1 // $Id: gc_strings_str_n_z.cpp,v 1.7 2012/02/15 18:13:41 jmcgill Exp $
3 /*
4   Copyright 2002  Mary Kuhner, Jon Yamato, and Joseph Felsenstein
6   This software is distributed free of charge for non-commercial use
7   and is copyrighted.  Of course, we do not guarantee that the software
8   works, and are not responsible for any damage you may cause or have.
9 */
11 #include "gc_strings.h"
12 #include "wx/intl.h"
14 const wxString gcstr::nameCandidate     =   "%s_%d";
15 const wxString gcstr::nearRow           =   wxTRANSLATE("Near row %d: %s");
16 const wxString gcstr::newName           =   wxTRANSLATE("New name");
17 const wxString gcstr::no                =   "no";
18 const wxString gcstr::noChoice          =   wxTRANSLATE("No other objects to select");
19 const wxString gcstr::noChoiceLocus     =   wxTRANSLATE("No other segments to select");
20 const wxString gcstr::noChoicePopulation=   wxTRANSLATE("No other populations to select");
21 const wxString gcstr::noChoiceRegion    =   wxTRANSLATE("No other regions to select");
22 const wxString gcstr::noWarningsFound   =   wxTRANSLATE("No warning messages were found. You should be able to export a lamarc file now");
23 const wxString gcstr::nuc               =   "Nucleotide";
24 const wxString gcstr::object            =   "object";
25 const wxString gcstr::off               =   wxTRANSLATE("Off");
26 const wxString gcstr::on                =   wxTRANSLATE("On");
27 const wxString gcstr::panel             =   "panel";
28 const wxString gcstr::panelLabelName    =   wxTRANSLATE("name: %s");
29 const wxString gcstr::panelMemberCount  =   wxTRANSLATE("Number of Members");
30 const wxString gcstr::panelRename       =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Panel");
31 const wxString gcstr::panelToggle       =   wxTRANSLATE("Use Panels");
32 const wxString gcstr::parseAbort        =   wxTRANSLATE("Aborted    parse of %s(%s:%s,%s):%s");
33 const wxString gcstr::parseDataType     =   wxTRANSLATE("data type:%s");
34 const wxString gcstr::parseFormat       =   wxTRANSLATE("format:%s");
35 const wxString gcstr::parseGood         =   wxTRANSLATE("Successful parse of %s(%s:%s,%s)");
36 const wxString gcstr::parseInfo         =   wxTRANSLATE("Parsing Information from File:");
37 const wxString gcstr::parseInfoNone     =   wxTRANSLATE("Unable to parse file.\n\nPlease check you have a file in correct Phylip or Migrate format");
38 const wxString gcstr::parent            =   "parent";
39 const wxString gcstr::parentLabelName   =   wxTRANSLATE("name: %s");
40 const wxString gcstr::parentRename      =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Parent");
41 const wxString gcstr::parseInterleaving =   wxTRANSLATE("interleaving:%s");
42 const wxString gcstr::parseSettings     =   wxTRANSLATE("%s;%s;%s");
43 const wxString gcstr::parseSettingsForFile= wxTRANSLATE("%s parsed with %s");
44 const wxString gcstr::parseWarning      =   wxTRANSLATE("Conflict while parsing file");
45 const wxString gcstr::phaseFile         =   wxTRANSLATE("phase grouping set with phase resolution file");
46 const wxString gcstr::phenotype         =   wxTRANSLATE("phenotype");
47 const wxString gcstr::phylip            =   "Phylip";
48 const wxString gcstr::phylipNoKalleleMsat       =   wxTRANSLATE("Phylip format not compatible with Kallele or Microsat data (file \"%s\"");
49 const wxString gcstr::plainLong         =   "%ld";
50 const wxString gcstr::ploidy            =   "%ld-ploid";
51 const wxString gcstr::ploidy_1          =   wxTRANSLATE("haploid");
52 const wxString gcstr::ploidy_2          =   wxTRANSLATE("diploid");
53 const wxString gcstr::ploidy_3          =   wxTRANSLATE("triploid");
54 const wxString gcstr::ploidy_4          =   wxTRANSLATE("tetraploid");
