3 * Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Combodo SARL
4 *
5 * This file is part of iTop.
6 *
7 * iTop is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
11 *
12 * iTop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
18 * along with iTop. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
19 *
20 */
22class MissingDependencyException extends Exception
24	public $aModulesInfo;
27class ModuleDiscovery
29	static $m_aModuleArgs = array(
30		'label' => 'One line description shown during the interactive setup',
31		'dependencies' => 'array of module ids',
32		'mandatory' => 'boolean',
33		'visible' => 'boolean',
34		'datamodel' =>  'array of data model files',
35		//'dictionary' => 'array of dictionary files', // No longer mandatory, now automated
36		'data.struct' => 'array of structural data files',
37		'data.sample' => 'array of sample data files',
38		'doc.manual_setup' => 'url',
39		'doc.more_information' => 'url',
40	);
43	// Cache the results and the source directories
44	protected static $m_aSearchDirs = null;
45	protected static $m_aModules = array();
46	protected static $m_aModuleVersionByName = array();
48	// All the entries below are list of file paths relative to the module directory
49	protected static $m_aFilesList = array('datamodel', 'webservice', 'dictionary', 'data.struct', 'data.sample');
52	// ModulePath is used by AddModule to get the path of the module being included (in ListModuleFiles)
53	protected static $m_sModulePath = null;
54	protected static function SetModulePath($sModulePath)
55	{
56		self::$m_sModulePath = $sModulePath;
57	}
59	/**
60	 * @param string $sFilePath
61	 * @param string $sId
62	 * @param array $aArgs
63	 *
64	 * @throws \Exception for missing parameter
65	 */
66	public static function AddModule($sFilePath, $sId, $aArgs)
67	{
68		if (!array_key_exists('itop_version', $aArgs))
69		{
70			// Assume 1.0.2
71			$aArgs['itop_version'] = '1.0.2';
72		}
73		foreach (array_keys(self::$m_aModuleArgs) as $sArgName)
74		{
75			if (!array_key_exists($sArgName, $aArgs))
76			{
77				throw new Exception("Module '$sId': missing argument '$sArgName'");
78		   }
79		}
81		$aArgs['root_dir'] = dirname($sFilePath);
82		$aArgs['module_file'] = $sFilePath;
84		list($sModuleName, $sModuleVersion) = static::GetModuleName($sId);
85		if ($sModuleVersion == '')
86		{
87			$sModuleVersion = '1.0.0';
88		}
90		if (array_key_exists($sModuleName, self::$m_aModuleVersionByName))
91		{
92			if (version_compare($sModuleVersion, self::$m_aModuleVersionByName[$sModuleName]['version'], '>'))
93			{
94				// Newer version, let's upgrade
95				$sIdToRemove = self::$m_aModuleVersionByName[$sModuleName]['id'];
96				unset(self::$m_aModules[$sIdToRemove]);
98				self::$m_aModuleVersionByName[$sModuleName]['version'] = $sModuleVersion;
99				self::$m_aModuleVersionByName[$sModuleName]['id'] = $sId;
100			}
101			else
102			{
103				// Older (or equal) version, let's ignore it
104				return;
105			}
106		}
107		else
108		{
109			// First version to be loaded for this module, remember it
110			self::$m_aModuleVersionByName[$sModuleName]['version'] = $sModuleVersion;
111			self::$m_aModuleVersionByName[$sModuleName]['id'] = $sId;
112		}
114		self::$m_aModules[$sId] = $aArgs;
116		// Now keep the relative paths, as provided
117		/*
118		foreach(self::$m_aFilesList as $sAttribute)
119		{
120			if (isset(self::$m_aModules[$sId][$sAttribute]))
121			{
122				// All the items below are list of files, that are relative to the current file
123				// being loaded, let's update their path to store path relative to the application directory
124				foreach(self::$m_aModules[$sId][$sAttribute] as $idx => $sRelativePath)
125				{
126					self::$m_aModules[$sId][$sAttribute][$idx] = self::$m_sModulePath.'/'.$sRelativePath;
127				}
128			}
129		}
130		*/
131		// Populate automatically the list of dictionary files
132		$aMatches = array();
133		if(preg_match('|^([^/]+)|', $sId, $aMatches)) // ModuleName = everything before the first forward slash
134		{
135			$sModuleName = $aMatches[1];
136			$sDir = dirname($sFilePath);
137			if ($hDir = opendir($sDir))
138			{
139				while (($sFile = readdir($hDir)) !== false)
140				{
141					$aMatches = array();
142					if (preg_match("/^[^\\.]+.dict.$sModuleName.php$/i", $sFile, $aMatches)) // Dictionary files named like <Lang>.dict.<ModuleName>.php are loaded automatically
143					{
144						self::$m_aModules[$sId]['dictionary'][] = self::$m_sModulePath.'/'.$sFile;
145					}
146				}
147				closedir($hDir);
148			}
149		}
150	}
152	/**
153	 * Get the list of "discovered" modules, ordered based on their (inter) dependencies
154	 *
155	 * @param bool $bAbortOnMissingDependency ...
