1const std = @import("../../std.zig");
2const builtin = @import("builtin");
3const mem = std.mem;
4const assert = std.debug.assert;
5const fs = std.fs;
6const elf = std.elf;
7const native_endian = builtin.cpu.arch.endian();
9const NativeTargetInfo = @This();
10const Target = std.Target;
11const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
12const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget;
13const windows = std.zig.system.windows;
14const darwin = std.zig.system.darwin;
15const linux = std.zig.system.linux;
17target: Target,
18dynamic_linker: DynamicLinker = DynamicLinker{},
20pub const DynamicLinker = Target.DynamicLinker;
22pub const DetectError = error{
23    OutOfMemory,
24    FileSystem,
25    SystemResources,
26    SymLinkLoop,
27    ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
28    SystemFdQuotaExceeded,
29    DeviceBusy,
30    OSVersionDetectionFail,
33/// Given a `CrossTarget`, which specifies in detail which parts of the target should be detected
34/// natively, which should be standard or default, and which are provided explicitly, this function
35/// resolves the native components by detecting the native system, and then resolves standard/default parts
36/// relative to that.
37/// Any resources this function allocates are released before returning, and so there is no
38/// deinitialization method.
39/// TODO Remove the Allocator requirement from this function.
40pub fn detect(allocator: Allocator, cross_target: CrossTarget) DetectError!NativeTargetInfo {
41    var os = cross_target.getOsTag().defaultVersionRange(cross_target.getCpuArch());
42    if (cross_target.os_tag == null) {
43        switch (builtin.target.os.tag) {
44            .linux => {
45                const uts = std.os.uname();
46                const release = mem.sliceTo(&uts.release, 0);
47                // The release field sometimes has a weird format,
48                // `Version.parse` will attempt to find some meaningful interpretation.
49                if (std.builtin.Version.parse(release)) |ver| {
50                    os.version_range.linux.range.min = ver;
51                    os.version_range.linux.range.max = ver;
52                } else |err| switch (err) {
53                    error.Overflow => {},
54                    error.InvalidCharacter => {},
55                    error.InvalidVersion => {},
56                }
57            },
58            .solaris => {
59                const uts = std.os.uname();
60                const release = mem.sliceTo(&uts.release, 0);
61                if (std.builtin.Version.parse(release)) |ver| {
62                    os.version_range.semver.min = ver;
63                    os.version_range.semver.max = ver;
64                } else |err| switch (err) {
65                    error.Overflow => {},
66                    error.InvalidCharacter => {},
67                    error.InvalidVersion => {},
68                }
69            },
70            .windows => {
71                const detected_version = windows.detectRuntimeVersion();
72                os.version_range.windows.min = detected_version;
73                os.version_range.windows.max = detected_version;
74            },
75            .macos => try darwin.macos.detect(&os),
76            .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => {
77                const key = switch (builtin.target.os.tag) {
78                    .freebsd => "kern.osreldate",
79                    .netbsd, .dragonfly => "kern.osrevision",
80                    else => unreachable,
81                };
82                var value: u32 = undefined;
83                var len: usize = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(value));
85                std.os.sysctlbynameZ(key, &value, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
86                    error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value
87                    error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values,
88                    error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack
89                    error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value
90                    error.Unexpected => return error.OSVersionDetectionFail,
91                };
93                switch (builtin.target.os.tag) {
94                    .freebsd => {
95                        // https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/versions.html
96                        // Major * 100,000 has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997)
97                        // Minor * 1(0),000 summed has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997)
98                        // e.g. 492101 = 4.11-STABLE = 4.(9+2)
99                        const major = value / 100_000;
100                        const minor1 = value % 100_000 / 10_000; // usually 0 since 5.1
101                        const minor2 = value % 10_000 / 1_000; // 0 before 5.1, minor version since
102                        const patch = value % 1_000;
103                        os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor1 + minor2, .patch = patch };
104                        os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min;
105                    },
106                    .netbsd => {
107                        // #define __NetBSD_Version__ MMmmrrpp00
108                        //
109                        // M = major version
110                        // m = minor version; a minor number of 99 indicates current.
