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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



.gitignoreH A D18-Dec-202040 32

README.mdH A D18-Dec-2020495 21

de.tsH A D18-Dec-2020227.6 KiB4,7494,737

es.tsH A D18-Dec-2020229.5 KiB4,7574,745

fr.tsH A D18-Dec-2020222.6 KiB4,7324,720

it.tsH A D18-Dec-2020219.8 KiB4,7244,712

ja_JP.tsH A D18-Dec-2020235.1 KiB4,7524,740

nl.tsH A D18-Dec-2020218.5 KiB4,7194,707

pl.tsH A D18-Dec-2020216.5 KiB4,7134,706

pt_BR.tsH A D18-Dec-2020228.7 KiB4,7574,745

pt_PT.tsH A D18-Dec-2020219.4 KiB4,7254,713

ru_RU.tsH A D18-Dec-2020228.4 KiB4,7204,708

zh_CN.tsH A D18-Dec-2020222.8 KiB4,7474,735


1This directory stores translation patches (TS files) for yuzu Qt frontend. This directory is linked with [yuzu project on transifex](https://www.transifex.com/yuzu-emulator/yuzu), so you can update the translation by executing `tx pull -a`. If you want to contribute to the translation, please go the transifex link and submit your translation there. This directory on the main repo will be synchronized with transifex periodically. Do not directly open PRs on github to modify the translation.