1 /***************************************************************************
2   testqgsnetworkanalysis.cpp
3   --------------------------
4 Date                 : November 2017
5 Copyright            : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
6 Email                : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
10  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
11  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
12  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
13  *                                                                         *
14  ***************************************************************************/
15 #include "qgstest.h"
17 //header for class being tested
18 #include "qgsgeometrysnapper.h"
19 #include "qgsgeometry.h"
20 #include <qgsapplication.h>
21 #include "qgsvectordataprovider.h"
22 #include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
23 #include "qgsvectorlayerdirector.h"
24 #include "qgsnetworkdistancestrategy.h"
25 #include "qgsgraphbuilder.h"
26 #include "qgsgraph.h"
27 #include "qgsgraphanalyzer.h"
29 class TestQgsNetworkAnalysis : public QObject
30 {
31     Q_OBJECT
33   public:
35   private slots:
36     void initTestCase();// will be called before the first testfunction is executed.
37     void cleanupTestCase();// will be called after the last testfunction was executed.
38     void init() ;// will be called before each testfunction is executed.
39     void cleanup() ;// will be called after every testfunction.
40     void testGraph();
41     void testBuild();
42     void testBuildTolerance();
43     void dijkkjkjkskkjsktra();
44     void testRouteFail();
45     void testRouteFail2();
47   private:
48     std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > buildNetwork();
51 };
53 class TestNetworkStrategy : public QgsNetworkStrategy
54 {
requiredAttributes() const55     QSet< int > requiredAttributes() const override
56     {
57       return QSet< int >() << 0;
58     }
cost(double,const QgsFeature & f) const59     QVariant cost( double, const QgsFeature &f ) const override
60     {
61       return f.attribute( 0 );
62     }
63 };
initTestCase()65 void  TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::initTestCase()
66 {
67   //
68   // Runs once before any tests are run
69   //
70   // init QGIS's paths - true means that all path will be inited from prefix
71   QgsApplication::init();
72   QgsApplication::initQgis();
73 }
cleanupTestCase()74 void  TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::cleanupTestCase()
75 {
76   QgsApplication::exitQgis();
77 }
init()78 void  TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::init()
79 {
81 }
cleanup()82 void  TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::cleanup()
83 {
85 }
testGraph()87 void TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::testGraph()
88 {
89   QgsGraph graph;
90   QCOMPARE( graph.vertexCount(), 0 );
91   QCOMPARE( graph.edgeCount(), 0 );
92   graph.addVertex( QgsPointXY( 1, 2 ) );
93   QCOMPARE( graph.vertexCount(), 1 );
94   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 0 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 1, 2 ) );
95   QVERIFY( graph.vertex( 0 ).outgoingEdges().empty() );
96   QVERIFY( graph.vertex( 0 ).incomingEdges().empty() );
97   QCOMPARE( graph.findVertex( QgsPointXY( 1, 2 ) ), 0 );
98   graph.addVertex( QgsPointXY( 3, 4 ) );
99   QCOMPARE( graph.vertexCount(), 2 );
100   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 1 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 3, 4 ) );
101   QVERIFY( graph.vertex( 1 ).outgoingEdges().empty() );
102   QVERIFY( graph.vertex( 1 ).incomingEdges().empty() );
103   QCOMPARE( graph.findVertex( QgsPointXY( 1, 2 ) ), 0 );
104   QCOMPARE( graph.findVertex( QgsPointXY( 3, 4 ) ), 1 );
105   QCOMPARE( graph.edgeCount(), 0 );
107   graph.addEdge( 0, 1, QVector< QVariant >() << 9 );
108   QCOMPARE( graph.edgeCount(), 1 );
109   QCOMPARE( graph.edge( 0 ).cost( 0 ).toInt(), 9 );
110   QCOMPARE( graph.edge( 0 ).fromVertex(), 0 );
111   QCOMPARE( graph.edge( 0 ).toVertex(), 1 );
112   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 0 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() );
113   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 0 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 );
114   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 1 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 );
115   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 1 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() );
117   graph.addVertex( QgsPointXY( 7, 8 ) );
118   QCOMPARE( graph.vertexCount(), 3 );
119   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 2 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 7, 8 ) );
120   QVERIFY( graph.vertex( 2 ).outgoingEdges().empty() );
121   QVERIFY( graph.vertex( 2 ).incomingEdges().empty() );
122   QCOMPARE( graph.edgeCount(), 1 );
123   graph.addEdge( 1, 2, QVector< QVariant >() << 8 );
125   QCOMPARE( graph.edge( 1 ).cost( 0 ).toInt(), 8 );
126   QCOMPARE( graph.edge( 1 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
127   QCOMPARE( graph.edge( 1 ).toVertex(), 2 );
128   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 1 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 );
129   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 1 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 1 );
130   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 2 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 1 );
131   QCOMPARE( graph.vertex( 2 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() );
132 }
buildNetwork()134 std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::buildNetwork()