111                        // r = 0 (*)
112                        // p = patchlevel
113                        const major = value / 100_000_000;
114                        const minor = value % 100_000_000 / 1_000_000;
115                        const patch = value % 10_000 / 100;
116                        os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor, .patch = patch };
117                        os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min;
118                    },
119                    .dragonfly => {
120                        // https://github.com/DragonFlyBSD/DragonFlyBSD/blob/cb2cde83771754aeef9bb3251ee48959138dec87/Makefile.inc1#L15-L17
121                        // flat base10 format: Mmmmpp
122                        //   M = major
123                        //   m = minor; odd-numbers indicate current dev branch
124                        //   p = patch
125                        const major = value / 100_000;
126                        const minor = value % 100_000 / 100;
127                        const patch = value % 100;
128                        os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor, .patch = patch };
129                        os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min;
130                    },
131                    else => unreachable,
132                }
133            },
134            .openbsd => {
135                const mib: [2]c_int = [_]c_int{
136                    std.os.CTL.KERN,
137                    std.os.KERN.OSRELEASE,
138                };
139                var buf: [64]u8 = undefined;
140                var len: usize = buf.len;
142                std.os.sysctl(&mib, &buf, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
143                    error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value
144                    error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values,
145                    error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack
146                    error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value
147                    error.Unexpected => return error.OSVersionDetectionFail,
148                };
150                if (std.builtin.Version.parse(buf[0 .. len - 1])) |ver| {
151                    os.version_range.semver.min = ver;
152                    os.version_range.semver.max = ver;
153                } else |_| {
154                    return error.OSVersionDetectionFail;
155                }
156            },
157            else => {
158                // Unimplemented, fall back to default version range.
159            },
160        }
161    }
163    if (cross_target.os_version_min) |min| switch (min) {
164        .none => {},
165        .semver => |semver| switch (cross_target.getOsTag()) {
166            .linux => os.version_range.linux.range.min = semver,
167            else => os.version_range.semver.min = semver,
168        },
169        .windows => |win_ver| os.version_range.windows.min = win_ver,
170    };
172    if (cross_target.os_version_max) |max| switch (max) {
173        .none => {},
174        .semver => |semver| switch (cross_target.getOsTag()) {
175            .linux => os.version_range.linux.range.max = semver,
176            else => os.version_range.semver.max = semver,
177        },
178        .windows => |win_ver| os.version_range.windows.max = win_ver,
179    };
181    if (cross_target.glibc_version) |glibc| {
182        assert(cross_target.isGnuLibC());
183        os.version_range.linux.glibc = glibc;
184    }
186    // Until https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4592 is implemented (support detecting the
187    // native CPU architecture as being different than the current target), we use this:
188    const cpu_arch = cross_target.getCpuArch();
190    var cpu = switch (cross_target.cpu_model) {
191        .native => detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch, os, cross_target),
192        .baseline => Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch),
193        .determined_by_cpu_arch => if (cross_target.cpu_arch == null)
194            detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch, os, cross_target)
195        else
196            Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch),
197        .explicit => |model| model.toCpu(cpu_arch),
198    } orelse backup_cpu_detection: {
199        break :backup_cpu_detection Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch);
200    };
201    var result = try detectAbiAndDynamicLinker(allocator, cpu, os, cross_target);
202    // For x86, we need to populate some CPU feature flags depending on architecture
203    // and mode:
204    //  * 16bit_mode => if the abi is code16
205    //  * 32bit_mode => if the arch is i386
206    // However, the "mode" flags can be used as overrides, so if the user explicitly
207    // sets one of them, that takes precedence.
208    switch (cpu_arch) {
209        .i386 => {
210            if (!std.Target.x86.featureSetHasAny(cross_target.cpu_features_add, .{
211                .@"16bit_mode", .@"32bit_mode",
212            })) {
213                switch (result.target.abi) {
214                    .code16 => result.target.cpu.features.addFeature(
215                        @enumToInt(std.Target.x86.Feature.@"16bit_mode"),
216                    ),
217                    else => result.target.cpu.features.addFeature(
218                        @enumToInt(std.Target.x86.Feature.@"32bit_mode"),
219                    ),
220                }
221            }
222        },
223        .arm, .armeb => {
224            // XXX What do we do if the target has the noarm feature?
225            //     What do we do if the user specifies +thumb_mode?
226        },
227        .thumb, .thumbeb => {
228            result.target.cpu.features.addFeature(
229                @enumToInt(std.Target.arm.Feature.thumb_mode),
230            );
231        },
232        else => {},
233    }
234    cross_target.updateCpuFeatures(&result.target.cpu.features);
235    return result;
238/// First we attempt to use the executable's own binary. If it is dynamically
239/// linked, then it should answer both the C ABI question and the dynamic linker question.
240/// If it is statically linked, then we try /usr/bin/env. If that does not provide the answer, then
241/// we fall back to the defaults.
242/// TODO Remove the Allocator requirement from this function.
