1;; -*- scheme -*-
2(library (core)
3    (export :all)
4    (import :none)
5  (decl-code
7   (.include <sagittarius/private.h>
8	     <sagittarius/private/instruction.h>
9	     <sagittarius/private/builtin-symbols.h>
10	     ;; need this...
11	     "shortnames.incl"
12	     "gc-incl.inc"))
14  (define-cise-stmt assertion-violation
15    ((_ who msg)
16     `(begin
17	(Sg_AssertionViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) '())))
18    ((_ who msg irritants)
19     `(begin
20	(Sg_AssertionViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,irritants)
21	 )))
23  (define-cise-stmt wrong-type-of-argument-violation
24    ((_ who msg got)
25     `(begin
26	(Sg_WrongTypeOfArgumentViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,got '())))
27    ((_ who msg got irritants)
28     `(begin
29	(Sg_WrongTypeOfArgumentViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,got ,irritants))))
31  (define-cise-stmt throw-i/o-error
32    ((_ type who msg file)
33     `(throw-i/o-error ,type ,who ,msg ,file SG_UNDEF))
34    ((_ type who msg file ret)
35     `(begin
36	(Sg_IOError ,type ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,file SG_UNDEF)
37	(return ,ret))))
39  ;; x=? macro
40  (define-cise-stmt x=?
41    ((_ checker compare name first second rest)
42     `(begin
43	(,checker ,name ,first)
44	(,checker ,name ,second)
45	(cond ((SG_NULLP ,rest)
46	       (result (,compare ,first ,second)))
47	      ((not (,compare ,first ,second))
48	       (result FALSE))
49	      (else
50	       (let ((prev ,second))
51		 (dolist (p ,rest)
52		   (,checker ,name p)
53		   (unless (,compare prev p)
54		     (return #f))
55		   (set! prev p))
56		 (result TRUE)))))))
58  ;; 11.1 base type
59  (define-c-proc boolean? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_BOOLP)
60  (define-c-proc pair? (o) ::<boolean> :constant (inline PAIRP) SG_PAIRP)
61  (define-c-proc symbol? (o) ::<boolean> :constant (inline SYMBOLP) SG_SYMBOLP)
62  (define-c-proc number? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_NUMBERP)
63  (define-c-proc char? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_CHARP)
64  (define-c-proc string? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_STRINGP)
65  (define-c-proc vector? (o) ::<boolean> :constant (inline VECTORP) SG_VECTORP)
66  (define-c-proc procedure? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_PROCEDUREP)
67  (define-c-proc null? (o) ::<boolean> :constant (inline NULLP) SG_NULLP)
69  ;; 11.5 equivalence predicates
70  ;; defined in compare.c
71  ;;(define-c-proc eq? (a b) ::<boolean> :constant (inline EQ) SG_EQ)
72  ;;(define-c-proc eqv? (a b) ::<boolean> :constant (inline EQV) Sg_EqvP)
73  ;;(define-c-proc equal? (a b) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_EqualP)
75  ;; numerical type predicates
76  (define-c-proc complex? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_NUMBERP)
77  (define-c-proc real? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_REALP)
78  (define-c-proc rational? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_RationalP)
79  (define-c-proc integer? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_IntegerP)
80  (define-c-proc real-valued? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_RealValuedP)
81  (define-c-proc rational-valued? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_RationalValuedP)
82  (define-c-proc integer-valued? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_IntegerValuedP)
83  (define-c-proc exact? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_ExactP)
84  (define-c-proc inexact? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_InexactP)
86  ;; generic conversions
87  (define-c-proc inexact (z::<number>) :constant Sg_Inexact)
88  (define-c-proc exact (z::<number>) :constant Sg_Exact)
90  ;; arithmetic operations
91  (define-cise-stmt check-real
92    ((_ name o)
93     `(unless (SG_REALP ,o)
94	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "real number" ,o))))
96  (define-cise-stmt numcmp
97    ((_ op compar)
98     `(loop (cond ((not (,op (,compar arg0 arg1) 0)) (break))
99		  ((SG_NULLP rest) (result TRUE) (break))
100		  (else (set! arg0 arg1)
101			(set! arg1 (SG_CAR rest))
102			(set! rest (SG_CDR rest)))))))
103  ;; = < > <= >=
104  (define-c-proc = (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
105    (result FALSE)
106    (loop (cond ((not (Sg_NumEq arg0 arg1)) (break))
107		((SG_NULLP rest) (result TRUE) (break))
108		(else (set! arg0 arg1)
109		      (set! arg1 (SG_CAR rest))
110		      (set! rest (SG_CDR rest))))))
111  (define-c-proc < (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
112    (result FALSE)
113    (numcmp < Sg_NumCmp))
114  (define-c-proc <= (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
115    (result FALSE)
116    (numcmp <= Sg_NumCmp))
117  (define-c-proc > (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
118    (result FALSE)
119    (numcmp > Sg_NumCmp))
120  (define-c-proc >= (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
121    (result FALSE)
122    (numcmp >= Sg_NumCmp))
124  (define-c-proc zero?     (n::<number>) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_ZeroP)
125  (define-c-proc positive? (x::<number>) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_PositiveP)
126  (define-c-proc negative? (x::<number>) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_NegativeP)
127  (define-c-proc odd?      (x::<number>) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_OddP)
128  (define-c-proc even?     (x::<number>) ::<boolean> :constant
129    (result (not (Sg_OddP x))))
130  (define-c-proc finite?   (x::<number>) ::<boolean> Sg_FiniteP)
131  (define-c-proc infinite? (x::<number>) ::<boolean> Sg_InfiniteP)
132  (define-c-proc nan?      (x::<number>) ::<boolean> Sg_NanP)
134  (define-c-proc max (arg0 :rest rest) :constant
135    (Sg_MinMax arg0 rest NULL (& SG_RESULT)))
136  (define-c-proc min (arg0 :rest rest) :constant
137    (Sg_MinMax arg0 rest (& SG_RESULT) NULL))
139  ;; arithmetic
140  (define-cise-stmt check-number
141    ((_ name v)
142     `(unless (SG_NUMBERP ,v)
143	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "number" ,v))))
145  ;; are these arithmetic operation constant?
146  (define-c-proc + (:rest rest) :constant
147    (cond ((not (SG_PAIRP rest)) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0)))
148	  ((not (SG_NUMBERP (SG_CAR rest)))
149	   (wrong-type-of-argument-violation '+ "number" (SG_CAR rest) rest)
150	   (result SG_UNDEF))		; dummy
151	  (else
152	   (let ((r (SG_CAR rest)))
153	     (dolist (v (SG_CDR rest))
154	       (check-number + v)
155	       (set! r (Sg_Add r v)))
156	     (result r)))))
158  (define-c-proc * (:rest rest) :constant
159    (cond ((not (SG_PAIRP rest)) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 1)))
160	  ((not (SG_NUMBERP (SG_CAR rest)))
161	   (wrong-type-of-argument-violation '+ "number" (SG_CAR rest) rest)
162	   (result SG_UNDEF))		; dummy
163	  (else
164	   (let ((r (SG_CAR rest)))
165	     (dolist (v (SG_CDR rest))
166	       (check-number * v)
167	       (set! r (Sg_Mul r v)))
168	     (result r)))))
170  (define-c-proc - (arg1::<number> :rest rest) :constant
171    (if (SG_NULLP rest)
172	(result (Sg_Negate arg1))
173	(begin
174	  (dolist (v rest)
175	    (check-number - v)
176	    (set! arg1 (Sg_Sub arg1 v)))
177	  (result arg1))))
179  (define-c-proc / (arg1::<number> :rest rest) :constant
180    (if (SG_NULLP rest)
181	(result (Sg_Inverse arg1))
182	(let ((exact::int (Sg_ExactP arg1)))
183	  (dolist (v rest)
184	    (check-number / v)
185	    ;; if inexact numbers have already appeared,
186	    ;; we can skip checking
187	    (when exact (set! exact (Sg_ExactP v)))
188	    (when (and exact (Sg_ZeroP v))
189	      (assertion-violation '/ "undefined for 0" (Sg_Cons arg1 rest)))
190	    (set! arg1 (Sg_Div arg1 v)))
191	  (result arg1))))
193  ;; base arithmetic
194  (define-c-proc abs (x::<number>) :constant Sg_Abs)
195  (define-c-proc numerator (x::<number>) :constant Sg_Numerator)
196  (define-c-proc denominator (x::<number>) :constant Sg_Denominator)
198  (define-cise-stmt check-real-valued
199    ((_ name n)
200     `(unless (Sg_RealValuedP ,n)
201	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "real number" ,n))))
203  (define-c-proc floor (x::<number>) :constant
204    (check-real-valued floor x)
205    (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_FLOOR)))
207  (define-c-proc ceiling (x::<number>) :constant
208    (check-real-valued ceiling x)
209    (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_CEIL)))
211  (define-c-proc truncate (x::<number>) :constant
212    (check-real-valued truncate x)
213    (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_TRUNC)))
215  (define-c-proc round (x::<number>) :constant
216    (check-real-valued round x)
217    (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_ROUND)))
219  (define-cise-stmt check-finite
220    ((_ name n)
221     `(unless (Sg_FiniteP ,n)
222	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "finite" ,n))))
224  (define-cise-stmt check-not-nan
225    ((_ name n)
226     `(when (Sg_NanP ,n)
227	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "non nan" ,n))))
229  (define-cise-stmt check-not-zero
230    ((_ name n)
231     `(when (Sg_ZeroP ,n)
232	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "not zero" ,n))))
234  (define-cise-stmt check-integer-arith-argument
235    ((_ name x y)
236     `(begin
237	(check-finite ,name ,x)
238	(check-not-nan ,name ,x)
239	(check-not-zero ,name ,y))))
241  (define-c-proc div (x::<number> y::<number>) :constant
242    (check-integer-arith-argument div x y)
243    (result (Sg_IntegerDiv x y)))
245  (define-c-proc mod (x::<number> y::<number>) :constant
246    (check-integer-arith-argument mod x y)
247    (result (Sg_IntegerMod x y)))
249  (define-c-proc div0 (x::<number> y::<number>) :constant
250    (check-integer-arith-argument div0 x y)
251    (result (Sg_IntegerDiv0 x y)))
253  (define-c-proc mod0 (x::<number> y::<number>) :constant
254    (check-integer-arith-argument mod0 x y)
255    (result (Sg_IntegerMod0 x y)))
257  ;; takes 2. r6rs implementation is in scmlib.scm
258  (define-c-proc %gcd (x::<number> y::<number>) :constant Sg_Gcd)
260  (define-c-proc exp (x::<number>) :constant Sg_Exp)
261  (define-c-proc expt (x::<number> y::<number>) :constant Sg_Expt)
263  (define-c-proc log (x::<number> :optional base::<number>) :constant
264    (if (SG_UNBOUNDP base)
265	(if (== x (SG_MAKE_INT 0))
266	    (assertion-violation 'log "undefined for 0" x)
267	    (result (Sg_Log x)))
268	(result (Sg_Div (Sg_Log x) (Sg_Log base)))))
270  (define-c-proc make-rectangular (a::<number> b::<number>) :constant
271    (unless (SG_REALP a)
272      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-rectangular "real number required"
273					a (SG_LIST2 a b)))
274    (unless (SG_REALP b)
275      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-rectangular "real number required"
276					b (SG_LIST2 a b)))
277    (result (Sg_MakeComplex a b)))
279  (define-c-proc make-polar (r::<number> t::<number>) :constant
280    (unless (SG_REALP r)
281      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-polar "real number required"
282					r (SG_LIST2 r t)))
283    (unless (SG_REALP t)
284      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-polar "real number required"
285					t (SG_LIST2 r t)))
286    (result (Sg_MakeComplexPolar r t)))
288  (define-c-proc real-part (r::<number>) :constant
289    (cond ((SG_COMPLEXP r)
290	   (result (-> (SG_COMPLEX r) real)))
291	  ((SG_REALP r) (result r))
292	  (else
293	   ;; never happen
294	   (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'real-part "number required" r))))
296  (define-c-proc imag-part (r::<number>) :constant
297    (cond ((SG_COMPLEXP r)
298	   (result (-> (SG_COMPLEX r) imag)))
299	  ((SG_REALP r)
300	   (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0)))
301	  (else
302	   (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'imag-part "number required" r))))
304  (define-c-proc magnitude (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Magnitude)
305  (define-c-proc angle (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Angle)
307  (define-c-proc sin (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Sin)
308  (define-c-proc cos (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Cos)
309  (define-c-proc tan (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Tan)
310  (define-c-proc asin (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Asin)
311  (define-c-proc acos (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Acos)
313  (define-c-proc atan (n::<number> :optional n2::<number>) :constant
314    (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP n2) (result (Sg_Atan n)))
315	  (else
316	   (check-real-valued atan n)
317	   (check-real-valued atan n2)
318	   (result (Sg_Atan2 n n2)))))
320  (define-c-proc sqrt (n::<number>) :constant Sg_Sqrt)
321  (define-c-proc exact-integer-sqrt (n::<number>) :constant
322    (when (or (Sg_NegativeP n) (not (SG_EXACT_INTP n)))
323      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'exact-integer-sqrt
324					"non-negative exact integer required"
325					n))
326    (result (Sg_ExactIntegerSqrt n)))
328  (define-c-proc rationalize (x::<number> e::<number>) :constant
329    (check-real rationalize x)
330    (check-real rationalize e)
331    (result (Sg_Rationalize x e)))
333  ;; r5rs compatible
334  (define-c-proc quotient (n1::<number> n2::<number>) :constant
335    (when (SG_EQ n2 (SG_MAKE_INT 0))
336      (assertion-violation 'quotient "attempt to calculate a quotient by zero"
337			   (SG_LIST2 n1 n2)))
338    (result (Sg_Quotient n1 n2 NULL)))
340  (define-c-proc remainder (n1::<number> n2::<number>) :constant
341    (result (Sg_Modulo n1 n2 TRUE)))
343  (define-c-proc modulo (n1::<number> n2::<number>) :constant
344    (result (Sg_Modulo n1 n2 FALSE)))
346  (define-c-proc integer-length (n::<number>) ::<fixnum> :constant
347    Sg_IntegerLength)
349  ;; numerical input and output
350  (define-c-proc number->string (z::<number>
351				 :optional (radix::<fixnum> 10)
352				 precision) :constant
353    ;; ignore precision
354    (result (Sg_NumberToString z (cast int radix) FALSE)))
356  (define-c-proc string->number (s::<string> :optional (radix::<fixnum> 10))
357    :constant
358    (result (Sg_StringToNumber s (cast int radix) FALSE)))
360  ;; 11.8 booleans
361  (define-c-proc not (arg0) ::<boolean> :constant (inline NOT) SG_FALSEP)
363  (define-cise-stmt check-boolean
364    ((_ name b)
365     `(unless (SG_BOOLP ,b)
366	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "boolean" ,b))))
368  (define-c-proc boolean=? (b1 b2 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
369    (x=? check-boolean SG_EQ boolean=? b1 b2 rest))
371  ;; 11.9 pairs and lists
372  (define-c-proc cons (o1 o2) :no-side-effect (inline CONS) Sg_Cons)
373  (define-c-proc car (o::<pair>) :constant
374    (inline CAR) (setter set-car!) SG_CAR)
376  (define-c-proc cdr (o::<pair>) :constant
377    (inline CDR) (setter set-cdr!) SG_CDR)
379  "#define CXR_SETTER(PRE, pre, tail)   \
380    SgObject cell = Sg_C##tail##r(obj); \
381    if (!SG_PAIRP(cell)) \
382     Sg_Error(UC(\"can't set c\" #pre #tail \"r of %S\"), obj); \
383    SG_SET_C##PRE##R(cell, value);"
385  (define-c-proc caar (o::<pair>) :constant (inline CAAR)
386    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXR_SETTER A a a)) Sg_Caar)
387  (define-c-proc cadr (o::<pair>) :constant (inline CADR)
388    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXR_SETTER A a d)) Sg_Cadr)
389  (define-c-proc cdar (o::<pair>) :constant (inline CDAR)
390    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXR_SETTER D d a)) Sg_Cdar)
391  (define-c-proc cddr (o::<pair>) :constant (inline CDDR)
392    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXR_SETTER D d d)) Sg_Cddr)
394  ;; moved from (core base)
395  ;; Why did I do this...