135 {
136   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > l = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=epsg:4326&field=cost:int" ), QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
138   QgsFeature ff( 0 );
139   const QgsGeometry refGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString(0 0, 10 0, 10 10)" ) );
140   ff.setGeometry( refGeom );
141   ff.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 1 );
142   QgsFeatureList flist;
143   flist << ff;
144   l->dataProvider()->addFeatures( flist );
146   return l;
147 }
testBuild()150 void TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::testBuild()
151 {
152   std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> network = buildNetwork();
153   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayerDirector > director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
154       -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionBoth );
155   std::unique_ptr< QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy > strategy = std::make_unique< QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy >();
156   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
157   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraphBuilder > builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
159   QVector<QgsPointXY > snapped;
160   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>() << QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) << QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ), snapped );
161   QCOMPARE( snapped, QVector<QgsPointXY>() << QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) << QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
162   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraph > graph( builder->takeGraph() );
163   QCOMPARE( graph->vertexCount(), 3 );
164   QCOMPARE( graph->edgeCount(), 4 );
165   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
166   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 );
167   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 0 ).fromVertex(), 0 );
168   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 0 ).toVertex(), 1 );
169   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >()  << 1 );
170   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 1 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
171   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 1 ).toVertex(), 0 );
172   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) );
173   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 1 << 2 );
174   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 << 3 );
175   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 3 ).fromVertex(), 2 );
176   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 3 ).toVertex(), 1 );
177   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 2 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
178   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 2 ).toVertex(), 2 );
179   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
180   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 3 );
181   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 2 );
183   builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
184   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>() << QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) << QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ), snapped );
185   QCOMPARE( snapped, QVector<QgsPointXY>() << QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) << QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
187   builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
188   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>(), snapped );
189   QCOMPARE( snapped, QVector<QgsPointXY>() );
191   builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
192   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>() << QgsPointXY( 0.2, 0.1 ) << QgsPointXY( 10.1, 9 ), snapped );
193   QCOMPARE( snapped, QVector<QgsPointXY>() << QgsPointXY( 0.2, 0.0 ) << QgsPointXY( 10.0, 9 ) );
194   graph.reset( builder->takeGraph() );
195   QCOMPARE( graph->vertexCount(), 5 );
196   QCOMPARE( graph->edgeCount(), 8 );
198 }
testBuildTolerance()200 void TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::testBuildTolerance()
201 {
202   std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> network = buildNetwork();
203   // has already a linestring LineString(0 0, 10 0, 10 10)
205   QgsFeature ff( 0 );
206   // 0.1 distance gap
207   const QgsGeometry refGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString(10.1 10, 20 10 )" ) );
208   ff.setGeometry( refGeom );
209   QgsFeatureList flist;
210   flist << ff;
211   network->dataProvider()->addFeatures( flist );
213   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayerDirector > director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
214       -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionBoth );
215   std::unique_ptr< QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy > strategy = std::make_unique< QgsNetworkDistanceStrategy >();
216   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
217   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraphBuilder > builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
219   QVector<QgsPointXY > snapped;
220   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>(), snapped );
221   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraph > graph( builder->takeGraph() );
222   QCOMPARE( graph->vertexCount(), 5 );
223   QCOMPARE( graph->edgeCount(), 6 );
224   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