243fn detectAbiAndDynamicLinker(
244    allocator: Allocator,
245    cpu: Target.Cpu,
246    os: Target.Os,
247    cross_target: CrossTarget,
248) DetectError!NativeTargetInfo {
249    const native_target_has_ld = comptime builtin.target.hasDynamicLinker();
250    const is_linux = builtin.target.os.tag == .linux;
251    const have_all_info = cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() != null and
252        cross_target.abi != null and (!is_linux or cross_target.abi.?.isGnu());
253    const os_is_non_native = cross_target.os_tag != null;
254    if (!native_target_has_ld or have_all_info or os_is_non_native) {
255        return defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target);
256    }
257    if (cross_target.abi) |abi| {
258        if (abi.isMusl()) {
259            // musl implies static linking.
260            return defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target);
261        }
262    }
263    // The current target's ABI cannot be relied on for this. For example, we may build the zig
264    // compiler for target riscv64-linux-musl and provide a tarball for users to download.
265    // A user could then run that zig compiler on riscv64-linux-gnu. This use case is well-defined
266    // and supported by Zig. But that means that we must detect the system ABI here rather than
267    // relying on `builtin.target`.
268    const all_abis = comptime blk: {
269        assert(@enumToInt(Target.Abi.none) == 0);
270        const fields = std.meta.fields(Target.Abi)[1..];
271        var array: [fields.len]Target.Abi = undefined;
272        inline for (fields) |field, i| {
273            array[i] = @field(Target.Abi, field.name);
274        }
275        break :blk array;
276    };
277    var ld_info_list_buffer: [all_abis.len]LdInfo = undefined;
278    var ld_info_list_len: usize = 0;
280    for (all_abis) |abi| {
281        // This may be a nonsensical parameter. We detect this with error.UnknownDynamicLinkerPath and
282        // skip adding it to `ld_info_list`.
283        const target: Target = .{
284            .cpu = cpu,
285            .os = os,
286            .abi = abi,
287        };
288        const ld = target.standardDynamicLinkerPath();
289        if (ld.get() == null) continue;
291        ld_info_list_buffer[ld_info_list_len] = .{
292            .ld = ld,
293            .abi = abi,
294        };
295        ld_info_list_len += 1;
296    }
297    const ld_info_list = ld_info_list_buffer[0..ld_info_list_len];
299    // Best case scenario: the executable is dynamically linked, and we can iterate
300    // over our own shared objects and find a dynamic linker.
301    self_exe: {
302        const lib_paths = try std.process.getSelfExeSharedLibPaths(allocator);
303        defer {
304            for (lib_paths) |lib_path| {
305                allocator.free(lib_path);
306            }
307            allocator.free(lib_paths);
308        }
310        var found_ld_info: LdInfo = undefined;
311        var found_ld_path: [:0]const u8 = undefined;
313        // Look for dynamic linker.
314        // This is O(N^M) but typical case here is N=2 and M=10.
315        find_ld: for (lib_paths) |lib_path| {
316            for (ld_info_list) |ld_info| {
317                const standard_ld_basename = fs.path.basename(ld_info.ld.get().?);
318                if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, lib_path, standard_ld_basename)) {
319                    found_ld_info = ld_info;
320                    found_ld_path = lib_path;
321                    break :find_ld;
322                }
323            }
324        } else break :self_exe;
326        // Look for glibc version.
327        var os_adjusted = os;
328        if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux and found_ld_info.abi.isGnu() and
329            cross_target.glibc_version == null)
330        {
331            for (lib_paths) |lib_path| {
332                if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, lib_path, glibc_so_basename)) {
333                    os_adjusted.version_range.linux.glibc = glibcVerFromSO(lib_path) catch |err| switch (err) {
334                        error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName => continue,
335                        error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion => continue,
336                        error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable => continue,
337                        else => |e| return e,
338                    };
339                    break;
340                }
341            }
342        }
344        var result: NativeTargetInfo = .{
345            .target = .{
346                .cpu = cpu,
347                .os = os_adjusted,
348                .abi = cross_target.abi orelse found_ld_info.abi,
349            },
350            .dynamic_linker = if (cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() == null)
351                DynamicLinker.init(found_ld_path)
352            else
353                cross_target.dynamic_linker,
354        };
355        return result;
356    }
358    const env_file = std.fs.openFileAbsoluteZ("/usr/bin/env", .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
359        error.NoSpaceLeft => unreachable,
360        error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
361        error.PathAlreadyExists => unreachable,
362        error.SharingViolation => unreachable,
363        error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable,
364        error.BadPathName => unreachable,
365        error.PipeBusy => unreachable,
366        error.FileLocksNotSupported => unreachable,
367        error.WouldBlock => unreachable,
368        error.FileBusy => unreachable, // opened without write permissions
370        error.IsDir,
371        error.NotDir,
372        error.AccessDenied,
373        error.NoDevice,
374        error.FileNotFound,
375        error.FileTooBig,
376        error.Unexpected,
377        => return defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target),
379        else => |e| return e,
380    };
381    defer env_file.close();
383    // If Zig is statically linked, such as via distributed binary static builds, the above
384    // trick won't work. The next thing we fall back to is the same thing, but for /usr/bin/env.