396  "#define CXXR_SETTER(PRE, pre, tail)   \
397    SgObject cell = Sg_C##pre##r(Sg_C##tail##r(obj)); \
398    if (!SG_PAIRP(cell)) \
399     Sg_Error(UC(\"can't set c\" #pre #tail \"r of %S\"), obj); \
400    SG_SET_C##PRE##R(cell, value);"
402  (define-c-proc caaar 	(o) :constant
403    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A a a))
404    (result (Sg_Car  (Sg_Caar o))))
405  (define-c-proc caadr 	(o) :constant
406    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A a d))
407    (result (Sg_Car  (Sg_Cadr o))))
408  (define-c-proc cadar 	(o) :constant
409    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A d a))
410    (result (Sg_Car  (Sg_Cdar o))))
411  (define-c-proc caddr 	(o) :constant
412    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A d d))
413    (result (Sg_Car  (Sg_Cddr o))))
414  (define-c-proc cdaar 	(o) :constant
415    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D a a))
416    (result (Sg_Cdr  (Sg_Caar o))))
417  (define-c-proc cdadr 	(o) :constant
418    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D a d))
419    (result (Sg_Cdr  (Sg_Cadr o))))
420  (define-c-proc cddar 	(o) :constant
421    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D d a))
422    (result (Sg_Cdr  (Sg_Cdar o))))
423  (define-c-proc cdddr 	(o) :constant
424    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D d d))
425    (result (Sg_Cdr  (Sg_Cddr o))))
426  (define-c-proc caaaar (o) :constant
427    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A a aa))
428    (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Caar o))))
429  (define-c-proc caaadr (o) :constant
430    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A a ad))
431    (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Cadr o))))
432  (define-c-proc caadar (o) :constant
433    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A a da))
434    (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Cdar o))))
435  (define-c-proc caaddr (o) :constant
436    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A a dd))
437    (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Cddr o))))
438  (define-c-proc cadaar (o) :constant
439    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A d aa))
440    (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Caar o))))
441  (define-c-proc cadadr (o) :constant
442    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A d ad))
443    (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Cadr o))))
444  (define-c-proc caddar (o) :constant
445    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A d da))
446    (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Cdar o))))
447  (define-c-proc cadddr (o) :constant
448    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER A d dd))
449    (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Cddr o))))
450  (define-c-proc cdaaar (o) :constant
451    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D a aa))
452    (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Caar o))))
453  (define-c-proc cdaadr (o) :constant
454    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D a ad))
455    (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Cadr o))))
456  (define-c-proc cdadar (o) :constant
457    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D a da))
458    (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Cdar o))))
459  (define-c-proc cdaddr (o) :constant
460    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D a dd))
461    (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Cddr o))))
462  (define-c-proc cddaar (o) :constant
463    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D d aa))
464    (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Caar o))))
465  (define-c-proc cddadr (o) :constant
466    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D d ad))
467    (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Cadr o))))
468  (define-c-proc cdddar (o) :constant
469    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D d da))
470    (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Cdar o))))
471  (define-c-proc cddddr (o) :constant
472    (setter (obj value) ::<void> (CXXR_SETTER D d dd))
473    (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Cddr o))))
476  (define-c-proc list? (arg0) ::<boolean> :constant SG_PROPER_LISTP)
477  (define-c-proc list (:rest rest) :no-side-effect (inline LIST) (result rest))
478  (define-c-proc length (lst) ::<fixnum> :constant Sg_Length)
479  ;; are these transparent?
480  (define-c-proc append (:rest lst) :no-side-effect (inline APPEND) Sg_Append)
481  (define-c-proc reverse (lst) :no-side-effect Sg_Reverse)
483  (define-c-proc list-tail (lst k::<fixnum> :optional fallback) :constant
484    Sg_ListTail)
485  ;; from where should we expose this?
486  (define-c-proc list-set! (lst k::<fixnum> v)
487    (let ((p (Sg_ListTail lst k SG_FALSE)))
488      (if (SG_PAIRP p)
489	  (SG_SET_CAR p v)
490	  (assertion-violation 'list-set! "index out of bound"
491			       (SG_LIST2 lst (SG_MAKE_INT k))))))
492  (define-c-proc list-ref (lst k::<fixnum> :optional fallback) :constant
493    (setter list-set!)
494    Sg_ListRef)
495  ;; list miscs
496  (define-c-proc last-pair (lst) :constant Sg_LastPair)
498  ;; 11.10 symbols
499  (define-c-proc symbol->string (z::<symbol>) :constant SG_SYMBOL_NAME)
501  (define-cise-stmt check-symbol
502    ((_ name s)
503     `(unless (SG_SYMBOLP ,s)
504	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "symbol" ,s))))
506  (define-c-proc symbol=? (s1::<symbol> s2::<symbol> :rest rest)
507    ::<boolean> :constant
508    (x=? check-symbol SG_EQ symbol=? s1 s2 rest))
510  (define-c-proc string->symbol (z::<string>) :constant Sg_Intern)
512  ;; 11.11 characters
513  (define-cise-stmt check-char
514    ((_ name c)
515     `(unless (SG_CHARP ,c)
516	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "char" ,c))))
518  (define-c-proc char->integer (c::<char>) :constant SG_MAKE_INT)
520  (define-c-proc integer->char (ch::<fixnum>) :constant
521    (unless (or (and (<= 0 ch) (<= ch #xD7FF))
522		(and (<= #xE000 ch) (<= ch #x10FFFF)))
523      (assertion-violation 'integer->char "code point out of range"
524			   (SG_MAKE_INT ch)))
525    (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR ch)))
527  (define-c-proc char=? (c1 c2 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
528    (x=? check-char SG_EQ char=? c1 c2 rest))
530  (define-cise-stmt char<>=?
531    ((_ compare name first second rest)
532     `(begin
533	(check-char ,name ,first)
534	(check-char ,name ,second)
535	(cond ((SG_NULLP ,rest)
536	       (result (,compare ,first ,second)))
537	      ((not (,compare ,first ,second))
538	       (result FALSE))
539	      (else
540	       (let ((prev ,second))
541		 (dolist (p ,rest)
542		   (check-char ,name p)
543		   (unless (,compare prev p)
544		     (return #f))
545		   (set! prev p))
546		 (result TRUE)))))))
548  (define-c-proc char<? (c1 c2 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
549    (char<>=? < char<? c1 c2 rest))
551  (define-c-proc char>? (c1 c2 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
552    (char<>=? > char>? c1 c2 rest))
554  (define-c-proc char<=? (c1 c2 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
555    (char<>=? <= char<=? c1 c2 rest))
557  (define-c-proc char>=? (c1 c2 :rest rest) ::<boolean> :constant
558    (char<>=? >= char>=? c1 c2 rest))
560  ;; 11.12 strings
561  (define-cise-stmt check-string
562    ((_ name s)
563     `(unless (SG_STRINGP ,s)
564	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "string" ,s))))
566  (define-c-proc make-string (k::<fixnum> :optional (c::<char> #\space))
567    Sg_ReserveString)
568  (define-c-proc string (:rest rest) :no-side-effect
569    (result (Sg_ListToString rest 0 -1)))
570  (define-c-proc string-length (s::<string>) ::<fixnum> :constant
573  (define-c-proc string-ref (s::<string> k::<fixnum> :optional fallback)
574    :constant
575    (setter string-set!)
576    (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP fallback)
577	   (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR (Sg_StringRef s k))))
578	  ((and (<= 0 k) (< k (SG_STRING_SIZE s)))
579	   (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR (Sg_StringRef s k))))
580	  (else (result fallback))))
582  ;; string compares
583  (define-c-proc string=? (s1::<string> s2::<string> :rest rest)
584    ::<boolean> :constant
585    (x=? check-string Sg_StringEqual string=? s1 s2 rest))
587  (define-cise-stmt string-compare
588    ((_ compare value name first second rest)
589     `(begin
590	(cond ((SG_NULLP ,rest)
591	       (result (,compare (Sg_StringCompare ,first ,second) ,value)))
592	      ((not (,compare (Sg_StringCompare ,first ,second) ,value))
593	       (result FALSE))
594	      (else
595	       (let ((prev ,second))
596		 (dolist (p ,rest)
597		   (check-string ,name p)
598		   (unless (,compare (Sg_StringCompare prev p) ,value)
599		     (return #f))
600		   (set! prev p))
601		 (result TRUE)))))))
603  (define-c-proc string<? (s1::<string> s2::<string> :rest rest)
604    ::<boolean> :constant
605    (string-compare == -1 string<? s1 s2 rest))
606  (define-c-proc string>? (s1::<string> s2::<string> :rest rest)
607    ::<boolean> :constant
608    (string-compare == 1 string>? s1 s2 rest))
609  (define-c-proc string<=? (s1::<string> s2::<string> :rest rest)
610    ::<boolean> :constant
611    (string-compare <= 0 string<=? s1 s2 rest))
612  (define-c-proc string>=? (s1::<string> s2::<string> :rest rest)
613    ::<boolean> :constant
614    (string-compare >= 0 string>=? s1 s2 rest))
616  (define-c-proc substring (s::<string> start::<fixnum> end::<fixnum>)
617    :no-side-effect
618    (when (< start 0)
619      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'substring "non negative exact integer"
620					(SG_MAKE_INT start)
621					(SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start)
622						  (SG_MAKE_INT end))))
623    (when (< end 0)
624      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'substring "non negative exact integer"
625					(SG_MAKE_INT end)
626					(SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start)
627						  (SG_MAKE_INT end))))
628    (when (< end start)
629      (assertion-violation 'substring "end index is smaller than start index"
630			   (SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_MAKE_INT end))))
631    (when (< (SG_STRING_SIZE s) end)
632      (assertion-violation 'substring "end index out of bounds"
633			   (SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_MAKE_INT end))))
634    (result (Sg_Substring s start end)))
636  (define-c-proc string-append (:rest rest) :no-side-effect Sg_StringAppend)
638  ;; we take start+end as optional arguments for srfi-13
639  (define-c-proc string->list
640    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
641    :no-side-effect
642    Sg_StringToList)
644  (define-c-proc list->string
645    (o::<list> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
646    :no-side-effect
647    Sg_ListToString)
649  ;; we take start+end as optional arguments for srfi-13
650  (define-c-proc string-copy
651    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
652    :no-side-effect
653    Sg_Substring)
655  ;; 11.13 vectors
656  (define-c-proc make-vector (size::<fixnum> :optional fill) :no-side-effect
657    (when (SG_UNBOUNDP fill) (set! fill  SG_UNDEF))
658    (result (Sg_MakeVector size fill)))
660  (define-c-proc vector (:rest rest) :no-side-effect (inline VECTOR)
661    (result (Sg_ListToVector rest 0 -1)))
663  (define-c-proc vector-length (vec::<vector>) ::<fixnum> :constant
664    (inline VEC_LEN)
665    (result (SG_VECTOR_SIZE vec)))
667  (define-c-proc vector-ref (vec::<vector> i::<fixnum> :optional fallback)
668    :constant (setter vector-set!)
669    (cond ((or (< i 0)
670	       (>= i (SG_VECTOR_SIZE vec)))
671	   (when (SG_UNBOUNDP fallback)
672	     (assertion-violation 'vector-ref "index out of range"
673				  (SG_MAKE_INT i)))
674	   (result fallback))
675	  (else (result (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT vec i)))))
677  (define-c-proc vector-set! (vec::<vector> i::<fixnum> obj) ::<void>
678    (when (SG_LITERAL_VECTORP vec)
679      (assertion-violation 'vector-set "attempt to modify immutable vector"
680			   (SG_LIST1 vec)))
681    (cond ((or (< i 0) (>= i (SG_VECTOR_SIZE vec)))
682	   (assertion-violation 'vector-ref "index out of range"
683				(SG_MAKE_INT i)))
684	  (else (set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT vec i) obj))))
686  (define-c-proc vector->list
687    (vec::<vector> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
688    :no-side-effect
689    Sg_VectorToList)
691  (define-c-proc list->vector
692    (lst :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1)) :no-side-effect
693    (unless (SG_LISTP lst)
694      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'list->vector "propert list" lst))
695    (result (Sg_ListToVector lst start end)))
697  (define-c-proc vector-fill!
