1 /***************************************************************************
2                          qgsprocessingmodelchildparametersource.h
3                          ----------------------------------------
4     begin                : June 2017
5     copyright            : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
6     email                : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include "qgis_core.h"
22 #include "qgis.h"
23 #include "qgsprocessing.h"
24 class QgsProcessingParameterDefinition;
25 class QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm;
27 ///@cond NOT_STABLE
29 /**
30  * \brief Source for the value of a parameter for a child algorithm within a model.
31  * \ingroup core
32  * \since QGIS 3.0
33  */
34 class CORE_EXPORT QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource
35 {
36   public:
38     //! Possible parameter value sources
39     enum Source
40     {
41       ModelParameter, //!< Parameter value is taken from a parent model parameter
42       ChildOutput, //!< Parameter value is taken from an output generated by a child algorithm
43       StaticValue, //!< Parameter value is a static value
44       Expression, //!< Parameter value is taken from an expression, evaluated just before the algorithm runs
45       ExpressionText, //!< Parameter value is taken from a text with expressions, evaluated just before the algorithm runs
46       ModelOutput, //!< Parameter value is linked to an output parameter for the model
47     };
49     /**
50      * Constructor for QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource. It is recommended that the static methods
51      * fromStaticValue(), fromModelParameter(), fromChildOutput() and fromExpression() are used instead.
52      */
53     QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource() = default;
55     bool operator==( const QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource &other ) const;
56     bool operator!=( const QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource &other ) const
57     {
58       return !operator==( other );
59     }
61     /**
62      * Returns a new QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource which takes its value from a static \a value.
63      * \see fromModelParameter()
64      * \see fromChildOutput()
65      * \see fromExpression()
66      * \see fromExpressionText()
67      */
68     static QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource fromStaticValue( const QVariant &value );
70     /**
71      * Returns a new QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource which takes its value from a parent model parameter.
72      * \see fromStaticValue()
73      * \see fromChildOutput()
74      * \see fromExpression()
75      * \see fromExpressionText()
76      */
77     static QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource fromModelParameter( const QString &parameterName );
79     /**
80      * Returns a new QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource which takes its value from an output generated by a child algorithm.
81      * \see fromStaticValue()
82      * \see fromModelParameter()
83      * \see fromExpression()
84      * \see fromExpressionText()
85      */
86     static QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource fromChildOutput( const QString &childId, const QString &outputName );
88     /**
89      * Returns a new QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource which takes its value from an expression. The expression
90      * is evaluated just before the child algorithm executes, and can use functions available
91      * in its expression context to include results calculated from the child algorithms already
92      * executed by the model.
93      * \see fromStaticValue()
94      * \see fromChildOutput()
95      * \see fromModelParameter()
96      * \see fromExpressionText()
97      * \since QGIS 3.2
98      */
99     static QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource fromExpression( const QString &expression );
101     /**
102      * Returns a new QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource which takes its
103      * value from a text with expressions. Expressions are evaluated just before
104      * the child algorithm executes, and can use functions available
105      * in its expression context to include results calculated from the child
106      * algorithms already executed by the model.
107      * \see fromStaticValue()
108      * \see fromChildOutput()
109      * \see fromModelParameter()
110      * \see fromExpression()
111      * \since QGIS 3.2
112      */
113     static QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource fromExpressionText( const QString &text );
115     /**
116      * Returns the parameter value's source.
117      */
118     Source source() const;
120     /**
121      * Sets the parameter's source.
122      *
123      * \since QGIS 3.14
124      */
125     void setSource( Source source );
127     /**
128      * Returns the source's static value. This is only used when the source() is StaticValue.
129      * \see setStaticValue()
130      */
staticValue()131     QVariant staticValue() const { return mStaticValue; }
133     /**
134      * Sets the source's static value. Calling this will also change the source() to StaticValue.
135      * \see staticValue()
136      */
setStaticValue(const QVariant & value)137     void setStaticValue( const QVariant &value ) { mStaticValue = value; mSource = StaticValue; }
139     /**
140      * Returns the source's model parameter name. This is only used when the source() is ModelParameter.
141      * \see setParameterName()
142      */
parameterName()143     QString parameterName() const { return mParameterName; }
145     /**
146      * Sets the source's model parameter \a name. Calling this will also change the source() to ModelParameter.