156	 * @param array $aModulesToLoad List of modules to search for, defaults to all if omitted
157	 *
158	 * @return array
159	 * @throws \MissingDependencyException
160	 */
161	protected static function GetModules($bAbortOnMissingDependency = false, $aModulesToLoad = null)
162	{
163		// Order the modules to take into account their inter-dependencies
164		return self::OrderModulesByDependencies(self::$m_aModules, $bAbortOnMissingDependency, $aModulesToLoad);
165	}
167	/**
168	 * Arrange an list of modules, based on their (inter) dependencies
169	 * @param array $aModules The list of modules to process: 'id' => $aModuleInfo
170	 * @param bool $bAbortOnMissingDependency ...
171	 * @param array $aModulesToLoad List of modules to search for, defaults to all if omitted
172	 * @return array
173	 * @throws \MissingDependencyException
175	public static function OrderModulesByDependencies($aModules, $bAbortOnMissingDependency = false, $aModulesToLoad = null)
176	{
177		// Order the modules to take into account their inter-dependencies
178		$aDependencies = array();
179		$aSelectedModules = array();
180		foreach($aModules as $sId => $aModule)
181		{
182			list($sModuleName, ) = self::GetModuleName($sId);
183			if (is_null($aModulesToLoad) || in_array($sModuleName, $aModulesToLoad))
184			{
185				$aDependencies[$sId] = $aModule['dependencies'];
186				$aSelectedModules[$sModuleName] = true;
187			}
188		}
189		ksort($aDependencies);
190		$aOrderedModules = array();
191		$iLoopCount = 1;
192		while(($iLoopCount < count($aModules)) && (count($aDependencies) > 0) )
193		{
194			foreach($aDependencies as $sId => $aRemainingDeps)
195			{
196				$bDependenciesSolved = true;
197				foreach($aRemainingDeps as $sDepId)
198				{
199					if (!self::DependencyIsResolved($sDepId, $aOrderedModules, $aSelectedModules))
200					{
201						$bDependenciesSolved = false;
202					}
203				}
204				if ($bDependenciesSolved)
205				{
206					$aOrderedModules[] = $sId;
207					unset($aDependencies[$sId]);
208				}
209			}
210			$iLoopCount++;
211		}
212		if ($bAbortOnMissingDependency && count($aDependencies) > 0)
213		{
214			$aModulesInfo = array();
215			$aModuleDeps = array();
216			foreach($aDependencies as $sId => $aDeps)
217			{
218				$aModule = $aModules[$sId];
219				$aModuleDeps[] = "{$aModule['label']} (id: $sId) depends on ".implode(' + ', $aDeps);
220				$aModulesInfo[$sId] = array('module' => $aModule, 'dependencies' => $aDeps);
221			}
222			$sMessage = "The following modules have unmet dependencies: ".implode(', ', $aModuleDeps);
223			$oException = new MissingDependencyException($sMessage);
224			$oException->aModulesInfo = $aModulesInfo;
225			throw $oException;
226		}
227		// Return the ordered list, so that the dependencies are met...