385    // Since that path is hard-coded into the shebang line of many portable scripts, it's a
386    // reasonably reliable path to check for.
387    return abiAndDynamicLinkerFromFile(env_file, cpu, os, ld_info_list, cross_target) catch |err| switch (err) {
388        error.FileSystem,
389        error.SystemResources,
390        error.SymLinkLoop,
391        error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
392        error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded,
393        => |e| return e,
395        error.UnableToReadElfFile,
396        error.InvalidElfClass,
397        error.InvalidElfVersion,
398        error.InvalidElfEndian,
399        error.InvalidElfFile,
400        error.InvalidElfMagic,
401        error.Unexpected,
402        error.UnexpectedEndOfFile,
403        error.NameTooLong,
404        // Finally, we fall back on the standard path.
405        => defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target),
406    };
409const glibc_so_basename = "libc.so.6";
411fn glibcVerFromSO(so_path: [:0]const u8) !std.builtin.Version {
412    var link_buf: [std.os.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined;
413    const link_name = std.os.readlinkZ(so_path.ptr, &link_buf) catch |err| switch (err) {
414        error.AccessDenied => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable,
415        error.FileSystem => return error.FileSystem,
416        error.SymLinkLoop => return error.SymLinkLoop,
417        error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
418        error.NotLink => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable,
419        error.FileNotFound => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable,
420        error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources,
421        error.NotDir => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable,
422        error.Unexpected => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable,
423        error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // Windows only
424        error.BadPathName => unreachable, // Windows only
425        error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows only
426    };
427    return glibcVerFromLinkName(link_name, "libc-");
430fn glibcVerFromLinkName(link_name: []const u8, prefix: []const u8) !std.builtin.Version {
431    // example: "libc-2.3.4.so"
432    // example: "libc-2.27.so"
433    // example: "ld-2.33.so"
434    const suffix = ".so";
435    if (!mem.startsWith(u8, link_name, prefix) or !mem.endsWith(u8, link_name, suffix)) {
436        return error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName;
437    }
438    // chop off "libc-" and ".so"
439    const link_name_chopped = link_name[prefix.len .. link_name.len - suffix.len];
440    return std.builtin.Version.parse(link_name_chopped) catch |err| switch (err) {
441        error.Overflow => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
442        error.InvalidCharacter => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
443        error.InvalidVersion => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
444    };
447pub const AbiAndDynamicLinkerFromFileError = error{
448    FileSystem,
449    SystemResources,
450    SymLinkLoop,
451    ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
452    SystemFdQuotaExceeded,
453    UnableToReadElfFile,
454    InvalidElfClass,
455    InvalidElfVersion,
456    InvalidElfEndian,
457    InvalidElfFile,
458    InvalidElfMagic,
459    Unexpected,
460    UnexpectedEndOfFile,
461    NameTooLong,
464pub fn abiAndDynamicLinkerFromFile(
465    file: fs.File,
466    cpu: Target.Cpu,
467    os: Target.Os,
468    ld_info_list: []const LdInfo,
469    cross_target: CrossTarget,
470) AbiAndDynamicLinkerFromFileError!NativeTargetInfo {
471    var hdr_buf: [@sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)) = undefined;
472    _ = try preadMin(file, &hdr_buf, 0, hdr_buf.len);
473    const hdr32 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf32_Ehdr, &hdr_buf);
474    const hdr64 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf64_Ehdr, &hdr_buf);
475    if (!mem.eql(u8, hdr32.e_ident[0..4], "\x7fELF")) return error.InvalidElfMagic;
476    const elf_endian: std.builtin.Endian = switch (hdr32.e_ident[elf.EI_DATA]) {
477        elf.ELFDATA2LSB => .Little,
478        elf.ELFDATA2MSB => .Big,
479        else => return error.InvalidElfEndian,
480    };
481    const need_bswap = elf_endian != native_endian;
482    if (hdr32.e_ident[elf.EI_VERSION] != 1) return error.InvalidElfVersion;
484    const is_64 = switch (hdr32.e_ident[elf.EI_CLASS]) {
485        elf.ELFCLASS32 => false,
486        elf.ELFCLASS64 => true,
487        else => return error.InvalidElfClass,
488    };
489    var phoff = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_phoff, hdr64.e_phoff);
490    const phentsize = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_phentsize, hdr64.e_phentsize);
491    const phnum = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_phnum, hdr64.e_phnum);
493    var result: NativeTargetInfo = .{
494        .target = .{
495            .cpu = cpu,
496            .os = os,
497            .abi = cross_target.abi orelse Target.Abi.default(cpu.arch, os),
498        },
499        .dynamic_linker = cross_target.dynamic_linker,
500    };
501    var rpath_offset: ?u64 = null; // Found inside PT_DYNAMIC
502    const look_for_ld = cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() == null;
504    var ph_buf: [16 * @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr)) = undefined;
505    if (phentsize > @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr)) return error.InvalidElfFile;
507    var ph_i: u16 = 0;
508    while (ph_i < phnum) {
509        // Reserve some bytes so that we can deref the 64-bit struct fields
510        // even when the ELF file is 32-bits.