698    (vec::<vector> fill :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
699    ::<void>
700    Sg_VectorFill)
702  ;; 11.14 errors and violations
703  (define-c-proc assertion-violation (who message :rest irritants) ::<void>
704    Sg_AssertionViolation)
706  (define-c-proc error (who message :rest irritants) ::<void>
707    (let ((condi SG_FALSE))
708      (if (SG_FALSEP who)
709	  (set! condi
710		(Sg_Condition
711		 (SG_LIST2 (Sg_MakeError message)
712			   (Sg_MakeIrritantsCondition irritants))))
713	  (set! condi
714		(Sg_Condition
715		 (SG_LIST3 (Sg_MakeError message)
716			   (Sg_MakeWhoCondition who)
717			   (Sg_MakeIrritantsCondition irritants)))))
718      (Sg_Raise condi FALSE)))
720  ;; we might remove this
721  (define-c-proc scheme-error (who msg :rest irritant) ::<void>
722    (Sg_Error (UC "%S %A %S") who msg irritant))
724  (define-c-proc syntax-error (form :rest irritant) ::<void>
725    Sg_SyntaxError)
727  ;; 11.15 control features
728  ;; is apply constant? I think it's depending on the given procedure...
729  (define-c-proc apply (proc::<procedure> arg1 :rest rest) :no-side-effect
730    (inline APPLY)
731    ;; can we consider this no-side-effect?
732    (let ((head::SgObject '()) (tail::SgObject '()))
733      (cond ((SG_NULLP rest) (result (Sg_VMApply proc arg1)))
734	    (else
735	     (set! head (Sg_Cons arg1 '()))
736	     (set! tail head)
737	     (dopairs (cp rest)
738	       (when (SG_NULLP (SG_CDR cp))
739		 (SG_APPEND head tail (SG_CAR cp))
740		 (break))
741	       (unless (SG_PAIRP (SG_CDR cp))
742		 (assertion-violation 'apply "improper list not allowed"
743				      rest))
744	       (SG_APPEND1 head tail (SG_CAR cp)))
745	     (result (Sg_VMApply proc head))))))
747  ;; call/cc
748  (define-c-proc call/cc (proc::<procedure>) Sg_VMCallCC)
749  (define-c-proc call-with-current-continuation (proc::<procedure>) Sg_VMCallCC)
751  (define-c-proc values (:rest rest) :constant (inline VALUES) Sg_Values)
752  (define-c-proc dynamic-wind (before thunk after) Sg_VMDynamicWind)
754  ;; standard libraries
755  ;; 1 Unicode
756  ;; 1.1 characters
757  (define-cise-stmt check-char
758    ((_ name c)
759     `(unless (SG_CHARP ,c)
760	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "character" ,c))))
762  ;; these can be constant since we always return the same value
763  ;; however no guarantee that unicode spec itself gets changed
764  ;; so just as it is for now.
765  ;; remember unicode 1.1 to unicode 2.0, this may happen in future...
766  (define-c-proc char-upcase (c::<char>) ::<char> :no-side-effect Sg_CharUpCase)
767  (define-c-proc char-downcase (c::<char>) ::<char> :no-side-effect
768    Sg_CharDownCase)
769  (define-c-proc char-titlecase (c::<char>) ::<char> :no-side-effect
770    Sg_CharTitleCase)
771  (define-c-proc char-foldcase (c::<char>) ::<char> :no-side-effect
772    Sg_CharFoldCase)
774  (define-c-proc char-general-category (c::<char>) :no-side-effect
775    (result (Sg_CategroyToSymbol (Sg_CharGeneralCategory c))))
777  (define-c-proc char-alphabetic? (c::<char>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
778    Sg_CharAlphabeticP)
779  (define-c-proc char-numeric? (c::<char>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
780    Sg_CharNumericP)
781  (define-c-proc char-whitespace? (c::<char>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
782    Sg_Ucs4WhiteSpaceP)
783  (define-c-proc char-upper-case? (c::<char>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
784    Sg_CharUpperCaseP)
785  (define-c-proc char-lower-case? (c::<char>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
786    Sg_CharLowerCaseP)
787  (define-c-proc char-title-case? (c::<char>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
788    Sg_CharTitleCaseP)
790  ;; 1.2 strings
791  ;; for SRFI-13
793  ;; these will allocate new string so not constant
794  (define-c-proc string-upcase
795    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
796    :no-side-effect
797    (result (Sg_StringUpCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end))))
799  (define-c-proc string-downcase
800    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
801    :no-side-effect
802    (result (Sg_StringDownCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end))))
804  (define-c-proc string-titlecase
805    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
806    :no-side-effect
807    (result (Sg_StringTitleCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end) FALSE)))
809  (define-c-proc string-foldcase
810    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
811    :no-side-effect
812    (result (Sg_StringFoldCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end))))
813  ;; TODO Should we also add start end to these?
814  (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfd (s::<string>)  :no-side-effect
815    Sg_StringNormalizeNfd)
816  (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfkd (s::<string>) :no-side-effect
817    Sg_StringNormalizeNfkd)
818  (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfc  (s::<string>) :no-side-effect
819    Sg_StringNormalizeNfc)
820  (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfkc (s::<string>) :no-side-effect
821    Sg_StringNormalizeNfkc)
823  ;; 2 Bytevectors
824  ;; 2.2 general operations
825  (define-c-proc native-endianness () :no-side-effect Sg_NativeEndianness)
826  (define-c-proc bytevector=? (bv1::<bytevector> bv2::<bytevector>)
827    ::<boolean> :constant
828    Sg_ByteVectorEqP)
830  (define-c-proc bytevector-copy
831    (src::<bytevector> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
832    :no-side-effect
833    Sg_ByteVectorCopy)
835  (define-cise-stmt check-non-negative-fixnum
836    ((_ name n)
837     `(when (< ,n 0)
838	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name
839					  "non negative exact integer"
840					  (SG_MAKE_INT ,n)))))
842  (define-c-proc bytevector-copy! (src::<bytevector> sstart::<fixnum>
843				   dst::<bytevector> dstart::<fixnum>
844				   k::<fixnum>)
845    ::<void>
846    (check-non-negative-fixnum bytevector-copy! sstart)
847    (check-non-negative-fixnum bytevector-copy! dstart)
848    (Sg_ByteVectorCopyX src sstart dst dstart k))
850  (define-c-proc make-bytevector (len::<fixnum> :optional (fill::<fixnum> 0))
851    :no-side-effect
852    (check-non-negative-fixnum make-bytevector len)
853    (result (Sg_MakeByteVector len (cast int fill))))
855  (define-c-proc bytevector? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_BVECTORP)
857  (define-c-proc bytevector-length (bv::<bytevector>) ::<fixnum> :constant
860  (define-c-proc bytevector-fill!
861    (bv::<bytevector> fill::<fixnum> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1)) ::<void>
862    (Sg_ByteVectorFill bv (cast int fill) start end))
864  ;; 2.3 operations on bytes and octets
865  (define-c-proc u8-list->bytevector (lst) :no-side-effect
866    (result (Sg_ListToByteVector lst 8 FALSE)))
868  (define-c-proc bytevector->u8-list (lst) :no-side-effect
869    (result (Sg_ByteVectorToList lst 8 FALSE)))
871  (define-cise-stmt bv-check-index
872    ((_ name bv index)
873     `(unless (and (> (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE ,bv) ,index) (>= ,index 0))
874	(assertion-violation ',name "index out of range"
875			     (SG_LIST2 ,bv (SG_MAKE_INT ,index)))))
876    ((_ name bv index offset)
877     `(let ((len::long (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE ,bv)))
878	(unless (and (> len ,offset)
879		     (< ,index (- len ,offset)))
880	  (assertion-violation ',name "index out of range"
881			       (SG_LIST2 ,bv (SG_MAKE_INT ,index)))))))
883  (define-cise-stmt bv-check-literal
884    ((_ name bv)
885     `(when (SG_LITERAL_BVECTORP ,bv)
886	(assertion-violation ',name "attempt to modify literal bytevector"
887			     ,bv))))
889  (define-c-proc bytevector-u8-ref (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>)
890    ::<fixnum> :constant
891    (setter bytevector-u8-set!)
892    (bv-check-index bytevector-u8-ref bv index)
893    (result (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index)))
895  (define-c-proc bytevector-u8-set!
896    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> value::<fixnum>) ::<void>
897    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u8-set! bv)
898    (bv-check-index bytevector-u8-set! bv index)
899    (unless (SG_IS_OCTET value)
900      (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u8-set!
901			   "value out of range. must be 0 <= value <= 255"
902			   (SG_MAKE_INT value)))
903    (set! (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index) (cast uint8_t value)))
905  (define-c-proc bytevector-s8-ref (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>)
906    ::<fixnum> :constant
907    (setter bytevector-s8-set!)
908    (bv-check-index bytevector-s8-ref bv index)
909    (result (cast int8_t (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index))))
911  (define-c-proc bytevector-s8-set!
912    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> value::<fixnum>) ::<void>
913    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s8-set! bv)
914    (bv-check-index bytevector-s8-set! bv index)
915    (unless (SG_IS_BYTE value)
916      (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s8-set!
917			   "value out of range. must be -128 <= value <= 127"
918			   (SG_MAKE_INT value)))
919    (set! (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index) (cast uint8_t value)))
921  (define-cise-stmt bv-check-align
922    ((_ name index align)
923     `(unless (== (% ,index ,align) 0)
924	(assertion-violation ',name "index not aligned"
925			     (SG_MAKE_INT ,index)))))
927  (define-cise-stmt bv-check-value
928    ((_ name value min max)
929     (let ((v (gensym "cise__")))
930       `(let ((,v :: long ,value))
931	  (unless (and (<= ,min ,v)
932		       (<= ,v ,max))
933	    (assertion-violation ',name "value out of range"
934				 (SG_MAKE_INT ,v)))))))
936  ;; 2.5 operations on 16-bit integers
937  ;; u16
938  (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-native-ref
939    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>) ::<fixnum> :constant
940    (setter bytevector-u16-native-set!)
941    (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-native-ref bv index 1)
942    (bv-check-align bytevector-u16-native-ref index 2)
943    (result (Sg_ByteVectorU16NativeRef bv index)))
945  (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-native-set!
946    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> value::<fixnum>) ::<void>
947    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u16-native-set! bv)
948    (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-native-set! bv index 1)
949    (bv-check-value bytevector-u16-native-set! value 0 #xFFFF)
950    (Sg_ByteVectorU16NativeSet bv index value))
952  (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-ref
953    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) ::<fixnum> :constant
954    ;;(setter bytevector-u16-set!)
955    (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-ref bv index 1)
956    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
957	   (result (Sg_ByteVectorU16BigRef bv index)))
958	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
959	   (result (Sg_ByteVectorU16LittleRef bv index)))
960	  (else
961	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u16-ref "unsupported endianness"
962				endian))))
964  (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-set!
965    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> value::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
966    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u16-set! bv)
967    (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-set! bv index 1)
968    (bv-check-value bytevector-u16-set! value 0 #xFFFF)
969    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
970	   (Sg_ByteVectorU16BigSet bv index value))
971	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
972	   (Sg_ByteVectorU16LittleSet bv index value))
973	  (else
974	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u16-set!
975				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
977  ;; s16
978  (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-native-ref
979    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>) ::<fixnum> :constant
980    (setter bytevector-s16-native-set!)
981    (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-native-ref bv index 1)
982    (bv-check-align bytevector-s16-native-ref index 2)
983    (result (Sg_ByteVectorS16NativeRef bv index)))
985  (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-native-set!
986    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> value::<fixnum>) ::<void>
987    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s16-native-set! bv)
988    (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-native-set! bv index 1)
989    (bv-check-value bytevector-s16-native-set! value #x-8000 #x7FFF)
990    (Sg_ByteVectorS16NativeSet bv index value))
992  (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-ref
993    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) ::<fixnum> :constant
994    ;;(setter bytevector-s16-set!)
995    (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-ref bv index 1)
996    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
997	   (result (Sg_ByteVectorS16BigRef bv index)))
998	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
999	   (result (Sg_ByteVectorS16LittleRef bv index)))
1000	  (else
1001	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s16-ref "unsupported endianness"
1002				endian))))
1004  (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-set!
1005    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> value::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1006    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s16-set! bv)
1007    (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-set! bv index 1)
1008    (bv-check-value bytevector-s16-set! value #x-8000 #x7FFF)
1009    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1010	   (Sg_ByteVectorS16BigSet bv index value))
1011	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1012	   (Sg_ByteVectorS16LittleSet bv index value))
1013	  (else
1014	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s16-set! "unsupported endianness"
1015				endian))))
1016  ;; 2.6 operations on 32-bit integers
1017  ;; u32
1018  (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-native-ref (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>)
1019    :constant
1020    (setter bytevector-u32-native-set!)
1021    (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-native-ref bv index 3)
1022    (bv-check-align bytevector-u32-native-ref index 4)
1023    (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU32 (Sg_ByteVectorU32NativeRef bv index))))
1025  (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-native-set!
1026    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number>) ::<void>
1027    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u32-native-set! bv)
1028    (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-native-set! bv index 3)
1029    (let ((value::uint32_t 0))
1030      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1031	     (bv-check-value bytevector-u32-native-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v)
1032			     0 UINT32_MAX)
1033	     (set! value (cast uint32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1034	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1035	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToU32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1036	    (else
1037	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u32-native-set!
1038					       "exact integer" v)))
1039      (Sg_ByteVectorU32NativeSet bv index value)))
1041  (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-ref
1042    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) :constant
1043    ;;(setter bytevector-u32-set!)
1044    (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-ref bv index 3)
1045    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1046	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU32 (Sg_ByteVectorU32BigRef bv index))))
1047	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1048	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU32
1049		    (Sg_ByteVectorU32LittleRef bv index))))
1050	  (else
1051	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u32-ref
1052				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
1054  (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-set!