225   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 );
226   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 0 ).fromVertex(), 0 );
227   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 0 ).toVertex(), 1 );
228   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >()  << 1 );
229   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 1 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
230   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 1 ).toVertex(), 0 );
231   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) );
232   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 1 << 2 );
233   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 << 3 );
234   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 3 ).fromVertex(), 2 );
235   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 3 ).toVertex(), 1 );
236   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 2 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
237   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 2 ).toVertex(), 2 );
238   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
239   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 3 );
240   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 2 );
241   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 3 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10.1, 10 ) );
242   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 3 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 4 );
243   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 3 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 5 );
244   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 4 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 20, 10 ) );
245   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 5 ).fromVertex(), 4 );
246   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 5 ).toVertex(), 3 );
247   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 4 ).fromVertex(), 3 );
248   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 4 ).toVertex(), 4 );
250   // with tolerance
251   const double tolerance = 0.11;
253   builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, tolerance );
254   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>(), snapped );
255   graph.reset( builder->takeGraph() );
256   QCOMPARE( graph->vertexCount(), 4 );
257   QCOMPARE( graph->edgeCount(), 6 );
258   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
259   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 );
260   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 0 ).fromVertex(), 0 );
261   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 0 ).toVertex(), 1 );
262   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 0 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >()  << 1 );
263   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 1 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
264   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 1 ).toVertex(), 0 );
265   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) );
266   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 1 << 2 );
267   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 1 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 0 << 3 );
268   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 3 ).fromVertex(), 2 );
269   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 3 ).toVertex(), 1 );
270   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 2 ).fromVertex(), 1 );
271   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 2 ).toVertex(), 2 );
272   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
273   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 3 << 4 );
274   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 2 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 2 << 5 );
275   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 3 ).point(), QgsPointXY( 20, 10 ) );
276   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 3 ).outgoingEdges(), QList< int >() << 5 );
277   QCOMPARE( graph->vertex( 3 ).incomingEdges(), QList< int >() << 4 );
278   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 5 ).fromVertex(), 3 );
279   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 5 ).toVertex(), 2 );
280   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 4 ).fromVertex(), 2 );
281   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( 4 ).toVertex(), 3 );
282 }
dijkkjkjkskkjsktra()284 void TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::dijkkjkjkskkjsktra()
285 {
286   std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> network = buildNetwork();
287   // has already a linestring LineString(0 0, 10 0, 10 10)
289   // add some more lines to network
290   QgsFeature ff( 0 );
291   QgsFeatureList flist;
293   ff.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString(10 10, 20 10 )" ) ) );
294   ff.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 2 );
295   flist << ff;
296   ff.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString(10 20, 10 10 )" ) ) );
297   ff.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 3 );
298   flist << ff;
299   ff.setGeometry( QgsGeometry::fromWkt( QStringLiteral( "LineString(20 -10, 20 10 )" ) ) );
300   ff.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 4 );
301   flist << ff;
302   network->dataProvider()->addFeatures( flist );
304   /*
305    Out network is:
306    Numbers in brackets are cost for segment
308   20           o
309                |
310                v (3)
311                |    (2)
312   10           o---->----o
313                |         |
314           (1)  ^         ^