511        const ph_reserve: usize = @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr) - @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr);
512        const ph_read_byte_len = try preadMin(file, ph_buf[0 .. ph_buf.len - ph_reserve], phoff, phentsize);
513        var ph_buf_i: usize = 0;
514        while (ph_buf_i < ph_read_byte_len and ph_i < phnum) : ({
515            ph_i += 1;
516            phoff += phentsize;
517            ph_buf_i += phentsize;
518        }) {
519            const ph32 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf32_Phdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), &ph_buf[ph_buf_i]));
520            const ph64 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf64_Phdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), &ph_buf[ph_buf_i]));
521            const p_type = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_type, ph64.p_type);
522            switch (p_type) {
523                elf.PT_INTERP => if (look_for_ld) {
524                    const p_offset = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_offset, ph64.p_offset);
525                    const p_filesz = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_filesz, ph64.p_filesz);
526                    if (p_filesz > result.dynamic_linker.buffer.len) return error.NameTooLong;
527                    const filesz = @intCast(usize, p_filesz);
528                    _ = try preadMin(file, result.dynamic_linker.buffer[0..filesz], p_offset, filesz);
529                    // PT_INTERP includes a null byte in filesz.
530                    const len = filesz - 1;
531                    // dynamic_linker.max_byte is "max", not "len".
532                    // We know it will fit in u8 because we check against dynamic_linker.buffer.len above.
533                    result.dynamic_linker.max_byte = @intCast(u8, len - 1);
535                    // Use it to determine ABI.
536                    const full_ld_path = result.dynamic_linker.buffer[0..len];
537                    for (ld_info_list) |ld_info| {
538                        const standard_ld_basename = fs.path.basename(ld_info.ld.get().?);
539                        if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, full_ld_path, standard_ld_basename)) {
540                            result.target.abi = ld_info.abi;
541                            break;
542                        }
543                    }
544                },
545                // We only need this for detecting glibc version.
546                elf.PT_DYNAMIC => if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux and result.target.isGnuLibC() and
547                    cross_target.glibc_version == null)
548                {
549                    var dyn_off = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_offset, ph64.p_offset);
550                    const p_filesz = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_filesz, ph64.p_filesz);
551                    const dyn_size: usize = if (is_64) @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn) else @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Dyn);
552                    const dyn_num = p_filesz / dyn_size;
553                    var dyn_buf: [16 * @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn)) = undefined;
554                    var dyn_i: usize = 0;
555                    dyn: while (dyn_i < dyn_num) {
556                        // Reserve some bytes so that we can deref the 64-bit struct fields
557                        // even when the ELF file is 32-bits.
