0]+outBAMoneAlignNbytes[1])*2*nAlignT);
75             };
76         };
77     };
79     //not used anymore per Colin Dewey's request
80     //     if (nAlignT==0 && P.outSAMunmapped=="Within") {//read could be mapped to genome, but not transcriptome - output as unmapped
81     //         uint unmapType=5;
82     //         bool mateMapped[2]={false,false};
83     //         alignBAM(*alignG[0], 0, 0, mapGen.chrStart[alignG[0]->Chr], (uint) -1, (uint) -1, 0,  unmapType, mateMapped, P.outSAMattrOrder);
84     //             for (uint imate=0; imate<P.readNmates; imate++) {//output each mate //not readNends: this is alignment
85     //                 outBAMquant->unsortedOneAlign(outBAMoneAlign[imate], outBAMoneAlignNbytes[imate], imate>0 ? 0 : outBAMoneAlignNbytes[0]+outBAMoneAlignNbytes[1]);
86     //             };
87     //
88     //     };
90     return nAlignT;
91 };