315          (1)   |         |
316   0 o---->-----.         |(4)
317                          |
318                          ^
319                          |
320   -10                    o
322     0          10        20
324   */
326   // build graph
327   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayerDirector > director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
328       -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionBoth );
329   std::unique_ptr< QgsNetworkStrategy > strategy = std::make_unique< TestNetworkStrategy >();
330   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
331   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraphBuilder > builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
333   QVector<QgsPointXY > snapped;
334   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>(), snapped );
335   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraph > graph( builder->takeGraph() );
337   int startVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 20, -10 ) );
338   QVERIFY( startVertexIdx != -1 );
340   // both directions
341   QVector<int> resultTree;
342   QVector<double> resultCost;
343   QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph.get(), startVertexIdx, 0, &resultTree, &resultCost );
345   int point_0_0_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
346   QVERIFY( point_0_0_idx != -1 );
347   int point_10_0_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) );
348   QVERIFY( point_10_0_idx != -1 );
349   int point_10_10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
350   QVERIFY( point_10_10_idx != -1 );
351   int point_10_20_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 20 ) );
352   QVERIFY( point_10_20_idx != -1 );
353   int point_20_10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 20, 10 ) );
354   QVERIFY( point_20_10_idx != -1 );
356   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( startVertexIdx ), -1 );
357   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( startVertexIdx ), 0.0 );
359   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ) != -1 );
360   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_20_10_idx ), 4.0 );
361   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ) ).fromVertex(), startVertexIdx );
362   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_20_10_idx );
363   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_10_idx ) != -1 );
364   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_10_idx ), 6.0 );
365   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_10_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_20_10_idx );
366   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_10_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_10_idx );
367   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ) != -1 );
368   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_20_idx ), 9.0 );
369   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_10_10_idx );
370   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_20_idx );
371   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) != -1 );
372   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_0_idx ), 7.0 );
373   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_10_10_idx );
374   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_0_idx );
375   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_0_0_idx ) != -1 );
376   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_0_0_idx ), 8.0 );
377   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_0_0_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_10_0_idx );
378   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_0_0_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_0_0_idx );
380   // forward direction
381   director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
382              -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionForward );
383   strategy = std::make_unique< TestNetworkStrategy >();
384   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
385   builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
386   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>(), snapped );
387   graph.reset( builder->takeGraph() );
388   startVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
389   QVERIFY( startVertexIdx != -1 );
390   resultTree.clear();
391   resultCost.clear();
392   QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph.get(), startVertexIdx, 0, &resultTree, &resultCost );
393   point_0_0_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
394   QVERIFY( point_0_0_idx != -1 );
395   point_10_0_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) );
396   QVERIFY( point_10_0_idx != -1 );
397   point_10_10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
398   QVERIFY( point_10_10_idx != -1 );
399   point_10_20_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 20 ) );
400   QVERIFY( point_10_20_idx != -1 );
401   point_20_10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 20, 10 ) );
402   QVERIFY( point_20_10_idx != -1 );
403   int point_20_n10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 20, -10 ) );
404   QVERIFY( point_20_n10_idx != -1 );
406   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( startVertexIdx ), -1 );
407   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( startVertexIdx ), 0.0 );
408   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) != -1 );
409   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_0_idx ), 1.0 );
410   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) ).fromVertex(), startVertexIdx );
411   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_0_idx );