558                        const dyn_reserve: usize = @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn) - @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Dyn);
559                        const dyn_read_byte_len = try preadMin(
560                            file,
561                            dyn_buf[0 .. dyn_buf.len - dyn_reserve],
562                            dyn_off,
563                            dyn_size,
564                        );
565                        var dyn_buf_i: usize = 0;
566                        while (dyn_buf_i < dyn_read_byte_len and dyn_i < dyn_num) : ({
567                            dyn_i += 1;
568                            dyn_off += dyn_size;
569                            dyn_buf_i += dyn_size;
570                        }) {
571                            const dyn32 = @ptrCast(
572                                *elf.Elf32_Dyn,
573                                @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Dyn), &dyn_buf[dyn_buf_i]),
574                            );
575                            const dyn64 = @ptrCast(
576                                *elf.Elf64_Dyn,
577                                @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn), &dyn_buf[dyn_buf_i]),
578                            );
579                            const tag = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, dyn32.d_tag, dyn64.d_tag);
580                            const val = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, dyn32.d_val, dyn64.d_val);
581                            if (tag == elf.DT_RUNPATH) {
582                                rpath_offset = val;
583                                break :dyn;
584                            }
585                        }
586                    }
587                },
588                else => continue,
589            }
590        }
591    }
593    if (builtin.target.os.tag == .linux and result.target.isGnuLibC() and
594        cross_target.glibc_version == null)
595    {
596        if (rpath_offset) |rpoff| {
597            const shstrndx = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shstrndx, hdr64.e_shstrndx);
599            var shoff = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shoff, hdr64.e_shoff);
600            const shentsize = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shentsize, hdr64.e_shentsize);
601            const str_section_off = shoff + @as(u64, shentsize) * @as(u64, shstrndx);
603            var sh_buf: [16 * @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr)) = undefined;
604            if (sh_buf.len < shentsize) return error.InvalidElfFile;
606            _ = try preadMin(file, &sh_buf, str_section_off, shentsize);
607            const shstr32 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf32_Shdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), &sh_buf));
608            const shstr64 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf64_Shdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), &sh_buf));
609            const shstrtab_off = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, shstr32.sh_offset, shstr64.sh_offset);
610            const shstrtab_size = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, shstr32.sh_size, shstr64.sh_size);
611            var strtab_buf: [4096:0]u8 = undefined;
612            const shstrtab_len = std.math.min(shstrtab_size, strtab_buf.len);
613            const shstrtab_read_len = try preadMin(file, &strtab_buf, shstrtab_off, shstrtab_len);
614            const shstrtab = strtab_buf[0..shstrtab_read_len];
616            const shnum = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shnum, hdr64.e_shnum);
617            var sh_i: u16 = 0;
618            const dynstr: ?struct { offset: u64, size: u64 } = find_dyn_str: while (sh_i < shnum) {
619                // Reserve some bytes so that we can deref the 64-bit struct fields
620                // even when the ELF file is 32-bits.
621                const sh_reserve: usize = @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr) - @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr);
622                const sh_read_byte_len = try preadMin(
623                    file,
624                    sh_buf[0 .. sh_buf.len - sh_reserve],
625                    shoff,
626                    shentsize,
627                );
628                var sh_buf_i: usize = 0;
629                while (sh_buf_i < sh_read_byte_len and sh_i < shnum) : ({
630                    sh_i += 1;
631                    shoff += shentsize;
632                    sh_buf_i += shentsize;
633                }) {
634                    const sh32 = @ptrCast(
635                        *elf.Elf32_Shdr,
636                        @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), &sh_buf[sh_buf_i]),
637                    );
638                    const sh64 = @ptrCast(
639                        *elf.Elf64_Shdr,
640                        @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), &sh_buf[sh_buf_i]),
641                    );
642                    const sh_name_off = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, sh32.sh_name, sh64.sh_name);
643                    // TODO this pointer cast should not be necessary
644                    const sh_name = mem.sliceTo(std.meta.assumeSentinel(shstrtab[sh_name_off..].ptr, 0), 0);
645                    if (mem.eql(u8, sh_name, ".dynstr")) {
646                        break :find_dyn_str .{
647                            .offset = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, sh32.sh_offset, sh64.sh_offset),
648                            .size = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, sh32.sh_size, sh64.sh_size),
649                        };
650                    }
651                }
652            } else null;
654            if (dynstr) |ds| {
655                const strtab_len = std.math.min(ds.size, strtab_buf.len);
656                const strtab_read_len = try preadMin(file, &strtab_buf, ds.offset, strtab_len);
657                const strtab = strtab_buf[0..strtab_read_len];
658                // TODO this pointer cast should not be necessary
659                const rpoff_usize = std.math.cast(usize, rpoff) catch |err| switch (err) {
660                    error.Overflow => return error.InvalidElfFile,
661                };
662                const rpath_list = mem.sliceTo(std.meta.assumeSentinel(strtab[rpoff_usize..].ptr, 0), 0);
663                var it = mem.tokenize(u8, rpath_list, ":");
664                while (it.next()) |rpath| {
665                    var dir = fs.cwd().openDir(rpath, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) {
666                        error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
667                        error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable,
668                        error.BadPathName => unreachable,
669                        error.DeviceBusy => unreachable,
671                        error.FileNotFound,
672                        error.NotDir,
673                        error.AccessDenied,
674                        error.NoDevice,
675                        => continue,
677                        error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded,
678                        error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded,
679                        error.SystemResources,
680                        error.SymLinkLoop,
681                        error.Unexpected,
682                        => |e| return e,
683                    };
684                    defer dir.close();
686                    var link_buf: [std.os.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined;
687                    const link_name = std.os.readlinkatZ(
688                        dir.fd,
689                        glibc_so_basename,
690                        &link_buf,
691                    ) catch |err| switch (err) {
692                        error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
693                        error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // Windows only
694                        error.BadPathName => unreachable, // Windows only
695                        error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows only
697                        error.AccessDenied,
698                        error.FileNotFound,
699                        error.NotLink,
700                        error.NotDir,
701                        => continue,
703                        error.SystemResources,
704                        error.FileSystem,
705                        error.SymLinkLoop,
706                        error.Unexpected,
707                        => |e| return e,
708                    };
709                    result.target.os.version_range.linux.glibc = glibcVerFromLinkName(
710                        link_name,
711                        "libc-",
712                    ) catch |err| switch (err) {
713                        error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName,
714                        error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
715                        => continue,
716                    };
717                    break;
718                }
719            }
720        } else if (result.dynamic_linker.get()) |dl_path| glibc_ver: {
721            // There is no DT_RUNPATH but we can try to see if the information is
722            // present in the symlink data for the dynamic linker path.