55 const wxString gcstr::popEditButton     =   wxTRANSLATE("Edit");
56 const wxString gcstr::population        =   wxTRANSLATE("population");
57 const wxString gcstr::populationExists  =   wxTRANSLATE("Population \"%s\" already exists.");
58 const wxString gcstr::populationCreate  =   wxTRANSLATE("Create new Population");
59 const wxString gcstr::popButtonAdd    =   wxTRANSLATE("Add");
60 const wxString gcstr::popButtonMergeSelected    =   wxTRANSLATE("Merge Selected");
61 const wxString gcstr::popButtonRemoveSelected    =   wxTRANSLATE("Remove Selected");
62 const wxString gcstr::popCreateTitle    =   wxTRANSLATE("Create a New Population");
63 const wxString gcstr::popEnterNewName   =   wxTRANSLATE("New name:");
64 const wxString gcstr::popLabelName      =   wxTRANSLATE("name: %s");
65 const wxString gcstr::popTabTitle       =   wxTRANSLATE("Properties of %d Populations");
66 const wxString gcstr::populationNameFromFile    =   wxTRANSLATE("pop %d of %s");
67 const wxString gcstr::populationNewName =   wxTRANSLATE("Name for New Population");
68 const wxString gcstr::populationRename          =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Population");
69 const wxString gcstr::populationRenameChoice    =   wxTRANSLATE("Population to Rename");
70 const wxString gcstr::populationSelect  =   wxTRANSLATE("Select a Population");
71 const wxString gcstr::populationUse     =   wxTRANSLATE("Use this Population");
72 const wxString gcstr::populationForAll  =   wxTRANSLATE("Set All Units to One Population");
73 const wxString gcstr::questionHeader    =   wxTRANSLATE("Warning: possible problem detected");
74 const wxString gcstr::region            =   wxTRANSLATE("region");
75 const wxString gcstr::regionChoice      =   wxTRANSLATE("Assign to Region:");
76 const wxString gcstr::regionCreate      =   wxTRANSLATE("Create new Region");
77 const wxString gcstr::regionEditString  =   wxTRANSLATE("Edit Genomic Regions");
78 const wxString gcstr::regionEffPopSize  =   wxTRANSLATE("Effective Population Size:");
79 const wxString gcstr::regionEnterNewName=   wxTRANSLATE("Enter the name of the new region");
80 const wxString gcstr::regionExists      =   wxTRANSLATE("Region \"%s\" already exists.");
81 const wxString gcstr::regionForAll      =   wxTRANSLATE("Set All Units to One Genomic Region");
82 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelDataType   =   wxTRANSLATE("Data Type");
83 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelEffPopSize =   wxTRANSLATE("effective population size:");
84 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelLength     =   wxTRANSLATE("Length");
85 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelMapFile    =   wxTRANSLATE("Map Position File (optional)");
86 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelMapPosition=   wxTRANSLATE("Map Position");
87 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelName       =   wxTRANSLATE("name: %s");
88 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelOffset     =   wxTRANSLATE("First Position Sequenced");
89 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelSamples    =   wxTRANSLATE("samples per individual:");
90 const wxString gcstr::regionLabelSites      =   wxTRANSLATE("Sites");
91 const wxString gcstr::regionLengthIllegal   =   wxTRANSLATE("Illegal value \"%s\" for length of region \"%s\". Ignoring.");
92 const wxString gcstr::regionLengthVsMarkers =   wxTRANSLATE("Region length (%ld) must be > number of markers (%ld). Ignoring.");
93 const wxString gcstr::regionNameFromFile    =   wxTRANSLATE("from %s");
94 const wxString gcstr::regionNameUnlinked    =   wxTRANSLATE("%s_%08ld");
95 const wxString gcstr::regionNewName     =   wxTRANSLATE("Name for New Region");