1055    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1056    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u32-set! bv)
1057    (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-set! bv index 3)
1058    (let ((value::uint32_t 0))
1059      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1060	     ;; for 64 bit environment fixnum can be more than 32 bits
1061	     (bv-check-value bytevector-u32-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v)
1062			     0 UINT32_MAX)
1063	     (set! value (cast uint32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1064	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1065	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToU32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1066	    (else
1067	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u32-set!
1068					       "exact integer" v)))
1069      (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1070	     (Sg_ByteVectorU32BigSet bv index value))
1071	    ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1072	     (Sg_ByteVectorU32LittleSet bv index value))
1073	    (else
1074	     (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u32-set!
1075				  "unsupported endianness" endian)))))
1076  ;; s32
1077  (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-native-ref (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>)
1078    :constant
1079    (setter bytevector-s32-native-set!)
1080    (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-native-ref bv index 3)
1081    (bv-check-align bytevector-s32-native-ref index 4)
1082    (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS32 (Sg_ByteVectorS32NativeRef bv index))))
1084  (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-native-set!
1085    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number>) ::<void>
1086    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s32-native-set! bv)
1087    (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-native-set! bv index 3)
1088    (let ((value::int32_t 0))
1089      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1090	     (bv-check-value bytevector-s32-native-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v)
1091			     INT32_MIN INT32_MAX)
1092	     (set! value (cast int32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1093	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1094	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToS32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1095	    (else
1096	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s32-native-set!
1097					       "exact integer" v)))
1098      (Sg_ByteVectorS32NativeSet bv index value)))
1100  (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-ref
1101    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) :constant
1102    ;;(setter bytevector-s32-set!)
1103    (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-ref bv index 3)
1104    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1105	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS32 (Sg_ByteVectorS32BigRef bv index))))
1106	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1107	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS32
1108		    (Sg_ByteVectorS32LittleRef bv index))))
1109	  (else
1110	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s32-ref
1111				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
1113  (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-set!
1114    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1115    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s32-set! bv)
1116    (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-set! bv index 3)
1117    (let ((value::int32_t 0))
1118      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1119	     (bv-check-value bytevector-s32-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v)
1120			     INT32_MIN INT32_MAX)
1121	     (set! value (cast int32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1122	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1123	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToS32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1124	    (else
1125	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s32-set!
1126					       "exact integer" v)))
1127      (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1128	     (Sg_ByteVectorS32BigSet bv index value))
1129	    ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1130	     (Sg_ByteVectorS32LittleSet bv index value))
1131	    (else
1132	     (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s32-set!
1133				  "unsupported endianness" endian)))))
1134  ;; 2.7 operations on 64-bit integers
1135  ;; u64
1136  (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-native-ref (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>)
1137    :constant
1138    (setter bytevector-u64-native-set!)
1139    (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-native-ref bv index 7)
1140    (bv-check-align bytevector-u64-native-ref index 8)
1141    (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU64 (Sg_ByteVectorU64NativeRef bv index))))
1143  (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-native-set!
1144    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number>) ::<void>
1145    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u64-native-set! bv)
1146    (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-native-set! bv index 7)
1147    (let ((value::uint64_t 0))
1148      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1149	     ;; we don't have to check the limit value
1150	     ;; unless we would get 128 bit environment...
1151	     (when (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) 0)
1152	       (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-native-set!
1153				    "value out of range" v))
1154	     (set! value (cast uint64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1155	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1156	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToU64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1157	    (else
1158	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u64-native-set!
1159					       "exact integer" v)))
1160      (Sg_ByteVectorU64NativeSet bv index value)))
1162  (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-ref
1163    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) :constant
1164    ;;(setter bytevector-u64-set!)
1165    (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-ref bv index 7)
1166    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1167	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU64
1168		    (Sg_ByteVectorU64BigRef bv index))))
1169	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1170	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU64
1171		    (Sg_ByteVectorU64LittleRef bv index))))
1172	  (else
1173	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-ref
1174				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
1176  (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-set!
1177    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1178    (bv-check-literal bytevector-u64-set! bv)
1179    (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-set! bv index 7)
1180    (let ((value::uint64_t 0))
1181      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1182	     (when (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) 0)
1183	       (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-set!
1184				    "value out of range" v))
1185	     (set! value (cast uint64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1186	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1187	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToU64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1188	    (else
1189	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u64-set!
1190					       "exact integer" v)))
1191      (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1192	     (Sg_ByteVectorU64BigSet bv index value))
1193	    ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1194	     (Sg_ByteVectorU64LittleSet bv index value))
1195	    (else
1196	     (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-set!
1197				  "unsupported endianness" endian)))))
1198  ;; s64
1199  (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-native-ref (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>)
1200    :constant
1201    (setter bytevector-s64-native-set!)
1202    (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-native-ref bv index 7)
1203    (bv-check-align bytevector-s64-native-ref index 8)
1204    (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_ByteVectorS64NativeRef bv index))))
1206  (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-native-set!
1207    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number>) ::<void>
1208    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s64-native-set! bv)
1209    (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-native-set! bv index 7)
1210    (let ((value::int64_t 0))
1211      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1212	     (when (or (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MIN)
1213		       (> (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MAX))
1214	       (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-native-set!
1215				    "value out of range" v))
1216	     (set! value (cast int64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1217	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1218	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToS64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1219	    (else
1220	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s64-native-set!
1221					       "exact integer" v)))
1222      (Sg_ByteVectorS64NativeSet bv index value)))
1224  (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-ref
1225    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) :constant
1226    ;;(setter bytevector-s64-set!)
1227    (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-ref bv index 7)
1228    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1229	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_ByteVectorS64BigRef bv index))))
1230	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1231	   (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64
1232		    (Sg_ByteVectorS64LittleRef bv index))))
1233	  (else
1234	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-ref
1235				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
1237  (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-set!
1238    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1239    (bv-check-literal bytevector-s64-set! bv)
1240    (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-set! bv index 7)
1241    (let ((value::int64_t 0))
1242      (cond ((SG_INTP v)
1243	     (when (or (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MIN)
1244		       (> (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MAX))
1245	       (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-set!
1246				    "value out of range" v))
1247	     (set! value (cast int64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v))))
1248	    ((SG_BIGNUMP v)
1249	     (set! value (Sg_BignumToS64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL)))
1250	    (else
1251	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s64-set!
1252					       "exact integer" v)))
1253      (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1254	     (Sg_ByteVectorS64BigSet bv index value))
1255	    ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1256	     (Sg_ByteVectorS64LittleSet bv index value))
1257	    (else
1258	     (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-set!
1259				  "unsupported endianness" endian)))))
1260  ;; 2.8 operations on ieee-754 representations
1261  ;; ieee-single
1262  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref
1263    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>) :constant
1264    (setter bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!)
1265    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref bv index 3)
1266    (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref index 4)
1267    (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleNativeRef bv index))))
1269  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-ref
1270    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) :constant
1271    ;;(setter bytevector-ieee-single-set!)
1272    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-ref bv index 3)
1273    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1274	   (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleBigRef bv index))))
1275	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1276	   (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleLittleRef bv index))))
1277	  (else
1278	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-single-ref
1279				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
1281  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!
1282    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number>) ::<void>
1283    (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! bv)
1284    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! bv index 3)
1285    (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! index 4)
1286    (check-real bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! v)
1287    (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v)))
1288      (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleNativeSet bv index (cast float value))))
1290  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-set!
1291    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1292    (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-single-set! bv)
1293    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-set! bv index 3)
1294    (check-real bytevector-ieee-single-set! v)
1295    (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v)))
1296      (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1297	     (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleBigSet bv index (cast float value)))
1298	    ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1299	     (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleLittleSet bv index (cast float value)))
1300	    (else
1301	     (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-single-set!
1302				  "unsupported endianness" endian)))))
1303  ;; ieee-double
1304  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref
1305    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum>) :constant
1306    (setter bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!)
1307    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref bv index 7)
1308    (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref index 8)
1309    (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleNativeRef bv index))))
1311  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-ref
1312    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> endian::<symbol>) :constant
1313    ;;(setter bytevector-ieee-double-set!)
1314    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-ref bv index 7)
1315    (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1316	   (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleBigRef bv index))))
1317	  ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1318	   (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleLittleRef bv index))))
1319	  (else
1320	   (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-double-ref
1321				"unsupported endianness" endian))))
1323  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!
1324    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number>) ::<void>
1325    (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! bv)
1326    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! bv index 7)
1327    (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! index 8)
1328    (check-real bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! v)
1329    (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v)))
1330      (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleNativeSet bv index value)))
1332  (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-set!
1333    (bv::<bytevector> index::<fixnum> v::<number> endian::<symbol>) ::<void>
1334    (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-double-set! bv)
1335    (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-set! bv index 7)
1336    (check-real bytevector-ieee-double-set! v)
1337    (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v)))
1338      (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1339	     (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleBigSet bv index value))
1340	    ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1341	     (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleLittleSet bv index value))
1342	    (else
1343	     (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-double-set!
1344				  "unsupported endianness" endian)))))
1345  ;; 2.9 operations on strings
1346  ;; converter
1347  ;; utf8 <-> string
1348  (define-cise-expr utf8-tail?
1349    ((_ b)
1350     `(and (<= #x80 ,b) (<= ,b #xbf))))
1351  (define-cfn check-utf8-3bytes (bv i::long)
1352    ::int :static
1353    (let ((first::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv i))
1354	  (second::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 1)))
1355	  (third::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 2))))
1356      (cond ((not (utf8-tail? third)) (return FALSE))
1357	    ((not (or (and (== #xe0 first) (<= #xa0 second) (<= second #xbf))
1358		      (and (== #xed first) (<= #x80 second) (<= second #x9f))
1359		      (and (<= #xe1 first) (<= first #xec) (utf8-tail? second))
1360		      (and (or (== #xee first) (== #xef first))
1361			   (utf8-tail? second))))
1362	     (return FALSE))
1363	    (else (return TRUE)))))
1364  (define-cfn check-utf8-4bytes (bv i::long)
1365    ::int :static
1366    (let ((first::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv i))
