1 /***************************************************************************
2                          qgsregularpolygon.h
3                          --------------
4     begin                : May 2017
5     copyright            : (C) 2017 by Loîc Bartoletti
6     email                : lbartoletti at tuxfamily dot org
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include <QString>
23 #include "qgis_core.h"
24 #include "qgspoint.h"
25 #include "qgspolygon.h"
26 #include "qgslinestring.h"
27 #include "qgscircle.h"
28 #include "qgstriangle.h"
31 /**
32  * \ingroup core
33  * \class QgsRegularPolygon
34  * \brief Regular Polygon geometry type.
35  *
36  * A regular polygon is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral (all sides have the same length).
37  * The regular polygon is defined by a center point with a number of sides/vertices, a radius and the first vertex.
38  *
39  * \since QGIS 3.0
40  */
41 class CORE_EXPORT QgsRegularPolygon
42 {
43   public:
45     /**
46      * A regular polygon can be constructed inscribed in a circle or circumscribed about a circle.
47      *
48      */
49     enum ConstructionOption
50     {
51       InscribedCircle, //!< Inscribed in a circle (the radius is the distance between the center and vertices)
52       CircumscribedCircle //!< Circumscribed about a circle (the radius is the distance from the center to the midpoints of the sides)
53     };
55     /**
56      * Constructor for QgsRegularPolygon.
57      */
58     QgsRegularPolygon() SIP_HOLDGIL = default;
60     /**
61      * Constructs a regular polygon by \a center and parameters for the first vertex. An empty regular polygon is returned if \a numberSides < 3 or \a ConstructionOption isn't valid.
62      * \param center The center of the regular polygon.
63      * \param radius Distance from the center and the first vertex or sides (see \a ConstructionOption).
64      * \param azimuth Angle in degrees started from the North to the first vertex.
65      * \param numberSides Number of sides of the regular polygon.
66      * \param circle Option to create the polygon. \see ConstructionOption
67      */
68     QgsRegularPolygon( const QgsPoint &center, double radius, double azimuth, unsigned int numberSides, ConstructionOption circle ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
70     /**
71      * Constructs a regular polygon by \a center and another point.
72      * \param center The center of the regular polygon.
73      * \param pt1 The first vertex if the polygon is inscribed in circle or the midpoint of a side if the polygon is circumscribed about circle.
74      * \param numberSides Number of sides of the regular polygon.
75      * \param circle Option to create the polygon inscribed in circle (the radius is the distance between the center and vertices) or circumscribed about circle (the radius is the distance from the center to the midpoints of the sides).
76      */
77     QgsRegularPolygon( const QgsPoint &center, const QgsPoint &pt1, unsigned int numberSides, ConstructionOption circle ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
79     /**
80      * Constructs a regular polygon by two points of the first side.
81      * \param pt1 The first vertex of the first side, also first vertex of the regular polygon.
82      * \param pt2 The second vertex of the first side.
83      * \param numberSides Number of sides of the regular polygon.
84      */
85     QgsRegularPolygon( const QgsPoint &pt1, const QgsPoint &pt2, unsigned int numberSides ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
87     bool operator ==( const QgsRegularPolygon &rp ) const SIP_HOLDGIL;
88     bool operator !=( const QgsRegularPolygon &rp ) const SIP_HOLDGIL;
90     //! A regular polygon is empty if radius equal to 0 or number of sides < 3
91     bool isEmpty() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
93     /**
94      * Returns the center point of the regular polygon.
95      * \see setCenter()
96      */
center()97     QgsPoint center() const SIP_HOLDGIL { return mCenter; }
99     /**
100      * Returns the radius.
101      * This is also the radius of the circumscribing circle.
102      * \see apothem()
103      * \see setRadius()
104      */
radius()105     double radius() const SIP_HOLDGIL { return mRadius; }
107     /**
108      * Returns the first vertex (corner) of the regular polygon.