412   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_10_idx ) != -1 );
413   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_10_idx ), 2.0 );
414   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_10_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_10_0_idx );
415   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_10_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_10_idx );
416   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ), -1 ); // unreachable
417   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ) != -1 );
418   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_20_10_idx ), 4.0 );
419   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_10_10_idx );
420   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_20_10_idx );
421   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( point_20_n10_idx ),  -1 ); // unreachable
423   // backward direction
424   director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
425              -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionBackward );
426   strategy = std::make_unique< TestNetworkStrategy >();
427   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
428   builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
429   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>(), snapped );
430   graph.reset( builder->takeGraph() );
431   startVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
432   QVERIFY( startVertexIdx != -1 );
433   resultTree.clear();
434   resultCost.clear();
435   QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph.get(), startVertexIdx, 0, &resultTree, &resultCost );
436   point_0_0_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 0, 0 ) );
437   QVERIFY( point_0_0_idx != -1 );
438   point_10_0_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 0 ) );
439   QVERIFY( point_10_0_idx != -1 );
440   point_10_10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 10 ) );
441   QVERIFY( point_10_10_idx != -1 );
442   point_10_20_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 10, 20 ) );
443   QVERIFY( point_10_20_idx != -1 );
444   point_20_10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 20, 10 ) );
445   QVERIFY( point_20_10_idx != -1 );
446   point_20_n10_idx = graph->findVertex( QgsPointXY( 20, -10 ) );
447   QVERIFY( point_20_n10_idx != -1 );
449   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( startVertexIdx ), -1 );
450   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( startVertexIdx ), 0.0 );
451   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( point_20_10_idx ), -1 );
452   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( point_20_n10_idx ), -1 );
453   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ) != -1 );
454   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_20_idx ), 3.0 );
455   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ) ).fromVertex(), startVertexIdx );
456   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_20_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_20_idx );
457   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) != -1 );
458   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_10_0_idx ), 1.0 );
459   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) ).fromVertex(), startVertexIdx );
460   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_10_0_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_10_0_idx );
461   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( point_0_0_idx ) != -1 );
462   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( point_0_0_idx ), 2.0 );
463   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_0_0_idx ) ).fromVertex(), point_10_0_idx );
464   QCOMPARE( graph->edge( resultTree.at( point_0_0_idx ) ).toVertex(), point_0_0_idx );
465 }
testRouteFail()467 void TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::testRouteFail()
468 {
469   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > network = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=epsg:28355&field=cost:int" ), QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
471   const QStringList lines = QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "LineString (302081.71116495534079149 5753475.15082756895571947, 302140.54234686412382871 5753417.70564490929245949, 302143.24717211339157075 5753412.57312887348234653, 302143.17789465241366997 5753406.77192200440913439, 302140.35127420048229396 5753401.70546196680516005, 302078.46200818457873538 5753338.31098813004791737, 302038.17299743194598705 5753309.50200006738305092)" )
472                             << QStringLiteral( "LineString (302081.70763194985920563 5753475.1403581602498889, 301978.24500802176771685 5753368.03299263771623373)" )
473                             << QStringLiteral( "LineString (302181.69117977644782513 5753576.27856593858450651, 302081.71834095334634185 5753475.14562766999006271)" );
474   QgsFeatureList flist;
475   for ( const QString &line : lines )
476   {
477     QgsFeature ff( 0 );
478     const QgsGeometry refGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( line );
479     ff.setGeometry( refGeom );
480     ff.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 1 );
481     flist << ff;
482   }
483   network->dataProvider()->addFeatures( flist );
485   // build graph
486   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayerDirector > director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
487       -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionBoth );
488   std::unique_ptr< QgsNetworkStrategy > strategy = std::make_unique< TestNetworkStrategy >();
489   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