1367	  (second::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 1)))
1368	  (third::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 2)))
1369	  (forth::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 3))))
1370      (cond ((or (not (utf8-tail? third)) (not (utf8-tail? forth)))
1371	     (return FALSE))
1372	    ((not (or (and (== #xf0 first) (<= #x90 second) (<= second #xbf))
1373		      (and (== #xf4 first) (<= #x80 second) (<= second #x8f))
1374		      (and (<= #xf1 first) (<= first #xf3)
1375			   (utf8-tail? second))))
1376	     (return FALSE))
1377	    (else (return TRUE)))))
1378  (define-c-proc utf8->string (bv::<bytevector> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0)
1379						(end::<fixnum> -1))
1380    :no-side-effect
1381    (let ((s)
1382	  (count::long 0)
1383	  (size::long (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv))
1384	  (i::long start))
1385      (SG_CHECK_START_END start end size)
1386      (while (< i end)
1387	(post++ count)
1388	(let ((f::uint8_t (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv i)))
1389	  (+= i (?: (< f #x80) 1
1390		    (?: (and (<= #xc2 f) (<= f #xdf)
1391			     (utf8-tail? (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 1)))) 2
1392			(?: (and (<= #xe0 f) (<= f #xef)
1393				 (check-utf8-3bytes bv i)) 3
1394			    ;; the last one is error replacing so 1
1395			    (?: (and (<= #xf0 f) (<= f #xf4)
1396				     (check-utf8-4bytes bv i)) 4 1)))))))
1397      (set! s (Sg_ReserveString count 0))
1398      (Sg_ConvertUtf8BufferToUcs4 (Sg_MakeUtf8Codec)
1399				  (+ (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start) size
1400				  (SG_STRING_VALUE s) count NULL
1402      (result s)))
1404  (define-c-proc string->utf8 (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0)
1405					   (end::<fixnum> -1))
1406    :no-side-effect
1407    (let ((bv)
1408	  (count::long 0)
1409	  (size::long (SG_STRING_SIZE s)))
1410      (SG_CHECK_START_END start end size)
1411      (dotimes (i (- end start) long)
1412	(let ((ucs4::SgChar (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT s (+ i start))))
1413	  (+= count (?: (< ucs4 #x80) 1
1414			(?: (< ucs4 #x800) 2
1415			    (?: (< ucs4 #x10000) 3
1416				;; the last one is error replacing so 2
1417				(?: (< ucs4 #x200000) 4 2)))))))
1418      (set! bv (Sg_MakeByteVector count 0))
1419      (set! count 0)
1420      (dotimes (i (- end start) long)
1421	(+= count (Sg_ConvertUcs4ToUtf8
1422		   (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT s (+ i start))
1423		   (+ (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) count)
1424		   SG_REPLACE_ERROR)))
1425      (result bv)))
1427  ;; utf16 <-> string
1428  (define-c-proc utf16->string (bv::<bytevector> endian::<symbol>
1429						 :optional mandatory)
1430    :no-side-effect
1431    (let ((endianness::SgEndianness NO_BOM)
1432	  (skipBOM::int FALSE))
1433      (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory)
1434	(set! endianness (Sg_Utf16CheckBOM bv))
1435	(when (not (== endianness NO_BOM)) (set! skipBOM TRUE)))
1436      (when (or (and (not (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory))
1437		     (not (SG_FALSEP mandatory)))
1438		(== endianness  NO_BOM))
1439	(cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1440	       (set! endianness UTF_16LE))
1441	      ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1442	       (set! endianness UTF_16BE))
1443	      (else
1444	       (assertion-violation
1445		'utf16->string "endianness should be little or big" endian))))
1446      (let ((skipSize::int 0)
1447	    (codec SG_UNDEF)
1448	    (trans::SgTranscoder))
1449	(when skipBOM (set! skipSize 2))
1450	(set! codec (Sg_MakeUtf16Codec endianness))
1451	(Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) codec E_NONE SG_REPLACE_ERROR)
1452	;; TODO guard
1453	(result (Sg_ByteVectorToString bv (& trans) skipSize -1)))))
1455  (define-c-proc string->utf16 (s::<string> :optional endian::<symbol>)
1456    :no-side-effect
1457    (let ((endianness::SgEndianness UTF_16BE)
1458	  (trans::SgTranscoder))
1459      (if (not (SG_UNBOUNDP endian))
1460	  (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1461		 (set! endianness UTF_16LE))
1462		((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1463		 (set! endianness UTF_16BE))
1464		(else
1465		 (assertion-violation
1466		  'string->utf16 "endianness should be little or big" endian))))
1467      (Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) (Sg_MakeUtf16Codec endianness)
1469      (result (Sg_StringToByteVector s (& trans) 0 -1))))
1472  (define-c-proc string->utf32 (s::<string> :optional endian::<symbol>)
1473    :no-side-effect
1474    (let ((endianness::SgEndianness UTF_32BE)
1475	  (trans::SgTranscoder))
1476      (if (not (SG_UNBOUNDP endian))
1477	  (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1478		 (set! endianness UTF_32LE))
1479		((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1480		 (set! endianness UTF_32BE))
1481		(else
1482		 (assertion-violation
1483		  'string->utf32 "endianness should be little or big" endian))))
1484      (Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) (Sg_MakeUtf32Codec endianness)
1486      (result (Sg_StringToByteVector s (& trans) 0 -1))))
1488  (define-c-proc utf32->string (bv::<bytevector> endian::<symbol>
1489						 :optional mandatory)
1490    :no-side-effect
1491    (let ((endianness::SgEndianness NO_BOM)
1492	  (skipBOM::int FALSE))
1493      (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory)
1494	(set! endianness (Sg_Utf32CheckBOM bv))
1495	(if (not (== endianness NO_BOM))
1496	    (set! skipBOM TRUE)))
1497      (when (or (and (not (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory))
1498		     (not (SG_FALSEP mandatory)))
1499		(== endianness NO_BOM))
1500	(cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little)
1501	       (set! endianness UTF_32LE))
1502	      ((SG_EQ endian 'big)
1503	       (set! endianness UTF_32BE))
1504	      (else
1505	       (assertion-violation
1506		'utf32->string "endianness should be little or big" endian))))
1507      (let ((skipSize::int 0)
1508	    (codec SG_UNDEF)
1509	    (trans::SgTranscoder))
1510	(if skipBOM
1511	    (set! skipSize 4))
1512	(set! codec (Sg_MakeUtf32Codec endianness))
1513	(Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) codec E_NONE SG_REPLACE_ERROR)
1514	;; TODO guard
1515	(result (Sg_ByteVectorToString bv (& trans) skipSize -1)))))
1517  ;; 3 List utilities
1518  (define-c-proc memq (arg0 arg1) :constant Sg_Memq)
1519  (define-c-proc memv (arg0 arg1) :constant Sg_Memv)
1520  (define-c-proc assq (obj alist) :constant Sg_Assq)
1521  (define-c-proc assv (obj alist) :constant Sg_Assv)
1523  (define-c-proc cons* (:rest rest) :no-side-effect
1524    (let ((h '()) (t '()))
1525      (when (SG_PAIRP rest)
1526	(dopairs (cp rest)
1527	  (unless (SG_PAIRP (SG_CDR cp))
1528	    (if (SG_NULLP h)
1529		(set! h (SG_CAR cp))
1530		(SG_SET_CDR t (SG_CAR cp)))
1531	    (break))
1532	  (SG_APPEND1 h t (SG_CAR cp))))
1533      (result h)))
1535  ;; 7 Exceptions and conditions
1536  ;; 7.1 exceptions
1537;; these are moved to Scheme
1538;;  (define-c-proc with-exception-handler (handler thunk)
1539;;    Sg_VMWithExceptionHandler)
1541;;  (define-c-proc raise (c)
1542;;    (result (Sg_Raise c FALSE)))
1544;;  (define-c-proc raise-continuable (c)
1545;;    (result (Sg_Raise c TRUE)))
1547  ;; 8 I/O
1548  ;; 8.2 port i/o
1549  ;; 8.2.3 buffer modes
1550  (define-c-proc buffer-mode? (o) ::<boolean> :constant
1551    (result (or (SG_EQ o 'none)
1552		(SG_EQ o 'line)
1553		(SG_EQ o 'block))))
1555  ;; 8.2.4 transcoders
1556  (define-c-proc latin-1-codec () :no-side-effect Sg_MakeLatin1Codec)
1557  (define-c-proc utf-8-codec () :no-side-effect Sg_MakeUtf8Codec)
1558  (define-c-proc utf-16-codec () :no-side-effect
1559    (result (Sg_MakeUtf16Codec UTF_16CHECK_BOM)))
1561  (define-c-proc native-eol-style () :no-side-effect
1562    (let ((style::SgEolStyle (Sg_NativeEol)))
1563      (cond ((== style LF)
1564	     (result 'lf))
1565	    ((== style CR)
1566	     (result 'cr))
1567	    ((== style LS)
1568	     (result 'ls))
1569	    ((== style NEL)
1570	     (result 'nel))
1571	    ((== style CRNEL)
1572	     (result 'crnel))
1573	    ((== style CRLF)
1574	     (result 'crlf))
1575	    ((== style E_NONE)
1576	     (result 'none))
1577	    (else
1578	     ;; all plat form should return eol style by Sg_NativeEol.
1579	     ;; so this never happen. just dummy
1580	     (assertion-violation 'native-eol-style
1581				  "platform native eol style not found"
1582				  '())))))
1584  (define-c-proc make-transcoder (c::<codec> :optional eol mode::<symbol>)
1585    :no-side-effect
1586    (unless (or (SG_UNBOUNDP eol)
1587		(SG_SYMBOLP eol))
1588      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-transcoder
1589					"symbol" eol))
1590    (let ((style::SgEolStyle (Sg_NativeEol))
1591	  (handling::SgErrorHandlingMode SG_REPLACE_ERROR))
1592      (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP eol)) ;; do nothing
1593	    ((SG_EQ eol 'lf)
1594	     (set! style LF))
1595	    ((SG_EQ eol 'cr)
1596	     (set! style CR))
1597	    ((SG_EQ eol 'ls)
1598	     (set! style LS))
1599	    ((SG_EQ eol 'nel)
1600	     (set! style NEL))
1601	    ((SG_EQ eol 'crnel)
1602	     (set! style CRNEL))
1603	    ((SG_EQ eol 'crlf)
1604	     (set! style CRLF))
1605	    ((SG_EQ eol 'none)
1606	     (set! style E_NONE))
1607	    (else
1608	     (assertion-violation 'make-transcoder
1609				  "invalid eol-style"
1610				  eol)))
1611      (cond ((or (SG_UNBOUNDP mode)
1612		 (SG_EQ mode 'replace))) ;; do nothing
1613	    ((SG_EQ mode 'raise)
1614	     (set! handling SG_RAISE_ERROR))
1615	    ((SG_EQ mode 'ignore)
1616	     (set! handling SG_IGNORE_ERROR))
1617	    (else
1618	     (assertion-violation 'make-transcoder
1619				  "invalid error-handling-mode"
1620				  mode)))
1621      (result (Sg_MakeTranscoder c style handling))))
1623  (define-c-proc native-transcoder () :no-side-effect Sg_MakeNativeTranscoder)
1625  (define-c-proc transcoder-codec (t::<transcoder>) :no-side-effect
1628  (define-c-proc transcoder-eol-style (t::<transcoder>) :no-side-effect
1629    (let ((style::SgEolStyle (SG_TRANSCODER_EOL_STYLE t)))
1630      (cond ((== style LF)
1631	     (result 'lf))
1632	    ((== style CR)
1633	     (result 'cr))
1634	    ((== style LS)
1635	     (result 'ls))
1636	    ((== style NEL)
1637	     (result 'nel))
1638	    ((== style CRNEL)
1639	     (result 'crnel))
1640	    ((== style CRLF)
1641	     (result 'crlf))
1642	    ((== style E_NONE)
1643	     (result 'none))
1644	    (else
1645	     ;; never happen
1646	     (assertion-violation 'transcoder-eol-style
1647				  "transcoder had unknown eol-style. this must be a bug, please report it"
1648				  '())))))
1650  (define-c-proc transcoder-error-handling-mode (t::<transcoder>)
1651    :no-side-effect
1652    (let ((mode::SgErrorHandlingMode (SG_TRANSCODER_MODE t)))
1653      (cond ((SG_EQ mode SG_REPLACE_ERROR)
1654	     (result SG_SYMBOL_REPLACE))
1655	    ((SG_EQ mode SG_IGNORE_ERROR)
1656	     (result SG_SYMBOL_IGNORE))
1657	    ((SG_EQ mode SG_RAISE_ERROR)
1658	     (result SG_SYMBOL_RAISE))
1659	    (else
1660	     (assertion-violation 'transcoder-error-handling-mode
1661				  "transcoder had unknown error-handling-mode. this must be a bug, please report it"
1662				  '())))))
1664  (define-c-proc bytevector->string
1665    (b::<bytevector> t::<transcoder>
1666		     :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
1667    :no-side-effect
1668    Sg_ByteVectorToString)
1670  (define-c-proc string->bytevector
1671    (s::<string> t::<transcoder>
1672		 :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
1673    :no-side-effect
1674    Sg_StringToByteVector)
1676  ;; 8.2.5 end-of-file object
1677  (define-c-proc eof-object () :no-side-effect (result SG_EOF))
1678  (define-c-proc eof-object? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_EOFP)
1680  ;; 8.2.6 input port and output port
1681  ;; check utility for opened port
1682  (define-cise-stmt check-port-open
1683    ((_ name p)
1684     `(when (Sg_PortClosedP ,p)
1685	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "opened port" ,p))))
1687  (define-cise-stmt check-binary-port
1688    ((_ name p)
1689     `(unless (SG_BINARY_PORTP ,p)
1690	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "binary-port" ,p))))
1692  (define-c-proc port? (obj) ::<boolean> :constant SG_PORTP)
1694  (define-c-proc port-transcoder (p::<port>) :no-side-effect
1695    Sg_PortTranscoder)
1697  (define-c-proc textual-port? (p) ::<boolean> :constant SG_TEXTUAL_PORTP)
1699  (define-c-proc binary-port? (p) ::<boolean> :constant SG_BINARY_PORTP)
1701  (define-c-proc transcoded-port (p::<port> t::<transcoder>)
1702    (check-binary-port transcoded-port p)
1703    (check-port-open transcoded-port p)
1704    (Sg_PseudoClosePort p)
1705    (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort p t)))
1707  (define-c-proc port-has-port-position? (p::<port>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
1708    Sg_HasPortPosition)
1710  (define-c-proc port-has-set-port-position!? (p::<port>) ::<boolean>
1711    :no-side-effect
1712    Sg_HasSetPortPosition)
1714  (define-c-proc port-position (p::<port>) :no-side-effect
1715    (check-port-open port-position p)
1716    (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_PortPosition p))))
1718  (define-c-proc set-port-position!
1719    (p::<port> off::<number> :optional (whence::<symbol> 'begin))
1720    ::<void>
1721    (check-port-open set-port-position! p)
1722    (let ((w::SgWhence SG_BEGIN))
1723      (cond ((SG_EQ whence 'begin)
1724	     (when (Sg_NegativeP off)
1725	       (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'set-port-position!
1726						 "non negative number"
1727						 off
1728						 (SG_LIST3 p off whence)))
1729	     (set! w SG_BEGIN))
1730	    ((SG_EQ whence 'current) (set! w SG_CURRENT))
1731	    ((SG_EQ whence 'end)     (set! w SG_END))
1732	    (else (assertion-violation 'set-port-position!
1733				       "unknown whence" whence)))
1734      (Sg_SetPortPosition p (Sg_GetIntegerS64Clamp off SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL) w)))
1736  (define-c-proc close-port (p::<port>) ::<void>
1737    (Sg_ClosePort p))
1739  ;; 8.2.7 input port
1740  (define-cise-stmt check-input-port
1741    ((_ name p)
1742     `(unless (SG_INPUT_PORTP ,p)
1743	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "input port" ,p))))
1745  (define-c-proc input-port? (obj) ::<boolean> :constant SG_INPUT_PORTP)
1747  (define-c-proc port-eof? (p::<port>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
1748    (if (SG_BINARY_PORTP p)
1749	(let ((ch::int (Sg_Peekb p)))
1750	     (result (== ch EOF)))
1751	(let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p)))
1752	     (result (== ch EOF)))))
1754  (define-c-proc open-file-input-port (file::<string>
1755				       :optional (option #f)
1756				                 mode::<symbol>
1757				                 (transcoder::<transcoder> #f))
1758    ;; we can ignore option
1759    (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mode)
1760      (set! mode 'block))
1761    (let ((fo (Sg_OpenFile file SG_READ))
1762	  (bufferMode::int SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK))
1763      (unless (SG_FILEP fo)
1765		    'open-file-input-port fo file SG_UNDEF))
1766      ;; we only support 'block or none for now.
1767      (if (SG_EQ mode 'none)
1768	  (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE))
1769      (if (SG_FALSEP transcoder)
1770	  (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputPort fo bufferMode))
1771	  (let ((in (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputPort fo bufferMode)))
1772	    (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort in transcoder))))))
1774  (define-c-proc open-bytevector-input-port
1775    (bv::<bytevector> :optional (t::<transcoder> #f)
1776		      (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
1777    (let ((bp (Sg_MakeByteVectorInputPort bv start end)))
1778      (if (SG_FALSEP t)
1779	  (result bp)
1780	  (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort bp t)))))
1782  (define-c-proc open-string-input-port
1783    (s::<string> :optional (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
1784    (result (Sg_MakeStringInputPort s start end)))
1786  (define-c-proc standard-input-port () Sg_StandardInputPort)
1788  (define-c-proc current-input-port (:optional p::<port>)
1789    (let ((vm::SgVM* (Sg_VM)))
1790      (if (SG_UNBOUNDP p)
1791	  (result (-> vm currentInputPort))
1792	  (begin
1793	    (check-input-port current-input-port p)
1794	    (set! (-> vm currentInputPort) p)
1795	    (result SG_UNDEF)))))
1797  (define-cise-stmt check-procedure-or-false
1798    ((_ name proc)
1799     `(unless (or (SG_FALSEP ,proc)
1800		  (SG_PROCEDUREP ,proc))
1801	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name
1802					  "procedure or #f"
1803					  ,proc))))
1805  (define-c-proc make-custom-binary-input-port
1806    (id::<string> read::<procedure> getter setter close
1807		  :optional (ready #f))
1808    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port getter)
1809    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port setter)
1810    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port close)
1811    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port ready)
1812    (result (Sg_MakeCustomBinaryPort id SG_INPUT_PORT read SG_FALSE
1813				     getter setter close ready)))
1815  (define-c-proc make-custom-textual-input-port
1816    (id::<string> read::<procedure> getter setter close
1817		  :optional (ready #f))
1818    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port getter)
1819    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port setter)
1820    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port close)
1821    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port ready)
1822    (result (Sg_MakeCustomTextualPort id SG_INPUT_PORT read SG_FALSE
1823				      getter setter close ready)))
1825  ;; 8.2.8 binary input
1826  (decl-code (.include <string.h>))
1828  ;; we don't know what would happen in custom port
1829  ;; so if it's custom port we lock it.