96 const wxString gcstr::regionOffsetIllegal   =   wxTRANSLATE("Illegal value \"%s\" for length of region \"%s\". Ignoring.");
97 const wxString gcstr::regionPositionInfo    =   wxTRANSLATE("Position info for segments:");
98 const wxString gcstr::regionRename      =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Region");
99 const wxString gcstr::regionRenameChoice=   wxTRANSLATE("Region to Rename");
100 const wxString gcstr::regionSelect      =   wxTRANSLATE("Select a Region");
101 const wxString gcstr::regionUse         =   wxTRANSLATE("Use this Region");
102 const wxString gcstr::removeFiles       =   wxTRANSLATE("Remove Files");
103 const wxString gcstr::removeGroupsTitle        =   wxTRANSLATE("Remove Regions");
104 const wxString gcstr::removeGroupsInstructions =   wxTRANSLATE("Choose one or more");
105 const wxString gcstr::removeLociTitle        =   wxTRANSLATE("Remove Segments");
106 const wxString gcstr::removeLociInstructions =   wxTRANSLATE("Choose one or more");
107 const wxString gcstr::removePopsTitle        =   wxTRANSLATE("Remove Populations");
108 const wxString gcstr::removePopsInstructions =   wxTRANSLATE("Choose one or more");
109 const wxString gcstr::renameLinkGTitle  =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename a Region");
110 const wxString gcstr::renameLocusTitle  =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Segment");
111 const wxString gcstr::renamePopTitle    =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Population");
112 const wxString gcstr::renamePopTitleFor =   wxTRANSLATE("Rename Population %s");
113 const wxString gcstr::saveFileInstructionsForMac    =   wxTRANSLATE(" (button to right of file name shows/hides directory information)");
114 const wxString gcstr::selectAll         =   wxTRANSLATE("Select All");
115 const wxString gcstr::sequential        =   wxTRANSLATE("Sequential");
116 const wxString gcstr::setDataTypesAll   =   wxTRANSLATE("Set Data Type for all Files");
117 const wxString gcstr::setFormats        =   wxTRANSLATE("Set Formats for Files");
118 const wxString gcstr::setInterleaving   =   wxTRANSLATE("Set Interleaving for Files");
119 const wxString gcstr::structureDump     =   wxTRANSLATE("%sStructures dump:");
120 const wxString gcstr::trait             =   wxTRANSLATE("trait");
121 const wxString gcstr::traitEnterNewName=   wxTRANSLATE("Enter the name of the new trait class");
122 const wxString gcstr::trueVal           =   wxTRANSLATE("true");
123 const wxString gcstr::typeClashDialog   =   wxTRANSLATE("File \"%s\" specifies data type \"%s\", but you have specified \"%s\".\n\nPlease specify which one you want.");
124 const wxString gcstr::unselectAll       =   wxTRANSLATE("Unselect All");
125 const wxString gcstr::unsetValueLocations       =   wxTRANSLATE("<enter an ordered list of integers>");
126 const wxString gcstr::unsetValueLocusLength     =   wxTRANSLATE("<enter a positive integer>");
127 const wxString gcstr::unsetValueLocusPosition   =   wxTRANSLATE("<enter an integer>");
128 const wxString gcstr::unsetValueOffset          =   wxTRANSLATE("<enter an integer>");
129 const wxString gcstr::unsetValueRegionEffectivePopulationSize   =   wxTRANSLATE("<enter a positive number>");
130 const wxString gcstr::unsetValueRegionSamples   =   wxTRANSLATE("<enter a positive integer>");
131 const wxString gcstr::snp                       =   "SNP";
132 const wxString gcstr::warning                   =   wxTRANSLATE("Warning");
133 const wxString gcstr::warningMissingPopRegPair  =   wxTRANSLATE("Missing data sample covering (%s,%s) pair");
134 const wxString gcstr::warningNeedFile           =   wxTRANSLATE("Add one or more files");
135 const wxString gcstr::warningNeedFileDataType   =   wxTRANSLATE("File \"%s\" needs its data type set");