723            var link_buf: [std.os.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined;
724            const link_name = std.os.readlink(dl_path, &link_buf) catch |err| switch (err) {
725                error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
726                error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // Windows only
727                error.BadPathName => unreachable, // Windows only
728                error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows only
730                error.AccessDenied,
731                error.FileNotFound,
732                error.NotLink,
733                error.NotDir,
734                => break :glibc_ver,
736                error.SystemResources,
737                error.FileSystem,
738                error.SymLinkLoop,
739                error.Unexpected,
740                => |e| return e,
741            };
742            result.target.os.version_range.linux.glibc = glibcVerFromLinkName(
743                fs.path.basename(link_name),
744                "ld-",
745            ) catch |err| switch (err) {
746                error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName,
747                error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion,
748                => break :glibc_ver,
749            };
750        }
751    }
753    return result;
756fn preadMin(file: fs.File, buf: []u8, offset: u64, min_read_len: usize) !usize {
757    var i: usize = 0;
758    while (i < min_read_len) {
759        const len = file.pread(buf[i..], offset + i) catch |err| switch (err) {
760            error.OperationAborted => unreachable, // Windows-only
761            error.WouldBlock => unreachable, // Did not request blocking mode
762            error.NotOpenForReading => unreachable,
763            error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources,
764            error.IsDir => return error.UnableToReadElfFile,
765            error.BrokenPipe => return error.UnableToReadElfFile,
766            error.Unseekable => return error.UnableToReadElfFile,
767            error.ConnectionResetByPeer => return error.UnableToReadElfFile,
768            error.ConnectionTimedOut => return error.UnableToReadElfFile,
769            error.Unexpected => return error.Unexpected,
770            error.InputOutput => return error.FileSystem,
771            error.AccessDenied => return error.Unexpected,
772        };
773        if (len == 0) return error.UnexpectedEndOfFile;
774        i += len;
775    }
776    return i;
779fn defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu: Target.Cpu, os: Target.Os, cross_target: CrossTarget) !NativeTargetInfo {
780    const target: Target = .{
781        .cpu = cpu,
782        .os = os,
783        .abi = cross_target.abi orelse Target.Abi.default(cpu.arch, os),
784    };
785    return NativeTargetInfo{
786        .target = target,
787        .dynamic_linker = if (cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() == null)
788            target.standardDynamicLinkerPath()
789        else
790            cross_target.dynamic_linker,
791    };
794pub const LdInfo = struct {
795    ld: DynamicLinker,
796    abi: Target.Abi,
799pub fn elfInt(is_64: bool, need_bswap: bool, int_32: anytype, int_64: anytype) @TypeOf(int_64) {
800    if (is_64) {
801        if (need_bswap) {
802            return @byteSwap(@TypeOf(int_64), int_64);
803        } else {
804            return int_64;
805        }
806    } else {
807        if (need_bswap) {
808            return @byteSwap(@TypeOf(int_32), int_32);
809        } else {
810            return int_32;
811        }
812    }
815fn detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch: Target.Cpu.Arch, os: Target.Os, cross_target: CrossTarget) ?Target.Cpu {
816    // Here we switch on a comptime value rather than `cpu_arch`. This is valid because `cpu_arch`,
817    // although it is a runtime value, is guaranteed to be one of the architectures in the set
818    // of the respective switch prong.
819    switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
820        .x86_64, .i386 => {
821            return @import("x86.zig").detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch, os, cross_target);
822        },
823        else => {},
824    }
826    switch (builtin.os.tag) {
827        .linux => return linux.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(),
828        .macos => return darwin.macos.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(),
829        else => {},
830    }
832    // This architecture does not have CPU model & feature detection yet.
