1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     nlsat_justification.h
8 Abstract:
10     An explanation for a (Boolean) assignment in the
11     nlsat procedure
13 Author:
15     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2012-01-10.
17 Revision History:
19 --*/
20 #pragma once
22 #include "nlsat/nlsat_types.h"
23 #include "util/tptr.h"
25 namespace nlsat {
27     // There are two kinds of justifications in nlsat:
28     //
29     // - clause
30     //
31     // - lazy_justification: it is a set of arithmetic literals s.t.
32     // the maximal variable in each literal is the same.
33     // The set is inconsistent in the current model.
34     // Thus, our nonlinear procedure may be applied to it
35     // to produce a clause.
36     //
38     class lazy_justification {
39         unsigned m_num_literals;
40         unsigned m_num_clauses;
41         char     m_data[0];
clauses()42         nlsat::clause* const* clauses() const { return (nlsat::clause *const*)(m_data); }
43     public:
get_obj_size(unsigned nl,unsigned nc)44         static unsigned get_obj_size(unsigned nl, unsigned nc) { return sizeof(lazy_justification) + sizeof(literal)*nl + sizeof(nlsat::clause*)*nc; }
lazy_justification(unsigned nl,literal const * lits,unsigned nc,nlsat::clause * const * clss)45         lazy_justification(unsigned nl, literal const * lits, unsigned nc, nlsat::clause * const* clss):
46             m_num_literals(nl),
47             m_num_clauses(nc) {
48             if (nc > 0) {
49                 memcpy(m_data + 0,                         clss, sizeof(nlsat::clause*)*nc);
50             }
51             if (nl > 0) {
52                 memcpy(m_data + sizeof(nlsat::clause*)*nc, lits, sizeof(literal)*nl);
53             }
54         }
num_lits()55         unsigned num_lits() const { return m_num_literals; }
lit(unsigned i)56         literal lit(unsigned i) const { SASSERT(i < num_lits()); return lits()[i]; }
lits()57         literal const * lits() const { return (literal const*)(m_data + m_num_clauses*sizeof(nlsat::clause*)); }
num_clauses()59         unsigned num_clauses() const { return m_num_clauses; }
clause(unsigned i)60         nlsat::clause const& clause(unsigned i) const { SASSERT(i < num_clauses()); return *(clauses()[i]); }
62     };
64     class justification {
65         void * m_data;
66     public:
67         enum kind { NULL_JST = 0, DECISION, CLAUSE, LAZY };
justification()68         justification():m_data(TAG(void *, nullptr, NULL_JST)) { SASSERT(is_null()); }
justification(bool)69         justification(bool):m_data(TAG(void *, nullptr, DECISION)) { SASSERT(is_decision()); }
justification(clause * c)70         justification(clause * c):m_data(TAG(void *, c, CLAUSE)) { SASSERT(is_clause()); }
justification(lazy_justification * j)71         justification(lazy_justification * j):m_data(TAG(void *, j, LAZY)) { SASSERT(is_lazy()); }
get_kind()72         kind get_kind() const { return static_cast<kind>(GET_TAG(m_data)); }
is_null()73         bool is_null() const { return get_kind() == NULL_JST; }
is_decision()74         bool is_decision() const { return get_kind() == DECISION; }
is_clause()75         bool is_clause() const { return get_kind() == CLAUSE; }
is_lazy()76         bool is_lazy() const { return get_kind() == LAZY; }
get_clause()77         clause * get_clause() const { return UNTAG(clause*, m_data); }
get_lazy()78         lazy_justification * get_lazy() const { return UNTAG(lazy_justification*, m_data); }
79         bool operator==(justification other) const { return m_data == other.m_data; }
80         bool operator!=(justification other) const { return m_data != other.m_data; }
81     };
83     inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, justification::kind k) {
84         switch (k) {
85         case justification::NULL_JST: return out << "null";
86         case justification::DECISION: return out << "decision";
87         case justification::CLAUSE: return out << "clause";
88         case justification::LAZY: return out << "lazy";
89         default: return out << "??";
90         }
91     }
93     const justification null_justification;
94     const justification decided_justification(true);
mk_clause_jst(clause const * c)96     inline justification mk_clause_jst(clause const * c) { return justification(const_cast<clause*>(c)); }
mk_lazy_jst(small_object_allocator & a,unsigned nl,literal const * lits,unsigned nc,clause * const * clauses)97     inline justification mk_lazy_jst(small_object_allocator & a, unsigned nl, literal const * lits, unsigned nc, clause *const* clauses) {
98         void * mem = a.allocate(lazy_justification::get_obj_size(nl, nc));
99         return justification(new (mem) lazy_justification(nl, lits, nc, clauses));
100     }
del_jst(small_object_allocator & a,justification jst)102     inline void del_jst(small_object_allocator & a, justification jst) {
103         if (jst.is_lazy()) {
104             lazy_justification * ptr = jst.get_lazy();
105             unsigned obj_sz = lazy_justification::get_obj_size(ptr->num_lits(), ptr->num_clauses());
106             a.deallocate(obj_sz, ptr);
107         }
108     }
109 };