136 const wxString gcstr::warningNeedFileDataTypes  =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one file needs its data type set");
137 const wxString gcstr::warningNeedFileFormat     =   wxTRANSLATE("File \"%s\" needs its file format set");
138 const wxString gcstr::warningNeedFileFormats    =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one file needs its file format set");
139 const wxString gcstr::warningNeedFilesParsed    =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one file has not been parsed.");
140 const wxString gcstr::warningStringsHeader      =   wxTRANSLATE("You will need to fix the following things before you can create a Lamarc output file:");
141 const wxString gcstr::warningUnsetLinkageGroup  =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one data unit has no region assigned");
142 const wxString gcstr::warningUnsetLocus         =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one data unit has no segment assigned");
143 const wxString gcstr::warningUnsetPopulation    =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one data unit has no population assigned");
144 const wxString gcstr::warningUnsetRegion        =   wxTRANSLATE("At least one data unit has no region assigned");
145 const wxString gcstr::unknown                   =      "???";
146 const wxString gcstr::unrecognizedFileFormat    =   wxTRANSLATE("Did not recognize file format \"%s\". Setting to \"none\"");
147 const wxString gcstr::usageHeader               =   wxTRANSLATE("**********************************************************************\nInput File Conversion Program for LAMARC Version %s\n**********************************************************************");
148 const wxString gcstr::userTypeOverride          =   wxTRANSLATE("Overriding type %s in file %s to user-specified choice of %s");
149 const wxString gcstr::xmlFiles                  =   "XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*)|*";
150 const wxString gcstr::yes                       =   "yes";
152 const wxString gcstr::cmdBatch                   =   "batchonly";
153 const wxString gcstr::cmdBatchChar               =   "b";
154 const wxString gcstr::cmdBatchDescription        =   wxTRANSLATE("run in batch mode and exit immediately.");
155 const wxString gcstr::cmdCommand                 =   "commandfile";
156 const wxString gcstr::cmdCommandChar             =   "c";
157 const wxString gcstr::cmdCommandDescription      =   wxTRANSLATE("command file for batch run; see documentation");
158 const wxString gcstr::cmdDump                    =   "dump";
159 const wxString gcstr::cmdDumpChar                =   "d";
160 const wxString gcstr::cmdDumpDescription         =   wxTRANSLATE("do debug dump just before exiting");
161 const wxString gcstr::cmdFileFormat              =   "format";
162 const wxString gcstr::cmdFileFormatChar          =   "f";
163 const wxString gcstr::cmdFileFormatDescription   =   wxTRANSLATE("input file format (MIGRATE or PHYLIP)");
164 const wxString gcstr::cmdInput                   =   "inputfile";
165 const wxString gcstr::cmdInputChar               =   "i";
166 const wxString gcstr::cmdInputDescription        =   wxTRANSLATE("input file");
167 const wxString gcstr::cmdInterleaved             =   "interleaved";
168 const wxString gcstr::cmdInterleavedChar         =   "n";
169 const wxString gcstr::cmdInterleavedDescription  =   wxTRANSLATE("input file is in interleaved format");
170 const wxString gcstr::cmdMapFile                 =   "mapfile";
171 const wxString gcstr::cmdMapFileChar             =   "m";
172 const wxString gcstr::cmdMapFileDescription      =   wxTRANSLATE("map file");
173 const wxString gcstr::cmdOutput                  =   "outputfile";