490   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraphBuilder > builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 1 );
492   const QgsPointXY start( 302131.1053754404, 5753392.757948928 );
493   const QgsPointXY end( 302148.1636281528, 5753541.408436851 );
495   QVector<QgsPointXY > snapped;
496   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>() << start << end, snapped );
497   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraph > graph( builder->takeGraph() );
499   const QgsPointXY snappedStart = snapped.at( 0 );
500   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedStart.x(), 302131.3, 0.1 );
501   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedStart.y(), 5753392.5, 0.1 );
502   const int startVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( snappedStart );
503   QVERIFY( startVertexIdx != -1 );
504   const QgsPointXY snappedEnd = snapped.at( 1 );
505   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedEnd.x(), 302147.68, 0.1 );
506   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedEnd.y(), 5753541.88, 0.1 );
507   const int endVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( snappedEnd );
508   QVERIFY( endVertexIdx != -1 );
510   // both directions
511   QVector<int> resultTree;
512   QVector<double> resultCost;
513   QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph.get(), startVertexIdx, 0, &resultTree, &resultCost );
515   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( startVertexIdx ), -1 );
516   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( startVertexIdx ), 0.0 );
517   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( endVertexIdx ) != -1 );
518   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( endVertexIdx ), 6.0 );
519 }
testRouteFail2()521 void TestQgsNetworkAnalysis::testRouteFail2()
522 {
523   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > network = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( QStringLiteral( "LineString?crs=epsg:4326&field=cost:double" ), QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "memory" ) );
525   const QStringList lines = QStringList() << QStringLiteral( "LineString (11.25044997999680874 48.42605439713970128, 11.25044693759680925 48.42603339773970106, 11.25044760759680962 48.42591690773969759, 11.25052289759680946 48.42589190773969676)" )
526                             << QStringLiteral( "LineString (11.25052289759680946 48.42589190773969676, 11.25050350759680917 48.42586202773969717, 11.25047190759680937 48.42581754773969749, 11.2504146475968092 48.42573849773970096, 11.25038716759680923 48.42569834773969717, 11.2502920175968093 48.42557470773969897, 11.25019984759680902 48.42560406773969817, 11.25020393759680992 48.42571203773970012, 11.2502482875968095 48.42577478773969801, 11.25021922759680848 48.42578442773969982)" )
527                             << QStringLiteral( "LineString (11.2504146475968092 48.42573849773970096, 11.25048389759681022 48.42572031773969599, 11.25051325759680942 48.42570672773970131)" )
528                             << QStringLiteral( "LineString (11.25038716759680923 48.42569834773969717, 11.25055288759680927 48.42564748773969541, 11.25052296759680992 48.42560921773969795)" );
529   QgsFeatureList flist;
530   int i = 0;
531   for ( const QString &line : lines )
532   {
533     QgsFeature ff( 0 );
534     const QgsGeometry refGeom = QgsGeometry::fromWkt( line );
535     ff.setGeometry( refGeom );
536     ff.setAttributes( QgsAttributes() << 1 + 0.001 * i );
537     i++;
538     flist << ff;
539   }
540   network->dataProvider()->addFeatures( flist );
542   // build graph
543   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayerDirector > director = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayerDirector > ( network.get(),
544       -1, QString(), QString(), QString(), QgsVectorLayerDirector::DirectionBoth );
545   std::unique_ptr< QgsNetworkStrategy > strategy = std::make_unique< TestNetworkStrategy >();
546   director->addStrategy( strategy.release() );
547   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraphBuilder > builder = std::make_unique< QgsGraphBuilder > ( network->sourceCrs(), true, 0 );
549   const QgsPointXY start( 11.250443581846053, 48.42605665308498 );
550   const QgsPointXY end( 11.250525546822013, 48.42561343506683 );
552   QVector<QgsPointXY > snapped;
553   director->makeGraph( builder.get(), QVector<QgsPointXY>() << start << end, snapped );
554   std::unique_ptr< QgsGraph > graph( builder->takeGraph() );
556   const QgsPointXY snappedStart = snapped.at( 0 );
557   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedStart.x(), 11.250450, 0.000001 );
558   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedStart.y(), 48.426054, 0.000001 );
559   const int startVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( snappedStart );
560   QVERIFY( startVertexIdx != -1 );
561   const QgsPointXY snappedEnd = snapped.at( 1 );
562   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedEnd.x(), 11.250526, 0.000001 );
563   QGSCOMPARENEAR( snappedEnd.y(), 48.425613, 0.000001 );
564   const int endVertexIdx = graph->findVertex( snappedEnd );
565   QVERIFY( endVertexIdx != -1 );
567   // both directions
568   QVector<int> resultTree;
569   QVector<double> resultCost;
570   QgsGraphAnalyzer::dijkstra( graph.get(), startVertexIdx, 0, &resultTree, &resultCost );
572   QCOMPARE( resultTree.at( startVertexIdx ), -1 );
573   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( startVertexIdx ), 0.0 );
574   QVERIFY( resultTree.at( endVertexIdx ) != -1 );
575   QCOMPARE( resultCost.at( endVertexIdx ), 9.01 );
576 }
580 QGSTEST_MAIN( TestQgsNetworkAnalysis )
581 #include "testqgsnetworkanalysis.moc"