833    // See https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4591
834    return null;
837pub const Executor = union(enum) {
838    native,
839    rosetta,
840    qemu: []const u8,
841    wine: []const u8,
842    wasmtime: []const u8,
843    darling: []const u8,
844    bad_dl: []const u8,
845    bad_os_or_cpu,
848pub const GetExternalExecutorOptions = struct {
849    allow_darling: bool = true,
850    allow_qemu: bool = true,
851    allow_rosetta: bool = true,
852    allow_wasmtime: bool = true,
853    allow_wine: bool = true,
854    qemu_fixes_dl: bool = false,
855    link_libc: bool = false,
858/// Return whether or not the given host target is capable of executing natively executables
859/// of the other target.
860pub fn getExternalExecutor(
861    host: NativeTargetInfo,
862    candidate: NativeTargetInfo,
863    options: GetExternalExecutorOptions,
864) Executor {
865    const os_match = host.target.os.tag == candidate.target.os.tag;
866    const cpu_ok = cpu_ok: {
867        if (host.target.cpu.arch == candidate.target.cpu.arch)
868            break :cpu_ok true;
870        if (host.target.cpu.arch == .x86_64 and candidate.target.cpu.arch == .i386)
871            break :cpu_ok true;
873        if (host.target.cpu.arch == .aarch64 and candidate.target.cpu.arch == .arm)
874            break :cpu_ok true;
876        if (host.target.cpu.arch == .aarch64_be and candidate.target.cpu.arch == .armeb)
877            break :cpu_ok true;
879        // TODO additionally detect incompatible CPU features.
880        // Note that in some cases the OS kernel will emulate missing CPU features
881        // when an illegal instruction is encountered.
883        break :cpu_ok false;
884    };
886    var bad_result: Executor = .bad_os_or_cpu;
888    if (os_match and cpu_ok) native: {
889        if (options.link_libc) {
890            if (candidate.dynamic_linker.get()) |candidate_dl| {
891                fs.cwd().access(candidate_dl, .{}) catch {
892                    bad_result = .{ .bad_dl = candidate_dl };
893                    break :native;
894                };
895            }
896        }
897        return .native;
898    }
900    // If the OS match and OS is macOS and CPU is arm64, we can use Rosetta 2
901    // to emulate the foreign architecture.
902    if (options.allow_rosetta and os_match and
903        host.target.os.tag == .macos and host.target.cpu.arch == .aarch64)
904    {
905        switch (candidate.target.cpu.arch) {
906            .x86_64 => return .rosetta,
907            else => return bad_result,
908        }
909    }
911    // If the OS matches, we can use QEMU to emulate a foreign architecture.
912    if (options.allow_qemu and os_match and (!cpu_ok or options.qemu_fixes_dl)) {
913        return switch (candidate.target.cpu.arch) {
914            .aarch64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64" },
915            .aarch64_be => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64_be" },
916            .arm => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-arm" },
917            .armeb => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-armeb" },
918            .hexagon => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-hexagon" },
919            .i386 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-i386" },
920            .m68k => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-m68k" },
921            .mips => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips" },
922            .mipsel => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mipsel" },
923            .mips64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64" },
924            .mips64el => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64el" },
925            .powerpc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc" },
926            .powerpc64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64" },
927            .powerpc64le => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64le" },
928            .riscv32 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv32" },
929            .riscv64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv64" },
930            .s390x => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-s390x" },
931            .sparc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-sparc" },
932            .x86_64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-x86_64" },
933            else => return bad_result,
934        };
935    }
937    switch (candidate.target.os.tag) {
938        .windows => {
939            if (options.allow_wine) {
940                switch (candidate.target.cpu.arch.ptrBitWidth()) {
941                    32 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine" },
942                    64 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine64" },
943                    else => return bad_result,
944                }
945            }
946            return bad_result;
947        },
948        .wasi => {
949            if (options.allow_wasmtime) {
950                switch (candidate.target.cpu.arch.ptrBitWidth()) {
951                    32 => return Executor{ .wasmtime = "wasmtime" },
952                    else => return bad_result,
953                }
954            }
955            return bad_result;
956        },
957        .macos => {
958            if (options.allow_darling) {
959                // This check can be loosened once darling adds a QEMU-based emulation
960                // layer for non-host architectures:
961                // https://github.com/darlinghq/darling/issues/863
962                if (candidate.target.cpu.arch != builtin.cpu.arch) {
963                    return bad_result;
964                }
965                return Executor{ .darling = "darling" };
966            }
967            return bad_result;
968        },
969        else => return bad_result,
970    }