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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


LINGUASH A D05-Feb-2018107 2423

Makefile.in.inH A D11-Oct-202010.2 KiB323278

MakevarsH A D02-Oct-20151.1 KiB2820

POTFILES.inH A D08-Jul-20214.1 KiB231230

READMEH A D02-Oct-20151.8 KiB4335

bg.poH A D23-Aug-2021604.3 KiB20,75316,178

ca.poH A D23-Aug-2021523.4 KiB21,73016,911

cs.poH A D23-Aug-2021522.1 KiB21,87917,018

de.poH A D26-Aug-2021538.8 KiB22,00416,948

el.poH A D22-Sep-2021635.8 KiB21,15016,378

es.poH A D23-Aug-2021537.1 KiB21,40116,558

eu.poH A D23-Aug-2021515.3 KiB21,70816,879

fr.poH A D23-Aug-2021621.5 KiB24,40718,771

gl.poH A D27-Aug-2021507.7 KiB20,35815,797

gretl.potH A D23-Aug-2021352.3 KiB18,88414,587

insert-header.sinH A D02-Oct-2015672 2423

it.poH A D23-Aug-2021595.3 KiB23,85818,318

ja.poH A D23-Aug-2021495.5 KiB19,93215,444

pl.poH A D16-Sep-2021505.5 KiB19,51315,188

pottopH A D02-Oct-2015265 109

pt.poH A D24-Aug-2021488.3 KiB19,47615,179

pt_BR.poH A D24-Aug-2021486.9 KiB19,47915,182

remove-potcdate.sinH A D02-Oct-2015432 2019

ro.poH A D23-Aug-2021426.2 KiB19,84915,424

ru.poH A D23-Aug-2021625.8 KiB20,88716,182

rw.poH A D02-Oct-2015393.7 KiB18,91015,075

sq.poH A D23-Aug-2021517.6 KiB20,77116,105

tr.poH A D09-Sep-2021520.3 KiB21,12116,315

uk.poH A D23-Aug-2021585.8 KiB20,40715,869

update_potfiles.shH A D05-Feb-2018427 2616

zh_CN.poH A D23-Aug-2021472.4 KiB20,12715,741

zh_TW.poH A D23-Aug-2021472.4 KiB20,12715,741


1Dear translators,
3The following strings, which are all found in the source file
4lib/src/modelprint.c, are printed in the context of a fixed
5tabular format and they should be restricted to a maximum of
622 characters.
8This list can be checked or updated  by doing
10  fgrep '/* 22: ' ../lib/src/modelprint.c | awk -F"N_" '{print $NF}'
12("Mean dependent var"),  /* 22: Mean of dependent variable */
13("S.D. dependent var"),  /* 22: Standard deviation of dependent var */
14("Sum squared resid"),   /* 22: Sum of squared residuals */
15("S.E. of regression"),  /* 22: Standard error of the regression */
16("R-squared"),           /* 22: */
17("Adjusted R-squared"),  /* 22: */
18("P-value(F)"),          /* 22: P-value of F-statistic */
19("Log-likelihood"),      /* 22: */
20("Akaike criterion"),    /* 22: Akaike Information Criterion */
21("Schwarz criterion"),   /* 22: Schwarz Bayesian Criterion */
22("Hannan-Quinn"),        /* 22: Hannan-Quinn Criterion */
23("rho"),                 /* 22: 1st-order autocorrelation coeff. */
24("Durbin-Watson")        /* 22: Durbin-Watson statistic */
25("Uncentered R-squared"); /* 22: */
26("Centered R-squared");  /* 22: */
27("McFadden R-squared");  /* 22: McFadden's pseudo-R-squared */
28("Smallest eigenvalue"); /* 22: */
29("Mean of innovations"); /* 22: Mean of ARMA innovations */
30("S.D. of innovations"); /* 22: Std. dev. of ARMA innovations */
31("Median depend. var");  /* 22: Median of dependent variable */
32("Sum absolute resid");  /* 22: Sum of absolute residuals */
33("Censored obs"); /* 22: Number of censored observations */
35Note also that there is a special string in gretl.pot,
37msgid "note on model statistics abbreviations here"
39You may use this string to add a note regarding abbreviations
40used in your translations of the short strings noted above.  If
41you don't want to use this mechanism, leave the string
42untranslated and it will not appear.