228		$aResult = array();
229		foreach($aOrderedModules as $sId)
230		{
231			$aResult[$sId] = $aModules[$sId];
232		}
233		return $aResult;
234	}
236	/**
237	 * Remove the duplicate modules (i.e. modules with the same name but with a different version) from the supplied list of modules
238	 * @param array $aModules
239	 * @return array The ordered modules as a duplicate-free list of modules
240	 */
241	public static function RemoveDuplicateModules($aModules)
242	{
243		// No longer needed, kept only for compatibility
244		// The de-duplication is now done directly by the AddModule method
245		return $aModules;
246	}
248	protected static function DependencyIsResolved($sDepString, $aOrderedModules, $aSelectedModules)
249	{
250		$bResult = false;
251		$aModuleVersions = array();
252		// Separate the module names from their version for an easier comparison later
253		foreach($aOrderedModules as $sModuleId)
254		{
255			$aMatches = array();
256			if (preg_match('|^([^/]+)/(.*)$|', $sModuleId, $aMatches))
257			{
258				$aModuleVersions[$aMatches[1]] = $aMatches[2];
259			}
260			else
261			{
262				// No version number found, assume 1.0.0
263				$aModuleVersions[$sModuleId] = '1.0.0';
264			}
265		}
266		if (preg_match_all('/([^\(\)&| ]+)/', $sDepString, $aMatches))
267		{
268			$aReplacements = array();
269			$aPotentialPrerequisites = array();
270			foreach($aMatches as $aMatch)
271			{
272				foreach($aMatch as $sModuleId)
273				{
274					// $sModuleId in the dependency string is made of a <name>/<optional_operator><version>
275					// where the operator is < <= = > >= (by default >=)
276					$aModuleMatches = array();
277					if(preg_match('|^([^/]+)/(<?>?=?)([^><=]+)$|', $sModuleId, $aModuleMatches))
278					{
279						$sModuleName = $aModuleMatches[1];
280						$aPotentialPrerequisites[$sModuleName] = true;
281						$sOperator = $aModuleMatches[2];
282						if ($sOperator == '')
283						{
284							$sOperator = '>=';
285						}
286						$sExpectedVersion = $aModuleMatches[3];
287						if (array_key_exists($sModuleName, $aModuleVersions))
288						{
289							// module is present, check the version
290							$sCurrentVersion = $aModuleVersions[$sModuleName];
291							if (version_compare($sCurrentVersion, $sExpectedVersion, $sOperator))
292							{
293								$aReplacements[$sModuleId] = '(true)'; // Add parentheses to protect against invalid condition causing
294																	   // a function call that results in a runtime fatal error
295							}
296							else
297							{
298								$aReplacements[$sModuleId] = '(false)'; // Add parentheses to protect against invalid condition causing
299																	   // a function call that results in a runtime fatal error
300							}
301						}
302						else
303						{
304							// module is not present
305							$aReplacements[$sModuleId] = '(false)'; // Add parentheses to protect against invalid condition causing
306																    // a function call that results in a runtime fatal error
307						}
308					}
309				}
310			}
311			$bMissingPrerequisite = false;
312			foreach (array_keys($aPotentialPrerequisites) as $sModuleName)
313			{
314				if (array_key_exists($sModuleName, $aSelectedModules))
315				{
316					// This module is actually a prerequisite
317					if (!array_key_exists($sModuleName, $aModuleVersions))
318					{
319						$bMissingPrerequisite = true;
320					}
321				}
322			}
323			if ($bMissingPrerequisite)
324			{
325				$bResult = false;
326			}
327			else
328			{
329				$sBooleanExpr = str_replace(array_keys($aReplacements), array_values($aReplacements), $sDepString);
330				$bOk = @eval('$bResult = '.$sBooleanExpr.'; return true;');
331				if ($bOk == false)
332				{
333					SetupPage::log_warning("Eval of '$sBooleanExpr' returned false");
334					echo "Failed to parse the boolean Expression = '$sBooleanExpr'<br/>";
335				}
336			}
337		}
338		return $bResult;
339	}
341	/**
342	 * Search (on the disk) for all defined iTop modules, load them and returns the list (as an array)
343	 * of the possible iTop modules to install
344	 *
345	 * @param $aSearchDirs array of directories to search (absolute paths)
346	 * @param bool $bAbortOnMissingDependency ...
347	 * @param array $aModulesToLoad List of modules to search for, defaults to all if omitted
348	 *
349	 * @return array A big array moduleID => ModuleData
350	 * @throws \Exception
351	 */
352	public static function GetAvailableModules($aSearchDirs, $bAbortOnMissingDependency = false, $aModulesToLoad = null)
353	{
354		if (self::$m_aSearchDirs != $aSearchDirs)
355		{
356			self::ResetCache();
357		}
359		if (is_null(self::$m_aSearchDirs))
360		{
361			self::$m_aSearchDirs = $aSearchDirs;
363			// Not in cache, let's scan the disk
364			foreach($aSearchDirs as $sSearchDir)
365			{
366				$sLookupDir = realpath($sSearchDir);
367				if ($sLookupDir == '')
368				{
369					throw new Exception("Invalid directory '$sSearchDir'");
370				}
372				clearstatcache();