1830  (define-cise-stmt binary-port-read-u8-op
1831    ((_ p safe)
1832     (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe))))
1833       `(let ((b::int))
1834	  (if (SG_CUSTOM_PORTP ,p)
1835	      (set! b (,safe ,p))
1836	      (set! b (,unsafe ,p)))
1837	  (if (== EOF b)
1838	      (result SG_EOF)
1839	      (result (SG_MAKE_INT b)))))))
1840  (define-cise-stmt binary-port-write-u8-op
1841    ((_ p b safe)
1842     (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe))))
1843       `(if (SG_CUSTOM_PORTP ,p)
1844	    (,safe ,p ,b)
1845	    (,unsafe ,p ,b)))))
1847  (define-c-proc get-u8 (p::<port> :optional (reckless #f))
1848    (check-port-open get-u8 p)
1849    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-u8 p))
1850    (check-input-port get-u8 p)
1851    (binary-port-read-u8-op p Sg_Getb))
1853  (define-c-proc lookahead-u8 (p::<port> :optional (reckless #f))
1854    (check-port-open lookahead-u8 p)
1855    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port lookahead-u8 p))
1856    (check-input-port lookahead-u8 p)
1857    (binary-port-read-u8-op p Sg_Peekb))
1859  (define-cise-stmt check-fixnum-range
1860    ((_ name t start end start-op end-op)
1861     `(unless (and (,start-op ,start ,t)
1862		   (,end-op ,t ,end))
1863	(assertion-violation ',name "out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT ,t))))
1864    ((_ name t range op)
1865     `(unless (,op ,t ,range)
1866	(assertion-violation ',name "out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT ,t)))))
1868  (define-cise-stmt read-to-buffer
1869    ((_ port result buf start count read)
1870     (let ((i (gensym))
1871	   (r (gensym))
1872	   (c (gensym))
1873	   (t (gensym)))
1874     `(let ((,(string->symbol (format "~a::int64_t" i)) ,start)
1875	    (,(string->symbol (format "~a::int64_t" r)) 0)
1876	    (,(string->symbol (format "~a::int64_t" c)) ,count)
1877	    (,(string->symbol (format "~a::int" t)) (Sg_ReadOncePortP ,port)))
1878	(for (() (not (== ,c 0)) ())
1879	  (set! ,r (,read ,port (+ ,buf ,i) ,c))
1880	  (set! ,result (+ ,r ,result))
1881	  ;; (when (< ,r ,c) (break))
1882	  (when (== ,r 0) (break))
1883	  (when ,t (break))
1884	  (set! ,c (- ,c ,r))
1885	  (set! ,i (+ ,i ,r)))))))
1887  (define-c-proc get-bytevector-n
1888    (p::<port> count::<fixnum> :optional (reckless #f))
1889    (check-port-open get-bytevector-n p)
1890    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p))
1891    (check-input-port get-bytevector-n p)
1892    (check-non-negative-fixnum get-bytevector-n count)
1893    (if (== count 0)
1894	(result (Sg_MakeByteVector 0 0))
1895	(let ((buf (Sg_MakeByteVector count 0))
1896	      (res::int64_t 0))
1897	  ;; (Sg_Readb p (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) count)
1898	  (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p)
1899	  (read-to-buffer p res (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf)
1900			  0 count Sg_ReadbUnsafe)
1902	  (cond ((== res 0) (result SG_EOF))
1903		(else
1904		 (unless (== count res)
1905		   (set! (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE buf) res))
1906		 (result buf))))))
1908  (define-c-proc get-bytevector-n!
1909    (p::<port> bv::<bytevector> start::<fixnum> count::<fixnum>
1910	       :optional (reckless #f))
1911    (check-port-open get-bytevector-n! p)
1912    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p))
1913    (check-input-port get-bytevector-n! p)
1914    (check-non-negative-fixnum get-bytevector-n! start)
1915    (check-non-negative-fixnum get-bytevector-n! count)
1916    (check-fixnum-range get-bytevector-n! (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv)(+ start count)>=)
1917    (if (== count 0)
1918	(result (SG_MAKE_INT 0))
1919	(let ((res::int64_t 0))
1920	  ;; (Sg_Readb p (+ (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start) count)
1921	  (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p)
1922	  (read-to-buffer p res (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv)
1923			  start count Sg_ReadbUnsafe)
1925	  (if (== res 0)
1926	      (result SG_EOF)
1927	      (result (SG_MAKE_INT res))))))
1929  ;; TODO this allocates memory twice.
1930  (define-c-proc get-bytevector-some (p::<port> :optional (reckless #f))
1931    (check-port-open get-bytevector-some p)
1932    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless)
1933      (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p))
1934    (check-input-port get-bytevector-some p)
1935    (let ((buf (Sg_MakeByteVector 512 0)) ;; some
1936	  (res::int64_t 0))
1937      ;; (Sg_Readb p (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) 512)
1938      (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p)
1939      (read-to-buffer p res (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) 0 512 Sg_ReadbUnsafe)
1940      (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p)
1941      (cond ((== res 0)
1942	     (result SG_EOF))
1943	    (else
1944	     (unless (== res 512)
1945	       (set! (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE buf) res))
1946	     (result buf)))))
1948  (define-c-proc get-bytevector-all (p::<port> :optional (reckless #f))
1949    (check-port-open get-bytevector-all p)
1950    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless)
1951      (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p))
1952    (check-input-port get-bytevector-all p)
1953    ;; TODO we need to get the rest size to reduce memory allocation.
1954    ;; but for now I implement like this
1955    (let ((buf::uint8_t* NULL)
1956	  (res::int64_t (Sg_ReadbAll p (& buf))))
1957      (if (== res 0)
1958	  (result SG_EOF)
1959	  (let ((r (Sg_MakeByteVectorFromU8Array buf res)))
1960	    (set! buf NULL)		; gc friendliness
1961	    (result r)))))
1963  ;; 8.2.9 textual port
1964  (define-cise-stmt check-textual-port
1965    ((_ name p)
1966     `(unless (SG_TEXTUAL_PORTP ,p)
1967	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name
1968					  "textual-port"
1969					  ,p))))
1971  (define-cise-expr string-port?
1972    ((_ p)
1973     `(SG_STRING_PORTP ,p)))
1974  ;; If it's transcoded port there is always a chance to read more then
1975  ;; one byte and if that happens in multi thread script it would not
1976  ;; read a char properly. in case of the we need lock
1977  ;; custom port is the same reason as binary port.
1978  ;; so only string port which is buffering and it always put one char
1979  ;; in one operation.
1980  (define-cise-stmt string-port-read-char-op
1981    ((_ p safe)
1982     (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe))))
1983       `(let ((c::SgChar))
1984	  (if (string-port? ,p)
1985	      (set! c (,unsafe ,p))
1986	      (set! c (,safe ,p)))
1987	  (if (== c EOF)
1988	      (result SG_EOF)
1989	      (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR c)))))))
1990  (define-cise-stmt string-port-write-char-op
1991    ((_ p c safe)
1992     (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe))))
1993       `(if (string-port? ,p)
1994	      (,unsafe ,p ,c)
1995	      (,safe ,p ,c)))))
1997  (define-c-proc get-char (p::<port>)
1998    (check-port-open get-char p)
1999    (check-textual-port get-char p)
2000    (check-input-port get-char p)
2001    (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Getc))
2003  (define-c-proc lookahead-char (p::<port>)
2004    (check-port-open lookahead-char p)
2005    (check-textual-port lookahead-char p)
2006    (check-input-port lookahead-char p)
2007    (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Peekc))
2009  (define-c-proc get-string-n (p::<port> count::<fixnum>)
2010    (check-port-open get-string-n p)
2011    (check-textual-port get-string-n p)
2012    (check-input-port get-string-n p)
2013    (check-non-negative-fixnum get-string-n count)
2014    (if (== count 0)
2015	(result (Sg_MakeEmptyString))
2016	(let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p)))
2017	  (if (== ch EOF)
2018	      (result SG_EOF)
2019	      (let* ((buf::SgString* (Sg_ReserveString count 0))
2020		     (len::int64_t 0))
2021		;; (Sg_Reads p (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) count)
2023		(read-to-buffer p len (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) 0 count
2024				Sg_ReadsUnsafe)
2026		(if (== len count)
2027		    (result buf)
2028		    (result (Sg_Substring buf 0 len))))))))
2030  (define-c-proc get-string-n!
2031    (p::<port> s::<string> start::<fixnum> count::<fixnum>)
2033    (check-port-open get-string-n! p)
2034    (check-textual-port get-string-n! p)
2035    (check-input-port get-string-n! p)
2036    (check-non-negative-fixnum get-string-n! start)
2037    (check-non-negative-fixnum get-string-n! count)
2038    (check-fixnum-range get-string-n! (SG_STRING_SIZE s) (+ start count) >=)
2039    ;; string must not be literal
2040    (when (SG_IMMUTABLE_STRINGP s)
2041      (assertion-violation 'get-string-n!
2042			   "attempt to modify an immutable string" s))
2043    (if (== count 0)
2044	(result (SG_MAKE_INT 0))
2045	(let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p)))
2046	  (if (== ch EOF)
2047	      (result SG_EOF)
2048	      (let ((len::int64_t 0))
2049		;; (Sg_Reads p (+ (SG_STRING_VALUE s) start) count)
2051		(read-to-buffer p len (SG_STRING_VALUE s) start count
2052				Sg_ReadsUnsafe)
2054		(result (SG_MAKE_INT len)))))))
2056  (define-c-proc get-string-all (p::<port>)
2057    (check-port-open get-string-all p)
2058    (check-textual-port get-string-all p)
2059    (check-input-port get-string-all p)
2060    (let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p)))
2061      (cond ((== ch EOF)
2062	     (result SG_EOF))
2063	    (else
2064	     (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p)
2065	     ;; TODO how much should we allocate as default size?
2066	     (let ((buf (Sg_ReserveString 1024 0))
2067		   (out SG_FALSE)
2068		   (firstP::int TRUE)) ;; to avoid unnecessary allocation
2069	       (loop
2070		(let ((len::int64_t
2071		       (Sg_ReadsUnsafe p (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) 1024)))
2072		  ;; ok if len is less, then read everything
2073		  (cond ((== len 0)
2074			 (when firstP
2075			   (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p)
2076			   (return SG_EOF))
2077			 (break))
2078			((< len 1024)
2079			 (when firstP
2080			   (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p)
2081			   (return (Sg_Substring buf 0 len)))
2082			 (Sg_Writes out (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) len)
2083			 (break))
2084			(else
2085			 (if firstP (set! out (Sg_MakeStringOutputPort -1)))
2086			 (Sg_PutsUnsafe out buf)))
2087		  (set! firstP FALSE)))
2088	       (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p)
2089	       (result (Sg_GetStringFromStringPort out)))))))
2091  (define-c-proc get-line (p::<port>)
2092    (check-port-open get-line p)
2093    (check-textual-port get-line p)
2094    (check-input-port get-line p)
2095    (result (Sg_ReadLine p LF)))
2097  (define-c-proc get-datum (p::<port>)
2098    (check-port-open get-dutum p)
2099    (check-textual-port get-datum p)
2100    (check-input-port get-dutum p)
2101    ;; TODO should get-datum read shared-object too?
2102    (let ((ctx::SgReadContext SG_STATIC_READ_CONTEXT))
2103      (result (Sg_ReadWithContext p (& ctx)))))
2105  ;; 8.2.10 output port
2106  (define-cise-stmt check-output-port
2107    ((_ name p)
2108     `(unless (SG_OUTPUT_PORTP ,p)
2109	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "output port" ,p))))
2111  (define-c-proc output-port? (obj) ::<boolean> :constant SG_OUTPUT_PORTP)
2113  (define-c-proc flush-output-port
2114    (:optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) ::<void>
2115    Sg_FlushPort)
2117  (define-c-proc output-port-buffer-mode (p::<port>)
2118    (if (SG_BUFFERED_PORTP p)
2119	(cond ((SG_EQ (-> (SG_BUFFERED_PORT p) mode) SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE)
2120	       (result 'none))
2121	      ((SG_EQ (-> (SG_BUFFERED_PORT p) mode) SG_BUFFER_MODE_LINE)
2122	       (result 'line))
2123	      ((SG_EQ (-> (SG_BUFFERED_PORT p) mode) SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK)
2124	       (result 'block))
2125	      (else
2126	       (assertion-violation 'output-port-buffer-mode
2127				    "port has invalid buffer mode. may be bug?"
2128				    p)))
2129	(result 'none)))
2131  (define-cfn get-open-flags
2132    (option oflags::int file exists?::int rappend::int*)
2133    ::int :static
2134    (let ((opt (Sg_SlotRefUsingClass (Sg_ClassOf option) option 'members)))
2135      (if (and exists? (SG_NULLP opt))
2136	  (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR
2137			   'open-file-output-port
2138			   "file already exists" file 0)
2139	  (let ((no-create?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'no-create opt))))
2140		(no-truncate?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'no-truncate opt))))
2141		(no-fail?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'no-fail opt))))
2142		(append?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'append opt))))
2143		(open-flags::int oflags))
2144	    (cond ((and no-create? no-truncate?)
2145		   (when (not exists?)