174 const wxString gcstr::cmdOutputChar              =   "o";
175 const wxString gcstr::cmdOutputDescription       =   wxTRANSLATE("output file; default is \"%s\"");
176 const wxString gcstr::cmdWriteBatch              =   "writebatch";
177 const wxString gcstr::cmdWriteBatchChar          =   "w";
178 const wxString gcstr::cmdWriteBatchDescription   =   wxTRANSLATE("write batch file for data state at end of run");
180 const wxString gcverbose::addedFile             = wxTRANSLATE("Added file \"%s\"");
181 const wxString gcverbose::addedLocus            = wxTRANSLATE("Added segment \"%s\"");
182 const wxString gcverbose::addedPopulation       = wxTRANSLATE("Added population \"%s\"");
183 const wxString gcverbose::addedRegion           = wxTRANSLATE("Added region \"%s\"");
184 const wxString gcverbose::addedUnit             = wxTRANSLATE("Added unit \"%s\"");
185 const wxString gcverbose::exportSuccess         = wxTRANSLATE("Successful export to file \"%s\"");
186 const wxString gcverbose::exportTry             = wxTRANSLATE("Attempting export to file \"%s\"");
187 const wxString gcverbose::firstPositionNotLong  = wxTRANSLATE("Ignoring first scanned position of \"%s\" for segment \"%s\". It should have been an integer.");
188 const wxString gcverbose::locationsNotIntegers  = wxTRANSLATE("Ignoring locations of \"%s\" for segment \"%s\". It should have been an ordered list of integers.");
189 const wxString gcverbose::locusLengthNotLong    = wxTRANSLATE("Ignoring length of \"%s\" for segment \"%s\". It should have been a positive integer.");
190 const wxString gcverbose::locusPositionNotLong  = wxTRANSLATE("Ignoring starting position of \"%s\" for segment \"%s\".  It should have been an integer.");
191 const wxString gcverbose::noSetDataType         = wxTRANSLATE("Failed to set data type of file \"%s\" to \"%s\"");
192 const wxString gcverbose::noSetFileFormat       = wxTRANSLATE("Failed to set format of file \"%s\" to \"%s\"");
193 const wxString gcverbose::noSetIsInterleaved    = wxTRANSLATE("Failed to set interleaving of file \"%s\" to \"%s\"");
194 const wxString gcverbose::parseAttemptExiting   = wxTRANSLATE("Exiting call to parse file \"%s\"");
195 const wxString gcverbose::parseAttemptFailed    = wxTRANSLATE("Failed to parse file \"%s\"");
196 const wxString gcverbose::parseAttemptPossible  = wxTRANSLATE("Entering call to parse file \"%s\"");
197 const wxString gcverbose::parseAttemptSettings  = wxTRANSLATE("Setting values following parse file \"%s\"");
198 const wxString gcverbose::parseAttemptStarted   = wxTRANSLATE("Starting to parse file \"%s\"");
199 const wxString gcverbose::parseAttemptSuccessful= wxTRANSLATE("Succeeded parsing file \"%s\"");
200 const wxString gcverbose::removedFile           = wxTRANSLATE("Removed file \"%s\"");
201 const wxString gcverbose::removedLocus          = wxTRANSLATE("Removed segment \"%s\"");
202 const wxString gcverbose::removedPopulation     = wxTRANSLATE("Removed population \"%s\"");
203 const wxString gcverbose::removedRegion         = wxTRANSLATE("Removed region \"%s\"");
204 const wxString gcverbose::removedUnit           = wxTRANSLATE("Removed unit \"%s\"");
205 const wxString gcverbose::setDataType           = wxTRANSLATE("Set data type of file \"%s\" to \"%s\"");
206 const wxString gcverbose::setDataTypeAndFileFormat  = wxTRANSLATE("Set data type of file \"%s\" to \"%s\" and therefore file format to \"%s\"");
207 const wxString gcverbose::setFileFormat         = wxTRANSLATE("Set format of file \"%s\" to \"%s\"");
208 const wxString gcverbose::setIsInterleaved      = wxTRANSLATE("Set interleaving of file \"%s\" to \"%s\"");
210 //____________________________________________________________________________________