373				self::ListModuleFiles(basename($sSearchDir), dirname($sSearchDir));
374			}
375			return self::GetModules($bAbortOnMissingDependency, $aModulesToLoad);
376		}
377		else
378		{
379			// Reuse the previous results
380			return self::GetModules($bAbortOnMissingDependency, $aModulesToLoad);
381		}
382	}
384	public static function ResetCache()
385	{
386		self::$m_aSearchDirs = null;
387		self::$m_aModules = array();
388		self::$m_aModuleVersionByName = array();
389	}
391	/**
392	 * Helper function to interpret the name of a module
393	 * @param $sModuleId string Identifier of the module, in the form 'name/version'
394	 * @return array(name, version)
395	 */
396	public static function GetModuleName($sModuleId)
397	{
398		$aMatches = array();
399		if (preg_match('!^(.*)/(.*)$!', $sModuleId, $aMatches))
400		{
401			$sName = $aMatches[1];
402			$sVersion = $aMatches[2];
403		}
404		else
405		{
406			$sName = $sModuleId;
407			$sVersion = "";
408		}
409		return array($sName, $sVersion);
410	}
412	/**
413	 * Helper function to browse a directory and get the modules
414	 *
415	 * @param $sRelDir string Directory to start from
416	 * @param $sRootDir string The root directory path
417	 *
418	 * @throws \Exception
419	 */
420	protected static function ListModuleFiles($sRelDir, $sRootDir)
421	{
422		static $iDummyClassIndex = 0;
423		$sDirectory = $sRootDir.'/'.$sRelDir;
425		if ($hDir = opendir($sDirectory))
426		{
427			// This is the correct way to loop over the directory. (according to the documentation)
428			while (($sFile = readdir($hDir)) !== false)
429			{
430				$aMatches = array();
431				if (is_dir($sDirectory.'/'.$sFile))
432				{
433					if (($sFile != '.') && ($sFile != '..') && ($sFile != '.svn'))
434					{
435						self::ListModuleFiles($sRelDir.'/'.$sFile, $sRootDir);
436					}
437				}
438				else if (preg_match('/^module\.(.*).php$/i', $sFile, $aMatches))
439				{
440					self::SetModulePath($sRelDir);
441					try
442					{
443						$sModuleFileContents = file_get_contents($sDirectory.'/'.$sFile);
444						$sModuleFileContents = str_replace(array('<?php', '?>'), '', $sModuleFileContents);
445						$sModuleFileContents = str_replace('__FILE__', "'".addslashes($sDirectory.'/'.$sFile)."'", $sModuleFileContents);
446						preg_match_all('/class ([A-Za-z0-9_]+) extends ([A-Za-z0-9_]+)/', $sModuleFileContents, $aMatches);
447						//print_r($aMatches);
448						$idx = 0;
449						foreach($aMatches[1] as $sClassName)
450						{
451							if (class_exists($sClassName))
452							{
453								// rename the class inside the code to prevent a "duplicate class" declaration
454								// and change its parent class as well so that nobody will find it and try to execute it
455								$sModuleFileContents = str_replace($sClassName.' extends '.$aMatches[2][$idx], $sClassName.'_'.($iDummyClassIndex++).' extends DummyHandler', $sModuleFileContents);
456							}
457							$idx++;
458						}
459						$bRet = eval($sModuleFileContents);
461						if ($bRet === false)
462						{
463							SetupPage::log_warning("Eval of $sRelDir/$sFile returned false");
464						}
466						//echo "<p>Done.</p>\n";
467					}
468					catch(ParseError $e)
469					{
470					    // PHP 7
471					    SetupPage::log_warning("Eval of $sRelDir/$sFile caused an exception: ".$e->getMessage()." at line ".$e->getLine());
472					}
473					catch(Exception $e)
474					{
475						// Continue...
476						SetupPage::log_warning("Eval of $sRelDir/$sFile caused an exception: ".$e->getMessage());
477					}
478				}
479			}
480			closedir($hDir);
481		}
482		else
483		{
484			throw new Exception("Data directory (".$sDirectory.") not found or not readable.");
485		}
486	}
487} // End of class
490/** Alias for backward compatibility with old module files in which
491 *  the declaration of a module invokes SetupWebPage::AddModule()
492 *  whereas the new form is ModuleDiscovery::AddModule()
493 */
494class SetupWebPage extends ModuleDiscovery
496	// For backward compatibility with old modules...
497	public static function log_error($sText)
498	{
499		SetupPage::log_error($sText);
500	}
502	public static function log_warning($sText)
503	{
504		SetupPage::log_warning($sText);
505	}
507	public static function log_info($sText)
508	{
509		SetupPage::log_info($sText);
510	}
512	public static function log_ok($sText)
513	{
514		SetupPage::log_ok($sText);
515	}
517	public static function log($sText)
518	{
519		SetupPage::log($sText);
520	}
523/** Ugly patch !!!
524 * In order to be able to analyse / load several times
525 * the same module file, we rename the class (to avoid duplicate class definitions)
526 * and we make the class extends the dummy class below in order to "deactivate" completely
527 * the class (in case some piece of code enumerate the classes derived from a well known class)
528 * Note that this will not work if someone enumerates the classes that implement a given interface
529 */
530class DummyHandler {