Switch OpenBSD/armv7 to ARM EABI (soft-float). This is a complete ABIbreak which cannot be easily crossed.ok kettenis@ jsg@
Stop including CFLAGS in CXXFLAGS it creates problems when mixingC and C++ when wanting to pass flags to only the C compiler.Tested in a ports bulk build by naddy and the handful of problemsfound
Stop including CFLAGS in CXXFLAGS it creates problems when mixingC and C++ when wanting to pass flags to only the C compiler.Tested in a ports bulk build by naddy and the handful of problemsfound were fixed by naddy, jca and pascal.
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Enable SJLJ C++ exceptions on arm here too.ok miod@, drahn@, kurt@
We really want position independant objects in libsupc++.a.ok espie@
Add Makefile for libsupc++-v3 that pulls common stuff fromlibstdc++-v3/Makefile.common.ok espie@