2146		     (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR
2147				      'open-file-output-port
2148				      "file-options no-create: file not exist"
2149				      file 0)))
2150		  (no-create?
2151		   (if exists?
2152		       (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags))
2153		       (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR
2154					'open-file-output-port
2155					"file-options no-create: file not exist"
2156					file 0)))
2157		  ((and no-fail? no-truncate?)
2158		   (when (not exists?)
2159		     (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags))))
2160		  (no-fail?
2161		   ;; no-truncate
2162		   (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags)))
2163		  (no-truncate?
2164		   (cond ((and exists? (not append?))
2165			  (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR
2166			    'open-file-output-port
2167			    "file-options no-truncate: file already exist"
2168			    file 0))
2169			 ((not append?)
2170			  (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags))))))
2171	    (when append? (set! (pointer rappend) append?))
2172	    (return open-flags)))
2173      ;; dummy
2174      (return 0)))
2176  (define-c-proc open-file-output-port (file::<string>
2177					:optional (option #f)
2178					          mode::<symbol>
2179						  (transcoder::<transcoder> #f))
2180    (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mode) (set! mode 'block))
2181    (let ((fo SG_UNDEF)
2182	  (isFileExist::int (Sg_FileExistP file))
2183	  (openFlags::int (logior SG_WRITE SG_CREATE))
2184	  (bufferMode::int SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK))
2185      (cond ((SG_EQ mode 'none)
2186	     (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE))
2187	    ((SG_EQ mode 'line)
2188	     (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_LINE)))
2189      (cond ((SG_FALSEP option)
2190	     (if isFileExist
2191		 (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR
2192				  'open-file-output-port "file already exists"
2193				  file))
2194	     (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags))
2195	     (unless (SG_FILEP fo)
2196	       (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR
2197			   'open-file-output-port
2198			   fo file SG_UNDEF))
2199	     (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryOutputPort fo bufferMode)))
2200	    (else
2201	     ;; this is basically depending on the non-compiled Scheme code
2202	     ;; not so good...
2203	     (unless (Sg_RecordP option)
2204	       (assertion-violation 'open-file-output-port
2205				    "invalid file options" option))
2206	     (let ((append?::int 0))
2207	       (set! openFlags (get-open-flags option openFlags
2208					       file isFileExist (& append?)))
2209	       (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags))
2210	       (unless (SG_FILEP fo)
2212			     'open-file-output-port fo file SG_UNDEF))
2213	       (when append? (Sg_FileSeek fo 0 SG_END))
2214	       (if (SG_FALSEP transcoder)
2215		   (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryOutputPort fo bufferMode))
2216		   (let ((out (Sg_MakeFileBinaryOutputPort fo bufferMode)))
2217		     (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort out transcoder)))))))))
2219  (define-c-proc standard-output-port () Sg_StandardOutputPort)
2221  (define-c-proc standard-error-port () Sg_StandardErrorPort)
2223  (define-c-proc current-output-port (:optional p)
2224    (let ((vm::SgVM* (Sg_VM)))
2225      (if (SG_UNBOUNDP p)
2226	  (result (-> vm currentOutputPort))
2227	  (begin
2228	    (check-output-port current-output-port p)
2229	    (set! (-> vm currentOutputPort) p)
2230	    (result SG_UNDEF)))))
2232  (define-c-proc current-error-port (:optional p)
2233    (let ((vm::SgVM* (Sg_VM)))
2234      (if (SG_UNBOUNDP p)
2235	  (result (-> vm currentErrorPort))
2236	  (begin
2237	    (check-output-port current-error-port p)
2238	    (set! (-> vm currentErrorPort) p)
2239	    (result SG_UNDEF)))))
2241  (define-c-proc make-custom-binary-output-port
2242    (id::<string> write::<procedure> getter setter close)
2243    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-output-port getter)
2244    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-output-port setter)
2245    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-output-port close)
2246    (result (Sg_MakeCustomBinaryPort id SG_OUTPUT_PORT SG_FALSE write
2247				     getter setter close SG_FALSE)))
2249  (define-c-proc make-custom-textual-output-port
2250    (id::<string> write::<procedure> getter setter close)
2251    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-output-port getter)
2252    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-output-port setter)
2253    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-output-port close)
2254    (result (Sg_MakeCustomTextualPort id SG_OUTPUT_PORT SG_FALSE write
2255				      getter setter close SG_FALSE)))
2257  ;; 8.2.11 binary output
2258  (define-c-proc put-u8 (p::<port> octet::<fixnum> :optional (reckless #f))
2259    ::<void>
2260    (check-port-open put-u8 p)
2261    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless)
2262      (check-binary-port put-u8 p))
2263    (check-output-port put-u8 p)
2264    (check-fixnum-range put-u8 octet 0 255 <= <=)
2265    (binary-port-write-u8-op p octet Sg_Putb))
2267  (define-c-proc put-bytevector
2268    (p::<port> bv::<bytevector>
2269     :optional (start::<fixnum> 0)
2270               (count::<fixnum> (SG_MAKE_INT (- (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv) start)))
2271	       (reckless #f))
2272    ::<void>
2273    (check-port-open put-bytevector p)
2274    (when (SG_FALSEP reckless)
2275      (check-binary-port put-bytevector p))
2276    (check-output-port put-bytevector p)
2277    (check-non-negative-fixnum put-bytevector start)
2278    (check-non-negative-fixnum put-bytevector count)
2279    (unless (<= (+ count start) (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv))
2280      (assertion-violation 'put-bytevector
2281			   "invalid range"))
2282    (Sg_Writeb p (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start count))
2284  ;; 8.2.13 textual output
2285  (define-c-proc put-char (p::<port> ch::<char>) ::<void>
2286    (check-port-open put-char p)
2287    (check-output-port put-char p)
2288    (check-textual-port put-char p)
2289    (string-port-write-char-op p ch Sg_Putc))
2291  (define-c-proc put-string
2292    (p::<port> s::<string>
2293     :optional (start::<fixnum> 0)
2294               (count::<fixnum> (SG_MAKE_INT (- (SG_STRING_SIZE s) start))))
2295    ::<void>
2296    (check-port-open put-string p)
2297    (check-output-port put-string p)
2298    (check-textual-port put-string p)
2299    (check-non-negative-fixnum put-string start)
2300    (check-non-negative-fixnum put-string count)
2301    (unless (<= (+ count start) (SG_STRING_SIZE s))
2302      (assertion-violation 'put-string "invalid range"))
2303    (Sg_Writes p (+ (SG_STRING_VALUE s) start) count))
2305  (define-c-proc put-datum (p::<port> datum) ::<void>
2306    (check-port-open put-datum p)
2307    (check-output-port put-datum p)
2308    (check-textual-port put-datum p)
2309    (Sg_Write datum p SG_WRITE_WRITE))
2311  ;; 8.2.13 input output ports
2312  (define-c-proc open-file-input/output-port
2313    (file::<string> :optional (option #f)
2314		              mode::<symbol>
2315			      (transcoder::<transcoder> #f))
2316    (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mode)
2317      (set! mode 'block))
2318    (let ((fo SG_UNDEF)
2319	  (isFileExist::int (Sg_FileExistP file))
2320	  (openFlags::int (logior SG_READ (logior SG_WRITE SG_CREATE)))
2321	  (bufferMode::int SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK))
2322      (cond ((SG_EQ mode 'none)
2323	     (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE))
2324	    ((SG_EQ mode 'line)
2325	     (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_LINE)))
2326      (cond ((SG_FALSEP option)
2327	     (if isFileExist
2328		 (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR
2329				  'open-file-input/output-port
2330				  "file already exists" file))
2331	     (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags))
2332	     (unless (SG_FILEP fo)
2333	       (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR
2334			   'open-file-input/output-port fo file SG_UNDEF))
2335	     (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputOutputPort fo bufferMode)))
2336	    (else
2337	     (unless (Sg_RecordP option)
2338	       (assertion-violation 'open-file-output-port
2339				    "invalid file options" option))
2340	     (let ((append?::int 0))
2341	       (set! openFlags (get-open-flags option openFlags
2342					       file isFileExist (& append?)))
2343	       (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags))
2344	       (unless (SG_FILEP fo)
2346			     'open-file-input/output-port fo file SG_UNDEF))
2347	       (when append? (Sg_FileSeek fo 0 SG_END))
2348	       (if (SG_FALSEP transcoder)
2349		   (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputOutputPort fo bufferMode))
2350		   (let ((out (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputOutputPort fo bufferMode)))
2351		     (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort out transcoder)))))))))
2353  (define-c-proc make-custom-binary-input/output-port
2354    (id::<string> read::<procedure> write::<procedure> getter setter close
2355		  :optional (ready #f))
2356    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port getter)
2357    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port setter)
2358    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port close)
2359    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port ready)
2360    (result (Sg_MakeCustomBinaryPort id SG_IN_OUT_PORT read write
2361				     getter setter close ready)))
2363  (define-c-proc make-custom-textual-input/output-port
2364    (id::<string> read::<procedure> write::<procedure> getter setter close
2365		  :optional (ready #f))
2366    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port getter)
2367    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port setter)
2368    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port close)
2369    (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port ready)
2370    (result (Sg_MakeCustomTextualPort id SG_IN_OUT_PORT read write
2371				      getter setter close ready)))
2373  ;; 8.3 simple i/o
2374  (define-c-proc close-input-port (p::<port>) ::<void>
2375    (unless (SG_INPUT_PORTP p)
2376      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'close-input-port "input port" p))
2377    (Sg_ClosePort p))
2379  (define-c-proc close-output-port (p::<port>) ::<void>
2380    (unless (SG_OUTPUT_PORTP p)
2381      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'close-output-port "output port" p))
2382    (Sg_ClosePort p))
2384  (define-c-proc read-char (:optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentInputPort)))
2385    (check-port-open read-char p)
2386    (check-input-port read-char p)
2387    (check-textual-port read-char p)
2388    (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Getc))
2390  (define-c-proc peek-char (:optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentInputPort)))
2391    (check-port-open peek-char p)
2392    (check-input-port peek-char p)
2393    (check-textual-port peek-char p)
2394    (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Peekc))
2396  (define-c-proc read (:optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentInputPort))
2397		       :key (source-info?::<boolean> #f)
2398			    (read-shared?::<boolean> #f))
2399    (check-port-open read p)
2400    (check-input-port read p)
2401    (let ((ctx::SgReadContext SG_STATIC_READ_CONTEXT))
2402      (when source-info?
2403	(set! (ref ctx flags) SG_READ_SOURCE_INFO))
2404      (when read-shared?
2405	(set! (ref ctx graph) (Sg_MakeHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQ 1)))
2406      (result (Sg_ReadWithContext p (& ctx)))))
2408  (define-c-proc write-char (ch::<char> :optional
2409					(p::<port> (Sg_CurrentOutputPort)))
2410    ::<void>
2411    (check-port-open write-char p)
2412    (check-output-port write-char p)
2413    (check-textual-port write-char p)
2414    (string-port-write-char-op p ch Sg_Putc))
2416  (define-c-proc newline (:optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) ::<void>
2417    (check-port-open newline p)
2418    (check-output-port newline p)
2419    (check-textual-port newline p)
2420    (string-port-write-char-op p #\linefeed Sg_Putc))
2422  (define-c-proc display (o :optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) ::<void>
2423    (check-port-open display p)
2424    (check-output-port display p)
2425    (Sg_Write o p SG_WRITE_DISPLAY))
2427  (define-c-proc write (o :optional (p::<port> (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) ::<void>
2428    (check-port-open write p)
2429    (check-output-port write p)
2430    (Sg_Write o p SG_WRITE_WRITE))
2432  ;; 9 file system
2433  ;; the same string can return the different value...