109      * \see setFirstVertex()
110      */
firstVertex()111     QgsPoint firstVertex() const SIP_HOLDGIL { return mFirstVertex; }
113     /**
114      * Returns the apothem of the regular polygon.
115      * The apothem is the radius of the inscribed circle.
116      * \see radius()
117      */
apothem()118     double apothem() const SIP_HOLDGIL { return mRadius * std::cos( M_PI / mNumberSides ); }
120     /**
121      * Returns the number of sides of the regular polygon.
122      * \see setNumberSides()
123      */
numberSides()124     unsigned int numberSides() const SIP_HOLDGIL { return mNumberSides; }
126     /**
127      * Sets the center point.
128      * Radius is unchanged. The first vertex is reprojected from the new center.
129      * \see center()
130      */
131     void setCenter( const QgsPoint &center ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
133     /**
134      * Sets the radius.
135      * Center is unchanged. The first vertex is reprojected from the center with the new radius.
136      * \see radius()
137      */
138     void setRadius( double radius ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
140     /**
141      * Sets the first vertex.
142      * Radius is unchanged. The center is reprojected from the new first vertex.
143      * \see firstVertex()
144      */
145     void setFirstVertex( const QgsPoint &firstVertex ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
147     /**
148      * Sets the number of sides.
149      * If numberSides < 3, the number of sides is unchanged.
150      * \see numberSides()
151      */
152     void setNumberSides( unsigned int numberSides ) SIP_HOLDGIL;
154     /**
155      * Returns a list including the vertices of the regular polygon.
156      */
157     QgsPointSequence points() const;
159     /**
160      * Returns as a polygon.
161      */
162     QgsPolygon *toPolygon() const SIP_FACTORY;
164     /**
165      * Returns as a linestring.
166      */
167     QgsLineString *toLineString() const SIP_FACTORY;
169     /**
170      * Returns as a triangle.
171      * An empty triangle is returned if the regular polygon is empty or if the number of sides is different from 3.
172      */
173     QgsTriangle toTriangle() const;
175     /**
176      * Returns a triangulation (vertices from sides to the center) of the regular polygon.
177      * An empty list is returned if the regular polygon is empty.
178      */
179     QVector<QgsTriangle> triangulate() const;
181     /**
182      * Returns the inscribed circle
183      */
184     QgsCircle inscribedCircle() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
186     /**
187      * Returns the circumscribed circle
188      */
189     QgsCircle circumscribedCircle() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
191     /**
192      * Returns a string representation of the regular polygon.
193      * Members will be truncated to the specified precision.
194      */
195     QString toString( int pointPrecision = 17, int radiusPrecision = 17, int anglePrecision = 2 ) const;
197     /**
198      * Returns the measure of the interior angles in degrees.
199      */
200     double interiorAngle() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
202     /**
203      * Returns the measure of the central angle (the angle subtended at the center of the polygon by one of its sides) in degrees.
204      */
205     double centralAngle() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
207     /**
208      * Returns the area.
209      * Returns 0 if the regular polygon is empty.
210      */
211     double area() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
213     /**
214      * Returns the perimeter.
215      * Returns 0 if the regular polygon is empty.
216      */
217     double perimeter() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
219     /**
220      * Returns the length of a side.
221      * Returns 0 if the regular polygon is empty.
222      */
223     double length() const SIP_HOLDGIL;
225   private:
226     QgsPoint mCenter;
227     QgsPoint mFirstVertex;
228     unsigned int mNumberSides = 0;
229     double mRadius = 0.0;
231     /**
232      * Convenient method to convert an apothem to a radius.
233      */
234     double apothemToRadius( double apothem, unsigned int numberSides ) const;
236     /**
237      * Convenient method for interiorAngle used by constructors.
238      */
239     double interiorAngle( unsigned int nbSides ) const;
241     /**
242      * Convenient method for centralAngle used by constructors.
243      */
244     double centralAngle( unsigned int nbSides ) const;
246 };