147      * \see parameterName()
148      */
setParameterName(const QString & name)149     void setParameterName( const QString &name ) { mParameterName = name; mSource = ModelParameter; }
151     /**
152      * Returns the source's child algorithm ID from which the output value will be taken. This is only used when the source() is ChildOutput.
153      * \see setOutputChildId()
154      * \see outputName()
155      */
outputChildId()156     QString outputChildId() const { return mChildId; }
158     /**
159      * Sets the source's child algorithm \a id from which the output value will be taken. Calling this will also change the source() to ChildOutput.
160      * \see parameterName()
161      * \see setOutputName()
162      */
setOutputChildId(const QString & id)163     void setOutputChildId( const QString &id ) { mChildId = id; mSource = ChildOutput; }
165     /**
166      * Returns the source's child algorithm output name from which the output value will be taken. This is only used when the source() is ChildOutput.
167      * \see setOutputName()
168      * \see outputChildId()
169      */
outputName()170     QString outputName() const { return mOutputName; }
172     /**
173      * Sets the source's child algorithm output \a name from which the output value will be taken. Calling this will also change the source() to ChildOutput.
174      * \see outputName()
175      * \see setOutputChildId()
176      */
setOutputName(const QString & name)177     void setOutputName( const QString &name ) { mOutputName = name; mSource = ChildOutput; }
179     /**
180      * Returns the source's expression. This is only used when the source() is Expression.
181      * \see setExpression()
182      */
expression()183     QString expression() const { return mExpression; }
185     /**
186      * Sets the source's expression. Calling this will also change the source() to Expression.
187      * The expression is evaluated just before the child algorithm executes, and can use functions available
188      * in its expression context to include results calculated from the child algorithms already
189      * executed by the model.
190      * \see expression()
191      */
setExpression(const QString & expression)192     void setExpression( const QString &expression ) { mExpression = expression; mSource = Expression; }
194     /**
195      * Returns the source's text with expressions. This is only used when the
196      * source() is ExpressionText.
197      * \see setExpressionText()
198      * \since QGIS 3.2
199      */
expressionText()200     QString expressionText() const { return mExpressionText; }
202     /**
203      * Sets the source's text containing expressions. Calling this will also
204      * change the source() to ExpressionText. Expressions are evaluated just
205      * before the child algorithm executes, and can use functions available
206      * in its expression context to include results calculated from the child
207      * algorithms already executed by the model.
208      * \see expressionText()
209      * \since QGIS 3.2
210      */
setExpressionText(const QString & text)211     void setExpressionText( const QString &text ) { mExpressionText = text; mSource = ExpressionText; }
213     /**
214      * Saves this source to a QVariant.
215      * \see loadVariant()
216      */
217     QVariant toVariant() const;
219     /**
220      * Loads this source from a QVariantMap.
221      * \see toVariant()
222      */
223     bool loadVariant( const QVariantMap &map );
225     /**
226      * Attempts to convert the source to executable Python code.
227      *
228      * The \a friendlyChildNames argument gives a map of child id to a friendly algorithm name, to be used in the code to identify that algorithm instead of the raw child id.
229      */
230     QString asPythonCode( QgsProcessing::PythonOutputType outputType, const QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *definition, const QMap< QString, QString > &friendlyChildNames ) const;
232     /**
233      * Returns an explanatory Python comment for the source, or an empty string if no comment is available.
234      *
235      * \since QGIS 3.20
236      */
237     QString asPythonComment( const QgsProcessingParameterDefinition *definition ) const;
239     /**
240      * Returns a user-friendly identifier for this source, given the context of the specified \a model.
241      * \since QGIS 3.14
242      */
243     QString friendlyIdentifier( QgsProcessingModelAlgorithm *model ) const;
245   private:
247     Source mSource = StaticValue;
248     QVariant mStaticValue;
249     QString mParameterName;
250     QString mChildId;
251     QString mOutputName;
252     QString mExpression;
253     QString mExpressionText;
255 };
257 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource );
258 CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &out, const QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource &source );
259 CORE_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &in, QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource &source );
261 #ifndef SIP_RUN
262 //! List of child parameter sources
263 typedef QList< QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource > QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSources;
264 #endif
266 ///@endcond