2434  (define-c-proc file-exists? (filename::<string>) ::<boolean> :no-side-effect
2435    Sg_FileExistP)
2437  (define-c-proc delete-file (filename::<string>) ::<void>
2438    (let ((r::int (Sg_DeleteFile filename)))
2439      (unless (== r 0)
2440	(Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILENAME_ERROR 'delete-file
2441		    (Sg_GetLastErrorMessageWithErrorCode r)
2442		    filename SG_UNDEF))))
2444  (define-c-proc exit (:optional obj) ::<void>
2445    ;; TODO thread
2446    (if (SG_UNBOUNDP obj)
2447	(Sg_Exit EXIT_SUCCESS)
2448	(cond ((SG_INTP obj) (Sg_Exit (cast int (SG_INT_VALUE obj))))
2449	      ((SG_TRUEP obj) (Sg_Exit EXIT_SUCCESS))
2450	      (else (Sg_Exit EXIT_FAILURE)))))
2452  ;; 11 Arithmetic
2453  ;; 11.2 fixnum (moved to fixnums.stub)
2454  ;; 11.3 flonums (moved to flonums.stub)
2456  ;; 11.4 exact bitwise arithmetic
2457  (define-c-proc bitwise-not (ei::<number>)  :constant
2458    (unless (Sg_ExactP ei)
2459      (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bitwise-not "exact integer required" ei))
2460    (result (Sg_LogNot ei)))
2462  (define-cise-stmt logop
2463    ((_ fn x y rest)
2464     `(let ((r (,fn ,x ,y)))
2465	(for-each (lambda (v) (set! r (,fn r v))) ,rest)
2466	(result r))))
2468  (define-c-proc bitwise-and
2469    (:optional ei::<integer> ei2::<integer> :rest rest) :constant
2470    (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP ei) (result (SG_MAKE_INT -1)))
2471	  ((SG_NULLP rest)
2472	   (if (SG_UNBOUNDP ei2)
2473	       (result ei)
2474	       (result (Sg_LogAnd ei ei2))))
2475	  (else
2476	   (set! ei (Sg_LogAnd ei ei2))
2477	   (logop Sg_LogAnd ei (SG_CAR rest) (SG_CDR rest)))))
2479  (define-c-proc bitwise-ior
2480    (:optional ei::<integer> ei2::<integer> :rest rest) :constant
2481    (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP ei) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0)))
2482	  ((SG_NULLP rest)
2483	   (if (SG_UNBOUNDP ei2)
2484	       (result ei)
2485	       (result (Sg_LogIor ei ei2))))
2486	  (else
2487	   (set! ei (Sg_LogIor ei ei2))
2488	   (logop Sg_LogIor ei (SG_CAR rest) (SG_CDR rest)))))
2490  (define-c-proc bitwise-xor
2491    (:optional ei::<integer> ei2::<integer> :rest rest) :constant
2492    (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP ei) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0)))
2493	  ((SG_NULLP rest)
2494	   (if (SG_UNBOUNDP ei2)
2495	       (result ei)
2496	       (result (Sg_LogXor ei ei2))))
2497	  (else
2498	   (set! ei (Sg_LogXor ei ei2))
2499	   (logop Sg_LogXor ei (SG_CAR rest) (SG_CDR rest)))))
2501  (define-cise-expr logif
2502    ((_ n1 n2 n3)
2503     `(Sg_LogIor (Sg_LogAnd ,n1 ,n2)
2504		 (Sg_LogAnd (Sg_LogNot ,n1) ,n3))))
2506  (define-c-proc bitwise-if (ei1::<number> ei2::<number> ei3::<number>)
2507    :constant
2508    (result (logif ei1 ei2 ei3)))
2510  (define-c-proc bitwise-bit-count (ei::<number>) ::<fixnum> :constant
2511    Sg_BitCount)
2513  (define-c-proc bitwise-length (ei::<number>) ::<fixnum> :constant
2514    Sg_BitSize)
2516  (define-c-proc bitwise-first-bit-set (ei::<number>) ::<fixnum> :constant
2517    Sg_FirstBitSet)
2519  (define-c-proc bitwise-bit-set? (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum>)
2520    ::<boolean> :constant
2521    Sg_BitSetP)
2523  (define-c-proc bitwise-copy-bit (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum> ei3::<number>)
2524    :constant
2525    (let ((mask (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT 1) ei2)))
2526      (result (logif mask (Sg_Ash ei3 ei2) ei1))))
2528  (define-c-proc bitwise-bit-field (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum> ei3::<fixnum>)
2529    :constant
2530    (when (< ei2 0)
2531      (assertion-violation 'bitwise-bit-field
2532       "2nd parameter (start) must be non-negative" (SG_MAKE_INT ei2)))
2533    (when (< ei3 0)
2534      (assertion-violation 'bitwise-bit-field
2535       "3rd parameter (end) must be non-negative" (SG_MAKE_INT ei3)))
2536    (when (> ei2 ei3)
2537      (assertion-violation 'bitwise-bit-field
2538       "2nd parameter must be less than or equal to 3rd parameter"
2539       (SG_LIST3 ei1 (SG_MAKE_INT ei2) (SG_MAKE_INT ei3))))
2540    (let ((mask (Sg_LogNot (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT -1) ei3))))
2541      (result (Sg_Ash (Sg_LogAnd ei1 mask) (- 0 ei2)))))
2543  (define-c-proc bitwise-copy-bit-field
2544    (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum> ei3::<fixnum> ei4::<number>) :constant
2545    (let ((to ei1)
2546	  (start::long ei2)
2547	  (end::long ei3)
2548	  (from ei4)
2549	  (mask1 (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT -1) start))
2550	  (mask2 (Sg_LogNot (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT -1) end)))
2551	  (mask (Sg_LogAnd mask1 mask2)))
2552      (result (logif mask (Sg_Ash from start) to))))
2554  (define-c-proc bitwise-arithmetic-shift (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum>)
2555    :constant Sg_Ash)
2557  (define-c-proc bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum>)
2558    :constant Sg_Ash)
2560  (define-c-proc bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right (ei1::<number> ei2::<fixnum>)
2561    :constant
2562    (result (Sg_Ash ei1 (- 0 ei2))))
2564  ;; 12 syntax-case
2565  ;; 12.5 identifier predicates
2566  (define-c-proc identifier? (id) ::<boolean> :constant SG_IDENTIFIERP)
2568  ;; free-identifier=? and bound-identifier=? are moved to Scheme
2570  ;; 13 Hashtables
2571  ;; 13.1 constructors
2572  (define-cfn retrieve-weakness (weakness) ::SgWeakness :static
2573    (cond ((SG_EQ weakness 'key)   (return SG_WEAK_KEY))
2574	  ((SG_EQ weakness 'value) (return SG_WEAK_VALUE))
2575	  ((SG_EQ weakness 'both)  (return SG_WEAK_BOTH))
2576	  ;; NB: we don't support ephemerals
2577	  (else (assertion-violation 'make-hashtable
2578		  "weakness must be one of 'key, 'value or 'both" weakness)
2579		;; dummy
2580		(return -1))))
2582  (define-c-proc make-eq-hashtable (:optional (k? #f) (weakness #f))
2583    :no-side-effect
2584    (let ((k::long -1))
2585      (cond ((SG_INTP k?) (set! k (SG_INT_VALUE k?)))
2586	    ((SG_FALSEP k?) (set! k 200))
2587	    (else
2588	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eq-hashtable
2589					       "#f or fixnum" k?)))
2590      (when (< k 0)
2591	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eq-hashtable
2592					  "non negative exact integer"
2593					  k?))
2594      (if (SG_FALSEP weakness)
2595	  (result (Sg_MakeHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQ k))
2596	  (let ((w::SgWeakness (retrieve-weakness weakness)))
2597	    (result (Sg_MakeWeakHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQ w k SG_UNDEF))))))
2599  (define-c-proc make-eqv-hashtable (:optional (k? #f) (weakness #f))
2600    :no-side-effect
2601    (let ((k::long -1))
2602      (cond ((SG_INTP k?) (set! k (SG_INT_VALUE k?)))
2603	    ((SG_FALSEP k?) (set! k 200))
2604	    (else
2605	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eqv-hashtable
2606					       "#f or fixnum" k?)))
2607      (when (< k 0)
2608	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eqv-hashtable
2609					  "non negative exact integer"
2610					  (SG_MAKE_INT k)))
2611      (if (SG_FALSEP weakness)
2612	  (result (Sg_MakeHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQV k))
2613	  (let ((w::SgWeakness (retrieve-weakness weakness)))
2614	    (result (Sg_MakeWeakHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQV w k SG_UNDEF))))))
2616  (define-c-proc make-hashtable
2617    (hasher::<procedure> equiv::<procedure> :optional (k? #f) (weakness #f))
2618    :no-side-effect
2619    (let ((k::long -1))
2620      (cond ((SG_INTP k?) (set! k (SG_INT_VALUE k?)))
2621	    ((SG_FALSEP k?) (set! k 200))
2622	    (else
2623	     (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-hashtable
2624					       "#f or fixnum" k?)))
2625      (when (< k 0)
2626	(wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-hashtable
2627					  "non negative exact integer"
2628					  (SG_MAKE_INT k)))
2629      (if (SG_FALSEP weakness)
2630	  (result (Sg_MakeHashTable hasher equiv k))
2631	  (let ((w::SgWeakness (retrieve-weakness weakness)))
2632	    (result (Sg_MakeWeakHashTable hasher equiv  w k SG_UNDEF))))))
2634  ;; 13.2 procedures
2635  (define-c-proc hashtable? (o) ::<boolean> :constant SG_HASHTABLE_P)
2637  (define-c-proc hashtable-size (ht::<hashtable>) ::<fixnum> Sg_HashTableSize)
2639  (define-c-proc hashtable-ref (ht::<hashtable> key :optional (fallback #f))
2640    :no-side-effect (setter hashtable-set!)
2641    (result (Sg_HashTableRef ht key fallback)))
2643  (define-cise-stmt check-mutable-hashtable
2644    ((_ name t)
2645     `(when (SG_IMMUTABLE_HASHTABLE_P ,t)
2646	(assertion-violation ',name
2647			     "attemp to modify an immutable hashtable" ,t))))
2649  (define-c-proc hashtable-set! (ht::<hashtable> key value) ::<void>
2650    (check-mutable-hashtable hashtable-set! ht)
2651    (Sg_HashTableSet ht key value 0))
2653  (define-c-proc hashtable-delete! (ht::<hashtable> key) ::<void>
2654    (check-mutable-hashtable hashtable-set! ht)
2655    (Sg_HashTableDelete ht key))
2657  (define-c-proc hashtable-contains? (ht::<hashtable> key) ::<boolean>
2658    :no-side-effect
2659    (result (!= (Sg_HashTableRef ht key NULL) NULL)))
2661  (define-c-proc hashtable-copy
2662    (ht::<hashtable> :optional (mutableP::<boolean> #f))
2663    (result (Sg_HashTableCopy ht mutableP)))
2665  (define-c-proc hashtable-clear!
2666    (ht::<hashtable> :optional (k::<fixnum> -1)) ::<void>
2667    (check-mutable-hashtable hashtable-clear! ht)
2668    (Sg_HashCoreClear (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) k))
2670  (define-c-proc hashtable-keys (ht::<hashtable>) :no-side-effect
2671    (let ((itr::SgHashIter)
2672	  (r (Sg_MakeVector (-> (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) entryCount) SG_UNDEF))
2673	  (v)
2674	  (i::int 0))
2675      (Sg_HashIterInit ht (& itr))
2676      (while (!= (Sg_HashIterNext (& itr) (& v) NULL) NULL)
2677	(set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT r (post++ i)) v))
2678      (result r)))
2680  (define-c-proc hashtable-entries (ht::<hashtable>) :no-side-effect
2681    (let ((itr::SgHashIter)
2682	  (rk (Sg_MakeVector (-> (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) entryCount) SG_UNDEF))
2683	  (rv (Sg_MakeVector (-> (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) entryCount) SG_UNDEF))
2684	  (v)
2685	  (k)
2686	  (i::int 0))
2687      (Sg_HashIterInit ht (& itr))
2688      (while (!= (Sg_HashIterNext (& itr) (& k) (& v)) NULL)
2689	(set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT rk i) k)
2690	(set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT rv (post++ i)) v))
2691      (result (Sg_Values2 rk rv))))
2693  ;; 13.3 inspection
2694  (define-c-proc hashtable-mutable? (ht::<hashtable>) ::<boolean> :constant
2695    (result (not (SG_IMMUTABLE_HASHTABLE_P ht))))
2697  ;; 13.4
2698  ;; defined in compare.c
2699  ;; (define-c-proc equal-hash (o) ::<fixnum> :no-side-effect Sg_EqualHash)
2701  ;; for srfi-13 we need to take bound as an argument
2702  (define-c-proc string-hash
2703    (o::<string> :optional bound (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
2704    ::<fixnum> :no-side-effect
2705    (let ((modulo::long 0))
2706      (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP bound) (set! modulo (cast uint32_t SG_INT_MAX)))
2707	    ((SG_INTP bound) (set! modulo (SG_INT_VALUE bound)))
2708	    ((SG_BIGNUMP bound)
2709	     (set! modulo (Sg_BignumToUI (SG_BIGNUM bound) SG_CLAMP_BOTH NULL))))
2710      (when (== modulo 0)
2711	(assertion-violation 'string-hash
2712			     "argument out of domain"
2713			     bound))
2714      (result (Sg_StringHash (Sg_MaybeSubstring o start end) modulo))))
2716  (define-c-proc string-ci-hash
2717    (o::<string> :optional bound (start::<fixnum> 0) (end::<fixnum> -1))
2718    ::<fixnum> :no-side-effect
2719    (let ((modulo::long 0))
2720      (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP bound) (set! modulo (cast uint32_t SG_INT_MAX)))
2721	    ((SG_INTP bound) (set! modulo (SG_INT_VALUE bound)))
2722	    ((SG_BIGNUMP bound)
2723	     (set! modulo (Sg_BignumToUI (SG_BIGNUM bound) SG_CLAMP_BOTH NULL))))
2724      (when (== modulo 0)
2725	(assertion-violation 'string-hash
2726			     "argument out of domain"
2727			     bound))
2728      (result (Sg_StringHash (Sg_StringFoldCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring o start end))
2729			     modulo))))
2731  (define-c-proc symbol-hash (o::<symbol> :optional ignore) :no-side-effect
2732    (result (Sg_MakeIntegerU (Sg_EqHash o 0))))
2734  ;; 15 composit library
2735  ;; 16 eval
2736  (define-c-proc eval (sexp env) Sg_VMEval)
2738  (define-c-proc environment (:rest spec)
2739    (result (Sg_VMEnvironment (Sg_MakeEvalLibrary) spec)))
2741  ;; 17 mutable pairs
2742  (define-c-proc set-car! (o::<pair> v) ::<void> (inline SET_CAR)
2743    (when (Sg_ConstantLiteralP o)
2744      (assertion-violation 'set-car "attempt to modify constant literal" o))
2745    (SG_SET_CAR o v))
2747  (define-c-proc set-cdr! (o::<pair> v) ::<void> (inline SET_CDR)
2748    (when (Sg_ConstantLiteralP o)
2749      (assertion-violation 'set-cdr "attempt to modify constant literal" o))
2750    (SG_SET_CDR o v))
2752  ;; 18 mutable strings
2753  (define-c-proc string-set! (s::<string> k::<fixnum> c::<char>) ::<void>
2754    Sg_StringSet)
2756  ;; we take start and end as optional arguments for srfi-13
2757  (define-c-proc string-fill! (s::<string> c::<char> :optional
2758					   (start::<fixnum> 0)
2759					   (end::<fixnum> -1)) ::<void>
2760    (when (SG_IMMUTABLE_STRINGP s)
2761      (assertion-violation 'string-set!
2762			   "attempted to modify an immutable string"
2763			   s))
2764    (Sg_StringFill s c start end))
2766  ;; record
2767  (define-c-proc %record? (o) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_RecordP)
2769  ;; conditions
2770  (define-c-proc condition (:rest components) Sg_Condition)
2771  (define-c-proc simple-conditions (obj) Sg_SimpleConditions)
2773  (define-c-proc compound-condition-component (obj)
2774    Sg_CompoundConditionComponent)
2776  (define-c-proc compound-condition? (obj) ::<boolean> :constant
2777    Sg_CompoundConditionP)
2778  (define-c-proc simple-condition? (obj) ::<boolean> :constant
2779    Sg_SimpleConditionP)
2781  (define-c-proc condition? (obj) ::<boolean> :constant Sg_ConditionP)
2783  )